GottaLaff, avatar

Starting a new thread 🧵 1/...

Via Inner City Press (I call him Press):

Trump's lawyer Blanche: There are a number of the jurors that we have social media posts for very much contrary to what they said. We don't want to confront them openly

Judge: They were not told it is an anonymous jury.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: Juror number 1 has a series of extraordinarily hostile Facebook posts-
Judge: Can I see them?... Was I handed the right thing? The sheet has 2 screen grabs

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Press:

Merchan: This only shows people and "spread the honking cheer."
Trump's lawyer Blanche: That was election day - it was a celebration of the results of the election.
Prosecutor: There's no reference to the defendant.
Merchan: Show me the bias

Blanche: When the juror was asked for her opinion of Pres Trump, she said nothing. But when he lost the election, they celebrated on Facebook - they got in the car and spread the honking cheer
Justice Merchan: Can you play it for me? Here

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Press:

Justice Merchan: How do we know this is the juror's account? Just based on name?
Trump's lawyer Susan Necheles: This was an anti-Trump rally.
Justice Merchan: It might be. I'm going to ask her to come in, and allow you to ask her questions. Seat 1, B133.

ralfmaximus, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

> Just based on name?

Would not be surprised to learn Trump's crack legal team googled a juror's name and clicked on the first result.

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ 👀👇🏼


When Trump's lawyer questioned a juror about Facebook posts, the 👉🏼former president reacted audibly and visibly.👈🏼

After she leaves, Justice Merchan angrily warns him via his lawyer:

❗️👉🏼"I will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. I want to make that crystal clear."

AtheistIntelligence, avatar

@GottaLaff please, please, please let him keep testing the judge.

kristen_d, avatar

@GottaLaff Extra-extra chances and double-dog dares no one but entitled rich Nazi cunts get.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Klasfeld:

One of the posts appeared to show an outdoor celebration circa the 2020 election.

"It's a full-on dance party at 96th St.," one of the captions said.

The juror said the video reminded her of COVID-era "cheer" sessions of healthcare workers, in what she called a "New York City celebratory moment."

Merchan rejected the for-cause challenge by Trump's defense, calling the juror's explanation "credible."

GottaLaff, (edited ) avatar

6/ 👀 👇🏼
Merchan admonished Trump, telling Blanche: "Your client was audibly uttering something...I won’t tolerate that. I will not have any jurors intimated in this courtroom. I want to make that crystal clear."

Merchan instructed Blanche to tell Trump to stop such behavior. As Merchan spoke, Trump was slumped in his seat, sitting as though he were in a lounge chair.

Via Rubin: while the juror was about 12 ft from client, your client was audibly saying something in her direction.. "

kristen_d, avatar

@GottaLaff More special treatment for #NaziCunt #Trump. #MultipleChances

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Via Press:

Justice Merchan: Celebrating the end of the travel ban was one thing. But expressing a desire that Donald Trump be locked up? This case counsel result in jail time, that is, lock up. So I will excuse this juror for cause. Next?

kristen_d, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
What bullshit. No one alive, upright and sane who witnessed the #DumpsterFire #TrumpAdministration would surmise anything other than that the piece of shit belongs in #prison.

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Blanche: 330's husband's account, it has a meme of President Trump's head being held.
Justice Merchan: There's an image of Barrack Obama, then your client, and it says, "I don't think this is what they meant by Orange is the new Black."

Trump's lawyer Blanche: We'd like to ask the juror if her family -
Justice Merchan: We're not going to do this. You should have asked, if you have the goods.
Prosecutor: It's humor. It's not a window into their soul

jmccabe, avatar


"Just A Joke Bro!"



steveportigal, avatar

@GottaLaff #NotForLaffy It's humor, it's not a window into their soul

GottaLaff, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

9/ Via Orden:

After Steinglass asked the now-dismissed prospective juror whether he still believes Trump should be “locked up,” and the man answered “no,” Trump craned his neck toward the prospective juror and flashed him a smirk, per pooler

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ Klasfeld:

ADA Steinglass says that Team Trump's tactic of trolling potential jurors' social media accounts is a "conceptual problem."

