grissallia, to gaming avatar

I'm not one for "New Year's resolutions", but I am one for overly ambitious projects.

For 2023, Project365 is "One New Game Per Day".

Given that I have 634 unplayed games in my Steam account and {mumble} unredeemed bundle Steam keys, there's a reason my unplayed collection is tagged "Pile of Shame".

I'll pin this to my profile, and give a brief summary here each day (or x, if I miss x days due to work or stuff).

I'll play 15-30 minutes of (at least) one new game I've never played before (or played less than 15 minutes of). I'll give every game at least 15 minutes, even if I hate every minute of it.

I'm also open to suggestions; if you reply to this thread with a game, I'll schedule it, or tell you what I thought of it.

One of the things that's come up is that I have a bunch of games that I've played once, and not touched again.

Unplayed games:
Trying a game again:
Going live on Twitch:

I'll hashtag these with so you can mute it if you're not interested.

grissallia, avatar

January 1, 2024 - Day 366 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 401

Game: Killing Floor 2

Platform: Steam
Released: Nov 19, 2016
Installed: Jul 12, 2022
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 15m

Rating: 1 - Nope

Multiplayer FPS zombie killing. Oh hell no.

#KillingFloor2 #FPS #Zombies #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 2, 2024 - Day 367 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 402

Game: Killer Instinct

Platform: Steam
Released: Sep 28, 2017
Installed: Nov 30, 2023
Unplayed: 33d (1m2d)
Playtime: 25m

Rating: 2 - Meh

Killer Instinct is a fighting game that went F2P last year as a teaser to get people to buy the Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition DLC that provides balance updates, and everything available in the in-game shop.

I won't be buying it. It's pretty cheesy, and while the single-button combos make my button mashing a lot easier, my hands get tired far too quickly for this to be fun.

#KillerInstinct #F2P #Fighter #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 2, 2024 - Day 367 - RePlay Review
Total RePlays: 12

Game: Mind Scanners

Platform: Steam
Release Date: May 20, 2021
Reviewed: Dec 17, 2023

Original rating: 1 - Nope
New rating: 3 - OK

Playtime: 4hrs30m (5h)

When I reviewed Mind Scanners a couple of weeks ago, I found it icky. I tagged it for the trading cards, and as with many games that have trading card drops, it has to be played to collect them.

I've sold enough of them to buy whole DLCs with the proceeds, so at least it feels like I got something out of the game. Usually this just reinforces my opinion of the game, and makes me more determined to recover the storage space, but sometimes things go differently.

I started playing this last night, and then kept playing it this morning. It turned out that I'd missed a part of the user interface, and thus gameplay, and instead of just turning everyone in mindless zombies, there's a whole gameplay aspect of also maintaining their personalities in the process.

Which took this from icky to "Ohhh, NOW I get it!", which makes my original review a bit harsh. I'm still not a fan of the pixel-art, but the gameplay is actually interesting, and in getting this part of the gameplay right (effectively restarting the game from scratch), the narrative has now revealed itself.

I was wrong about Mind Scanners. It's OK.

#MindScanners #PixelArt #2D #Dystopian #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 3, 2024 - Day 368 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 403

Game: Two Point Campus

Platform: Steam
Released: Aug 9, 2022
Installed: Jan 3, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 60m

Rating: 3 - OK

Two Point Campus is an isometric business management sim, with a cartoon vibe.

January's Humble Choice bundle dropped this morning, and this is the second game, because (unsurprisingly), I've already got the first.

I'll come to that tomorrow.

In the meantime, Two Point Campus has a kind of goofy outer layer covering a business management sim.

It's the kind of thing that could probably suck me in when I'm in the right frame of mind, but I already own the predecessor to this (Two Point Hospital), and after a couple of hours it lost me, and I haven't been back since.

Two Point Campus is OK.

#TwoPointCampus #Isometric #ManagementSim #HumbleBundle #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 4, 2024 - Day 369 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 404

Game: Aragami 2

Platform: Steam
Released: Sep 17, 2021
Installed: Jan 4, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 32m

Rating: 3 - OK

Aragami 2 is a sequel to Aragami, which I reviewed on March 25, 2023 (link below). It's the third game in this month's Humble Choice bundle.

Like its predecessor, it is a third-person stealth game, set in Japan, 100 years later. However, it has no direct connection.

If you like stealth games, this is not a bad way to kill some time.

