jacqui76, (edited )

This makes me so f**king angry!

They voted for something that plenty told them was a stupid idea. They were warned by NO but they fell for the lies. Now it has turned out EXACTLY as the remain campaign said it would.

You have regret and want closer relationships with the #EU. How about 'No'! This is what you voted for. You won get over it. Deal with it!

More than half of voters now want Britain to forge closer ties with the EU, poll reveals | Brexit | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/may/28/more-than-half-of-voters-now-want-britain-to-forge-closer-ties-with-the-eu-poll-reveals


@jacqui76 Yup. Buyers remorse? Sorry, you can’t just take it back to the shop.



Yep - #Brexit is definitely past the 28 days for a return at this stage.

You bought it!
You broke it!
Now you fix it!*

*NI & Scotland may not be included


Sadly, we live in a country that elected a government that chose a person, sacked from multiple jobs previously for lying, and asked us to believe in him and them.
Tories are scum. Lying, loathsome, murderous, treacherous, self-serving cunts. All of them.
#GTTO #GeneralElectionNow



I agree with all of that 100%

#Brexit is why I went from a contented unionist to someone who is very much hoping to see a new shared & united Ireland.

The sooner the better for our future on this island!


@jacqui76 @PacMan I do hope you get your wish. My wish is for an independent Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. WM has never cared a hoot for NI, Scotland or Wales. It’s never been a union of equals. What England votes for the rUK get. We don’t stand a chance 533 Eng MPS vs 18 NI, 40 Welsh & 59 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.
I do want what you wish for. I always have. Long before I became so politically aware other than being aware of the troubles in NI in the 60’s n 70’s.

jacqui76, (edited )

@Caledonia @PacMan

It can't be an equal union when it was formed at the end of a sword! Also, not equal, if you can't exercise your right to #self-determination about your constitutional future without permission of an #English man or woman.

I think #NI will be away before #Scotland. #Brexit broke everything & it isn't for fixing. Also we have the #UN protected international peace agreement to allow us our #BorderPoll

I think with demographic changes here, the growth of the middle ground

jacqui76, (edited )

@Caledonia @PacMan

that uniting this island is a real prospect. Plus it is closer than it has ever been, not thanks to years of violence, but a stupid referendum called by an aggorant British Prime Minister. Backed by a desperate #NI political party to be more #British than the #British.

@JorisBohnsonPM@mastodon.social avatar

@PacMan @jacqui76

“Sadly, we live in a country that elected a government that chose a person, sacked from multiple jobs previously for lying, and asked us to believe in him and them. Tories are scum. Lying, loathsome, murderous, treacherous, self-serving cunts. All of them. “

Yup, that sums it up nicely.


@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar
jacqui76, (edited )

@Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

Why am I not surprised...I am not!

It is becoming clear why he doesn't want his diary details exposed.

He is guilty of everything he has denied!

Plus who would want to admit they are friends with them pair? I would be trying to keep that quiet! Any connection to them and your life gets destroyed.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan ,

LOL, One Was Wrong Copy & Paste, Sorry 😔😐

This Right One At: https://twitter.com/Scott1984FP/status/1663117565952925697?t=KYT3uCK0k7WxeibMaEpAwg&s=19 & https://twitter.com/AdamBienkov/status/1663088452861059072?t=5ZugdkyoAFB-Rmp3wuQURw&s=19 ,

Rachael Johnson Blabs To: #LBC & #TheDailyVile ,With Fake Shock & Outrage Over #RupertMurdoch ,Like How He Get To Exchequers, Like: #BorisJohnson Some Political Lacky Forced To Spend Christmas With An Prime Minister & His Families,

Yet He Is The Fucking Prime Minister & Bloody Invited Him Personally Too & Get Bribes,Orders


@Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

All of them are as vile as each other. Why the sister is on @LBC is beyond me? She should read the room! A long period of silence from anyone named #Johnson is required.

I am sick off the lot of them!

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan , Most Uk & USA Media/Press/Radio/Social Media, Owned & Run By Toxic Right/Far Right CONservativism Values Ideologies Extremism Big Media Tycoon Empire Owners/Investors,

They Prop Up Failing CONservativism Political Parties,So When In Governments They Can Have Say In Certain Laws, Rules, Taxes, Workers Rights, Etc,


That's Why Rachel Johnson On: #LBC ,Like: #NigelFarage & #JacobReesMogg ,Was Too :(

#BylinesNews #CaroleCadwalla

jacqui76, (edited )

@Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

A massive overhaul of the English media system is required. Starting with ending of the non dom status. Then watch the newspaper owners all sell their publicans if they actually had to pay tax.