Justice Merchan seems to agree, as Trump's third challenge is about an eight-year-old post by the juror's husband. (!)

If an eight-year-old post by the juror's husband is the most disqualifying Trump's legal team can find, Merchan adds, that would reinforce the view that she is qualified.

steveportigal, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Pagliery:

After six preemptory challenges from both sides, judge says we now have at least three jurors.

Tyler McBrien:

Our count so far, according to Merchan:

Seat 4 becomes Juror 1 and foreperson.

Seat 5 becomes Juror 2.

Seat 12 becomes Juror 3.

GeePawHill, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Six peremptories apiece already. They tore ass through that. They might get their 18 seated by Thursday.

artemesia, avatar


I thought juries elected their foreperson? Maybe they do things differently in NY.

GottaLaff, avatar

@artemesia Yeah, that got my attention too

Runslowrunlong, avatar

@artemesia @GottaLaff I heard a former NY prosecutor on MSNBC say that NY State court does not have the foreperson elected. It is always the first person seated who becomes foreperson. Fwiw.

GottaLaff, avatar
darthstar, avatar

25% of the way there on Day 2. By my math that is about 8 days to 12...we could actually have day 1 of testimony on April 30.

GottaLaff, avatar

@darthstar I believe they're aiming for sooner!

darthstar, avatar

Seven! Seven jurors today. Get seven more on Thursday and Friday could just be about picking a couple of extra alternates.

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ Klasfeld:

Also stricken for cause:

Juror in seat No. 6, who apparently posted an AI video of Trump saying, "I'm dumb as f***."

A woman in seat 16 apparently posted the following, date uncertain, on social media:

"Republicans projected to pick up 70 seats in prison."

Trump's lawyers press a for-cause challenge.

RinostarGames, avatar

@GottaLaff I love that Trump has to sit there and listen to these posts.

GottaLaff, avatar

@RinostarGames Me too!

dannotdaniel, avatar

@GottaLaff zingers hoo boy

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Press:

Justice Merchan: I have been handed photos- it says, Trump invites Thai boys to the White House, Thai boys request to return to cage.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: She said she didn't remember if she had posts on Facebook...

Justice Merchan: Bring in Juror B128.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: We want to confirm this is your Facebook
B128: Could be my Instagram. I'd like to say I remember posting it, but I do not. I've stopped posting about politics. It got too vitriolic.

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Blanche: Do these refresh your recollection?
B128: No. But I probably did.
Justice Merchan: Thank you.
Prosecutor: Unlike the juror who said he wanted to see Mr. Trump locked up, this juror didn't express anything negative, other than disagreement

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ Pagliery:

Breaking news:

"We have six jurors who have been selected," Justice Merchan just declared.

We're about 1/3 of the way there. In total, there must be 12 people plus a few alternates.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ Klasfeld:

Things are speeding up during day two of jury selection.

  • The defense has used six peremptory challenges so far.
  • Prosecutors have used four.

Via Lisa Rubin:

For now, Judge Merchan intends to bring back the original six on Monday, meaning he anticipates we could have all 18 by then.

MarkRDavid, avatar



Have to say, I really thought Trump's team would be more successful at dragging this out.

Maybe Borgon's (Barron's) graduation is really important to him, after all 😶

GottaLaff, avatar

@MarkRDavid It's the judge, not Trump or his team, that are moving this along.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Via Anna Bower:

The first six jurors in Trump’s criminal trial are being sworn in.

Per pool, juror B400 will serve as the foreperson.

Here’s what we know about B400, per yesterday’s pool report:


@GottaLaff Fox and The Daily Mail. Hm.

1dalm, avatar

@EarthIsOurHome @GottaLaff
He threw in NYTimes and MSNBC to make himself sound centrist.

No one actually watches MSNBC.

GottaLaff, avatar

@1dalm @EarthIsOurHome

Keep dooming everyone. That' really helps.

