
he/him. ​:flag_polysexual:​ Unfortunately human. I know. I'm just as disappointed as you are.

Word mincer 🖋, world builder 🎲, gamer 🎮, superhero nerd 🦸, agnostic discordian 🍏

Does like

  • Video games and #ttrpg

  • Comics, creative writing and intricate world building

  • Music talk

  • All nerdy stuff and people being passionate about something

  • Pineapple on Pizza, bc it's fucking delicious

  • using swear words to make a point

  • Ridiculing church, state and corporations

  • Occasionally spreading the word of the Covenant of Yaseen

  • finding like-minded people 🧡

Does not especially like but engages in it nonetheless

  • talking about politics
  • talking about mental health

Will cuss you out and block you if you're

  • a transphobe, TERF, racist or some similar p.o.s.
  • a conservative, conspiracy theorist or science denier
  • a techbro elonite, corpo bootlicker or neoliberal idiot
    Srsly, all in these categories can just fuck right off. You are not welcome here. The world is suffering from you enough as it is.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

orangelantern, to random

Just a reminder that this incredibly cute thing exists. Can be downloaded here:
Vielleicht was für die nächste Demo. ;) Oder einfach so.

Made by this lovely person: and shared for free use.

(it reads "ADHD Antifa, distracted yet there" in german, where it rhymes)

orangelantern, to random

To all the pixel pushers out here: Do you know of any tools to create a color symbol emoji font from a set of bitmaps or svg files? Ideally with colr, cpal, and/or sbix support and, well, either free or dirt cheap because I really need it only once. And for a non-commercial project. I did take a look at FontForge but apparently it can't do color symbols in fonts which is the one thing I need.
Boosting would be appreciated.

qurlyjoe, to random avatar

A Superhero whose parents are – hear me out – alive and well.


@qurlyjoe There are quite a few of those around. :) Blue Beetle, Stargirl, Ms. Marvel, Wonder Woman (technically true!), Robin (Damian Wayne) or Spider-Man (Miles Morales) to name a few.
But the common cliché is, they’re not, ofc.

juergen_hubert, to random German avatar

"Bookstores are dangerous places. When you enter one, you will never know what you will take with you - or how much you will leave behind."



@juergen_hubert € 7,95.- in this case, apparently. ^^

orangelantern, to printandplay

Didn't know about that happening. What an ass. I mean, you could have thought of a word not referencing anyone (like dynamic dungeons or something), if you must (not buying the legal argument), but this is an attempt at erasure.

Even if these were valid concerns, retroactively changing the term in all previous work is offensive, to say the least. So I'm not on board with the conclusion of the video – if this was a genuine mistake, somewhere along the editing and erasing I think he would have stopped for a moment and thought about how that will look. I believe him to be smart enough for that. So, no, I'm not buying that excuse bullcrap. ESPECIALLY when the acknowledgement line at the end of the book says "jaquays is the ultimate guru when it comes to xandering the dungeon" – I mean, c'mon, at least, at the very least, at this point you would stop and think "wtf am I writing right now?". If you get past that point without batting an eye, you are full aware what you're doing.

This, again, raises the question "why are men?".

#xandering #jaquays #jaquaysingthedungeon #pnp #ttrpg


@Illuminatus There is truth in that. But it's also a rather entertaining format. ^^
I like this channel because they usually are rather reflected in their views (albeit milked for bad puns and humorous exaggaration). Yes, the titles are incredibly clickbait-y but that's YT for you.

It's all doom and gloom when it comes to WotC but there really isn't much good to say about it.

asolitarybear, to random avatar

Hey fediverse! I'm looking for representation in video games to help with body acceptance!

Please boost if your friends may be able to help! :boost_love:

Can anyone recommend characters from video games, art, movies, books, etc. with these qualities?

  • Big, tall and broad
  • A little chonky
  • Presenting as male
  • Withdrawn, kind and gentle
  • A little nerdy, a little queer

@asolitarybear Like in a character that does have all these attributes by writing or do games count in which you would be able to play as a character such as this?


@asolitarybear Still difficult, since there are not many chonky characters in video games (which I find a bit lamentable, tbh). The rest would be easier, since there are many rpgs that have rich character creation and allow a variety of personality playstyles. No chonkiness, tho. :(

The closest I can think of would be:

  • Baldur's Gate 3, which allows for a number of different personality styles, body types (no chonk tho) and is queer af.

  • Divinity: Original Sin II plays in the same court and allows you to play a character like this as well (same studio, no surprise there).

