
Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to memes in Two Party System. Why.
Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

The Constitution was literally the best a bunch of doped-up, syphilitic slaveholders could come up with to replace the divine right of kings. They even had a first try with the Articles of Confederation and fucked that up.

We really need to stop teaching kids that a system of government written by people who used leeches to cure hysteria is the greatest thing ever created.

Poayjay, to memes in Aaand, now you're old

Whenever if feel uncool for being old I just remember that I wasn’t cool when I was younger either, so I’ve lost nothing.

livus avatar

Paradoxically once you get to middle age, the other middle-aged people think you're uncool if you do know slang from younger generations.

It's annoying because I can't help picking it up.


That’s so lit.


Congrats you’ve picked up middle aged slang from 10 years ago.

ivanafterall avatar



My dude, welcome to the late 90s.

ivanafterall avatar

Mmmm, say that again.

@blackluster117@possumpat.io avatar

Where’s the beef?


gotchu fam

livus avatar

This whole thing is making me feel streets ahead.


That’s heavy, Doc.


dat backflip doe



livus avatar

It all comes back around sooner or later.

A few years ago everyone was saying "ouf" a lot, made them sound like my family member who was born in the 1930s.


I demand a prize.

Aurix, to mildlyinfuriating in What the actual f*** is this Rockstar?

These things are ableist. We are reaching the point where AI can solve these much more reliably than a human. As a result the difficulty has to rise and will exclude more and more people which might have problems with “basic” tasks from a neurotypical perspective. Not to speak sometimes there might be multiple solutions depending on language and cultural interpretations.


Don’t they normally offer other options for people who can’t do the visual challenges?

MxM111 avatar

As if all people can understand English speech well.


Do audio captchas require English? I’ve never actually done one but I sorta assumed they were language agnostic, or at least would adapt their language to the system language.

@jaykay@lemmy.zip avatar

On rockstar it’s listening for birds in music and stuff, but still it’s 20 of „pick which number song out of those 3 has bird sounds”


Yep, Blizzard’s is “pick which audio clip has only one person talking” and you literally have to do it 20 times.

It’s absolutely fucking awful.


Try them. Last one I tried was absolutely utterly impossible. Two times ago, it was easier or just as easy as the visual CAPTCHA. Unfortunately can’t recall either provider/site.


I’ve had to do a lot of Jira captchas over time. They were so horribly ambiguous that I had a failure rate of about one in two. So I tried the audio captcha and was met with the sound of a demon being murdered and nothing else.


Well at least you know there’s one less demon out there 👍

@CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social avatar

Eventually shouldn’t we theoretically reach a point where AIs can solve any possible practical to use captcha just as well as a human? I kinda wonder what the answer to replace them will eventually be

@ThePantser@lemmy.world avatar

Let’s ask the AI to come up with something

@RickRussell_CA@lemmy.world avatar

“Prove you’re human by chopping off a finger.”


“Make yourself bleed on camera to prove you’re human.”


It’s already beatable right now, there are services in third world countries where people get paid fractions of a penny to solve captchas for machines.


Well, this isn’t a problem for smaller, less centralized services, so that might be an answer. Obviously not an answer big corporations will bring to the table, but ultimately, it might simply be among the reasons why users do still prefer smaller services.


These captchas are also collecting data to train AI models


Yeah it’s almost like the whole thing was fucking stupid from the get-go.

“Prove you’re not a machine by training this machine to pass this exact test.”

And we know what the response will be, here. More and more of the internet gated by incredibly invasive verification methods.

If you’re not willing to let the OS/web browser fist fuck your computer’s most intimate areas, down to the hardware, and work it like a puppet just to make sure you’re not a bot, then you’ll just be hard blocked from every site.

Never mind how that will incidentally allow them to report that you’re using a VPN or an ad blocker to websites, or some other unapproved software, and even take action against all that while harvesting data…no, truly the biggest concern is the bots.


“Prove you’re not a machine by training this machine to pass this exact test.”

There is nothing stupid about this unless you believe that the people behind it had no plan to change out the challenges over time.


These have been used to train ai for decades. Of course they can solve them, it’s what they are being trained to do by them.

SzethFriendOfNimi, (edited )

WCAG AAA actually mentions that. Which includes things like OTP. It’s going to be tricky to balance security with accessibility in situations like this for those with cognitive and physical limitations


OTP is a success criteria instead of captchas but then you have issues with accessibility when you require somebody to have a device like a phone for the code or require them to app/context switch. So somebody using a device using their eyes or tongue as an input trigger would have a hard, if not impossible, time logging in with that arrangement.


