ChacheNeguer, to random Spanish avatar

Toda Casa Búho en fullhd, dual y con subs. cries in emosionao :ablobaww1:

illustietor, avatar

@cygnathreadbare @ChacheNeguer El bueno de Pinche tiene un canal de #Telegram donde sube un montón de contenido en 1080p (sin logos), y con varios canales de audio y subtitulos. Si le echas un ojo encontrarás todos los capitulos de The Owl House en VOS y doblaje de españita.

felixmx, to random Spanish

Habemus "historias" en #Telegram... Solo Android por lo mientras :D


@categulario pues en whatsapp jamás publique una historia... tampoco veía las historias de otros. Acá en telegram publique porque #Telegram jajaja pero es telegram ahi podrás desactivar las historias y mayor control. Así para quien quiera usarlas, pero hay muchos los que les gusta y de ahi que fue lo más pedido por los usuarios desde hace tiempo.

gnulinux, (edited ) to linux German avatar

Es ist wieder Zeit für eine Umfrage! Dieses Mal möchten wir von euch wissen: Welche Plattform nutzt ihr für Gruppenchats?

Falls ihr mehrere Plattformen nutzt, stimmt bitte für die ab, die ihr im Alltag am häufigsten verwendet. Sollte eure liebste Plattform nicht zur Wahl stehen, freuen wir uns über eure Kommentare.

Sobald die Ergebnisse feststehen, werden wir diese in einem Artikel auf GNU/ auswerten.

#Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #GNU #Software #Chats #Matrix #Telegram #Discord #IRC

havn, to piracy

🧵After a video by , on whether or not is , I got some thoughts. (This isn't a response to the video, but I'll link it anyway.)

BTW., the thread lead to a 👇🏻, that's probably easier to read - with links and images in Technicolor™! (And no ads.😉)


To me, more interesting than if it's piracy/illegal is if it's ethical/right. And when evaluating something like that, I like to ask myself:
"Would it be ok if everyone did it?"


Even though it's not "content", I like #Telegram's model (this isn't a comment on the people behind it. And I'm not saying it's perfect.):

They have some ads in large channels - but they're non-intrusive, and not based on tracking. (I only use it for personal messaging and small groups, so I never see these.)

But the main income is from a subscription that (mostly) does two things:

  1. Cosmetics
  2. Increase already generous limits

This freemium model works well, because (…)

heiseonline, to news German

Statt "Zwangseinwilligung": WhatsApp setzt jetzt auf "berechtigte Interessen"

WhatsApp hat seine Datenschutzrichtlinie aktualisiert. Als Basis für die Verarbeitung persönlicher Informationen dient noch immer keine klare Einwilligung.


@heiseonline Auszug aus deren FAQ. Wann sie dir widersprechen können:

[...] Wir können uns bei der Verarbeitung auf andere Rechtsgrundlagen als berechtigten Interessen stützen.

Nach einer umfassenden Abwägung des Für und Wider kommen wir zu dem Ergebnis, dass unsere berechtigten Interessen (oder die von Dritten) deinen Widerspruch überwiegen. [...]

Leute hört einfach auf Whatsapp zu nutzen. Es gibt genügend bessere Alternativen. #Signal #Telegram #Threema #Datenschutz #DSGVO #whatsapp

insiderua, to Cybersecurity Ukrainian avatar

👉 Колега з Гарячої лінії цифрової безпеки пише про #Telegram:

❌ Телеграм буде тепер показувати й рекламу, яка підбирається на основі даних про користувача. Тобто, месенджер буде «детальніше вивчати» вас, ваші вподобання. Точніше, вже вивчив.

❌ З технічної точки зору, він може й дивитися зміст повідомлень (обережно припущу, що окрім «секретних чатів»), проте, підтвердження немає.

#telegram #cybersecurity
@ua @rada

insiderua, avatar

@ua @rada

Відповідні зміни (розширені можливості таргетингу) вони й внесли на своїй рекламній платформі.

Ми й раніше не довіряли, але все більше знаходимо саме підтверджень всьому тому, що припускали


atomicpoet, (edited ) to threads avatar

From the start, I had a strong feeling that #Threads would experience instant success. I've been saying that it wouldn't be #Mastodon or #Bluesky that brings down #Twitter. Instead, it was clear to me that #Threads would be the one to dismantle Twitter completely.

Why am I so confident about this? Well, it's because #Meta holds a monopoly over the social connections of billions of people. The specific features or user interface of Threads don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Ultimately, it all comes down to the social connections, and #Meta knows exactly how to exploit that.

Now, what about privacy concerns? Surprisingly, the majority of people don't seem to care much about it. Even after being warned for 20 years about #Meta's poor approach to privacy, most people continue to use their services without hesitation.

And what about #Meta's problematic moderation policies? It's the same story. The majority of people are willing to endure various issues if it means they can stay connected with their loved ones.

But does this mean it's game over for the alternative non-Meta platforms like #Mastodon, #Friendica, #Calckey, #Kbin, etc.?

Not at all. There's one thing that #Meta can't control: slip-ups. Just like other big tech companies, #Meta will inevitably make mistakes. Threads will have its fair share of critics, just as #Facebook, #Instagram, and #WhatsApp do.

