peachfront, to Birds avatar

Today's project365 photo is a Pine Warbler waiting for its turn at the suet on a rusty old wind chime

#Bird, #Birds, #Photography, #Photograph, #Project365, #PhotographyChallenge

grissallia, to random avatar

So, it's the first of January again, and it's time to lay out my plans for my #Project365 #2024Project

It's going to come in two parts this year, because it's touching on a sensitive topic, so some of the posts will have a CW, and some hashtags to filter them.

Top level is #2024Project. Someone asked if they could join in on a daily project, and I said sure, that I'd use a top-level hashtag for anyone who wants to join in at a "daily project" level, but doesn't want to join in the actual project. Feel free to use this one in your daily project posts. I could even make a list, if you want!

Project level is #2024HealthProject. It's just a daily check-in for accountability on getting healthier, and for the folks who want the accountability thing on this in particular, and asked if they could join in.

I'll be using two separate hashtags to separate the personal posts. The second ones will also get a CW.

The first will be my daily check-in #HealthyAllie2024, with two goals:

  • Drink 2L of water per day, in addition to other liquids. I don't drink enough water. I have a notated drink bottle which will at least let me know how far I got each day.

  • A minimum of Five minutes of exercise six days a week, with Sunday as a "rest" day, increasing by five minutes per day each month, with a goal of doing a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise per day by December.

I'm really trying hard not to overcomplicate this, because I don't want to give myself an extra burden by committing to lengthy exercise reviews, but I might make some comments.

The second will come with a CW and be hashtagged with #LessAllie2024. Will be at least monthly, and it will be about weight loss. The hashtag & CW are for the folks for whom this is a triggering subject, so they can mute it. I'll explain more in a separate post.

Gonna unpin my old project post, and pin this one, and off we go again.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 1, 2024 - Day 1 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 1

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 6m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Outdoors

Distance: 0.55km
Pace: 11m12s/km

HR: 113BPM

Turned out to be harder to motivate myself than I expected.

Gotta get my shoes and socks on, put on a sports bra, and I was really sleepy, to the point I dozed off for an hour ~6pm.

I haven't been taking my anti-inflammatories for a few days, which meant that it felt extra painful on my back. I don't want to keep relying on anti-inflammatories though, so... pushed through.

I need to look up some core strengthening exercises tomorrow, and put something small together there too.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 2, 2024 - Day 2 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 2

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 7m

Exercise: VR Boxing
Location: Indoors

Distance: n/a
Pace: n/a

Kcal burned: 142

HR: 108BPM

Slept badly last night. Couldn't get back to sleep this morning. Dozed off this evening, and it was raining when I woke up.

"OK, BoxVR!"

That was when I realised that I hadn't set up my OG Vive since building the new PC, which meant that I had to go through the whole kerfuffle of pairing the base stations again, and drawing out my playspace, then convincing Steam VR that it does fit (only just).

But my heartrate and calories tracking app isn't working correctly, so none of that got tracked either, but BoxVR said I'd burned 142Kcal, and my watch said my HR was at least 108BPM, and I definitely feel like I worked out, so counting that as a win.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 3, 2024 - Day 3 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 3

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 6m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Outdoors

Distance: 0.55km
Pace: 10'42"/km

Kcal burned: 60

HR: 108BPM

Another day, another mid-afternoon doze out. Except this time I woke up super-cranky.

Then I decided to fix my reviews blog so I can start moving the reviews across to there as a more easily searched home, and if you want to improve your mood, don't go digging around in the guts of a Wordpress theme trying to work out why it's broken.

Finally just forced myself out the door after 9pm.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 4, 2024 - Day 4 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 4

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 5.5m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Outdoors

Distance: 0.55km
Pace: 10'06"/km

Kcal burned: 84

HR: 114BPM

Improved my pace today.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 5, 2024 - Day 5 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 5

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 0L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 7m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Outdoors

Distance: 0.55km
Pace: 12'34"/km

Kcal burned: 79

HR: 102BPM

Today has been a shitshow from go to whoa. If I didn't know better, I would have been convinced it was a Tuesday.

Yesterday I forgot my water consumption until mid-afternoon, and I was up multiple times during the night as a consequence.

