jon, to random avatar

Welcome to today's thread - #CrossBorderRail South East Europe Day 01 29 May 2024 - Helsinki - Tallinn

Crossing these borders:
Sea border Finland - Estonia and possibly Narva rail border to Russia (not crossing!)

These borders on the borders map:

Today's routes on the routes map:

pony, avatar

@jon @JiMakinen no, but if you compare the two estonian[1] and french[2] coast, it seems you will really need to place the portal more inland, or maybe consider something like doing it at the big island northwest and connect to the city over a bridge? or an artificial island like oresund?


larsibacken, to classicalmusic avatar
RitaWerner, to random German avatar

Da stehen jetzt 7 Spitzenpolitiker. Von Ricarda #Lang über #Lindner bis Janine #Wissler. Mitten unter ihnen ein #Faschist: Tino #Chrupalla.
Und ihr "wehrhaften" Demokraten stellt euch mit diesem Nazi in einen Raum?
Auf gleicher Augenhöhe mit einem Faschisten?
Ohne rot zu werden, ohne Brechreiz? Ohne ihm vor die Füsse zu kotzen und ihm deutlich zu zeigen, dass er nichts an diesem Ort zu suchen hat.

Ihr Versager. Ihr erbärmlichen.
Wie ihr mich ekelt.
Unwählbar. alle.


barsoap, (edited ) to programmerhumor in And don't forget RTFM

Obligatory link to the wizard book, aka learn programming the proper way. Never mind the language this is about principles and fundamental concepts. Yes by the end of it you’ll have written a compiler, that’s the equivalent of a smith forging a hammer and tongs. Flank with HTDP if you need a bit hand-holding putting programs together, SICP is rather pinpoint-focussed on the concepts so doesn’t contain much in terms of design. If you want a stand-alone implementation of the language (with the first link you can run all the code boxes in the browser, fancy newfangled stuff I approve of) racket is the way to go, just add #lang sicp in front of your files and you’ll have the exact dialect the wizard book uses.

The wizard book has been the standard recommendation for like 20 years now, the only reason other tutorials exist is because newbs insist on “how to move cube in unity without programming” type of hand-holding. It’s not actually helping them, on the contrary I see much learned helplessness in the young’uns.

From those basics you can dive into whatever concrete you need for whatever you want to do, you’ll have the necessary background to not be lost at sea. To further build that background knowledge it’s a good idea to have acquaintance with a broad selection of standard data structures, algorithms, and their properties. No need to go in real depth but you should have an at least intuitive understanding of why they have the properties they have, like, don’t be surprised if your game stutters if you’re using hashmaps. O(1) and amortised O(1) are not the same thing.

Last, but not least, never write your own datetime or unicode handling code.

LunchEnjoyer, to asklemmy in Besides Linux isos and piracy, what are some common uses of torrenting? avatar

Not a direct answer to your question, but this is where I download my stuff from, and it also shows size.

Edit: Wikipedia is available there, the full thing is 109.89GB. I wonder how up-to-date it is.

daviwil, to scheme avatar

I just opened up registration for the March iteration of the "Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners" course!

This is an 8-week course that is a mixture of on-demand learning content, live Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and a private forum where I answer all your questions. We had a great time in the February iteration so I'm looking forward to running it again!

Come learn Scheme and functional programming with us!

#gnu #guile #scheme #programming


@daviwil Are Guile libraries not usable with Racket code?

My understanding was one could easily intermingle Racket and Scheme code by using directives.

I suppose my question, put another way, is if I learn Scheme, can I use everything I learn in Racket with virtually no modifications?

davel, to worldnews in China demands Israel halt military operations in Rafah avatar

I was convinced by this Bell¿ncat satellite image of a concentration camp interning over a million people:…

fradie_new, to politik German avatar

Rekordgewinne für #Landwirte.
Vor DEM Hintergrund macht die #Treckerdemo Sinn:
Gewinn maximieren, wie in anderen Branchen auch!
Dann möchte ich dazu die Anlässe der #LG für ihre Demonstrationen und die radikale Verurteilung durch die #Politik bewertet sehen!
#KlimaRAF #Terroristen #LetzteGeneration #Faeser #Dobrindt #Söder #Spahn #Lang #Özdemir

bhawthorne, (edited ) to random

How bad are the thousands of new stochastically-generated websites?
Last night I wanted to roast some hazelnuts, and I could not remember the temperature I used last time. So I searched on DuckDuckGo. Every website that I could find was machine-generated with different temps listed. One site had three separate methods listed that were essentially differently worded versions of the same thing. With different temperatures.

