onelson, (edited ) avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)

Background TV as I wind down my work day.

I'll work my way through the main 9 movies over the next few days, and starting with The Phantom Menace might be sacrilege to some, but who cares.

jaystephens, avatar

@onelson honestly episode # order isn't a bad viewing order imvho...

But I'm not really a huge star wars fan, so I'm allowed to think that.

onelson, avatar

Tis the season.

onelson, avatar

I bought this 9-pack on Amazon Video some time ago. Noticing the closed captioning is out of sync very badly, I really struggled to figure out where I could report the problem.

Watching this now, I see the problem persists.

It's so annoying. The captions are a good 60 seconds early. You see the lines way before they are spoken, often across a cut that hasn't happened yet.

onelson, avatar

This makes me want to hook up my Dreamcast so I can play Jedi Power Battles.

onelson, avatar

usa in big doo doo this time

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson immortal line of dialogue

onelson, avatar

It's hours and hours of Star Wars movie away, but I'm sort of looking forward to seeing Adam Driver in those Big Pants again.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson it only took them 8 movies but they finally put sexual tension in star war

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ I just think it's a neat look

zzzeek, avatar

@onelson I will never understand the Adam Driver casting decision

onelson, avatar

@zzzeek You don't think he did a good job in the role?

zzzeek, avatar

@onelson we watched every episode of Girls so he is permanently a sensitive enigmatic hipster who lives in Greenpoint , and they even put some of that character in the movie. He's not plausible as any kind of dark lord or anything like that for me. Made the movies feel much less serious

onelson, avatar

@zzzeek I liked him in Frances Ha as that one rich friend you have

onelson, avatar

When Anakin reads his lines, he sounds like he's presenting a book report, reading it aloud in front of his class.

onelson, avatar

As a teen I was deeply into Star Wars. I fell in love with it just in time to see the Remasters arrive, the color treatment was so good. Then immediately, I felt the rug pull of the Special Editions. I enjoyed being able to see beloved movies in the cinema again, but all the CG additions felt like a betrayal.

The Phantom Menace continued to push me towards feeling obligated-then-alienated.

Today, I feel different. Today, it's fine. This is not a good movie, but really are any of them?

acdha, avatar

@onelson I think the big thing which hit the prequels was the realization that George Lucas had only ever thought of them as basically kids movies. I wanted the alternate world where he had an equal relationship with Marcia.

onelson, avatar

@acdha Yeah, precisely.

onelson, avatar

@acdha Spy Kids in Space.

onelson, avatar

dunna get me wrongo

onelson, avatar

This is what he calls pod racing.

onelson, avatar

As for the filmmaking happening here, I think the cast must have been so wrung out and beaten down by all the green screen that even when they are performing against live actors, the eye lines are still so fucked up.

onelson, avatar

I think the level of detachment on set works in some cases. Sam Jackson always looks incredibly bored, and I don't think that was just his acting skills.

onelson, avatar

This scene where the Jedi Council are evaluating Anakin brings back memories.

As an animation student, one assignment in my sophomore year was to do a sort of self-portrait lipsync thing. We had to sketch a caricature of ourselves, then do a CG lipsync animation where we stood in for another character in a clip from a movie.

I took the place of young Anakin and argued with Yoda for mine 🤣

onelson, avatar

Neeson: "I can only protect you; I can't fight a war for you."

Neeson: ...

Neeson: "Unless you are TAKEN, in which case..."

onelson, avatar

Fates? They are dueling.

onelson, avatar

The kids says this is also pod racing. He's in space this time.

onelson, avatar

What's up / it's time for ep2

onelson, avatar

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)

This is my favorite of the prequels because I love the presentation of Jedi as Hardboiled Gumshoe Private Detectives.

onelson, avatar

Still, there's a lot in this movie not to like.

Why is Anakin so much of a creep? How does such a fucking creep still get the girl? Gross.

onelson, avatar

Side topic: it's sort of wild that we try to separate church and state, but in Star Wars they've got religious cult cops, and queen senators.

onelson, avatar

This guy is about to kill the women and the children too.

onelson, avatar

Retconning star wars like Anakin is a crypto bro who wants to manufacture scarcity in force sensitives.

onelson, avatar

The lightsaber battle between Yoda and Dooku was sort of fun the first time but it didn't have any of the emotion/tension of the "duel of fates."

