dnddeutsch, to DnD German
@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Im Pressbriefing für "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" wurde vor allem viel Artwork aus dem Buch gezeigt. Zwei meiner Lieblingsstücke sind Miska the Wolf-Spider und dieser Mutanten Bär 🧵 1/4

Der Mutant Bear hat Züge eines Affen, die Hörner eines Triceratops, viele weitere Hörner und Klauen und Pusteln und grün glühende Augen und es scheint eine staubige Wolke von ihm auszugehen

@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Die Kampagne lässt die Abenteurer durchs Multiversum reisen und besucht u.a. #Ravenloft (Artwork eines jungen #Strahd folgt), die Astral Sea (#Spelljammer), #Dragonlance (Raistlin ist nicht im Buch) und #Greyhawk, wo man "Rerak" trifft, der totally nicht Acererak ist und über den Tomb of Wayward Souls wacht. 2/4

AdamMakesTTRPG, to spelljammer
@AdamMakesTTRPG@dice.camp avatar

A Copper metal in fewer than 72 hours!

Come see why people love this supplement for their campaigns!

There's a full-page preview of the entire book!


AdamMakesTTRPG, to DnD
@AdamMakesTTRPG@dice.camp avatar

I was fortunate to edit this 107-page tome about outer space combat and exploration.

If you're running a campaign, you need this book!


dnddeutsch, to random German
@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Comicbook.com hat das Cover des angekündigten #Spelljammer Romans "Memory's Wake"


"When Axia survives a sudden assassination attempt, she's cornered by Kori and Nia, a pair of pirates who offer her two options: flee with them to Wildspace, where they can keep her hidden among their crew, or die."


juergen_hubert, to spelljammer
@juergen_hubert@bookrastinating.com avatar

I think one of the main flaws of the original setting was that it tried to hard to be a sort of "connecting tissue" between other D&D settings, rather than having its own unique developed culture and environment.

While also connected the different D&D worlds with each other, it went much further into being a fully-developed setting in its own right, and thus I regard it as the superior line.

If Spelljammer had published a collection of interconnected crystal spheres - a whole "space sector" for the PCs to explore, with different factions and cultures that play off against each other - then it might have been a lot more interesting. To me, at least - others might prefer the "toolkit" approach that Spelljammer ultimately took.

(comment on https://bookrastinating.com/book/533570)

BaronCelric, to spelljammer

PCs: wait? If we end our turn in this beam of light we get effectively disintegrated?
Me: correct
PCs: and this is a no-joke looking like a potential TPK?
Me: it does look pretty deadly…
Barbarian: we should all cut off a pinky finger then, and put them in a jar, so we can be resurrected…

The rest of the party: yeah. Good idea. Nice. Agreed

Me: 😳😳😳

dnddeutsch, to DnD German
@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Wenn ihr heute in den Adventskalender auf DnDBeyond schaut, werdet ihr zwei Dinge lernen: 1. Es gibt Kaffee und 2. Tag 1 des Adventskalender hat nichts für euch


In Tür 1 ist der 20% Rabatcode DNDCOFFEE23 für https://dndcoffeeclub.com. Der Rabatt ist gültig bis zum 31.12., aber nur in den USA einlösbar

@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Tür 17 hat das #Vecna Dossier und die #Spelljammer Academy kostenlos für #DnDBeyond. Die beiden Titel waren früher schonmal zu haben, falls ihr sie damals verpasst habt, könnt ihr sie euch jetzt holen

👹 Vecna https://www.dndbeyond.com/claim/source/vecna

🚀 Spelljammer https://www.dndbeyond.com/claim/source/spelljammer-academy

#DnDAventureCalendar #WotC #DnD #pnpde

dnddeutsch, (edited ) to DnD German
@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Kann sein, dass ich grade etwas Schnappatmung habe: Ein neuer Spelljammer Roman!


Spelljammer: Memory's Wake 🇬🇧 von Django Wexler soll im Juli 2024 bei Random House Worlds erscheinen

"In this reboot of a beloved D&D setting, join Axia, a young woman with a mysterious past, as she embarks on a piratical adventure aboard a Spelljammer, a flying spaceborne vessel powered by magic."

#DnD #Spelljammer #pnpde

@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar
BlumeEvolution, to penandpaper German
@BlumeEvolution@sueden.social avatar

Bringe heute erstmals als Spielleiter meine #PenAndPaper-Gruppe inklusive Teens in den #DnD-#Spelljammer-#Wildspace rund um #Toril (u.a. Heimatwelt von #Faerun). Einige buchstäblich unbeschwerte Stunden können alle gut gebrauchen. Bin ein wenig angespannt, ob es gut gelingt und freue mich über Zuspruch und Ideen... :-) #Realmspace #Fantasy #RPG #Fantasie #Spielen https://youtu.be/pYiWcZImOCE?si=fqb4exvgSUI82LcH

massivelyop, to spelljammer
@massivelyop@mastodon.social avatar

Neverwinter’s Spelljammer module sends players into Wildspace with today’s launch
🔗 https://massivelyop.com/2023/11/07/neverwinters-spelljammer-module-sends-players-into-wildspace-with-todays-launch
#Neverwinter #Spelljammer

aardrian, to DnD
@aardrian@toot.cafe avatar

The party’s spelljamming ship approaches a planet with a massive force field.