  • Jade Empire, a bit older, was similar insofar, that you could play a martial arts hunk who was gentle as a breeze and got the option of a queer romance. Again, no chonks as PCs. Now that I look for it, I start to see how weird that is.

  • Pillars of Eternity (1 & 2) have similar vibes but miss some of the points you specified, unfortunately.

Also, these are all games that give you options to be like this but don't specifically define your character as such (which is their whole deal and ofc the main point of their appeal).

  • "In Stars and Time" hits a lot of the notes I think you are going for, but the main character can hardly be called "broad". And they're clearly enby. But, err, I think you might want to check it out anyway.

This is a very specific set of requested attributes and I find it interesting that I found myself skipping some games from my list that have a female equivalent of something like this. But apparently there are strict rules when it comes to male protagonists. They are only allowed to be thick around the middle if it serves comedic purpose or serves to show the ineptitude of the character in physical things.

I guess that's the point of the query, eh?


@asolitarybear I mean, I could also name "Brütal Legend" whose main roadie character has strong Jack Black vibes (he is voicing the character too). He is definitely the stocky, broad, heroic type and was perfectly happy with being the supportive backbone before fate had other plans with him. ^^ It is not especially queer though (that is, not more than metal usually is, heh).

I would recommend this game in general, because I think it is great 😅 and brutally clichéd and also because I like the soundtrack.

orangelantern, to printandplay

I just learned there are people (D&D5 players) in the here and now who roll the stats of their characters.
And I'm like "Luck-based character generation? Is this the 90s? Do I need to look for my neon glowsticks and technodrome CDs as well?"

#pnp #ttrpg #dnd

Faintdreams, to random avatar

Whenever I see a question similar to:

"Is Animal Crossing New Horizons still worth buying in 2024?"

I always think DUDE.. what do you Even think this game is ?

Do people think Animal Crossing is some huge MMO type thing that only has worth when a bazillion other people are also playing it?

It has multiplayer/co-op but it's primarily a relaxing, single player, Life Sim.

Chillout people.


@Faintdreams Also, the answer is obviously „yes“. ^^

orangelantern, to random

You cannot win someone over with arguments who is hellbent on seeing "your kind" dead, deported (and dead) or stripped of all rights (and then, later, dead).

You might detest it, but you need to hard counter these people. For media this means stop giving them a stage to perform.
For politicians this means stop treating their hate as valid concerns or opinions.
For all others this means to ostracize them, exclude them from public life, scream at them, make it clear to them that they are not wanted here – and never ever vote for a party cozying up to them.

Antifascism is not a political leaning, it's the default for anyone not being a fascist.

gwynnion, to random avatar

Increasingly, 2024 feels like a white solidarity election where if you're a poor or marginalized person, you get to choose which version of the white elite you have to struggle under: the open fascism and threat of violence of Trump and Republicans or the patronizing neglect and puritanical meddling of Biden and Democrats, who keep pushing anti-LGBT+ legislation like KOSA.


@gwynnion It's quite detestable to use the threat of impending fascism as an excuse to improve on nothing, resting smugly on the argument that the alternative would be so much worse, so whaddaya gonna do? I mean ... true, getting shot is a lot worse than getting hit in the face. IT'S STILL BAD THOUGH.

I really don't understand why third parties don't see a rise under these circumstances. But they are just of local relevance, if at all, aren't they?

futurebird, (edited ) to random avatar

I think Trump confused Niki Haley with... Nancy Pelosi in a recent speech I think, accusing Haley of not doing anything on Jan. 6 to protect the capitol... a false accusation he normally tries to pin on Nancy Pelosi. (see tweet image)

He can't even keep his lies and attempts to blame others for his own deeds straight anymore.

And I suspect he confused them because they are both women who get in his way.


@futurebird … also probably because he’s getting senile (there wasn’t much mind to lose anyway, no matter how much toddler quizzes he „aces“). But yeah, it seems pretty much plausible that he doesn’t differentiate between people, especially women, that much.

yassie_j, to random avatar

Hi friends, is it morally okay for me to kill colleagues who leave no case notes when they make a decision on a case


@yassie_j At least properly document why. Otherwise you'd undermine your point.

orangelantern, to random

Cold is relative.

