

Federated avatar


22 | any/all | sleepy & bi

Casual gamer with more heart rather than skill. I am a general tech nerd and musician from the Midwest, USA. Posting about day-to-day life and just vibin', really.

Posts are sometimes infrequent, but I do lurk a lot. Follow requests require approval.


21 - he/they - bi as fuck and tall boi 🌈 💞

Arch Linux user + KDE lover. Nintendo fan since childhood [games, not the company] & casual gamer with more heart rather than skill. Playing primarily on Nintendo Switch + PC, trying to make the best of things.

I post a LOT and ramble a LOT, but the rambles will have a CW with proper title in case of heavy-topic. No judgment and good vibes. I'm like, pretty cute sometimes!


21 - she/her - bi and trans as fuck 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Casual gamer with more heart than skill. Pro wrestling fan for over 10 years. Musician and writer, respecting all kinds of art. Just here to have fun, honestly.

Nice to meet you. :> avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based avatar


Cyberwitch and gender anarchist.

white/native #trans #nonbinary #linux geek and #pokemon and #digimon fan.

#lefthanded because even my hands are anti-authority

#foss advocate and #socialjustice sorceress.

ae/aer pronouns. avatar


‘Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind,’ - Bertrand Russell avatar


Author, gardener, #FaerieManager. Feat. CNN, Christian Science Monitor, BBC, Shriver Center. Happy For No Reason® Trainer. Work in progress. Website/books etc in ABOUT tab. Chicagoan. She/hers #Fedified avatar


admin vanta :HackerCat: :heart_cyber:​ :crt_w_green_lines:

currently writing a book called "THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP: My Mastodon Microblog Memoir"

she/her, they/them 🖤 27 🖤 seattle 🖤 trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist 🖤 fediverse sex symbol 🖤 prolific poster 🖤 rogue wordsmith extraordinaire 🖤 fedi's favorite pirate radio DJ 🖤 a forest of carbon nanotubes 🖤 anarcho-communist 🖤 DIY punk clothing auteur 🖤 video editor vagabond 🖤 full-fledged cybersleuth archivist 🖤 punweaver 🖤 chaotic good 🖤 "i'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" 🖤 up the cyberpunx!!! 🖤

164,261 lifetime posts on past instances 🖤 joined fedi 2017 🖤 previously on 🖤

:over18:​ MINORS DNI. this is for my own safety :over18:

kofi: avatar


#writer—existing in an extraordinary world doing the extraordinary. Fuck them lanes. #WEOC #BotBEditor introvert #Illumination #TBIN TWHPoetryFellow #WildSeedsPoetryFellow #CenterforBlackLiterature #Poetry #Memoirs avatar


Exec. Dir. of the LEAD Coalition (a diverse national coalition of organizations advancing #dementia quality of life, care, support & research).

#Alzheimers #caregiving #mentalhealth avatar


fat queer Black woman - 27 Disabled @cardboardspouse on bird app avatar


Black Man. Independent Leftist. Socialist. Damn Near Communist. Pro-Porn/Decriminalization of Sex Work. Worshipper of Slut/Whore Goddesses. Bonafide "Vulgar MarXXXist". 🔞 Contains Adult Content; Some EXXXplicit Consensual Adult Sexual Expression; Viewer Discretion Advised. avatar


:vm: Health Equity | Award-Winning Personal Trainer NSCA-RCPT*D | EMT-B🚑 Volunteer🇺🇦 | Weight Loss | Senior Fitness| Tai Chi | Mental Health | Free Fit Tips & Events Boston and Malden, MA 🇺🇸


21 | any/all | bi as heck 🌈 💞

Sleepy gamer with more heart rather than skill. openSUSE user & KDE lover. Nintendo kid at heart, now playing on PC primarily. Expect variety posts.

Hope you're doing well!!


21 - any/all - bi as fuck <3

Casual gamer with more heart than skill. Pro wrestling fan for over 10 years. Lover of all-kinds of music. Playing primarily on PC and Nintendo Switch nowadays. 💞 🎮


21 - any/all - bi as fuck 🌈

Casual gamer with more heart than skill. [Nintendo / PC]. Daily driving Arch and KDE Plasma [Wayland]. Musician, writer, and overall artist with respect for all kinds of art from all walks of life. Just here to vibe and meet good people. 💞 avatar


Hi! Call me Nash🔥 I'm a DogBoy
Almost 30|They/He/It/Probably Any Neopronoun
Please refer to me in a masc way!!
‼️18+ To Follow‼️
We get neurodivergent in here

