

Federated avatar


New Book: | R - install.packages("healthyverse") | #SQL | opinions are mine | #rstats | Mainly though my wife and kids :) | Advisor to DoTadda - All posts delete in 12 months. avatar


The annual meeting of the #RStats community: July 8–11, Salzburg, Austria (hybrid).


Experimental Psychologist at the University of Granada.
Once I became famous in Twitter for drawing a tie on a Brachiosaurus.
Toots (mostly) in Spanish.
Expect lots of nonsense in this account.

🧠 #Psychology #psicomastodon
👻 #Irrationality #CognitiveBias
💡 #Judgment and #DecisionMaking
🤝 #SocialPsychology
🐁 #CausalLearning
📈 #Statistics (but wrong) and #Methodology
🧪 #Openscience
💻 Learning #rstats and #Bayes
🤘 #SymphonicMetal
🦖 Also #dinosaurs avatar


Director, editorial data & analytics at Foundry (an IDG company). Author of Practical R for Mass Communication & Journalism. A bit obsessed with both #RStats and #genAI. Learning #Python.

Write about R & #GenAI for #InfoWorld. She.

First joined Mastodon (at Fosstodon) on Oct 27, 2022.


Other interests: #Photography #DigitialDarkroom #Running #Bicycling #Crochet
Learning #ASL

Was @sharon000 on Twitter (no longer active) avatar


Applied and translational sensory scientist. Advocate for bodily autonomy. Nonbinary feminist killjoy.

Alt-text: me, a chubby faced white person with long dark brown curly hair, giving side eye behind some glasses.

Banner: a person in a denim jacket on a bike with a life sized plastic skeleton attached to the rear carrier. avatar


Applied Mathematician, Julia programmer, father of two amazing boys, official coonhound mix mutt-walker.

PhD in Civil Engineering. Debian Linux user since ca. 1994.

Bayesian data analysis iconoclast avatar


Interested in maths, genetics, archeology, prehistory, nordic languages, cooking, photography, etc

I'll try to post some serious stuff in English or both French and English, but casual chat will likely be in French. Can read Spanish, Italian, and some (very) simple German and Norwegian.

"Dans cet étrange carnaval on a vendu l'Homo sapiens pour racheter du Néandertal"

Born at 327 ppm


Soul gardener, mentor, 🌱 #LifeCoach & artist, trilingual, #ADHD, #dyslexic. I post on daily life & what makes us better humans, citizens, helpers. :progress:

ICF PCC coach & mentor-coach,
Co-Active trained; former techie; painter, printmaker.

An invitation: Come get unstuck! Honor your truth, tame your critic, love your life. Lead yourself first to create more joy. A little coaching goes a long way - first hour free & no obligation.

😷 Toronto + 🌏 online



Research & code: Research director @inria
► Machine Learning, Data, Health, & Computer science
►Python coder, (co)founder of scikit_learn
& joblib
►Physics PhD

#MachineLearning #Python #OpenSource

  • Transportation Scientist and Methodological Adviser at NDC Nederland
  • PhD in Evolutionary Ecology
  • Coping with long-term illness
  • Progressive metal, video and board games, survival/obstacle running


This is my old account. My new account is at


CompSci MSc student at ETH Zurich, recovering filmmaker and 3D/VFX artist.
Visual and Interactive Computing & Machine Learning avatar


Longer hair than you.
Got the ⏻ symbol into #Unicode.
Open Standards / Source / Data geek.
Known as on most social platforms.
Did an MSc in using the Metaverse for analytics.
Bit obsessed with #SolarPower but not quite a #SolarPunk.


Fysiker/physicist in New York
Dark matter searches with XENON, né HESS dark matter lines.
Him/Han/Dr. avatar


Pirate Politician, Software Developer, MA Musicology (he/him)

Culture, Math, Sociology, Philosophy, Music, Demoscene, Games, #NAFO, Writing, Disc Golf, Skateboarding.

Not here for snarky comebacks. A slur is not an argument.

Other fediverse accounts:

Blog: avatar


Prof Western University | NORRAG Senior Fellow | World Bank Expert Advisory Council on Citizen Engagement
Previous: UN, University of Oxford, University of Sussex, IRC
She/her #tfr #fedi22

I research #Education #Privatization #Inequality #COVID and education disruption. Most of my work has been in the #GlobalSouth but also #G20 and #Canada.

Also: #Academia #Data #Economics #GlobalDevelopment #GlobalEducation #OpenAccess #OpenScience #Policy #Research

Artwork: Kalifa Damani, Cambridge Uni.


Interest in Research Methodology, Social & Policy Research, Data Science, Epistemology, Privacy, IT.

-1. International Development Consulting, Foreign Aid & Technical Assistance Programs, International Enterprise & Management Development, International Business Matchmaking, Trade, Tourism.

-2. Social Media.

