BigAngBlack, to bluesky avatar

The 'vote #Trump' #spam that hit Bluesky in May came from decentralized rival #Nostr | TechCrunch

> The spam reached #Bluesky by first crossing over two other decentralized networks: Mastodon and Nostr

AstroHyde, to Astronomy avatar

A nomenclature of 'Blue Moon' almost never means a Moon of a blue color but with the summer nights, a literally blue appearing Moon, or Moon in the daytime is a fun one to spot. The northern hemisphere was showing off a bit before sunset, and with the May 23 full Moon so close I couldn't resist a few pictures. Happy lunar viewing!

May 20 waxing gibbous Moon at 8pm, a bit before sunset, visible during the day and with a blue tint from the sky - zoomed in on the moon to show the blue

tallship, to fediverse

First, Mostr, the #Fediverse bridge between #ActivityFed and #Nostr.

Next, Bridgy Fed, the Fedivese bridge between ActivityPub and #Bluesky.

#w00t :)

So Ryan, thank you for this most valuable tool to bring people around the globe together in #DeSoc - creating (and curating, as you have) ***Bridgy_Fed is one of the very best things that the Fediverse has to offer people on both sides of the protocol divide, and I really don't think that there are enough Thank you's to go around for all of the selfless effort you've put into this service.

So as meek and perhaps insignificant as it may sound, THANK YOU!

#tallship #bridge #interprotocol_communication #FOSS #Thank_You



notizie, to bluesky Italian

<a class="invalid-href" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Protocollo collegamento non valido">L'aggiornamento di Ryan Barret sul bridge con Bluesky</a>


Di seguito il post di che dimostra una non comune efficacia nella più trasparente comunicazione dello sviluppo e aggiornamento del bridge tra #Fediverso e #bluesky

Tempo di aggiornamento dello stato del Bridgy Fed! Sono state un paio di settimane impegnative. Sono felice di riferire che ho fatto notevoli progressi su tre dei miei quattro obiettivi dell'ultima volta (affidabilità, ritardi e bug) e ho migliorato una serie di altre cose lungo il percorso. Ecco un esempio:

  • Modificato Bluesky => fediverso dal polling al firehose . Ciò lo ha reso molto meno traballante e ha ridotto il ritardo di 5-15 m a pochi secondi.
  • Risolto il problema con fediverse => Bluesky rimaneva bloccato per molti account. Ho preso alcune scorciatoie nella mia infrastruttura Bluesky e sono tornate a mordermi. C'è ancora del lavoro da fare, ma i problemi visibili agli utenti dovrebbero essere in gran parte risolti.
  • Vari problemi con la ricerca degli account bot, il loro seguito e l'avvio del bridge .
    Immagini fisse in Bluesky => post fediverse.
    Implementata l'eliminazione dei post, Bluesky => fediverse. (Fediverse => Bluesky stava già funzionando.)
  • Risolto il problema relativo al bridging delle risposte in entrambe le direzioni.
  • Risolti collegamenti , menzioni e hashtag , in entrambe le direzioni . Ancora alcuni pezzi rotti qui, in particolare i riferimenti a Bluesky => fediverse, ma per il resto ora dovrebbero essere molto migliori.
  • Primo passaggio al filtraggio dello spam.

A parte le manichette antincendio, un'area degna di nota su cui non mi sono ancora concentrato è l'infrastruttura . Finora la scalabilità è ok, ma potrebbe essere molto migliore e molto più efficiente. Dovrò lavorarci su presto. Se noti che passa un po' di tempo senza molti miglioramenti visibili all'utente, probabilmente è proprio quello che sta succedendo.

Altrimenti, grazie per tutti i feedback, le domande e le segnalazioni di bug ! Per favore, continuate a farli arrivare. Come sempre, puoi seguire l' etichetta now in GitHub per vedere su cosa mi sto concentrando. Ci vediamo sul ponte!

brianvastag, to bluesky avatar

Deleted my account. Turning into another fucking twitter over there.

wjmaggos, to mastodon avatar

I'm less interested in getting #Mastodon to connect seamlessly with #BlueSky than with #Element. Anybody working on this? #SocialWeb #matrix #ATprotocol #ActivityPub

bsm, to Aviation German avatar
hcj, to bluesky avatar

I am no longer bridging my accounts to

I have done this for 2 reasons:

  • The inability to delete posts
  • The inability to access your bridged account

Instead of bridging my accounts I will be cross-posting my stuff between and

Cheesealicious, to bluesky avatar

I'm thinking of checking out now that dorsey left, but I can't find a list of bluesky servers/instances. Is the federation feature too new? I just don't wanna do because I don't want the bs of being in a mainstream instance.

J12t, to random avatar

I'm having a real hard time seeing how, if he managed to get his hands on TikTok, he would transform it into the "good internet". Without losing all the users.

Anybody else see what he apparently sees?

