Dusty, to technology in Users Have Had It With Reddit...But Are Powerless

Oh. Cool. Yet another reddit drama thread in /c/technology

When do we change the name of this community to /c/YetAnotherRedditDramaCommunity instead of /c/technology ?

FaceDeer avatar

I suspect there are a lot of people here who are interested in Reddit, and also there might be something going on over on Reddit that's resulting in a lot of news being generated about it.

Just a guess.


That's great, there are many places dedicated to just that topic! It doesn't need to keep being posted here cluttering up actual news about actual tech items.

I don't go to /c/cats and post about dogs. Or to /c/America and post about Europe. There is a place for everything. This community has been constantly clogged up with crap about reddit.

CoderKat avatar

Of course, that's understandable. But there's too many people here that are interested in the reddit drama such that it ends up taking over many subs, drowning out other content.

It's like how r/worldnews was created, because despite r/news being general, there was so many Americans that US news dominated the sub. We need to do the same with reddit drama IMO.

bumbly, (edited )

I agree, this belongs on , /search?, !Reddit or something similar.

Rottcodd, to technology in Google doesn't work anymore ?
Rottcodd avatar

I find google works fine if I'm just looking for general information on a simple topic, because it will dependably return a link to the wikipedia entry and a few of the most popular sites.

And I find that it's pretty much useless for specific information about narrow topics, because it's still just going to return the same general shit.

I'm not sure exactly how the change worked, but some time back (it's been a year or two now, and maybe more - it's just something that I sort of slowly realized had happened), they shifted to a system that made Google Fu essentially useless.

It used to be the case that you could define the importance of search terms by the order in which you listed them and make some effectively required by putting quotation marks around them.

But starting a couple of years back, it's been generally ignoring search term order and quotation marks, and instead giving priority to specific common (and certainly not coincidentally common marketing) terms.

To anthropomorphize, it's as if it's developed a cripplingly narrow focus. So if, for instance, you're looking for the title of some specific movie, it doesn't matter how many other search terms you include or what order you list the terms in - if you include the term "movie," that's what it's going to focus on. So if you're lucky, you might get the actual movie you're looking for, but it's absolutely guaranteed that you're going to get streaming services and "18 movies with real blood" style clickbait.

Rashnet avatar

It's complete shit right now. 5 or more years ago I could quickly find an answer to a very technical question with no problem. Now it is useless for anything. Just today I was looking for a shop near me that can perform a front end alignment on my RV, I searched for "Tractor Trailer front end alignment near me". The entire first page is either tire shops that do not offer front end alignments, car tire shops that don't even sell the correct size tires I would need for a tractor trailer, or shops 2000 miles away in various directions. It's horrible and I think it would be faster to look in the yellow pages for what I need in this case. I never found a shop using google.

Also today I was searching for the tires I need in the shopping tab there were ads for tires that google had labeled as wal-mart but when I would click the link it would take me to a Chinese scam site.


And God forbid you look for anything involving troubleshooting your home network. Good luck sorting through pages and pages of the same copy and pasted article telling you how to restart your router.


“Have you tried port forwarding? Here’s some vague results and a screenshot of a netgear gateway page from 2006.”


I’ve noticed this even when trying to find the name of a song. I used to be able to search:

lyrics “a specific part of the song I remember” whatever random words I can remember out of order

and it would very reliably find songs, even obscure ones. Now the only way it works is if I happen to remember part of the name of the song, usually it’s full of entries for the same popular song that has one word in the title that I included that is definitely not what I’m looking for.

It sounds stupid, but I really miss that working.

bbbhltz, to news in French Courts Are Giving Protesters INSANE Sentences avatar

Not defending the judges’ decisions here, but…

Not Protestors; Rioters and Looters

These are all very heavy sentences. No arguments from me there. But, tell the story without putting a spin on it.

Remember that in France it is civil law and judges study the case and make decisions. Lawyers aren’t pleasing cases and objecting as much as in North America like we see in Hollywood movies or on Netflix.

Cases mentioned:

  1. Guy gets 10 months in prison for stealing a Redbull [Source in French]: Yes. Based on different laws, he was found guilty of looting, among other things. He was made an example of. Harsh. Not his first rodeo…
  2. 6 months for stealing fruit. Cannot find source. Looting, not protesting.
  3. Looting a Louis Vuitton store. 1 year in prison. Homeless guy with schizophrenia. Said he was looking for food.
  4. 1 year of prison. Was found in the store after the looting… picking up the leftovers.

After giving 4 examples states that he gave 5 examples. Says the courts are “cramming as many cases per day”… Yes, that’s how they do. Makes false claims (says they are told to plead guilty, we can’t know that, says they have no lawyers, provides no proof).

I’m sorry, but I cannot call this independent journalism. This is just 12 minutes of false connections and misleading or manipulated content. It is not news.