#Nature #Travel #Cycling #Sailing

Lived in Curaçao 🇨🇼, The Netherlands 🇳🇱, Spain 🇪🇦, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

Toots in 🇺🇸🇬🇧 / 🇳🇱 / 🇩🇪 / 🇨🇵 / 🇪🇦
Boost ❌ endorsement avatar


Sociologist and demographer, University of Maryland. Director of SocArXiv. #sociology #demography #inequality


#PhD Researcher // #Archaeology // #Geoarchaeology // #Palaeoecology [at]

I like science & I have opinions.
Be weird, be kind.

she // her

Matrix: avatar


#WordPress hosting, music festival IT, #filmmaker, repairer of busted things, fan of #horror movies, and to my surprise, a #runner. (he/him) 🏃2020: 4,245km 🏃2021: 6,119km 🏃2022: 5,113 km
#Ottawa, #Canada <waves> avatar


🧑‍🎓 An urban geographer and a post-doctoral researcher from the University of #Helsinki working at

💭 Interested in urban diversity, urban multilingualism, human mobility, spatial analysis, and big data.

🖥️ I combine #urban #geography, #linguistics, #GIS #geospatial #spatial, #NLP and #ComputerVision methods.

🛠️ I mainly use #linux, #python and #foss tools.

🌟 I like #BarefootShoes, #discgolf, #longboarding, #BadMovies, and #metal avatar


• Married to the best woman ever ( ❤️
• No kids, but 4 🐈.
• Owning a small 🏡 and a small 🚗 in a small, but beautiful country.
• Working for the 🇨🇭 government as #PostgreSQL DBA.
• Hobbies: #LEGO, #PostgreSQL, #Apple, #Linux, #C64, #Amiga, #DVD​s, #Books, #Hiking


More on 🇨🇭 written in Swiss dialect:

Profile banner image shows the Aare river and the city of Solothurn,🇨🇭, Ⓟ & © 2023 with kind permission by Michael Pfeiffer
( avatar


An Ottawa-based Ross who is inspired by people who have interests and pursue them.

Physics degreed, engineering careered. Enthusiastic about makerism, science, food, culture and art/design. Inordinately fond of breadmaking and chair design.

Trivialities, ephemera and daily activities.
#Ottawa #Canada #maker

Profile ALT text: Avatar is a white ceramic coffee mug like you might find in a diner. The banner is the famous Earthrise image where the Earth is just appearing over the moon. avatar

Accurate, Focused Research on Law, Technology & Knowledge Discovery Since 2002 #fedi22 #LLRX - ejournal on Law, Tech, & Research 1996-Present. #LawLibrarian #Metadata #Indefatigable #Researcher #Editor #Publisher #ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #AnimalRights #DisabilityRightsAdvocate #Vegetarian #lifelongLearner #NoLawns #NativePlants 🌿🚴🏻‍♀️
Avatar: rows of sea urchins of many colors
Header: large cumulus clouds of white, grey, light blue. avatar


Philosopher & neuroscientist.
Paddy & resident of France.
Research: Myside bias, education, experimentalism/instrumentalism, experience.
Advocacy: #NoFeeScience

Uni de Bordeaux & Bdx-Montaigne

Posts in English & French avatar


Interdisciplinary open so(u)rcery, computational art/craft/design, landscape photography, electronic music, education. See pinned toots for more info!

Unless stated otherwise, all published images/media (except boosts/linked content) is my own work & copyright by me. Inclusion in AI models strictly forbidden.

Available for consulting/commissions. Searchable.


#ThingUmbrella #GenerativeArt #LandscapePhotography #TypeScript #ZigLang #WebAssembly #Clojure #Forth #GLSL #Houdini #DigitalFabrication #Geometry #CellularAutomata #EvolutionaryComputing #PermaComputing #AxiDraw #DSP #Synth #Music4Coding #Hiking #Nature


"So uncouth and absurd that it can only be believed that Nature was motivated by spite or mockery in bringing him into the world at all." - Castiglione
I'm here to publicize science and literature blogs, make wisecracks, and find out what interesting people have to say. If you want to know who I am in real life, visit my verification URL. avatar


The more I learn, the less I know - Albert Einstein
IT & life nerd living in Sydenham, South East London


Physicist and writer Dr Francis Sedgemore. Visit my website, subscribe to my Substack, and connect with me on LinkedIn.

Interests: Earth and space science; traditional and fine arts; natural and social ecology; radio communication; Green Party policy wonkery.

On the waves as m0xbq.

Born at 319.65ppm.

Roysia | Anglia | Europa | Terra


Psychology, metascience, and academic life. Professor at Durham University, UK. He/him.

My research: avatar


I make #dark (goth-adjacent, in my intentions) music:
I work with #python and #django and all the usual suspects.
I'm a big #ScienceFiction and #sff reader.
I'm scared for the future of my progeny (thanks to #climate and #fascists).
I play #civ6 and #TFTC, I try to keep up with #science, I defintely kicked my #LegoStarWars habit.
I hate bigotry in all its forms, I love good #perfume.

