GottaLaff, avatar

starts HERE.
Please remember I don’t reply while live-posting. Plz use NFL (Not For Laffy, but no hashtag) so I can ignore those replies.

1/… Bower:

Trump enters the courtroom. Before arriving, he lingered for a moment in the doorway, talking to his lawyers, Emile Bove and Todd Blanche. He had a piece of paper in his hand, which he waved around as he spoke.

Wait for it….

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Anna Bower… wait for it…

As Trump walks down the aisle of the courtroom, a man seated near the aisle stands up. He appears to be trying to greet Trump or say something to him.

“SIT DOWN,” an officer screams.

[Me: tough house]

ChrisHolladay, avatar

Thinking of Artie Clay right about now....

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Tyler McBrien;

Trump seems in surprisingly good spirits, a stark contrast from his gloomy mood on Tuesday.

He seems to crack a few jokes with Blanche to his left.

At 9:29 a.m., all rise for Justice Merchan.
"Good morning Mr Trump," Merchan says.

Hoffinger discusses an exhibit J26, an arrest record for Daniel’s from 2009, something regarding her ex-husband, for which there was no conviction.

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ McB:

"Anyone can be arrested...that doesn't prove a thing," Merchan says. It doesn't seem like he's going to permit it as evidence, much to Necheles' dismay.

"It's not probative of anything," he says conclusively.

We turn to the request for limiting instruction.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ McB:

Necheles says it depends on where we end with the cross, and Merchan agrees.

"Let's get the witness please," the judge says.

Daniels strolls in, again in a black garment, but this time it's over a turquoise dress.

She takes the stand as the video feed is cut for the jury to enter the courtroom.

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Newsmax Guy, of course!!

Pagliery has the deets:

Newsmax TV host Greg Kelly just got ordered to sit down by courtroom security because the sycophant got up when Trump walked in to make sure the former president could see him in the crowd.

The obsequious TV performer waved at him and bowed his head in reverence.

TCatInReality, avatar



Like any respectable journalist, NewsMax replaceable head stands and waves at their cult leader.

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Klasfeld:

Cross-ex resumes:

Trump's attorney Susan Necheles asks Daniels whether she recalled stating that her accusations against Trump were "bullshit."


GottaLaff, avatar

8/ McB:

Necheles picks the narrative back up in 2016, shortly before the election.

She displays texts again between Gina Rodriguez and Dylan Howard.

GR: I have her
DH: Is she ready to talk?

—but there's an objection, and Merchan asks counsel to approach. Sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ McB:

For some reason, there were no photographers here today to snap pics of Trump before the proceedings.

It's the first time this whole trial that photographers haven't snapped away at Trump, as far as I know.

Q: You were asking for money, right?
A: I never asked for money from anyone in particular...I was asking to sell my story to publications to get the truth out.
Q: But you entered an NDA?
A: My attorneys did.
Q: That was your choice right?

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ McB:

A: Not necessarily, I wanted to do a press conference.
Q: You wanted to do that and make no money?

The tense atmosphere has already resumed, as Necheles and Daniels dig in for what will likely be a long cross.

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Klasfeld:

Necheles asks a series of questions about Daniels seeking to make money about her story.

Daniels pushes back, saying she wanted to get the story out.

Asked why she didn't just hold a press conference, Daniels says she was running out of time.

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ McB:

You could've had Slate publish the story, but they weren't going to give you money, Necheles asks.

Daniels remains firm — her message is consistent: she wanted to get her story out, and the money was secondary.

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ McB:

Necheles: Isn't it correct that you told Jacob Weisberg [at Slate] that as an alternative to be paid for your silence, you wanted to be paid for your story?

Daniels: Yes, I wanted the truth to be printed with a paper trail of some sort, whether a video, interview, money.

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ Stormy is a rock. Good for her.


Q: You wanted money, right?
A: I wanted the truth to come out.

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ Katie Phang:

Dan Scavino is there too. But no Trump family members. Always Trump Campaign people.


Necheles: Isn't it correct that you told Jacob Weisberg [at Slate] that as an alternative to be paid for your silence, you wanted to be paid for your story?

Daniels: Yes, I wanted the truth to be printed with a paper trail of some sort, whether a video, interview, money.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ McB:

Necheles is also consistent — Daniels wanted money for the story.

You also told Weisberg that another motive was your anger about Trump's opposition to abortion and gay marriage? Necheles asks.

I don't remember saying that, Daniels laughs.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Klasfeld:

Necheles asks whether Daniels said that she either wanted money or to hurt Trump politically because of his positions on gay rights and abortion.

"No," Daniels says.

Asked a similar question later, Daniels answers: "False."

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ McB:

Necheles displays evidence for Daniels, presumably of Daniels saying that her motive was also anger, but Daniels reiterates: she doesn't remember saying it.

Necheles asks if Daniels was furious when Cohen kept delaying payment for the agreement. (Yes.)

Didn't you scream at your lawyer Keith Davidson, and call him a pussy? (At this Daniels just smirks.)

Can you show me where I said that? Daniels says.

Necheles displays a transcript

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ “By mistake.” 🙄


The defense begins to roll tape on this conversation between Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen from April 4, 2018.

Prosecutors object.
Judge: "Sustained. Please approach." Sidebar.


"I apologize your honor. I pulled up the wrong one by mistake."

Eetschrijver, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Evil, incompetent or both.

kwheaton, avatar


NFL Not buying "her mistake" Merchan needs to issue a reprimand.

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ McB:

We see a transcript from 4/4/18 of a conversation btwn Davidson and Cohen, and begin to hear a clip of Cohen, but Necheles cuts it off. A mistake

We hear an another voice now—Davidsons—begin to speak the words on transcript, but Hoffinger quickly objects. Sustained. Sidebar.

👉🏼Can you look at the transcript first before you play the tape, Merchan directs Necheles.

Necheles clarifies. Behind her glasses, Daniels narrows her eyes as clip begins again.

It's Davidson's voice, on 4/4/18

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ McB:

KD: the weeks prior to the election was basically yelling and screaming, and calling me a pussy.