+10°C : Tenants of Helsinki turn off their heating.
+5°C : People in Lapland take a sunbath, if the sun still reaches over the horizon.
0°C : Destilled water freezes.
-1°C : Breath becomes visible. People in Lapland enjoy some ice cream and cold beer.
-4°C : Your cat wants under the blankets.
-12°C : Too cold for snowfall.
-18°C : Tenants of Helsinki turn the heating back on.
-20°C : Breath now becomes audible.
-23°C : Politicians start to claim sympathy for the homeless.
-26°C : Breath can now be used as material for ice sculptures.
-29°C : Your cat wants under your pajamas.
-31°C : Too cold for kissing, lips freeze together. The Lapland national soccer team begins training for spring season.
-39°C : Quicksilver freezes. Too cold to think. People of Lapland start closing their shirts.
-40°C : Your car wants under the blankets. People in Lapland think about wearing a sweater.
-44°C : Your dad is considering letting you use the thermostat. Maybe.
-50°C : Sea lions leave Greenland. People in Lapland start wearing some light mittens.
-70°C : Polar bears are leaving the north pole. At the university of Rovaniemi a field trip is getting planned.
-75°C : Santa is cancelling Christmas. People in Lapland start wearing wool hats.
-250°C : Alcohol freezes. People in Lapland are getting annoyed.
-268°C : Helium becomes fluid.
-270°C : Hell freezes over.
-273,15°C : Point Zero, no movement of elementary particles possible anymore. People in Lapland grudingly admit "yes, it's a bit chilly. Give me a schnapps to suck."

yassie_j, to random avatar




@yassie_j we really need to change your diet to something else than servers.

Velveteen, to random avatar

I'm on the way to work so please pray for my poor ickle server trying to survive the yaspocalypse while I'm away from a computer


@Velveteen you have entered into a dangerous covenant. may the elder guardians bless your hardware.

juergen_hubert, to folklore avatar

One narrative trope which German #folklore doesn't seem to have is that of the "bloodline power" - an innate supernatural ability inherited from parents to children. While there are people with "innate magical powers" in German folklore - primarily Second Sight - they don't derive from the ancestry of the affected person, but from the precise circumstances of their birth (i.e. being born on a specific day or hour).

And frankly, I am glad - the notion that some people are inherently "better" somehow because their parents were "better" never sat well with me. #fantasy #ttrpg


@juergen_hubert Although, being better (or cursed) because you were born at the right time at the right place isn’t that much better. It highlights the uncaring randomness of the universe and would probably make it even harder a pill to swallow to some that your non-specialness is not the result of different circumstances but complete randomness. The universe just hates you. ​:ablobcatgooglytrash:​ But this would be a very german view on things.

It also means your powers are gone once you are gone. That can be both good or bad.

Also, it‘s not just being „better“, it’s also a huge responsibility, as powers always are. Getting this responsibility chucked in your lap by fate is had already, but by birth? There was really nothing you could’ve done to prevent this. I don’t think that’s always such a major blessing.

GMs really should explore that aspect more. I certainly do with my magic-born characters.

orangelantern, to random

Oh yes pls.
Shortly after my birthday no less. Nice.

orangelantern, to random

Still not feeling the christmas spirit and it might be too late now anyway. I do hope you all have a nice and cozy, maybe even festive, time, though. In whatever way you choose to approach it.

orangelantern, to random

The lesson here is for every creative: Even if you help to create something the world loves and creates a breakthrough for your company, to the company you're just an irrelevant ressource, costing far too much money.
No corporate employer will ever see you as valuable, no matter how much you do for the company. You're still part of the plebs, not the important elite. Never forget that. You owe them nothing. Loyalty will not be rewarded.


heliomass, to apple avatar

📖 “Mac OS 9 is Still Alive and Kicking.. and That’s Not a Bad Thing” #Apple #macOS #RetroComputing

Great to see this lives on. Personally I have a full install on my 2022 Mac Mini running under SheepShaver if I ever fancy a game of Escape Velocity or Marathon, which is quite often.


@heliomass Escape Velocity. 🧡 The memories.

I loved OS9. Didn’t know you could still run it … but ofc someone worked something out. I should have expected that.


@heliomass Thx. Saved for reference. You'll never know.

While I have fond memories of classic macOS and the application programs I ran on it, current-gen OSes have so many features I would have killed for in the olden days. Yes, also a lot of dead weight, but there's always a price, I guess.
And there are a lot of games that are, well, much better than what we had, even if I wouldn't want to miss all my memories of Marathon 1-Infinity, Glider, EV and Geneforge for the world.

Speaking of, Marathon and Geneforge are still there, though. In improved overhauls no less.

Being able to run it on my Windows machine is an attractive thought, though. And be it just for the novelty of it ...

orangelantern, to random

Men who refer to women as "females" shouldn't be getting near women ever. Luckily, that's usually the case already.

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