Aragami 2 is OK.

grissallia, avatar

January 5, 2024 - Day 370 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 405

Game: OTXO

Platform: Steam
Released: Apr 17, 2023
Installed: Jan 5, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 15m

Rating: 1 - Nope

OTXO is a noir-themed pixel-art top-down shooter with roguelite gameplay, and is the fourth game in the January Humble Choice bundle.

The game opened with low-res top-down pixel-art of a train carriage, and as someone gets off the train, they drop a mask that you pick up and are immediately compelled to put on; at which point everything fades to black, and you wake up on a beach like Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception.

You start walking and find a mansion, where a groundskeeper explains to that your loved one who was next to you on the train is now trapped at the heart of the mansion and all you have to do is kill everyone inside.

A tutorial walks you through the gameplay, but the keyboard and mouse controls left a lot to be desired, and I just couldn't get it right with a controller, and I wasn't enjoying myself anyway.

15 minutes and I was done.

OTXO is a:

1: Nope

#OTXO #TopDown #PixelArt #Roguelite #Shooter #HumbleBundle #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 6, 2024 - Day 371 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 406

Game: Roguebook

Platform: Steam
Released: Jun 18, 2021
Installed: Jan 6, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 28m

Rating: 4 - Good

Roguebook is an isometric roguelike deckbuilder using hex-based gameplay mechanics. It's game five in the January Humble Choice bundle.

The game has an impressive opening animation that leads you to the "Roguebook". You are trapped in the titular Roguebook, and need to gain brushes and ink to reveal what's hidden in the blank hex tiles on the page as you attempt to reach an exit.

Each of the inks do differing things, with some revealing smaller and larger areas around you, and some revealing (n) tiles in a straight line.

In the uncovered tiles you will find gold stashes, locations where you can donate gold to craft a card, basic & elite fights that provide the brushes and ink.

One of the more interesting things about the game is that Richard Garfield was involved in the development; his name may not ring a bell unless you're familiar with another game he created, a little tabletop game called "Magic: The Gathering".

I'm not a big deckbuilder fan, but so far Roguebook seems to be:

4: Good

#Roguebook #Isometric #Roguelike #Deckbuilder #HumbleBundle #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 7, 2024 - Day 372 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 407

Game: The Red Lantern

Platform: Steam
Released: Dec 9, 2021
Installed: Jan 7, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 34m

Rating: 3 - OK

The Red Lantern is a first-person narrative-driven game about dog-sledding, with some roguelite & survival elements.

It's the sixth game in this month's Humble Choice bundle, and it's an interesting title, that I wouldn't have picked to play.

Making a snow-change, you open the game by meeting a series of dogs, needing to select 4 of them to build a dog-sledding team in Alaska.

Once you've picked your doggos, you reach your destination, and have to make a several-day sled trip to a remote cabin through a procedurally generated environment. The game is the story of that trip.

If you fail, you wake up again in your van, "from a nightmare", and start the sled-trip over, with more resources based on your previous experiences, with your ultimate goal to reach the cabin that's marked by the red lantern hanging outside.

If you're a dog person, this game might definitely be up your alley.

The Red Lantern is:

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

January 8, 2024 - Day 373 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 408

Game: Hell Pie

Platform: Steam
Released: Jul 22, 2022
Installed: Jan 8, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 24m

Rating: 1 - Nope

Hell Pie is a cartoonish 3D platformer set in hell, and is the seventh game in the January Humble Bundle.

You play as Nate, a low-level demon, who has been tasked with collecting the ingredients for Satan's birthday pie.

Hell is a muzak-filled cross between a corporate office and hell, which is somewhat tautological.

The game relies on gross-out humour, and it didn't work for me with Ren & Stimpy, and nothing has changed since then.

I found the controls frustrating on both keyboard/mouse and controller, and with the gross-out humour, I had no motivation to try and improve.

Hell Pie is a:

1: Nope

grissallia, avatar

January 8, 2024 - Day 373 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 409

Game: Twin Mirror

Platform: Steam
Released: Dec 1, 2021
Installed: Feb 16, 2023
Unplayed: 326d (10m23d
Playtime: 35m

Rating: 3 - OK

Twin Mirror is a third-person narrative adventure, and is the final game in this month's Humble Choice bundle.

The developers of this game are Don't Nod, responsible for the "Life is Strange" series, as well as "Tell Me Why" (and other games).

In Twin Mirror, you play as a reporter who has returned to his hometown for the funeral of his best friend. His best friend's young daughter believes her father was murdered, and asks you to investigate.