Fact: the judges handed out harsh punishments based on the current laws because these individuals were caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

In France, the truth depends on the time, the place, and the context. Judges have to rule based on that. There are options to appeal. But, if it’s 4 in the morning, for example, and you’re in the Louis Vuitton shop checking out handbags on the same night as riots, you’ll get the book thrown at you.

The guy who made this video could have told the straight facts, no spin, just facts, and it would have been a stronger argument.


Furthermore, the French government is censoring social media

They have been suggesting that, haven’t done it yet.

sludge, avatar

stealing luxury handbags is based


I mean every example you listed is fundamentally a property crime. I don’t see how property crimes could possibly translate into such long prison sentences. Unless they’re using weapons and attacking or threatening people it just doesn’t make any sense. “Looting” is an arbitrary definition that seems very ripe for abuse by a government that is already out of control.

FaceDeer avatar

Unless they’re using weapons and attacking or threatening people it just doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe they are. OP's linked video isn't exactly providing detailed references to the court cases he's talking about.

Zetaphor, to technology in LMG has made a response video to Gamers Nexus' concerns

This situation sucks and was something I would have been willing to see through. But after reading the thread from Madison this morning I’ve decided to cancel my Floatplane subscription. While the accusations she makes are currently accusations, they’re pretty damning and worth taking seriously in case they are more than allegations. I await LMG’s response to her thread, as I feel that will be the deciding factor in whether or not I continue to consume and support anything LMG does going forward.

Her thread:

Flaky, avatar

Gonna pop the ThreadReader link here for those who don’t want to log into Twitter:…/1691693740254228741.html

On the Floatplane thing, I am a bit worried for DankPods, who put a lot of backing into Floatplane after he got screwed over by Twitch. This whole thing might have some collateral damage towards the other creators on there, including him. Was considering subscribing to Floatplane for him and his drum streams before this.

BigDaddySlim, (edited ) avatar

DankPods is the only reason why I’d consider using Floatplane, but I’ve already been a Patron of his for a long time and could just up my tier sub if I wanted to support him more, which I may do if this effects his streams.


Maybe Dankpods can get into the Nebula sphere instead.

p03locke, avatar

Ha, Nebula is not the answer, either. It’s a gated community that doesn’t even have a way to sign up as an uploader. They expect you to make it on YouTube first before they consider moving to their network, and then you’re doomed to constantly advertise for Nebula for the rest of your career.


I may not agree with a lot of things Madison does as a content creator, but what she’s described in that thread is absolutely egregious. This goes so far beyond “trust me bro”, and is already bathing in the gas that the company is actively lighting under them. Makes me wonder what kind of NDA and contract all of them have, to keep it hush-hush. I’m worried for the people there


what she’s described in that thread is absolutely egregious

*If true and complete.

None of us were there, none of us know what happened, none of us knows the context of anything discussed. There’s a universe where everything she described is misinterpreted banter and she’s just an overly sensitive whiny zoomer. There’s also a universe where everything she described is an understatement to the unfathomable conditions she may have been subjected to, and Linus is a prototypical millennial edgelord piece of shit who can’t read a room, and gets off on belittling those under his domain.

It’s important, I think, to not be impulsively reactionary towards individual accusations. Doing so disincentives discourse and transparency. I’m going to let this play out for a bit before I make any decisions with my wallet. If Madison deserves the benefit of the doubt, so does LMG.


Thank you for this, I don’t normally use twitter but I read some people saying the Threadreader app wasn’t up to date with all the comments.

Voyajer, avatar

Ah shit, I forgot how much dank went in on floatplane

EnderWi99in, (edited )


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  • topinambour_rex, avatar

    So you would create in 3-4 days, the co tent she has to create each days…


    A former employee shitting on their employer during a scandal to draw media attention has been the oldest trick in the book. If more stories come forward or others corroborate the individual claims, it’s worth notice. Until then, all I see is someone who took a high pressure job, couldn’t hack it, and now they’re trying to cash in on the negative experience for media attention.


    One party versions are always .... tricky. If this was the case then people that support her need to step up and talk. It is hard to belive a company with such ethics also had good enough enviroment for a colleague to transition and publicly anounce it to the world. Something is off...


    Exactly. Something doesn’t smell right. If she wants to corroborate her story, she can start by showing her ER report for the supposed incident where she self-harmed to get out of work. That would be an easy paper trail to share and since she’s already disclosed that information, she wouldn’t be giving anything else up.

    Words themselves have no value in these instances.


    Exactly this ^

    Until there’s actual evidence put forward (and not just her word), I’ll happily defer pulling out the guillotine and grabbing my pitch fork.

