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@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

The things we do for love 🐾 πŸ’œ

Drizzle. Rain, just slightly... But... I'm out here again, pushing a red and black buggy, while my dog is enjoying some water...
We'll go through a field (there is a path) where she can play some. Then a longer bit over a road to get to the next water area...
But Arwen's joy is so infectious... πŸ₯°

πŸ“Έ June 1st 2024

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾


Selfie with the buggy. Black jacket, blue headphones and blue-rimmed glasses. Smiling at the camera. Wearing a hood due to the drizzle. The buggy is red and black. It's a sandy path with grass on the sides.

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

Ugh... So. Much. Rain. β˜”
Slowly getting closer to home.
Ready to ditch the moist jacket, pants and shoes.
I have an umbrella, but there's just so much rain...
Arwen just does her thing. But she won't be amused later!
She gets to wear the bathrobe... And we don't have time for the buggy walk (I would not take it out in this weather anyway...).
But as shops are closed tomorrow in Germany, mum and I will be going this morning. So that means an earlier drive to Nijmegen. 😊
But maybe the weather is better on Thursday for a buggy walk then πŸ˜‰.
Ah well... Slowly walking home... Both dripping some πŸ˜‰ spring weather, just lovely πŸ˜‚

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Good morning sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

It's been a good morning so far. Some rain in the beginning, but since the gym, it's been dry.
We had a good SniffBook walkies 🐾 and now we're enjoying the buggy walk.
I finished my journal blog post for today. I worked on some other posts.
Tried to get the rent payment added to my bank app so I don't forget to pay in time (first time for the house needs to be done a few days in advance). But my app was limited, ugh, so now I have to wait a while and then try again...
So first buggy walk. Then some food. Getting some groceries after that. And then, try the bank app again... Ugh...

Hope you're having a good day β˜€ 🌸 🌈

πŸ“Έ May 28 2024

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

Busy morning! Again πŸ˜‰ but... I blame Arwen this time πŸ˜‚.
We had the early SniffBook walkies. But she already wanted a buggy walk...
Our friend and their dog will join us for a walk around 8. But we probably won't be able to do the water walk...
Sooooo in order to keep my gall happy, I'm gonna squeeze in buggy walkies as well. If all goes well, we'll have an hour rest then before the next walk πŸ˜‚.
Which means we'll head to the shed soon and start our way...
If the weather gets worse throughout the day, she should be good enough with short walks I hope...

Sooooo, let's hit the loo and then get Arwen and myself ready for the buggy walk. I guess I'll get my steps in again today... πŸ˜‡

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

PixysJourney, to Pixelfed
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

Alright I uploaded my pictures to #Pixelfed just now!
I'll share the links here, there are two posts, one for upstairs and one for downstairs.
Dad sent me some pics as well, so I may upload some of those as well. And I made two quick videos but I need to make them smaller to fit on this server. 😊 I'm working on it!
But I had a restless night so am a bit slow this morning.... πŸ₯±



Vids coming ASAP!!

Hope it gives a good impression of the house. I didn't get any pictures from the outside and we didn't stay too long. It was so busy (I felt very anxious with so many people, even though they'll be my new neighbors, time enough to meet them later on) and it was very warm (28Β°C) and I was also tired... So my parents and I walked around, took pics and the vids I'll share soon, and we headed home again before traffic would be bad...
Time enough in a few months to take make pictures when it's done and when I'll be working on it... Alone and with friends! 😁

#NewHome #Moving #AllNew

Edit: I'll make this a pinned thread 🧡 for all things to do with the move from now on. 😊

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello again, mesa has a small update on the moving progress... Or process πŸ˜‰ Hihi...

I got loads of things sorted already which feels good. Just a few more things to go, but they need to be done at a later time, unfortunately...

Loads of anxiety, because I'm afraid I'll mess up something important... πŸ˜”

On Wednesday, a sweet friend and I will try to arrange the small moving van for the weekend of July 13th. We'll also visit the store where I ordered the floor. Hopefully I can set a date for measurements and also for the laying of the floor then. Fingers crossed 🀞🏻 they can put the floors in on the 8/9 of July (they said it would take two days), so I have a few days before the big move!