So where will those critics turn to? Well, if you've been keeping an eye on Twitter and #Reddit, it's likely that they will flock to the Fediverse. The Fediverse offers something no other service can: it cannot be owned by anyone.

Now, some people believe that once you start using #Meta's services, you'll never leave. But that's not necessarily true. People often realize they need something different when the time comes. And when people understand that they don't want their online lives to be owned as #Meta's intellectual property, they will seek out a solution.

Spoiler alert: the only viable solution that truly ensures ownership over your online life is the #ActivityPub-enabled Fediverse. This technology allows you to set up your own server within minutes, connecting you with millions of people, just like I did with

Sure, billions of people might eventually join Threads. However, there will always be individuals who realize they'd rather not be under the control of Mark Zuckerberg. And for that reason, there will always be a demand for genuine online freedom on their own Fediverse server.

Stark9837, avatar

@atomicpoet @atomicpoet

Of all the services out there, #Facebook and #Instagram are the services people leave the easiest. Even #Whastapp has been replaced by #Telegram and #Signal.

It's #Twitter and #Youtube that people seem to just not be able to ditch them. Because they simply don't have an aternative.

Youtube isban entirely differentbtopic, but one thing people miss about Twitter is the sheer amount of people to react to or will interact with their content. That's why, when #Mastodon was still small, it was deemed a failure.

#Threads has the conversion rate of #Meta and the features of Twitter. So they just might be able to do it.

The only downside I see is that it isn't as pseudononymous as people like from their micro-blogginf sites due to Meta wanting to connect your real name and other connectoins to your profiles.

Puddy, to de_edv in Was hostet Ihr selbst?

Klar, hier Details zum pricing

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Grob kannst du annehmen 1 token entspricht 2-5 Buchstaben.

Account anlegen, einloggen und unter “Billing overview” kannst du eine Zahlart hinterlegen, ab dann bist du “pay as you go”. Was du nicht willst ist “ChatGPT Plus USD $20/mo”. Mir sagt er immer noch ich nutze “free plan”. Insgesamt ist sehr unübersichtlich was man wo für welches Geld bekommt… Aber ja das funktioniert für mich. Kannst auch usage limit Auf zb 5$ pro Monat setzen und jederzeit im Account deinen aktuellen Token Verbrauch einsehen. Geht auch über die API, sprich den chatbot… Ich habe einfach auf github nach chatgpt und telegram gesucht und nach Stars sortiert. Je nach Bedarf würde ich ein anderes Projekt bevorzugen. Sehen alle sehr einfach aufzusetzen aus…

missionlifeline, to threads German

@missionlifeline das gilt in beide Richtungen:

Niemand zwingt euch #NSAbook's #Hass-#Netzwerk zu supporten!

Oder werbt ihr auch auf #KiwiFarms, #Gab, "#TruthSocial", #Parler und rassistischen #Telegram-Gruppen??

johnflomax, to Facebook

Finally deleted my a ccounts on #Facebook (not used for a long time), #Instagram (occasionally used, more for seeing what family were doing) and #WhatsApp.


@keefeglise I've downloaded #Signal and #Telegram. Signal supposedly better at privacy, Telegram a better UI - or so I'm led to believe.

kravietz, to Russia avatar

News about news #Russia surveillance systems that allow “monitoring users of Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal” seem to be largely FUD, IMHO. I rely on #Ukraine “Pravda”^1 as the original NYT article is paywalled:

  • Placing Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal in one row is a huge misconception. Telegram has no E2EE by default and uses a proprietary protocol.
  • Specific program: “NetBeholder can detect when people make voice calls or send files through encrypted chat applications such as Telegram, Signal and WhatsApp”. This sounds very much like deep packet inspection to the limits set by the underlying protocol.
  • Basically, if you use these apps in Russia, the network provider can see your traffic. That’s kind of obvious, but what exactly they will see will very much depend on the actual protocol and it will be quite different for each app.
  • Oh wait, what if… they don’t see your traffic directly, because you use VPN? None of these will work. Of course, they will see you use a VPN which may cause you trouble on its own, but if you live in Russia that’s just one of million of things that can cause you trouble with FSB.
  • There’s one more funny thing: NetBeholder was a “lawful interception” program developed since 2010’s by a Digital Bridge company from Singapore^2.
  • A paranoid person might conclude that Russians just acquired the vendor and slightly upgraded its products in order to grab some cast from FSB bids and then “leaked” some PR documents to NYT in order to get free advertising 🤷‍♂️
kravietz, avatar

Mikhail Klemaryov shed some light on the capabilities used by the #Russia #SORM surveillance systems hyped by NYT recently, largely consistent with my analysis above:

  • For mobile and landline phone conversations, FSB has access to all metadata and call contents in real-time, archiving all of them “just in case” for at least six months with automatic transcription and ability to search by keywords. For persons of interest this retention time is likely much longer. For that reason, Klemaryov recommends not using regular mobile and landline calls in Russia at all.
  • For instant messengers, their capabilities are limited to correlation of call metadata between various Internet operators thanks to FSB real-time access to Internet connection metadata going through all Internet providers in Russia. For example, if you have a network stream seen by Alice’s mobile operator consistent with a Signal, WhatsApp or Telegram call that started exactly 09:21 and lasted exactly 39 seconds, you just need to find identical stream seen by Bob’s operator to be able to conclude that Alice talked to Bob. FSB doesn’t know the contents of these calls but only the fact they talked and when.
  • These capabilities are further limited as they require access to full metadata logs on both operators. If one caller is abroad, this won’t work. If one caller uses VPN, it won’t work. For that reason Klemaryov recommends using VPN for all Internet traffic in Russia, not only when bypassing blocked content.