    I get the community as a whole is rightfully shitty with how LMG has handled themselves over the last week, but I’m certainly not taking her accusations alone at face value, regardless of how abhorrent they are


    Absolutely, the criticism from gamers Nexus was fair and earned by LMG, but these allegations are not only completely separate from the issue with quality, they’re completely unsubstantiated. Should she start corroborating her story with things like the ER report from her reported incident of self-harm, or other employees confirm her story and are willing to state that they actually witness these accusations, that would be another story.

    RedKrieg, avatar

    You can hear James’ voice in some of the more heinous quotes :(

    GingeyBook, to technology in LMG has made a response video to Gamers Nexus' concerns

    Lmao Linus immediately jumped back into the “we’re only human, feel bad for us” thing


    Once again he comes out with deflections and excuses.

    Put your ego aside for one second and take this one humbly on the chin.


    Yeah, I couldn’t watch past Yvonne’s section, it just felt like a corporate ad tbh.


    Then you missed where they dropped an opportunity to show a new screwdriver variant coming to 🤦


    This is why adblock and sponsorblock are essential. I haven’t seen any of that crap in years.


    Don’t forget to subscribe to Floatplane for the exclusives!


    …and the finale Debrand name dropping …


    I just find that screwdriver to be the most pretentiously bad product. Still a product that’s half as good as something from Klein or wiha, or Milwaukee, or Greenlee, for three times the price. He put all that money into a designing a cheap but overpriced Chinese piece of junk, when there are already great screwdrivers used by professionals for years and years. Linus was so arrogant he didn’t even think that somebody’s already made a superior product with established tooling. But no, he has to reinvent the wheel and design a screwdriver nobody’s asked for


    I’ve used one, and it actually is pretty good. For comparison, I have a Megapro Automotive (211R1C36RD) screwdriver. I like the ratchet and shaft knurling of the LTT more, but the smaller bits are a bit annoying (though the smaller handle size because of them is nice). Overall, it’s not a bad screwdriver, and even though it is too expensive for me, it’s another good product option in case other brands’ tools don’t fit someone’s needs.

    To be clear, LTT is plenty problematic, but I don’t think “making a screwdriver” is one of their problems.

    somedaysoon, (edited )

    I’ve done a lot of low-voltage as well as high-voltage work through the years. So I have tool sets and screwdriver sets for low-voltage stuff, another set for high voltage stuff which is a lot of Klein and Green Lee and another set for mechanical work which is a lot of Wright Tools because I do all my own vehicle maintenance in my shop. And even another set with JIS tips specifically for Japanese motorcycles which are Vessels. Basically, I have a lot of different screwdriver sets that specialize for many different purposes. I also have sets for taking apart smaller electronics. I say all this only to give insight to my experience with tools so that I can say the next bit…

    The LTT bit driver is overpriced garbage. I would re-iterate what the other person has already stated… there is nothing the LTT screwdriver does that something like a Wiha or Felo driver wouldn’t do for 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of it. Also, bit drivers save space which are great for toolbags and working on the go, but if I were to be doing consistent work on a bench there is no chance in hell that I would pick up a bit driver over a real screwdriver set.


    I see. Thanks for the correction. What would you say the issues with it are?

    somedaysoon, (edited )

    It’s price is the most glaring problem. The tool by itself is not garbage, but when you factor the price, it’s most definitely garbage for $70, you can buy much better. It’s on par with $20-$30 drivers from companies that have been building tools for decades, stand by their products, and in many cases, are industry standards in tool sets. So why would anyone pay 2-3x the price for something like the LTT screwdriver? And trust me, I get why the cost of it could be so much higher, R+D costs money, but that again goes back to the point the other person already stated, “Linus was so arrogant he didn’t even think that somebody’s already made a superior product with established tooling. But no, he has to reinvent the wheel and design a screwdriver nobody’s asked for” These other companies like Klein and Green Lee and Wiha and Felo know how to do tools. They have their processes nailed down, so they have better quality for far less money.

    I don’t know why so many people got boners over it and didn’t want to point this out but I think that shows just how much power and protection Linus wielded with his rabid, cult-like followers. And that to me goes to show it took a lot of courage for GN to release his video, and all the more courage for Madison to finally tell her story. I’m very glad they both did though.


    Good point, but I see it as simply another option. I would rather have an expensive option that is overall similar but has certain advantages, such as a low ratchet force, than not have that option, even if I won’t buy something that expensive. At worst, some people for whom money is no object might find it useful, or other companies might be encouraged to improve their designs to better compete. It’s good for customers to have more options, even if the option doesn’t suit everyone.

    somedaysoon, (edited )

    That’s called back drag, it’s really not important in a screwdriver. I think ratcheting screwdrivers are just really gimmicky, are more of a hindrance in most cases. Maybe you can enlighten me, but really there are two main reasons here for that opinion.