Michael Cohen's voice cuts in: Can I ask you a question?

But Davidson barrels onward.

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ McB:

I never yelled at Keith Davidson on the phone, Daniels says, and further says the transcript says that Gina Rodriguez's boyfriend was the one who was going to tell the story in the media.

But you got $130k, right? asks Necheles.

I didn't. That was the payment, Daniels quips.

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ McB:

👉🏼 So far today, Daniels seems to be taking a page out of Davidson's book, playing "lawyer games" with Necheles. Exploiting technicalities, being ultra precise, not giving an inch.

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ McB:

You understand that a contract is a legal agreement? Necheles asks as she displays the NDA signed by "Peggy Peterson" (aka Daniels) and "David Dennison" (aka Trump).

Well I'm not an attorney, but yes, Daniels says.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ McB:

We work our way thru a few sections of the agreement, as Necheles asks Daniels about some legal language contained within

Like I said, I am not an atty, so I'm reading this quickly, but I signed this based on my atty's advice, Daniels says.

Q: What you've been saying here is you're not a lawyer & these were legal terms you don't feel comfortable discussing?
A: Not w/o speaking to my attorney, no.
Q: And this is a legal contract?
A: Yes.

Ok, we get it, it's legal, it's a contract.

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ McB:

Finally, we move on from law to media.

We see the 1/12/18 WSJ article about Daniels displayed on the screen, and then go back in time two days as Necheles displays Daniels' 1/10/18 denial statement.

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ Klasfeld:

Necheles asks whether Daniels' alleged tryst with Trump took place "many, many, many" years ago at the time of this statement. Then, 12 years ago, Daniels says.

Necheles: "That's many, many, many" years ago, right?

Daniels: "That is many 'many-s' but OK." (laughter)

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ McB:

Recall, this is the denial statement to which Davidson attested its "truthfulness."

Necheles then reads the 1/30/18 follow up denial statement, the day of Daniels' Kimmel appearance, the one she signed in an abnormal way.

GottaLaff, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar

30/ McB:

We now hear as Necheles begins a new line of attack—Trump's denial in 2018 couldn't have been about election interference, bc there was no election.

Wasn't he concerned about his family, and about his brand? Necheles asks.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Klasfeld:

Asked if Daniels knew Trump was concerned about his family, Daniels answers: "I was never mentioned anything about his family."

The judge overturns the defense's objection to her answer.

😂Asked whether Daniels wanted to public speak about her alleged tryst with Trump, Daniels deadpans: "No, no one would ever want to publicly say that."🤣

Shadyboots, avatar

@GottaLaff I wish Mealania had come to court today. Where is she?

me_valentijn, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

Ask a stupid question, and get the answer you deserve 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ McB:

Q: After you received a lot of money, you wanted to publicly say you had sex with Trump right?
A: No, I wanted to publicly defend myself.
Q: You wanted to make more money?
A: No, that's why I did 60 minutes for free.

That's around when you hired Michael Avenatti? Necheles asks.

Yes, Daniels says, a bit disgruntled, with very noticeable disdain in her voice.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ McB:

Q: After Anderson Cooper appearnance, you got a $800k book deal to sell your story, right?
A: Sold my life story, yes.
Q: Wasn't sex with Trump the centerpiece?
A: No

Necheles asks whether Daniels thought people would just buy her book to read about sex with Trump, in fact, Chapter 3 starts with a joke about whether the reader skipped right there to just read about that sexual encounter.

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ McB:

We see a flyer for a Daniels book event at a strip club, with the golf club photo and caption: January 20th Making America Horny Again!

Daniels clarifies she never used that tagline, in fact she hated it, and she had no control over how clubs promoted the book.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ McB:

Necheles has seemingly abandoned for now the "Daniels owes Trump legal fees" narrative she started the cross with, and is now pursuing a related narrative of a money-hungry Daniels, looking to make a quick buck off of her salacious Trump story and the #Resistance crowd.

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ Klasfeld:

Asked about her remarks about how more "resistance" supporters attended her shows, Daniels replies: "The climate in the club definitely changed." But she says that she didn't sell herself to a different demographic.

Daniels: "I just did the same job I always did."

Asked about whether "Full Disclosure" spoke about her alleged tryst with Trump, Daniels replies it was the story of her life.

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ McB:

We turn to the Daniels documentary (for which she was paid to use the rights of her book).

You were having an affair during the filming right? asks Necheles.

Daniels was involved with a cameraman but clarifies that she was separated from her husband at the time.

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ McB:

"You're trying to trick me into saying something that's not entirely true," Daniels fires at Necheles, who is asking her about the amount of money she received for selling the rights of her book to the documentary.

Necheles asks about documentary promotion events: You have become a hero at those parties for Trump haters?
A: I don't know, I don't speak for them.
Q: You are continuing to this day to make money off a story that you promised would put President Trump in jail?
A: No.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ Phang:

There is more measured Stormy Daniels on the witness stand today. Her answers are not as rushed as they were on Tuesday, and she is taking her time in responding, speaking with more confidence.

THIS ⬆️ is a direct benefit of not having court on Wednesday. Daniels had the time to take stock of her testimony on Tuesday and I'm sure that she was able to think about how she wanted to approach her continued cross-examination today.

Delays don't always benefit the defense...

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ Klasfeld:

Daniels says that her documentary was "polarizing," not eliciting one opinion.

Asked whether Daniels hoped she'd be "instrumental" in putting Trump in jail, Daniels sharply replies: "Show me where I said I'd be 'instrumental' in putting Trump in jail."

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ McB:

Necheles displays a response tweet by Daniels, who is responding to someone calling her a human toilet: "Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down"

When Necheles says this is about Trump, Daniels jokes that that's her interpretation, getting a good laugh.😂

Grant_M, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl OWNED! :cate:

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ McB:

Necheles was showing the exhibit to refresh Daniels' memory in which she says she would be "instrumental" in putting Trump in jail, but neither "instrumental" nor "jail" featured in the "orange turd" tweet.

