@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar



Sharks are cool and comfortable!

You may know me from Sandwich, Twitter (same username), or Twitch (as Sharkaeopteryx).

If you follow bc I boosted your funny post I'll remove you. I don't follow-for-follow. Don't EVER put me in a FollowFriday-type post.

We can chat about languages, teaching, food, adult ADHD, and more.

US-born Vietnamese cis woman on Kecoughtan & Kiskiack lands. Pronouns she/her (pref none if we've never interacted).

Profile pic: me in a mostly black Asian steampunk outfit.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

I'm boosting a lot of celebratory stuff and I don't blame ANYONE for celebrating, but tbh I—myself, personally, not speaking for anyone else—will save the celebrating until we see some actual, real, affects-the-political-landscape consequences…and even then it will depend on what those consequences are.

Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Last boosts about how to act when you are being a rando in someone's mentions: We can't see your face or posture or hear your tone of voice, all things that would signify intention in person. If you are agreeing with someone on a post, lead with that! Otherwise I guarantee it's not as obvious as you think it is. This goes double if you want to agree with them in even a mildly joking way or if you are agreeing with their outrage at something else.
Reply-flies need not apply.

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

Well, fuck. I couldn't sleep and now it's 5:30 am, so I guess I'm gonna shower and start work early.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@grrrr_shark 🫂 Hope you can get some rest today 💛

Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Have any other bra-wearers with hips/thighs wider than their shoulders ever successfully "stepped into" a bra?? Am I misunderstanding what "stepping into a bra" means??
Presumably it works for ppl with different proportions but mine aren't rare, why tf do bra manufacturers constantly tell me to try "stepping into a bra" if hooking it or pulling it over my head doesn't work?
(If your answer is "I don't wear bras (:", please note I specifically asked for input from a different demographic, ty)

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

So I spent a big chunk of my life living next door to Louisiana (Houston) and now I live next door to Quebec (Toronto) and it just this moment occurred to me to check if Quebec has beignets. Like, I'd simply assumed if I ever went liking for beignets I'd find them. So I asked a Quebecoise friend, and

Okay, so they do have them, but—

Quebec beignets have holes???

My world is (topologically speaking) rocked

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@mcc @dragfyre Yeah, my opinion was that beaver tails were like elephant ears with more/different topping options. I liked the one I had but it sure isn't a fluffy beignet 😅
(Side note, we went to a street fair the other day and kept trying to get an elephant ear but they were all "sold out" and only had funnel cakes 😭)
(Side side note, on the other hand, the local Creole place does beignets stuffed with mango preserves and they're divine 🤩)

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Friends. I don't get it.

I understand the idea of a loan: borrow money, pay it back over time plus a fee for the favor of having more money sooner.

I understand having a company and taking out a loan: borrow money to do something to help the company make more money and pay it off... but it's OK you made enough that it was a good idea.

But HOW can someone borrow money to BUY a company then say the cost of the loan should go on the companies books?

I don't get it. :(

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@futurebird (depending on relevant state laws etc):
A forms business entity B, which takes out a business loan to buy company C. After the purchase, company C ceases to be separate and gets folded into business entity B after the purchase so the books for biz entity B and company C are the same, which will reflect the loan amount still outstanding for biz entity B from the purchase of company C. If A decided that the now-combined entity will use company C's name, the loan will, too.

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Thicc Descartes isn’t real and he can’t hurt me.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@futurebird @ptmesis he thicc, therefore…

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

I truly never thought that I'd get to the point where visiting Germany would give me the "relief of home" vibes, but Switzerland is very hard, and there are people I love in DE.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@grrrr_shark I hope you have a wonderful trip!

Faintdreams, to XMen
@Faintdreams@dice.camp avatar

Feels almost as if, if you've haven't read (and memorized) the past 30-odd years of X Men Comics, then X-Men 97 is mostly a confusing mess.

Might be just me though ?


I want to enjoy a show, not spend hours learning about obscure Easter eggs from wiki's.

Stop making entertainment homework ! 😖

#MCU #XMen97 #XMen

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@Faintdreams same! I keep hearing how good it is, but it's one of those things I'd rather watch with someone who does know the lore (who isn't a judgmental pedant like that other guy in your mentions) so that I can ask questions and generally watch them be gleeful (and then explain why lol).

side note, it's hilarious* to me that someone thinks saying "you don't have to read 30 years of comics but you SHOULD've watched 76 eps of a show made 27 years ago, duh" is at all helpful.


Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Seeing another wave of "people in red states should just move" from US folks and yet another round of "well akshully there was never anything good on twitter, why is anyone still there" at the same time really shows how these are fundamentally the same mindset. They think because they can afford (in more ways than financial but also very much financially) to be in places that are comfortable for them, that anyone who can't can just burn, while completely ignoring how everything is connected.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

In addition to being casually cruel, "ppl in red states should just move" betrays a fundamental level of ignorance about democracy. If you believe in democracy, understand that other states materially affect national outcomes.

