

eatmoregreenfood avatar


Compared to me a pulsar is a lighter's flame
Compared to mine their wicca is a mere child's game

TellumSiege avatar


This is not a good first impression.

Alter_Id avatar



My favorite pastime is learning.

If something is unconventional it's typically better for it.

Music is crucial and experiencing it is mandatory - be it through listening or creating.

Reducing suffering is the best life goal I've come up with.

FaizalR avatar


Interested in polemology, global Islamic conflict & technology. Connecting accounts.

Doom_Cough avatar


Mod Tracker musician and all around arranger of angry and evil sounds. Gabber, metal, terrorcore, jungle etc.

guyrocket avatar


Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.

iByteABit avatar


A Reddit refugee

kosmicpulse avatar


Atheist, Inquisitive and a reticent being

Federated avatar


#Metal Music journalist. #HeavyMetal fan. Writer of reviews and interviews for Heavy Matters podcast and website. Posts probably about #DeathMetal #BlackMetal, beer and pizza. Liverpool. He/Him. I post a weekly round up of new releases under #FletchsFridayReleases #fedi22 avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.

#TheMetalDogToots avatar


Admin of and XMPP.
Living in Bavaria 🍺, Germany 🇩🇪, Europe 🇪🇺

Taste of music: Mostly Progressive Metal, (Melodic) Death Metal, Deathcore.

:metality: member

Posts are deleted after 6 months.

Interests: #embedded #linux #fedora #server #metalheadclub #mastoadmin #metal #electronics #software

Imprint: avatar


Pronouns: He/They

Chef, Dad, Dad Joke Enthusiast, 30 something weirdo, Digital Artist, Metalhead, Tattoo Nerd, Avid Gamer.

ADHD neurodivergent, occasionally genderfluid.

Paypal Tips ->

Use #deathmetaldad for heavy metal suggestions
Use #brokeartist for my artistic endeavors avatar


Writing HTML since 1994. Salesforce stuff since 2009. Into science, nature, history, music, movies, art, video games. Married. Living on Hohokam land.

Sometimes I write at

Black/trans lives matter. He/Him.
Racism/other bigotry = block.

#indieweb #weirdweb #roguelikes #arcadegames #shootemups #shmups #cats #horror #movies #tv #photography #punk #punkrock #garagerock #metal #deathmetal #antifascist #Wordpress #writing #fedi22 tfr #nobridge #nobot #nokiddin avatar


she/her. CPTSD haver. Transgender (AMAB), bipolar 1 as fuck, dissociative (#plural) as fuck, metal and industrial musician.

No masters; defy what denies you.

I’m the cool, refreshing, lemon-lime anarchist relative your mom said died twenty years ago.

The Void does not fuck around.

My #VoidConspiracy band account: @jessica


Jessica from 'Jessica B. Kelly & The Void Conspiracy'.

Transgender heavy music maniac, specialist of metal and industrial vibes.

Personal account: @jessica avatar


I'm a software engineer and sometimes manager. Currently #Raleigh but also #Seattle. Building ML platform for a healthcare startup. Previously, built an IoT platform for one of "those" companies.

Open source: dura, fossil, Jump-Location, Moq.AutoMock, others

Do I have other interests? No, but I do have kids and they have interests. I think that counts for something. I can braid hair and hunt unicorns!

I put the #rust in frustrate


#metal #science #python avatar


Programista, CTO, piszę wiele artykułów na blogu. Interesuje się sportem (NFL!) i e-sportem, słucha metalu i rocka, czyta dużo fantastyki oraz kryminałów, a czasem pogra w gry. Dumny członek Wilda Software 💪

#fedi22 #programming #esports #fantasy #literature #sports #mtg #nfl #csgo #valorant #software #książki #czytam #FediKsiążki #Bookstodon #Książkodon #muzyka #MetalPany avatar


FLOSS, Web, Code, Python, WebDesign, China, Dao, Classic RPG, Dungeons&Dragons, photo, music, books, culture, Fantazy, SF, history, Science.

Design des stickers antifa et autres...

¯_(ツ)_/¯ avatar


Music, lots and lots of music. My drawing has moved to my art account

I boost heavily and often, usually it's metal music, or music on Tuesdays

Please add text descriptions when posting photos or pictures


Avatar by @beastiaexmachina : Cartoon cat with glasses and a shirt looks happy and giving the metal sign

Header : A paper chain of ghosts with different objects for each right eye

Food is not CWed, but posted with #Food so it can be filtered out as necessary


Shares information on the metal music scene from bands and artists active on the Fediverse

Information on new music releases, concerts and latest news.

Interviews metal bands and artists active on the fediverse and posts them as #FediMetalBites feature threads

Account maintained by @Kitty

Avatar created by

#FediLovesMetal avatar


Long-time metal fan (I remember when Quiet Riot's Metal Health was on the mainstream top 10).

