@DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar

"Netanyahu wants to solve what he thinks is the demographic problem of Israel":

The number of Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza, & Israel itself "is equal to the number of Israeli Jewish people."

He wants to annex Gaza, then initiate ethnic cleansing for Palestinians in the West Bank.

"That’s why the king of Jordan is so shocked about these plans, because he knows that he’s coming next. After they finish with Gaza, they will move to the West Bank"


#USPol #Gaza

@Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

@DrALJONES Netty will never be finished. He's HORRIBLE.

@DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES Seems likely between the two of them the entire list is touched upon

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    A fact completely ignored. The other side has come right out as said that ethnic cleansing is their goal.

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


    With the backing of U.S., only one "side", ie, govt, has the capacity and is acting on it.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    Oh, yeah? I guess all those dead Israeli kids and people shot in their own house, or cowering in a bomb shelter are faking it? Or is there some reason it's ok to shoot small children?

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


    Suggest you re-read @mnemonicoverload

    "There's a mile of difference between defending oneself and doing a genocide.

    "That's something the people of Palestine and the people of Israel both understand all too well.

    "A people are more than just the sum of their awful leadership be that Hamas or what can be fairly characterized as the most far right government in the history of Israel as a polity"

    Not just re-read; reflect on and try to grow beyond primitive Good-vs-Evil thinking

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar
    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    No I have not, I have boosted some and read many. just today even. But there is a difference. Just as it's unseemly for a man to tell a woman how they should dress, or a white man to tell a black man how he should respond to racism. It is also unseemly when people single out Jews as the only bad people, when they have just had gunmen rush into their country and shoot little kids.


    @DrALJONES @asbestos @mnemonicoverload Anyone who commits genocide and forces the US to take sides and consider a draft is 100% likely to be the evil side in the good vs evil debate.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @gentrifiedrose @DrALJONES @mnemonicoverload
    this is not a good vs evil debate here. this is one group of horrible people and another group of horrible people who have sized power. it's two groups of religious zealots who are hell bent on making everyone miserable

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @asbestos precisely the opposite. One side has the capacity to annihilate the other but hasn’t, despite ample justification.

    Why is Israel the only nation not allowed to defend itself? Jews are only .2% of the worlds population & 50% of Jews live in the tiny, only democracy in the region, surrounded by hostile neighbors. And when Israel is finally making progress towards normalizing relations & peace w/the Arab world… why do so many jump into the service of #Iran & #Putin ???


    "Ample justification" for ethic cleansing? There's a mile of difference between defending oneself and doing a genocide. That's something the people of Palestine and the people of Israel both understand all too well. A people are more than just the sum of their awful leadership be that Hamas or what can be fairly characterized as the most far right government in the history of Israel as a polity.

    @asbestos @DrALJONES

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda
    What is it exactly you are saying?

    @VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda

    Ignoring the "other side" ambiguity in your first reply, @mnemonicoverload was responding only to @Properganda (for good reason) and and only "cc'ing" everyone else, and @DrALJONES was complimenting her response to him.

    @Properganda needs to read at least this for a history lesson of decades of Israeli strategic slow-burn genocide:


    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @VulcanTourist @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda
    perhaps you need to learn about the centuries of violent antisemitism.

    @VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda

    Sure, that strategic mistreatment of Jews, having not been perpetrated by the Palestinian people, justifies the strategic mistreatment and genocide of those incidental people by the Jews for no reason other than that they happened to have been in the way of a manifest destiny.

    Fuck manifest destinies.

    It is you who need to learn, profoundly so.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar
    @VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda

    Irrelevant to everyone but you, in the absence of a cogent argument.

    @OgieOgilthorpe@stranger.social avatar

    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @asbestos @Properganda

    By your logic, that means that when a terrorist organization attacks a country, said country is no justified in using all means necessary to find and destroy the danger.
    What was your stand on September 11th?