Honestly, it was sort of throwaway gimmicky nonsense.

onelson, avatar

It's too late to start ep 3, probably.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Yeah, okay. This one largely didn't work for me, but it's my next stop on this Star Tour of mine.

In a real way, this movie just sort of "fills in gaps" which probably isn't one of those golden rule of storytelling things iirc.
If I want to fill in anything around this period, I'd probably watch the Cartoon Network Clone Wars show by Genndy Tartakovsky, which was beautiful.

onelson, avatar

This one has a sith droid who's developed a cough. Sure.

onelson, avatar

The early portion of this movie is chock full of slapstick, often involving droids. This is verging on The Three Stooges, but fake as fuck and therefore less rewarding to watch.

onelson, avatar

I have to work harder to find things to like about Episode 3.

onelson, avatar

It's so incongruous. Obiwan, Anakin, and Palpatine are in the cockpit of half a huge cruiser which they crashland on a runway. During the landing they crash into a control tower, which presumably had people working in it. Presumably the "back half" of the cruiser was manned by several people. Obiwan cheerfully announces a "happy landing" in spite of this. Surely there was a considerable loss of life.

onelson, avatar

"How can you BE on the council and NOT be a Master??"
I think Anakin is rightfully perplexed but at the same time this kid is a shit. He's so stupid for not realizing Palpatine is forcing the move. Dude is a dumb dumb.

onelson, avatar

Obiwan is explaining the "spy on Palpatine" mission.

onelson, avatar

All this said, I do quite enjoy the sweet irony of the misreading of The Prophecy. I think it's cute that "bringing balance to the force" was a reduction on the Jedi side to realign to the Sith side. It's a total "technically correct is the best kind of correct" move.

onelson, avatar

Anakin thinking to himself: man, this Palpatine fellow knows a lot about Sith legends. Cool.

onelson, avatar

The randomizer has chosen. The next battle arena is: Wookiees on the Beach

onelson, avatar

I think CG Yoda was overall a loss. Puppet Yoda is where it's at.

onelson, avatar

I have to hand it to 'em. Hayden Christensen has great hair in this one.

onelson, avatar

Obi-wan shot Grievous in the heart, just like that famous Bon Jovi song.

onelson, avatar

Obi-wan was the one who gave Love a Bad Name all along.

onelson, avatar

Love that Senator Palpatine had a lightsaber hidden up his sleeve all this time like he's De Niro in Taxi Driver.

onelson, avatar

Unlimited Power.

onelson, avatar

During all the action sequences, I keep thinking of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Like, the entire thing is animated, but there's (possibly) one live actor in the frame. Often the actor isn't even there. It's a CG likeness.

onelson, avatar

I love Jimmy Smits. I hope he got paid.

onelson, avatar

Something I'll never understand is how Padme didn't know she was having twins all this time.

onelson, avatar

They've got space ships and shit, but no ultrasound.

onelson, avatar

Once this one is over, I'll get a little more settled in for hobby hacking hours. I have a cat who is begging for blanket on the couch time, but I keep fussing with chores like an idiot.

onelson, avatar

I'm glad that Jimmy Smits is the real hero of the prequels, picking up all the loose ends so the original trilogy can happen.

onelson, avatar

Not going to overthink this but it's curious that on Mustafar, a job you can get is to stand on a floating platform and scoop lava out of a lava river with a long-handled bucket.

onelson, avatar

She's lost the will to live.

onelson, avatar

[Vader moaning]


onelson, avatar

I lied. I'm overthinking the lava bucket Mustafar job.

It really makes me appreciate the sci-fi that takes into account the function of things, mechanical and societal, when building a world.

onelson, avatar

My hope is, somehow, the lava bucket job is to by chance scoop out some sort of precious mineral that only shows up in fleeting conditions.

Maybe it's like panning for gold, but in lava, and the lava destroys the gold as fast as it creates it.

onelson, avatar

I'm sure there are screeds about this on some wiki somewhere.

onelson, avatar

Since I bought these on Amazon Video, they are followed immediately with the special features, which in this case are a series of unfinished CG sequences. This takes me back to my art school days. Lots of flat shaded, untextured, blocking animation.

onelson, avatar

These aren't even renders. They are what we referred to a "playblasts" (Autodesk Maya jargon).

onelson, avatar

The model stand-ins they are using to block Anakin's motion show him with a long ponytail, which I think is neat because it gives him that sort of Leo Johnson look.

onelson, avatar

In this scene, they are absolutely wrecking the shit out of the structural integrity of the Mustafar Lava Farm installation.