For #Telegram be sure to also read what @rysiek wrote in this thread!

rysiek, avatar

@kravietz if the "such as Telegram, WhatsApp, and Signal" wording comes from anywhere in the Russian media space, that's probably FUD on purpose.

Russia has pretty wide capabilities as far as Telegram is concerned, due to its absolutely crap protocol:

These capabilities do not exist with regards to WhatsApp and Signal. So it makes sense to them to make it seem like "it's all the same, doesn't matter which one you use" so that people keep using #Telegram.

heiseonline, to Facebook German

Indien will Facebook, Whatsapp, Signal & Co sperren können

Indien Regulierungsbehörde wollte OTT-Player nicht regulieren. Doch die Regierung nimmt das nicht hin. Zudem soll die Zensur ausgefeilter werden.

#Facebook #Netze #Regulierung #Signal #Telegram #WhatsApp #Zensur #news

uslmz, to microsoft Turkish

#Microsoft :
#Skype ( 29 Ağustos 2003)

#Meta Platform :
#Facebook ( 4 Şubat 2004) , #Instagram ( 6 Ekim 2010 ) , #WhatsApp (Ocak 2010 ) , #Threads ( 6 Temmuz 2023 )

• Twitter Inc. ( X corp.):
#Twitter ( 21 Mart 2006 )

• Snapchat Inc.
#Snapchat ( Eylül 2011 )

• WeChat International Pte. Ltd.
#WeChat ( Ocak 2011)

• Telegram FZ-LLC :
#Telegram ( Ağustos 2013 )

• Signal Foundation
#Signal ( 29 Temmuz 2014 )

• gGmbH
#Mastodon ( 16 Mart 2016 )

benb, to videos avatar
gnulinux, to Matrix German avatar

Umfragen #44: Gruppenchats

In unserer neuen Umfrage möchten wir von euch wissen, welche Plattform ihr am meisten für Gruppenchats verwendet.

#E_Mail #Matrix #Telegram #Discord #IRC #Chat #Linux

arda, to random avatar

Did Telegram messenger just introduce a story feature?

#telegram #messenger #story


benb, to drones avatar

Optimized both @ua and @ruvideos to be less noisy and closer to present time.
They will sleep if there is nothing new from the last hours now!

@ru is never asleep because there is always shit brewing on the Russian side. (30 channels added recently related to )

And @ua is brave as always! But with more channels now!

This data is easier to consume directly on tho!

benb, to drones avatar

New project 🇷🇺🇺🇦 : Drones Xplorer

Join the channel to get an extract of posts matching our research keywords related to #drones warfare #osint

Add these #telegram channels to your own account

benb, to random avatar

Fixed an issue with @protiv
It was missing channels and some of the feed were not getting out

benb, to OSINT avatar

Alright, building static site for and when it's done @ruvideos will be back online !

currently moving GB of video data from server side, took me almost a week to download it all.

Old archive is at :

#osint #russia #war #telegram

br00t4c, to random avatar

Russian university to offer open source investigation course taught by analysts from pro-war Telegram channel Rybar

#moscow #telegram

remixtures, to internet Portuguese avatar

#SocialMedia #ConspiracyTheories #Telegram: "When dealing with any social media data, researchers are therefore advised to always consider the extent to which message deletions may systematically bias their own results. In the recently published study “Message Deletion on Telegram: Affected Data Types and Implications for Computational Analysis,” a sample of right-wing conspiracy theory Telegram chats was examined for subsequent deletions. For this purpose, 25 channels and 25 groups were queried every half hour to register all new posts and to anticipate possible deletions. We aim to assess the extent to which deletions can lead to systematic biases in research results by making this survey as complete as possible."

arda, to BraveBrowser avatar

Is there any way to open the URLs clicked from other apps in
@brave (desktop) in a specific tab group, instead of putting to very last of the tab list?

E.g: I have a "videos" tab group, and if I open a YouTube link from e.g: Telegram, I want it to be appended to this "videos" tab group.

#brave #bravebrowser #youtube #tabgroup #tabs #tab #telegram

benb, to random avatar

I'm gradually changing my @uavideos to a new workflow, this will allow the bot to be "on-time" meaning toot the latest video posts archived, without accumulating or getting late with old posts from #telegram.

My next step is to be able to directly use the Mastodon API to actually upload the video, that's going to be a manually selected items workflow, because I don't want to host the videos twice, on the static sites and inside Mastodon at

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