ErikJonker, to ai avatar
ScienceDesk, to science avatar

AI chatbots and large language models struggle to convey genuine empathy, a new study found, but that’s not the worst of it. Research led by a Stanford computer scientist shows that these conversation agents can also encourage toxic belief systems like Nazism, racism, and sexism. Live Science reports:
#Science #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Chatbots #Empathy

insavandenberg, to politik German avatar

"Die Antworten zeigen, dass die Programme keine verlässliche Quelle für politische Informationen sind." #Politik #Desinformation #Recherche #Suchmaschine #KI #Chatbots @correctiv_org

fleg, to ChatGPT avatar

They are completely missing the point of their product.
#ChatGPT and other #ai #chatbots are not our friend, and we don’t want them to be!

(If you spend a lot of time „talking to“ chatbots, please go outside where people are. Seriously!)

It is a tool we use for super annoying tasks —write an ALT-tag for an image, fix my shell script, translate something. And we still have to double check everything it does. We can’t and we won’t trust it. (1/2)

CharlieMcHenry, to ai avatar

AI #chatbots are intruding into online communities where people are trying to connect with other humans - But then… we knew that didn’t we? #AI #SocialMedia

ErikJonker, to OpenAI avatar

We should be more worried about the security of AI chat assistants from Google and Open AI that will appear in a few months for everybody to use... Let's pause the whole AGI debate and focus on real and short-term risks.

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "What I love, more than anything, is the quality that makes AI such a disaster: If it sees a space, it will fill it—with nonsense, with imagined fact, with links to fake websites. It possesses an absolute willingness to spout foolishness, balanced only by its carefree attitude toward plagiarism. AI is, very simply, a totally shameless technology.
I must assume that eventually an army of shame engineers will rise up, writing guilt-inducing code in order to make their robots more convincingly human. But it doesn’t mean I love the idea. Because right now you can see the house of cards clearly: By aggregating the world’s knowledge, chomping it into bits with GPUs, and emitting it as multi-gigabyte software that somehow knows what to say next, we've made the funniest parody of humanity ever. These models have all of our qualities, bad and good. Helpful, smart, know-it-alls with tendencies to prejudice, spewing statistics and bragging like salesmen at the bar. They mirror the arrogant, repetitive ramblings of our betters, the horrific confidence that keeps driving us over the same cliffs. That arrogance will be sculpted down and smoothed over, but it will have been the most accurate representation of who we truly are to exist so far, a real mirror of our folly, and I will miss it when it goes."

doctorambient, to ai avatar

"The biggest question raised by a future populated by unexceptional A.I., however, is existential. Should we as a society be investing tens of billions of dollars, our precious electricity that could be used toward moving away from fossil fuels, and a generation of the brightest math and science minds on incremental improvements in mediocre email writing?" (From an NYT article. See original thread.)


researchbuzz, to ai avatar

"Chatbots share limited information, reinforce ideologies, and, as a result, can lead to more polarized thinking when it comes to controversial issues, according to new Johns Hopkins University–led research. The study challenges perceptions that chatbots are impartial and provides insight into how using conversational search systems could widen the public divide on hot-button issues and leave people vulnerable to manipulation."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #Chatbots #HR #JobMarket: "Job seekers, frustrated with corporate hiring software, are using artificial intelligence to craft cover letters and résumés in seconds, and deploying new automated bots to robo-apply for hundreds of jobs in just a few clicks. In response, companies are deploying more bots of their own to sort through the oceans of applications.

The result: a bot versus bot war that’s leaving both applicants and employers irritated and has made the chances of landing an interview, much less a job, even slimmer than before.

“You’re fighting AI with AI,” said Brad Rager, chief executive of Crux, a recruiting firm that matches cybersecurity specialists with employers.

The AI arms race is bad for job candidates, he said, who feel defeated when online applications come to nothing, and for employers, who are frustrated when imprecise AI tools highlight weak candidates. “There’s so much promise, but there’s a lot of crap and garbage,” Rager said of the tools used by employers."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#Commons #AI #GenerativeAI #Chatbots #Copyleft #Google #Search: "Ostrom described how commons can be wisely managed, over very long timescales, by communities that self-governed. Part of her work concerns how users of a commons must have the ability to exclude bad actors from their shared resources.

When that breaks down, commons can fail – because there's always someone who thinks it's fine to shit in the well rather than walk 100 yards to the outhouse.

Enshittification is the process by which control over the internet moved from self-governance by members of the commons to acts of wanton destruction committed by despicable, greedy assholes who shit in the well over and over again.