I guess they just cut out the literal load bearing parts of the sequences cc @mcc

onelson, avatar

Yeah, okay. I'm just going to let these deleted unfinished playblasts roll while I finish chores. THEN it'll be time to partake in ep 4, putting me back on a more sure footing.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Have you ever done Rogue One into Ep4?

onelson, avatar

@mpirnat No. I don't have a copy of it, so I probably won't.

onelson, avatar

I'm looking at all the A New Hope Posters. There are several designs for me to choose from.

onelson, avatar

I'm going to use the special edition ones, I guess. That's what I'll be watching, after all. The artwork for those posters was great too. Love the look.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

I wanted to go to Tosche Station to get some power converters.

onelson, avatar

Something remarkable about Star Wars is how this movie is loaded with oddball wipes and dissolves that are laughable on paper but somehow they work.

onelson, avatar

A circular wipe? Fucking stupid, but also ... Please, go on...

onelson, avatar

Obi Ben Konami? That Old Arcade Wizard?

onelson, avatar

I don't trust this old guy. He seems like the sort of guy who'd tell you things that are true but only from a certain point of view.

onelson, avatar

I like that at this stage, most people don't really give a fuck about the force and will openly mock this guy who slaughtered all the younglings, back in the day.

onelson, avatar

And I never thought about this before, but that whole "jedi as investigators" thing holds true in this movie as Obi-wan makes the key observation about Sand People always traveling single file while they survey the blasted up Jawa Sandcrawler.

onelson, avatar

In reality, Obi-wan is really just a Mary Sue, put here as a narrative shortcut. Let's not draw out the investigation. Instead let's jump straight to the punchline.

onelson, avatar

It's sort of insane how much ground we cover in such a short time in this movie, tbh.

onelson, avatar

We're at the Cantina now. Can I get, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, a large Blue Milk

onelson, avatar

I mentioned it earlier, but I really think the controversy around "who shot first" is more of an indictment against the fandom than anything else. It's got a superficial impact on how I see Han as a character. The bigger problem is just how clumsy the edit was, which is the same as the rest of the special edition aftermarket mods.

onelson, avatar

I didn't need this CG Jabba for anything.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson I take CG Jabba very personally. CG Yoda is the bigger crime, but CG Jabba hurts more.

onelson, avatar

@Sadsquatch CG Jabba was an "unforced error." We didn't need that scene for context or any other reason. Lucas had the footage and was like, "well I guess I can use it." It's like those scientists who made Jurassic Park without stopping to ask if they should.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson exactly, utter self-own.

flyingsaceur, avatar

@onelson pouring one out for Fat Irish Jabba

onelson, avatar

@flyingsaceur yeah, he was great.

onelson, avatar

I will say, I don't mind a lot of the CG space ship changes. The CG Millenium Falcon looks fine, and the rest of the Rebel fighters also looked good. I can overlook the fact that they feel subtly to undercut the achievements of Murin et al on developing the whole technique of "Go-motion" animation. The effects shop in '77 invented a whole new way to handle motion-control photography.

onelson, avatar

Let the Wookiee Win.

onelson, avatar

Han and Chewie have a real weird relationship. Han just stroked Chewie's head the same way I pet my cats.

onelson, avatar

Something I never noticed before is how the gun turrets in the falcon are accessed, from the main level, up and down a ladder, but the ladder is at the backs of the seats. This means there's some sort of completely understated gravity shift local to those turret rooms.

onelson, avatar

This is great since the fact there's gravity in the cabin itself is also understated.

onelson, avatar

Bless me with the confidence of the kid who says he used to bullseye swamp rats in his t-16 and they aren't much more than 2 meters.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

I was going to use all special edition posters for these three, but the special edition poster for Empire sort of sucks compared to the original.

onelson, avatar

George Lucas sitting in his home, musing: "Now what can I do to fuck this one up in small ways that don't add much but are still sort of grating? Episode IV will be hard to beat."