    1. It’s faster to spin the shaft with your fingers on a fixed screwdriver than it is to ratchet on the handle to turn in bolts. This is especially true for smaller bolts.
    2. Many times to get threads to line up it’s easiest to turn the bolt counter-clockwise until the threads align and fall into place before you start turning them clockwise into the threads. You couldn’t do this with a really low back drag, or it would be cumbersome to change the ratcheting function on it. A fixed screwdriver just seems all around more efficient and faster.

    So what benefit does a ratcheting screwdriver offer? It’s slower and it’s cumbersome to have to change it back and forth just to change directions. And because it has a ratcheting mechanism, it will fail faster under less forces.


    I use a ratcheting screwdriver in my job at a computer repair shop. For smaller screws, I use a precision screwdriver, in which I do just spin the shaft with the top of the screwdriver in my palm, but I sometimes need the larger screwdriver for more force.

    1. Often true, and I often do that on my ratcheting screwdriver. However, it’s faster still to use two hands, one on the handle and one on the shaft, and alternate them. While the handle is ratcheting back, the shaft continues turning, so it ends up screwing or unscrewing twice as fast (or at least faster; I know that moving your hand is pretty fast). Also, when working on a screw that requires more force, the ratchet allows me to apply that force without repositioning my hand frequently, again making it faster.
    2. Again, I totally agree. This is especially important on small screws or when screwing into plastic, which I work with often. That’s a good point about how low back drag (thanks for the name) makes it more difficult. I was thinking that it would make it easier when screwing into certain materials that change their resistance as I screw, but maybe the back drag I have on my current screwdriver is a good amount.

    Yeah, if you don’t like ratcheting screwdrivers, you definitely won’t like the LTT screwdriver. That’s fair. I think they make me faster, but it’s up to personal preference.


    Yeah, fair points, a lot of it really is just personal preference and it depends greatly on how you’re using them.

    Wrench, (edited )

    People buying this haven’t worked for a mid to large sized company. This is internal corporate coolaid bullshit. Nothing ever comes from this lip service. It’s just cringe


    Yep. Some executive sent out an order that they have to make some sort of response. This was done to appease them, not the public.


    Sometimes things do change for the better, but usually not with the same people in the same positions.


    I was just thinking about how theres almost no gradient between what makes you a “quirky and fun small business” which they want to act like and “oh shit better put on our IBM corporate hats and make another video”


    Personally felt it was the right thing, and earned some respect back from me. They need to address Madison’s accusations separately (which are damning), but they certainly had positive movement with the points raised by the community / GN.

    Each of the department heads outlined their shortcomings and how they were being addressed. It felt genuine and sincere, and certainly not the generic bullshit you usually get from a corporate PR team on damage control. I hope they follow through enacting those plans, and it has a positive impact to both their quality and working environments.

    The only bit I hated was Linus’ section (and this is meant to be a criticism, not a personal attack).

    He opened up with a joke that Luke will have a lot to do curbing his (Linus) own behaviour, had a brief moment of sincerity, but went back to immediately defending himself and their actions. He didn’t fully acknowledge what his “emotional” response actually did, nor a personal response/apology to both GN/Billet Labs for it. There was no real acknowledgment he will address his own shortcomings. It honestly felt like someone who acknowledges he’s wrong (purely based on number of internal members telling him he’s in the wrong), but doesn’t agree nor accept it.


    I mean the monetizing of the video was in pretty poor taste. They plugged they’re merchandise multiple times. They joked about the video being sponsored twice. All of which screams, we don’t care about what we did just don’t take away our money.

    The video was still then being defensive.

    They never apologized to GN or Hardware Unboxed.

    Sex jokes too enlight of sexual harassment and employee mistreatment claims.

    They rushed the video out too, it’s a culmination of most of the things wrong with lmg. If they had taken their time with this and taken it seriously I would have probably given them points and been very surprised, but this was absolutely bs pr. Totally unapologetic and insincere. Even if they do change anything I don’t believe it’s because they want it, itll be because they’ll be out $$$.

    They also need to reconsider they’re hr, pretty significant conflict of interest there… then again hr isn’t there for employees protection anyway…


    Linus should not have appeared in this video at all. It would have shown that adults are now in charge and that someone can actually tell him “no”.

    52fighters, to ukraine in The enforcer: Putin Orders Prigozhin's Arrest, Breaks Deal
    52fighters avatar

    I've seen no evidence an arrest was ordered. Where's the source on this?


    not an arrest, but an ongoing investigation

    HuddaBudda avatar

    Kind of defeats the psyops theory. He clearly is angry with Pygozhin. And if it was, now is the perfect time they could have used the "Russian plan to counter insurgents" excuse to saved face.

    The fact he is calling it a "Failed insurrection" means it was an insurrection.

    The fact he is calling out traitors, means he felt betrayed.

    I know that Putin gave this speech to display power, but all it did was confirm that Russia is cracking from the inside out.

    demvoter avatar

    Doesn’t look like it was ordered.