After blasting it with ship weapons, assorted spells, and a summoned quetzalcoatlus, the autognome barbarian asks to be lowered to the field.

The party, wary it will kill anyone on contact, happily lowers the autognome.

#DnD #Spelljammer

@aardrian@toot.cafe avatar

When the autognome barbarian is not immediately vaporized, the tortle druid decides it is safe to levitate down and watch.

After about an hour of constant bashing from the barbarian, the druid tires and suggests the party try a different approach.

The autognome barbarian is just happy to have had the opportunity to fight a whole planet.

#DnD #Spelljammer

aardrian, to DnD
@aardrian@toot.cafe avatar

Battle Unit, the party’s autognome barbarian, who named the company Shipping Unit LLC and the turtle-shaped spelljamming ship Turtle Unit, is not fond of the baseline autognome (NPC) that someone gifted a Headband of Intellect (to make it the ship’s boson).

Battle Unit has started calling the arrogant bot “Insufferable Unit” and the NPC is not happy that name stuck — especially since it was coined by the INT 9 Battle Unit.

#DnD #Spelljammer

dnddeutsch, to spelljammer German
@dnddeutsch@pnpde.social avatar

Die Liste der #Spelljammer Romane im :pnpde_social: pnpde.social Bücherwurm ist komplett - jetzt müsste mal jemand neue schreiben, bitte 😎


weirdadmiral, to random German
@weirdadmiral@rollenspiel.social avatar

#RPGaDay2023, Tag 1
"First RPG played (this year)"

Teil 1:
#Sturmbringer - W100-System, kam in 'ner Box, machte Spaß; hab die Romane von Moorcock aber nie gelesen.

Teil 2:
#Pathfinder2 "Gatewalkers" - dank Pathbuilder und frei verfügbarer, umfangreicher Online-SRDs (Archive of Nethys) für mich sogar irgendwie zugänglicher als D&D5. Macht auch extrem Spaß, weil mein alter ego #NivVanDerZee, eine Piratte, schon auf Level 1 mehr hinbekommen hat als all' meine anderen Fantasy-SC zusammen.

@weirdadmiral@rollenspiel.social avatar

#RPGaDay2023, Tag 6
"Favourite game you never get to play"

Hmm. Damit ich etwas mein Lieblingsspiel nennen kann, müsste ichs ja auf jeden Fall schon mindestens einmal gespielt haben, oder? Dann fallen alle noch ungespielten Sachen aus meinem Regal schonmal raus. Naja, wobei ... #Spelljammer vielleicht? Zwar noch nicht gespielt, aber das neue 5E-Set komplett gelesen und danach tagelang Kopfkino gehabt. Oder abstrakter: eine coole Piraten-Fantasy-Kampagne. Hat sich leider noch nicht ergeben.

@weirdadmiral@rollenspiel.social avatar

#RPGaDay2023, Tag 19
"Favourite Published Adventure"

Immer diese Fragen nach Lieblingen ... langsam find ich das ermüdend. Wieso müssens immer Ranglisten sein? #Naufractus hab ich schon erwähnt. Als Kampagne auch #LegacyOfArriusLurco, beide für #CthulhuInvictus. Ansonsten hab ich noch kein #TrailOfCthulhu-Szenario gespielt, das schlecht war. Vom Setting her find ich weiterhin #LightOfXaryxis für #Spelljammer ziemlich cool, habs aber leider noch nicht gespielt.

LeviKornelsen, to random
@LeviKornelsen@dice.camp avatar

This is a find-your-people post for TTRPG folk.

Please respond by saying what sorts of TTRPG things you're pretty likely to either talk about or respond to if you see them.

This can be a list of games (D&D! Tribe 8! Fate!) or categories (the weirdest of indie stuff! NSR! Anything PBtA!), topics (Worldbuilding! Publishing!), stuff you're making, meta-commentary (The State Of The Industry), and so on.

Then maybe share, and if the replies are building up, check them for new people.

cradac, (edited )
@cradac@dice.camp avatar

@LeviKornelsen I mostly run and play #dnd5 but also some #pathfinder. I enjoy the #spelljammer and #planescape setting and everything in the direction of space operas and weird outer-space stuff.
I wanna learn more about #worldbuiding, #osr and classic #dungeoncrawls and retoot every nice map I come across 👀
I also wanna get into #cyberpunk2020 and #CyberpunkRED

@dulsi@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@LeviKornelsen I don't know that I can make a useful list. There are so many rpgs I like. I also have my own supplements including in

Here are some interest:

chloethecartographer, to Battlemaps

Blueprint version of the astral scarab flying machine. I love that I’m able to get double value out of my schematic style maps be making them into blueprints. I think on balance I prefer the normal version, but it’s fab having both options. If you want this map, full resolution digital file, head over to DriveThruRPG (link on the download page of my website) and pick it up for completely FREE.
#battlemap #battlemaps #dndmaps #spelljammer #steampunk #flyingship #ttrpg

capacle, to random Portuguese
@capacle@dice.camp avatar

Alright, let's do this!

