hrefna, to random avatar

In my week off I had intended to work on my #JsonLD #FEP, but my body had other plans on one front and the internet had other plans on another front, so here we are.

lispi314, to random

@strypey @screwtape @ellenor2000

#FEP #AE97 is interesting, but while it makes possible open relays (in the #SMTP-relay sense) obviating the dependency on much static infrastructure for message emission, reception remains a problem.

Is there a reception counterpart to it?

hrefna, to random avatar

Gah. I've gotten to the part in this #JsonLD #FEP where I actually have to write code and I don't wanna.

librenews, to fediverse avatar

Standards are codified activity.
Standards bodies sometimes help create standards and sometimes hurt them.
There can be standards without the standards bodies.
We all get that right?
Some seem to be in denial about that.
Many so called standards in standards bodies never get any meaningful usage.
And many standards live happy lives long before they get into standards bodies, if ever.

#protocols #fediverse #activitypub

smallcircles, avatar


I advocate for current activity to organize the Standards Process as something of a 3-stage rocket.

Not only the #ActivityPub tech is decentralized, but development is too, evolving in a grassroots and open ecosystem. That is important.

Ecosystem is 3rd outer stage where best-practices give some interop guarantees.

Further standardization can happen in the #FEP, discussed at #SocialHub. 2nd stage.

1st stage is then formal #W3C deliverables for key concepts, providing resilience.

Gh0stVX, to trustandsafety

I want to find a solution to #moderation tools like #fediblockmeta inadvertently advertising content they oppose. I want to design a safety tool different in execution from #fsep and #fediseer.
I'm introducing an idea called #fediflags, where servers can moderate servers blindly, based off info supplied by the moderated server itself. Has a server ever asked another to BE suspended, or to have their media rejected? Well, with this they can, to ALL applicable servers.

hrefna, avatar

@Gh0stVX Several people have put forth various proposals on how to address the latter problem in a systematic way: it is easily doable within AP, but not necessarily within mastodon, and playing nicely with AP doesn't mean much if you can't get the major tools to support it.

But flagging per user (or per message) is comparatively easy.

If you wanted to write a #fediverse #FEP ( ) on either I'd be happy to collaborate and look it over!

how, to fediverse Spanish avatar

¿Sabías que la comunidad #ActivityPub tiene su proprio 'nodo social' en #castellano (

Si no tienes paciencia por el Inglès en #SocialHub puedes conversar en la lengua de Cervantes, Cumbia Queers y Miss Bolivia...


#Fediverso #Fediverse

(EN per s10y policy)

Did you know the #ActivityPub community has its own SocialHub in Spanish?

If you're restless w/ English on #SocialHub, you can have a conversation in the language of Cervantes, Cumbia Queers and Miss Bolivia!

smallcircles, avatar

@how cool, yes I bumped into this before.

Wondering though.. this #ActivityPub community might be better connected to the #FEP process 🤔

silverpill, to random avatar

FEP-7628: Move actor

This #FEP is an attempt to make a synthesis of various approaches to implementing portable identities on Fediverse: Mastodon's "Move to a different account" feature, Nomadic Identity in Hubzilla and Streams, and FEP-c390 identity proofs.

raucao, to fediverse avatar

Hey #fediverse and #ActivityPub devs: is anyone aware of any specs, proposals, or discussions regarding the announcement of multiple different profiles for different activity types in Webfinger JRDs?

Would be amazing if we could use the same user address to point to different URLs for profiles for micro-blogging, photo sharing, book reviews, etc..

smallcircles, avatar

@raucao I'd encourage you to participate on the #SocialHub community forum and in the @fedidevs matrix channel to bring up such functionalities. If there's interest or you want to take it furter, an #ActivityPub #FEP can then be created.



@PessoaBrain @cogneurophys

This is the #FEP perspective on multi-scale effective connectivity (which you likely know):

Parcels and particles: Markov blankets in the brain

apps, to mastodon avatar

Extra-features (disabled by default) is somewhat confusing in #Fedilab.
This option allows to enable features that #Mastodon doesn't support (quotes, reactions, submit messages in a specific format, etc.)
But softwares like #Pleroma, #Akkoma, #GlitchSocial, #FireFish don't support (currently) same features.

We plan to use #NodeInfo to automatically enable features depending on the user's instance (ie: software).