At the end of Tuesday, I think Necheles emerged with a slight edge over Daniels.

Today, I'd say they're in a deadlock.

But of course, my opinion doesn't matter. It's all about the jury.

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ Klasfeld:

This leads Necheles to ask for clarification on the "orange turd" to whom Daniels was referring.

She acknowledges that's referring to Trump. She pushes back at the implication that's about her being supposedly "instrumental" in putting him in "jail."

Daniels, coolly, factually and with a hint of indignation: "I responded to hundreds of tweets like this, calling me names."

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ Inner City Press (aka Press) adds:

Daniels: It doesn't say Trump, just orange turd. If you want to interpret it that way...

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ Press:
Necheles: I offer your tweet -
Stormy: It's to a suspended account, so I don't know
Prosecutor: I object, your Honor. May we approach?
[Whispered sidebar; at defense table, again, Todd Blanche whispering to Trump]

"I respond to 100s of tweets like this calling me names," Daniels says about her orange turd response

It's a good reminder that "hundreds" is likely not an exaggeration. Daniels has probably experienced years of constant online harassment, regardless of who started it

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ Andrew Weissmann:

Notes from 100 Centre St: Stormy presents as wary (understandable as she is on cross), savvy, and generally a careful witness. There is an enormous amount of questioning about a Stormy tweet about an "orange turd"
-- Stormy says it was a joke in response to someone calling her a "human toilet." All exceedingly juvenile and so in keeping with the Trump world we all inhabit here.

JanisKay, avatar

@GottaLaff oh please tell me there’s an “orange turd” hashtag on X. 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

@JanisKay Not right now. I didn't notice earlier

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ McB:

After a sidebar, Necheles resumes

Q: When Trump was indicted, you celebrated on Twitter by pushing merchandise from your store?
A: I tweeted that he was indicted, yes, and people asked how they could support me, so I added the link to my store

We see some of Daniels' said tweets: "Thank you to everyone for your support & love...don't want to spill my champagne 😜 #Teamstory merch/autograph orders are pouring in"
Q: That's you shilling your merchandise, right?
A: That's me doing my job

LarryE992001, avatar

@GottaLaff I guess if she was hawking NFTs, gold sneakers, or bibles, that would be okay.

heidilifeldman, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Pretty rich for Trump attorneys to belittle somebody for “shilling” merchandise!

krakalak, avatar

@heidilifeldman @GottaLaff Oh so true. The Gova had to be the most crazy.

Atticus1956, avatar

@heidilifeldman @GottaLaff

He was busily "shilling" as late as last night merchandising his NFT trading cards to Mar-a-Lago guests for $99 each.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ Weissmann:

Notes from 100 Centre St: Stormy being crossed at selling ("schilling") merchandise on the internet- palpable irony given Trump's hocking everything he can get his hands on that is not nailed down.

👉🏼Stormy says: "not unlike Mr. Trump."⚡️

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ McB:

Q: In much of the merchandise, you're bragging about how you got Trump indicted?

👉🏼I got Trump indicted? Daniels asks comically.

Necheles displays a "Stormy Saint of Indictments" candle from her store.

"Oh my god," a member of the public says.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ Klasfeld:

TCatInReality, avatar


Sales of that candle are jumping right now.

EarthOne24, avatar

@GottaLaff (*NFL)

Amazon has many iterations of Trump candles for sale:


@GottaLaff NFL didn’t know these existed. Off to buy mine 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ Klasfeld:

Daniels pushes back again at her merchandising: "I continue to do my job and foot my extraordinary legal bills."


As we see #TeamStormy shirts, Stormy Daniels comicbooks, and more, I wonder if Daniels is getting a bump in sales this very moment. 👈🏼👍🏼

"Keep in mind I did not write this comic book," Daniels says, as she also clarifies that she didn't make the candle either.

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ McB:

Necheles asks about two forthcoming books—the autobiographical Rockstar Pornstar and a novel—as well as a TV show fka Spooky Babes, about the paranormal, and she was on a podcast in which she claimed to be able to speak to dead people.

Daniels jokes that a lot of the "paranormal activity" was debunked, in one instance it was just a possum under the house, and the press laughs as Necheles moves to strike and instruct the witness to answer the questions—overruled.

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ McB:

As Daniels answers questions about tarot cards, paranormal possums, and communing with the dead, I wonder if the jury is beginning to lose the plot. I sure am.

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ McB:

Necheles asks Daniels about her extensive experience in the adult film industry—
Q: You have a lot of experience in making phony stories about sex appear to be real right?

⚡️A: Wow. The sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room.⚡️

Q: You bragged about being good at writing dialogue & sex scenes in adult films, right?

⚡️"If that story [w Trump] was untrue, I would have written it to be a lot better," Daniels quips, delivering it like a punchline⚡️

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ And winning, IMHO.



Daniels is a lot more confident, wry, and controlled during this cross-examination than when her testimony first began.

Utterly gone is any trace of her evident nervousness and speed-testimony from Day One.

Facing Trump's attorney, she seems in muted fight-mode.

Daniels lays back diagonally in her chair, looking relaxed and comfortable during the volleys of questions and answers.

TheEjj, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Get ‘em Stormy!

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ McB:

We're back to hotel suite—the black-and-white tile of the floor—& Necheles asks whether that was part of her prep, that she was coached to include details.

A: There's nothing wrong with preparing a witness.
Q: That wasn't my question.
Necheles continues to search for chinks in Daniels' armor, the inconsistencies bw small details in her testimony & her book, saying that she was coached to "match" the details.

I don't need to match details to my book bc that's the story, Daniels says


@GottaLaff NFL It's easy to stick to your story when you're telling the truth, because it never changes. Go Stormy!!!!

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ Phang:

NECHELES: You have acted in more than 200 sex films? DANIELS: Copulation. NECHELES: You directed 150 sex films?

DANIELS: “Give or take”
NECHELES: “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.”
👉🏼DANIELS: “Wow. That’s not how I would put it. The sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room [with Trump].”

