

testing avatar


zu testzwecken > this is my favorite alt acc on the fedi

Arotrios avatar


For Amusement Purposes Only.

Changeling poet, musician and writer, born on the 13th floor. Left of counter-clockwise and right of the white rabbit, all twilight and sunrises, forever the inside outsider.

Seeks out and follows creative and brilliant minds. And crows. Occasional shadow librarian.


livus avatar


If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

Federated avatar


#Poet: The dirtiest four letter word I know. #poetry and sometimes #prose. avatar


Booklover, into literary news, reviews and discussion, #TodaysPoem and #SundaySentence contributor, #SilentBookClub organizer, dog lover, proud Torontonian, very amateur but constant crocheter avatar


Poetic Program, Typographic System avatar


I am a denizen of Canada's High Arctic. Father, husband, retired Mountie, current Parks guy, and former EDO. I'm a photographer, writer, wannabe poet, and so much more. avatar


#DataScientist, #poet and SF/F #writer.
#Neuroscience PhD, electrical #engineering B.S.
#nonbinary - please call me Dr. or they/them.
🏳️‍🌈 #bi #asexual

Profile pic: A portrait in profile of a person with a dark beard, green-dyed mohawk-cut hair, and round glasses looking to the right, painted in bright neon colors.

#nobridge avatar


I'm a retired lawyer and retired oboist. I keep my brain alive by writing limericks, haiku, and political satire. I also host and run a monthly international Limerick-Off competition at my website:

#Limericks #Humor #Humour #Politics #News #Satire #Verse #LimerickOff

JD_Cunningham avatar


currently typing with L.C.Smith 1929

poet. settler. queer. dirt-farmer. they/him.

living on unceded Wolastoqiyik/Mi'kmaw territory

NOMOGRAPHY (sideroxylon press 2020)
BRICKWORKS (Frog Hollow Press 2021)
English Garden Bondage (above/ground press, 2022)
IN THE MARGINS. . . (above/ground press,2024) avatar


Poet, marketer, lover of birds and bugs. Slow, but steady. She/Her. ✨ I believe in whimsy, nonsense, love, hope, and revelry. Not an expert, just opinionated. #poetry #tech #marketing #ux #userresearch #philosophy #mentalhealth #books #womenintech #fedi22 #mindfulness #nature #ethics #hiking #tattoos #art #coffee #minimalism #selfcare #travel #intersectionalfeminism #ecophilosophy #socialpsychology #digitalnomad avatar


Stanza Cannon EIC. Poet. Lover of stories. Patience of a saint, tongue of a sailor. He/him. Pining available from Alien Buddha Press. The Vessel of the Now out now from Back Room Poetry. 61 Central out via Finishing Line Press. All the links:


Egyptian author of 11 books: aphorisms, poetry, essays & conversations.


#fedi22 #wisdom #inspiration #books #writing #poetry #Egypt #Art #Islam #spirituality #faith #activism #meditation #politics #photography #Nature #quotes avatar


Your local dreamtime gamer ...

Doer and thinker in various flavors and concentrations :: #art // #poetry // theory // speculative fiction // pop culture // gaming // synth // punk // resistance

and a UX designer by trade.

Here to feed the hard gemlike flame of this interconnected life. Let's be kindred spirits 🤘 avatar


#haiku, korte verhalen/short stories/, columns, poëzie//poésie.
Kortom, het basismateriaal is taal.

all content is © and 100% human
haiku, senryu, other poems and short stories published in a.o. 'The Auroras & Blossoms Haiku Anthology: Volume 1', 'The Enchanted Garden Haiku Journal', 'The Folk Ku Journal', 'The Scarlet Dragonfly Journal' 'The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMoAnthology: Volume 4'


Auteur 'Cherchez la femme. Travestie als fenomeen' (Vassallucci, 1996)


Photography & Poetry 📸🤍📃🖋️🖤
Nature lover 🌳🌼 🌞🌈
Gardening 🌱🌻🦋
Baking & Cooking 🍲🥐🍰
Family ❤️
🌍 Croatia 🇭🇷

ALL PHOTOS ARE MINE except the boosts.
. avatar


LitWit • Baroque music & early keyboards • Hockey • Books • Enterprise tech marketing

"Write what you know. That should leave you with a lot of free time." ~Howard Nemerov

#AmReading #AmEditing #ClassicalMusic avatar

Scientist, scribe, and sonnet aficionado avatar


Founded in 1954, the Texas Observer is a #progressive #nonprofit news outlet and print #magazine covering the Lone Star State.