I forgot the water again today, but I'm not making the same mistake. I've had liquid, but it was coffee in the morning, and sugar-free soft drinks in the afternoon. Not a lot of sugar-free cola, which is an improvement.

I had to force myself out the door to walk, but at least I did it.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 6, 2024 - Day 6 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 6

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 0L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 1h46m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Indoors

Distance: 7.2km
Pace: n/a
Steps: 10440

Kcal burned: n/a

HR: n/a

Drank a lot of liquid, none of it water, almost all of it sugar-free, except for a Lime Jarritos with my "naked burrito". The water thing is a lot harder than I thought. I've installed a water-reminder app on my watch, so... let's see how that goes.

Walked... a lot. Even did a specific non-stop five minute walk around Chadstone, but... I definitely got my "five minutes" in today.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 7, 2024 - Day 7 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 7

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 1.6L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 38m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Indoors

Distance: 3.9km
Pace: n/a
Steps: 5574

Kcal burned: n/a

HR: n/a

Water tracking app is a helpful reminder, but less so when walking around a Bunnings or Eastland.

More walking again today, but my feet and back and hips are all unhappy. Didn't intend to end up at Eastland today, but unexpected circumstances.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 8, 2024 - Day 8 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 8

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 6m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Outdoors

Distance: 0.56km
Pace: 10'55"/km
Steps: n/a

Kcal burned: 84

HR: 108BPM

Bought another water bottle yesterday. Only 1L, but turns out that size does matter, as it feels far easier to grab a 1L bottle than a 2L bottle. The Water Minder app is helping too.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 9, 2024 - Day 9 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 9

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 1L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: >5m

Exercise: Physical labour
Location: Indoors

Distance: n/a
Pace: n/a
Steps: 5592

Kcal burned: n/a

HR: n/a

I'm trying to get my brain out of the space that only "proper" exercise "counts".

We replaced our slowly collapsing pair of Kmart TV cabinets with an upcycled timber TV cabinet that we got for free via Facebook. My wife did the painting & upcycling, I did the drilling holes and mounting TV retention straps, and recabling EVERYTHING, and somehow managed to rack up over 5592 steps as well, and everything hurts right now.

I have been moving and lifting and climbing up and down stairs, and walking through Bunnings, and I think I can fairly say that I exceeded five minutes "exercise" today.

Didn't drink anywhere near enough water (did drink over 2L of fluid, but only 1L was actual water; thanks funky new water bottle!).

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 10, 2024 - Day 10 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 10

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 0L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 6m

Exercise: Walking
Location: Indoors

Distance: 0.56km
Pace: 11'3"/km
Steps: n/a

Kcal burned: 59kcal

HR: n/a

Could hardly stay awake all day, and finally dragged myself out to walk at 9:30pm, because of the accountability of the thing.

Now it's midnight, and I'm not quite tired enough to sleep.

Didn't even manage 2L of liquid today, let alone any water.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, avatar

January 12, 2024 - Day 12 - Check In
Total Check Ins: 12

Water goal: 2L
Intake: 2L

Exercise goal: 5m
Actual: 50m

Exercise: Gorilla Tag (VR)
Location: Indoors

Distance: n/a
Pace: n/a
Steps: n/a

Kcal burned: 414kcal

HR: 138bpm

...and now for something completely different.

My son has been begging me to play Gorilla Tag with him. It's his favourite VR game. We've both got ancient OG Vive headsets, his was made from broken parts I collected on Fb marketplace.

I'm kind of happy that he's been into a VR game that's quite physical and he'll play for one or two hours.

I've got fitness app call that tracks movement and pairs with an Apple Watch app, which I finally got working correctly.

Got the headset on, fired up the app, got into Gorilla Tag, and... I did not see that coming.

Your character is a cartoon gorilla torso, and in-game locomotion is by running with your arms, like a gorilla.

50 minutes of that and everything hurts. Parts of me that I didn't know could hurt are hurting.

Finished the game utterly dripping in sweat, and feeling like I'd done the hardest workout I've done in the past 12 months.

#Project365 #2024Project #2024HealthProject #HealthyAllie2024

grissallia, to gaming avatar

I'm not one for "New Year's resolutions", but I am one for overly ambitious projects.

For 2023, Project365 is "One New Game Per Day".