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda
    So the ends justifies the means? So your OK with killing kids? You must also think that Hamas are freedom fighters.

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos Think there’s some confusion…@OgieOgilthorpe is simply stating that Israel is absolutely justified in retaliating against & eradicating #HAMAS terrorists.

    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    @OgieOgilthorpe @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES
    Yes, I got lost in the threads

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar
    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    Wait a minute, I might have been unclear as to who you @OgieOgilthorpe are referring to

    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @Properganda


    @DrALJONES @asbestos @OgieOgilthorpe @Properganda That's correct. The quest to get the "bad guys" doesn't justify the killing of innocent civilians that happen to be in the way. Yes that applies equally to eg US drone strikes after 9/11, etc. The ends absolutely do not justify the means.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    @DrALJONES @OgieOgilthorpe @Properganda
    Pretty much all wars slaughter kids and others who had zero to do with it, and zero interest in getting involved. It's bullshit and a reason that if I heard a meteor was going to destroy the planet I'd be "that's a shame"

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos HAMAS uses their own people as human shields. Israel warns #Gaza residents to evacuate & Hamas tells them to stay. The more “martyrs” the better for the evil #IslamicDeathCult

    @mnemonicoverload @DrALJONES @OgieOgilthorpe


    @asbestos @DrALJONES "Why is Israel the only nation not allowed to defend itself? Jews are only .2% of the worlds population & 50% of Jews live in the tiny, only democracy in the region, surrounded by hostile neighbors. And when Israel is finally making progress towards normalizing relations & peace w/the Arab world… why do so many jump into the service of #Iran & #Putin ???"

    The answer to your question, @Properganda , lies in Israel's appetite to grab land it claims a right to that's invalid. Even with global percentage of population being as you cite, Israel is overcrowded and cost of living is astronomical, so yeah--they want more land especially given that Israelis have had an interest in moving out just because of the cost of living (reported by i24News, profiling Portugal for one).

    Israel's use of some kind of Biblical God-deed to the real estate is just an excuse.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    @Properganda @DrALJONES
    So I guess that settles it. You decide that it's invalid.
    Also it's not just a "Bible thing"

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES

    Why is it so hard to see that #Palestinians & #Palestine are pawns/weapons used by Arab/Muslim regimes to scapegoat & attack #Israel ???

    The biggest oppressors & enemy of Palestinians, are their own “leadership” & their proxies.

    The sooner Palestinians & their supporters realize & acknowledge this, the better off Palestinians, Israel & the civilized world will be.




    @asbestos @DrALJONES Conversely, @Properganda , why is it so hard for you to recognize that indigenous people have always been used as pawns because nobody recognizes them as beloning on the land coveted by strangers?

    And why is it so hard for you to realize that the choices Palestinians have made were actually made by the same strangers? Israel meddled with the Palestinian Authority to create it to its own liking which made it an anathema to Palestinians, and what were the other choices? You're looking at a Hobson's Choice.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @claralistensprechen3rd @Properganda @DrALJONES
    The way you phrase this you act like a bunch of jews came from out of nowhere from the big Jewish empire to colonize a land they had never been to before. Which is totally accurate, if you forget about the empire part and ignore jews have been there for millennia


    @DrALJONES @Properganda @asbestos
    ...and you, on the other hand, pretend that there was some kind of Jewish nation all those years when there weren't. Judaism is a religion, even if you're a Jewish citizen of Greece. Or the Kingdom of Pontus. Or of Persia. Or of the Ottomans. Etc. Any religion that profers some kind of existence as "a people" is a racist religion--see also Parsee.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @claralistensprechen3rd @DrALJONES @Properganda
    Oh so any indigenous people are racist?
    And there was not a nation because a bunch of other people kicked it out, & took over

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @asbestos @claralistensprechen3rd @DrALJONES Not to mention, buying, developing & defending land, is all colonialism occupation & genocide, when it comes to Jews/Israel. But no matter who/what/where “Palestinians” are from & do, they’re somehow rightfully entitled to Jerusalem & the rest. If that’s not the tortured logic & mental gymnastics of dunno what is.


