
CoffeeAddict avatar



I am nothing without my morning coffee.

Co-Moderator for @Neoliberal on kbin.social

Other aliases:
Mastodon: @CoffeeAddict
Lemmy: @Coffee_Addict

ArugulaZ avatar



Gaming enthusiast, writer, artist, and social media ronin. Current denizen of the Dork Web, aka federated media. Doesn't play well with others.

IONLYpost avatar



Remember RiF is Fun.

PugJesus avatar



Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.

temchonghanggia4tech avatar



Nhu cầu in tem chống giả tại 4Tech: https://temchonghanggia4t.com/ đang được nhiều công ty và doanh nghiệp lựa chọn để bảo vệ người tiêu dùng cũng như cơ sở sản xuất hàng hóa. 4Tech đang là công ty in tem chống giả, tem bộ công an,... được đánh giá cao trong lĩnh vực in tem chống giả hiện nay mà bạn có thể tham khảo.
Địa chỉ công ty 4Tech: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7e6NVFXuoCf6zhqeA

CharlesReed avatar



PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

Alt account on https://kbin.run/u/CharlesReed

DarkGamer avatar



A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

yukichigai avatar



Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.

You can also find me over at lemmy.sdf.org under the same username.

MonsterFenrick avatar




Ooops avatar




Trying to centralize my fediverse use with kbin but still with (rarely used) accounts on:

Lemmy: @Ooops &
Mastodon: @Ooops

chameleon avatar



i'm lizard 🦎

theinspectorst avatar



Liberal, Briton, FBPE. Co-mod of m/neoliberal

livus avatar



If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).



My other account is Moldy@programming.dev PM me there if messages refuse to come through to this one.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar



I'm just this guy, you know?

hoodatninja avatar



Former landed gentry



Full time Lurker

TheLastOfHisName avatar



A sometime poet.
Mostly I just ramble.
ADHD and unmedicated.
Human, imperfect, but trying.

"Where do we go....we who wander the wastelands in search of our better selves?" -The First History of Man

Observing9997 avatar



Just another person on the internet

FaizalR avatar



Interested in polemology, global Islamic conflict & technology. Connecting accounts.

Sabata11792 avatar



DM me cute anime girls.

keet avatar



Teacher. Math/Sci/Pol nerd. Recovering IT worker. Former owner of clothing not covered in cat hair.

Also @keet

symfonystation avatar



Hi, I'm Reuben, the Ringmaster of Mobile Atom Media and Code (https://www.mobileatom.net/). Symfony Station (https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/) is my latest venture. I moderate the Symfony magazine here (https://kbin.social/m/Symfony) and created the Symfony Universe Collection. (https://kbin.social/u/symfonystation/c/SymfonyUniverse)

A graduate of the Univ. of Georgia and an MA graduate of Georgia State, I live in Orlando. My full-stack developer certification is from the Univ. of Central Florida.

skepickle avatar



Full stack electromancer.

I make lights blink in very specific order.

“Tell people there is an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they will touch it to be sure.”
      - Probably not George Carlin

TimeSquirrel avatar


BenjMathis1 avatar



Migrated to my kbin.run account @BenjMathis1


I am a tech enthusiast/early adopter and Marvel nerd, currently studying Design.

Not quite sure what all I'll be getting into here, but I'm excited to see where this all goes!

You can also find me elsewhere on the internet @BenjMathis1.

makmarian avatar



Developer 🖥️ Likes programming, 3D-printing, Linux, electronics, anime and more 😁🇳🇴


@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar



Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar



admin vanta :HackerCat: :heart_cyber:​ :crt_w_green_lines:

currently writing a book called "THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP: My Mastodon Microblog Memoir"

she/her, they/them 🖤 27 🖤 seattle 🖤 trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist 🖤 fediverse sex symbol 🖤 prolific poster 🖤 rogue wordsmith extraordinaire 🖤 fedi's favorite pirate radio DJ 🖤 a forest of carbon nanotubes 🖤 anarcho-communist 🖤 DIY punk clothing auteur 🖤 video editor vagabond 🖤 full-fledged cybersleuth archivist 🖤 punweaver 🖤 chaotic good 🖤 "i'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" 🖤 up the cyberpunx!!! 🖤

164,261 lifetime posts on past instances 🖤 joined fedi 2017 🖤 previously on beach.city 🖤

:over18:​ MINORS DNI. this is for my own safety :over18:

paypal: https://paypal.me/v33b33
cashapp: https://cash.app/$vantablack420
venmo: https://venmo.com/vantablack420
liberapay: https://liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vantablack
kofi: https://ko-fi.com/vantablack420