Follow Interim Editor-in-Chief
McHam Investigative Reporting Fellow

Become a member and support our work:

#Texas #Politics #Culture avatar

MikeDunnAuthor avatar


Multidisciplinary artist, author, and editor.

Latest releases: "The Meaning" and "The Homes We Seek" - Available everywhere books are sold.

Latest digital project: The Home We Seek.

Co-creator: Auroras & Blossoms / A Warm Mug of Cozy.

Creator of the Sixku, Flashku, Sepigram, and Reminigram.
Co-creator of the Kindku, Pareiku, Vardhaku, and Hemingku. avatar


An itinerant squirrel poet, aka

New to the whole word smithing thing so don’t be too harsh.

Write as the muse hits me in the face, so output will probably be irregular, but I want to explore a world of art n poetry that has previously eluded me so will be boosting along those lines.

Boosting is the algorithm here, so if you like my stuff please get it out there 🙏 avatar


Artist, author, and accidental activist with a different take on #equality. Opinions are my own. Founder, 💛 Love one another.

Header: A field of sunflowers w/the words “Love one another” superimposed in white.

Avatar: pict of me w/a beard, stache, glasses, and a riding cap.

#Bichon #BlackFriday #BlackMastodon #Episcopalian #FSUfootball #GoodDrink #GoodFood #GoodMusic #GoodPeople #GoodTrouble #INFJ #LGBTQ #LoveIsLove #LoveOneAnother #Paris #RacialEquity avatar


‘Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind,’ - Bertrand Russell avatar


Writer, director, actor, musician.
Taiwan resident. 🇹🇼

Love artistic pursuits. Fascinated by science. Don’t know much about mathematics but know what I like.

Pro-reality. Pro-imagination.
Pro-democracy. Pro-Taiwan.

Respect to the Kavalan people,
original settlers of this valley.

Alma maters:
DMA Peabody Conservatory JHU
MM U Memphis
BME Florida State

banner image is from ‘Taiwan Photowalk’

Live the questions now. avatar


We’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that advocates for racial equity, allyship, and inclusion. 💛 Love one another. avatar


35 | She/her/hers | Indian | Aspiring Eternal Optimist | Be Kind | Remain Happy
PS: Please don't use my photographs without permission. 🙏🏼

Header: Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. Quote by Michel de Montaigne

Avatar: A girl smiling at you. I am the girl. 🤭


Swedish independent poet. avatar


Probing the frontiers of astrology, chaos magic, psychadelics, art, AI and the Singularity.
Terminally online since the 90's.
🍁☮☸🌈♿:weed:🍀🍄🔞:spoonie1: avatar


Poet, scholar, publisher, programmer, baritone, and member of Seldovia Village Tribe. avatar

magdelenehall avatar


Home of #vsspoem, the original Twitter hashtag for Poets | Daily (optional) word prompts! A space for you to create and just be you.


Author of numerous novels & 11 story collections. Won the Bram Stoker Award. Writes sf, horror, fantasy, westerns, thrillers. Yes, westerns. Worked in TV & movies, eg Star Trek: DS9 and The Crow. Created site. Fronts rock bands. Very progressive Democrat. Socialist. Environmentalist. Pro LGBTQ. Writes weird, rhyming poetry & lyrics. Tired of arguing. Watching world burn and trying to think of a way to put out the fire. Interested in spirituality. Supports NASA and SCIENCE. avatar


I'm Zephyr, denizen of the Irish Hills in what is now called Michigan on Turtle Island. I'm 31 years old, father of one, roommate of two cats. I'm a Druid, rune-caster, wandmaker, and an eternal seeker of new knowledge and new friends.

Avatar pic is me in a candid shot, laughing with eyes closed while raising a drink towards my mouth.

Header pic is a summer woodland, with a deer at the center. avatar


FSU alum, food nerd, lawyer, bad hombre, soccer fan, and TLH Soccer Club board member. #Wine #Food #Beer #Poetry #SupportLocal #IHeartTally

Photos taken and poems written by me unless otherwise noted.


Writing small poems and very short prose. Often annoyed, possibly annoying (sorry).
All my recent writing tagged #wrdz

growth is not the answer
for a bonsai tree
even in a planet-sized
pot avatar


Poet, roguelike developer, pixel artist (ish). Chapbooks: Late Summer Flowers (Anstruther Press), Orbits (Model Press). Editor/publisher, null pointer press. he/him avatar


Als Fachinformationsdienst für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (FID AVL) versorgen wir Sie mit aktuellen Nachrichten aus der Literaturwissenschaft.