    @asbestos @DrALJONES @Properganda , that's a large sized turd you pulled outta yer arse. None of that's true. The issue all along has been the denial of displaced indigenous people the right to return because all Israel has looked to do is not be happy with just a Jewish State of Israel--they wanted and still want it to be 100% Jewish to the exclusion of all others.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar


    @Properganda @DrALJONES
    Yeah, I guess there haven't been Jews there for like 4000 years. And Judaism is a "religion", not a people or a culture
    "They" did this "they" want that
    Yes, by all means all Israelis want exactly that.and they all think the same. You going to say something about bankers now?

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES
    Funny how you keep projecting these things onto #Israel despite evidence to the contrary, yet completely ignore the fact that Arabs & #palestinians are the ones who have always rejected peace & that #HAMAS & #Iran explicitly state intent is annihilation of Israel & death to Jews. 🤥

    Why not just come out & say what your blatant lies already reveal? Oh yeah… cuz truth & honesty are anathema to your agenda.

    @RememberUsAlways@newsie.social avatar

    @Properganda @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES

    The first stone dwellings built by humanity were found in the region dating back 14000 years.

    Jesus is said to be a descendant of the tribes Judah and Levi, again, from the region.

    The Byzantine empire owned Jerusalem while Muhammad was destroying #persia

    In 1988 the Palestine National Council meeting in Algiers proclaimed the establishment of the State of Palestine.

    Hamas has no future.

    The hostages must come home.


    @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES @Properganda

    Your view that Judaism is solely a religion demonstrates your extreme Eurocentric, christocentric bias. There are many peoples of the world who are defined by ethnicity, ritual, and shared belief system. The idea that religion is fungible and centered on belief alone, disconnected from peoplehood, is a relatively new idea - barely two thousand years old. There are peoples who go back three, four, five, or tens of thousands of years who understand this.

    Prior to about two hundred years ago, Jews living in Greece or Egypt or France or Persia were not counted as Greeks, Egyptians, French, or Persians. We were always legally regarded as diasporic residents native to the Land of Israel, or Palestine, or Judea (depending on what the foreign rulers called it at the time).

    I can't even fathom addressing that you accused Jews, Navajo, Cherokee, Aboriginals, Dinka, and many others of being racist religions. Please decolonize your mind.


    @asbestos @DrALJONES @Properganda @rabbinathan , there is no such thing as genetic religion. If you claim to be of Hebrew heritage, that's more legit. Claiming that Judaism is something you test for via DNA, well, that's racist, and you can revisit the U S "one drop rule" to verify. Zionism is a European invention and here you are kvetching about Europeans.

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @claralistensprechen3rd @rabbinathan @DrALJONES @Properganda
    It's as much a culture and a people as any other.

    @ViciousBabushka@mastodon.social avatar

    @rabbinathan @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES @Properganda

    To antisemites, Judaism is a "religion" when it suits them, a "nationality" when it suits them, and an "ethnic group" when it suits them, usually when it is to argue that Jews are the guilty party.

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @ViciousBabushka @rabbinathan @claralistensprechen3rd @asbestos @DrALJONES 🎯

    #Jews are also the Schrödinger Whites.

    Jews are “white” when it comes to painting them as racist against Palestinians/POC & but also non-white or “other” to suit White Supremacists. 🐈 ✡️ 🐈‍⬛

    @asbestos@toot.community avatar

    @Properganda @ViciousBabushka @rabbinathan @claralistensprechen3rd @DrALJONES
    The "colonialism" accusation from a bunch of white Europeans just really sticks in my craw. It's really offensive. and it comes from many of the same people who would be absolutely outraged if someone referred to Native Americans as "Indians" or accidentally used the wrong pronoun.

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