Plus I would say tougher laws about political donations would also help. Everything is declared which is fully public, no hiding of anything.

Lastly disband the Tory party!

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan , Yeah It All Needs Fixing , & Honest Open Debates About It & How England Isn't More Superior Than Rest Of The World Either ,

Its Ok To Say Where We've Gone Wrong , As Long As We Clean It Up :)

The #CONservatives / #ToryParty ,Should Have Died Off 30-100 Years Ago,

Not Existing 200-400+ Years , & Seeking It To Continue In 21st Century & Beyond Either :(


@Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

The English political system, the Monarchy and the media - all need reviewed, changed or even done away with.

This is 21st century, none of those three institutions are fit for purpose. When they are all based on superiority, British exceptionalism & jingoism and faux-patriotism.

They are selling a lie about the British standing in the world which hasn't existed for quite sometime.

#Brexit exposed the English to the reality of their status in the world.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan ,

If The #ToryParty Elites Establishments Party, Elites Establishments, Lords, Royals, CONSERVATIVISM Media/Press/Big Oils & Big Plastics/Big Pharmaceuticals/Big Businesses, UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform Party Uk, & Co,

Hadn't Done: #LeaveEU Scam Frauds, The Tory Party, Lords, Royals, Media, Could Have Kept Uk/Mainly English Asleep For Several More Decades,

Slowly, People Waking Up & Now Their Empire Might CRUMBLE In Future :(


@Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

It's crumbling & alot faster than they expected.

Also, the #Tories have helped to weaken #UK union which will finally see the end of the long gone British Empire.

They broke the wrong union!

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan , They Were & Are Greedy , & Want To Control Everything & Everyone,& Why #LeaveEU / #Brexit & #ToryParty Cultism Keeps Pushing So Hard To Keep Power & Push Through Toxic Failing Brexit Too :(

Not Like They Didn't Have Most Of The Powers To Begin With, Brexit Will Destroy Or Split Up The Uk, Rigged Unelected House Of Lords, The Royal Family,

All Because The Greedy CONservativism Wanted Full Democracy Coup & Power At All Or Any Costs Too :(




@PacMan @Scott1984FP @JorisBohnsonPM

#Johnson I think believes he is telling the truth. It is how his whole life is - he has created a world around him that allows him to function beyond the boundaries of moral decency.

He has been getting away with it for so long - it's not lying to him anymore. He is doing everything to keep himself protected.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM , Oh He Thinks His Telling Truth ,As His Untreated Narcissistic Personality Disorder Sufferer / #NPD Sufferer, With No Boundaries Or Being Challenged/Called Out Ever :(

Nor Any Responsibilities For His Actions Either :(



@Scott1984FP @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM

I am not bothered one bit by this.

The more that is exposed will make sure he never sets foot inside No 10 again. His cult followers will try but the people now know what his many list of wives & mistresses know.

He isn't to be trusted, will lie to get what he wants and then will move onto someone else.

He may not be PM anymore but he will destroy the #Tory party at the next election.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM , Uk Heading For Much Darker & Nastier Times From CONservativism Governments & Media/Press,

With Distraction Techniques, To Hatred/Hate, Bigotry, Divisions, Biases, Lies, Misinformation, Propaganda Brainwashing Conditioning,

Nor Will Any #Uk #GeneralElection 's , Be Called Or Announced Until The Next #USA President Is Announced/Won,

If Its Conservative Republicans, Then We Extra Fucked , As They'll Steal Democracy If Needed Too :(


@Scott1984FP @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM

On that, there is an element within the Tory party that is copying the US conservative handbook. They hope it will win them next election.

The Tories desperately want people to get annoyed by the culture war & small boats but it's not working.

Look at the local election results - people don't care about the culture war, it doesn't put food on the table or pay the bills.

The #UK is not the USA -our problems are not solved by copying Trump.

jacqui76, (edited )

@Scott1984FP @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM

Also, the English press doesn't have the same hold over the 3 other regions of the UK. Plus look at Liverpool - they don't buy #TheSun

We have individual problems that are unique to each country, that requires different solutions, tailored to the society.

That is why the #Tories aren't popular in Scotland.

In NI they never get to 1% of the vote. Wales is Labour run.

The culture wars in the UK mean something very different to each of three regions.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM ,

Yeah, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Aren't Easily Tricked Or Brainwashed As English Are :(

CONservativism At Political, Media/Press, Big Businesses/CEO's, Extremism Religious Levels, & Dictatorships, Have Always Been An Growing Cancers On World & Hold Several Countries From Becoming More Tolerant & Wealthy & Healthy By Investment In Our Countries/Societies Key Public Sector Services Such As: Schools/Education, Health, Homes, Energy

jacqui76, (edited )

@Scott1984FP @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM

Yeah we aren't!