The Harbinger Of Cute, The Conqueror of Moe, The Supreme Overlord of Absturztaube, Puniko vi Punitsune!

trans rights are human rights ​:blobhajtransprideheart:​ (ally)
kein bock auf nazis ​:antifa:​

Avatar is maomao from the apothecary diaries
Banner is from princess connect re:dive


Matrix: @puniko:snug.moe
XMPP: me@jabber.absturztau.be
(Please ping me on fedi first, before adding me on Matrix or XMPP, thank you)

Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/31776636


@Looping@anticapitalist.party avatar



Influenceur bénévole anar antifa cripple punk.
Je ne veux ni commander ni obeir, je veux etre libre. Et je ne le serais que lorsque tout le monde le sera.
Poète lyrique, photographe, socialiste laser, franc-maçon, végétarien, queer pan aro-ace agenre, antivalidiste, trouble anxieux, punk handibiker, gamer PS5 & home cinéphile 4K.
Doutez de tout, et surtout de ce que je vais vous dire. ♿ :heart_pride: :heart_pan: :heart_ace: :cannabis: 🐧 🖖
🎁 25/04/82 :twitter: 29/07/09 :mastodon: 03/04/17.

@DacoTaco@lemmy.world avatar



The real deal y0

@j_g_fitzgerald@c.im avatar



#FBPE 🇮🇪 🇪🇺citizen. #GTTO #FBR #FB
Vote Blue. Zero tolerance for neo-conservative cult. Liberal lefties are smarter & have more fun. Proactive planning for home building, affordable healthcare & new social contract.
♥️ Munster rugby.
Fav movie; The Big Lebowski. Other movies may be approved. Fav books too numerous to list.
#Wexford #UI #Trees

@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar



A news center for the Left. I say bad things!

@Neverfadingwood@lingo.lol avatar



Scot living in Kraków, Poland.
English Teacher by trade.
Linguist by education and passion.
Other interests include music and politics (mostly British, Polish, rarely American).
Owned by Marmite (see avi).
#ActuallyAutistic, so please be direct.

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." - John Cage
"The best material model of a cat is another, or preferably the same, cat." - Norbert Wiener

@drahardja@sfba.social avatar



Software since 1998. Ex-Apple. I smushed AppKit and UIKit together and never looked back.

Black lives matter. Trans lives matter. LGBT+ rights are human rights. Healthcare, security, a decent income, and housing with dignity are human rights. Abortion is healthcare. Science is our best hope as a species. Kindness and empathy are the noblest of human traits.

I block assholes and bigots.


My posts are searchable.

Ask me anonymously: https://ngl.link/drahardja

@danjac@masto.ai avatar



Software developer/professional Jira ticket puncher.

Originally British, naturalized Finn. Interested in #scifi #fantasy #movies #opensource #python #django #javascript #running #nature #art #podcasts #languages #history

Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/395916463753126249

Header pic: Pascal Blanche https://pascalblanche.artstation.com/projects/r9ZEKL

@asbestos@toot.community avatar



Art, Science, Politics, & 4th grade fart jokes.
I'm either the first person to figure out what's going on, or the last.
If You have boosted one of my posts you may be entitled to monetary compensation from a fund set aside for victims of asbestos

MFA-sculpture, BKA, EMT, OCD,
I was a fan of goats before goats were cool.
Pacific Northwest.
He/him/Hey, Asshole!

Profile picture is symbol of United Corvids
With their slogan "An injury to one is an injury to all"

@kalfatermann@mastodon.social avatar



[Note:] Advertisers, influencers and pure booster accounts please move on. I'm interested in communication, not being flooded! I have no interest in being bombarded with smooth advertising, new unbelievable products, any wonders or saving plans. Those of you, who don't seem to understand, get a kick, goodbye! I value quality over quantity, and for this reason I also limit the number of my followers. So don’t be mad, reach out and find others, and have a nice day!

@Digiday@flipboard.com avatar



Authority, insight and honesty on digital media and marketing.

Follow to see posts from the official Digiday Flipboard profile.

@anathema_device@bne.social avatar



Cis-het married cat lady, retired web developer, pro-choice atheist and feminist. My train station is Lawnton, I shop at Warner, and my federal MP is a potato. #Australian

Diagnosed at 60 as #ActuallyAutistic. Still trying to work out what that means. Strong opinions, many interests, boring AF. I don't get out much because of physical limitations and fear of #COVID

My pronouns are she/her. My cats are Shula (black) and Jana (tortie).


@SJohnRoss@dice.camp avatar



You examine the S. John closely, but find only a small tag proclaiming him a product of the Frobozz Magic Game Designer Company.