    Putin made no mention of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin in his short remarks but said the organizers of the revolt had betrayed the Russian people.

    wilberfan avatar

    Yeah, none of this is on the NY Times website, for example. Not that that's the final word--but I'd be more inclined to believe them than whoever The Enforcer is...

    Jaysyn avatar
    malloc, to reddit in Reddit user alleges California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) non-compliance/violtion; and finds it difficult to delete posts and content on Reddit

    Decided to expand on the original video and include a transcription of the events in the video. Hope this helps our visually impaired folks.

    Personally, I find this disgusting. Hope Reddit gets litigated up the ass.

    Merulox, avatar

    Good work on the transcription, it must've taken a while to do.

    malloc, (edited )

    Normally, transcription like this will take a long time. However, since it's largely text based (e-mails, viewing reddit) and relatively short. It was pretty easy to transcribe to text. With the help of some macOS features like copying and pasting from video, it became a non-trivial task.

    I think I spent more time on formatting rather than on transcription.


    I think you meant ‘it be came a ~non-~trivial task’. At least that fits more with that paragraph’s overall sentiment.

    Anyway, thanks for the work. I much rather skim a text than watch a YouTube video.


    My grammar took a nose dive after transcription 😅. I fixed it. Thx

    JackGreenEarth avatar

    @malloc Just so you and anyone else reading this knows, you can copy and paste text from images on any major OS, using 3rd party tools.


    dismalnow avatar
    nevernevermore avatar

    Seriously, thank you for that extra mile. This is the kind selflessness that I remember on the old internet


    Thank you. I’m not visually impaired but I have cognitive issues that make watching videos difficult. I appreciate your time and effort 😊

    doctortofu, to RedditMigration in [louis rossman] What pisses me off about the failed Reddit protest... [Thumbnail Text: Reddit is Winning.] avatar

    Not sure if I agree with him (or rather, pretty sure I disagree). The protest was very successful for me - it got me off the site, and I have no plans of going back, even if it fully opens and goes back to "normal". In my case, reddit is not winning, it completely lost. I see more people like me around here every day and it makes me happy. Can't remember lat time reddit made me happy, so I'm enjoying the change, even if it comes with a fair bit of jank.

    scabrous-leper avatar

    @doctortofu Ditto, fellow traveler.



    My first account was 14 years ago. Every year or so, I switch to a new account. I nuked every single account I had: nuked the comments, nuked the submissions, just over-wrote then deleted everything. I privated the tiny handful of small communities I modded, turned over the keys in a couple of them, and de-modded myself. I unsubscribed from every single subreddit I was part of.

    I found some worthy comments and spent all the reddit coins I'd accumulated from when other people gave me gold. I went through every saved comment and saved it (in context) offline. I PM'd a handful of people my email address, wrapped up a couple of "oh, I'll get that to you later"s, and ... just walked away.

    14 years, 17 accounts. My "smallest" account had about 140k karma; my largest over 440k. Probably a couple million between all of them.

    I'm done with reddit, I'm gone. I'm not going to fool myself that I'll be missed there but, given my accumulated karma, I think the loss of some of my contributions (I mostly hung out in news and science subs) will make the site a little less useful to the people still there. Enshittification, indeed.

    Obligatory fuck spez inserted.

    samus12345, avatar

    Every comment and submission deleted is just a tiny bit of value taken away from the site. I did my part, too!


    It's why I unsubbed everywhere as well, I don't want my zombie accounts used to inflate reddit's statistics.


    Since I started hearing people say that their deleted/edited posts in many cases were being magically restored minutes afterward, I was actually looking into selling mine... 🤷‍♂️ An 11+ year old account with varied activity, under 1k post karma (cuz fuck that rat race for imaginary e-peen points 🤣😂), but 65k+ comment karma... They can hook it up to a bot farm and have it shitpost from one side of that god-forsaken cesspool till kingdom bloody come for all I care at this point.

    I kinda feel like Han in A New Hope when they bust into the detention level to rescue Leia...

    shoots communication panel"Whatever, it was a boring conversation anyway."

    DarkErmac avatar

    Well said.

    Jojo-Mcfrost572 avatar

    Left and will not return. It can only get worse.

    Money corrupts all

    Simonoid avatar

    The majority didn't move away from twitter either. Some people moved to mastodon, but most either stayed or just straight quit twitter
    That said, I Am so much happier here on the fediverse


    I think his comments are directed at the moderators who have caved, not necessarily to every viewer of the video


    His broader point is that he thinks mods should have stuck to their guns and kept subs private which would include their historic posts. By even reopening, they're allowing traffic to return to the site even if a few large communities are memeing hard. For the most part, subs that have reopened are going to return to business as usual. All because the mods of those communities didn't want to sacrifice their control. Spez called their bluff.

    While thousands of users have been driven away, there are still more than enough who will remain and continue to engage with the site. The only lesson Reddit will have learned is that they can just wait it out no matter how unpopular of a decision they make.