Passkeys ftw

@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

The future wasn’t supposed to be like this.


Oh yeah, it’s ableist as fuck. The worst offender I’ve run into was a CAPTCHA I had to solve to make a neuropsychologist appointment, of all things. Sure, they only required the use of basic skills to solve, but those were the very skills I was seeking treatment for.

Gave up in tears, never got that appointment.


I feel your pain. I have rare disorders which affect my executive functioning, so simple tasks are insurmountable at times for me while my intellectual ability is unaffected and likely above average. Which leads to two things: I rarely get help making appointments and what to do and just “do it yourself” without guidance and get kicked out. And the other one is that I could not be possibly correct interpreting the test results, because how could I have the ability without being an official researcher to research things. I am deeply frustrated, the more tests I run and see my thesis is correct, the more push back by doctors it is more likely to have randomly a dozen conditions instead of a single one uniting them. Welcome to Ehlers Danlos.


I stumbled on this recently


I can hardly claim to know enough about captchas to weigh up the cost / benefit, but I was delighted to come across a captcha that didn’t try to force me to train an AI


I ran into this recently. Trying to get access to a credit union’s system as a vendor, they had a captcha that was the old style image of distorted text, with a text box labeled “are you a robot?”. Having the tendency to take things literally, I initially typed “no” into the box. That was not the right answer.

originalfrozenbanana, to asklemmy in Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window.

Weird self report. The only thing stopping you from being evil is social pressure?


I think someone else in this thread said it best. The more power you have the more temptation there is to fulfill your whims. Why do you think billionaires live the way that they do?

At least, that’s how I see human nature. I made this post because I think there’s room for reasonable debate.


It’s easy to be cynical about human nature when the extreme negatives are so amplified and given so much publicity. You have to remember the vast majority of people do still possess empathy.

FfaerieOxide avatar

I think what people are taking issue with is what this implies your whims are.


Reasonable debate about what? That most people would be evil if they had the power because the people who have power are often evil? That inference does not follow. That’s not a logical claim, it’s a self report at worst and a fallacy at best.


Not quite what I’m saying. It goes the other way around: people are morally questionable by nature and this comes out when people have the chance to act without facing consequences.

So the debate essentially boils down to whether you think people are essentially good/bad at heart. That’s something people can reasonably disagree on.


Your evidence for the claim that people are evil by nature is: billionaires are often evil and you would make immoral choices if you could stop time. That’s just a self report and a logical fallacy smashed together


You really would prefer to strawman instead of seeing where reasonable people could disagree huh. Maybe the point is too philosophical for your taste.



You’re not reasonably debating if you start from an illogical premise.

If you don’t like debate don’t come complaining about being debated.

It’s also a bit weird you’re whining about the straw man that you brought up in the first place


If OP had super powers, your life might be in danger right now for debating the incorrect position or way or whatever.


people are morally questionable by nature

You keep making sweeping statements about all of humanity.

Please speak for yourself.


Why do you think billionaires become billionaires? They were already messed up before the money and had no morals to stop them from doing immoral things to get it.

If I knew I'd never be caught, I'd hope I would do things that billionaire brown-nosers think is immoral. But it's things I believe are moral. Like reclaiming stolen wealth from billionaires.


Or they were given money and have zero qualms or repercussions while exploiting it or exploiting people

SharkAttak avatar

Yeah but think about it: you could check someone's ass fully instead of stealing glances, put random dirt smudges on people's faces.. it's hard to resist such a power.

Haus, to memes in History lives in the present
Haus avatar

It worked so well when they did the same thing for themselves and Ireland.


Well… it shouldn’t be an issue.


They even had a nice little name for it, The Troubles Fun Times!


“Spicy diplomacy”



dreadgoat avatar

It always works out fine for them. I don't know why anybody says imperialism or colonialism are bad or destructive, seems to me that Britain and France and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch are all doing fine. Really weird how maps of their empires seem to overlap a lot with parts of the world that currently or recently experienced a lot of, idk let's call it "troubles?" They must be dumb or smth


Well, since those former colonies can’t quite work it out on their own, maybe they should just be brought back into their respective empires again? 🤔


Also that whole India/Pakistan thing. And I seem to remember some stuff happening in Africa.


The secret ingredient is running the fuck away before either of them notice.