I already owned Twin Mirror, but hadn't played it. It hasn't quite grabbed me as strongly as I thought it would, but it's a game I'll probably poke around a bit more in.

Twin Mirror is:

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

January 9, 2024 - Day 374 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 410

Game: Baba Is You

Platform: Steam
Released: Mar 14, 2019
Installed: Dec 14, 2023
Unplayed: 26d
Playtime: 26m

Rating: 5 - Excellent

Baba Is You is a top-down pixel-art puzzle game. It's like Sokoban on acid.

Each puzzle has a goal. The rules for each puzzle are in each puzzle, as blocks you can move.

For example, there are three blocks "Baba", "Is", and "You".

When these three blocks are lined up, they're active as a statement. You can move one of the blocks, which will break the statement, but also fail the level.

The same level might have "Walls", "Are", and "Stop". However, if you move the "Stop" block, it will break the statement, and now you can pass through walls.

Each level also has a win statement, which is usually (but not always) "Flag Is Win". Your goal is to reach the flag.

Wonder what would happen if you pushed the "Wall" block into the place of "Flag".

Now you have an active rule of "Wall Is Win", and... now you just have to walk over a wall piece, and you win the level.

I really needed a simple game to try and knock over tonight, and this hooked me (and my 11yo, who solved one of the puzzles for me, and now wants the game himself!).

Baba Is You is a wonderful example of a pixel-art game whose gameplay overcomes my resistance to pixel-art, and so it's:

5: Excellent

#BabaIsYou #TopDown #PixelArt #Puzzle #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 10, 2024 - Day 375 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 411

Game: Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Platform: Steam
Released: May 1, 2019
Installed: Jan 10, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 32m

Rating: 1 - Nope

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is a fantasy-oriented isometric turn-based tactical RPG.

It mixes different art styles, which the characters being almost an anime style, while character portraits appear hand-painted.

It would have been a hard sell at the best of times, but compared to some of the tactical RPGs I've played in the last month, the game didn't have a chance.

Will Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark get to stay on my PC?

1: Nope

#FellSealAribitersMark #Isometric #TurnBased #Tactical #RPG #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 11, 2024 - Day 376 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 412

Game: Chess Ultra

Platform: Steam
Released: Jun 21, 2017
Installed: Jan 11, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 21m

Rating: 4 - Good

Chess Ultra is a 3D turn-based strategy... chess game.

With a name like that, you'd expect it to have gun battles and all kinds of extreme weapons and it's just a very good 3D chess game with online multiplayer, and reasonably good bots to play offline.

It has several different options for the location of your game, with appropriate sound effects, as well as several difference chess sets you can choose between.

Given my complete lack of chess games on Steam, it was nice to just kick back and play chess for a while. Chess Ultra is:

4: Good

#ChessUltra #3D #TurnBased #Strategy #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 12, 2024 - Day 377 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 413

Game: Rain World

Platform: Steam
Released: Mar 28, 2017
Installed: Dec 4, 2023
Unplayed: 39d (1m8d)
Playtime: 18m

Rating: 2 - Meh

Rain World is a 2D platformer, set in a post-apocalyptic world, where you play as a "slugcat" that's been separated from its family, in an intro that's almost as depressing as Stray's intro.

The character animations are great, and the environmental design is very well done, but after 15 minutes of shimmying up and down poles and through pipes, while trying to find food and avoid predators, I wasn't really enjoying myself.

Apparently it only gets more difficult moving forward, so it looks like this was a swing and a miss.

I just found Rain World a bit:

2: Meh

#RainWorld #2D #Platformer #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 13, 2024 - Day 378 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 414

Game: 198X

Platform: Steam
Released: Jun 21, 2019
Installed: Sep 9, 2023
Unplayed: 126d (4m4d)
Playtime: 23m

Rating: 3 - OK

198X is a 2D pixel-art pastiche of 1980's arcade games. It's a bit hard to characterise it other than that.

At the start of the game you're inexplicably dropped into a beat-em-up with a different name, and very little context.

This is one of the times that reading up on the game before I played it might have helped. It took me about 10 minutes to beat that stage, only for the actual game to reveal itself, which is a game about arcade games, and a coming-of-age story.

The pixel-art in this game is gorgeous. It captures a mood incredibly well, and combined with the music and voice talent, the game's backstory is well done. It's a pixel-art game where the pixel-art is actually art.