You do realize that a Trumpy helped convict him in another trial, right?

But since you already know the outcome, you have no reason to read anything else on the subject, I'm guessing.

Seriously, please give the prosecution some credit here.

1dalm, avatar

@GottaLaff @EarthIsOurHome

Sorry to step on your toes on this one.

I'm sure the prosecution is going to do everything they can, and I also trust that the judge is going to do everything they can to ensure this is a fair trial.

But I also know good and well exactly how absolutely brainwashed Trump's supporters are. They literally worship him. They would literally give up their own lives for him. They literally hold him equal or higher to Jesus Christ. That's not an exaggeration. Trump only needs one true believer on the jury to hang it. This is not in the bag.

Sorry if that's dooming, but I think it's also reality. I do not believe the courts are going to save us. We are going to have to beat him in November.

GottaLaff, avatar

@1dalm @EarthIsOurHome Saying the courts won't save us is not what we're discussing. I agree with that.

I also know very well who his supporters are. You know I do, because you follow me.

What I said was, you've got the outcome of this trial all figured out based on next to nothing, before the trial has even begun.

That's dooming.

Please leave it out of my timeline, I'd really appreciate that.

GottaLaff, avatar

@EarthIsOurHome The prosecution is well aware. They allowed him in.

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ Press has more on the above:

Justice Merchan: I ask you to come back Monday at 9:30 for opening statements... well, my instructions then opening arguments. We will be choosing six more jurors, and some alternates, probably six

lillyfinch, avatar

@GottaLaff wow this is moving fast…YAY

GottaLaff, avatar

@lillyfinch Yes! Good judge.

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ Press:

Justice Merchan: Those of you remaining, we are not done with you. First we will swear in the group for Thursday morning, so they can go. We may work past 4:30 pm, any hardship? No hands? Counsel, please approach

GottaLaff, avatar


Justice Merchan: Can the defense confirm that 👉🏼all this [social] media you're using, it's public media?👈🏼
Trump's lawyer Blanche: Very much so.
[Thursday's pool enters - Justice Merchan begins same script he read yesterday]

Justice Merchan: OK, next we will do voir dire with the remaining six. First we'll take a ten minute break.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Klasfeld:

Of 6 sworn jurors, 1 of their #s corresponds with a woman who was quoted in a pool report saying in court: “Esp in this courtroom he will be treated as anyone else can be treated, and no one is above the law."


Trump isn't out of peremptories, and his lawyers didn't use 1on her.

Anna Bower:

5th juror is B374.

.. a young Black woman. She said she’s not a political person and doesn’t really care for the news. She said she appreciates Trump’s candor

DoesntExist, avatar

This tabula rasa stuff says an astonishing amount, and it's the real weakness of our jury-selection procedure.

Very "Enlightenment/everyone has rational capacity" idea, but if there's a hung jury, Juror B374 is the prime candidate.

Again, tuned-out "moderates" determine the fate of the planet...

GottaLaff, avatar

@DoesntExist A Trumpy helped convict him in an earlier trial.

The prosecutors are vetting the jurors carefully.

I'm not dooming.

DoesntExist, avatar

Fair. Thank you, as always, for what you do.

GottaLaff, avatar

@DoesntExist Thank you for understanding.

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Via Lisa Rubin:

...worth noting that Todd Blanche succeeded with challenges to two jurors for cause, both based on social media posts his team discovered. (Remember: The defense has the names of prospective jurors, a right conferred on them by law, but the public does not.)

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ Via Anna Bower:

Juror Number 6

GeePawHill, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you so much for all this, Laffy, I really appreciate the work you've put in.

GottaLaff, avatar

@GeePawHill You're very welcome, and thank YOU

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ Whoa!


Under questioning by Blanche, one of the prospective jurors disclosed that he knew some of the five teenagers convicted in the 1989 Central Park jogger case, one of the most notorious episodes from Trump’s past.

lillyfinch, avatar

@GottaLaff wow…..dismissed I would assume

GottaLaff, avatar

@lillyfinch I guess. It didn't say.