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Ep5 is the least-wrecked of the SE films. I really miss Luke’s line to R2 about how “you’re just lucky droids don’t taste very good”. Otherwise I’m pretty happy with it.

onelson, avatar

There's been a lot of fun Star Wars merch over the years, but there are 2 standout items I think about.
I had a "Yoda Training" Backpack I bought in the 90s (it was a backpack that looked like Yoda was riding on your back like Luke had while training on Dagobah) . The other is a Tauntaun sleeping bag which was sold by Thinkgeek for some time.

onelson, avatar

I'm looking for photos. I'm sure someone had these and posted photos.

onelson, avatar

Someone is selling this "Vintage 1990s Yoda Backpack" 🤣

You can find it on ebay (in Italy) if you're interested. It looks like a fairly soiled item.

onelson, avatar

Here's the tauntaun sleeping bag. I think it's great that these two merch items came from my favorite Star Wars movie.

onelson, avatar

Yoda is about to approach, demanding snacks. I'm ready for this.

onelson, avatar

Lando System??

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Lando’s not a system, he’s a man.

onelson, avatar

Speaking of Empire merch, I remember seeing someone selling a replica jacket like the one Luke wears in Bespin, and I wanted one so badly but it was hundreds of dollars.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.

Last one for tonight. I'll try to claw through the last 3 tomorrow, I guess.

onelson, avatar

I always forget what the name of the creature is that sits beside Jabba, but I know it's fucking dumb like "Mr Critter" or something. I'm looking it up.

onelson, avatar

The name is Salacious Crumb. Fucking what?

onelson, avatar

Excuse me, it's Salacious B. Crumb.

onelson, avatar

Honestly, I'm okay with the whole Sy Snootles musical number. I didn't need it, but it's fine. It's not the worst.

onelson, avatar

I used to live here, ya know?

You're gonna die here, ya know. Convenient.

onelson, avatar

CG sarlacc was not needed.

onelson, avatar

They're doing the briefing about the mission to take out Deathstar 2, and General Madine is my favorite in here for his painted-on-lookin' facial hair.

It's like a stapled on piece of carpet or something.

onelson, avatar

This Wookiee needs to fly casual.

onelson, avatar

I think the Ewoks were not so well received by the die hard fans of 1983, but they sure are better than the Gungans.

onelson, (edited ) avatar

When I played SWG, I seem to remember one of the good grind spots for collecting lightsaber crafting materials was to slaughter Ewoks in this one cave on Endor and I would spend hours and hours absolutely slaying generations of these critters.

onelson, avatar

It's a trap!

onelson, avatar

This movie is wrapping up. The final moments of this have probably the most egregious overstep of the special editions. I think the reshoot of the jedi ghosts is largely unforgivable.

onelson, avatar

Why is Hayden Christensen there as a ghost? Why? This is distressing.

onelson, avatar

It was so needless.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)

Is it me or is this movie poster totally phoned-in compared to earlier ones?
The composition just feels chaotic with so many long angled lines pulling the eye in different directions.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson I liked this movie a lot, but yeah the poster manages to be both boring and overstimulating, which I guess is it's own kind of impressive

onelson, avatar

@Sadsquatch I had a bit of a hard time with it. Mostly I remember thinking the whole concept was, "We remember the original trilogy. We see you and your pain."

All three of these suffer from varying degrees of being overloaded with fan service, I think.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson A fair point. Of the new trilogy I found this first one the strongest and best executed, but then all the cool stuff I thought they were setting up kinda got squandered in the second two and replaced with, uh, less cool stuff.

So I guess where I land is "the fan service in The Force Awakens is pretty enjoyable but then they let the Worst Fans dictate the second two, and my disappointment is immeasurable"

onelson, avatar

It's safe to say, these back 3 movies are the ones I've seen the fewest number of times.

I think this might be my 3rd total viewing of TFA.

onelson, avatar

Something I like about this movie is the way it gives a face to (one, barely more) Stormtroopers, who in the previous movies go sort of understated.

