ben, avatar

Stack Overflow announced that they are partnering with OpenAI, so I tried to delete my highest-rated answers.

Stack Overflow does not let you delete questions that have accepted answers and many upvotes because it would remove knowledge from the community.

So instead I changed my highest-rated answers to a protest message.

Within an hour mods had changed the questions back and suspended my account for 7 days.

Diff view of a stack overflow question showing it being changed from the original text to a protest message, then being changed back again by a mod. Protest text reads: Why does OpenAI get to profit from our work? I have removed this question in protest of Stack Overflow's decision to partner with OpenAI. This move steals the labour of everyone who contributed to Stack Overflow with no way to opt-out. OpenAI has a history of flooding the web with inaccurate information and have explicitly stated that they will never pay creators for their work.

ben, avatar

I'm requesting that my questions and answers be permanently deleted under GDPR.

martin_piper, avatar

@ben GDPR does not apply here since its not personal data. It's technical data.

jpanzer, avatar

@martin_piper @ben Is there case law to that effect? If not, ….

jpanzer, avatar

@ben 👏👏👏 GDPR is no joke. Use it.

shalien, avatar

@ben Yeah, Did the same thing directly.

dfyx, avatar

@ben GDPR does not apply to intellectual property, only to personally identifiable information so unless your answers consist mainly of your name and address, they are under no legal obligation to delete them.

dfyx, avatar

@ben If you don't want your content to be used commercially, don't post it to a platform that clearly states in its terms of service "[...] you grant Stack Overflow the perpetual and irrevocable right and license to access, use, process, copy, distribute, export, display and to commercially exploit such Subscriber Content, even if such Subscriber Content has been contributed and subsequently removed by you [...]"

Sad but true.

ErikUden, avatar

@ben please do, you're awesome! ❤️

cykonot, avatar

@ben lawsuit! Lawsuit! Lawsuit!

"Terms can change without notice" etc clauses are often unenforceable.

People should class-action these predatory scrapers. I BET m$ has used data they did not have rights to for training. Errbody should sue. Sue sue sue. "AI" is the providence of mankind, not some rich douche

ArneBab, avatar

@cykonot in the EU training models on any public data is officially legal. That was an unintended effect of keeping databases legal.


ben, avatar

It's just a reminder that anything you post on any of these platforms can and will be used for profit. It's just a matter of time until all your messages on Discord, Twitter etc. are scraped, fed into a model and sold back to you.

per_sonne, avatar

@ben Feels like the Enclosures (Tragedy of the Commons).

julesbl, avatar

@per_sonne @ben the tragedy of the commons is usually when some wealthy shit steals it

18+ AimeeMaroux, avatar

@julesbl @per_sonne @ben The Tragedy of the Commons has been exposed as not being a real thing by Elinor Ostrom. There are countless examples of common goods from history as well as a few contemporary ones. Gotta agree with Jules, the tragedy is when some wealthy shit steals or exploits a common good for their own gain and there are no rules enforced to nip that kind of behaviour in the bud.

hunterhacker, avatar

@ben Why do people care if someone like me gets your excellent answer to a coding question by typing my error message into Google (forwarding to SO) or into ChatGPT?

In neither situation were you getting paid. In both situations the middle man makes a buck. In both situations I’m thankful you spent time helping me.

Is it that with ChatGPT I don’t know who to thank?

nus, avatar

@hunterhacker @ben with ChatGPT the answer gets turned into atoms and reconstructed, often with errors. It's not showing anyone's answer, it's showing a slop that approximates what it thinks looks most correct.

You have no one to thank, no one to correct, and ChatGPT couldn't start to tell you where the answer came from even if it was 99% from one person.

wuppy, avatar

@hunterhacker @ben it's that chatgpt is fundamentally built off copyright infringement and theft. even if in this situation there's no profit being taken, in other situations there absolutely is. openai is fundamentally scummy, and it's good to push back if you can.

bornach, avatar

@wuppy @ben
Yup. OpenAI refuses to reveal what was in their training data.
You may be thankful for an answer to a question but thankful to whom? ChatGPT generates answers claiming it as its own creation and OpenAI gets the credit. At least pre-2023 search engines directed you to the original source.

When asked to create a new game that never existed before, ChatGPT regurgited someone else's game idea and gave it a different name.

WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

@wuppy @hunterhacker @ben Built off copyright infringement, theft and deliberate destruction of the planet. People who are okay with AI / LLMs but think everyone should drive EVs need to get a reailty check, imho.

mighty_orbot, avatar

@ben Stack Overflow has already been monetizing your answers with ads for years. If “used for profit” is your main complaint, you’re a little late.

andrewfelix, avatar

@mighty_orbot @ben @mighty_orbot @ben The argument isn't about profit, which is pretty clearly outlined. OpenAI's explicit and ultimate intent is to replace people and in the meantime it's spitting out garbage information.

bornach, avatar

@andrewfelix @mighty_orbot @ben
And their software is laundering the original source of the information from which their AI training data was derived. Doesn't the original author deserve some credit for when ChatGPT regurgitates a lossy paraphrasing of a post scraped from the Internet?

ben, avatar
ben, avatar

Also that CC claims that training an AI on data is "fair use". So fuck Creative Commons I guess.

stage7, avatar

@ben Thanks for pointing out. I am a creator under CC licenses and this leaves me wondering under which license should I release my work from now on.

agersant, avatar

@ben I'm longing for a new set of free (as in beer) software and creative licenses that prevent all this garbage.

I put my software out there so other people can use it, I'm even ok if they make money out of it. But I'm not ok with my work being swallowed by a big machine so that people can print money without even knowing it exists at all.

ttntm, avatar

@agersant @ben same here.

I wonder is GPL is any better, published a couple of things under that, but haven't checked in a while.

kattrali, avatar

@ben @agersant @ttntm there are licenses like Do No Harm[1] which talk about environmental damage, though I have yet to come across one which is explicitly about this current batch of nonsense. In some ways it feels like if GPL was enough, we wouldn’t be in this mess; I read a post[2] to that effect a while ago and haven’t gotten it out of my head.


ttntm, avatar

@kattrali @ben @agersant thanks for sharing these, will definitely check it out!

idbrii, avatar

@ttntm @kattrali @ben @agersant
The Hippocratic License is similar:

martin_piper, avatar

@ben you gave them information for free. You don't own it, they do. That was the working relationship.

Imagine if you were working for a company producing work and you suddenly tried to sabotage that work. That's what you were trying to do, sabotage it. They would be perfectly within their rights to restrict your access.

The moral of this story is, if you want to retain ownership then don't give it away (for free) to someone else.

jlsigman, avatar

@martin_piper @ben Great! Now apply that logic to AI, which is stealing everything.

ArneBab, avatar

@martin_piper it wasn’t given away. It was licensed under a sharealike license.

But „AI“ is used to launder copyright so they can proprietarize what I only gave as free culture.


@martin_piper @ben I'm not buying this. Using a service is not the same as working for a company. There is no working relationship. There is a community where people try to help other people without gaining any salary in exchange, and a company reclaiming all that knowledge as own to speculate using AI. Maybe the moral of the story is to make them stop instead of us having to bear that weight, it sounded like victim-blaming imo.

martin_piper, avatar

@asthargf @ben I didn't say it's exactly the same, it is analogous to though. Enough to make the point that the company does own the content that the users contribute for free.

martin_piper, avatar

@asthargf @ben it is also not victim blaming because the poster is not the victim. The actual victim here is the forum owner because the posts were sabotaged.

WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

@martin_piper @asthargf @ben Stack Overflow is a "victim"?

lyonsinbeta, avatar

@ben I recall hearing somewhere that all that content is a super permissive copy left license and it turns out it is! One that requires attribution and transformations to declare what was changed. I'm sure nothing will come of that but if any lawyers out there want to take up the banner, a person could make a strong argument that open AI is incapable of honoring the license. 🤔

firecat, avatar

@lyonsinbeta @ben AI can’t even tell the truth, so yes it breaks Creative Commons laws and regulations.

ArneBab, avatar

@firecat it sadly does not, because AI training currently does not count as derivative work.

While making a caricature of Mickey Mouse might get you in trouble (except if it’s steamboat willy), creating an almost-but-not-exactly prompt-driven copy-machine is (legally speaking) fair game for anything that was accessible online.
@lyonsinbeta @ben

lyonsinbeta, avatar

@ArneBab @firecat @ben here's hoping for some definitive case law to fix that mess. But I'm not holding my breath. 😓

ArneBab, avatar

@lyonsinbeta Case law isn’t how EU law works.

@firecat @ben

lyonsinbeta, avatar

@ArneBab @firecat @ben I'm not even sure "case law" is the right term here in the US either. 😬

ArneBab, avatar
firecat, avatar

@ArneBab not everything is in EU law, OpenAI has to follow international laws just as Valve Corporation does. Valve tried to make case they don’t have to follow the AU law on refunds. Valve was incorrect because it sold games to Australia people. OpenAI is in the same boat.