Animal Care Specialist|Ask Me About My Pets

pretty cool 👍 - avatar


Journey to Diversity Workplaces: Our vision is a world where diversity and inclusion are celebrated and valued. 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈:hearthands:♿️⚧⚥⚣⚢👳🏾👮🏽‍♀️💚🌠☪🕉☸️✡️✝️♻️🔱 We provide educational articles and our podcast “Diversity on Air!” to promote awareness and advocacy for diversity and inclusion. Pronouns are Ze/Zim Boosts, follows ≠ endorsements Based in Barrie, Canada #fedi22 #J2DW #Orgs #NPO #NonProfit #NGO


I'm a Blind, and gay, author and essayist. Former journalist turned Romance writer. I have a literary agent, and freaking love cats and diverse audiobooks and fiction podcasts. avatar


Activist, dad, husband, UX designer, technologist, researcher, writer, soccer fan, musician, vegetarian, meditator, competitive gamer, lover, hater, potty mouth, actually ADHD. He/him/his. moderator.

#BlackLivesMatter #AbolishThePolice #Antifascist #UX #Research #InformationArchitecture #Design #Code #Tofu avatar


Autistic amateur psychopharmacologist & coder, former professional sysadmin. I post about sammiches and tech and my ten-year struggle with crippling melancholic depression. Currently homeless, disabled, and broke. she/her

Cash App:$qirenni
Square Donations: avatar


Making #TTRPG games and being weird.
team: rev, yvette
rev's ko-fi:
rev's other games:


Living on stolen land. Trans Anarchist who won't put up with your shit. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Struggling a lot with my health right now, bedbound and desperately seeking any aid you can offer. avatar


#Sober guy living outside of the Greater #Houston Area. I still miss Rock 101.
Avatar: A ghost wearing sunglasses. It looks rad as hell. Header: An illustration of a fictional cat named Princess Donut. She is wearing a tiara.


21 | he/they & bi as hell 🌈 ❤️ | Owner of [Private]

Casual gamer with more heart rather than skill. Arch Linux user & KDE lover. Pro Wrestling fan for over 10 years. Just here to vibe and chill. 🕹️ 💻


An online diary containing personal records and musings of life's simple pleasures.

[Avatar alt-text: A closed book titled "The Gratitude Journal" lying on a furry surface with a pen next to it.]

[Header alt-text: A simple smiley face consisting of a colon and a closing parenthesis on a white background.]


Trans-Fem furry artist/gamer
Mental Health and Human Rights advocate
Stand with 🇺🇦

🔞18+ONLY 🔞


21 - he/him - bi as fuck :3

Casual gamer with more heart than skil, primarily Nintendo Switch and PC. Linux [Arch] user. Pro wrestling fan for over 10 years with no sign of that slowing.

Nostalgic kid at heart and overall just a total nerd. I don't take things uber seriously and just try to have fun. avatar


regular guy;;; doing regular;; things.,... avatar


… paring down time on social media … ?? Fully migrated to mastodon now that the bird self destructed. Though if you want to view my old posts, same username.



She/They. 🏳️‍⚧️ Almost 50. 🔞 DNI.
Cat mum of 4 former street cats.

Popular account but not a mod or admin here at #blahajzone.

Sometimes #NSFW, always #CW'd.
🔞💦 alt is @jo_

#ADHD #AuDHD #anxiety #bipolar
#Queer #Bisexual #Polysexual
#Polyam newbie #Trans #TransOver40 #NEISvoid #Mentalllness #Fatigue #Exvangelical #UX


ik zal handhaven mijn leven.

most dutch non-dutchman on fediverse. candidate for Derde Kamer 2024. runs solely on chicken wings and energy drinks. certified banger creator and mentally insane kitty.

i make digital art, you know? all homegrown sir. i even have commissions open. i like drawing things, but i wish i didn't have to monetize it.
i also moderate this instance. cool shit right?

PL/EN/NL are the languages that will appear on this profile.

read the nedercore manifesto:

addressing the rumors: i do not live in the netherlands. i am sorry this is my worst sin i shall repent it.


