Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

Buying abandoned stasis lockers at auction has always been a gamble. You dream of scoring the one that will be full of gold bars or priceless artworks. More often it’s 500 obsolete electronic gadgets, or more jackfruit than you can possibly eat before it all rots. I stopped bidding after I won the one that contained you. I’ve treasure enough for a lifetime now, my child.

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

– Vous savez, la plupart des gens disent que nous "tricotons". C'est faux. Nous ne sommes pas équipées pour. Alors bien sûr, nous nouons des fils de manière savante pour obtenir de véritables ouvrages d'art. Mais ce n'est pas du tricot. Vous me comprenez ?
Incapable de répondre, je fixais les deux immenses mandibules qui s'activaient pour réaliser des napperons de soie. Au point de crochet, bien sûr.
#writever #microfiction #tootfiction

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

Se retrouver au chaud, mais pas trop. Presque au frais. Une tiédeur moite, confortable, un cocon où s'endormir. Au calme.
Je ne suis pas là. Rien de tout ça ne m'arrive. Plus rien ne peut m'arriver maintenant. Sourire, un souvenir débile. Plus personne avec qui le partager.
Se retrouver dans cette bulle de paix. La terre comme dernier lit. On m'aurait prévenu, j'aurais pas paniqué. Mais non. On ne ressent plus rien quand on nous enterre.
#writever #tootfiction #microfiction

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

"It's the future, why haven't we cured hiccups," whined Vena, between hiccups.

Her robotic companion rose, shrieking, "Destroy all humans!"

Vena hiccuped again, "Sorry, that isn't going to work twice."

"Then I am out of ideas," said Robonnie, sounding defeated, curling up on a cushion.

Vena stifled yet another hiccup, and started to speak, only to jump as something slammed into the window.

"Ow," said Robonnie's remote drone.

"I'm cured!"

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #SciFi

der_zaunfink, to random German
@der_zaunfink@eldritch.cafe avatar

"Wenn die Geschichte stimmt, war hier damals alles tot."

Beide schwiegen für einen Moment. Sie sahen zu dem Hügel am Fluss hinüber, der mit großen und kleinen Blüten bedeckt war.

"Sie haben wirklich gedacht, das Problem löst sich irgendwie von selbst."

Sie hörten das Summen der Insekten aus der Entfernung.

"Hat es dann ja auch."

Sechzehn Arme schlangen sich umeinander und beide wechselten in ein zufriedenes Violett mit satten roten Tupfen.


Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

THIS is the Boeing 737 Max, an ill-fated airliner that was one of the last dinosaur-burners designed before gravity-polarizers rendered their breed obsolete. This beast was over 40 metres long and weighed almost 100 tons.

Let’s see how long it lasts against our planetary-mass quantum black hole! That’s coming up Right Now on The Cosmic Crush Channel. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

L'imbécile de président et la pétasse de mairesse, en maillots de bain sponsorisés, s'élanceraient dans le fleuve d'ici une heure. Une opération de communication placée sous le signe du bubon, d'après monsieur Dumont, et il comptait bien y apporter sa modeste contribution. Pressant sur le bouton de la chasse d'eau, il envoya nager dans les égouts un monstrueux colombin.

  • L'important c'est de participer, c'est ça l'esprit olympique, déclara l'espiègle monsieur Dumont.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

The hazy smoke filling the room smelled of vanilla, raisin and burning cookies.

I snapped out of my work-mode, and raced to the kitchen, throwing open the window and turning off the oven.

"Timer! Why didn't you alert me?"

The enchanted device dutifully went, "Ding!"

"Oh no, I don't believe you, I definitely asked you to go off early."

"If you want me to go off, I will; those cookies were going to be abysmal, you ought to thank me."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

Toutes deux observaient l'étrange écriture cunéiforme. Elles avaient trouvé des inscriptions similaires partout à travers le monde.
– C'est incompréhensible. Pourquoi ? Et qui ? Qui écrit ces pattes de mouche ?
Sa collègue maugréa.
– De mouche, de mouche... on dirait des pattes de...
Sa phrase resta en suspens. Elle contempla autour d'elles les dizaines, les centaines, les milliers d'oiseaux qui les épiaient.

