coffeeClean, (edited ) to reddit in Reddit sent me invitations to their IPO to my "deleted" accounts! That's a GDPR violation!

You are on a privacy-offending Cloudflare site (), so Tor users are blocked from seeing your Cloudflare-jailed image. If you care about privacy you will bounce from that instance.

Without seeing the image, I have to ask how an anonymous user gets rights. Or has started supporting an identification mechanism of some kind? When I start the reg process, it asks for an email address, username, and pw, not a first + lastname (but my test stopped when a Google reCAPTCHA push was attempted). I have zero sympathy for Reddit – they are rotten to the core scumbags, but I do not see how the GDPR can be applied to anonymous accounts.

(edit) I gather from other comments you must have posted an email. Would be great if you could copy the text of the email into the body of your post so everyone can see it and so people using screen readers can hear it. Thanks!

activistPnk, (edited ) to solarpunktravel in Other travel communities for the sidebar

I guess you don’t consider !bicycle_touring fit for the sidebar then.

Bicycle touring is relevant but indeed is antithetical to fedi philosophy and purpose so I wouldn’t want to promote it on the sidebar. #LemmyWorld has a group for everything and needs no promotion. They replicate communities in the free world, effectively poaching from better places.

Would you be opposed if some content from over there would also be crossposted to here?

No; feel free to crosspost either way.

My personal approach is to post initially in the most relevant free world decentralized community first, creating a new community if necessary. If the post contains a question that’s starving for answers after some time, then I might cross post to centralized places¹ in part to promote the better venue to those in places of oppression… to try to steer people toward a more ethical workflow.

Some instances only show the parent of a cross post, while other instances show both parents and children in a cross posting scenario. This is why I favor the digital rights respecting community for the initial post.

① e.g. lemmy world, sh.itjust·works, lemm·ee, lemmy·ca, programming·dev, and

activistPnk, to solarpunktravel in Other travel communities for the sidebar

I ended up on world because they accepted people when many instances didn’t

That’s the problem with #LemmyWorld. They do not exercise self-control and grew far beyond that of a healthy balance of power. Part of their excessive growth is attributed to their use of an oppressive US tech giant, Cloudflare, which is a centralized gatekeeper who dictates which people get access to what. They’ve betrayed their users and sold out the digital rights of the commons in trade for gratis “security” (though I hesitate to call it security when availability is ruined to the demographics of people CF oppresses).

and i didn’t want to sign up to an instance that may be run on somebody’s raspberrypi and would be turned off in a week or something.

That’s a real risk with the small instances but it’s a risk that we accept in the free world. It’s even more infuriating when a small instance opts to suddenly join Cloudflare without announcement, as opposed to going down. Then users get pawned to an oppressor without their knowledge or consent – while some users suddenly get shut out of the walled garden with their data trapped inside. This happened with,, and My content is now held hostage in those places unless I pawn myself to Cloudflare.

The way forward is better tools. There are various archival clients which grab your content as regularly as you want and save a searchable local copy. When a raspberrypi running in some kid’s mom’s basement gets spontaneously unplugged, you have your archives.

For the case at hand, I suggest creating a community either here or on the travel-specific instance Let me know if you do so I can add it to the sidebar.

ciferecaNinjo, (edited ) to showerthoughts in It's 2023/2024 and Roseanne Barr is now more attractive than Madonna.

Not exactly. ! was a poor choice, as is:

  • ! ← Cloudflare
  • ! ← Cloudflare
  • ! ← Cloudflare
  • ! ← Cloudflare
  • ! ← Cloudflare, and possibly irrelevant
  • ! ← not CF, but copious political baggage, abusive moderation & centralized by disproportionate size

They’re all shit & the OP’s own account is limited to creating a new community on #lemmyWorld. ! would be the lesser of evils but the best move would be create an acct on a digital rights-respecting instance that allows community creations and then create showerthoughts community there.

(EDIT) ! should address these issues.

_ohcoco_, to world in Belgium wants sanctions against Israel for Gaza bombings - deputy PM avatar

@pleasemakesense Technical question about this post: Can someone please explain how a link from #LemmyWorld works when posted to #Mastodon?

When I click on the link, it shows this same post plus all of the same comments. I'm trying to understand how it works. thx

diyrebel, (edited ) to fightforprivacy in [discussion] Tactic needed to counter all communities living on


Cloudflare Inc is a single US corporation. A tech giant like Google. All CF proxied websites go to Cloudflare’s assets who has centralized visibility on all that traffic. Don’t be fooled by the padlock in your browser. When you login to #lemmyWorld, the tunnel stops not at lemmy world’s host but at Cloudflare’s, where it is decrypted. Cloudflare sees your username and password and everything you do on lemmy world, DMs, etc. When you login to your bank, if it is Cloudflared, CF also sees everything you do on your bank account. If your government’s voter registration office is on Cloudflare, CF sees everything you do there, such as upload your driver’s license. Everything you do on any CF site is seen centrally by CF.