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ Phang:

NECHELES: You memorize these fictional stories and repeating them? DANIELS: The scripts, not the sex. “Pretty sure we all know how to do that.”
NECHELES: And now there is a story you are telling about President Trump? DANIELS: “If that story was untrue, I would’ve written it to be a lot better”. “I didn’t have to write this one.”
DANIELS: “I didn’t make millions of dollars, and I didn’t write this story.”

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ Phang:

NECHELES: You made money on your tour? Working at strip clubs? The documentary? DANIELS: “I don’t work in sex clubs, I work in strip clubs, there’s a big difference.”

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Weissmann:

Stormy says in response to questioning about whether she made up her stories like she does in her sex films: (1) the sex in those films is real like the sex with Trump ("that's why it is porn and not a B movie"), and (2) "if that story was untrue, I would have written it to be a lot better."

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ McB:

We're jumping around in time, now back to the 2006 Lake Tahoe golf tournament, and Necheles asks whether Daniels met other celebrities, name-checking more athletes: Aaron Rodgers. Drew Brees. Charles Barkely. Big Ben again.

Daniels isn't sure. She's met a lot of celebrities.

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ McB:

Necheles begins to retrace the steps that led to the hotel suite.
Q: Trump's bodyguard (Keith Schiller) invited you to dinner right, not Trump?
A: Yes.
Q: Your testimony was that you said "fuck no," but you gave Schiller your phone # anyway.
A: Yes.

Necheles seizes on more inconsistencies: isn't this is a totally different story from the one you told in 2011? I believe this is about the InTouch magazine phone interview.

GottaLaff, avatar

63/ McB:

This has been a constant strategy in the cross—pinpoint each time Daniels' story changed, and exploit it.

GottaLaff, avatar

64/ McB:

"Please allow the witness to answer," Merchan cuts in, as Necheles peppers Daniels with question after question, each picking a different nit in her seemingly conflicting stories.

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ NOTE: I’m going to break now. Mr. Blowdryer is tapping his watch and glowering.

I’ll catch you up on every detail when I return.

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ To answer your questions: Mr. Blowdryer is the last thing I conquer. When I take off, I have to, you know, shower first and THEN use Mr. Blowdryer. The fight between Mr. Blowdryer and me is actually not his fault. He tries. It's my hair that gets cranky, Mr. B fights with it, but I always win, because I defy them both and the results are smooth and shiny. Take THAT, Mr. Blowdryer and hair!

iuculano, avatar


I can see the headline now:

Laffy fights full-of-hot-air Mr. Blowdryer...and wins!!

Wileymiller, avatar

@iuculano @GottaLaff

Mr. Blowdryer has already lost the fight before stepping into the ring with Laffy. In a battle of wits, The Orange Turd is unarmed.

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ Okay, I'll catch us up now. I'll use Katie Phang's more concise posts, and some Weissmann. Phang:

Necheles must tread very carefully. The more she attacks Stormy's credibility on cross and the more she dives into areas of Stormy's interactions with Trump that Stormy was originally limited from going into on Direct Examination, the more fodder for the prosecution on Re-Direct.

It's called "opening the door" and trust me the prosecution is paying close attention to these details right now

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ Phang:

NECHELES: You testified yesterday that when you were asked to dinner [via Keith Schiller], you said no fucking way. But in your In Touch interview, you said Donald Trump asked you to dinner. DANIELS: Correct.
DANIELS: Like I said, bodyguard/handler is a unit. DANIELS: This is an entertaining version of the events NECHELES: Now you are saying you lied in 2011 OBJECTION-SUSTAINED

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ Phang:

NECHELES: When you went to hotel room you thought you were going out to dinner? And even though you spent 3 hours you never got dinner? DANIELS: “We never ate” NECHELES: You wrote in your book, plus I was freaking hungry. And you made a point of that in interviews. DANIELS: “It was dinner time, I was hungry, we talked about ordering food, and going down.” And it never happened. DANIELS: “I went to dinner and I didn’t get dinner."

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ Phang:

NECHELES: Isn’t it correct that Anderson Cooper said to you, "didn't you go out to dinner that night?" You said yes? NECHELES: Anderson said You had dinner in the room? DANIELS: Yes. DANIELS: “I never actually got my food… that has not changed.” NECHELES: When you said to Anderson Cooper you said you had dinner in the room? DANIELS: “We had dinnertime in the room” NECHELES: “Your words don’t mean what they say, do they?” OBJECTION-SUSTAINED


@GottaLaff NFL I know they’re trying to attack Stormy’s credibility, but if I were on this jury it’d be the lawyer who’d be getting less credible through this mean-spirited assault, not Stormy

GottaLaff, avatar

71/ NECHELES: You’ve acted and had sex in over 250 porn movies DANIELS: 150ish, yeah. NECHELES: & there are naked men & naked women having sex in those movies. & acc to you seeing a man in a t-shirt/boxers was so offending that you got lightheaded,nearly fainted?

DANIELS: Yes bc it was Mr. Trump on the bed, an older man sitting there, I was not expecting him to be there. If I came out of the bathroom and it was not my husband, but Mr. Trump instead, I would probably have the same reaction

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ Phang:

NECHELES: “Because he was supposedly in a t-shirt and boxer shorts, you were so upset that he wanted to have sex with you, that you couldn’t speak up…? Not the first time in your life someone made a pass at you...

👉🏼👉🏼DANIELS: This was the first time that they had a bodyguard outside the door. And “They were twice my age and bigger than me.”

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ Phang:

Necheles continues to cross Daniels on minor inconsistencies in her testimony and her prior tellings of what happened with Trump, incl. in the In Touch magazine interview.

NECHELES: “Your story has completely changed, hasn't it.” DANIELS: “No not at all, you’re trying to make me say that it has changed, but it hasn’t changed.”

Jury is on a brief morning recess.

GottaLaff, avatar

74/ Katie's Sidebar:

IMO it was a bad defense strategy to try to "slut-shame" Stormy Daniels today on cross for her professional choices. Directly accusing her of being a liar because she works in the adult film industry was a poor decision.