My assumption has always been that the Empire's ranks are full of subjugated peoples, because I mean, that's how Empires work.

onelson, avatar

Rey the scavenger is also just a very cool character, and a great way to acclimate the audience to the passage of time. She's out here picking over the scraps of things we're familiar with from earlier movies and it's just very fun.

onelson, avatar

Poe and Finn are fun but sort of dumb. I enjoy the bromance.

onelson, avatar

Well, I guess the movie ended some time ago and I should roll the next one. I was distracted with my programming project and my laundry. Maybe dinner, then I'll roll through the next two.

onelson, avatar

I wonder how George Lucas feels about all the Star Wars slurry that Disney has pushed out since he took a step back.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

Getting through it. This poster is a little better than the last one.

onelson, avatar

I like this section where they are trying to bomb the dreadnaught and there are problems

onelson, avatar

I'm sort of confused because the poster shows what I mostly thought (misremembering) was the conclusion to the trilogy arc. Somehow I thought that battle on the red sand flats was in episode 9.

webology, avatar

@onelson Na, they weren't done torturing us yet.

onelson, avatar

tbh I think this is one is decently cogent. I like the whole hyperspace tracking pursuit plotline, and Rey trying to learn stuff from Luke plotline, and the Adam Driver Big Pants.

This is apparently my favorite of the 3rd trilogy.

onelson, avatar

They even had real Carrie Fisher for this.


onelson, avatar

The fleet pursuit plotline is unfortunately just a little too close to the classic BSG episode "33" which was awesome.

onelson, avatar

Wait, was "33" the pilot? Might have been.

onelson, avatar

This movie also has Porgs, and the scene where one Porg tears up at Chewie for almost eating a roast Porg. This is very good.

onelson, avatar

Laura Dern

onelson, avatar

Poe is sort of a villain in his own way by the way he acts towards Laura Dern.

onelson, avatar

Oh. This is the one with the casino deal. That's fun too.

onelson, avatar

"What do you know about The Force?"

"It's a power Jedi have that lets them... control people and... make things float?"

onelson, avatar

I like Porgs

onelson, avatar

If I remember right, Porgs were invented to "cover up" the puffins that lived on the island who would not stay out of frame no matter what they tried during the shoot.

onelson, avatar

Big Pants time

onelson, avatar

Ghost of Yoda is trollin'

onelson, avatar

Yeah, it's just so baffling that this, the middle of the 3rd trilogy, is the one where the sith lord gets slain by Reylo.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson I loved that. I thought all the endless speculation about Snoke was SO stupid. There were people who thought he was Mace Windu ffs.

onelson, avatar

This is such a final act situation. They could have just not made a 9th movie and things would be fine.

onelson, avatar

Laura Dern: Telefrag Master

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson kinda funny that they wrote themselves into a corner hard enough that they just didn't try to address why what they did wasn't a huge break in the rules of space combat established for the series. just… move along.

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ iirc there are comments in earlier chapters about charting hyperspace courses and winding up inside a planet or asteroid or something, so this doesn't feel like a huge break to me.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson oh yea the perils of hyperspace gone wrong in general are definitely established. It's cool that 8 decided to bring that to space combat, but it does feel like it leaves a hanging "uhhh well why not always do this"

Probably they figured that fans would (do) eagerly debate the reasons if they just never bothered to address it

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ I'd have said "because who would ever want to sacrifice a cruiser like that, normally" but taking out 3 or 4 star destroyers with a single cruiser does seem like a good exchange, even more if you're going to lose it anyway.

onelson, avatar

Luke is about to do the holographic decoy Duke Nukem Holoduke bit. Hololuke.

onelson, avatar

Okay. Home stretch. My main lift for hobby hacking game dev is committed and pushed to the repo, so I can use this last movie as casual refactor/cleanup time.

onelson, avatar

#NowWatching Star Wars: Episode IX - Rise of the Skywalker (2019)

I might have only seen this one twice before, once in theaters and once at home. Or maybe twice at home. I don't even know if I bothered to go to the theater.

