egconde, to sciencefiction avatar

Subscribe to @InterzoneMag to read my new story, SIBILANCE, a queer homage to classic #sciencefiction set in outer space. Dr Hodei is in love with two spheres: 1) A gas giant called Jupiter & 2) his deceased nonbinary lover turned SEAX drone: Amaranth (both depicted in the magnificent cover art by @carlydraws ). 🪐🚀🇵🇷🏳️‍🌈

#shortstory #queerfiction #jupiter #spaceopera

NarrelleMHarris, to bookstodon avatar

Another author with not-the-usual historical fiction is Bryn Hammond, who writes about the Mongols! Along with the two books pictured here, there's a short Mongol story - "Women Who Lie Alone in Tombs" (ie die unmarried) and a short about Shakepeare and Marlow called "The Last Play". A great chance to explore new writers of queer historical fic!

@bookstodon #HistFicOutsideTheBox #HistoricalFiction #queerfiction

prismnpen, to LGBTQ avatar

For our one-year anniversary, I take James to an Italian restaurant. I’m a little nervous, and I can tell James is too.
God, I hope he doesn’t expect anything. I want him to be surprised.

#LGBTQ #Fiction #QueerFiction #Romance #GayFiction

NaraMoore, to LGBT avatar

#LesFicFri: kiss

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

They have a ways to go before they get to the real thing.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

Quote: I looked at the cigarette in my hand, thought, “What the hell?” and took a puff; “Ugh, unflavored.” But I’d finally gotten a kiss from my konbini girl, a secondary kiss, but a kiss.

In serialization at:

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #Polyamory #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Gentle

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Romantic moments

Quote: Shiomi quietly told her story and smoked. Periodically, a gentle soft light from outside would bring her face into sharp contrast, and other times, she was just a silhouette. Either way, I kept finding myself looking. I noted the elegant practiced motion of how she smoked, like a heroine from a Bogart film. “Lauren Becall,” I thought. Impulsively I said, “You know how to whistle, don’t you, Shishi? You just put your lips together and blow.” It was a fitting thing to say, I thought, but earned me a puzzled look. She obviously wasn’t a film buff, or maybe my translation was bad.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic

NaraMoore, (edited ) avatar

#LesFicFri: Help

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Romantic moments or not

Quote: I mentally did a double-take. I was getting yelled at for saving her from her dead ex, who, as far as I could tell, had been a nasty piece of work when she was alive.

But Shiomi had me pegged right. I was still thinking of myself as a white knight rescuing a fair damsel. Only the damsel didn’t want to be saved. She never had, and I kept expecting her to be grateful.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Bed

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

When you care even when the other doesn't.

Quote: Over her protests, I got her into bed. She wasn’t making much sense. Something about shadows and wanting to leave. I didn’t know where she thought she would go. Out into the night, I suppose, looking for Mikawa. Shiomi calmed down after I gave her another smoke and sat by her bedside.

Like before, she dozed off, leaving her smoke unfinished. I took what was left from her limp fingers and put it out in the ashtray on the nightstand. No secondary kiss this time.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic

NaraMoore, avatar

: Stop

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

I grabbed Shiomi’s arm, and she looked briefly at me with glassy eyes. Her unbrushed light blue hair fell heedlessly across her pale face, and her dress looked like she had slept in it. But that wasn’t what caused me to reach out and grab her arm. It was the woman ten meters ahead. Long black hair, flying in a wind no one but she could feel, framed a blackened and bloated face. It was the face of a corpse returned from the grave.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Girlfriend

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

There were no lights on the bridge and the fog off the river was sending tendrils over the railing. All I had to do was cross the bridge and walk two blocks past the roads leading to Enpukuji. Mikawa wouldn’t bother me again, would she? That had been a warning.

These thoughts gave me no comfort. The distance seemed huge in the dark, and I didn’t place much trust in the forbearance of an apparition. I had her girlfriend at my house, after all. Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the bridge and hurried forward.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Taste

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Tomo looked peeved when I told him I had given Shiomi permission to stay with us. He squinted more than usual and cocked his head to the side as he replied, “It’s your house. But you really do have bad taste in women.”

“Just as bad with guys.” I retorted.

“If you’re dissatisfied, I can move out.”

I had been living with Tomo long enough to tell from his tone that he was only half joking. I couldn’t blame him. Shiomi looked like a load of trouble. Even I knew this wasn’t the brightest decision I had ever made.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic #polyamory #Bisexual

NaraMoore, (edited ) avatar

#LesFicFri: Smile

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Sometimes it's small things...

“Thank you;" Shiomi said. "it has been a long time since anyone bought me a meal and I had a pleasant time.” She was smiling, looking happier than I had seen her for a long time. The look transcended cute. She was stunning.

“You welcome,” I said, a little flustered. It seemed such a small thing and raised a new question: Had my buying her ramen been that special?

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Sad

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Any port in a storm

“Now, what am I going to do?” I thought.

I glanced around and saw that the other woman, or should I say ghost, was gone. So I bent down to see if I could rouse my charge. Her eyes fluttered. The feral gleam was gone, replaced by sadness. She muttered, “I need a drink.”

I didn’t think so. I could smell the sour odor of alcohol on her breath already, but anything to get her out of there before Mikawa reappeared. “Sure,” I said. “I have some beer at my place.”

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic #Youkai #Yokai

NaraMoore, avatar

#LesFicFri: Angry

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Everyone is angry

“Don’t swear at me!” The situation was wearing on my nerves, or I might have let it pass, but the swearing grated. It clashed with the image of Shiomi I kept trying to build in my mind. I was tired, my cigarette tasted foul, and I had just risked my life for the third time. And for what, an ungrateful woman who didn’t have the sense to see her lover was a rotting corpse!