Given that I have 634 unplayed games in my Steam account and {mumble} unredeemed bundle Steam keys, there's a reason my unplayed collection is tagged "Pile of Shame".

I'll pin this to my profile, and give a brief summary here each day (or x, if I miss x days due to work or stuff).

I'll play 15-30 minutes of (at least) one new game I've never played before (or played less than 15 minutes of). I'll give every game at least 15 minutes, even if I hate every minute of it.

I'm also open to suggestions; if you reply to this thread with a game, I'll schedule it, or tell you what I thought of it.

One of the things that's come up is that I have a bunch of games that I've played once, and not touched again.

Unplayed games: #NewPlay
Trying a game again: #RePlay
Going live on Twitch: #GrissGames

I'll hashtag these with #Project365ONG so you can mute it if you're not interested.

#Project365 #Gaming

grissallia, avatar

December 27, 2023 - Day 360 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 388

Game: Night Call

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jul 18, 2019
Installation Date: Dec 21, 2023
Unplayed: 6d
Playtime: 55m

Night Call feels like noir-ish adventure mashup between a visual novel and a map of Paris.

Being that you're playing as a French cab driver, that's to be expected. You were assaulted and left for dead by a serial killer at the site of a pick-up while driving your cab.

The game has you investigating your own attempted murder, with a touch of blackmail thrown in; another cop determined to prove that ACAB has determined your true identity, and uses this to blackmail you into assisting with her "investigation".

The screen is split horizontally, with the top half being a stylised GPS screen, and the bottom half being the inside of your cab, as if you were watching from a dashboard-mounted camera.

Each night, you drive your cab around, picking up passengers that appear on the GPS screen. You engage with the passengers, conversing and occasionally gathering clues.

It's incredibly moody, but so very slow. Fortunately, there's the option for the conversations to auto-play until you reach an engagement point, but I did end up running some CSR2 grinding races on my phone while reading the conversations.

At the end of each night's driving, you take the clues you've gathered, plus the ones left by your detective "friend" in an envelope outside your house each night, and slowly try to work out which of the five suspects is the killer.

It's this aspect of the game that has me continuing to want to play, but only just. Night Call is barely just:

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

December 27, 2023 - Day 360 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 389

Game: Strange Brigade

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 28, 2018
Installation Date: Dec 27, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 42m

Strange Brigade is a solo or co-op action-adventure third-person shooter, set in Egypt in the 1930's.

I'd been sitting on Strange Brigade for a while, because I've previously played one of the Zombie Army games by the same developer (Rebellion), and it so thoroughly creeped me out, that I had no desire to go through it again.

But with access to the game via my son's Steam account, and a spare Steam key, and it being the middle of a sunny day, I thought I'd give it a shot.

You play as one of four members of the titular Strange Brigade, a special unit of the British Government tasked with dealing with supernatural entities.

One of the options is Gracie Braithwaite, a brawler, and a red-headed Lancashire lass. One of the things I've learned from my family tree, is that great-grandmother was from Lancashire, and was described by my grandmother as "a Lancashire lass", and it just felt right to choose her.

In terms of the gameplay, while it bears some basic similarities to the Zombie Army Trilogy (because zombies are heavily featured!) and it uses the same Asura engine as ZAT, it styles itself heavily after pulp movies of the 1930's, with an overly chirpy English narrator providing running commentary.

The game is bright and colourful, unlike the spine-chilling environments of ZAT, and I found Strange Brigade a far more enjoyable experience - at least once I remapped the rather wild control scheme.

Nothing like hitting the shift key to run away from a zombie, only to drop a grenade instead.

I had a bunch of fun with Strange Bridgade; it's pretty:

4: Good

grissallia, avatar

December 27, 2023 - Day 361 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 390

Game: Ultimate Zombie Defense

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Dec 9, 2020
Installation Date: Dec 19, 2023
Unplayed: 8d
Playtime: 36m

Ultimate Zombie Defense is a top-down co-op wave defense shooter.

It was free last week on Fanatical, and I grabbed it because it was free, of course.

Although I'd already done zombies today, why not a few more?

You're in a fixed area, and you're armed with a gun, and a little bit of cash. Kill zombies under the wave is over, spend cash on fortification & weapons upgrades, rinse and repeat.