All I remember is it felt like a total fever dream.

onelson, avatar

I fully forgot all about zombie Palpatine.

onelson, avatar

Rey just murdered Chewie.

onelson, avatar

Just kidding.

onelson, avatar

What the fuck is happening with this movie. It's just all over the place.

onelson, avatar

So, I like Babu Frik, and I like this little green and white cone on a wheel lookin' droid.

onelson, avatar

I never read any of the Star Wars novels, and I understand there are a lot of things in them which are not canon for whatever reason, but wasn't Palpatine surviving Endor and Deathstar 2 a thing in the books? I thought it was.

onelson, avatar

I thought there was something about him floating around in space and keeping himself alive, and then his body was recovered but in a coma. To be honest it sounds a lot like what they did for Leia in episode VIII.

onelson, avatar

I feel like I misremembered a lot because Carrie Fisher has been here all along and I thought she died during the production, or between VIII and IX, but no. She's here. Maybe there's some sort of de-aged flashback or something that I thought was hokey? There's something.

onelson, avatar

I just remember there being a fake Leia in here somewhere and I remember not liking it.

philbetts, avatar

@onelson there's a CG Leia (and Tarkin) in Rogue One you might be thinking of.

onelson, avatar

@philbetts yeah, that could be it.

onelson, avatar

@philbetts there is a flashback here, with deaged CG Luke and Leia.

philbetts, avatar

@onelson ohhhhhhh, I completely forgot. I've watched Rise of Skywalker... I think twice? I own eight replica lightsabers and once wrote a Star Wars musical - it just disgusts me that much. 😬

onelson, avatar

I don't like it when people throw their lightsabers away. They are made from many precious materials, and hard to replace.

onelson, avatar

This whole wrap up just feels forced and bad.

onelson, avatar

Weird shit happening.

onelson, avatar

Weird shit intensifies.

onelson, avatar

and it's over.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Carrie Fisher died after 8. Her Ep9 footage is from outtakes that didn’t make it into Ep7 that they built a story around. That’s a big part of why it feels off.

philbetts, avatar

@onelson I kinda love it. A great twist - the rules have been torn up, and it's unclear where Ren goes from there. It's one of the many reasons why IX was so disappointing - there was a really cool potential schism between the Resistance, First Order and Ren's Sith whatever. But no. No decision Ren makes in VIII to forge his own destiny means anything.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson I wish there had been more actual casino hijinks, though. They do that awesome homage to Wings and then the “yup, that’s them” guy shows up and wrecks everything.

onelson, avatar

@mpirnat Wings?

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson A classic! I think the first Best Picture winner IIRC. At the start of the casino scene is an homage to this marvelous tracking shot:

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Which reminds me, I should watch Wings again sometime. Haven’t seen it in ages. It’s very, very good!

bitprophet, avatar

@onelson yes

onelson, avatar
bitprophet, avatar

@onelson correct

webology, avatar

@onelson I read an interview where he said it was like seeing your ex-wife's new family.

onelson, avatar

@webology yeah, I think that's right.

onelson, avatar

@webology It's funny because I know I have had gripes about Star Wars over the entire duration, but seeing JJ Abrams in this Behind The Scenes stuff, he just comes across as a guy who was fuckin' around. Kid in a candy shop type attitude, not anything more.

onelson, avatar

@webology I say that as someone who looks favorably on his Star Trek stuff.

webology, avatar

@onelson That's a good point. His Star Trek stuff was way better, but I thought that ended before he finished ruining Star Wars.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with Star (Trek|Wars) TV series. Those have been fulfilling AF.

onelson, avatar

@webology I think you're right on the timeline, but my point is just that somehow he navigated the Star Trek projects without going off the deep end, so whatever happened was really specific to these movies. He's not a general rule sci-fi franchise ruiner.

webology, avatar

@onelson Give him GI Joe and Transformers but tell him to leave Star Wars alone.

webology, avatar

@onelson I thought they weren't even interesting villains in it. Just a lot of copy and paste and stormtroopers, even when they mirror them.

I liked the movie the best of the three. I have never rewatched the last three. I probably should at some point, but they basically took a 💩 on my childhood. I liked the new characters but they didn't seem to know what to do with them after that first movie.

SnoopJ, avatar

@webology @onelson Finn's whole-trilogy arc in particular is bizarre given the clear narrative set-ups in this one.

Two movies worth of set-up + almost no pay-offs = ????

webology, avatar

@SnoopJ @onelson it was all weird. I'm not sure why the goal was to kill off a major OG character in each movie other than they could.

I have no plans to ever watch another J.J. movie again after those.

onelson, avatar

@webology @SnoopJ The behind the scenes stuff that has been playing while I return to my Sunday chores made it apparent there was no real plan for these movies beyond "make another 3 star wars movies."