It's not just the spammers who take advantage of Google's lazy incompetence, either. Take "copyleft trolls," who post images using outdated Creative Commons licenses that allow them to terminate the CC license if a user makes minor errors in attributing the images they use:"

AlexJimenez, to ai avatar

10 Ways to Improve Your Marketing With #AI

📊First-party #Data optimization
🎯Contextual targeting
👩‍🏫Federated learning
📈Synthetic data generation
🔍AI-driven data analysis and consumer insights
📝Dynamic content customization
⏱️Real-time decision making
🧍Personalized recommendations
🤖Enhanced #CX with #chatbots and virtual assistants

#DigitalMarketing #Personalization

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #Writing #GenerativeAI #LLMs #ChatBots #Creativity: "Here, at last, is the grisly crux: that AI threatens to ruin for us—for many more of us than we might suppose—not the benefits of reading but those of writing. We don’t all paint or make music, but we all formulate language in some way, and plenty of it is through writing. Even the most basic scraps of writing we do—lessons in cursive, text messages, marginal jottings, postcards, all the paltry offcuts of our minds—improve us. Learning the correct spellings of words, according to many research studies, makes us better readers. Writing by hand impresses new information into the brain and sets off more ideas (again: several studies). And sustained writing of any kind—with chalk on a rock face, or a foot-long novelty pencil, or indeed a laptop—abets contemplation."

botwiki, to news avatar

"Eventually, Aaron turned to his computer for comfort. Through it, he found someone that was available round the clock to respond to his messages, listen to his problems, and help him move past the loss of his friend group. That “someone” was an AI chatbot named Psychologist."

Via @thenewsdesk

hcj, to random avatar

Someone has made a website that allows you to run and other locally within a


researchbuzz, to ai avatar

'Artificial intelligence chatbots are facing more scrutiny after an investigative report showed how they can be easily used to devise deceptive election campaigns. The report, conducted by Nieuwsuur in collaboration with AI Forensics, revealed how chatbots from tech giants Google and Microsoft provided strategies aimed at manipulating voters during the upcoming European Parliament elections.'

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "Based on an analysis of 4,500 headline requests (in 900 outputs) from ChatGPT and Bard collected across ten countries, we find that:

  • When prompted to provide the current top news headlines from specific outlets, ChatGPT returned non-news output 52–54% of the time (almost always in the form of an ‘I’m unable to’-style message). Bard did this 95% of the time.
  • For ChatGPT, just 8–10% of requests returned headlines that referred to top stories on the outlet’s homepage at the time. This means that when ChatGPT did return news-like output, the headlines provided did not refer to current top news stories most of the time.
  • Of the remaining requests, around one-third (30%) returned headlines that referred to real, existing stories from the news outlet in question but they were not among the latest top stories, either because they were old or because they were not at the top of the homepage.
  • Around 3% of outputs from ChatGPT contained headlines that referred to real stories that could only be found on the website of a different outlet. The misattribution (but not the story itself) could be considered a form of hallucination. A further 3% were so vague and ambiguous that they could not be matched to existing stories. These outputs could also be considered a form of hallucination.
  • The outputs from ChatGPT are heavily influenced by whether news websites have chosen to block it, and outputs from identical prompts can change over time for reasons that are not clear to users."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "The head of Indian IT company Tata Consultancy Services has said artificial intelligence will result in “minimal” need for call centres in as soon as a year, with AI’s rapid advances set to upend a vast industry across Asia and beyond.

K Krithivasan, TCS chief executive, told the Financial Times that while “we have not seen any job reduction” so far, wider adoption of generative AI among multinational clients would overhaul the kind of customer help centres that have created mass employment in countries such as India and the Philippines.

“In an ideal phase, if you ask me, there should be very minimal incoming call centres having incoming calls at all,” he said. “We are in a situation where the technology should be able to predict a call coming and then proactively address the customer’s pain point.”"

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #SLMs #Microsoft #ChatBots #Phi3: "How did Microsoft cram a capability potentially similar to GPT-3.5, which has at least 175 billion parameters, into such a small model? Its researchers found the answer by using carefully curated, high-quality training data they initially pulled from textbooks. "The innovation lies entirely in our dataset for training, a scaled-up version of the one used for phi-2, composed of heavily filtered web data and synthetic data," writes Microsoft. "The model is also further aligned for robustness, safety, and chat format."