ArneBab, avatar

@firecat AU law is Australian Law?

firecat, avatar

@ArneBab it still needs to credit people, if anyone can avoid creditable sources then AI problem is only half of the case. Straight up lying about art, music, code and writing is enough for anyone to dislike the software.

ArneBab, avatar
firecat, avatar

@ArneBab The EU is not an international law, USA laws and other nations follow different rules which does break Creative Commons laws. OpenAI sells to many nations and OpenAI has broken the law on it.

ArneBab, avatar

@firecat The EU law is the law that’s relevant where I live. Whether US law is broken by OpenAI will take time to figure out. And money to feed

»The convoluted Frankenstein's monster that is American IP law.«
— Moony, lawyer by day, game law and history explainer as hobby (Moon Channel: Is the New Minecraft EULA Literally 1984?)

^ my favorite quote about US copyright and related laws.

cohomologyisFUN, avatar
stux, avatar

@ben well done!👌🏻😸♥️

martin_piper, avatar

@ben "This means that you cannot revoke permission..."

The terms you agreed to are very specific to say you cannot do that.

aeberbach, avatar

@martin_piper @ben they might be now but were they at the time we agreed to them? I recall them “relicensing” without any regard for the couple of thousand meta downvotes, or all the moderator protests and resignations.

Octale, avatar

@ben my question is how are they going to train a Stack Overflow AI to be insufferably smug while providing a correct adjacent answer?

ArneBab, avatar

@ben Sadly their database is so massive that „I’ll just run this myself“ doesn’t work.

All the content is cc by-sa, so in theory anyone could build a competing platform. But they were pretty effective at repelling that.

ftranschel, avatar

@ben It's awful business practice, but not surprising at all. SO is tanking because of CoPilot/ChatGPT et al.
They have two options, and I'm sure this means they've decided not to try and sue big tech.

badrihippo, avatar

@ben oh god, I should have seen this coming 🤦

isaac, avatar

@ben I wonder if you could replace all your answers with ChatGPT-generated versions, which hypothetically will poison the system more through cannibalization.

aral, (edited ) avatar

@ben They’re not yours, they’re theirs. Jeff Atwood thanks you for your free labour. (I’m kidding, he doesn’t. Feel grateful he even allowed you to contribute in the first place, serf.)

Speaking of Jeff Atwood, isn’t he the guy helping fund Mastodon now? 🤔

Update: been told Jeff left StackExchange a while ago so please substitute whichever Silicon Valley tech bro is currently running it.

vitor, avatar

@aral @ben Jeff left Stack Exchange over a decade ago. What’s the sense in criticising him for this?

aral, avatar

@vitor @ben Did he? (I can’t say I follow the every move of every Silicon Valley tech bro.)

aral, avatar

@vitor @ben Updated; thanks.

juergen_hubert, avatar

@ben I've often thought that a #Fediverse -based alternative to Quora would be very useful. It seems a Stack Overflow alternative would likely be a good opportunity.

ghosttie, avatar

@ben super hypocritical of them, considering their currently policy is "Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned"

css, avatar

@ben I think in the end you will lose more than you will win because the only thing that can happen is the dissociation of the content from your name which is unfortunate because they will keep your content but no one will know it' was yours

publicvoit, avatar

@ben Well, you should not contribute to forums like that for many reasons:

mackuba, avatar

@ben Deleting highly rated answers from StackOverflow is a horrible, horrible idea… This is a huge library of knowledge for everything tech- and programming-related that millions of programmers rely on as a help in learning programming or solving problems. They're right that they don't allow deleting those.

alper, avatar

@ben Don’t delete your answers. Poison them.

toor, avatar

@ben We all told everyone so. All of you. But you all dumped usenet news, public forums and other systems for fancy commercial ones. You all ran to Discord instead of continuing IRC. You all went to Reddit. You all went to Stack Overflow. Oh it was so "convenient".
Or back in time you all thought it would be cool to add information to IMDB without getting paid.

Now we have the fediverse. And what do people do? They sign up for Bluesky and Threads or stay on X "because the press is there, too".

isagalaev, avatar

@toor @ben it's doubly fun because every such VC-backed service clearly says in their EULA that they own all submitted content. It was specially pointed out many times, too. Still people act surprised when it actually happens.

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