Enjoying the great Fediverse metal community, and exploring the bands and sub-genres I've missed over the years.

Currently dipping a bruised toe in the waters of death metal and black metal.

#metal #HeavyMetal #Industrial #gothic

Avatar: Black Akubra Bogart model hat
Banner: Close up image of Eddie's bloodshot and rather angry eyes, from the promotional material for the Iron Maiden Senjutsu album. avatar


Well, hello :)
I like music, make with my Bass guitar noise and have a variety of Things i like (History, Art, Gaming etc.) avatar


Extremely cursed human. Metalhead and misanthrope. I can spell XMas. BLM supporter, anti-Trump, anti-MAGA.

Discordian. XBox gamer. Lover of South Park and Aliens.

I'll follow back if you're funny or post good music.

Recovering alcoholic since September 2021 avatar


Hacker with a #Bass. Bass Teacher and Musician. (Currently accepting students, online or on-site) #Bielefeld #TTRPG #BassGuitar #Music #Haskell #FreeBSD #Math :antifa: (he/his) avatar


Cloud handyman, former BE dev, metalhead, amateur singer, dad.
Books, beer, coffee, games and cold weather. I embrace secular humanism.

Toots about:

Serial toot rewriter.

🎶Addicted to music hashtags 🎶

No posts = no follow.

Profile pic: me holding a jawless white skull mask on my face with my hands.

Header: A dark alley, lit by yellow and orange lights in the center. avatar


Uni Łódź archaeologist, table-top gamer, book worm, punster, science fan, blogger, Leftie, Swede

#archaeology #ttrpg #boardgames #books #science #blogging #progressive #stockholm #sweden #lodz #poland avatar


Dutch metal band featuring (ex) members of Bloodgod / Container / Disquiet / Nuestros Derechos / Paper Doll Decay a.o. Est. 2020. #Jeroenmetal Horns up! avatar


Quality Ass Man by day, tired by night.

#iPod nerd, #ADHD brain, fundamentally lazy.

An actual DJ - Monday nights - 8:00-10:00 BST on avatar


A dude on a metal journey #Metaljourney

Toots about cute animals and death metal.

Used to travel a lot, but then got an arrow in the knee.


Gen X ex dj atheist texan . In a fuck around & find out world, try to be a little less annoying. Now with extra Prick avatar


Rock, Metal, Toleranz. Konzertgänger und Hopfenliebhaber. Schreibe gerne über Musik, die ich höre und Bands, die ich sehe.

#metal #nowplaying #vinyl #live
(alte Posts werden gelöscht) avatar


All about Magic: the Gathering, video games, LGBT rights, and writing about the above. She/her.

Currently playing: nothing! avatar


Ich bin Medienmacher aus 🇦🇹 mit Leidenschaft für Gaming, Nerd-Zeug, Rock & Metal, Unsinn und Katzen 🐈 avatar


Autor, Cartoonist, Comiczeichner und Illustrator mit Hang zu lauter Musik


Author of numerous novels & 11 story collections. Won the Bram Stoker Award. Writes sf, horror, fantasy, westerns, thrillers. Yes, westerns. Worked in TV & movies, eg Star Trek: DS9 and The Crow. Created site. Fronts rock bands. Very progressive Democrat. Socialist. Environmentalist. Pro LGBTQ. Writes weird, rhyming poetry & lyrics. Tired of arguing. Watching world burn and trying to think of a way to put out the fire. Interested in spirituality. Supports NASA and SCIENCE. avatar


#Code #Motorcycles #Music #BoardGames #VideoGames #Photography #AntiFascist #AntiRacist #PostTheist #Feminist #EV #GreenEnergy #BlackLivesMatter |'s caretaker | He/him | 0.00115 miles tall

Previously: GitHub, Microsoft, and others.
Now: Living that retired life. avatar


Stop reading and fuck off if this offends you: 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 ✊🏿 🇺🇦 🇵🇸

Decent human being working mainly as a #frontend developer with a focus on #html, #css, #JavaScript and #accessibility. Also #AudioEngineer and enjoys playing #guitar.

#HotSauces and #VideoGames are also highly appreciated, in no particular order.

Loves reading #books as well, favourite authors are #HarukiMurakami, #StephenKing and #MarkManson.

#fedi22 #a11y #WebDev #antifascist #gaming #metal #vegan #vegetarian avatar


I'm Luvcie (call me Lucifer).
😈 :pentagram:


Sometimes i post music and photos here, mostly metal related stuff, and also try to improve my English skills .
Bass Player, Dad, "i try to write and fail miserable" writer, sometimes funny avatar


Plots and things about heavy #Metal

#python #dataviz #flourish

HamiltonsLive avatar


Anarcho-syndicalist wandering monster. Writes stuff. Makes things. Tech writing, software preservation, game dev, weird fiction, some occult references.