#Nodeinfo has proven invaluable to me and also many of the public Fediverse databases, for example, with things like:

  • The particular MRF settings implemented for a particular instance
  • Fingerprinting exactly which platform and version is being examined
  • How many local users have accounts on the instance
  • Average number of posts in various different perspectives - total, per user, this period, Etc.
  • Whether or not the instance is operated by Good, sharing Fedizens or people that choose not to disclose.

A #FEP for this can go a long way toward stabilizing this defacto standard as dejure.

#Fedilab's commitment to support the most popular #Fediverse platforms such as #Pleroma, #Soapbox, #Akkoma, #Misskey, #Firefish, #Mitra, #Pixelfed, #Solo, #Peertube, and other, unnofficially supported platforms like #Takahe is commendable, and Nodeinfo is a great way to enter into the foray of deterministically providing the users with that support.

It also encourages instance operators to make this information public - as it should be in almost all cases.

#talllship #FOSS #stats #usage_statistics #compatibility



Attached: Fedilab Logo - standard.

Gargron, to random avatar

The fragmentation among friends that follows Twitter’s collapse is exactly the kind of problem that Mastodon and the social web solves for. Imagine that you don’t have to pick and choose which new platform to adopt, or make and maintain a million accounts—because you can follow anyone regardless of which platform they’re on. That’s our reality.

smallcircles, avatar

@kik @YurkshireLad @Gargron

The extension mechanism isn't very well specified and mostly done on best-effort basis in the scope of particular projects. They are tricky to do well too. For a broadly interoperable app you need to 'dumpster-dive' various codebases and reverse engineer. Then whack-a-mole to keep interop alive as these codebases change.

At #SocialHub the #FEP process is trying to bring some order..

hrefna, to random avatar

Doing some writing on #JsonLD and realizing that JSON-LD is really doing two things.

  1. It is providing a mechanism for converting back and forth from RDF.
  2. It provides a way of describing a syntactic presentation of the data that is distinct from the semantic interpretation. Technically it provides several different syntatic presentations that lead to the same semantic interpretation.

But for most protocols (1) isn't important and (2) is usually standardized on a single presentation.

hrefna, avatar

This is part of why concepts like #JsonLD Framing ( ) exist, but these sorts of tools come with substantive performance penalties and increases in complexity.

But we can absolutely 100% address this in something like a #FEP.

I don't even think it would be especially hard.

Something I'm chewing on.

kaleb_haugen, to fediverse

With all of the fediverse tech from Lemmy and WriteFreely to Pixelfed and Mastodon it seems like nobody has considered an ActivityPub Marketplace.

We need to bring Craigslist into the fold.

#ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Lemmy #WriteFreely #Marketplace #Craigslist

smallcircles, avatar
smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

If you want to be kept in the loop on new #Fediverse Enhancement Proposals, or FEP's, which document best-practices extensions to #ActivityPub and related protocols, then simply follow:


And once you do, give every #FEP-related toot your boost, to maximise awareness and help make a more interoperable social networking landscape.

blake, to random

Considering writing an #FEP that allows using #IndieAuth logins as display handles. The basic idea is that next to the meta tags/headers for OAuth links, you'd have a public key that can be used to verify a signature placed in a field in an AP Actor object. There would be another field next to the signature that tells remote servers what the preferred handle is. If lookup succeeds and the signature is valid, show the handle (possibly simplified) next to an IndieAuth icon.


Here's a first draft of this #FEP.

Now I'm wondering how and why the replied post is marked as unlisted...?


benpate, to fediverse avatar

You can tell I'm getting a lot of #Emissary work done today, because I'm non-stop whining about the #ActivityPub spec.

Like, why isn't there a simple way to tell how an outbox is sorted?

Yeah, I know, just do what Mastodon does and get over it. But the point of a spec is so I don't have to guess at what the popular kids are doing.

There should be rules about where things go. But no, there's no rules out here - only thoughts and prayers.

smallcircles, avatar

@steve @evan @mariusor @benpate @robz

Looks like this need comes close to #FEP-5bf0 but not yet supported afaics.

devnull, to fediverse avatar

Idle thought — what happens when a server is temporarily down? According to #ActivityPub spec, sending instances should re-deliver:

> For federated servers performing delivery to a third party server, delivery SHOULD be performed asynchronously, and SHOULD additionally retry delivery to recipients if it fails due to network error.