So I pulled my copy of Rodale’s Basic Natural Foods Cookbook off the shelf and looked it up there.

I think it may be time to download an archive copy of the 2022 Wikipedia before we lose all of our reference material. It was nice having all the world’s knowledge at my fingertips for a couple of decades, but that time seems to be past.

[ Edit: Since others have mentioned the possibility, I should mention that some of these sites may have been SEO-generated/altered and not generated by an LLM. However, even if that is the case, the fact that the sites are as bad as and indistinguishable from LLM-generated sites means to me they are just as bad and just as likely to be have only a loose resemblance to reality. There are many ways to be a fancy stochastic parrot. ]

RyunoKi, avatar
jhilden, to history avatar

This time table diagram from 1923 by the Finnish National Railways is so cute. I would be overjoyed if connections like this were restored. My personal Solarpunk utopia is ”what if pre-1950 but without the coal and with modern electronics”.
”Travelling routes to Finland”. #history #diagrams #landBasedTravel


@jhilden yep. I sure miss the practically priced ship route to the Americas.

There's still a ton of ferries in Europe!

I've been considering train trip up Norway and the Hurtigruten.

And I actually considered taking the ferry from Dunkirk (a short bus trip from De Panne) to the English Islands on the last trip, but...

Not all of them carry passengers all the time, and the prices are out there, but:;p=w;bkgd=5;theme=78:0.75,85:0.98,86:0.75,212:0.75;c=329589.6715633925,6657643.333482614;z=4

tagesschau, to random German avatar

Parteitag der Grünen: Gebremste Aufbruchstimmung

Die Grünen haben ihre Parteispitze mit hohen Zustimmungswerten wiedergewählt. Der Parteitag in Karlsruhe zeigt trotzdem: Die Zeiten sind kompliziert für die Ökopartei - nicht nur wegen der Haushaltskrise. Von Oliver Neuroth.


#Grüne #Parteitag #Lang #Nouripour #Haushalt

tagesschau, to random German avatar

Lang und Nouripour als Grünen-Chefs wiedergewählt

Der Parteitag der Grünen hat die beiden Vorsitzenden Lang und Nouripour im Amt bestätigt. Lang wurde mit 82,3 Prozent der Stimmen wiedergewählt. Nouripour setzte sich mit 79,1 Prozent gegen einen Mitbewerber durch.


#Grüne #Lang #Nouripour

Does this language exist?

Being a foss enthusiast I can configure most of my software in way too many ways. However I noticed that this is not true for most compilers. Which got me thinking: why isn’t that the case. In gcc (or your favorite compiler tool) I have a shitload of options about what are errors and warnings and how the code should be...

PowerSeries, to programming in Does this language exist?

Have you looked at the Lisps / Scheme / Racket yet? Racket in particular makes it quite nice to go #lang blah at the top of the file and change the parsing or interpretation entirely.

For example all the documentation pages and guides are written in scribble:…/getting-started.html#(part…

<span style="color:#323232;">#lang scribble/base
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">@title{On the Cookie-Eating Habits of Mice}
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a
</span><span style="color:#323232;">glass of milk.

And it has an entire document markup language created in it, which can output pdf or html. But you can still use @ syntax to drop in racket code to compute values. Or create templates.

I even implemented a #lang which took assembly directly (and interpreted it, it was for a class).

So if you are really after full control, you should study Lisps and their macro systems.

dirkwagner, to random German

Man muss Frau #Lang von #DieGrünen bewundern.

Säße ich da, hätte ich dem #Oiwonger schon links und rechts eine reingehauen.


youronlyone, (edited ) to Korean avatar

Sometimes you'll know the age of a person, or at least the era or generation which influenced them, by looking at the words they are using.

Some examples I noticed:

  • "ASEAN" instead of "South-East Asia". You know they're young and grew up in the era when ASEAN is the focus.

  • "Southeast Asia" instead of "South-East Asia". The former is the preferred way today, the use of hyphens is disappearing. The latter comes from pre-21st Century rules.

  • Abbreviating "South" or "Southern" to "So" like "SoKor", "SoCal", "SoViet". Similarly, for "North" / "Northern" into "No", like "NoKor".