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ Phang:

The defense suggests that just because Daniels chooses to be a part of that industry, then she couldn't possibly be offended by a half-naked, "older" man who invited her to dinner, began the evening in satin pajamas, and then stripped his clothes to a t-shirt and boxers when she was in the bathroom.

EarthOne24, avatar

@GottaLaff (*NFL)

All this lawyer is doing is proving #Trump (and his ilk) believe he can do what he wants to a woman ("grab 'em) and women have to let him because, "...when you're famous they let you do it." Thanks for reminding the jury, Trump. #StormyDaniels #trial

aintist, avatar


NFL Republicans and their lawyers don’t get the concept of consent.

Having consensual sex not scary or bad, being forced or pressured into sex is usually both.

GottaLaff, avatar

@aintist They get it. They're defense lawyers. They use what they can.

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ Phang:

The cross of Stormy Daniels now resumes after the quick morning recess.

NECHELES: “Am I correct that you signed the non disclosure agreement in this case with legal advice?” DANIELS: Correct NECHELES: And you did not negotiate that NDA DANIELS: Not directly NECHELES: “And your lawyer dealt with Michael Cohen” DANIELS: Yes NECHELES: “And Michael Cohen paid you, not mr trump” DANIELS: “My attorney paid me”

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ Phang:

NECHELES: You understand Pres Trump is charged with a crime based on how it was labeled? 🤭DANIELS: “There are a lot of indictments” (laughter) NECHELES: You changed your story many times because you never had an affair with President Trump OBJECTION-SUSTAINED

The cross is now over.

GeePawHill, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL I think this re-direct is gonna be brutal.

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ Weissmann:

Stormy says in response to questioning about whether she made up her stories like she does in her sex films:

(1) the sex in those films is real like the sex with Trump ("that's why it is porn and not a B movie"),

and (2) "if that story was untrue, I would have written it to be a lot better."

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ Now, via McB:

Necheles goes in for the kill: "Isn't the reason you changed your story many times is because you never had an affair with President Trump, and that you've been making money off that story for 12 years?"

Objection—sustained. Sidebar.

McB: I, for one, will be very much looking forward to reading this sidebar in the transcript later.

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ McB:

And we're back.

Hoffinger begins redirect: Defense counsel asked you quite a lot of questions yesterday and today as well about whether fear played into you signing the NDA?


Your attorney friend advised you about "hiding in plain view," can you explain that? Hoffinger asks.

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ McB:

A: it just means that hiding in the open, nothing will happen to you if everyone is watching.
Q: So part of entering into the NDA was to make sure it was all documented?
A: Yes
Hoffinger goes on to clarify why then she also took the money?
👉🏼Well, everyone is happy to take money, Daniels responds, in a relatable tone.

Now we see the texts between Rodriguez and Howard (whom Daniels says she doesn't know) once again.

JenniferSlack, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
I don't see that Stormy has changed her story. It absolutely rings true to me that her tellings of the story would change subtly given the embarrassment and the difficulties of the situation she was in. No woman just spills every gory detail of a moment like that to everyone equally. And Necheles knows that. Damn her for working for Trump and doing his dirty work.

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ And I'm all caught up.


Q: You indicated the InTouch article was a "very light article" for entertainment purposes?
A: Yes.

Hoffinger shows the article to the witness and counsel, especially the very bottom of it, which says: "This interview has been lightly edited."

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ McB:

Necheles asked you a lot of things that you did and didn't say in 2018, Hoffinger says, you didn't tell every single detail to Anderson Cooper? (No) But you mentioned a lot of details?

Objection, leading—sustained.

Hoffinger tries to introduce an exhibit, but objection, sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

84/ Pagliery's take:

Manhattan DA investigative division chief Susan Hoffinger is speeding through her follow up questions.

She easily points out that the In Touch article included a disclaimer that it was edited for length/clarity.

GottaLaff, avatar

85/ McB:

We're back, and Merchan says, "Ms Hoffinger, you can clarify to the extent that we discussed, and to that extent only."

Q: Defense asked about certain things you didn't tell Anderson Cooper, but you told him a lot of things didn't you?

GottaLaff, avatar

86/ McB:

Q: But you did tell him you had sex with Trump, and provide details about the room?
A: I did.
Q: And you said Trump never wanted to keep it confidential?
Objection—please approach.

👉🏼"I'm so hungry," Daniels whispers, sounding bored at this stop-and-go redirect rhythm.

GottaLaff, avatar

87/ Press:
Hoffinger: You told Anderson Cooper you had sex with Mr. Trump & what happened in the room
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Objection!
Justice Merchan: Overruled. Please approach.
[Side bar, then]
Prosecutor: You told Anderson Cooper a lot
Stormy Daniels: I did


As Hoffinger rattles off other consistencies, Necheles continues to object, at one point saying the interview isn't in evidence.

The judge continues to overrule her, until there's a sidebar conference.

LarryE992001, avatar

@GottaLaff Necheles hates seeing the holes she tried to punch in the story filled in.

Edelruth, avatar


So, now Necheles is objecting to cross on the material she herself produced, to a jury loaded with lawyers and legal-adjacent folk.

I'll love it if the Prosecution gets in there just one more time.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Edelruth Today was ... fun.

GottaLaff, avatar

88/ McB:

Q: So you did tell Anderson Cooper about your encounter and other encounters with Trump?
A: I did.

Hoffinger shows Daniels' tweet "I'll dance down the street when he's 'selected'"—a reply to a tweet from "Intergalactic Gurl" calling Daniels a "disgusting degenerate prostitute"

The initial tweet to Daniels said: "Good luck walking down the streets after this"—which Daniels took to be a threat.

It also went on to say that no wonder the father of Daniels' daughter had left her.

GottaLaff, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar

90/ McB:

Hoffinger points out that for each of these tweets, Necheles never asked about the initial tweet, only Daniels' replies.

In another tweet someone calls Daniels and "aging harlet"—these are actually two "tame" examples of the harassment, according to Daniels.

