mobilizon, to random Italian avatar

Mobilizon è la piattaforma per segnalare eventi nel fediverso italiano, con l'ultimo aggiornamento sono aumentati enormemente il numero di partecipanti e di eventi!

Attualmente sono più di 1383 gli eventi pubblicati con 5259 partecipazioni confermate!!
127 sono i Gruppi attivi e 3775 gli iscritti:


Mobilizon è uno dei primi progetti del fediverso ed è finalmente un progetto maturo e attivo in tutta Europa!

x, to random Polish avatar

#drogiblipie #drogiefedi
Mam grupę znajomych, w której dzielimy się na bieżąco informacjami o koncertach, meczach i różnych wydarzeniach. Obecnie wygląda to tak, że gdy ktoś znajdzie coś ciekawego wrzuca to na Whatsapp i chętni wpisują sobie do kalendarza. Pomyślałem, że #mobilizon się do tego nada lepiej, w związku z tym mam pytania do obecnych użytkowników:

  1. Czy można stworzyć w tym własną grupę?
  2. Czy można ustawić powiadomienia o wszystkich wydarzeniach z grupy?
  3. Czy mobilizon synchronizuje się z kalendarzem?
  4. Czy można importować wydarzenia z FB i różnych stron internetowych?
ftdl, (edited ) to mastodon Polish avatar

Przyjazna przypominajka, że fundacja non-profit FTdL z Krakowa (tak, to my), zbiera środki na swoją działalność w serwisie tutaj:

Dzięki Waszym dobrowolnym wpłatom możemy finansować wiele projektów oraz utrzymywać serwerownię KRK-DC, w której prowadzimy dla Was paletę usług, by wymienić m. in.:,

Oferujemy tę infrastrukturę również dla takich serwisów jak:,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i kilku innych.

Więc jeśli wygodnie Wam wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność na Patronite, oraz uznacie, że nasza wspólna praca jest warta waszych dotacji, to serdecznie zapraszamy ❤️

m0bi13, to mastodon Polish avatar

A wiecie, że fundacja non-profit FTdL @ftdl z Krakowa, która w swojej serwerowni prowadzi dla Was m. in.:,

oraz oferuje własną infrastrukturę dla,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i wielu innym projektom,

ma również profil na .pl?

Więc jeśli wygodniej Wam tam właśnie wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność, to zapraszam na:


pfefferle, to random avatar

@linos do you have a link to a documentation of the follow/approval process on application level, that is used by #mobilizon ?

madbob, to mastodon Italian avatar

Ho messo su una istanza #Mobilizon che riversa nel #fediverso gli eventi estrapolati dalle piattaforme di ticket online (ora VivaTicket, sto lavorando anche su altre).

Esiste un "gruppo" per ciascuna provincia, che può essere followato usando un qualsiasi account federato (e.g. #Mastodon) per ricevere le notifiche di nuovi eventi nella propria zona.
Qui l'elenco completo.

Ci sono un po' di cose da aggiustare, ma per intanto accolgo feedback ;-)

mobilizon, to random French

#Mobilizon s'envole hors du nid de @Framasoft : nous transmettons le projet à l'association Kaihuri. Toutes les infos et réponses à vos questions se trouvent dans cet article :

En conséquence, nous allons également transmettre les clés de ce compte, qui ne sera donc plus animé par @Framasoft.

Merci à toutes et à tous de votre confiance, et bon vent à #Mobilizon !

mobilizon, to random French

#Mobilizon flies out of the @Framasoft nest: we pass the project on to the Kaihuri association.

All the info and answers to your questions can be found in this article :

As a result, we will also be handing over the keys to this account, which will no longer be managed by @Framasoft.

Thank you all for your trust, and all the best to #Mobilizon!

unutao, to Nantes French avatar

Ce JEUDI 14 MARS sur

ATELIER - par @lafediversenantaise
au , café associatif du quartier -Zola

Venez découvrir ou partager vos connaissances,
y rencontrer les groupes locaux qui se développent sur ces réseaux,

Entrée libre et gratuite..