Seems like everyone was really excited to be involved in the project but to the OG cast members the thought was, "Why? But okay, I guess I'll do it." Everyone else's take was, "Hell yeah, I just want to be in the frame!"

onelson, avatar

@webology @SnoopJ I think Harrison Ford must be the most bemused at this point. Reprisals of Jones, Deckard, Solo, all within the space of a few years. He's getting paid and that's all I can hope for him. He knows what's happening.

onelson, avatar

@webology @SnoopJ I'm realizing just now: this is in fact what you get when you give Hollywood players license to do canonized fanfic. That's all this is.

webology, avatar

@onelson @SnoopJ If you haven't seen Harrison Ford in Shrinking (on Apple TV) it's one of his best roles. I didn't know he could act as well as he can.

Plus, it feels like he's having fun with the role.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Heresy. “Lapti Nek” was waaaaay better than the godawful “Jedi Rocks” replacement.

zacawinter, avatar

@onelson cursed

onelson, avatar

@zacawinter idk, I think it looks better in person.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson I still have the sleeping bag; it’s so fucking great.

bitprophet, avatar

@onelson this always threw me for a loop, ever since I was a kid.

mpirnat, avatar

@bitprophet @onelson I think it’s to do with the design of the Falcon being radically changed midway through production. The original design for it was basically the blockade runner body with the Falcon’s cockpit on the front.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Check out “A New Hope Revisited” by an editor called Adywan. His version is sort of a best of all versions take, incorporating SE changes that worked, reverting the ones that didn’t, adjusting esoteric things (like places the rear audio channels got accidentally swapped, making Vader’s chest lights blink consistently), fixing the color grading, and generally being what SE should have been. It’s great - clearly a labor of love.

joshourisman, avatar

@onelson I love the wipes

onelson, avatar

@joshourisman they're so dumb

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson Yeah, all the Drew Struzan poster art is so good.

mwyman, avatar

@onelson that always felt like such a lazy way for Amazon to handle special features, and was confusing as hell the first time I saw it… like, “I thought this movie was two hours long, why does the play bar show five hours?”

onelson, avatar

@mwyman lol yes

jonoleth, avatar

@onelson Grid Bidlax

Grid Bidlax was a Lava Trout Net-Fisherlax[1][2] on Mustafar, a dangerous occupation[3] that they were forced to undertake by the local Lava Boss, Bib Kiblib[2][4]

onelson, avatar

@jonoleth Lava Trout. Of course.

jonoleth, avatar

@onelson Lava Trout (Force Sensitive) Redirects Here

onelson, avatar

@jonoleth force sensitive. LOL.

mcc, avatar

@onelson What throws me from my last rewatch is like… what I remember from my original watch is somehow their fight is so violent it causes the structure to begin collapsing. But no. They're just fighting, and an entire giant lava collector wing just falls off. Most of the danger is due to this falling collector wing and it had nothing to do with anything. It just happened and they happened to be standing nearby.

onelson, avatar

@mcc Yeah. Stuff just happens in this galaxy.

mcc, avatar

@onelson I can only make this make sense if this is an incredibly hazardous operation where this sort of stuff just happens all the time, and for some reason whatever they're harvesting is so valuable they can afford to lose an entire collector wing like once every two days and just replace it cuz like well ofc the lava is going to tear off components pretty frequently?

mcc, avatar

@onelson …but if the installation itself is under such great threat, that raises questions as to whether it's a good secure facility to hide your important fugitive diplomats?!

onelson, avatar

@mcc My guess is this was just due to it being remote and inhospitable, but again I think this is a trap. I think rationalizing any of this is far too generous.

onelson, avatar

@mcc In a real sense, Lucas put this piece of cinema out into the world and said, "Here. This is YOUR problem now."

grumpasaurus, avatar

@onelson yeah whatever happened to that character.

onelson, avatar

@grumpasaurus Former-senator Organa was presumably killed when Alderaan was blown up.

grumpasaurus, avatar

@onelson oh that guy

onelson, avatar

@grumpasaurus one of the countless souls that cried out.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson the most correct Star Wars opinion

onelson, avatar

@Sadsquatch I don't even care about whether Han shot first. The puppet Yoda is the thing that matters most.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson we can all get behind this, and we must

mcc, avatar

@onelson Putting it this way may make the script sound smarter than it is but an interesting tension in ep. 3 is how Anakin is very much not an adult, is constantly angry at the jedi for not treating him like an adult, but if you look at events carefully the actual problem was treating Anakin like an adult when what he needed was emotional support like you'd give a growing, learning child.

