dw_innovation, (edited ) to mastodon
@dw_innovation@mastodon.social avatar

We started this account less than 6 months ago. It's going pretty well – thanks to you: 4.2k followers, lots of interactions, questions, and comments. 🎉

A couple of weeks ago, the European Broadcasting Union () asked us to write a guest article about our experience with / the , explain the basics, and point out the advantages. :mastodon:

Challenge accepted. 👍

So here's the finished post by @lxplm, hot off the press. ⌨️


@db0@hachyderm.io avatar

@dw_innovation Since you're posting mostly articles, do consider (cross-)posting to #lemmy as well, as it's way more set for these sort of posts. You can even post in to lemmy from mastodon by @-ing the community you want.

12pt9, to movies
@12pt9@horrorhub.club avatar

Now that I found that there are actually serious communities on , I'm kinda somewhat considering moving over there. Just look! https://lemmyverse.net/communities?query=film

Grant_M, to lemmy
@Grant_M@mastodon.social avatar

It took me until today to realize that lemmy.ml is the authoritarian dictatorship server of #lemmy

Don't go against the genocide joe bullshit russian narrative, or you will be silenced.

caos, to fediverse in How does Sharkey compare to Mastodon?

@caos @caos @jeze Small minus point for : the federation with is better from (it's best with (= this account)). This answer from Sharkey, for example, has not been received yet.

spaduf, to lemmy
@spaduf@hachyderm.io avatar

Big change coming for and interaction.

Posting in a community will automatically tag the post with the name of the community. For example, followers of will soon see posts from climate@slrpnk.net

secana, to rust
@secana@mastodon.social avatar

If you are interested in , join our community! https://programming.dev/c/rust 🦀 🔥

rimu, to lemmy
@rimu@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

Not sure if you noticed but half the is memes. They're not my thing but I enjoyed putting together the best meme consumption experience I could.

Check it out in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXVhb4sVZV4 or go to https://piefed.social/topic/chilling/memes?layout=masonry_wide&sort=hot to use it yourself. Click/tap on any image for a full screen lightbox-style image gallery that you can move through by swiping or using the arrow keys.

Can you think of any improvements?

TheMetalDog, to lemmy
@TheMetalDog@mastodon.social avatar
governorkeagan, to ireland
@governorkeagan@mastodon.social avatar

Is anyone here familiar with setting up and hosting a Lemmy instance? I think an Irish instance would be great (the same way we have an Irish Mastodon instance).


fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 14 new servers and 22 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,436 servers checked. 13,953,211 Total Users with 1,644,254 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

activitypub-prototype.azurewebsites.net a #activitypub-prototype server from Japan
mastodon.castelrosso.net a #mastodon server from Italy
social.bybliotheca.net a #sharkey server from Germany
live.davbot.media a #owncast server from Finland
social.alorenzi.eu a #gotosocial server from Italy
north.tube a #peertube server from Canada
bilin.xyz a #lemmy server from United States
cutiecluster.cc a #pleroma server from Private
mi.maka.nagoya a #misskey server from Private
hypha.coop a #sutty-distributed-press server from Canada
akkoma.bat-pike.ts.net a #akkoma server from United States
lewdpost.com a #akkoma server from Finland
m.freq.io a #mastodon server from Finland
social.nestbox.club a #mastodon server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

The family of services:

Theme: single-letter domain name.

1: https://c.im — a Mastodon software instance. ()
2: https://c.wtf — a Rebased+Soapbox (fork of Pleroma with Soapbox frontend) software instance. (microblogging)
3: https://p.lu — a PeerTube software instance. ( hosting)
4: https://r.nf — a Lemmy software instance. ()

Inspired by https://c.im/@jerry@infosec.exchange/110781964569113496

mdepalol, to lemmy
@mdepalol@discuss.systems avatar

Isn't there any catalan based lemmy instance 🤔 ?

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Remember Digg? It once made a big mistake. Everyone left Digg and joined Reddit. Someday, history will repeat itself. That day, Reddit stock will crash post-IPO. Their entire businesses are based on users, and they have been hostile to users for some time.

@Roundcat@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft You say that, but I’ve seen so many people bounce back to #reddit and #twitter after they got bored with the alternatives, or forgot why they were mad at those platforms.