N'hésitez pas à passer :

Et merci d'avance à celleux qui pourront relayer l'info ! 🙂


michal, to random Polish
fediversereport, to fediverse avatar

Last Week in #Fediverse - ep 55

  • #Bluesky drops the invite codes, and turns out to be a massive hit in Japan. The network grew by more than 50% in less than a week's time.
  • The different federated event planning apps (#mobilizon, and Event Federation) are working together for a better unified experience
  • @theverge explains the fediverse.

Read at:

blog, to fediverse

Fediversity at O₄FFDEM

Last weekend FOSDEM took place in Brussels, Belgium. However it was O₄FFDEM that provided the space for about 20 people to meet and discuss the future of events in the Fediverse for the whole Saturday. Among them developers like @lesion (developer of Gancio), setop (upcoming coordinator of Mobilizon), @dreirik (, @laurin (contributor to ActivityPods) and community members, (h)activists and event organizers like @becha or @eest9, just to name a few, and myself. Eventually, there were people from half of Europe: Montpellier, Strasbourg, Graz, Amsterdam, Italy, Vienna, Ljubljana, and Rotterdam.


It was impressive how, despite the number of people present, it was possible for the group to de facto moderate itself, in particular through the experienced careful intervention of a few at the right moments. We began with a short round of introductions, in which expectations for the day were also clarified. We first decided to talk about values, to clarify what needs and concerns are generally present. We were all united by the desire to become independent of Big Tech, although there were several completely different concepts of how this would be achieved from a single point of view in the mix.


It has become evident that in the case of events, from of a software developer’s point of view, one cannot simply speak of users, but must distinguish between organizers and participants, although the distinction can also be blurred in the case of a small community. Following dilemmas were identified:

  • regional vs global calendars
  • topical vs mixed calendars
  • aggregation vs autonomy
  • moderation vs censorship

Advantages of a physical meeting

The discussion about these aspects was extensive and, admittedly, did not always seem to me to be very target-oriented. However, it was necessary to balance our different backgrounds and bring us up to the same level of knowledge and it became more concrete after the lunch break when we decided to compare and work out the intentions and use cases of the existing applications and developments in more detail. I could recap this in detail here, but I think it is best to write a stand-alone follow-up article. Each project has its own approach: some focus on local communities, some focus on private events an another wants to provide a way to organize larger political movements with as few social features as possible. On top of that, people have come up with use cases that no developer ever seemed to think of before.

One activist’s question, “What’s the difference between federation and interoperability?“, which had been floating around the room all day, was finally addressed in a satisfying way with examples. Even if all applications can successfully aggregate and display events of others, it does not mean that they respect all mechanisms that control how the event is listed, whether the event is joinable via ActivityPub, whether these joins have to be manually approved, whether some event details visibility have a certain scope, etc.


Perhaps one of the most important points was to enable the creation of event calendars, which are also aimed at people who do not want to have an account anywhere, but are simply looking for events. From the point of view of people looking for events, regional or topic-specific calendars are particularly important. Which events are aggregated and shown on an individual platform would be in the hands of the platform operators, which would then automatically play a major role in moderation.

Why use ActivityPub?

ActivityPub covers most of the features iCal offers for creating calendars by aggregating multiple sources, but adds a few more:

  • Follow relationships become tangible
  • Social media like features:
    • Boosting
    • Liking
    • Replies
  • Push, not pull based
  • Joining (Participants management)
  • Use moderation and governance tools from the Fediverse

Getting to a Common Ground

Mobilizon has already introduced a huge set of custom properties and ways to manage event objects in the ActivityPub world. We decided on a process to re-evaluate their choices and draft a Fediverse Extension Proposal (FEP) for the least common set of them. What makes an event:

  • What: title, summary, content, etc.
  • When: start-time, end-time, timezone (for displaying), recursion
  • Where:
    • on/offline/hybrid
    • URL/location
    • Private locations which may be disclosed on participant’s acceptance
  • From Whom
  • To Whom: Public, Private, Unlisted
    • Why if not want to get listed just not “send” the event: e.g., Mobilizon -> federated groups -> federated private events
    • Let the sender of an event set the discoverability : the recipient might mistreat that

We decided to deal with advanced mechanisms such as sub-events, recurring events, irregularly rescheduled events in the future.