They leave lots of things unsaid an experienced adult could have easily parsed, give him too much trust

onelson, avatar

@mcc this kid is also a baby daddy.

nyquildotorg, avatar

@onelson are you familiar with that really long detailed essay about the Endor Holocaust that's been online since like 1997?

I remember starting to read it as a goof in like 1997 before getting engrossed in it because it was so detailed, and I still think about it all these years later

onelson, avatar

@nyquildotorg no. And no thanks.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson R2 gets to fly! Cool, right?!

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ 😐

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson we rewatched the Tartakovsky series recently and wow, gosh-dang, it more than hold up

onelson, avatar

@Sadsquatch It's very good.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson it really deflates the cool fight that precedes it by shoving the "what if creaky old character who hobbles everywhere is actually spry when fighting teehee" thing down the viewer's optic nerves

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ Yeah. Totally. It's a gag and nothing more.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson I've never before considered it but man they really missed an opportunity to do an awesome fight by having him still be creaky and old, but whipping ass in the fight anyway?

So much for star war being a western jidaigeki

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ sort of a drunken master style situation. He's old and frail, but the force moves him just where he needs to be.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson it could even serve the narrative, with an increasingly-enraged Dooku fighting with aggressive motion

ah well, we got uhhhh bouncy-boi CG instead

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ some animator made his bones on that sequence so it's all good. Hope he got paid and didn't burn out only to hate his life today, as they do.

joshourisman, avatar

@onelson he’s a pickup artist?

onelson, avatar

@joshourisman Not really. He's not a Fuckboy. He's not a dog. He's just fucking awful.

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson The IMAX cut of Ep2 was really interesting. In order to fit the hard time constraint of the format, it got really trimmed down. Most of the stuff that really sucks is gone, and there’s a lot more focus on the noir detective story. The whole tone of the movie changes, and it’s really cool.

onelson, avatar

@mpirnat I have never heard this before.

SnoopJ, avatar

@onelson it also has the most important star war character: Dexter Jettster

onelson, avatar

@SnoopJ Pretty cool diner scene.

joshourisman, avatar

@onelson I can hear this toot.

onelson, avatar

@joshourisman doot dOOt doot doot doot.

Sadsquatch, avatar

@onelson I strongly agree with this theory

mpirnat, avatar

@onelson It’s really the second one where the green screen got out of hand. Phantom Menace has a remarkable amount of actual sets and actual miniatures.

joshourisman, avatar

@onelson most other people, too.

onelson, avatar
frank, avatar

@onelson I’m not at all hard of hearing but I live with many other humans and animals who like to make noises so I started turning on CC about a decade ago so I don’t miss the main important plot points. The state of CC across the board is pretty bad honestly. Old shows/movies, new shows/movies doesn’t seem to matter. I tried reporting a few things a few times to no avail. It’s frustrating

onelson, avatar

@frank Yeah, this isn't the first time I've gone down the path of trying to report, but not once have I seen a positive outcome from the effort it takes. Very frustrating.

frank, avatar

@onelson I completely understand a misspelled word here or there. Even a slightly different wording of the same basic dialog (which I see all the time) or out of sync time a bit. But how a well watched old show (think West Wing or the like) can have two dozen major issues per episode decades later surprises me. It’s obvious no one cares.

onelson, avatar

@frank Most recently, I came across a movie on Roku which ... played an entirely different movie when selected.

It was supposed to be one of the 10-or-so Hellraiser sequels, but it was in fact a completely different Hellraiser sequel than the named one!

The Roku support person I tried to explain this to was ill-equipped to take the report; kept encouraging me to restart my Roku.

frank, avatar

@onelson hah! I’ve seen that too when it’s the WRONG CC for the show, but to be fair I’ve also had a couple of streaming experiences where I got the wrong audio for the video being played. SpongeBob Episode for Hellraiser II (I joke but basically)

The ones that really frustrate me is when the character clear as day said “NO! Don’t run into the fire” and the CC is “(inaudible)”

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