J12t, avatar

@reillypascal I'm aware of the protocol. Even beyond the specific protocol, I have never understood why anybody thinks an (all-public, never-can-delete) data store is the right place for social media data. I don't get the all-public about #Bluesky either. (and I'm not understanding what they may or may not support in terms of delete)

But re McCourt, he's not a geek, so he can only act on what geeks tell him, and they told him blockchain :-)

Rusty, to bluesky avatar

I have a question about BlueSky :blobfoxthinkgoogly:​

So the point of BlueSky is to try to simulate a centralized social media platform with decentralized hardware, right? So, like, what's the incentive to hosting your own BlueSky servers? I can see having a single-user repository for your own data, but there's no reason to host anyone else's personal data, right? :confused_dog:​

With Mastodon, the incentive to host a server comes from the fact that servers are smaller, tighter-knit communities, so hosting your server comes with building a community. What's the incentive on BlueSky?

#BlueSky #BSky #Federation #Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #Masto

davidbisset, to bluesky avatar

At this point, if you go to #Bluesky just to document bad things happening to that particular social network or to report back to #Mastodon what people on a social network say about people here… I envy the time you have at your disposal.

mackuba, to bluesky avatar

I sometimes wonder how things would've looked on if the first beta had been ready just 6 months earlier, if all those people who left Twitter for Mastodon could have gone there…

I've just checked the hashtag feed for and apparently there were 19 posts in total… (and 9 of those from me) 😕

JeanetteSlagt, to ilaughed Dutch avatar

Goedemorgen wereld! 😀

Mijn eerste post op Mastodon.

Foto: Merida Yucatan Mexico

fenarinarsa, to bluesky avatar

Bluesky now allows you to unpin or even remove the default "Following" feed and make any other custom feed the default one.

The "Following" feed is the chronological one by Bluesky but there's thousands of other custom algorithmic feeds created by other users and generated by federated third party servers.

lucamondini, to threads Italian avatar

Come va? È un po' che non bazzico da queste parti. Devo dire che, come contenuti, non mi dispiace affatto. Dopo un po' di tweak, l'algoritmo (sì, proprio lui) sembra funzionare piuttosto bene.
Spero di riuscire prima o poi ad usare un solo client per entrambi i social. So che sta lavorando ad un’integrazione con le API di Threads: vediamo.


@lucamondini e' un po come parlare bene della Sinclair in casa della Commodore 😎

Qui va benissimo, c'e' piu' gente di quanta ne riesco a leggere e, essendo tutto open source e standard, mi sembra il centro dell'innovazione.

Da phanpy, l'interfaccia web (e mobile) fatta meglio tra tutti i social, ai bridge con e, ora , anche con

Ho appena finito di leggere che su threads hanno messo una vista multi colonne tipo tweetdeck, wow, avanguardia pura !

filippodb, avatar

@lucamondini a breve threads sarà federato per intero e quindi ti basterà usare l'app mastodon 😉
Mastodon è federabile pure con bluesky ( basta seguire 😉 ) ed è federato pure con nostr dove puoi seguire snowden, quello vero, non i farlocchi del fediverso:

migratory, to bluesky Spanish avatar

I clicked a toot or whatever they're called and it turns out they've implemented the most critical twitter feature: in-page loading spinners that make you wait several seconds for no fucking reason before you can read less than a kilobyte of text

fediversereport, to bluesky avatar

New: Video, audio and blogging: Japanese is building in the ATmosphere

I take a look at 3 new products build on

Blogging with
Video with
Audio spaces with

Read at:

LaurensHof, to bluesky avatar

Video, audio and blogging: Japanese Bluesky is building in the ATmosphere

When Bluesky dropped the invite code requirement early in 2024, it led to a big inflow of the Japanese community into Bluesky. At some point, they became the biggest community on Bluesky, with 43% of the posts being made in Japanese, compared to 34% in English. Over the last few months, the Japanese Bluesky community has build a variety of cool new tools, projects and platforms for the ATmosphere. Let’s take a look at three of them: Whitewind, a blogging platform, Bluecast, a social audio app, and Bluemotion, a video hosting platform.

Video with Bluemotion

Bluemotion is a video platform that integrates with your Bluesky/ATmosphere account. You log in with your Bluesky handle and (app)password, and get an overview of the videos hosted on the platform:

front page of bluemotion showing 3 cat videosThe basics of a video hosting platform are all there: you can browse through categories, see what other people have posted, and post your own videos. Where it gets really interesting is that the accounts that post the videos are easily recognisable as Bluesky handles.

Now let’s take a look at a video. On the left is the video on Bluemotion, on the right is the same video, but now as a post on the official Bluesky app.

2 screenshots of the same video, on the left of bluemotion and on the right of bluesky. it shows the same video and engagement numbersWhat is worth noting here is that this is the exact same post, as visible by the engagement numbers. You can interact with the post from the Bluesky app, but you can also boost and like it directly from Bluemotion itself. Now, the only difference here is that the official Bluesky app cannot play videos, so it is a link to the Bluemotion site instead. Still, its a great example of what you can build on top of the AT Proto. Bluemotion is made by developer So Asano.