All in all, it was simply nice to get to know each other and exchange ideas with other people who pursue common or similar goals. Especially the exchange between developers and non-developers, who were in the majority, was of great importance from my point of view. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to capture all the aspects in such a short recap. If you are missing something important, please have a comment. Many thanks to all of you, especially the organizers and those who were taking the meeting minutes.

piko, to random German avatar

Next stop in the !

This time: . It's for "event planning and group management" and is an alternative to meetup and eventbrite, according to Wikipedia. Wikipedia also says that there's federation to e.g. Mastodon – let's see!

Very fitting fun fact: a typical part of the domains for mobilizon instances seems to be "fomo" :>

ftdl, to fediverse Polish avatar

W związku z migracją systemów pod skrzydła Fundacji @ftdl informujemy o oknie serwisowym dzisiaj od godziny 22:00 do godzin nocnych. przez ten czas nie będzie działał.

Nie znamy dokładnego czasu zakończenia prac, poinformujemy osobnym komunikatem.

W razie problemów po migracji prosimy o kontakt z działem pomocy tutaj @pomoc lub e-mail: pomoc[at]

#Mobilizon to wydarzenia i grupy w #fediverse. Więcej informacji:

cc @michal @piotrsikora @sebastian

kaffeeringe, to mastodon German avatar

Man kann sich bei #Mobilizon Events nicht mit einem #Mastodon Account anmelden, oder?

milan, to random avatar

i want to see how the #tchncs #mobilizon performs over the course of this year – therefor testing phase will not end by the end of this month

MayInToronto, to fediverse

Has anyone run an #event or an event series on #mobilizon? Thoughts on that platform?

I saw the Berlin protests were organized through the platform. Glad to see it's gaining traction. #fediverse

meljoann, to random avatar

#mobilizon or #gancio for a shared streaming calendar? Thoughts?

I haven’t used either before, and I’m not clear about:

  • whether they adjusts to user’s time zone
  • can you follow an event, or just an instance
  • does it send reminders of an event, or just posts when it’s published? Is this customisable?
  • any way to prevent clashing events?
milan, to random avatar

sooo... i guess that mobilizon instance either did not spark that much interest or it is a bad time of the year to evaluate that. testing phase of whether people actually use it and of its reliability is scheduled until end of january.
if you ran into bugs, please retry as it was recently updated.


#mobilizon #tchncs

tallship, to foss

We've been discussing these issues, amongst others lately in the Fediverse-City room on Matrix, what with the relative demise of following its acquisition by WeWork, and the rise of *events over at Faceplant further obviating them having much to do with a plethora of event management projects exploding onto the scene for the past couple of years.

It's been a while since I've visited #Faceplant, so long in fact, I only recently became aware a couple of years ago that they had a marketplace that has largely supplanted craigslist, and finding out just today that they in fact have some sort of events system - that speaks volumes, I think, toward my dedication to dogfooding my #FOSS and simply ignoring, for the most part, there are still some privacy disrespecting operators in the deprecated monolithic silo space of social networking.

#Mobilizon, #Hubzilla, #Rebased, and #Friendica have their own take on how these event management systems should #Federate through the rest of the #Fediverse, while others mentioned in the article below, including #WordPress try to fit into that niche in a cooperative, interoperable way... and it's paying off. Bigtime.

It's a good read, events are powerful for hobbyists, technologists, sports enthusiasts, and just about any kind of IRL or remote attendance awareness and organizing; so it only stands to reason that #DeSoc, and social networking in general include the capabilities to seamlessly propagate events as globally possible.