I got to the fifth level solo, and learned the hard way that in spite of the previous four levels with the zombies only coming from the North, they can also come from the south.

Where I had no fortifications, and no chance of survival.

I then jumped into one of 5 (!) available 4-person multiplayer servers, and played with that team until we were all dead.

At which point I quit; I would have quit earlier, but I didn't want to abandon the bunch of randoms after someone had already done so.

Ultimate Zombie Defence is ultimately boring, so:

1: Nope

grissallia, avatar

December 28, 2023 - Day 362 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 391

Game: Lightmatter

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jan 16, 2020
Installation Date: Dec 28, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 2h12m

Lightmatter is a first-person puzzle platformer, and answers the question "What would you get if you mashed up Portal and one of the best two-part Steven Moffat episodes of Doctor Who, Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead?"

Featuring a Cave Johnson-like voiceover, "Virgil", the CEO of Lightmatter is going to guide you out of his facility after a small technical issue occurred during the demonstration of his Lightmatter renewable energy source.

The small technical issue being that there were some big explosions, and touching a shadow will kill you (a la Moffat's "Vashta Nerada" from the aforementioned Doctor Who episodes).

The game wears its influences on its sleeve too, with Virgil making mention of Aperture Science and taking multiple digs at Cave Johnson.

Fortunately the game is different enough from Portal that it doesn't feel like a retread, and immediately dragged me in for an enjoyable couple of hours.

I'll go back to finish Lightmatter next time I'm deep in a puzzle mood because it's:

5: Excellent

grissallia, avatar

December 29, 2023 - Day 363 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 392

Game: Mini Motorways

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jul 21, 2021
Installation Date: July 27, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 34m

Mini Motorways is a minimalistic cozy top-down traffic puzzle strategy game from New Zealand developers Dinosaur Polo Club. It's a follow-up to their previous railway puzzle strategy game Mini Metro.

Following on from the design aesthetic in Mini Metro, Mini Motorways presents you with a grid, initially containing one stylised house, and one stylised destination, in the same colour, and provides (n) road pieces to join the two.

Cars in that colour will then travel back and forth between the two locations. The destination building will tick, adding an icon for which a matching car is required, with each building having a certain capacity. If the building reaches capacity without enough matching cars reaching it, it's Game Over, man. Game Over.

Each level is presented as a specific major world city, and achieving certain goals in one city will unlock one (or more) cities to play in further levels.

Levels are played on a "weekly" basis using an in-game clock; as the in-game week passes, new destination buildings are added, often in a different colour, with a matching house in the same colour.

These houses can be on the other side of a river, or the other side of the map, or both, and you must use the roads to enable enough vehicles to reach each destination before the building "fills up".

At the end of each week you are given one of two options to choose from for extra pieces for the following week. One option may be 30 road pieces, with the other being a roundabout, with 20 road pieces, or a bridge crossing, with 20 road pieces, or one of several other options including the titular motorway, allowing you to connect distant areas of the map in a single hit.

I broke my guideline of mentioning the developers because in spite of them having only released these two games, I love both of them. Mini Motorways is:

5: Excellent

grissallia, avatar

December 29, 2023 - Day 363 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 393

Game: Mindustry

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Sep 27, 2019
Installation Date: Nov 6, 2021
Unplayed: 783d (2y1m23d)
Playtime: 1h12m

Mindustry is a top-down automation strategy game mashed up with an RTS.

I've always had a thing for automation games, which I suspect is a largely thing. Most games of this type are about systemisation, finding efficiencies, then building (and rebuilding) automation pipelines to produce a particular outcome.

These are games that I avoid because they suck me in to the point that I've lost entire days inside them, with Shapez & Production Line being just two examples. I've seen at least one person whose entire Steam 2023 review was one game played, no new games. All Factorio, all the time.

A game in this space has to bring something different to the table; for Mindustry that's planetary domination, leaning into the RTS side.

Build factories, research technology, build tanks, and defenses, seek and destroy.

Unfortunately, this is where Mindustry leaves me a bit cold. It's not that I don't like RTS games: I cut my teeth on Dune II. I went on to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, then finally StarCraft.