Blogging with WhiteWind

WhiteWind (stylized as is a blogging platform build on top of ATProto. As with all the products in this article, you simply login with your Bluesky/ATProto handle and (app) password. into WhiteWind shows you a front page with the latest and popular blog entries, as well as the ability to write your own blog posts. The integration with ATProto is visible in two different ways: first of all, your WhiteWind account is your ATProto/Bluesky account. Secondly, you can comment on blog posts with your account, and these are visible as a post on Bluesky as well. WhiteWind is developed by @K.

Audio with Bluecast

Bluecast is an audio app build on top of ATProto. The idea is fairly simple, but well executed. Log in with your ATProto/Bluesky account, and browse the current live audio streams. You can also host your own live audio stream as well. interface of a live audio stream comes with a chat channel as well: impresses me most about Bluecast is that it has managed to build up an active audience of users. By far the hardest part of building a social app is getting people to consistently use it. Audio apps build on top other other protocols (such as for the fediverse) have struggled to get people to use them, even though they work perfectly fine. For Bluecast however, every time I have checked over the last week I have seen active audio rooms and people using the app. Part of it is that developer So Asano has been running events with multiple streams after each other, with some 60 people tuning in.

Integrating ATProto into Bluesky

The developers have made some impressive new products. At the same time, their work also showcases some struggles for new developers building on top of ATProto. The developer of WhiteWind wrote a blog recently about their experience developing WhiteWind, and write: “My service’s data should be reaching Bluesky, but Bluesky doesn’t understand it and simply discards it. It’s true that I can improve the quality of the service by for example making the UI more beautiful, without relying on atproto. But if it is the only way, what is the point of using atproto in the first place?”

To understand the point they are making, first a quick and oversimplified explanation: A lexicon is part of the protocol, and defines what a post does and how it looks. The official Bluesky app has defined the lexicon for posts to be short posts, limited to 300 characters. Anyone can build their on app on top of ATProto, and define their own lexicon. You can create a Lexicon for long-form blogging, videos, or whatever you want. Importantly however, the official Bluesky app does not process posts with a different lexicon well.

This is the problem that the WhiteWind developer is referring to: WhiteWind has their own lexicon for long-form writing, which does not get processed by the Bluesky app. This is quite different from the fediverse, where long-form posts (from WordPress/Discourse/WriteFreely/etc) can show up in your microblogging app, such as Mastodon. I connected my WordPress blog to the fediverse, and now my blogs show up as full text in the feed of people who follow me, in turn gaining me quite some extra organic reach. This is not possible with AT Proto,new users will still have to visit your website to start using it, making growth for a new product that much harder.

At the same time, Bluesky developers are understandably wary of the Bluesky app becoming an ‘everything-app’. The goal of the Bluesky company is to build a decentralised protocol after all, and the Bluesky app is explicitly an app for microblogging. Bluesky users have regularly criticised the move by X to promote longer-form writing as well, indicating that native long-form writing in Bluesky might not even be appreciated by a part of the userbase.

Overall it points for an interesting point in time for the ATmosphere: Japanese Bluesky developers have build some impressive new products on AT Proto, but is the network interested in adopting other products beyond Bluesky’s own microblogging?


front page of bluemotion showing 3 cat videos
2 screenshots of the same video, on the left of bluemotion and on the right of bluesky. it shows the same video and engagement numbers

fenarinarsa, to bluesky avatar

Bridgy Fed: how to enable federation with Bluesky for your account.

I tried to keep it short and simple.

#bluesky #fediverse

kohane, to bluesky avatar
texttheater, to fediverse avatar

I’ve made a cheat sheet for #bridging between the #Fediverse and #Bluesky using #BridgyFed.

RL_Dane, to bluesky avatar

"Blockchain Rasputin over here is mad that moderation exists." — @jwz

"These guys only care about their assumed right to force people who aren't interested to listen. "Free speech" is when they can say awful stuff and you can't answer back. When Dorsey calls Twitter -- Twitter! -- "freedom technology," that's the freedom he means. They can't live without unwilling ears to bash."

#BlueSky #Nazis #FreezePeach

falcon, to random avatar

Tried Threads a little bit, wanted to see if it would be easier to find some things, and also how's the movie community out there.

Either their search doesn't work at all, or the movie community is close to non-existent (at least regarding more cult movies and bluray releases)

I'm so happy that we have some cool people posting here on #cinemastodon

falcon, avatar

Made a BlueSky account just to check, and seems there's actually a nice* movie community there. Maybe now that Jack Dorsey left, they'll continue implementing more moderation and it'll be usable as a side social media for some quick checks?

*nice in terms on enough users/content, will see how users are

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