PJ_Evans, avatar

And that shouldn't be relevant at all.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ Juror 7 is sworn in.



For their privacy and security, these jurors have been anonymized to the general public. The court proceedings have revealed details about their lives that would provide information about them without disclosing their identities.

👉🏼After staying an hour late, there is now a seventh juror, who is currently being sworn in.

PattyHanson, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PattyHanson We can't draw conclusions from what we know. The attorneys have vetted them carefully.

    PattyHanson, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar
    VikingChieftain, avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @VikingChieftain Interesting point.

    steter, avatar

    @GottaLaff I worry about the one who gets news from the Daily Mail and Fox News, among legitimate sources. The Daily Mail has been tabloid since before Lennon & McCartney wrote Paperback Writer.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @steter Yes, I know, but that's not the whole story. They were vetted.

    wcbdata, avatar

    @GottaLaff @steter If they voluntarily watch Fox as a news source, they're already MAGA. No question.

    samhainnight, avatar

    @wcbdata @GottaLaff @steter Except the guy’s from Ireland, so he could be full of shit and just saying that to get on the jury.…

    I say this as an Irish American.

    tshirtman, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL i find it pretty incredible that there are still people with no strong opinions on trump, i'm almost concerned about their awareness about, like, everything, but i guess they'll have to figure it out. :ablobgrin:

    amyedge, avatar

    @tshirtman @GottaLaff
    Some younger people are really disengaged from the news. I find it surprising, but to them politics as crazy is normal.

    tshirtman, avatar

    @amyedge @GottaLaff ugh, i guess that makes sense, growing up during the 8 years of Obama with constant made up controversies probably disengaged many, why would you care about people fighting on such petty things.

    amyedge, avatar

    @tshirtman @GottaLaff
    I have some mid 20s folks in the office. Smart people. College degrees. Totally disengaged.

    tshirtman, avatar

    @amyedge that's pretty scary, they don't see the effect on stuff like health care, climate change, even student debt? I would assume at least some knowledge of these things through the daily show, last week tonight, or similar shows. Or are these a millienal+ thing?

    amyedge, avatar

    @tshirtman They don't watch those shows.

    amyedge, avatar

    @tshirtman I think that there is so much noise, they have learned to tune it out. If a person is 24 today they were 8 when Obama was elected.

    amyedge, avatar

    The people in their 30s are more engaged. That's my experience only.

    tshirtman, avatar

    @amyedge yeah, i guess if all you have known is the constant noise during the Obama years, and things only getting worse after that, it makes sense.

    But i can't believe that's another reward the tea-party-maga-crowd-enablers get for all their efforts.

    CaptMorgan, avatar

    @tshirtman @GottaLaff You can have an opinion about trump, even have an opinion about his guilt, and still be a juror as long as you cam set aside your opinions and render a fair and impartial verdict based on the evidence presented at trial . Even I could do that and I think hes a loathsome toad. Even a loathsome toad can be found innocent by a reasonable doubt

    tshirtman, avatar

    @CaptMorgan @GottaLaff i mean, I already think he's guilty, I could probably be convinced he's not with good evidence, but I'm likely to still want to convict even if the evidence is not as strong as it should be for that.

    Leefellerguy, avatar

    @GottaLaff Trumps candor? Guess this means grabbing them by the.....?

    CStamp, avatar

    @GottaLaff Ugh. Because someone runs off at the mouth does not mean you know what they're thinking. It's not candour he spews.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @CStamp People confuse brazen BS with candor

    AtheistIntelligence, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    I betcha Trump's depends are filling up right this moment.

    ang6666, avatar

    @GottaLaff Must be painful to find unbiased people in this climate.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ang6666 They can be biased. It's whether they can be impartial.

    _ohcoco_, avatar

    @GottaLaff He behaves 100% like a gangster.


    @GottaLaff Off the bat I'm amazed. I thought the jurors were off limits in this way.

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