    I'm very curious to see if there will be any meaningful drop in traffic at this time next month.

    FaceDeer avatar

    Reddit was never going to just go away as a result of this. Even if every blacked-out subreddit remained private forever and everyone who was aware of this protest walked away, there's plenty of oblivious users and remaining subreddits to continue operating.

    The "win" condition for the protesters is some or all of the following:

    • Give Reddit bad publicity in the mainstream press
    • Cause a drop in ad revenue. Money is life as far as Reddit is concerend.
    • Harm Reddit's valuation in its IPO. Money is life.
    • Help Reddit replacements get established, restoring competition that Reddit thought had long ago vanished. (You are here).

    Nothing was going to stop Reddit from going ahead with their API change, all we could hope for was to make it hurt for Reddit. And in that regard I do believe we've scored a solid win. The Fediverse is now competition for Reddit, and as they squeeze and squeeze their users for money over the years to come there's now an escape valve that users can flow out of under that pressure.

    kill avatar


    My goals in aiding protests were just as you say. I wanted to help consolidate the instances I use, and the communities I use. I've always known reddit will stay there. I don't even think I'm wounding reddit. That beast is too big. All I can do is piggyback some popular posts and get a few hundred to a thousand people to fill up my instance and make me a bit happier about this whole debacle :)

    FaceDeer avatar

    We're a swarm of mosquitoes. We bite Reddit and it's painful, but really the only way we're going to kill Reddit is if in the process of swatting at us Reddit forgets that it's holding a machete in its hand.

    Fortunately Reddit shows signs that it is indeed doing that.

    Tashlan avatar


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  • Icalasari,

    Thing is, Reddit is so big that it can only die due to stupidity on their end

    So I see it more as Reddit, instead of swatting, going full bug spray mode and spraying so much they poison themselves instead of a little poison that's just enough to keep the mosquitoes down (in this case, things like the over priced API, brushing off the protests, the threatening mods, and other self destructive behaviours. The API was going out during dusk, the brushing off protests was going, "It's fine" instead of applying repellent, and the threatening mods and other behaviours from here on out being them getting swarmed, panicking, and spraying the toxic shit in obscene amounts)

    GeekFTW, to SquaredCircle in Botchamania 481
    GeekFTW avatar

    Goddamn I think the Uno's pee'd themselves (you'll know it when ya get to it).

    EccTM, (edited )

    That entire Mystery Wrestling show was great, just stupid fun matchups.

    I’m definitely keeping my eyes peeled for when Uno announces the next one.

    Just checked Uno’s Twitter X profile and there’s already been an announcement

    theodewere, to technology in John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!
    theodewere avatar

    this is what you get when you gut regulatory powers in your government, you morons who vote Republican.. pull your heads out of your lazy, fat asses..


    Nice try on inserting political circle jerk comment into a non partisan issue.


    "Way to politicise this political issue!" - Morons everywhere

    theodewere avatar

    what do you fail to understand about what i said.. or is that ass just too cozy inside..


    Governor Hochul sabotages NY right to repair bill, right on schedule

    Thats Another video from Louis

    Get educated instead of shilling your brain dead politics, boy

    theodewere avatar

    so you don't understand the direct causal relationship between Republican politics, and deregulation.. that's what you're telling everyone here.. that your head is too buried to see that..

    you need to understand that when you speak, it mostly just sounds like farts, son.. you need to try to speak more clearly..

    this is why no one needs to take your concerns seriously..


    Keep on doing the circle jerk clown

    theodewere avatar

    maybe reality is sad because when you open your eyes, all you see is the inside of your own colon


    Why is u this hurt?

    theodewere avatar

    you'll be alright, i can see you're learning in spite of yourself

    Chozo avatar

    This is inherently a political issue, because partisan policies enable this sort of abusive behavior from John Deere in the first place.

    If you can't see that, then you don't understand the full breadth of the situation being discussed, and probably should avoid commenting on it. There's no point in popping into a conversation to say "I don't understand anything that's going on, but here's what I think about it anyway", because nobody cares for uneducated opinions. Unless you're just fishing for an internet argument, in which case I recommend maybe just sticking to a Roblox forum or something else that's more to your speed.


    Which side is fixing it for you?

    BonfireOvDreams, (edited ) to solarpunk in Stop Being a Climate Change Doomer avatar

    People should respond as if it is fixable, even if it is not. Any mitigation or reduction is positive. If you’re gonna go out, go out swinging. Reject the status quo. Expect more from yourself and others.

    And also go Vegan 🤗


    The problem is fixable, but my biggest worry right now is that rich nations will do enough to save rich nations. They’ll get most of their power from non-carbon based sources, pollute significantly less from industrial processes, protect their agricultural output, and switch 90% of cars on the road to BEVs. Then they just deal with the problems of increased flooding, wildfires, etc.