Because all those countries had lovely relationships among the people beforehand with absolutely no genocide and war.

Really easy to make perfect borders that makes everyone happy.


They weren’t countries. They became countries when the colonizers (and I’m using that term as accurately as possible) lumped together into managed regions and then told them they were countries with their own governments and flags. It was all “We’re going to conquer these people and these people and these people, then put Governor Fitzroy, nephew to the Prince, in charge of all of it with a big army to back him up.” Then they wrote laws and made flags and all the happy crappy stuff they do. Then they lost WWII (because pretty much everyone except for the US lost WWII), and said “you’re on your own.”

They turned former colonies into artificial countries with governments that all but guaranteed factionalism.

There was always war, and there always will be war. But the specific type of war we’re seeing in former colonies is because of the post-colonial situation.

@bandario@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Are you suggesting we should reinstate the glory of the British empire?


How the fuck did you get that from what you just read??


Exactly and when they drew the borders of those artificial nations, they had a strange talent for choosing two or more peoples who would otherwise never have formed a nation together voluntarily, so they still don´t get along today and probably never will.


And the Soviets did the same with Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Or Moldova and Transnistria. Or Georgia and Abhazia and South Ossetia

DanteFlame, to memes in I agree with many of the points but, fucking hell, we get it

Most of the other countries with problems don’t have their citizens walking around loudly declaring as a matter of average discourse that they are the “greatest country in the world”.


Ever seen Europeans on the Internet act like the way their country or continent does things is the only correct way, and North America is too stupid to realize it?


We just want you to know


We just want you to know that arrogance isn’t strictly an American problem.


It’s hard to be humble when you’re just so goddamn good

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

Makes me think back to when we invented America. Good times


Yes, every day.


thing is: US-americans obviously ARE too stupid to realize it.


Have you ever actually met an American


Several and they all sucked, acting like they are the only ones in the space, being loud, obnoxious, and arrogant


Sounds like you met Americans with money and time to travel internationally. That’s… not very many of us. I’d posit they’re some of the worst… most financially successful… but the worst.


Yes all Americans are loud obnoxious and arrogant 🙄

magnetosphere, (edited )
magnetosphere avatar

Yes, many Americans act like you describe. However, many other Americans are embarrassed by (and ashamed of) the ones you describe.


I wouldn’t even say many.


Oh then you have met every American my bad. I should have known your personal experience equals everyone else’s and shows what every American is like rather than a shitty group that can be found in any country.


Have you met a European, Chinese or Russian person on here? Holy shit they (we) are annoying.


Bullshit. I’m European and I’m extremely adorable.

And humble!


And delicious with maple syrup!


I bet!


I AM a European.

I’ve never heard any German claim that this should be a good country by any means.

“We’ve kinda got some industry” - “yeah, but china got more”

“We’re relatively good at healtcare and social security” - “have you ever even heard about nordic countries?”

“Uh, freedom of religion?” - “france does it better”

“We’re claimed to be exact and punctual?” - “No, that’s the swiss.”

“Beer and Bread?” - “That’s more like the polish?”


This is an obvious bad example because German nationalism died with Hitler. Of all European countries, Germany hates itself the most.

DAT, (edited )

German nationalism died with Hitler

Oh, how I wish this to be even remotely true!

so you claim that portuguese run around, claiming theirs is the best country?

How about the austrians? Irish? Scotts? Danish? Polish? Czech? Croats?

Note: I wouldn’t ask about Netherlands or nordic countries (because imho IF they’d claim that, then they just might kinda have a good point) or the swiss (they can claim similar, I just wouldn’t follow their reasoning in the slightest).

Well, and there’s the English too…

But still: what is a good example in your opinion?


Finn here. We’re really good with suicides and domestic violence and alcohol abuse


It is remotely true. Waving German flags at soccer games was essentially non-existent. Germans are more likely to identify as European rather than German, compared to other EU nations. If you ask Europeans “is your culture superior” people like Greeks say yes but people like Germans say no.

A good example would be the UK or France .They believe they are top dogs but, by US standards, they are impoverished.


They believe they are top dogs but, by US standards, they are impoverished.


No, they are not.

Median wealth is way better. and that doesn’t even take into account that you can get way better housing/healtcare/whatever for less money.

What are you even talking about?



Soccer games are like the only* socially accepted events where you can proudly bring out a german flag without looking like a nationalist. At world championship the whole city is a sea of black-red-gold.

I’m quite surprised.