The game is built around five different kinds of arcade games that were popular in the 1980's.

Which is where I ran into problems. The second game is a side-ways scrolling sci-fi shooter, and I was always terrible at this kind of game.

Which means that's where I got stuck, repeating the same section of the game, and dying around the same point each time.

All things considered, I'd like to try and continue playing, but I'm not sure if I'll get past that section to find out.

198X is:

3: OK

#198X #2D #PixelArt #Arcade #Platformer #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 14, 2024 - Day 379 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 415


Platform: Steam
Released: Dec 1, 2017
Installed: Aug 10, 2021
Unplayed: 887d (2y5m4d)
Playtime: 18m

Rating: 3 - OK

DOOM VFR is a VR FPS, and the first time I've reviewed a VR game. My list last year excluded VR games because I didn't have my VR headset set up on the new system.

It's notable that Bethesda really gave VR a red-hot go, with Fallout 4 VR, Skyrim VR, Wolfenstein Cyberpilot, and DOOM VFR.

I bought all four when they were in a ridiculously cheap bundle, and I've had mixed experiences. I've tried Skyrim VR (which I found frustrating), and Wolfenstein Cyberpilot (which tried to so something different).

I hadn't played DOOM VFR or Fallout 4 VR, so that's one more to go.

DOOM VFR follows the Cyberpilot model of setting the game in the existing game world, but doing something different to an existing game (unlike Skyrim VR).

Unfortunately, it suffers from the same problem that a lot of VR games do: "How the hell do you move?"

Gorilla Tag solves it by moving like the top half of a gorilla & loping with your hands, which makes sense.

DOOM VFR uses teleportation, which feels clunky, because it is clunky. In addition, on the Vive controls, the right thumbpad in most games is used for turning.

However, Bethesda chose to use it for a weapon wheel, which means that to turn, you actually need to turn. Most PCVR headsets are wired, which makes this a great way to get tangled in the headset cable - which I did.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, it does a reasonable job of giving that DOOM atmosphere; I got freaked out by mobs several times, and screamed out loud in fright when my hand hit something in the real world that I assume was the tower fan.

Overall DOOM VFR is:

3: OK

#DOOMVFR #VR #FPS #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 15, 2024 - Day 380 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 416

Game: Clustertruck

Platform: Steam
Released: Sep 27, 2016
Installed: Aug 4, 2022
Unplayed: 529d (1y5m11d)
Playtime: 17m

Rating: 1 - Nope

I was going to describe Clustertruck as a first-person game of "The Floor is Lava" while jumping between moving trucks, and then discovered that's exactly how the devs describe this physics-based platformer.

You start each level on top of a moving truck and you need to get to the goal at the end of the convoy as fast as possible without touching anything that's not a truck.

It requires pinpoint timing and coordination, two things I am lacking.

Unfortunately, while it's well executed, I did not enjoy Clustertruck; it's a:

1: Nope

grissallia, avatar

January 16, 2024 - Day 381 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 417

Game: Legend of Keepers

Platform: Steam
Released: Apr 30, 2021
Installed: Aug 9, 2023
Unplayed: 160d (5m7d)
Playtime: 19m

Rating: 3 - OK

Legend of Keepers is part management sim, part turn-based strategy, part roguelite.

Turns out that all those dungeons that gamers raid are managed by the "Dungeons Company".

As a newly hired Dungeon Manager, it's your job to place mobs, hazards, and occasional spells between those so-called "adventurers" and the treasure at the end of the dungeon.

I started out figuring I'd be bored, and was kind of into it by the second round. I'm not sure if it quite hits my "good" level, but it comes close, so Legend of Keepers is (for now):

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

January 17, 2024 - Day 382 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 418

Game: Felix The Reaper

Platform: Steam
Released: Oct 18, 2019
Installed: Jan 17, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 15m

Rating: 4 - Good

Felix The Reaper is an isometric puzzle game.

You play as Felix, a newly hired "reaper". Reapers enter the mortal realm to ensure that those who should die... do.

The game opens up with your mentor explaining the job to you, and as... OK, the voice actor for the mentor is doing an incredible Patrick Stewart impression...

...this is uncanny...

...OK, I need to Google this.

Oh. It's ACTUALLY Patrick Stewart!

Sir Patrick Stewart OBE, Shakespearean thespian, Jean Luc Picard, and Professor Charles Xavier, is playing a middle manager in the Ministry of Death.