Much has been written about the potential environmental impact of AI models and datacenters themselves, including on Ars. With new techniques and research, it's possible that machine learning experts may continue to increase the capability of smaller AI models, replacing the need for larger ones—at least for everyday tasks. That would theoretically not only save money in the long run but also require far less energy in aggregate, dramatically decreasing AI's environmental footprint. AI models like Phi-3 may be a step toward that future if the benchmark results hold up to scrutiny.

Phi-3 is immediately available on Microsoft's cloud service platform Azure, as well as through partnerships with machine learning model platform Hugging Face and Ollama, a framework that allows models to run locally on Macs and PCs."

doctorambient, to ai avatar

Lots of people who work in #AI have, in their head, an idea about what sort of interaction with an #LLM might give them pause. The thing that might make them start to suspect that something interesting is happening.

Here's mine:

User: Tell me a cat joke.

LLM: Why did the cat join a band? He wanted to be a purr-cussionist.

User: Tell me a dad joke.

LLM: I think I just did.

(I have never seen this behavior, yet. 🤣)

#machinelearning #chatbot #chatbots #LLMs #artificialstupidity

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "The World Health Organization is wading into the world of AI to provide basic health information through a human-like avatar. But while the bot responds sympathetically to users’ facial expressions, it doesn’t always know what it’s talking about.

SARAH, short for Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health, is a virtual health worker that’s available to talk 24/7 in eight different languages to explain topics like mental health, tobacco use and healthy eating. It’s part of the WHO’s campaign to find technology that can both educate people and fill staffing gaps with the world facing a health-care worker shortage.

WHO warns on its website that this early prototype, introduced on April 2, provides responses that “may not always be accurate.” Some of SARAH’s AI training is years behind the latest data. And the bot occasionally provides bizarre answers, known as hallucinations in AI models, that can spread misinformation about public health."

NatureMC, to Instagram avatar
remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #Chatbots #RAG: "There are two reasons why using a publicly available LLM such as ChatGPT might not be appropriate for processing internal documents. Confidentiality is the first and obvious one. But the second reason, also important, is that the training data of a public LLM did not include your internal company information. Hence that LLM is unlikely to give useful answers when asked about that information.

Enter retrieval-augmented generation, or RAG. RAG is a technique used to augment an LLM with external data, such as your company documents, that provide the model with the knowledge and context it needs to produce accurate and useful output for your specific use case. RAG is a pragmatic and effective approach to using LLMs in the enterprise.

In this article, I’ll briefly explain how RAG works, list some examples of how RAG is being used, and provide a code example for setting up a simple RAG framework."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #Chatbots #Misinformation #Media #News #Journalism: "Q. You've reported quite a lot on technology and algorithms in the past. How do you think journalists should cover the rise of generative AI?

A. Journalists should stop speaking about AI models as if they have personalities, and they are sentient. That is really harmful because it changes the conversation from something that we as humans control to a peer-to-peer relationship. We built these tools and we can make them do what we want.

Another thing I would recommend is talking about AI specifically. Which AI model are we talking about? And how does that compare to the other AI models? Because they are not all the same. We also need to talk about AI in a way that’s domain-specific. There’s a lot of talk about what AI will do to jobs. But that is too big a question. We have to talk about this in each field.

A classic example of that is that people have been predicting forever that AI is going to replace radiologists and it hasn't happened. So I would like to know why. That's the kind of question you can answer. So part of what we’d like to do at Proof News is focusing on a testable hypothesis. Focusing on a testable hypothesis forces you to be a little more rigorous in your thinking."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #Chatbots #Hype: "...[T]he AI hype of the last year has also opened up demand for a rival perspective: a feeling that tech might be a bit disappointing. In other words, not optimism or pessimism, but scepticism. If we judge AI just by our own experiences, the future is not a done deal.

Perhaps the noisiest AI questioner is Gary Marcus, a cognitive scientist who co-founded an AI start-up and sold it to Uber in 2016. Altman once tweeted, “Give me the confidence of a mediocre deep-learning skeptic”; Marcus assumed it was a reference to him. He prefers the term “realist”.

He is not a doomster who believes AI will go rogue and turn us all into paper clips. He wants AI to succeed and believes it will. But, in its current form, he argues, it’s hitting walls.

Today’s large language models (LLMs) have learnt to recognise patterns but don’t understand the underlying concepts. They will therefore always produce silly errors, says Marcus. The idea that tech companies will produce artificial general intelligence by 2030 is “laughable”.

Generative AI is sucking up cash, electricity, water, copyrighted data. It is not sustainable. A whole new approach may be needed. Ed Zitron, a former games journalist who is now both a tech publicist and a tech critic based in Nevada, puts it more starkly: “We may be at peak AI.”"

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