Tho I’m not a soccer fan and therefore don’t know how that looks abroad.

*(hyperbolic; guess if we think more than a few seconds we could find more, nut that’s not that important of a point here)

GreyShuck, to asklemmy in Why don't we wear capes/cloaks anymore?
@GreyShuck@feddit.uk avatar

The actual reason that we don’t is pretty much because of the invention of sewing machines. Once sewing machines were widespread, making coats became sooo much cheaper than they had been. Coats need a lot of tightly made seams which took time and so made coats very expensive. With sewing machines, making these seams was vastly quicker and more reliable.

Coats win over cloaks in so many ways because you can do things with your arms without exposing them or your torso to the rain and cold: impossible with a cloak.

Capes were the short versions - and intended to cover the shoulder and back without seams that might let the rain in, but with the new machine made seams, they were not needed either.

The really big change was when it became affordable to outfit armies with coats instead of cloaks or capes. At that point all the caché and prestige that was associated with military rank disappeared from cloaks and capes and they were suddenly neither useful not fashionable.

Nowadays, of course, they are no longer what your unfashionable dad would have worn: they are quite old enough to have regained a certain style.


The other big reason is that the world is cleaner. Capes and cloaks also protect the whole body from mud/dust and can be easily removed. Riding a horse or walking on dirt roads is a lot dirtier than riding in cars or walking on a sidewalk

GreyShuck, (edited )
@GreyShuck@feddit.uk avatar

The original type of coat that would have been worn when riding was the Great Coat - which did cover the whole body, down to the ankles (and included the front of the body much better than a cloak). Those would have been worn by military officers, particularly.

Those were fine for riding, but then if you were off your horse and end up in the newly developed trench warfare - starting from around the US civil war onwards - you ended up wading through mud which got caked to the coat. So then they started cutting the coats shorter and they became Trench Coats.


Vogue tells a different history of the trench coat, claiming its origins are actually raincoats for active well-to-do British gentlemen:


@GreyShuck@feddit.uk avatar

The “British Warm” was the intermediary as I understand it: a shorter greatcoat favoured by Britsh officers in WW1. The Trenchcoat itself was modeled to fit over, accompany or replace this.


For a military officers that are practically nobility would have more and different clothing options than the average citizen.



LillyPip, (edited )

you ended up wading through mud

Horse shit. In cities, you waded through horse shit.

As someone who has done extensive reenactment in period dress, sometimes in towns dedicated to realism that banned cars and relied on horses for travel, you wouldn’t believe how terrible even a dozen carriages and a few dozen private horses can be to your skirts/trousers and shoes. Especially when it rains.

People sometimes make light of women in the past who changed their outer clothes two or three times a day, but if you were in town, your attire would be absolutely foul after a few hours in the same outer skirt. A long cloak helped immensely to keep your skirts or trousers from soaking up horse sewage.

Once cars took over, that stopped being a problem, cloaks weren’t as desirable as they obscured fashion, and coats became shorter and more for protection from the weather than from horse shit.

There was a bit of military influence, but that was more about fashion than functional influence.

e: clarification

witty_username, (edited )

I would like to subscribe to coat and cape facts

@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

Also, Batman.


I know someone who wears a cloak cape. They explained this to me how practical it was back 300 years ago that you could wear your nightly blanket.

I asked them if that was a situation they ran into often while living in Brooklyn. Having to bed down for the night with your cloak.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Or just living in New York where it’s cold in the winter. It’s a blanket you wear over your coat. You’re not supposed to wear it as your only piece of outer clothing.

pimento64, to comicstrips in The Sun


MxM111 avatar

It’s its

@jennwiththesea@lemmy.world avatar

And narcissistic.



Ethalis, to casualconversation in Which warrior would win in a fight?

Who would win in a fight? A half-naked militiaman with a bronze sword or a soldier in full armor with a steel katana?

Don’t get me wrong, Greek hoplites were great in formation for their time period, but the individual spartan was basically just a decently fit dude

Jaysyn, (edited )
Jaysyn avatar

soldier in full armor with a steel katana?

If they also have their yumi (longbow) & any amount of distance, that hoplite or spartan is a dead man.


Technically we are talking about Spartans not hoplites. The Spartans had bows, javelins, and slings too. But ranged weapons aren’t great against steel armour. And their bronze armour would have caved like butter if hit by basically any of the steel weapons and ammunition the samurai used.