Doesn’t help that fed’s answer to Reddit #lemmy ended up being taken over by chuds.

Db0, to foss

In recent days, the discussion around Lemmy has become a bit…spicy. There’s a few points of impact here. To list some examples:

This is not an exhaustive list. There’s significant grumbling about lemmy under the mastodon hashtag too.

On the flipside, there’s also been positive reinforcement towards lemmy and its dev, as can be seen by the admin of lemm.ee and many of the lemmy ecosystem in that thread.

You’ll notice all of these are frustrations about the (lack) of sufficient moderation in the tool-set of lemmy. This is typically coming from a lemmy admin’s perspective and the things that are very important to protect themselves and their communities.

In the discussions around these issues, a few common arguments have been made, which while sounding reasonable at face value, I think are the wrong thing to say to the situation at hand. The problem is somewhat that the one making these arguments feels like they’re being more than fair, while the ones receiving them feel dismissed or disrespected.

Before I go on, I want to make clear that I am writing this out of a place of support. I have been supporting lemmy years before the big lemmy exodus and after I made my own lemmy instance, I have created dozens of third party tools to help the ecosystem, because I want lemmy to succeed. That is to say, I’m not a random hater. I am just dismayed that the community is splintering like this, out of what seems to me, like primarily a communication issue.

So one of the analogies made in the sunaurus thread, likened lemmy development to designing a playground. It strikes me that this analogy is perfect, but not for the reason the one making it expects. Rather, it is perfect for exemplifying how someone coming from wholeheartedly supporting FOSS developers might still misjudge the situation and escalate a situation through miscommunication.

In this analogy, the commenter likened lemmy development like building a playground and external people asking for some completely unrelated feature, like a bird-watching tower, and expecting the developers to give it priority. The problem here is that the analogy is flawed. The developers are not building a playground for themselves. They’re building a playground schematic, which they expect people would and should deploy in many other locations.

Some people might indeed ask for “bird-watching observation posts” in such a schematic and it would be more than fair to ask them to build it themselves. but it is fallacious to liken any and all requests as something as out of scope as this. Some people might request safety features on the playground and those should absolutely be given more priority. We already know what can happen if you design a shitty playground, even if you give it for free!

To extend this analogy, the other lemmy admins, are not asking for luxury features. They are asking for improvements in the safety of the playground. Some people point out that metal slides become dangerous based on the weather. Some other point out that the playgrounds might be built in very unsafe areas, so a fence to protect the children from predators should be mandatory.

And here is the disconnect in communication happens. The overworked developer is already busy designing the next slide which can get them paid, or making sure things don’t break down as fast etc, and they perceive the safety requests as “luxury” items, someone should deal with themselves. However for the people who have to deal with upset parents and missing children, this dismissive attitude come out as downright malicious.

And thus you have a situation where both sides see the other are unreasonable. The devs see the people asking for the safety features as entitled, while the people who are suffering through the lack of those safety features perceive the developers as out-of-touch and dismissive.

Leave such a situation to fester long enough, and you start to get the exact situation that we have now. The Lemmy software starting to get a bad reputation in the areas concerned about most safety while forks and rebuilds are popping up.

All of this hurts the whole FOSS ecosystem by splintering development effort into multiple projects instead of collaborating on a single one. It turns our strength into a weakness!

This also brings me to another argument I see lemmy devs making somewhat too often. That they don’t have anything to gain from a larger community and just get more headaches. I always felt this was a patently absurd statement!

The lemmy devs are making more than 3K a month from lemmy. Enough that they are claiming they’re working on lemmy full-time. These funds don’t come because they’re running or developing a single forum for themselves. They come because they provide the “playground schematic”. If the community splinters into other software than lemmy, naturally the funds going towards lemmy development will likewise dry up.

This statement is completely upside down. The more people there are using and hosting lemmy, the more the lemmy developers benefit.

I would argue, the people lemmy developers should be listening to most are exactly the people hosting lemmy instances. These are the people putting incalculable hours into running and maintaining the servers and often paying out of pocket per month, for giving a service to others. Each admin is basically free value to the lemmy developers.

My position is in fact is that this scales down like layers. Lemmy Admins need to listen to instance admins most. Instance admins need to listen to community mods most. And finally community mods should listen to their users most. In this way you create bottom-up feedback mechanism, that doesn’t overwhelm any single person easily and everyone has a chance to be heard.