As a Specialized Information Service for Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (SIS Comparative Literature), we provide you with the latest news from literary studies.

Do you want to see your research activities here? Submit them to us:

Mute #fidavlnews to mute us! avatar


When in doubt, be kind.


🐬 fingerstyle guitarist · poet · essayist · composer · prog rocker · zen · ⁣vegan 📍 Québec, Qc ⚜️ 🏷️ #music #progrock #art #painting #poetry #movies #philosophy #religion #zen #buddhism #guitar #veganism #cooking #walking #nature #humanrights avatar


Dylan Bragg is an established lover of books, stories and literature. His lifelong study of language, poetry and music is supplemented by a Bachelor of Arts in classics with a minor in religious studies. Bragg is a senior research assistant and software developer at the University of Oregon College of Education. When not reading, writing or designing books, he enjoys playing the jazz bass and classical guitar. avatar


Someone once told me I'm too sincere to be funny.

Full-time caregiver to a disabled brother and father interested mainly in Thoreau, Zhuangzi, animism, Kings of Convenience, and drinking tea.

Master's degrees in music theory and theology (nonpracticing), classically trained and folk musician (also nonpracticing), and I once organized and helped plant over 800 trees on abandoned mine land (I do still plant trees occasionally). avatar


poet and journalist based in and around jerusalem

• worked in two media outlets currently banned/closed in russia
• used to do a book news segment on the radio
• on a somehow tough road of repatriation since 2023

call me ash, btw avatar


Inky penguin
Server admin for
Check out our fountain pen community by following (: avatar


📖 Pre-order my forthcoming book The Lantern & the Night Moths
📚 Chinese Canadian writer. Chinese-English translator. #sff #LiteraryJianghu #wuxia #QiuJin
✍ Work in Clarkesworld, Fantasy Magazine, Words Without Borders, Guernica, Room, The Malahat Review, & elsewhere
🌏 Cultural consultant/sensitivity reader for publishers & game studios
📑 Senior Editor, Augur Magazine
🏳️‍🌈 she/they, aspec avatar


Coddiwompling since 1954.

Musical journeys (see pinned toot).
Hashtags: #MusicHistory, #MusicRelatedTo, #TrackOfTheDay, #MusicOf (and the related #EnjoyableEvening & #EnjoyableEvenings)

Dogs (Tess & Bruce), cat (Jamie), goats (Yde & Ynze) and a Fell pony (Jewel)

#RandomPoem of the day

Recently joined #ArtMatters.

Toots related to Rekken under #Rekken.

Some food and garden toots.
Goodmornings ☕️ and sleepwells 💤

[moved from
where I joined on October 28, 2022] avatar


Two-spirit author, artist, poet, & swamp hag. Work in Augur, The Deadlands, MetaStellar, Prairie Fire, SolarPunk, National Textile Museum, Feminist Studies Journal, Arc Poetry, and more.

Neurospicy, spoony, Indigiqueer. Raised on the land and off the grid all over Canada. Ex JW-kid/army brat. Retired dancer, industrial DJ, and model. Elder goth, addicted to learning.

#LandBack #Foraging #Gothic #Weird #Nature #Folklore #Horror #Fairytales #Mythology avatar


I'm a mathematics teaching professor in Seattle. I taught discrete modeling for a bunch of years, but I'm back teaching calculus currently. I spend a lot of time making sound and visual art, often algorithmically.


Aging ex mainframe storage manager, channel Marvin the Paranoid android, like cats, tech, open world games,nature . Very amateur scientist /astronomer / climatologist.
Wide musical tastes, scouse sense of humour.
Absolutely no time for “alternative” facts.

Avatar: A grey squirrel in a field, dressing in armour with red and blue shield and a tiny sword
Banner: Small computer room showing IBM ES/9000 mainframe & accessories avatar


Brand Strategist | Marketing Author | Book Reviewer | Loves books, arts, wine, tea and cats | Author of FOUR SEASONS, THE LAST SNOWFALL avatar


Loves fountain pens, BTS, poetry, science fiction and fantasy. She/her. From the Philippines. Looking for fellow ARMYs. avatar


I'm an #ActuallyAutistic #Queer SAHP of two #autistic kids. I write about topics such as #mysticism and the #occult. Half-#Basque living in #diaspora. Studying the Bhagavad Gita lately.

I also make #AiArt, write #poetry and #FanFiction, and #Pokemon is my favorite thing. You may find me commenting on: #StarWars, #LordOfTheRings, #PowerRangers, and other things within my body of special interests.

Partnered for 14 years, married for 8. We are #polyamorous.


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