@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar



Main dev of Libervia project (https://libervia.org), XMPP, Free Software and politics.

Développeur principal de Libervia.

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Julianoe, to random French
@Julianoe@mastodon.xyz avatar

📼 Un techos qui achète une palette d'électronique endommagé à 5500€ et qui se donne le défi d'en réparer le plus possible. Trop cool. On dirait un conte du futur avant d'aller se coucher.

Si comme moi l'électronique vous intrigue, ce gars fait de manière générale des trucs de fou.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@Julianoe dans le même ordre d'idée il y a ce bouquin qui est très bien :
Réparez vous-même vos appareils électroniques (ISBN : 978-2-212-67621-1)


Il y a plein de petits soucis qui se réparent très bien sans beaucoup de connaissances.

Goffi, to fediverse French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

📣 I've set up a 📹 #PeerTube instance for #Libervia at https://videos.libervia.org/ 📺 Expect weekly videos on feature presentations, tutorials, and more!

Want a specific feature or topic covered? Let me know in the comments! 💬

Subscribe to the channel from #Mastodon / #ActivityPub or a feed parser: https://videos.libervia.org/c/libervia/videos

#XMPP #decentralization #video

maiwann, to random French
@maiwann@framapiaf.org avatar

Des astuces à donner pour le demande de subvention NLNet qu'on va demander pour ? On a déjà été refusé une fois quand on était en alpha donc je demande pour anticiper 😬


@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar


  • Ne pas se décourager. J'ai eu plusieurs refus avant d'avoir ma première subvention. Ils ont beaucoup de projets, mais il y a une nouvelle série tous les 2 mois.

  • Proposer du concret, pas "je vais avancer sur la version 2.0 de mon projet" mais "je vais faire ça, ça et ça, et ça va être utile pour ceci est cela".

  • Privilégier les choses utiles qui vont bénéficier largement (utiliser des standards par exemple).


@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar


  • Il y des sujets qui collent mieux selon les séries. ActivityPub et chiffrement de bout en bout plaisent toujours.

  • Pas besoin d'en faire des tonnes, illes gèrent la partie administrative relou, il faut aller directement au sujet et leur expliquer le projet et pourquoi c'est intéressant.

  • Illes sont super sympa, mais illes ont beaucoup de propositions et de travail pour une toute petite équipe.


Goffi, to random French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

Happy to announce that I've got an extension on my current #NLnet A/V grant for #Libervia to work on S.F.U. (Selective Forwarding Unit), it's a service needed for large A/V conference rooms, à la #Jitsi.

However, the delay is really short (hard deadline in August), so lot of work planned in coming weeks.

It will be based on #Galène and parts will be available for whole #XMPP ecosystem.

Thanks again to #NLnet and @EUCommission #NGIAssure for their support.


Goffi, to fediverse French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

I'm testing #PeerTube after a while for light integration with #Libervia and really pleased with what I see! Clean UI, lots of features, easy to use - great work by @Chocobozzz, @Framasoft, and the entire contributing team. Plus, there are a ton of plugins available! I'll be exploring the API to see if deeper integration is possible, it would be neat. #selfhosted #XMPP #videos

nassigny, to random French
@nassigny@toot.aquilenet.fr avatar

Article bien rageant qui vient rappeler à quel point être dépendant de la voiture est un puissant moteur pour le vote RN. Proposer des alternatives à la voiture ce serait aussi faire reculer l'extrême droite.

"Il est frappant de constater que ce sont les jeunes ruraux dont la mobilité est quotidiennement difficile qui sont les plus nombreux à porter leur dévolu sur la droite radicale "


@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@nassigny « Il est frappant de constater que ce sont les jeunes ruraux dont la mobilité est quotidiennement difficile qui sont les plus nombreux à porter leur dévolu sur la droite radicale" »

Depuis quand le R.N. est appelé « droite radicale » et pas « extrême droite » ? En plus d'être dépolitisant (tout comme l'utilisation de « ultradroite »), ça rapproche de LFI qui, quand non nommé stupidement « extrême gauche », est appelé « gauche radicale ».

Goffi, to random French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

Just pushed a new protoXEP for implementing Remote Control in , along with an accompanying implementation in !

This is exciting, as it enables not only Remote Desktop, but also controlling devices without video feedback - like using your phone as an ad-hoc touchpad, laptop keyboard to control a Single-board computer, or making automation scripts, and more!

It's designed to be extensible, with plans to add clipboard sharing and gamepad input. Thanks to for their support!

zsoltsandor, to fediverse
@zsoltsandor@social.lol avatar

I like @Mastodon, however I am also flirting with the could-have-been, @movim as a platform to discover. If only had proper compatibility.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@zsoltsandor @Mastodon @movim FYI I've built an <=> gateway thanks to a grant: https://nlnet.nl/project/Libervia/ . It's compatible with .

It's mostly done but still in dev version because I'm overwhelmed with work. It should be released hopefully in coming weeks.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@lil5 @zsoltsandor @Mastodon @movim why not? It's good, it's doing the job well, and commands are often intuitive. Also I've started the project in 2008.

fabio, to random
@fabio@manganiello.social avatar

@adiz lol my bad - my tut client mixed up the threads.

The only alternative I see to Matrix right now is XMPP. I still run my own server. But it doesn’t come even close to compete with the number of available bridges (that’s actually the main thing I use Matrix for).

The only thing that can still compete with Matrix when it comes to bridges/integrations is still IRC+bitlbee. But that ecosystem is literally falling apart, it’s largely based on libpurple extensions that often haven’t been touched in years, and of course you can forget decent mobile-native clients.