Deliberately vague by design, I wonder if there's an #fep that specifies something more, e.g. exponential backoff, batching, when to give up, etc.

hrefna, to random avatar

I'm personally of the view that we put too much emphasize on the content of DMs.

For example:

  • "Don't post private information in DMs"
  • "This illustrates how we need e2ee!"
  • "Just assume your message contents are leaked already…"

It's not that DMs are not important or that securing them isn't important, it is that good security is so much more than the content of your DMs.

Again: if your shitposting group your collaborators in it, it doesn't matter that you don't discuss actions there.

hrefna, avatar

@tw1tch Fediverse Enhancement Proposal: (#FEP)

Basically it's a way of creating consensus across projects and a grassroots evolution process for the fediverse.

0x1C3B00DA, to fediverse
0x1C3B00DA avatar

Can any #fediverse / #ActivityPub devs take a look at a proposal I submitted to #kbin and #lemmy?

Since the lemmy issue is getting overrun with people talking about other proposals, I'm thinking about submitting this as a #FEP. Is that still a useful process? I don't know how many projects look to FEPs for implementation guidance.

vincent, to random

Testing QT behavior in apps: in which apps can you see this toot as containing a QT instead of just a link?


@vincent NB: there’s a #specification (#FEP) for #QuotePost, if you want to implement it properly. ;-)
(Hoping #MonaApp and others will as well. 🤞)


emc2, to Facebook

I and others have talked a lot about the #Facebook / #Meta #FediVerse issue over the past few days, analyzing their strategy, and possible responses, and why pre-emptive blocking isn't an effective measure.

This leaves the question of "what should we do?" So....

ITT: actually effective measures for building the resilience of the FediVerse and #ActivityPub, informed by the experience of the #OSS movement.

(This is going to be a long one)

smallcircles, avatar

@emc2 great observations in your thread.

One thing makes me wonder.. you mention governance, without mentioning what exists. This is some general thing that happens so often.

There's the #W3C SocialCG, the #SocialHub developer community, and the #Fediverse Enhancement Proposal proces, the #FEP's.

It's frustrating as I promote these places for years and always see even #ActivityPub devs tooting without mentioning these.

strypey, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I've been meaning to comment on the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, but @mako has worded the objections to it much better than I could have:

To add to his points, I want to encourage everyone supporting pre-emptive blocks to look at that from the POV of our relationships with people using fediverse servers owned by DataFarms, rather than our antipathy to their owners.


@strypey sorry, how does connecting with other networks relate to moving services with connections intact?

#XMPP has #XEP, for servers to specify what features they support. Unless AP servers start enforcing that supported #FEP s be specified, you don't know that a new kid (bully?) on the block will both federate and support account portability (or when they stop supporting something).

smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

Hi there @tastapod 👋

Something that may interest you..

At the #SocialHub developer community that evolves the #Fediverse and the #ActivityStreams / #ActivityPub open standards we are thinking of using #Gherkin and #BDD test suites to formally define the expected behaviour of the protocol and AP vocabulary extensions that various apps use.

Among others this will be part of Fediverse Enhancement Proposals or #FEP's. See:

jo, to fediverse

I'm wondering how the folks who were mortified to find out the protocol specs to be pretty wanting re when they found out the *key apps had long had 'full text search' are feeling now having all these folks joining the from , and being able to access the same social timeline. Oh and coming soon.

For all the talk about the being queer-built and a space for minorities, it's quickly been shown to not be that rugged wise at the mass adoption level beyond a social contract and the fediblock.

My is on private, thanks to the amount of bots and creepy guys that try to follow & message me. Can't wait until they can harass me on , or worse - here. And if the laugh-reaction pile-on cookers that harass the queer creators I follow on Facebook ever get here, let alone my Karen and Kevin relatives and school friends, who'll force me to lock down here when they're not longer "over there", then we're gonna need to reinvent the fediverse again. Web 1.0 third times a charm or something.

I'm beginning to see why being a niche unknown community mostly using the same software was considered safety by so many.

smallcircles, avatar

@jo @oceaniceternity

Contrary to most people I consider ANY interaction of people online to be an example of social networking. If you consider that, this goes way beyond where corporate are, and also way beyond the extent that current fedi apps are duplicating their functionality.

As for the process.. anyone can and should contribute here if they can, so that we might move in the direction of this diversity and heterogenous nature of our .

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