“I’ll swear if I want to, White Knight-sama. I’d be with my girlfriend right now, instead of wandering around these desolate hills, if it wasn’t for you. You’re as bad as Mika, riding in on your fucking white horse and fucking my life up! I hate you! Damn it, I hate you!”

In serialization at:

Art: @Maisensei

Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri #Idol #LesFic #Youkai #Yokai

NaraMoore, (edited ) to writing avatar

Feb 1: Tell us about yourself, published work, WIP or anything else people should know.

I am a web author of Yuri Paranormal Romances. I am working on my third light novel which is in serialization: "For Love of A Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onryo Lover." At

About a woman who falls in love with a cursed ex-idol.

Tagline: Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

NaraMoore, avatar

1. Intro and update: Introduce yourself and/or update us on your writing journey since your last intro.

I am a web novelist of Yuri Paranormal Romances. I am working on my third light novel which is in serialization: "For Love of A Konbini Idol" Now in its second volume.


About a woman who falls in love with a cursed ex-idol.

Tagline: Join Ume's family as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

NaraMoore, to LGBT avatar

For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Released Chapter 4: Konbini Suto (コンビニスト)

Shiomi, Ume, Tomo, and Mikawa, what a tangle of emotions.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where "love" never dies.


#KonbiniIdol #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #Polyamory #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yokai #Youkai #Yuri

NaraMoore, avatar

For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Released Chapter 5: Fukitsu (不吉)

By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei

Fukitsu, ill omen. It was more than her name.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where "love" never dies.


NaraMoore, avatar

For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Released Chapter 6: Fumihiko and Mikawa (文彦と三河)

By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei

Shadows from the past: Fumiko and Mikawa, make their move. Even Lauren Bacall gets in on the act.

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where "love" never dies.


Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBT #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #trans #transgender #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yokai #Youkai #Yuri

NaraMoore, (edited ) to random avatar

#WritersCoffeeClub #Writing 20. Do you have a blog? Tell us about it and share a link.

Yes, I have a blog. It is mainly about my fics. I just started keeping my serial there as well.

Josei Yuri and Paranormal Romance

Tags: #LesFic #KonbiniIdol #Josei #Romance #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #Horror #QueerFiction #Sapphic #SapphicFiction #Yuri

NaraMoore, (edited ) to Hololive avatar

LesFicFri: Shout

“But you’re monogamous,” I shouted as I headed for the door.

But Ume-san isn't. Join Ume as she makes one of the worst choices possible to expand her family, a cursed former idol.

For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onry Lover, now in serialization.

#LesFicFri #Idol #KonbiniIdol #LesFicFri #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #Polyamory #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Yuri

NaraMoore, avatar

: Woman

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

The girl behind the counter’s name tag said Shiomi Shiori. I bet she got called Shishi. She was an inch or two shorter than me, with silky hair she’d dyed a light blue. She was wearing it in twin tails but had lots of loose bangs in front. It looked good on her. Sweet and innocent looking.

Tomo said I needed a girlfriend, and he was right. Shiomi-san was a stunner. She reminded me of a Spaniel: cute, big eyes, and friendly. And if she was as gay as I thought…

In serialization at:


NaraMoore, avatar

: Legs

From: For Love of a Konbini Idol
I Faced Her Onryo Lover

Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.

Quate: It turned out Mika was nasty-jealous. If I so much as looked at another woman, I’d pay for days. And Ume was worth looking at. She had nice legs when you could see them. She usually wore jeans or slacks; a flannel lumberjack shirt or some other butch top; and until now, no makeup. I think she had tats, but I’m not sure. Maybe when summer came, I’d see. She looked fit, like she worked out. Bet she had a tight ass. A first-class butch. But like I said, if Mika saw me looking, I would hear no end of it.

In serialization at:


constantorbit, to indonesia avatar

This was SO good. The stories are still rattling around in my head.

I think it'd have resonance even for someone without connections to that environment & society. I grew up in #Indonesia and my father (not openly until much later) was bi and had homosexual relationships while (and after) we lived there (wasn't someone asking about #familySecrets recently? Well there you go).

Anyway. Highly, highly recommend.

#books @bookstodon #nowReading #queer #queerFiction

NaraMoore, to queer avatar

LesFicFri: Laugh

It was the start of something. But it wouldn't be easy. She was my type, but the red flags were soon flashing. Did I want a girlfriend that was cursed?!

Meet Shiro, Kaori, and her jealous dead ex in this yuri light novel.

On pixiv:
On AO3:

NaraMoore, to Yuri avatar

To Kiss a Cat

In less than a week To Kiss a Cat has moved up to be my tenth most popular fic on pixiv. Especially interesting given it is original fiction. Parasitic Plants and Their Uses is number ten on AO3 but it's ecchi in a pro-fanfic fandom.

NaraMoore, (edited ) to LGBT avatar

To Kiss a Cat

A cat’s nose is just adorable. Don’t you agree?

#7 of my pixiv Charity Santa stories.

This is a side story for “My Girlfriend Almost Got Me Killed, so We had Wild Sex.”

To Kiss a Cat on pixiv:
Willow Wren on AO3:

#Asexualiity #Asexual #Christmas #FlashFiction #LGBT #LightNovel #ParanormalRomance #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #SliceOfLife #Yuri

NaraMoore, to LGBT avatar

A White Rabbit for Arisu

Arisu and Sayaka return to the Rose Garden.

#5 of my pixiv Charity Santa stories.

This is a post-novel side story for: How Saeki Sayaka Missed Edamoto Haru and Discovered Arisu the Girl Who Saw Ghosts.

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