gedeonm, avatar

The Pegasus Arrives. One of my favorite moments made all the more powerful by Bear McCreary's amazing music. Wish the hope had lasted a little bit longer, but this scene will always be pure awesome.

Chigaze, avatar

@gedeonm If I remember correctly Edward Olmos did some extreme method acting for that episode not sleeping for days before filming.

gedeonm, avatar

@Chigaze Oh wow! I did not know this. Makes total sense though!

callme_jc, avatar

@gedeonm Coming up to ten years since I bought the complete series DVD box set from Amazon for £19.99.

gedeonm, avatar

@callme_jc nice. Also, we’re old.

gedeonm, avatar

I went ahead and bought the complete #BattlestarGalactica series on iTunes because I’m tired of not being able to watch it whenever I want. The box set is pricy $69 but includes all 4 seasons plus the mini series.

Going to savor rewatching every moment. So say we all.

talosman, avatar

@gedeonm it was on sale before

ijimkoz, avatar

@gedeonm I loved it except the last season.

simonharper, avatar

@gedeonm loved this reboot. Such amazingly well made drama each episode.

Gregmaletic, avatar

@gedeonm I was just last night thinking about rewatching…

skry, avatar

@gedeonm It’s really a masterpiece. I look forward to watching it all again.

andrewhinton, avatar

@skry @gedeonm I am amazed at how much I thought was new to the 2000s reboot was in the original 70s BSG!

gedeonm, avatar

@andrewhinton @skry Yeah, I agree. I thought that Zac was a character Moore made up for the reboot, but no. Based on a ‘78 original character. I do love though how Boxey just kinda disappeared after the first couple episodes of the reboot. Heheh.

WTL, avatar

@gedeonm It's a pretty great series; I would stop watching close to the end; maybe the episode when the Galactica breaks her back on that last jump. We've started working our way through the original Charmed series, and when that's done, Babylon 5. Maybe then BSG. 🤔

rodrigo, avatar

@gedeonm I see that as really cheap for such a glorious piece of sci-fi! Does it also include Razor, The Plan, Caprica and Blood and Chrome? I haven't seen all of those but I'm just wondering whether they'd be there

gedeonm, avatar

@rodrigo no, just the miniseries and the series itself.

gedeonm, avatar

Spotted the Serenity in Pt 1 of the BSG mini series outside Roslin’s doctor’s window. Forgot all about that. 👍#BattlestarGalactica

gedeonm, avatar

BSG’s premiere episode ‘33’ remains one of the strongest hours in the history of television and a personal favorite.

A dramatic tour de force by writer Ron Moore + amazing performances from everyone involved. When a weary Roslin asks Adama if he’s still there on the other end of the line, we get the very first glimpse of their future, intimate relationship. All this plus Gaius, Six, Apollo, echos of 9/11 and some damned intense drama in the CIC.

President Laura Roslyn on the phone with Adama, with a slight smile on her face, taking comfort hearing his voice on the other end of the line
Edward James Olmos as commander Adama on the phone in the CIC

Drwave, avatar

@gedeonm thanks for reminding me that I bought this a few years ago!

tankgrrl, avatar

@gedeonm "Yes, we're tired. Yes, there is no relief. Yes, the Cylons keep coming after us time after time after time. And yes, we are still expected to do our jobs!"

gedeonm, avatar

@tankgrrl I absolutely love this episode. The intercutting back and forth between Baltar, Six, Roslin and Adama as they decide what to do about the Olympic Carrier is Emmy worthy stuff.

God is asking you to repent, Gaius.

I repent!

Do it.

tankgrrl, avatar

@gedeonm OK, damn. you. LOL
I need to finish season 3 of Lupin and then I'm starting a rewatch of BSG.

I plan to watch with the movies and in chronological order, a la , but starting with Blood & Chrome and not including Caprica or any of the web series.

gedeonm, avatar

@tankgrrl Oooh, nice! This is helpful.


@gedeonm Maybe the best first episode of any sci-fi show, tbh.

gedeonm, avatar
simonharper, avatar

@gedeonm one of the best shows made. Only let down at the very end as they had to rush the conclusion.

AnthonyBaker, avatar

@gedeonm SO SAY WE ALL

gedeonm, avatar
gedeonm, avatar

One thing I’ve never quite understood in the #BattlestarGalactica reboot was how there could be a total of 12 habitable colonies in the same solar system? Were some of the colonies moons of other planets like Caprica? Is this explained anywhere in cannon? Or were the Twelve colonies not all within the same solar system, hence FTL drive technology? Fan art of this topic is so confusing…

Another map of the 12 colonies showing two binary stars orbiting with the 12 colonies around them

gedeonm, avatar

No more Mr. Nice Gaius! #BattlestarGalactica

gedeonm, avatar

S1 E9 Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down. Such a great episode of #BattlestarGalactica Directed by Edward James Olmos none-the-less. I love the direction of having Six “emerge” from Baltar’s profile when she appears in this episode. Also, we learn that Gaius isn’t really testing anyone to determine if they are Cylons, but instead just passing everyone as human.