  • The use of "Occidental" and "Oriental" instead of "West" and "East" respectively. The former is the old way. The latter is what's common today.

  • "Xerox" instead of "photocopy".

  • "Photo" instead of "Picture". Picture now means the old way of developing your, well, pictures. Photo is now more understood as digital.

  • "Blog" or "Vlog" instead of "Journal" or "Diary". Who writes on paper these days, right? It's all digital now.

  • "Wikipedia" instead of "Library". Why visit a Library when you can search Wikipedia?

Of course, culture also plays a role, which also helps knowing whence a person grew up (or their family).

How about you? What words or phrases that gives you a signal about a person's origin and generation?

#Language #Lang #Culture #Generations #Generation #Languages #Origin

racketlang, to random avatar

You heard that Racket enabled non sexp syntax, but you did not understand the power that we had unleashed.

Tweet by @samth

Read about Yaml-exp - Write s-expressions in YAML by @eutro at

#lang yaml-exp racket/base<br></br>- define:<br></br>  - fibbi: [x]<br></br>  - if:<br></br>    - <=:<br></br>      - x<br></br>      - 1<br></br>    - x<br></br>    - +:<br></br>      - fibbi:<br></br>        - -:<br></br>          - x<br></br>          - 1<br></br>      - fibbi:<br></br>        - -:<br></br>          - x<br></br>          - 2<br></br>- displayln:<br></br>  - fibbi: [10]<br></br>
aliens, to selfhosted in How to go about self hosting a wiki of repair guides? avatar

I recommend using Kiwix,

They already have a monthly archive of ifixit available:…

There are tons of other offline resources available for Kiwix as well

racketlang, to random avatar

If you could have a wish granted, what would you like to see next in Racket?

d_christiansen, avatar

@lispi314 @racketlang Does Swindle do it for you?

I'd be worried about this as a core feature. Much of Racket is built to allow modular thinking and building abstractions, but multimethods are inherently antimodular from what I can see. This would work against many of aspects of #lang racket.

lexi_lambda, to random

had a dream last night that I was giving a talk in like 30 mins and had no memory of agreeing to give the talk or making slides. then I realized I was dreaming and therefore decided I would simply give the talk and see what slides my subconscious came up with. in fact it turned out the talk was about how linear types are bad (something I don’t in any way believe) and the slides involved an unhinged interactive #lang slideshow presentation with an embedded REPL for reasons unknown to me

eniko, to Lisp avatar

hey so what's the best/easiest to get into modern flavor of #lisp?

efi, avatar

@eniko yeah, but that's only one of the features, you can also use #lang racket on its own as a gpl and it is really good at everything it does
it's as powerful as clojure. but targets C instead of JVM

jntrnr, to random

Something I'm noticing in comments to my recent blog post on #nushell is that a lot of folks have a strict separation between interactive shell and scripting.

When I point out in the post that Nushell is really meant to scale smoothly between the two, some folks say things like "so you're saying it's really a scripting language not a shell"

I want to help folks see they don't have to choose. They can scale ideas all the way up in one language without rewriting.

boarders, avatar

@jntrnr if it is a scripting language, then I would say it resolves the fundamental tension of scripting langauages, which is to treat pipes and processes as a kind of ffi interface which we can marshall data and invocations back and forth to but which are fundamentally separate. Scripting langauages (other than something like #lang rash, in racket) don’t seem to have resolved this distance between other process calls, environment variables etc. and those things which lie firmly within the programming language.

I think one reason people are resistant to these kinds of programming environments is that current thinking on language design has led to a kind of dogma of responsibilities- you should read data from the “outside world” - keep it inside the sealed off world of the programming language for as long as possible, and then convert back to something the outside world speaks. It is not as though this isn’t in some sense a good model or “true”, but there is no reason not to question it as a fundamental design principle (as excel, smalltalk, common lisp and nushell all, to some extent, do in my mind)

dabeaz, to random avatar

If there's anything that's certain about this fall, it's that I've got to do a deeper dive into the whole Racket #lang/macro thing. Racket macros are ballin'.

kiwix, to random avatar

New snapshots of @gutenberg_org library for #offline usage;category=gutenberg.

Many things have been improved! Check the full change log our latest gutenberg2zim release

ShopwareDevs, to php avatar

QA for files? Check out @boxblinkracer's (=> works for nearly all applications)

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