Why... because we all have experience of what it is like when the #English/#British coming calling!

#Colonisation wasn't that fun for those who were being colonised.

I read somewhere, that now the British don't have an Empire to exploit, they will start doing what they did to the colonies on their 'own' people.

Many English people are learning exactly why they are referred to as 'Perfidious Albion'.

@Scott1984FP@mastodon.social avatar

@jacqui76 @PacMan @JorisBohnsonPM ,English Can't/Won't Refuse To Self Reflect, Critise Themselves/Ourselves/Our Past & Only Focus On Good & Often Delusions Of Good We Did/Fairytales Of Good Uk & England/English Did For World & Others,

Its Unhealthy Too Look At Failings, Errors, Mistakes, Negative Effects, Wrong Doings, The Bad,

As Makes Harder To STOP Repeating Bad Presents/Futures , & Self Harming Uk By Selling Profitable Public Sector Services Now Make Offshore RICH 😞

@jbond@mastodon.social avatar

@JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan @jacqui76

All Tories are Hunts - #ATAC . All of them. PMs, Cabinet, MPs, councillors, members, voters, supporters, Thinktanks, SPADs, those right wing contrarians and their contrarian organisations. The right wing media. They're all complicit in destroying the UK and killing us.

#GTTO and utterly destroy them. Salt the earth they stand on so they never come back.

Vote for whoever will stop the Blue Tory. And only vote for the Red Tory if they really can #GTTO


@jbond @JorisBohnsonPM @PacMan

That is why #NI never votes for them! At the last local election in my area - he got 69 votes. We know a gobshite when we see one.

Now it is time the Tory voting public figured that out too!


@PacMan @jacqui76

Problem that I see is that this post could equally have been written by someone in the US, UK, or Australia.

#auspol #ukpol
#uspol #politics

@JohnLoader6@masto.ai avatar

@peterrelph @PacMan @jacqui76 they are all becoming so similar in their politics


@PacMan @jacqui76
Well said!





Totally correct Harriett. Also May was told that vote was flawed but she carried on regardless.

So while the #English continue to vote for #tories then they will continue to make us all suffer.

I use to have compassion for those who voted Leave and fell for the lies. It has all faded away now. I think they have to feel with the full consequences of vote before they get to start talking about #rejoining

@JohnLoader6@masto.ai avatar

@jacqui76 @harriettmb May carried on as she would have been ousted if she hadn't and sure enough someone worse took over


@JohnLoader6 @harriettmb

If the #DUP had supported her as the conditions for bribe she gave them laid out...then she could have continued. Her Withdrawal Agreement was far superior to Johnson. But no the #DUP like all his wives & mistresses fell for his nonsense.

And like they say...the rest is history!

@JorisBohnsonPM@mastodon.social avatar


“ More than half of voters now want Britain to forge closer ties with the EU, poll reveals | Brexit | The Guardian ”

The cure for stupidity still remains elusive.


jacqui76, (edited )


Yes to #rejoin for #GB especially #Scotland if #independence isn't on the cards.

For #NI - not #rejoining as part of the #UK

BUT Yes as a newly united & shared #Ireland.

After #Brexit - I never want another English government to have a say in how my island governed. It is #timetogo

#Brexit destroyed more than one union in my opinion. However, I am only sad to see one go.

@JorisBohnsonPM@mastodon.social avatar


“ After #Brexit - I never want another English government to have a say in how my island governed. It is #timetogo

With you 100% & I live in England !

After the last 13 tory years plus the blair & brown era, how can anyone want an English government ?



@JorisBohnsonPM @jacqui76

Apart from the considerable matter of the Iraq War the government was OK - a lot better than any before or since


@jackLondon @JorisBohnsonPM

The same Prime Minister helped delivered the #GoodFridayAgreement. Ask the majority here in #NI what that did for us?

The Iraq War was a disaster. The Good Friday Agreement was and is a worldwide success, held up as an example to others.

What has been forgotten in age of everyone must pick a side - #politics is more nuanced than we are prepared to accept. Plus leadership requires difficult & unpopular decisions to be made. That is why not everyone is good at it.


@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM

Indeed that was a considerable achievement - all the more impressive when you see how #toriesOut have failed so completely to progress from that agreement, yet it has not broken down. There are most likely hundreds alive today who would have been killed had it not been made.