(Making this searchable: I write gems, and I want to be able to find them again) avatar


Professor of Operations, Business Analytics & Information Systems at the University of Cincinnati; PhD; research focuses on healthcare & service operations and fairness; "equality" meme guy; tech junkie; optimist; skeptic; amazed husband & proud dad; EV driver (10+ years); ebike fan; avoider of yard work; devourer of ice cream; lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Personal account. Opinions are mine, not my employer's. The cake is a lie. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


Plant eater, animal lover, reader, socially disassociated currently, photographer, e-bike (now) rider.
I've stopped boosting images that lack alt text. Even ones that I love!
I live in Nova Scotia, with my husband, border collie and three Cornish Rex cats. I seem to spend 90% of my waking time in the kitchen, cooking and the rest out walking my dog.
I do not post or comment on anything political.
I write stories and take pictures. They are on my blog mostly.
searchable by tootfinder avatar


I'm always in the mood for Ska!
** IT Consultant
** Software Engineer
** Jamaican Music Lover
** A fan of Photography, Nature and Hiking
** FOSS supporter
** Anti-"Influencer"
** Anarchism as a lifestyle
** Sarcasm is my third language

:anarchy: 🌮🌶️ English/Spanish toots avatar


The PIMfluencer


Influencing myself all the time.

Hide my German posts via selecting your preferred language(s) via:
Preferences→Other→Filter languages

Mutes accounts that are using CWs without meeting my definition of "warning".

Stands with 🇺🇦

#PIM #FOSS #Emacs :emacs: #orgmode :orgmode: #Orgdown #bicycle #decentralization #security #privacy #Austria #Graz :graz:

Joined Mastodon 2017-11

Indexed on tootfinder

NOT political correct!


Using mathematical models to advance health equity and health justice. Based at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He/him ⧉ #rstats #CausalInference #SpatialStats #HealthJustice avatar


Leanpub is a unique platform for writing & publishing, with a bookstore that helps readers discover new books & authors every day! Follow us for news & deals!


Hello there,. My name is Nick and I'm a 24 year old senior in #College studying #BusinessManagement. I also happen to be #Blind. I'm into #Sports with my favorite professional teams being the #Rams, #Lakers, and #Dodgers. I also like #Tennis, #Golf, and sometimes, #NassCar. I sometimes talk #Politics but not very much. I'm also a massive #Music fan with my favorite genre being #Jazz by far, from old to modern, I want to recommend and discuss it. I also enjoy all things #History. When it comes to adult conversations, I enjoy the more #lude ones because its fun so expect that. I'm in the #Kink and #Sex communities and I'm proud about it, questions and discussions about this sort of stuf is welcome. I like making new friends, so let's chat and see where things go. avatar


By day I am a computer programmer with Index Data, where I have been happily and gainfully employed for 20 years.

By night, I am a vertebrate palaeontologist with the University of Bristol, specialising in sauropods: the biggest and best of all dinosaurs.

I am an advocate for open access, open data and open source, and also for open peer-review though I'm beginning to think pre-publication peer-review might be a mistake. I support #LFC.

ORCiD: 0000-0002-1003-5675 avatar


Senior Technical Writer @ Opplane (Lisbon, Portugal). PhD in Communication Sciences (ISCTE-IUL). Past: technology journalist, blogger & communication researcher.

#TechnicalWriting #WebDev #WebDevelopment #OpenSource #FLOSS #SoftwareDevelopment #IP #PoliticalEconomy #Communication #Media #Copyright #Music #Cities #Urbanism avatar


Ecology. Epidemiology. Statistics. Malaysian. PhD. 🏳‍🌈
English, Chinese, Malay, #rstats, #python, speak C++ if I have to 😂. avatar


Uni Łódź archaeologist, table-top gamer, book worm, punster, science fan, blogger, Leftie, Swede

#archaeology #ttrpg #boardgames #books #science #blogging #progressive #stockholm #sweden #lodz #poland


I live for evidence-based policymaking (especially for equity, public health, housing, and transportation).

I toot about social and demographic trends in the U.S. (especially #2020Census and #ACSdata).

I over-use parentheses.

And I love a good #GeekJoke.

Vivo en SoCal.

#Demography #Sociology #Equity #Poverty #Fertility #Mortality #PublicHealth #PublicPolicy #SciComm


Director, Statistics for Development Division, at the Pacific Community. Tweets only represent my views, and are most likely to be about data and #rstats, maybe with bits of history, meta science and philosophy thrown in.


Silicon Valley VC at Walden Catalyst Ventures. Invest in DeepTech and TechBio startups. Ex McKinsey, JP Morgan Partners, Samsung, Inphi. Student of physics and math. avatar


Lecturer in Health Data Science at Lancaster University. Scottish. Generative artist. Runner of endurance races. Neat freak. She/her. Views my own.

#RStats #DataViz #GenerativeArt #DataScience #Rtistry #Statistics #Stats #datadon #Geo #RSpatial avatar


Software Engineer, Trade Unionist, Gamer, Geek, Dad. Lives in Devon avatar


type 2 fun enthusiast // Bogdanovist // statistician at Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland


Newly Swissified ex-Brit. (I hated Brexit) . Retired but still active in #archaeology and #paleoanthropology. Focus on the relationship between population size and #CulturalEvolution. Multi-lingual, multicultural, multidisciplinary. Love to hear from colleagues but also about #classicalMusic, #jazz, #photography, #poetry, #history, #philosophy, #AI, #cooking. Plus anything about #Pilipino culture, society, history, languages (family reasons).

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