Unfortunately, Mindustry feels it doesn't quite pull off either type of game that well. The gameplay elements are not explained clearly, and the UI is really clunky, making it difficult to find critical information, and not always making it clear what the next step is.

Unfortunately, the RTS side of things feels like (at least in the early stage of the game) like the only real strategy is Zerg rushing.

I finally quit out of the game, entirely unsure whether I'd completed that stage of the game, or needed to do something else.

There are a bunch of nice ideas in the game, and I think it's the work of a single dev, as far as I can tell. I just feel like it needs a lot of polish.

Mindustry is:

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

December 29, 2023 - Day 363 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 394

Game: Shatterline

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Sep 9, 2022
Installation Date: Oct 9, 2022
Unplayed: 446d (1y2m20d)
Playtime: 24m

Shatterline is a multiplayer F2P co-op PvE & PvP FPS with some roguelike & extraction shooter gameplay elements.

Launching a F2P FPS into early access in 2022 was a huge risk in an already flooded market.

Launching a F2P FPS in 2022 when your development headquarters are based in Kyiv, Ukraine? They don't make risk-management charts that big.

The premise is interesting, and the intro is well done. Even the initial PvE tutorial level is great. The gameplay is smooth, and the UI is polished.

However, the problem with F2P multiplayer shooters is that there are so many options available that a game has to present something that's utterly unique to rise above the crowd, and Shatterline doesn't quite deliver that.

In this case, that's less my judgement of the game, and more that Steamcharts shows that the average players has gone down consistently every month since launch averaging 285 players per day over the last 30 days.

No matter how good Shatterline's design and gameplay is, with a game that's primarily multiplayer, without the players, a game is pretty much doomed to failure.

Unfortunately, as interesting as Shatterline's backstory is, and as nice as the gameplay is, I suspect Shatterline may follow in footprints of The Cycle: Frontier before too long.

Shatterline is:

3: OK

#Shatterline #F2P #FPS #PvP #PvE #Multiplayer #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

grissallia, avatar

December 30, 2023 - Day 364 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 395

Game: Outward Definitive Edition

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Mar 26, 2019
Installation Date: Nov 30, 2023
Unplayed: 30d
Playtime: 37m

Outward Definitive Edition is a third-person fantasy RPG with survival mechanics.

The problem with any RPG released from here on out is that Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 both exist.

However it's worse for RPGs that were released before 2023, because between these two games, they've raised the bar so incredibly high, that most games are going to suffer in comparison.

Outward Definitive Edition is an updated release of Outward release in May 2022 that includes "quality of life" improvements; given the state of the game, I shudder to think what QoL was like beforehand.

However, in trying to be fair, I looked up RPGs that were released in 2018 & 2019; which means comparing it to games like Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and Greedfall.

Unfortunately, even then it doesn't fare well. It just feels very rough around the edges, and frustrating to play.

As an example, whether you love it or hate it, most RPGs use some kind of encumbrance gameplay mechanic (and if you love encumbrance, I wonder what's wrong with you).

Outward leans heavily into the realism, which means it takes barely anything collected in your backpack before you're encumbered. Better* still, after combat I picked up two weapons from the mobs I'd just killed. One of them left me encumbered. The second left me completely unable to move.

Not that the screen indicated the change in any way. There's an icon that appears onscreen when you're over the encumbrance limit, but no warning to say I'd been completely immobilised. I thought the game had bugged out completely.

There's also a cooking mechanic (because survival gameplay as well) with some recipes, but also "manual cooking". I tried to cook something with fresh water and fresh raw salmon, but instead of boiled salmon, it resulted in "diseased mush". I probably shouldn't have eaten it, because eating it left me diseased, with an icon onscreen, and nothing to indicate how to resolve that.

It feels like the game wants you to work really hard to like it, and I'm glad that I got it in a bundle, because I don't feel bad about disliking it.

You've probably already guessed, but Outward Definitive Edition is a:

1: Nope

grissallia, avatar

December 30, 2023 - Day 364 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 396

Game: Wasteland 3

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 29, 2020
Installation Date: Dec 21, 2023
Unplayed: 9d
Playtime: 54m

Wasteland 3 is an isometric squad-based RPG with turn-based combat mechanics.