There would also be many whose health has been aided by the huge investment in the NHS made in those years, & thousands of kids who had a better start in life that still benefit


@jackLondon @JorisBohnsonPM

The Good Friday Agreement has been stressed many times throughout the 25 years. By all colours of politicans here and from the big island.

Why hasn't it broken - because when the people of this island overwhelmingly voted for in favour of it. (now that was a referendum result) It became our Agreement not the politicans, we took ownership of it. There is not another way to maintain the peace on this island. We will not allow the British or anyone else to destroy it.


@jackLondon @JorisBohnsonPM

Yes the NHS had record high approval rating when Labour left office - now look at it. Plus the Sure Start schemes had tremendous benefits.

After 13 years of Tory Rule - all that has been destroyed. Maybe in future, people will pay attention to who they vote for. It matters!

This has happened because the people kept voting for the Tories. Maybe just Maybe a lesson has been learned but at what cost

  • The NHS gone, international reputation in the gutter etc.

@jacqui76 @JorisBohnsonPM

For those the #toriesOut REALLY serves - that is, the top 2% by wealth of the population - it is entirely rational to dump the #nhs and impoverish state education to switch to a private model - it ensures they personally get the best services & live longer, their offspring a boost out of reach of the hoi-polloi and entrenches their privilege

If is the other 95% of Tory voters I cannot fathom

jacqui76, (edited )

@jackLondon @JorisBohnsonPM

Looking on from this side of rhe Irish Sea- I never understood the desire to vote for the #Tories. They seem to only enrich themselves & their mates. They don't want to spend tax payers money on things to help the public. However, they spend that money if it suits them.

I also don't understand why so many sit back, shrug their shoulders and let them away with it. Why is there no public displays of anger? My argument is there isn't enough police to arrest large


@jackLondon @JorisBohnsonPM
crowds, if you take to the streets. It was there with the poll tax riots!

How much will be enough? Before people in the big island finally show their displeasure at the ruling classes?

At least start demanding a change in the voting system - #PR to allow a wider range of political representation at Westminster. So the #Tories & #Labour are forced into coalition governments - which are normal other parts of the world.

You want the #ToriesOut then make it happen



I don't think anyone wants an English government if God forbid if the #Tories win again. Or this current version of the #Labour Party get in. At least on the big island you can vote for the parties that can form a government.

If there is to be any hope of change - I think you need to change your voting system to #PR. Give the smaller parties a chance of more representation.

For me - I have checked out of Westminster. I am focused on getting a New Ireland!

@JorisBohnsonPM@mastodon.social avatar


“At least on the big island you can vote for the parties that can form a government.”

Trouble is, your idea & my idea of a government is somewhat different from what we have be receiving for the last 13 and more years.

Yes to #pr



Oh I have a very different form of government in mind for #NI

After #brexit, I don't care what colour the government is! I want them to set out the conditions for #BorderPoll to be called. Then along with the #NI Assembly start preparing a #whitepaper & forming #citizens assemblies - to prepare what a New Ireland will look like.

When the vote is called, we should know what we are voting for. Plus we should aim to win it. No repeat of the #Brexit nonsense.



  • Loading...
  • vitaminsludge,

    @jacqui76 some places like Austria and Poland put up with their imperial bullshit and allow employers to get them visas “because we can’t find EU workers” they don’t even look.



    They didn't think #Brexit would affect them, their right to live & work Europe. It was and always will be British exceptionalism. Which reached the end of the road with their vote for #brexit

    This is the reckoning that the #British has been coming since Suez. They haven't dealt with the lost of their Empire. They believe that they special and should be treated as such.

    Maybe it might be the start of them coming to terms with their past.





    They should maybe try to visit #Brexit Britain, to discover that they aren't 'better' than anyone now. Plus you can now have a 'British' education for a price.

    If ex students from #Eton are anything to go by - then you feck off with that in my opinion!


    I really don't care if this offends those who voted

    You didn't stop to pay one bit of attention to my neck of the woods - Not once did you stop to take into consideration our delicately balanced peace agreement.

    Now look at the 💩 show our politics has become because all that followed & stupidity of the backing the

    So I don't care one bit about your regrets! You should suffer all the hardships the consequences of that vote brought about.



    jacqui76, (edited )


    That says all you need to know about him.

    I seen that from Steve Bray - Paisley didn't look that comfortable being spotted.

    Maybe his constituency should think on that when he asks for his vote next?

    He offers men like that nothing so he really is their useful idiot. Plus the #DUP know that but don't have the balls to get rid of him. So he continues to drag them down

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