Samurai also had straight up guns. For centuries. They bought them off of Portuguese traders and developed a local industry

@Atelopus-zeteki@kbin.run avatar

So, don't bring a bronze sword to an armored, steel sword/ longbow/ gun fight?

rwhitisissle, to programmerhumor in why type lot letter when few do trick

Instead of either, it’s good to have a more descriptive primary branch:

git checkout -b dontwritetothisbranchdirectlyyougottaopenaprfirstandhaveitreviewedandapprovedandthenpasstheautomatictests


Git checkout -b neverpushtothisbranchthismeansyou


<span style="color:#323232;">git checkout -b dontcommitherejerry
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

git commit -m “that sign can’t stop me because i can’t read”

@synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

git co -b nevergonnagiveyouupnevergonnaletyoudown


Git checkout -b branchprotectiononlyworksifyouarenotsetupwithadminprivilegesontherepoingithubthismeansyouhowardgodammit


Y’all. At least put some dashes between the words


Oh of course. But I was following the code standard set by the first one. I suspect everyone else was too.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

howard knows what he did


Still shorter than a java class name.

magnetosphere, (edited ) to memes in Damn Millennials
magnetosphere avatar

Remember, kids - when you boycott a business for being “woke”, you’re a patriot with strong moral values. When you cancel a business for “bigotry”, you’re ruining the economy, and part of the reason this country is going to hell.

downpunxx, to memes in Two Party System. Why.
downpunxx avatar

to OP, go fuck yourself

roofuskit, to memes in Two Party System. Why.

I see the campaign to suppress Democrat voter turnout has started.

downpunxx avatar



It is all over everything right now. It’s giving me PTSD from 2016. Are we voting Jill Stein again?


If you’ll match my donation I’ll explain how Bernie can still win

IHeartBadCode avatar

If the duopoly of our government is enough to convince folks not to vote, they weren’t going to vote anyway and were just looking for a reason.

I don’t disagree with OP, but at the same time, we’ve only got one tool to enact change. So let’s use that tool to get things like ranked voting.

But you’re also right, plenty of folks out there telling folks to give up. All the more reason to not in my opinion.


That’sa lie. I’ve voted every election since eligible age but fuck the two majors. I’m happy to write in, but I’m not keen on Cornell anymore either so I’m about to nope, unless someone better than the status quo comes along.


Give up? More like the Republicans are grasping for straws considering how bad they have done in local and midterm elections. They could be putting propaganda to dissuade Democratic voters, which I don’t see happening anytime soon. Biden (and many Democrats) has surprisingly been more progressive for me as a leftist and many people appreciate that. My theory is that the pandemic and the government response to alleviate the costs after the lockdowns made Americans appreciate more government assistance.


The people we need most to turn out and vote this election season (18-24) are the most susceptible to this kind of campaign. And you very much can get them to vote with the right message.


I’ve voted democrat for every election I can remember. And while I like to see my “team” win as much as the next guy, at some point you realize that other countries have better electoral systems in place.

Meanwhile, we’ve all acquiesced to this 2-party winner takes all bullshit.


What country would you point to as a good example?

skulblaka avatar

Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Malta, Northern Ireland and Scotland all have ranked choice vote. Slovenia had it previously but regressed to FPTP in 2021.


Sweden, Germany, Colombia, Australia, etc. Ranked/Alternative/Proportional voting. We should have multiple choices without fear of voting for less popular options being useless. With our current system we basically can’t vote for third parties.


I’m skeptical of ranked choice voting being a panacea after watching Eric Adams get elected in New York


Wtf NYC, electing a cop to be mayor ? Surely there were better options.


Let’s not pretend that ranked choiced voting in Oz didn’t elect Tony Abbott, the prototype for Trump’s one liners and spewing hate.

Every answer to whatever question: “Stap the boats”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for it. But it’s not some silver bullet that will make all the party candidates turn into Jesus.


It takes a while for the effects of party decentralization to take hold. The underlying party structure is at the core of two-party systems. RCV is just one incentive (a big one) to restructure parties to be more democratic and diverse, instead of coalescing into monolithic amorphous blobs. Along with Gerrymandering laws, campaign financial regulation and voter civic education. It all has to work in concert to dismantle the social control version of democracy.

DarkGamer avatar

The way to end the 2-party stranglehold is to implement RCV or similar, and the only party trying to do that is the Democrats.


They are? More info please.

DarkGamer avatar

Sadly, no. It benefits them to keep it the way it is.