    Meanwhile, the Middle East turns into a power vacuum because nobody wants their major export anymore. Africa starves to a level not seen in decades, or maybe ever.


    and unionize ✊

    AdmiralSnackbar, to politics in LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It
    AdmiralSnackbar avatar

    Yeah honestly fuck off, you people are all about personal rights until it’s something you don’t personally approve of



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  • mephiska,

    fuck off bigot.


    So this is what leftists are like? A bunch of hateful individuals?

    PugJesus avatar

    someone named 'TraditionalMuslim' peddling anti-LGBT bullshit accuses others of being reactionary

    lol. lmao, even.


    If you can actually look at the arguments presented instead of judging based on someone’s beliefs, you might learn a thing or two.


    There are no arguments to be made because lgbt people just want to be accepted. the only harm to children is the abuse from the anti LGBT assholes. Stop trying to control people, that’s the whole agenda.


    If that is how blind and one-sided you are living in your echo chamber. Then there’s nothing I can do about that except hope you are guided to the truth or face the consequences you will see in the next 10 or 20 years how much more worse the situation has gotten with this LGBT agenda.

    lowdownfool avatar

    The "LGBT agenda" is to be left alone. Stop sticking your nose in other people's sex lives, genitals, etc. The sickening and depraved "Muslim Agenda" can go double suck Jesus and Mohamed's cock with the equally disgusting Christians. Block this idiot and move on.


    Real mature for mocking religious figures. If you don’t have the decency to respect other groups, this just shows your hypocracy for defending the LGBT group. I thought leftists were supposed to defend minorities?

    lowdownfool avatar

    When you show respect for the LGBT community, I'll show respect to religious groups that call for their death. If Jesus or Mohamed have a problem with me, I have given them a standing invitation to show up and prove me wrong. So far, they haven't come around. I wonder why.

    TraditionalMuslim, (edited )

    It’s Muhammad (ﷺ) and Isa (Peace and blessings be upon him). And no I’m not promoting for vigilante justice or mob mentality to kill LGBT folk but want them to understand that these desires are tests from God and restraining them will only benefit you and the community. If you do the opposite, it will only harm the society and you will see it with your own eyes if/when that happens.


    Muslims aren't a minority. Fuck off with that nonsense. There are 1.9B Muslims globally, and, just like Christianity, they fuck up every country that they're in charge of.


    They are in the US. less than 2% in the US. If you look at Muslim countries, they don’t have these social issues. Other issues like corruption sure, but not this degeneracy.


    Degeneracy, like, say, your founding religious leader fucking children?

    Joe Smith with his 14 year old wives ain't got nuthin' on a guy that's fucking 8 year old girls, but you've got a stick up your ass about gay people?

    PugJesus avatar

    Go ahead, present your arguments.



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  • snipgan,
    snipgan avatar

    Correlation does not imply causation


    So are you saying gay parents have some other problem that is causing this?

    snipgan avatar

    Have to prove and show it either way.

    Itty53 avatar

    Stop feeding the troll. Block him. Move on. He's here because he wants your negative reactions. He's a loser and this is the only way he knows how to get himself human interaction. You're encouraging him.

    snipgan avatar

    True, but I engage for others to see just in case. Lest they control the conversation due to my inaction.

    lomendil avatar

    For others who are looking at this thread, the paper breaks down abuses by mother and father. The first cut is that 34% of the abuses were homosexual. So reasoning in generalities to support anti-LGBTQ+ causes is a misrepresentation right away. This is typical "scientifically backed" misinformation where the facts are twisted.

    I'm not going to engage with the troll, but wanted to put something next to that link.



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  • HelixDab,

    That claim has been thoroughly debunked, and neither Paul Cameron nor the Family Research Institute is not a credible source.

    That is a junk paper.


    Citing a blog as a source. This is where you get your credible research from?


    The blog cites sources, and the SPLC is a more credible source to start than FRI.


    They're almost certainly fash posing as Muslim.

    lowdownfool avatar

    Saying "don't react to this incendiary post!" is just telling us you're trolling or just trying to shove your fake morals derived from ancient mythologies down our throats. Naw, we will always resist you.


    I ain’t trolling. Knew I was going to get reactionary hate but was looking for some honest discussion. I guess I expected too much from this echo chamber.

    lowdownfool avatar

    There is no such thing as honest discussion with religious zealots. It's impossible to talk facts with people that believe in fairy tales, demons, heaven, satan, etc. Two completely different realities.


    If you think all religion is the same then that just shows your ignorance. Religious scriptures are not even in the same league either. Quran is preserved from the time of of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and there are manuscripts that are carbon dated to his time and also the fact that the Quran has been memorized by hundreds of millions of people throughout the centuries without any discrepancies speaks volumes about how the true message has been preserved, no other religion on the planet can claim this.

    lowdownfool avatar

    It's still just all made up garbage, sorry. Those memorized verses vanish after you die and your brain decays.