His newly-hired charge, Felix, is already questionable; given his penchant for dancing while going about his job, as well as the fact that he's in love with Life, he's not off to a great start.

The puzzles themselves are amusing with a side of macabre. Felix shows up, time stops. Felix must get object A to point B, all while manipulating the sun so that he can remain in the shadows the whole time, and object A can be involved in a pre-ordained death (by order of the Ministry of Death).

It's gloriously silly, and the presence of SirPatStew is the icing on the cake.

Felix The Reaper is:

4: Good

#FelixTheReaper #Isometric #Puzzle #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 18, 2024 - Day 383 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 419

Game: Retrowave

Platform: Steam
Released: May 7, 2022
Installed: Jan 18, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 15m

Rating: 2 - Meh

Retrowave is an 80's-inspired arcade racing game. If you enjoyed Outrun, and enjoy Synthwave, you might enjoy this.

I've discovered over the past year I don't mind Synthwave, but as a driving game, I found it boring & repetitive.

I'd prefer Forza with a Synthwave radio station, because unfortunately I just found Retrowave:

2: Meh

grissallia, avatar

January 19, 2024 - Day 384 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 420

Game: Suzerain

Platform: Steam
Released: Dec 5, 2020
Installed: Jan 19, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 18m

Rating: 0 - Nope

Suzerain is part visual novel, part political simulator, and very quickly demonstrated to me that I want nothing to do with politics.

I've started trying to hack down my list of unredeemed keys, a piece of mental load that I've decided to try and get rid of.

I recognised the name of the game, but nothing else, so I had no idea what the game was about, or what I was getting myself into.

You play as Anton Rayne, the newly democratically elected President of a country that's moved from a kingdom around the time of your birth, through a civil war as you reached adulthood, to a nation in crisis as a democracy in the 1950's.

If politics is something you do enjoy, this might be the game for you, but turns out it's really not my cup of tea.

The further I got into the game, the less I wanted to play; deciding the fate of a nation was hard enough, but the political machinations required were painful.

Suzerain seems like a well developed game, but for me it's a big:

1: Nope

#Suzerain #VisualNovel #PoliticsSim #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 20, 2024 - Day 385 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 421

Game: Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Platform: Steam
Released: Oct 4 5, 2017
Installed: Jan 20, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 22m

Rating: 4 - Good

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an isometric RPG with turn-based combat.

It was literally the first game in the spreadsheet, and the name put me off, but I decided to just get it over and done with after yesterday's disappointment.

It's a party-based system, which uses a character switching mechanism while exploring the world, so that you're only controlling a single character at once.

It seems to have a reasonably well developed storyline, and it's kind of fun. Turns out Battle Chasers: Nightwar is:

4: Good

#BattleChasersNightwar #Isometric #RPG #TurnBasedCombat #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 21, 2024 - Day 386 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 422

Game: AI War 2

Platform: Steam
Released: Oct 23, 2019
Installed: Jan 21, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 27m

Rating: 1 - Nope

AI War 2 is a "grand strategy/RTS hybrid", involving fighting back against an AI that's taken over a galaxy.

Reading other reviews of the game, it certainly sounds like a game that I'd like, but they don't reflect my experience of the game.

Over time I've concluded that I'm not really wired for this kind of RTS game. They very quickly become overwhelming, which I think is an aspect of #AuDHD. There are so many different moving parts to try and follow, and I tend to hyperfocus on one aspect, which doesn't work terribly well in a lot of RTS games.

In this case I found the tutorials overwhelming. There was so much to keep track of, and so much going on, that I started to feel stressed out.

In the tutorial.

From a design and execution point of view, AI War 2 seems like a really good game, however from the point of view of whether or not I'd enjoy playing it?

1: Nope

#AIWar2 #GrandStrategy #RTS #Gaming #ProjectONG

grissallia, avatar

January 22, 2024 - Day 387 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 423

Game: Raiden V: Director's Cut

Platform: Steam
Released: Oct 11, 2017
Installed: Jan 22, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 16m

Rating: 1 - Nope

Raiden V is a top-down forward-scrolling shoot-em-up, and the Director's Cut is a 25th anniversary re-release.

I don't do these kinds of games. They drive me spare; I find no fun in them at all, and found Raiden V particularly grating with the voiceover.

I came, I played, I uninstalled; Raiden V: Director's Cut is a:

1: Nope

#RaidenVDirectorsCut #TopDown #ForwardScrolling #ShootEmUp #Gaming #ProjectONG

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