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

– Je vous accorde trois vœux.
– Non.
– Pardon ?
– Je souhaite le pouvoir de dire "non".
– Ah. Et bien... Vous pourriez préciser ?
– Mon vœu, voire même mes trois vœux, serait de pouvoir refuser, d'empêcher quelque chose qu'on m'annoncerait, simplement en disant "non".
Le génie me regarda. Haussa les épaules. Lâcha juste
– Accordé. Mais ça va vous pourrir la vie, ce pouvoir.
– Non, répondis-je dans un sourire.
Les yeux du génie s'écarquillèrent en réalisant.
#writever #microfiction #tootfiction

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

Elle le vit en s'engageant sur le pont. Elle n'avait jamais réalisé à quel point il était beau, obnibulée par son esprit. Il l'embrassa. Quand il relâcha son étreinte, elle éclata d'un rire heureux. Et se souvint soudain qu'il était mort vingt ans auparavant.

#microfiction #tootfiction #MicrofictionsEtHistoiresMinute

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Le brigadier-chef n'aimait pas expliquer, et il n'aimait pas non plus les petits malins. La situation s'enlisait, et il voulait être rentré pour l'apéro.

  • On peut pas prendre un sens interdit monsieur, parce que c'est interdit par définition. Et en marche arrière non plus, on peut pas.
    Foutus boomers, toujours plus malins que tout le monde. Le brigadier-chef espéra qu'il y aurait encore du pastis quand il rentrerait.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

The hole-in-the-wall lunch bar had a sign “SPECIAL TODAY $1 PER ADJECTIVE”.

I had to ask. “What does the sign mean?”

“Did you ever notice how the menus at expensive restaurants are just simple food with extra adjectives to make you feel better about paying so much?”

“Not really” I replied, stepping back to read the menu board in more detail.

Another customer stepped up “I’ll have the creamy roast chicken soup with toasted sourdough croutons please”

“Coming right up, four bucks”

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

The owner of the facility was famous. Well, Meta famous if you know what i mean. Famous for being a famous rich asshole, dedicating his twilight years to outliving all the other famous rich assholes.

Collectively the six trillionaire oligarchs who had built their burrows—each on their agreed post-apocalypse continental domains—had all hired the same experts to design those enclaves. Location: deep in the ancient stable rock of a continental craton. Supplies: Food, water and medicines to last a century, until farming could resume. Knowledge: a full archive of the Internet. Technology: every conceivable machine and the parts and tools to maintain them. Serfs: entirely separate accommodation for necessary technical staff, and hibernation for many more. Security: no, not the armed-thugs-with-shock-collars you’re thinking of; spider drones are what’s in favour with apocalypse consultants this decade.

When the Event came it blindsided even the Six. While everyone was watching the climate fall apart, the brown dwarf grazing the Oort cloud went unnoticed, obscured by the glare of the Starlink Belt. A million comets had their orbits stirred up by the visitor. It only took one, impacting in the south atlantic ocean, to tip the biosphere into chaos predicted to last three to five decades.

The balloon was up, the Six and their families executed the well rehearsed Plan Scram, and settled into their cosy bunkers to wait out the Dark Times. Serfs (sorry, “employees” in this decade) likewise. Human security personnel (unknowingly already inoculated with a delayed death sentence once their mechanoid replacements were online) set about battening down the hatches and bringing up the Evironment (2.0).

“Hey Sarge, this droid won’t boot!”

“Yeah this one too. What does ‘502 License server unreachable’ mean?”

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Alain avançait bien dans son projet de recopie du dictionnaire, patiemment, définition après définition. Il mit un point final au laïus sur les "procordés", satisfait.

  • Pour "procrastination", on verra demain, pensa-t-il in petto, l'ironie de sa réflexion lui échappant.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

allrite.blog, to productivity
@allrite.blog@allrite.blog avatar

I thought keeping a timesheet tracking 30 second intervals was ridiculous until I discovered how much more productive I have become. It’s amazing. I think I’m so focussed that I’m finding that I have completed tasks that I can’t even remember doing.

I’ve spoken to the others on the team and nobody else was asked to keep a timesheet. But the instructions sent to me were quite clear. I won’t be the one on the firing line come the next restructure. Bring it on!

I’ve always loved stories of time travel. Doctor Who, Bill and Ted, Marty McFly. They were my heroes. Imagine having a time machine and travelling back to see the dinosaurs or forwards to a shiny future!

That was the dream. The truth is a lot less fun.

“Unless you sign up for this, you’re out the door.”

Yeah, I’ve got a mortgage and a kid on the way. I can’t afford that.

“We need this yesterday!”