GottaLaff, avatar

91/ McB:

👉🏼We see Trump's post on Truth Social: "IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU"

👉🏼Daniels understood it to be about her, because it was around the time of Trump prevailing in the FL defamation case involving Daniels.

Q: You had nothing to do with the charges in this case, you did not testify to the grand jury?
A: I did not.

👉🏼So far it's been an unfussy, tidy, effective redirect from Hoffinger.

GottaLaff, avatar

92/ Press:

Prosecutor: You didn't testify to the grand jury in this case, did you?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Objection!
Justice Merchan: Overruled.
Stormy Daniels: I did not.
Prosecutor: In Mr. Trump's lawyer's papers in 2017 he confirmed Michael Cohen was reimbursed?
A: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

93/ Klasfeld:

Q: Have you been telling lies about Mr. Trump or the truth about Mr. Trump?
A: The truth.

GottaLaff, avatar

94/ Press:

Prosecutor: Has your telling the truth about what happened with Mr. Trump been net positive or net negative in your life?
Trump's lawyer Necheles: Objection!
Justice Merchan: Overruled.
Stormy Daniels: Net negative.
Prosecutor: Nothing further

GeePawHill, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Wow, much shorter re-direct than I was anticipating.

(Not a criticism. IANAL, and certainly not a prosecutor.)

GottaLaff, avatar

95/ McB:

Hoffinger asks Daniels to clarify why this whole ordeal has cost her a lot of money: I've had to hire security, take extra precautions for my daughter, move her to a safe place to live, had to move a couple of times, lost judgment on NDA case and owe attorney's fees

Hoffinger: Has your public telling the truth about Trump been net positive or net negative in your life?


Daniels: Negative.

"Nothing further," says Hoffinger.

GottaLaff, avatar

96/ Pagliery:

I'd like to point out something that didn't make it into my thread on Tuesday. Internet went down for a while.

It's about the notable reactions in the courtroom—from Trump lawyer Alina Habba.

She's not a listed lawyer in this case. She's morphed into a MAGA spokeswoman. Still.

GottaLaff, avatar

97/ Pagliery:

On Tuesday, Daniels talked about what resulted from the WSJ first drawing attention to her.

"It blew my cover, I guess.. to everyone that I rode horses with, everyone in my neighborhood, everyone in my daughter's friends."

At that point, I turned to Habba. And guess what I saw.

GottaLaff, avatar

98/ Pagliery:

Habba was smiling, rocking back & forth as she quietly mouthed something to her left, where Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn was sitting.

This was as Daniels said, "We were ostracized from her play groups, from the riding stable, from horse shows—her dad lost his gig in his band."

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Habba the Hut

GottaLaff, avatar

99/ McB:

Necheles is back up immediately.

We see the Intergalactic Gurl tweet again, and asks Daniels whether this kind of thing happens a lot on twitter.

We see another Daniels reply: "you sound even dumber than he does..."
Q: That's you being nasty also right?
A: Yes.
Q: Someone you don't even know, you're calling them names? You prided yourself in your witty answers? You were attacking them right back?
A: I was defending myself

GottaLaff, avatar

100/ McB:

As Necheles displays more tweets of public sparring between Daniels and strangers on the internet, I'm once again reminded of the great lesson in digital permanence that has continued to be prominent in this trial since jury selection.

GottaLaff, avatar

101/ Klasfeld:

Stormy Daniels' voice gets progressively softer during the exchange about the attacks on her — but she's still collected.


Trump's lawyer Necheles: You were called an aging harlot - nasty, right? And you jabbed back and said you made a million dollars and just paid for your new ranch
Stormy Daniels: Yes I defend myself on Twitter. And I pay my bills.

darthstar, avatar

@GottaLaff 'and I pay my bills '... that's a shot at Trump

GottaLaff, avatar

102/ McB:

Q: This doesn't say your name, does it?
A: No.
Q: Do you realize at the time there was a Republican PAC coming after him?
A: No.

No further questions, and Hoffinger is back at the lectern.

Hoffinger displays a splitscreen: People's 408A, Trump's Truth Social post calling Daniels "horseface" and "sleazebag" next to Exhibit J2, a tweet of Daniels.
Both within six days of each other.

Nothing further, and Daniels steps down.

GottaLaff, avatar

103/ McB:

NEWS: Stormy Daniels has finished her testimony.

"People, please call your next witness," says Justice Merchan.

"The People call Rebecca Manochio."


Next witness: Rebecca Manochio, the Trump Organization's former executive assistant and current junior bookkeeper.

"I was compelled to testify," she confirms.

GottaLaff, avatar

104/ Bower offers a little more:

Rebecca Manochio, who worked as an executive assistant for Allen Weisselberg at the Trump Organization.

gfjacobs, avatar

@GottaLaff great job as always!!! Go take a break!

GottaLaff, avatar

@gfjacobs I've been working on that Part 3 Canada post.

GottaLaff, avatar

105/ Note from Weissmann:

KEY ADMISSION --on redirect the state elicits that Trump admitted in a CA legal case that he, Trump, reimbursed Cohen the $130,000 hush money.


She began at Trump Org August 2013 as an administrative assistant, then executive assistant., both for Allen Weisselberg and Jeff McConney.

Manochio began her testimony speaking softly, and Merchan asked her to speak a bit more loudly please.

GottaLaff, avatar

106/ McB:

As Weisselberg's assistant for 8 years, Manochio sat right outside his office, and Weisselberg would interact with Trump every day. Manochio had a role in processing expenses: she put checks with their backup together, and gave them to Weisselberg to sign.

GottaLaff, avatar

107/ McB:

Q: Do you know if Trump's personal expenses were processed by the Trump Org?
A: Yes
Q: Do you know how Trump paid his expenses?
A: By check.
Q: Did Trump get a new job in 2017?
A: What was that new job, and did he have to move for it?
Q: President of the United States, and to Washington, D.C.
McB: After the drama and strange turns of the morning and Tuesday, it's almost refreshing to be talking about checks and invoices

GottaLaff, avatar

108/ McB:

As Manochio began her testimony, one reporter packed up and headed for the door. For him, I guess the show was over.