Meanwhile @Tinu , who is struggling to afford her chemo meds to stay alive or her mortgage for her family's home, is still on Twitter because she gets more funding there than anywhere else and still in a red state because she can't afford to leave.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

I just…y'all are out here demanding that people tag mutual aid requests in the most dehumanizing demeaning ways possible, or for people to stop posting mutual aid at all. Then you turn around and say you "don't see any good" in social media platforms where people are actually able to raise that money (not from nazis but from other people who can't afford to leave) and you "don't understand why everyone doesn't just come here".
Again, that place sucks, but you're not making this one any better.

Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

TODAY is @so_treu 's birthday! If, like me, you are grateful for his presence, hilarity, knowledge, and advocacy work now and in the past, please consider sharing (and if you are able to, donating to) his payment links!


Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Kind of wish when you blocked someone, the little "make a personal note about this profile" window would pop up so you can remember what the reason was later. This grump isn't just about fedi for once because afaik no social media has cracked this, and I'm not techy enough to know if it's an easy fix or not.

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

Sorry if I'm running at the mouth today, it's just... there's been a lot of gaslighting and it's hard to know when I'm doing the right thing and when I am getting in the way. I just don't have it in me to fight anymore.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@grrrr_shark Don't apologize, this stuff is hard and lonely enough as it is and you are in a place which prioritizes productivity over people. It's so hard and feels so bad to talk about bc they act like we're supposed to have all the answers but we ultimately can't fix anything if they can't/won't help themselves. Sometimes it improves on its own and sometimes not. I wish I had ideas for you, or at least that we lived closer so I could give you a hug or take you out to vent occasionally 🫂

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@grrrr_shark actually, I know the time difference is an issue, but do you have friends you can just talk to out loud about it? Or is the worry that N might overhear and it would make things worse?

Faintdreams, to random
@Faintdreams@dice.camp avatar

Weird things happen when I declutter.

This is King Melon.

They wish to state - 'Hail fair citizen'.

#Declutter #UnfuckYourHabitat

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@Faintdreams you know what, maybe melon royalty would work better than human royalty. So sure, why not, they can have a little fealty, as a treat.

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Update: Although I believed I had mastered the Orb, its ways proved to be stranger and more subtle than I had known

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@mcc Oh, no! Were you able to get up in time?

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

And in a final act of self-defeat for the evening, I wipe my phone so I can put it in a bag for tomorrow and go to sleep so I can get up early and catch my flight and… oh… oh wait… I just disabled my phone… which is also my alarm clock.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@mcc I know this isn't an eclipse post but I boosted it as though it was, thank you and sleep well

majorlinux, to random
@majorlinux@toot.majorshouse.com avatar

I think I'm now in the era where people are using voice messages to communicate long thoughts.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@majorlinux I've received some and it's. Idk, to me it's like the worst parts of a phone call with none of the benefits 😭

grrrr_shark, to random
@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

Filling out that stupid form knocked my off of my stride, because I uncovered (looking for stupid information), looking through old mails, some nastygrams from my ex accusing me of using the pandemic to keep N from him, when in point of fact, she simply refused to go see him.

He can't understand that she only wanted to see him under circumstances SHE could control, and that there was nothing I could physically do to make her go.

You know, I know running from your old life isn't the answer, but being forced to dive back into it for eternity because the country you live in can't understand "this person now has no hold over me and I was never their property" sucks ass, and it makes me hate living here a lot more.

Why, why must the English-speaking world all be so super-fashy? Because I'm never gonna fit in HERE, and now I can't really go back anywhere :(

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar
Sharksonaplane, to random
@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Personally I don't mind if people I follow post about politics that don't affect me personally, it's good for me to know more about different places and I want to know what affects my friends'/acquaintances' lives. I suppose this is another culture shift between people who came from other social media and people who apparently want their feed to be a neat long series of content warnings.
Ironically, quote boosts would make adding CWs to boosts much more viable and accessible. But anyway.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

idk idk, imo if you follow someone there's a good chance you want to know more about their life, experiences, etc. And I do think that learning about peoples' lives on their terms instead of yours leads to better and deeper understanding. But everyone is different. I'm not against the idea of using content notes, but the lack of quote boosts means you have to either link the post, which kills engagement on it and might break threads, or actively steal the post, which feels shitty.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Also as a warning, sometimes I specifically boost one post from a thread instead of the whole thread because the rest of it may contain content I don't want to boost without CWs, the way views and threads get broken here means I again can't warn about this in any way that will consistently help the people who need them bc "re next boost CW" doesn't necessarily get seen in order. I can unboost if it bothers you but idk what to do outside of that other than just steal content, which also isn't ok.

jonny, to random
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

Is there like a standard process for like "hey I noticed you made exactly the same argument as me using the same primary refs without citing me after we talked about this a bunch of times, would you mind adding a citation"

I dont like to think I "own" any ideas, and obviously it could be coincidence from working in the same space, but it does get tiring because it happens to me all the time, I think partially bc I self publish and institutionally brainwashed ppl dont think that "counts," and it would be nice to feel respected by people I respect.

@Sharksonaplane@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

@jonny if it feels this close to those convos, maybe "oh hey this was great! Just curious, did it pull from some of the conversations we had on [venue]? Because it reminds me of them!" and seeing where it goes from there. I see your fear but honestly at this point you already have a soft enemy potentially by accident—if you ask them to credit and they do, that's good, and if they don't, well, you already didn't trust them because of this, the only difference would be you'd then know it for sure.

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