Follow reqs welcome.

Non-binary. Likes bicycles, strength training, anti-fascist black metal, the Ultima CRPG series. Wobbly.

Experimental games & Twine abuse at and

Work alt:
After dark:

Avatar by SandraMJdev



Blackened death metal pondering on existentialism, disorder & dystopian bureaucracy.

Looking for horror / fantasy illustrator for next album and book. avatar


Random Axe of Kindness -Thornback Bi-metal - Freelance Journalist (Pop Culture) - sometimes I podcast a lot - Screams are my own - Later Skater - Pronouns: She/her
Death comes for us all. avatar

thor avatar


Hello, my name is Kaye. I live in Sydney, Australia, and as a mum of 2 grown up children, my main interest now in life is my love for photography and art that I would like to share with the world. avatar


Level 15 Dad of 4. Christian. Left. Xennial. Enginerd. He/Him. 2006 TIME POTY. Enviromancer. Amateur Pokémon Trainer. Animal Crossing Island: Moduland. Opinions 🗑.

Staff / Mastodon Admin:

Tags: #fedi22 #Parenting #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #VideoGames #DadJokes #Jokes #Humor #Silly #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #KPop #Music #ACNHInspo #Christian #Faith

PFP: Balding, bearded white man in a black Venom themed Hawaiian shirt.

Header: Black and white manga screenshot showing a bearded man in sunglasses popping out of the ceiling. A nervous person whose face is partially in view yells, "Dad?!" avatar


Tu piszę po polsku, tak jakby.

Gdybym miał opisać siebie w dwóch zdaniach: 1) jestem #kot (mam 3 koty, które to potwierdzą), 2) mając do wyboru N opcji, wybiorę opcję (N+1).

Pracuję nad #Gentoo, od 2010. Opiekuję się paczkami języka #Python, #LLVM, #Xfce. Jestem entuzjastą #OpenSource,

Wyznaję filozofię #CarFree. Lubię #natura i #kolej. Kręcę się wokół węzłów #Poznań, #Leszno i #Wrocław.

#MADAO. #AntyKapitalizm. #autyzm i #cukrzyca. Istnieje ryzyko narzekania i głupich dowcipów.

#TootFinder avatar


"My headphones / They saved my life" - Björk

"Le singe est sur la branche" - Suzy Eddie Izzard

"Stay safe, take care of yourselves, and fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic metalheads can fuck off." - A music blogger whose name I don't know, but also me avatar


Straight Ally • Twitch Mod bei Pietsmiet (, EsIstJules ( & Lalena ( • NRW Social Moderator • Gamer • Musik süchtig • Männlich • 35

:antifa: :fckafd: :nonazis: :antifa:

#Gaming 🎮 (RPG, RTS Strategy, Survival, Automation)
#Arma3 🔫
#Movies (Horror / Sci-Fi / Fantasy) 📽️
#TVShows 📺
#Stargate 📺
#Metal 🎸
#Astronomy 🔭 avatar


CTO, founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. I do WordPress and open source for a living. avatar


„Face your fears–explore!“, Level 50. Abenteuerspieler.

#Rollenspiel, #ScienceFiction, #FreieSoftware, #Linux und #Musik. #Fedora :fedora_linux: #Kiel #pnpde avatar


Business Intelligence, Data Governance, Kittens, Heavy Metal, Food, Fighting, and anti-Fascism. Microsoft employee, all views are mine not theirs. He/Him/His.

Search enabled in Mastodon profile. avatar


🇧🇪 Writes in English/Français

GNU/Linux · FOSS · Copyleft · Internet Freedoms · Open Science · Commons
Philosophy · Human Rights · Democracy · Climate Change · Political Ecology
PhD in Astrophysics & Particle Physics · Works in R&D Satellite Remote Sensing

Progressive/Death Metal · Classical Music
Bass · Double Bass · Guitar · Drums
Gaming on Linux · Boardgames


Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar


librarian, socialist, metalhead, vegetarian, and doggo guardian to the cutest dog in the world. I will likely post about hiking, nature, mountains, mental health issues, extreme metal, and my dog.


🌈 🌱 💚🐔🐱🐶🐴💚 🤟 🕹 🎲 🐲 🖖
Ich bin ein zu schnell alternder weißer Cis-Mann, der versucht queer zu denken und zu handeln. Letztlich habe ich vom Thema wenig Ahnung, halt weil ich es im Alltag wenig brauche. Demokratie und Menschenrechte sind das Größte. Toleranz und Fairness strebe ich an. Wer mir folgt, muss neben Geek-Krams mit politischen und klimaaktivistischen Tröts rechnen. Meine Tröts werden idR nach einem halben Jahr gelöscht. #notjustsad

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