When Trump moved to WH, how did Trump get checks he needed to sign? I FedExed them. How often? Once a week.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL hahaha this far away and Laffage is "reading" the room....

GottaLaff, avatar

109/ Bower:

Deb Tarasoff, from accounts payable, gave Manochio checks to sign, she says. She never looked inside the envelopes she sent.

Usually sent 10-20 at a time, but she does recall sending a single check. The checks she sent were unsigned. When she received them back, Trump's signature was on them. She usually got them back in a few days.

GottaLaff, avatar

110/ Klasfeld:

Manochio said that Deborah Tarasoff would let her know if something was missing.


Manochio recounts how she would prepare and FedEx checks to DC for Trump to sign. She sent them unsigned, and received them back signed.

Recall that most of the Cohen payments came from Trump's account, of which he had the sole signatory authority.

GottaLaff, avatar

111/ McB:

Manochio says she would speak to Madeleine Westerhout, Trump's WH executive assistant at the beginning of his term, on the phone when checks were missing, or other confusion.

👉🏼Perhaps a clue as to the prosecution's next witness.

GottaLaff, avatar

112/ Klasfeld:

Asked if she understands that she's being called as a custodian of records, Manochio says: "Yes."

The prosecutor primes the witness to identify exhibits.

GottaLaff, avatar

113/ Bower:

Mangold walks through the process of eliciting testimony from Manochio in order to admit certain documents into evidence as Trump Organization business records. When she's done, she offers several exhibits into evidence.

GottaLaff, avatar

114/ McB:

Mangold displays a FedEx invoice, dated 5/29/17, an example of the types of FedEx invoices Manochio would regularly see.

We're following the checks' journey from where we last left them off with Deb Tarasoff.

GottaLaff, avatar

115/ McB:

The 5/23/17 FedEx invoice, from Manochio to Keith Schiller (Trump's bodyguard), is for unsigned checks bound for Trump.

McB: I hope for everyone's sake we don't go through this process again for all 12 months of payments to Cohen.

GottaLaff, avatar

116/ Pagliery is always colorful:

She worked for ex-CFO Allen Weisselberg & ex-controller Jeff McConney.

Manochio responds witha snappy "yes!" or "no!" to every one of the prosecutor's questions.

If she says more than a word, you can hear it dripping with that Millennial vocal fry.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL how I loathe vocal fries

GottaLaff, avatar

@Lizette603_23 Me too!!!

qkslvrwolf, (edited ) avatar

@GottaLaff Not For Laffy

Really entertaining linguist discussing vocal fry

gparenti, avatar

@qkslvrwolf @GottaLaff Thank you for that!

mastodonmigration, avatar


NFL... Props for "Millenial vocal fry"

GottaLaff, avatar

@mastodonmigration TOTAL PROPS for that

GottaLaff, avatar

117/ Klasfeld:

Q: Did you ever send anything to Keith Schiller other than checks for Mr. Trump to sign?
A: No.

GottaLaff, avatar

118/ Phang:

Interesting tidbit here:
EXHIBIT: FEDEXS SENT THROUGH TRUMP ORG ACCOUNT Ship Date: May 23, 2017 Delivered: May 24 2017 08:57
Sender: Rebeccca Manochio The Trump Organization Recipient: Keith Schiller
MANGOLD: “Do you know what this is a fed ex for?” MANOCIO: “His checks” MANGOLD: These are unsigned checks you sent to dc for trump to sign MANOCIO: Correct

GottaLaff, avatar

119/ Phang:

MANGOLD: Is that a white house address for schiller? MANOCIO: It’s a personal. MANGOLD: Do you know why you asked to send checks to Mr. Schiller’s home address in DC? MANOCIO: no MANGOLD: who told you to send checks to schiller MANOCIO: Rhona Graff

GottaLaff, avatar

120/ Pagliery:

Some amused gasps as the prosecutor asks her why the Trump Org—when Trump was in the White House—would deliver checks (like Cohen's reimbursement checks) to his bodyguard Keith Schiller's home address in DC.

Manochio doesn't know.

"No!" (said in a friendly way)

GottaLaff, avatar

121/ McB:

She sends the FedEx, she receives the FedEx. The checks go to DC unsigned, and come back to New York signed.

Easy come, easy go.

There, I saved you from reading dozens of transcript pages.

Around Sept 2017, Manochio's point of contact changed to John McEntee (personal aide to the president). In an email he asked Rhona Graff to put him in touch with "Rebecca that works for Mr. Weisleberg [sic]," bc he "will need the bosses personal checks mailed to me."

GottaLaff, avatar

122/ Interesting note from Kristy Greenberg:

Trump’s ego needs to stroked by everyone around him, including his lawyers at his criminal trial. After confirming that celebrities like Aaron Rodgers, Charles Barkley, and Ben Roethlisberger were at the golf tournament where Trump met Stormy Daniels, Trump’s lawyer asked Daniels to confirm that Trump was the most famous celebrity there.


GottaLaff, avatar

123/ Greenberg:

She then asked Daniels to confirm that Trump did very well at that golf tournament. Only Trump would be petty enough to try to get evidence of his fame and golf prowess admitted as evidence at his criminal trial.

Blinxeto, avatar


What. An. Ass. Hole. Shroom.

GottaLaff, avatar

124/ Pagliery cracks me up:

She says the directive would've come from "Rhona or Allen."

That's Rhona Graff (Trump's executive assistant) or Allen Weisselberg.

Prosecutor asks Manochio whether Trump usually received checks via "FEDEX Priority Overnight."

"Always," she says with a heavy dose of vocal fry.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

125/ Phang:

EMAIL DATE: September 7, 2017 at 11am “Hi Rhona: Can you put me in contact with Rebecca that works for Mr. Weisselberg. With Keith leaving I will need the bosses personal checks mailed to me. Thank you John McEntee”
MANGOLD: Who is this from and to? MANOCHIO: From John McEntee to Rhona Graff, the subject is "CHECKS TO SIGN"

GottaLaff, avatar

126/ Klasfeld:

Q: Did you ever send anything to Keith Schiller other than checks for Mr. Trump to sign?
A: No.