Apparently it's all RPGs all day here. Less "all", and more "this afternoon", because I ended up spending all morning cleaning out my desk and sorting screws.

Yeah, I forgot my ADHD meds, and today has been erratic. The kicker was discovering that I'd doubled up on a day count back in early October, meaning that instead of only needing to play one extra game per day for three days, it was two extra games today, and two tomorrow to hit my "400 new games" goal.

Anyway, turns out I've had a bunch of cool isometric RPGs just sitting in my unredeemed Steam keys spreadsheet; it's suddenly an embarrassment of riches, between Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, BG3, and now Wasteland 3.

Having not played the previous two Wasteland games, I thought it was some kind of post-apocalyptic FPS, but instead it's a post-apocalyptic RPG set in a nuclear winter affected Colorado.

The game starts out with a cut-scene talking about what happened to the Desert Rangers after the events of Wasteland 2 (and providing enough information for context), explaining that the Desert Rangers are on their way to Colorado to meet with "the owner of Colorado" to seek assistance for Arizona (I really need to look at a US map).

Looked at the map, got distracted. Anyway, things do not go according to plan, and you get ambushed on your way, and off the game goes.

Looks like I've got a lot of RPGs to play in 2024, because Wasteland 3 seems:

4: Good

grissallia, avatar

December 30, 2023 - Day 364 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 397


Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jul 17, 2018
Installation Date: Sep 7, 2019
Unplayed: 1576d (4y3m24d)
Playtime: 16m

MOTHERGUNSHIP is a bullet-hell FPS built in the Unreal Engine.

I immediately ran into problems when I tried to run it, because it did not want to play well with multiple monitors, insisting on running on the left-most monitor (which isn't my main). No options in-game to choose which monitor to run on.

Putting it into a lower resolution and windowed mode somehow made things worse, because it pushed the window chrome AND the back button off the top and bottom of the screen, respectively.

Eventually I got it running on the main monitor, and away we went. You're a nameless pleb dropped into combat on a spaceship, receiving instructions from an army General, and a tech, delivered by VO and a text-box in the middle of the screen.

You're wearing some kind of exo-suit, and you can see your robotic hands at the bottom of the screen, and you're sent off to start punching sci-fi cartoonish turrets.

When you die (oh, and you will die), you're immediately resurrected to keep fighting, with the "General" lampshading this.

A few rooms in, and you can start buying gun parts with the coins you collect, and then you can build and rebuild your weapons, into whatever wild assemblies you can imagine.

I was pretty tired last night, and it's only just occurred to me that the reason I couldn't buy parts in one of the shops was that I didn't have enough coins. There was just an error box icon that would appear when I tried to pick up gun parts, which I thought meant I'd run out of room or something. It didn't make it clear why I was getting that icon.

Which highlights one of the issues with the game. The ship(s) are bright and colourful with a lot going on, and the UI just kind of tends to blend in with everything else on screen.

I don't usually highlight the engine that the game is built in, but sometimes games have a certain "feel" to them that immediately registers as the game engine, and when I checked, I wasn't surprised to find it was an Unreal based game (no Unreal splash at the start, though!).

If bullet-hell shooters are your thing, this might be worth picking up on special, but I probably won't be back; they're not my thing, so for me MOTHERGUNSHIP is just a bit:

2: Meh

grissallia, avatar

December 31, 2023 - Day 365 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 398

Game: Beyond: Two Souls

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jun 18, 2020 (PC)
Installation Date: Dec 19, 2022
Unplayed: 377d (1y12d)
Playtime: 24m

Beyond: Two Souls is a third-person... interactive movie?

I picked a doozy for my final primary NewPlay. The game starts by presenting the option to play in the "original" non-chronological order, or the "remix" chronological order.

I picked "original", and then found myself in a cutscene with a mo-capped pre-transition Elliot page, and then an unexpected Willem Dafoe, setting up an interesting premise.

Whoever Jodie is, she's dangerous.

After the cutscene, I found myself playing as child Jodie. This was where I ran into my first issue with the game. I'd picked mouse & keyboard to play with, but given that this was originally a console release, it really isn't designed for mouse & keyboard, and the controls just felt weird.

Switched to controller, and things started to make more sense.

The hard part of trying to provide more of a review is this: explaining what happens next goes into spoiler territory, and so... I won't.