Next up is one of my all-time favorite ep of BSG - The Hand of God. 👍

gedeonm, avatar

Sometimes you have to roll the hard six.

WiredForFlight, avatar

@gedeonm I need to rewatch that as well. Such a good show.


@gedeonm BSG is so great.

gedeonm, avatar

The entire season finale of #BattlestarGalactica S1. Kobol’s Last Gleaming Pts 1 & 2 and the S2 premiere. ‘Scattered’ are some damn fine dramatic television.

Roslin and Adama square off, Kara disobeys orders to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo from Caprica, Baltar & team are stranded on Kobol, Galactica is separated from the fleet, and then there’s that infamous cliffhanger with Shannon & Adama in the CIC. 🤯


Galactica surrounded by fire on all sides
Baltar and Six gaze at their future child

gedeonm, avatar

A tale of two Adamas. Separated by almost 40 years. Pretty neat! #BattlestarGalactica

tantramar, avatar

@gedeonm I grew up on Lorne Greene (WWII 🇨🇦’s “voice of doom”), but I’m team Eddie Olmos.

gedeonm, avatar

Watching S2 E6 ‘Home Pt1’ and boy, I don’t remember Adama being so pissed at Roslin but he sure is. I know they reconcile somehow soon but at this moment I cannot remember how it happens. She’s taken half the fleet back to Kobol to look for the Tomb of Athena and Adama has just let them go with no regard to their safety.

Guess I should keep watching! #BattlestarGalactica

Adama makes a statement to the press corps about the treasonous Laura Roslin with Col. Tigh looking on in the background.

gedeonm, avatar

Ah! So it was Dee who changed Adama’s mind. Nice going Petty Officer Duella, nice going. 👍

gedeonm, avatar

Awesome scene from S2 E9 Flight of the Phoenix. Laura is facing her own mortality from her worsening breast cancer, the fleet and Adama had to trust a Cylon (Boomer) to survive a massive attack and the flight deck comes together to build a stealth viper out of thin air.

The reveal of the christened ship as ‘Laura’ gives all the geeky feels. 🥹 Bear McCreary’s music is the cherry on top. 😭 🥰

The President, Commander, pilots and flight crew gather to dedicate the new stealth fighter on Battlestar Galactica.

curtismchale, avatar

@gedeonm made me tear up the first time and again just watching it now

gedeonm, avatar

Admiral Cain has arrived.

gedeonm, avatar

I do wish things hadn’t gone south with Cain and the Pegasus QUITE so fast on . Would have been better to have a slower dramatic burn over several episodes but it is what it is. This two-parter is just amazing all around.

deeje, avatar

@gedeonm you’re motivating me to rewatch

deeje, avatar

@gedeonm you’re motivating me to rewatch

gedeonm, avatar

Adama: We must all obey orders. Even me.

Cain: Your treasonous men will be executed.

Adama: Frak you! I’m coming to get them with an armed strike force.

Cain: If you do this you’ll be making a serious mistake.


damn right walter white GIF by Breaking Bad

chrisdejabet, avatar

@gedeonm It is such a great scene. Man, Olmos played Adama so well.

gedeonm, avatar

This single scene from the 3-part Pegasus ep of brought tears to my eyes. I think this is the first time Adama and Roslin truly realize they love each other. I adore the way he tends to her and takes her weakened hand all while she implores him to kill Cain. “We’ll see you tomorrow?” Bill asks. Laura w/ tears “Mm-hmm.” 🥺

This is also the first time we hear Bear McCreary’s emotional ‘Roslin and Adama’ theme which foreshadows the end of their story arc. So so good.


kraigschmidt, avatar

I’ve always wondered how the F they got two Oscar-quality movie stars to be the leads in a dorky (awesome, but dorky) little sci-fi show…?

cakemix, avatar

@gedeonm Michelle Forbes in all things.

Make it so.

gedeonm, avatar

@cakemix So say we all.

18+ michaelgemar, avatar

@gedeonm It’s such a terrific show!

However, it deserved a more coherent ending. While the show was in production Moore did a proto-podcast/commentary for each episode, which a) was a fantastic peak at the creative process for TV, and b) made clear that Moore had no real idea how to end the show.

Like the Cylons, he really didn’t have A Plan.

18+ gedeonm, avatar

@michaelgemar Yeah that part is pretty obvious and a disappointment cause the first 2 seasons were just stellar.

joshbrez, avatar

@gedeonm “What have I lost? Not who… what?“

gedeonm, avatar

@joshbrez Yeeeeeah. That was rough. It’s like he’s been blinded to what’s important since Shannon tried to take him out. Perhaps the shock of betrayal and so he’s overcompensating with Laura.

cantstopthesignal, avatar

@gedeonm I was under the impression that each was a planet in its own system, just like the 13th.

gedeonm, avatar

@cantstopthesignal No, don’t think that’s correct. It would make sense but everything I’ve read seems to point to a single solar system or two or 3 solar systems close together with multiple colonies for each.

cantstopthesignal, avatar

@gedeonm I see, this page talks about 4 stars in close proximity.