This direct examination, conducted by prosecutor Rebecca Mangold, focuses largely on the witness's close readings of FedEx records which will be submitted into evidence and eventually made public.

Clerical stuff, but it builds the paper trail at the heart of the case.

GottaLaff, avatar

127/ Bower:

We'll resume with cross examination after lunch.

Before the jurors file out, Merchan addresses scheduling: We're on time or ahead of schedule, he tells the jurors.


Hootsbuddy, avatar

@GottaLaff This is spellbinding.
Almost like being there. Nice work.

Grant_M, avatar

@Hootsbuddy @GottaLaff Laffy is the best!

GottaLaff, avatar

@Grant_M Thank you Grant! @Hootsbuddy

Grant_M, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@Hootsbuddy Thanks pal!


@GottaLaff thanks for doing this 😀

GottaLaff, avatar

@fsnatio 👍🏼

ChrisHolladay, avatar

They're gonna burn Donald.
Using aides address to send checks negates the mail check inside the White House.


@GottaLaff NFL
Hmmm Donald using Trump Org employee and resources for his personal business isn't exactly best business practices, is it?

MarkRDavid, avatar



This stuff has gotten me so addicted, I'm organizing my entire day around West Coast blowdryer sessions and NYC lunch breaks. 😂

skydog, avatar

@MarkRDavid @GottaLaff


Too true! Daylight Savings Time is one thing, but I had to set my clocks 3 hrs ahead when the trial started!

dshan, avatar

@skydog @MarkRDavid @GottaLaff


Try living in Australia — the courtroom action starts at bedtime! I spend too long each morning trying to catch-up with what happened overnight. And wondering what Mr Blowdryer's back-story is...

GottaLaff, avatar

@dshan I explained Mr. Blowdryer today in an earlier post. @skydog @MarkRDavid

GottaLaff, avatar
pseudonym, avatar


Said it before, will say it again.

Thank you!

I really don't want to watch the trial, but it's nice to be passingly informed of the important bits.

Is greatly appreciated

GottaLaff, avatar

@pseudonym YVW!

Edelruth, avatar



For those like me who were worried they were missing out on the flavor there, here is a you Tube on vocal fry

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Edelruth hahahahaha now I also hate you hahahaha

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL being compelled means you knew what was happening and DIDN'T GIVE A FLYING F

darwinwoodka, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL This really points to Trump's "mob boss" tactics and having other people make threats and harass and attack people for him. This is exactly what we need to end in our society.

JeanPoole_AZ, avatar

@darwinwoodka @GottaLaff I watched the “Stormy” documentary on Peacock Tuesday night and there’s a segment where she’s reading horrifying threats of violence and death from her phone. She has been receiving them for years and, as far as I know, no one has ever been arrested or prosecuted. I suspect her testimony at this trial will ignite more of the same and I fear for her safety.

Grant_M, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl 🤣

lawyerjsd, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - attacking her on her work in the porn industry is also bad because Stormy has been dealing with these sort of questions her entire adult life. Trump's attorneys were effectively lobbing softballs for her.

darwinwoodka, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL but this is just how Trump, and all powerful men, treat women. One of the reasons this story so resonates with everyone is because it's such a perfect reflection of how our society functions. And why all this is backfiring right now, because we're all sick to death of it.

spocko, avatar

Eventually Hammy will be in charge of Mr. Blowdryer NFL @GottaLaff

Dog pointing blow dryer at man

NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: "please specify which of his 88 felony indictments across 4 states you think I was responsible for"

darthstar, avatar

"orange turd" has entered the court record and Trump's own defense attorneys tied it to him. Win-win!


@GottaLaff it's kind of interesting that on the one hand the defense wants to vilify Daniels for being a 'porn star' and then completely forgets what the word 'star' means. She was pretty famous for her work - more so than Trump before the Apprentice, I would bet.

jztusk, avatar



If wanting to make money for something is supposed to invalidate testimony, then we just stop all the trials and automatically find Trump guilty of everything.

ChrisHolladay, avatar

Ass-kissing in progress ....need backup !!

LiberalEd, (edited ) avatar



He bowed his head?
Conservatives really do want a king or emperor, don't they?
I suggest they move to England for the former, and Russia for the latter.

ThreeSigma, avatar

NFL: I note reporters don’t comment on what Trump or the male witnesses are wearing.

GottaLaff, avatar

@ThreeSigma Yes they do. I don't post them.

JeanPDeliet, avatar

@GottaLaff special treatment for his majesty the king of our “Justice system”

TCatInReality, avatar

Good mood? Must be adderal.

HistoPol, avatar



""Good morning Mr Trump,"

I love the "Mister Trump"! 😏 😼

theogrin, avatar

@HistoPol @GottaLaff

I like to think that there's a subtle emphasis on Mister Trump, not quite to the degree with which Hugo Weaving emphasizes "Mister Anderson" but about halfway there.

Just my imagination running wild, but it'd be fun.

HistoPol, avatar

@theogrin @GottaLaff

mister_shade02X2, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. I imagine, sadly, that Trump is in a good mood because he now believes the classified documents trial has been delayed into infinity.

All of his efforts to delay his trials and avoid accountability are… working.

lillyfinch, avatar

@GottaLaff thank you for all of this….Stormy is a star.

GottaLaff, avatar

@lillyfinch YVW, and yes she is

lillyfinch, avatar

@GottaLaff I keep reading snippets about your move. Do you have a podcast about it? Where do I find it? I doubt we would move to Canada, I left Alaska after over 50 years because of the dark. But it would nice to know how difficult it would be to..just in case. I have already told my husband I won’t stay if t wins….I really don’t believe he will.

GottaLaff, avatar

@lillyfinch Oh dear! You keep missing all the posts then. I've been posting daily about this for years, lol.

Plus the hashtag (click on the hashtag) every day!

Here you go. These will answer all your questions.

lillyfinch, avatar

@GottaLaff thanks….😊

GottaLaff, avatar

@lillyfinch Any time!

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