Or maybe just run alternative servers to Synapse, but so far I’ve had a mixed experience with them - Conduit is definitely snappier, but I’ve had trouble to set up many of my bridges, which seem to be primarily designed for Synapse.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@fabio @adiz Which bridge do you have on Matrix which don't exist on XMPP (where it's called gateway)?

Spectrum2 can use libpurple too, so you have the same as with bitlbee. Beside that, Slidge and Biboumi as mentioned in another post.

I'm myself working on a ActivityPub <=> XMPP gateway, and will soon start to work on an email one.

I'm curious to see what is not covered by all that.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@fabio I don't think that libpurple integration is great indeed, I've just mentioned it because you were talking of bitlbee, and spectrum2 is the XMPP equivalent.

Slidge is working on tight integration and is the way to go. And Telegram and Whatsapp are supported (I don't see Instagram though).

My point is that gateway ares part of XMPP ecosystem since the early days, and there are many. You say that you use Matrix mainly for its bridges, and I think that XMPP offer is similar.

lascapi, to Matrix French
@lascapi@mastodon.zaclys.com avatar

Est ce que c'est une bonne idée de vouloir faire une messagerie compatible avec / / et et ?

C'est à dire qu'une personne avec un numéro de téléphone pourrait faire une discussion de groupe avec un compte matrix et un compte XMPP et encore une autre qui n'a que les SMS.

C'est jouable, non 🤔

apprécié :)

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@lascapi ce n'est pas clair ce que tu veux faire: un service avec plusieurs plusieurs applications, un nouveau protocol, ou une nouvelle application ?

Dans les 2 derniers cas, il vaut mieux contribuer à des projets existant. Un client multi-protocols est difficile à faire, et souvent incomplet par rapport à des clients dédiés.

À défaut d'utiliser un protocol unique, les passerelles sont une solution acceptable, et profitent à tout un écosystème. Il vaut mieux les améliorer AMHA.

jcbrand, to random

The Mastodon instance my account is on has been down a lot lately. I feared it wouldn't come back up. Perhaps time to get a new account, but where?

Preferably more on the free speech side, but not banned to all hell.

The mastodon.xyz admin has been chill.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@guusdk @jcbrand @claude

The gateway is a server component that can work with any server or client, not only .

About the status, it's working. I have 2 more things to do before the release:

  • HTTP signature for GET requests (it's only done for POST requests right now), which will make it compatible with secure mode of other implementations.

  • Use per-user encryption keys. For now it's one for the whole instance.

Both things are easy to do, I just need some time.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@jcbrand @guusdk @claude

Unfortunately not yet, but it's planed.

My current AV grant is consuming all my time, making it challenging to progress on other topics.

Feel free to work on microblogging XEPs: as long as they're compatible with and - it will with the gateway, at least for body. Reactions and likes require XEP-0470, not yet implemented in Movim.

AP DMs are converted to chat messages, so they should work with Converse and other clients out of the box.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@jcbrand @guusdk @claude Note that I have also relatively short term plans to make a way to easily install the gateway, probably via a Docker image and a getting started page.

ejabberd, to random
@ejabberd@process-one.net avatar

Did you know that we support Full Text Search on server-side message archives (aka MAM) ?

Any XMPP client implementing this feature ?


@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@ejabberd implements it for Pubsub (both in the Pubsub service and in the client part), but not yet for messages. I could probably easily add it, at least in the CLI frontend. Something to add in my (long, too long) TODO list :)

blake, to random

Oh hey people, if you know of a bot I can debug my ad-hoc commands and data forms implementations against, let me know... I'm going to need one.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@debacle @blake yes can! It's explained at https://libervia.org/__b/doc/backend/libervia-cli/ad-hoc.html . Basically you can run a command with li ad-hoc run --verbose to check the name of the fields, then use -S to submit them.

For instance to send an announcement for servers supporting XEP-0133:

li ad-hoc run "<http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#announce>" -f subject "Maintenance in 30 min" -f announcement "$(&lt;~/announces/maintenance_30.txt)" -S

Check the doc linked above, it's explained there. Ask me if you have questions.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@blake @debacle isn't running your bot against ad-hoc offered by e.g. Prosody enough then?

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@ejabberd @debacle @blake @prosodyim yes please, support as much as you can through ad-hoc commands, it's so useful and handy, and perfect for automatization.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@Samsy @arbocenc #XMPP can run bridges (called "Transports" or "Gateways" in XMPP terms) since the early ages. And nowadays, there are modern ones with tight integrations: #Slidge being a flagship (including a #Matrix gateway), and I'm myself working on ActivityPub gateway and soon a email one with #Libervia. #Cheogram is also working on SMTP gateway. And #Biboumi is the flagship #IRC gateway.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@delirious_owl If I'm not mistaken, Slidge, Libervia and Biboumi are on Debian. Not sure about Cheogram SMTP gateway.

@debacle is maintaining most of them.

Goffi, to random French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

#Libervia now supports SCRAM-SHA authentication. Previously relying on outdated Twisted #XMPP mechanisms, we experienced incompatibilities with recent servers like #Snikket. This issue is resolved, and Libervia can now operate with up-to-date Snikket instances.

@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@big_louse Well in short, that just means that Libervia is now working with Snikket.

SCRAM-SHA is an authentication mechanism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salted_Challenge_Response_Authentication_Mechanism .

Snikket and Libervia are XMPP clients, and I'm working on the later, while also using the former.

XMPP is a communication protocol, but I guess this one you already have it 😃

I agree that all those technical terms are not ideal though.

debacle, to Help
@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar

Which does allow (not only viewing, but also keyboard and mouse), between at least Windows and (either X11 or Wayland, doesn't matter)?

Think "", but . Something, something maybe?


@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

@debacle rustdesk works well and is really simple: https://rustdesk.com/ .

Also, next thing I'm working on in my current A/V grant.

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