Get ready for 'Nexalis', a bright fantasy RPG about exploration, growth and camaraderie in the mesmerizing world of the Starbound Isles!

Тhе саmраіgn ѕtаrtѕ іn 2 wееkѕ, аnd thе lіnk іѕ dоwn thе 🧵, so follow along and RT if you like it 😊



Well, I'll shout it out on this weeks podcast so maybe that'll get you some eyeballs.

I'm using unlisted so this post won't show up in public postings but you may find yourself with better results using some of:

(I know, I know)

and tagging these groups:

@ttrpg @notdnd @kickstarterttrpg

Just my thoughts, hope they help.

dulsi, to art
@dulsi@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Not entirely happy with it.

Nod_Hero, to DnD
@Nod_Hero@dice.camp avatar

Is it just me or is there a lack of variety for imagery for a #DnD #Giff #Monk?
I'm looking for #DungeonsAndDragons #art of a #Hippofolk that doesn't have all that epaulets and/or colonial military clothes and/or some kind of pipe/firestarter hanging out of their mouth.
NOTE: A pistol or rifle is okay, I'm going to try a #Gunk (Gun Monk) build in our #Spelljammer campaign... Nothing says #fisticuffs like bullets and bludgeoning whacks!
So far the "Giff Brawler" by #ClaudioPozas has come closest.

fullmoonstorytelling.com, to DnD
@fullmoonstorytelling.com@fullmoonstorytelling.com avatar

Spelljammer is already on printing two. That’s because they need to make some changes to the Hadozee for reasons of insensitivity. They’re good changes and Wizards of the Coast is changing the processes that allowed the culturally insensitive material to appear first too. This new printing has other errata too.

The one that sticks out is the addition of Feats to every Background.

“These backgrounds each give a feat. If a character takes a background from elsewhere and doesn’t get a feat from that background, the character gains one of the following feats of the player’s choice: Magic Initiate, Skilled, or Tough.”

Dragonlance will have something similar. For Dragonlance this was because these are characters in a war. They must be stronger, tougher, etc. In Spelljammer it kind of makes sense. Normal people aren’t space halflings and asteroid dwarves.

Similar to the Dragonlance decision my world has an additional feat at first level. In the case of the World of the Everflow these choices are;

  • Kin get a Bonded Companion.
  • Ken get a feat that grants a cantrip.
  • Kon get Artificer Initiate and the Rock Gnome’s tinker ability.

Similar to the Dragonlance decision to add Feats this was done to add flavor, speaking to the types of powers that people from various continents have.

With One D&D’s playtest we know there’s a chance at adding Feats for everyone at 1st level.

What if the One D&D system of 1st Level Feats was added to 5e now?

You could add Feats to any character in the current game with a minor, but not overwhelming, increase in power with a few simple guidelines.

  1. Only allow Feats that don’t have a +1 to an attribute.
  2. Don’t allow the +5/-10 Feats.
  3. Don’t allow Lucky.
  4. Don’t allow Polearm Master

That’s it.

Now you can have flavorful feats in your 5e game at 1st level.

Instead, attach Feats to Backgrounds

Now, my current world attaches Feats to racial choices, but one could choose to go the path of Dragonlance, Spelljammer, and Strixhaven. Each of those books assigns their unique Backgrounds specific Feats for flavor.

A more flexible system would be to attach Feats on a small curve. Those Feats would be selected to emphasize specific stories typically told regarding that Background.

Using my most popular original Background, the Tinker, as an example. We’ll include the three default Feats from the errata — Magic Initiate, Skilled, Tough. Then only selecting Feats from the Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything since those are a core book and the two rules expansions.

Actor reminds me of Paden Fain. Artificer Initiate seems obvious. Linguist fits the wanderer mold. Ritual Caster makes sense to capture the one who picks up hedge magic.

Putting those on a chart with a curve using two dice can influence the commonality of the Feats.

Roll 2d4 or choose your favorite.

  1. Magic Initiate
  2. Tough
  3. Linguist
  4. Actor
  5. Skilled
  6. Ritual Caster
  7. Artificer Initiate

Since it looks likely that Before We Were Heroes won’t be ready before the 2024 edition, I’m thinking of adding that Feat guidance to each listed Background.

Have another Background you’d like a Feat Chart for, ask in comments.


#backgrounds #DnD #DnD5 #DnD5e #Dragonlance #DungeonsAndDragons #feats #homebrew #PlayingDD #Spelljammer #tinker

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