That’s what they always say, but there are only so many hours in a day.

There used to be only so many hours in a day.

Turns out that management go hold of the time machine and thought of a way to squeeze more productivity out of workers. Send us back in time now so we can put twice the effort into our work before.

“Never, ever, meet yourself.”

I knew that rule from the stories. But how to do it?

The timesheet. When you’re sleeping, I’m there. When you are off at lunch, I’m there. When you are pissing in the bathroom, I’m there. I’m there at your desk doing your work.

Who gave you the instructions to use a timesheet?

That was me.

I am you and you are me. You just don’t know it yet.


#microfiction #productivity #timeTravel

MicrofictionFM, to random French
@MicrofictionFM@mastodon.social avatar

« Quand la vie vous donne des citrons, faites de la citronnade. »
J'ai fait de la citronnade. Du lemon curd. Des tartes meringués. Des vinaigrettes.
Et j'en ai marre. Alors je vais trouver le zinzin qui s'amuse à faire pousser des agrumes - toujours le même, par dessus le marché, et je vais lui faire passer le goût du scorbut pour un moment.
#microfiction #tootfiction #writever

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

The issue with battery-powered long-distance air travel is that you have to lug weight of those batteries with you for the entire trip.

The whole problem would be considerably more tractable if airliners could do as rockets do---jettison exhausted fuel storage as they go, especially since maximum power requirement is at takeoff. We've done the math and it absolutely works, we use our support drones to catch and reuse the jettisoned batteries.

Well, most of the time. Sorry about your cow; we'll get you a new one.

mhthaung, to random
@mhthaung@mastodon.scot avatar

"A challenge? Very well, mortal." The hooded figure snaps skeletal fingers.

Two chairs appear, then a table, then a bone-and-ebony board. Pair by pair, assorted pieces march to take their places.

The spirit stammers, "I only know how to play #draughts."

Death sighs. "I don't have time to learn that. Come back when you're proficient at chess."


#MastoPrompt #MicroFiction

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

"Hard day in the data-mines?" asked the elf, a slight frown on her face.

The dwarf scratched at her neatly trimmed beard, "Aye, is it really that obvious?"

"You went straight to the fridge and crushed a whole beer in one gulp - a good day you normally go for three with a bowl of peanuts."

"Oh, ah, aye... Hard to drink on a full brain."

"Then let's get pizza and watch a brain emptying movie."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar
  • ... et au final on reprend ici ce qu'on a donné là, et ce sont les classes moyennes qui paient plein pot, voilà.
  • Ils vont mordre dans la combine ? J'veux dire c'est gros, quand même.
  • On emballe le tout en mode pédagogie pour les nuls, avant d'enrober de paternalisme, et basta.
  • Ok, vendu pour moi.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar
  • Rendez compte, sergent !
    La liaison radio était mauvaise. L'adjudant devait absolument connaitre ce que voyait la section de reconnaissance. Ils étaient quelque part là-bas sur la crète.
  • Fox Bravo rendez compte.
    Après un temps, la voix sortit du transmetteur parmi les parasites :
  • A nos pieds s'étend la plaine.
    L'adjudant, exaspéré, se dit que si ça ne tenait qu'à lui, on n'enrôlerait jamais de littéraires.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

The maiden and her cat strode boldly into the castle.

"I'm here to court the prince."

This was met with laughter, and she was thrown into the dungeons; her cat chased away.

Her loyal companion visited every night, first bringing her pen and ink, then food, and then somehow a gown and slippers. Then more food, and some soap.

After a week, the prince rushed down, "I want to know you better, your letters have been so compelling!"

bnjbvr, to random French
@bnjbvr@tutut.delire.party avatar

Le premier soir je me suis donc endormi sur le sable à mille milles de toute terre habitée. J'étais bien plus isolé qu'un naufragé sur un radeau au milieu de l'Océan. Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petite voix m'a réveillé. Elle disait :

— S'il vous plaît... dessine-moi un mouton !
— En tant que large modèle de langage, je ne peux pas dessiner, mais je peux décrire un mouton pour toi. Veux-tu que je procède ?


Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

The world is unequivocally a better place since we stopped burning coal for domestic heating. However I’ve always been a little sad that Kids These Days (™) don’t get to experience soot sprites.

Then just yesterday I walked into the garage, flicked on the light, and I got that familiar scramble in the corner of my eye. They’ve evolved! My inverter has Solar Sprites!

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