Hi there, I'm Kitty! a bowtie wearing trans digicat with an affinity for retro technology and rail transport, putting in the effort to preserve the long forgotten aspects of both! ​:trans_flag:​ ​:ace_flag:​​

What peaks my interest the most is exploring interesting and obscure hardware lost to the sands of time, when I'm not lounging around or mrowing at random objects I can typically be found tinkering with a variety of different devices, going from run of the mill vintage desktops to the more forgotten niches like the Pocket PC and UMPC

[ it/she - feminine terms only - if you'd like to reach out feel free to contact me through any of the platforms linked on my profile ] avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange


Foster dad of 10+, Author (Izanami's Choice), Game dev (Torment: Tides of Numenera, Remnant: From the Ashes, Remnant 2), Editor, Skeptic. Daily #gratitude. He/him.


Hi, I'm Jae! 21, they/them, bi as fuck. <3
Casual non-binary gamer who loves to watch WWE and AEW. I also create music and write in my spare time. 🎶📝

Linux user, openSUSE Tumbleweed. Passionate about the OS and about FOSS!

Hugely into art and expression. My main goals are simply to vibe with the ebb and flow, along with learning all I can about what I am passionate about. avatar


Editor/owner of POP Editorial Services LLC, author of the award-winning book Perfect Bound: How to Navigate the Book Publishing Process Like a Pro, coauthor of the second-grade chapter book Mystery at Creek Academy: Where Is Mrs. Quimby?, written with my then-8-year-old. I am also a writing #coach, speaker, and #workshop leader. She/her

WIP: Debra Lee Won't Break, now with beta readers. Protag has #MultipleSclerosis avatar


Slightly less new here, & I still have no idea what's going on..

queer | anarchist | Indigenous - Kamilaroi, living on Wiradjuri Country | geek | crit. crim. student - police and prison abolitionist | disabled | subversive crafter | tea addict | RA | cheerful halfling assassin | plays all the games! | trans agender - they/them avatar


French 26yo disabled transmasc agender wolfboy. 🐺


Autistic, plural, depressed. Dealing with C-PTSD, eating disorders, epilepsy, hEDS, POTS, endometriosis, PCOS, IBS, long COVID and iatrogenic nerve injury.
Mobility aids user. ♿

Anar. Antifa. Anti-capitalist.

I always use CWs and ALT text.

DM and boost are welcome!

Don't flirt please.

Profile pic: cartoonish picrew of me with long black hair, brown eyes, wolf ears and tail, an enby flag and a blahaj avatar


Live the life that is only one💞
Trans lives matter🏳️‍⚧️


we are the cadence collective, a system of more than 50. Our body age is 24, and we have system mates of all ages. We are into music, reading, creative writing, poetry, stories, along with various aspects of plurality and mental/metaphysical techniques
Our other interests include fanfiction, usually Harry Potter, various types of toys, food, spotify, AI chat bots, many more we didn't add here. Feel free to reach out.


An account solely to post and boost mutual aid posts. This is for folks on more defederated instances that have asked me to make a post here for more reach.

Header pic is of various banknotes with some coins stacked on top.

Profile picture is of someone holding out various euro banknotes.

Credit to Pixabay from Pexels for both pictures: and avatar


My public bio is at
I'm most likely reading, ranting or starting shit offline.
l talk politics a lot.

pfp: my eyes and nose poking out as I'm smiling hard

header: myself at karaoke taken by avatar


Hi there, I am a 44yo woman from Holland with a passion for art.

I mainly post and boost art and photo's, but I am always up for a nice conversation as well!

Sidenote: the art and photo's that I post either come from the public domain, or in the case of copyright I have permission from the artist / photographer to post it here.


21 | he/him | bi as fuck 🏳️‍🌈

Casual player with more heart than skill. Music lover, specifically Rock and Metal. Nature fiend thriving off caffeine. Simply trying to be a good person. 💞

I use Windows & Linux. Shocking, I know. :3 | #VideoGames #Windows avatar


Join me for some Laughs and Inspiration as we explore the Intersection of Baseball Humor and an Uplifting Mindset. #BaseballJokes #PositiveVibes #MentalHealth #Wellness #Manifesting #Transformation #Consciousness #Spirituality avatar


TarValon.Net is an online community for fans of the epic fantasy series – The Wheel of Time. We are the real-life Tar Valon where Wheel of Time fans from around the world come together and celebrate the world Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson created for us in a unique and fun way. If you are looking for a Wheel of Time fan community, then TarValon.Net is the place for you.

Our community is built around our discussion forums, Discord server, blog, and social media.


I draw things and webweave sites.
Commissions are OPEN. MDNI.

Please read pins before following, thank you.

AuDHD, PTSD, BPD, possible psychosis, plurality and others. You're not entitled to my entire illdex. avatar


27, Autistic, Chronically Sick, Queer, (Any/All)
#Writer, #Artist, #Activist.

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