Oh. I thought we’d reached the ninth circle and hell had frozen. :-<

DarkGamer, (edited )
DarkGamer avatar

DC democrats do not represent Democrats nationally, but if you find that compelling, far more local Democratic groups support it:

  • Alameda County (CA) Democratic Party
  • California Democratic Party
  • Colorado Democratic Party
  • Maine Democratic Party
  • Massachusetts Democratic Party
  • Minneapolis, MN DFL Party
  • Progressive Democrats of America
  • Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
  • San Francisco (CA) Democratic Party

Compare which cities and states have implemented RCV in the US, (mostly blue,) and which states have outright banned its use (mostly red.)

Democrats did a big push for RCV in 2019, and while the Biden administration hasn't weighed in yet, the Obama administration he served in supported it.


The committee coordinates strategy to support Democratic Party candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office Source.

Not to say that a grassroots movement can’t enact RCV. But as we saw with Bernie, the establishment will not give up power easily.




They do and I’d love to have a better method available to us.

However the meme is a little off.

One party doesn’t give a fuck about you, the other actively wishes you harm and works to that end.

They’re not “my team” but they’re well past “the lesser of two evils” given the other one.


Same. Democrats are shit but I mean…fuck republicans more.

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

Look I hate a two party system as much as the next person but the both sides are the same thing is just not true, don’t say it.


The most confusing thing to me is how Democrats can have majorities in the House and POTUS and their agenda gets inched along but the second Republicans have that their agenda gets rammed through asap.

Is that a misconception? It certainly seems that Republicans make much more aggressive and active use of their power.


Republicans have forced out anyone who doesn’t walk in lockstep with the party. They have gone as far as to run alternative Republicans in some races, causing the conservative vote to be split and forcing the incumbent Republican to lose to the Democrat. Meanwhile, Democrats will let a far-right nutter like Joe Manchin run as a Democrat because he is slightly to the left of some other even crazier bastard. Even when the Dems win a majority the Republicans do everything they can to keep elected people from being sat for as long as possible. During Obama’s term, Franken was elected, but the Republicans drug out every legal battle they could to contest his win and keep him from being seated. In the end, the Dems had an actual majority for only 4 months, and even then had to get 3 Republican votes to break the Republican filibusters.



this is incorrect, the GOP controls the House atm. The Dems control the Senate.

Really, take time to understand how legislation is crafted in a bicameral congress, it’s worth it.


I didn’t say they controlled the house, I described what they do when they control the house.

Do pay attention to the complexities of the English language, it’s really worth it :-P


how Democrats can have majorities in the House

man I’m just reading what you wrote.


They clearly meant in the past


there are words and phrases which could indicate that which they chose not to use, so clearly? really?


I described what they do when they control the house


poorly, maybe.

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

Gottem lol


If you’re referring to relatively recent events (like the first 2 years of Biden’s term) you need to look no further than Kyrsten Sienema and Joe Manchin. “Democrats” that opposed the agenda (and general Good Things™) for personal greed and lobbying interests. Biden had a majority in the house, and a hostile supreme court, which we’re going to be dealing with for a good long time that’s to McConnell’s fuckery. The defection of Sienema and Manchin made progress very difficult.

It’s also harder to get the wider variety of interests in the big tent of left to go in the same direction. Kinda like herding cats.

The_Picard_Maneuver, to risa in Does anyone know where I could get a phone inserted into my body? (Example below)
@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

It only works with android


What about the eyePhone?


It does have the most Data.

Draegur, to gaming in 2 way communication is key

i’ve been in relationships where someone passive-aggressively refuses to communicate (or simply through incompetence doesn’t know how, and/or came to believe that I was supposed to already intuitively know their position and condition)

One such relationship recently ended on thankfully good terms.

One such relationship was years ago and never quite got off the ground because I was NOT going to play along with the stupid games.

Several others got up through the initial courtship phases but then disintegrated as I realized that my partner at the time was not going to engage me on an honest basis.

These people are real. They’re really out there. And they’re either destined to be vaguely miserable forever, or someone is going to have to teach them and make them intensely miserable in the immediacy until they learn - and not many people have the patience or psychological energy to guide someone (who is kicking and screaming objections about how they shouldn’t have to change or grow or adapt because they’re special and perfect just as they are) through establishing a basic understanding of communication.


When people are adults, it’s their job to learn the things and seek the knowledge and self improve. That thinking that you can save someone, that one will always get you in hot water. You just focus on improving you. And leaving the drift wood behind.

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