Because the game relies on mocap, and was originally released in 2013, prior to Elliot Page coming out as a trans man, I found playing as adult Jodie in the next section somewhat disconcerting, and in a way that I really can't quite put into words. Not enough to make me not want to play, but enough to break immersion.

This is not a critique of the game, rather an acknowledgement of how events in the real world can affect my perception of a game.

I really enjoyed (and completed!) one of Quantic Dream's other games, Detroit: Become Human, which is what lead to me buying this and Heavy Rain in a bundle last year.

Based on past experience, I'm interested in continuing this playthrough of Beyond: Two Souls; so far, it's:

3: OK

grissallia, avatar

December 31, 2023 - Day 365 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 399

Game: Saints Row

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 23, 2022 (PC)
Installation Date: Dec 31, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 59m

Saints Row (2022) was a poorly received reboot of the Saints Row franchise. It's a third-person action-adventure RPG, that is, this time around, based around the founding of a criminal gang named "The Saints".

You play as "The Boss", and can choose from a set of pre-made characters, or build your own from scratch, so I lost track of how long I spent in the character creator.

In this case, I didn't go into the game completely unawares; I've played some of Saints Row IV, which was cartoonishly over the top.

I remember reading reviews of Saints Row saying that they wanted it to be more grounded, and to paraphrase Inigo Montoya, "...that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Maybe it's not quite as OTT as the last game, but grounded is not a word I'd use either.

I'm a little surprised at this point that the reviews were so awful, as it definitely feels a lot like the previous Saints Row games to me.

I'll probably slot in some further Saints mayhem between RPG sessions in the new year.

So far, Saints Row seems:

4: Good

grissallia, avatar

December 31, 2023 - Day 365 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 400

Game: Dave The Diver

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jun 28, 2023 (PC)
Installation Date: Dec 31, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 43m

Dave The Diver is a 2D sideways-scrolling pixel-art* game that's part management sim, part fishing sim, part restaurant game, and part action-adventure RPG.

When Dave the Diver first showed up on Steam a few months ago, I was still very much of the "pixel-art-no-thank-you" mindset, so it was a pass.

Then I saw some folks raving about how good it is, and then the free Dredge DLC was announced, and I went back and added it to my wishlist.

As they're currently offering a "Dredging & Diving Bundle" on Steam which meant the game was cheaper than the sale price (by a couple of bucks), I decided to add one more game to my pile of shame, and then take it off again, and what a way to finish this project out.

It is REALLY hard to categorise, because it pulls gameplay aspects from multiple different genres, and it's probably best if I lay it out.

Firstly, to address that asterisk against pixel-art, the game uses pixel-art for the gameplay, but uses vector art for the UI, which is a great way to make the game feel up-to-date.

The game opens with Dave relaxing on a beach, drinking a beer, when his phone rings, and he gets a job offer. Queue plane & map intro cut-scene.

A guy named Cobra has offered Dave a job diving in "the Blue Hole", which is a procedurally generated environment that is different on each dive.

After a tutorial sequence, where you learn to catch fish with a harpoon (fishing sim!), you learn that you've been roped into managing a sushi bar as well (management sim!).

Dive twice during the day to complete quests (RPG gameplay!) and catch the fish that you then use at night to set the nightly sushi bar menu.

Oh, and you're also the sushi bar waiter; this takes partial gameplay ideas from cooking sims like "Cook, Serve, Delicious!" in that the various customers will order the things that you've added to the menu, and the cook (thank goodness!) prepares each meal, as you run back and forth serving them, and cleaning up after some detty pigs, as well as another mini-game where you need to pour green tea and fill the cup perfectly.

Some of the RPG gameplay elements like equipment upgrades and weapon upgrades are handled through unlockable "apps" on an in-game "smartphone", and given that there are a number of preloaded apps on the phone with locks on them, looks like there are more mini-games as well.

Somehow, though, the devs managed to pull this off in such a way that it all fits together seamlessly, and is a lot of fun as well.

So, there you have it; for my final game review of 2023, Dave the Diver is:

5: Excellent

#DaveTheDiver #2D #SidewaysScroller #FishingSim #ManagementSim #CookingSim #ActionAdventure #RPG #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

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