In AI Horde, I follow a similar approach. The segment of my community I listen to the most is in fact not the ones who are giving me money. It’s the ones who are providing their free time and idle compute for no other benefit than their own internal drive: The workers. They are effectively using their time for the benefit the whole ecosystem, which indirectly benefits me most. Without the workers, there would practically be no AI Horde, even if I am the only remaining. Likewise, without lemmy admins, lemmy as a software would be dead, even if the lemmy.ml people kept hosting forever.

So what can be done here. I think an important aspect here is to make sure we are talk in the same wavelength. Cutting down on miscommunication is very important to avoid exacerbating an already precarious situation.

Secondly, it’s totally understandable that lemmy devs don’t have enough time for everything. But likewise, there’s a ton of people who need safety features but can’t get them. As such, in my opinion priority should be put into making the frameworks that more easily allows people to extend lemmy functionality, even if it doesn’t match the lemmy developers visions, or immediate roadmap.

For this reason I strongly suggest that effort should be put into developing a plugin framework for lemmy. Ironic to suggest a completely different feature when the problem is too many things to do, but this specific feature is meant to empower the larger community to solve their own problems easier. So in the long term, it will massively reduce the incoming demands to the lemmy developers.

In the meantime, I do urge people to always consider that there’s always a human behind the monitor on the other side. A lot of time people don’t have the skills to effectively communicate what they mean, which is even worse in text form. We all need be a bit more charitable on what the other side is trying to say, especially when we’re trying to collaborate for a common FOSS project.


#brouhaha #FOSS #lemmy

db0, to lemmy
@db0@hachyderm.io avatar

I'm facepalming so hard today. On the discussion of whether should start supporting plugins in order for more developers to be able to inject the extra functionality they need, I have a rust fanboi insisting that no, the better approach is to make every admin who needs this compile lemmy from scratch to add the extra functionality. According to them this can be totally as easy as plugins.

realcaseyrollins, to lemmy
@realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social avatar

I've been banned from @moviesandtv, so now all my entertainment posts on the side of the will be made on the community @Entertainment.

mima, to foss

Basically: yeah "we have no rights" to demand you anything because "it's #FOSS" and there's no warranty, but we can still call you out for positioning your software (whether intentionally or not) as the "definitive" #Reddit alternative of the #fediverse and by that implication you've betrayed most reasonable people's expectations of it. Especially when you're raking in plenty of money in grants that other projects like Pleroma, Postmill, and Sharkey could ever dream of, allowing you to work full-time on the software instead of it being on the side.

Couldn't agree more. ​:alice_wine:​

#Lemmy #fediversemeta

RE: https://deadsuperhero.com/2024/03/economic-musings-on-federated-networks/

deadsuperhero, to lemmy
@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org avatar

Some of the conversations on about my recent article got some brain juices going.

Some people sided with the devs and said "You don't understand Open Source, you can't just demand something from people working for free!"

Here is a rambling brain-dump: https://deadsuperhero.com/2024/03/economic-musings-on-federated-networks/

hello, to lemmy
@hello@social.wedistribute.org avatar

, one of the biggest federated Reddit alternatives, is up against a surprising problem: users and admins can't delete images.

Here's why that matters.


mondstern, to lemmy German
@mondstern@mastodon.green avatar

Hat jemand von euch eigene #lemmy #lemmycommunities ?


MichaelAltfield, to lemmy
@MichaelAltfield@mastodon.social avatar

PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to #lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude to lemmy. That would be bad 😱


Oh, and if you delete your account? It doesn't delete your uploaded photos. And good luck getting your instance admin to delete it; it requires a manual db query, api call, and — oh, none of this is documented? Welcome to my #fediverse #GDPR nightmare 💣🤯

TheMetalDog, to lemmy
@TheMetalDog@mastodon.social avatar

I have fond memories of sitting on Lemmys lap after hed come offstage, with his hair in a white towel turban: Rob Halford says Judas Priests new album has a tribute to Lemmy and Ronnie James Dio
New Judas Priest song Giants In The Sky from upcoming album Invincible Shield pays tribute to Lemmy, Ronnie James Dio and other great rock icons


#JudasPriest #RobHalford #Lemmy #RonnieJamesDio #Tribute #NewSong

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