WTL, avatar

@gedeonm I've wondered about this too. 🤷🏻

eowyn, avatar

@gedeonm they are in twelve differents systems each with a star from the equatorial constellations though? Otherwise they wouldn't need hyperpropulsion to travel between the colonies?

gedeonm, avatar

@eowyn This is totally unclear. In the miniseries there’s a whole lot of talk between characters about ships “within the solar system” when the attack commences. Roslin is journeying to the Galactica within the same system, looking for surviving ships “within the solar system” so it seems like there’s a single system with the colonies.

eowyn, avatar

@gedeonm according to the fan wikis there located in either one or three systems (unclear) and there is an old blog entry from Ron Moore saying the one system / 12 worlds ideas is from the old show (which I never watched) and he acknowlege the improbability of all these worlds being habitable.
Since it's not in the show I'll keep my theory 😃


@gedeonm I used these so much back in the time.

What about making a BSG Wallaroo wallpaper sometimes ?

gedeonm, avatar

@david_senate Yeah I definitely should. A cool draidis wall might be neat…


@gedeonm sounds so cool !!

gedeonm, avatar

Bringing on the original Apollo, Richard Hatch, as Tom Zarek was brilliant casting. He was more than up for the role in the #BattlestarGalactica reboot.

E3’s Bastille Day also has one of my favorite scenes in the series when Adama’s son confronts his father and Roslin about the need to hold elections.

“If you’re telling me we’re throwing out the law then I’m not a Captain, you’re not the Commander and you are not the President and I don’t owe either of you a damned explanation for anything.”

gedeonm, (edited ) avatar

A favorite moment from S1 E5 of ‘You Can’t Go Home Again’. After risking the entire fleet, depleting fuel and resources all to try and find the missing Starbuck, Lee and Cmdr Adama share an important moment as they finally call off the search. Pretty amazing considering Lee wanted nothing to do with his dad in the Miniseries.

Great character development in such a short time.

“If it were you, we’d never leave.”


ornaled, avatar

@gedeonm this is such an amazing series. And also cursed for me. I was never able to finish it ;<
Maybe this year I will finally do it :)

gedeonm, avatar

@ornaled the end is the weakest part in my humble opinion, but I sincerely hope you get to finish it. Just set expectations accordingly.

cjgyt, avatar

@gedeonm BSG is one of a handful of shows that made me cry multiple times. Moments like that one, or when Kara leaves Adama’s quarters in tears after telling him about Zak failing basic flight, or Tigh after the escape from New Caprica… so many moments of great performances and characters you care about.

gedeonm, avatar

@cjgyt Yep, it’s all about the characters and the excellent writing. Moore knew what he wanted to accomplish (at the start anyway). The writing + performances were incredible.

cjgyt, avatar

@gedeonm Absolutely. I can’t remember which of the special features it was in, but I recall RDM saying something to the effect that he regretted the “they have a plan” statement at the top of each episode, that it ultimately overcomplicated the Cylon story backed the creatives into a corner since eventually they’d have to explain “the plan”. They didn’t always try things that worked, but I give them endless credit for always trying to go the interesting path and subvert expectations.

gedeonm, avatar

@cjgyt Yeah the multi-year jump in time between S2 & S3 was one of the biggest examples of that I think. At the time I remember thinking… no way. They did not just do that. But they did.

jonasclindgren, avatar

@gedeonm I’ve been thinking about doing the same. I have the Blu-ray box but no longer have a device that can play Blu-ray discs in my living room. A fourth rewatch could be due. Thank you for reminding me

gedeonm, avatar

@jonasclindgren If you do let me know what you think. Watched the mini series yesterday and it was great.

jonasclindgren, avatar

@gedeonm Just checked iTunes and it wasn’t available (Sweden). Frack. Guess I’ll have to find another way to watch it again. I’m honestly not sure I’ve watched the mini series. I thought I’ve seen everything including the webisodes but it was years ago

tjdraper, avatar

@gedeonm Well now I want to watch BSG again. I recently re-watched, like, a couple years ago, and the Pegasus and Cain were around for far less time than I remembered. They really didn't like to offer much hope on that show lol. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with it.

gedeonm, avatar

@tjdraper yeah, I agree. I hope the Pegasus storyline would go on for at least half a season, but it didn’t. I think that was a missed opportunity story wise, but it is what it is. But damn that high drama! So good.


@gedeonm did you watch the Razor spinoff ? #BSG75

gedeonm, avatar

@davehay Yes. Don’t remember them being terribly great. Long time ago though.

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