    You're such a painfully obvious troll. Fuck off back to the fash sites you belong on.


    If you only knew that I wasn’t. You’d probably engage in some discussion instead of resort to hate.

    lowdownfool avatar

    I think we've all seen the muslim version of "love". Hard as fuck pass.

    numbscroll avatar

    Oh hello rage baiter, lol. See ya 👋

    electronicoldman, to mildlyinteresting in 99.9% of Americans have never tasted a Blackcurrant or Gooseberry. For nearly a century, the US government conducted a war on currants and gooseberries. The History Guy YT

    So you’re saying the US government went on a wild gooseberry chase?


    Kerrigor avatar

    He'll be back berry soon, just running to the gas station

    serfraser, avatar

    Couldn’t find him, it’s become a wild goose chase.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    Good to see you’re keeping up with currant affairs

    pollodiabolo, to reddit in Reddit user alleges California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) non-compliance/violtion; and finds it difficult to delete posts and content on Reddit

    so the CEO known for sharing pornographic pictures of minors online does not respect people's privacy after all? who would've thought

    nevernevermore avatar

    I’m OOTL, spez did what now?


    Spez was a mod of the jailbait sub before the corporate buyout shut it down. Technically we don't know if he shared any pictures, but we know he was a mod at one point.


    He's a piece of shit, but worth noting he was a mod of /r/jailbait at a time that mod requests sent to users were auto-accepted. He did not need to actively do anything. All he needed to do was ignore his Moderator privileges and inbox for a while.


    It should also be said that back then you could nominate users to be a mod and appoint them without their input.


    Spez was a mod of /r/jailbait

    Worth noting that at the time users did not need to agree to be a moderator, it could be thrust upon them. I've heard that he had comments both on the sub and comments defending it, but have not personally seen any proof of that.

    It's not strictly untrue, but it has implications that I don't personally quite believe (though I'm willing to change that opinion if somebody has evidence).

    Epilektoi_Hoplitai, to news in James Cameron reacts sub implosion: 'I'm struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself' avatar

    Hubris is the word.

    The CEO Stockton Rush, just off the top of my head:

    • Fired his own director of marine operations for formally reporting “numerous issues that posed serious safety concerns". These included that the viewport was only rated to 1,300 meters, the carbon fiber hull had flaws which gave it the potential to fail, and that the hull integrity monitoring systems installed in response "might only provide 'milliseconds' of warning before a catastrophic implosion".
    • Refused to submit to an industry certification process for the sub, despite being warned in an open letter with dozens of signatories that failing to do so risked "negative outcomes (from minor to catastrophic)".
    • Denounced the laws regulating submarine tourism as having "needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation".

    At least he wasn't a hypocrite about regulations.


    "might only provide 'milliseconds'

    "Don't give me your mumbo-jumbo Mister Scientist - will the alarm go off or not?!"

    RustledTeapot avatar

    This trend of companies firing the person responsible for giving safety warnings is really troubling, and I'm concerned that our whole planet is going to go down like that someday.


    Don't worry, the planet's gonna be fine.

    Humanity on the other hand...

    blivet avatar

    "The planet," in terms of a rock orbiting the Sun, sure, but we are killing an awful lot of flora and fauna that would be doing fine if we weren't around to fuck things up.


    Life always finds a way. At least until the moon has drifted so far from our orbit that our atmosphere is no longer sustainable and the oceans boil off the surface of the planet.

    blivet avatar

    Life always finds a way.

    Are you sure? Even if it's true, I like the life forms we've got right now an awful lot, and they don't deserve what we're doing to them.


    Just nudge the moon back like that asteroid we slammed the thing into.


    Yes and the 6th mass extinction event is well underway. Still, the planet's life forms bounced back before and will do so again, I guess.


    Denounced the laws regulating submarine tourism as having “needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation”.

    He was a consistent Republican donor, apparently, so probably a devotee of the "regulations are holding back innovation" religion. In other words, "I want to cut costs and make more profit, so I'd rather risk people's lives than spend money to protect them."

    Fauxreigner, (edited )

    As I recall, he literally said regulations were holding back innovation for submersibles.

    DoucheAsaurus avatar

    He died like he lived, shirking safety in the name of commercialization.

    BuxtonWater, avatar

    Like that flat earther that made a steam powered rocket (not that high) to try and prove the earth is flat via that (somehow?) Ended up going downwards very fast with nothing stopping him except the solid Earth.


    he never thought the leopards would eat his own face.

    or he never thought his sub would be his coffin.

    CoderKat avatar

    needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation

    Gosh, I can't imagine something as minor as passenger safety being important... Seriously, is this guy real or is it three psychopaths in a trenchcoat?


    Currently neither, just some small squashed pieces on the ocean floor


    Who knows with him.

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