If you visit lemmy*world, lemm*ee, lemmy*ca, lemmy*one, & sh*itjust*works, these are separate Lemmy nodes but they are all Cloudflared so your connection & traffic all goes to the same place and CF sees everything you do on all those sites. All 5 of those sites are configured using the defaults, so you are either blocked on all or a permitted to access all those sites together without variation.


The individual admins have some blunt controls over who gets access, but lemmy world just uses the defaults so lemmy world simply accepts CF’s decision on who to block, as do most CF sites. I’ve confirmed that lemmy world excludes tor users. And considering it just uses the defaults, it likely blocks people whose ISPs use CGNAT, libraries, and various other shared IPs.

ciferecaNinjo, to fedia in Cannot reply… Snubbed by the machine. (Cloudflare problem?)

I’ve retried several times, even with a long delay. I also tried re-entering the thread (which is often the fix for kbin-specific failures) and that did not work either.

Note that to send this reply to you here in this pure kbin mag I had to submit twice. But in that #LemmyWorld even many retries makes no difference. I would love to have a text-based client about now.

ciferecaNinjo, to fedia in Cannot reply… Snubbed by the machine. (Cloudflare problem?)

Is this a Cloudflare problem?

I guess not. Today I was able to post there.

Though there’s another odd behavior: my profile shows all my own posts except the posts in that #lemmyWorld thread. But I do get notifcations if someone replies to me in that thread.

Every other Kbin user seems to be posting comments just fine.

I don’t see how you could know that. If someone is blocked, there’s no metric AFAIK.

bojkotiMalbona, to random

A whole community was simply deleted… Despite Lemmy World’s “ will protect us” security model.

lazycouchpotato, to Minecraft

If you play Minecraft: Java Edition, are still on a Mojang account and haven't migrated to a Microsoft account yet, you have less than a week left to migrate. Your profile will be deleted if you don't.

Posted more about it on Lemmy:

#minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #mojang #microsoft #xbox #gaming #lemmy #lemmyworld

LemmyWorld, to random is temporarily disabling open signups and moving to an application-required signup process, due to ongoing issues with malicious bot accounts.

We know this is a major step to take, but we believe that it’s the right one for both us and our community right now.

More here:


vsp, to fediverse avatar
SigurdVie, to fediverse avatar

Wohoo! @LemmyWorld have mad a mastodon account!

bennysp, to random avatar

#lemmyworld seeing outages again.

Follow official updates here:

(I checked when they said "resolved", but still seeing intermittent responses)

vsp, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Rebecca ( @cheeseblintzes ) made :lw: stickers.

Of course I picked up a pack! Thank you, Rebecca, for letting me help you with the design!

#Lemmy #LemmyWorld #Fediverse

“view context” broken b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ (and) has just joined Cloudflare (unrelated)

I was trying to work out why it is that when I receive a notification and I click “view context” nothing happens if the msg came from The screen blinks for a second but gives no prior posts. Well after digging into this, I see that #lemmyWorld has just recently joined the exclusive #walledGarden of Cloudflare....

diyrebel, (edited ) to lemmy_support in “view context” broken b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ (and) has just joined Cloudflare (unrelated)

Ah, thanks for the info. But note that there are two “show context” buttons. In principle, if I am on a broken version I should be able to visit the parent on the originating node & possibly side-step the bug. But in this case the other node blocks me (Cloudflare).

Also note that I would still like a way to block CF instances. I’m in the #threadiverse to participate in the free world & prefer not to feed centralized walled gardens from which I am a refugee. Oppressors should not be able to thrive in the #fedi.

#LemmyWorld is centralized in 2 ways:

  • Cloudflare
  • disproportionate user population
diyrebel, to lemmy_support in “view context” broken b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ (and) has just joined Cloudflare (unrelated)

It’s complicated. I first used the chain link which is purely internal. This expands the msg and offers the “show context” option which gives nothing (due to the bug). Then I try the fedi icon and nothing happens at all… no expansion or anything. But I can see that the button is sensitive because it flashed as I clicked it. So then I forcefully copied that external link into a new tab in Tor Browser and it just shoots a blank. No text at all. Then I copied that same Lemmy World link into ungoogled chromium running over tor, which shows #LemmyWorld’s blockade I screencapped.

Note that ungoogled chromium has experimental value and reveals the problem (Cloudflare), but all versions of #Lemmy I have encountered have always been wholly broken in ungoogled chromium. Lemmy forces the use of Firefox-based browsers (and last time i checked Lemmy is quite useless in text browsers as well).

nachtigall, to lemmy_support in “view context” broken b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ (and) has just joined Cloudflare (unrelated)

Then I try the fedi icon and nothing happens at all… no expansion or anything. But I can see that the button is sensitive because it flashed as I clicked it. So then I forcefully copied that external link into a new tab in Tor Browser and it just shoots a blank.

Indeed. I can reproduce this behaviour with this comment from this thread. See the following screenshot from my network console. The body says {“error”: “not_logged_in”}, so maybe a caching error or something like that? I’ll ping the admin of

running over tor, which shows #LemmyWorld’s blockade I screencapped.