At the very least, events are heralded as one of the best ways to get free pizza 🍕 and beer 🍺 with others that have common interests. After a veritable shitload of funding from many sources, including NGI0 and even larger corporate sponsors, we're approaching a place where anyone with a Fediverse account, even on the smolweb or most obscure platforms like Threads, will be privy to things like announcements, RSVP, alerts, Etc., of upcoming events, regardless of whether your Fediverse platform of choice directly supports event management.

And it is perhaps a little ironic, that #Threads users themselves will likely have at their disposal, an event notification and management capability in direct conflict with the one that Meta wants them to use - I dunno how that's going to work out, but I think it's pretty kewl that nobody else does either at this time.

#tallship #Fediverse_City #NGI0 h/t to @silverpill for the heads up on the following article, he just always seems to know where that rabbit is hiding in the tophat and pulls it right out when it's most needed, lolz.



contributopia, to fediverse Italian avatar
kuketzblog, to fediverse German avatar

Morgen startet der . Eine Bitte an alle, die hingehen: Macht Werbung für das Fediverse, damit noch mehr Menschen den Weg in die Freiheit finden.

velorution_brest, to random French

Le saviez-tu ?
Le collectif Vélorution Brest a un groupe Mobilizon sur l'instance du chaton local.

Rejoins-nous 😊 🚴‍♀️🎶

blog, to wordpress

When writing the initial version of our project plan as signed and agreed with by NlNet we didn’t know yet about the dynamics of the community, specifically about how the cooperation between the maintainers of the plugin and would be like. The level of collaboration with other developers would determine whether our project goals could only be achieved through a series of workarounds, or whether we could work together to strengthen interoperability and compatibility in the Fediverse.

Mobilizon was, until our project, the only Fediverse application with true event federation. limits its ActivityPub capabilities to sending notes, but is working on a true federation of events, and other services like have a very different approach to events: their implementation focuses on sending invitations rather than publishing events. As is usual with any software, you will find a lot of small bugs if you have not done any tests beforehand. In the case of Mobilizon, this was not possible since there were no alternative platforms to do the tests with, so the only option was to test the Federation with other Mobilizon servers. We seem to be the first and we are fascinated and incredibly grateful for the willingness and prioritization that such issues have among the other developers (thanks to tcit and les). The issues may seem small, but they have a big impact: .

The other deciding factor for us was that we didn’t know how close the interaction with the upstream WordPress AktivityPub project would be. The exchange of ideas and the desire for a joint solution is strong. We would like to thank @pfefferle again for the regular exchange, his ideas and inspiration, without his commitment to the community our project would be less sustainable.

Tasks done (almost)

  • We published a repository that aims to make it easy for other developers, including ourselves to start developing and debugging WordPress along with Mobilizon.
  • We have created a pull request to add management of various ActivityPub transformers to the admin interface. The current implementation basically works, but we have a lot to polish and improve on our roadmap.
  • Using that patched ActivityPub plugin we explored writing transformers for two popular event plugins, this gave us a lot insight on what is important. These transformers already have fundamental compatibility with Moblizon.
  • Updating our About us page showing some information who we are.

Upcoming tasks

  • Implement FEP-2677: Identifying the Application Actor
  • Implement the followers list of the application actor in the admin UI along with the ability to reject, approve, and remove followers. We are very inspired by how has solved this in the admin UI. This of course includes a an option as:manuallyApprovesFollowers that can be set for an ActivityPub actor within WordPress.
  • Write an initial draft of the user documentation informing about custom ActivityPub transformers and instance-to-instance federation with Mobilizon. The target audience will be non-tech people. Parts of this will also be used as a non-tech description of our project.
  • Improve the admin UI and propose a solution to handle the settings for each transformer, if there are any.
  • Write more transformers for other popular event plugins to discover common pitfalls.

If you have any questions, ideas, or would like to help us, for example by testing our progress yourself if your operate a WordPress site with events, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We don’t care if you have technical experience or what your background is: any kind of involvement is valuable to us.

Siltaer, to random French avatar

Faites un don à Mozilla. Reprenez le contrôle d’Internet. -> J'avais lu "Fondation Mobilizon" et j'étais entrain de boguer…

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