@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar



Digital infrastructure 4 a cooperative internet. social/technological systems & systems neuro with some light dynamical systems & crush on topology on the side.

writin bout the surveillance state n makin some p2p

science/work-oriented alt of @jonny

information is political, science is labor

This is a public account, quotes/boosts/links are always ok <3.

pfp by https://www.instagram.com/pleasedontfront

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar



I'm a just a small town AAA graphics programmer in Chicago. I worked on Gears 5 and Gears Tactics. My work is secret, but my personal projects are not.

I like to post about my personal research, various side projects, and I like to think out loud a lot. Expect weird humor, esoteric ramblings, and occasionally also art I made out of math. I like implicit surface modeling the normal amount. Amateur spoonie. 🏳️‍⚧️

Curses are just blessings with caveats.

@pippa@famichiki.jp avatar



🌸 I am here for conversations 🌸
married; wrangler of one toddler, twin babies,
one dog and one rabbit
neurospicy, and neither cis nor het
🇬🇧🇪🇺 living in japan since 2012 🇯🇵
kanagawa prefecture, shonan area 🏖️

tendencies towards either the severe understatement or the hyperbolic 🧐

✨🌈 no flavour of bigotry is welcome here🌈 ✨

profile picture: blue hydrangea flowers of a variety called “mangekyo” (“kaleidoscope” in Japanese)
header image: a bunch of red roses

@dannotdaniel@mastodon.social avatar



your friendly neighborhood cheesemonger.

🛠️ Unlearning some Things 🛠️

HERE for:
🧀 cheese
🏛️ democracy
🎨 art, animations, #pixelart, #3d
📷 photography
🎸 tasty blues solos
🤓 general nerdery

NOT here for:
🚫 not "expecting follow back"
🚫 not into crypto / adjacent scams
😅 ignore the spinny coin

#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
#MaskUp 💉😷
#CheezeEmAll #BrieBest 🧀
#mastodon #fediverse 🌈📙
#TransWomenAreWomen 🏳️‍⚧️
#NeverMeta #BlockThreads
#animation #vfx #simulations
#linux #python #b3d #gimp #foss 🤓

@lupomancer@furries.club avatar



⟁ PNW 🇨🇦
⟁ hyena 🍪
⟁ bat🦇
⟁ werewolf🌕🐺
⟁ space cryptid 👽
⟁ DJ 💿
⟁ photographer 📷
⟁ naked forest Guardian🌲
https://bsky.brid.gy/r/https://bsky.app/profile/midnightmakers.ca suiter 🧵

@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar



#Queer #Southern #Hillbilly #Artist
#Photographer #Storyteller #Editor #DJ

"It was the freshest move I've ever seen—like he was floating on air." — #UtahSaints

"Nice and decent people...feel it." — #GrooveArmada

"This ain't no drill!" — #HoneyDijon

@Aphelion@mastodon.sdf.org avatar



#Poet: The dirtiest four letter word I know. #poetry and sometimes #prose.

@Cassandra@autistics.life avatar



Trying to find community at the end of the world.

Favourite topics include #autism, trauma, brains, #accessibility, tech, injustice, healing, animals, nature, #StarTrek, words, nonsense, polls.

No boosts without explanatory #AltText.

Header: a Canadian forest in autumn. Tall dark brown trunks, a profusion of yellow and orange leaves, small patches of green.

Avatar: a close-up of the painting Cassandra by Evelyn de Morgan. Cassandra tears her flaming red hair as Troy burns behind her.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar



I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username. I tend to edit everything I write like a million times within the span of a couple minutes after posting, so if you see one thing and suddenly it changes, that was just a first draft. 😅

@mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar



Theerre's the hostility I was trying to bait into existence

@qlp@linh.social avatar



#WaitWait Stats Person, Release Manager, Background in IT/DevOps, #TBTL Ten, and sometimes a photographer. Pronouns: he/him/they/them

#WaitWaitDontTellMe #WWDTM #Python #DoctorWho #Whovian #StarTrek #BAONPDX #RCTID #COYS #Oregon #BSD #Linux #Photography #fedi22

:fedora: :debian: :freebsd: :apple_old_logo: :python:

Profile image: vectorized image of a Moopsy in a conference room

Header image: #xkcd 353 by Randall Munroe. Source: https://xkcd.com/353/ (CC BY-NC 2.5)

@impactology@mastodon.social avatar



Independent interface design researcher. Writing a book on designing novel interactive visual abstractions (novel ui concepts) for new ways of learning, teaching, explaining, discovering, inventing things online

Same handle name at bluesky

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