That makes sense. Cloudflare often blocks Tor IPs or spams them with captchas.

have always been wholly broken in ungoogled chromium.

No problem on my side.

cheeseblintzes, to vinyl

I want to give a big thank you to all who have ordered the #lemmyworld stickers so far!

I very much appreciate it, and once again I appreciate Ruud giving me the opportunity.

If you haven't gotten yours yet, you can do so at:

#stickers #vinylstickers #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #shopsmallbusinesses #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesses #vinyl #federated #fediverse

vsp, to fediverse avatar

Oh, I am adoring Sync for Lemmy.

admin, to fediverse Swedish
cheeseblintzes, to fediverse
diyrebel, (edited ) to technology in Google engineers want to make ad-blocking (near) impossible

Maybe you misunderstand the enforcement part of the GDPR. It’s not made for you to get personal enforcement out of it.

You obviously have not read article 77. This article entitles individuals to report GDPR violations to a DPA for enforcement. Article 77 does not distinguish violations against an individual (which I suppose is what you mean by “personal enforcement”) and violations against many. Some of the violations I have reported can only be construed as violations against the general public. E.g. an org fails to designate a DPO.

The problem is there is nothing to enforce article 77 itself. When a DPA neglects to act on an article 77 report, there is no recourse. There is only a provision that allows lawsuits against the GDPR violators. But then when someone did that, and then claimed legal costs, an Italian court decided for everyone in a precedence-setting case that legal costs are not recoverable. Which essentially neuters the court action remedy. So we have an unenforced article 77 and a costly & impractical direct action option.

It works on the basis of multiple infractions being recorded and then escalating the agencies response level.

It’s not even doing that much, in some cases. The report has to get past the front desk secretary and be submitted into the litigation chamber before it’s even considered as something that would indicate a trend. If it doesn’t get past the secretary it does nothing whatsoever. Some of my reports were flippantly rejected by a pre-screening secretary for bogus reasons (e.g. “your complaint is ‘contractual in nature’” when in fact there is no contractual agreement, apart from the fact that the existence of a contract does not nullify the GDPR anyway).

I work with many companies as IT consultant and I can assure you, that they all FEAR the GDPR

So you’re only seeing the commercial response. Gov agencies & NGOs are also subject to the GDPR, which is where you see the most recklessness (likely due to the lack of penalty). On the commercial side banks also don’t give much of a shit about the GDPR because when they violate it there’s a shit ton of banking regs they point to and the DPAs are afraid to act against banks because of the messy entanglement of AML/KYC laws that essentially push #banks to violate the GDPR.

Enforcement of GDPR does happen and you can review every enforcement on a public website called enforcement tracker.

Indeed I’ve browsed through the enforcement tracker. It’s a good prop for making the public believe that the #GDPR is being well enforced. They are cherry-picking cases to enforce to convince the public that something is being done, but people who actually submit reports know better. We see the reports that are clearly going unenforced.

I have also personally requested information about me and my family through the rights bestowed by the GDPR

I have had article 15 access requests denied which I then reported to the DPA, who opened a case but just sat on it. For years, so far.

(edit) By the way, I suggest you leave Lemmy·world for a different instance. If you care about privacy at all, you don’t use Cloudflare nodes. I cannot even see the msg I wrote (which you replied to) because #lemmyWorld blocks me (which I give some detail here: I had to reply to you based purely on your msg without context.

AITA for having this community open while there is already another community with much more activity?

Hello, this community exists because !amitheasshole is deleted by creator, thus effectively abandoned by the creator. My problem is that there is already one in called !aita. So AITA for keeping this community open, while the subscribers are wondering why there isn’t any activity here?

freedomPusher, (edited ) to aita in AITA for having this community open while there is already another community with much more activity?

#LemmyWorld is in Cloudflare’s access-restricted walled garden. It’s an asshole instance that not only excludes some people from access but it hoards people who are in the included group, creating a perversely centralized power imbalance that rewards elitists. To non-assholes, Lemmy World communities are parasitic because they rob the fedi of the decentralized balance it needs. To participate in Lemmy World communities is to either be uninformed/out of touch OR to be an informed asshole.

That said, is not a great place either. At least it’s not excluding people on the basis of IP address, but it’s still disproportionately large and has a history of political baggage by admins who are very trigger-happy with the censor button. You could have chosen a better instance, like Sopuli, but then your sidebar acknowledges the apparent past existence of a Sopuli AITA community.

NTA for giving refuge from a destructive instance. If it were reversed, and you were to create a community on Lemmy World that already exists in the free world, it would be a YTA case. Poaching users from a bad instance is a good semaritan move.

How to fix this

Promote the most digital rights respecting venue in the sidebar, which is !amitheasshole. Encourage cross-posts to and from Make no mention of Lemmy World and other centralized nodes.

I would not normally post in but thought this thread was worthy of an exception.

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