I'm so happy my friends offer to help with the arranging and the actual move. πŸ’œ I'd be so lost without them.... πŸ₯²

Sooooooo... To be continued...

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Alright Friendos πŸ’œ

I have some small updates. 😊 The truck 🚚 rental has been arranged! It was a stressful situation... But it's been arranged. So that's a plus!

The floor data have been arranged as well. Unfortunately, they could not place the floors earlier as I hoped... They will measure on Tuesday the 2nd, the floors will be delivered on the 9th and they'll lay them on the 11/12th. So they should be done before we move my things on the 13/14th. Just doesn't leave much room for preparations... Bummer...

So it seems it's slowly working out, thanks to the help of some lovely friends! Ugh... So stressful to arrange all this. I was glad my friend had joined me or I would definitely had a meltdown there and then 🫣 my autistic bits did not handle it all too well...

But... It should be settled now... Fingers crossed 🀞🏻 it will work out!

To be continued...

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Heeeeey lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

So yesterday I had a phone call from my rental coop. (big eeeek but I survived)

There will be a initial viewing of the apartment on June 5th between 9-10:30. They'll check the apartment (in it's messy state πŸ˜‚ I did warn her haha) so they can inform me on what needs to be done. And I can tell them what I'll have to offer to the new renters (for free, I'll just be happy if I can leave it behind).

On July 31st between 9-10 they'll check again as I hand over my keys... The end of 6 years in my apartment...

In between there could be some viewings of new possible renters. We discussed that a coop person would be present for my peace of mind. And they'll come after the big move, so I have some time to clear out most of the apartment. It's no use to anybody to see it now as it's so messy and full of boxes. Which the coop lady understood.

I even will get a coupon from the coop because I notified them two months in advance of the end of the renal... I needed some money for a nice new basket for Arwen, sooooo if that coupon comes soon, I'll need less money to get Arwen the new basket so... That was a big plus! 😁

Slowly, things are moving forward. Well, not that slowly though...

I'll keep you all updated! Thanls for joining me in my scary journey! πŸ€—

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

So on Friday I was able to get two things arranged for the upcoming move! I got the insurance settled! Yay! Tried the WhatsApp chat and it worked!
Then I tried the WhatsApp chat with my internet provider. This person explained things to me and they helped me to end my sub on 15/7. I'll be at the new house then, as my stuff will have been moved, so I won't need fiber at the old place anymore.
No news yet on when the fiber will be available at the new house. I did ask the building coop lady about it and she informed with the responsible person. They didn't have the dates yet, they'd get back to the lady in max two weeks and when she knows, she'll let me know. So wait and see...
When the house is finally "connected" I'll be able to check which providers are available and choose the one that suits me best. (speed and price wise).

I tried to tell the new municipality I was gonna move but nope, it's indeed a max of 4 weeks in advance! So... I'll have to wait till June 3rd before I can handle my upcoming move there. Hopefully it will be time enough for them to settle everything with my taxes. And... I hope they'll be fast as I need to adjust my rent allowance to the new amount as well. But I can only do that once the move is officially processed by the government. So yeah... I'll get the allowance for sure, but the faster the better as it's quite an increase in costs! I now pay €525 and it will be €650. So yeah, every bit they can support me extra will be very helpful.

I keep checking the postal app πŸ˜‚. I want that coupon to come to my place so I can order Arwen's new bed... I think she will like it loads, or at least I hope so, so I'm very eager to get it. (I used to be this eager when it was for me, but now it's for my dog who hasn't got any clue and I'm excited for her instead πŸ˜‚).

Ah well, slowwwwly I'm getting everything settled. I hope... I'm checking my list, writing everything down that I've done so far. Hopefully all will go well enough and in about 50 days or so, I can be a little less stressed... I hope.

Thanks for following my journey folks! It's nice to have you at my side, supporting my steps towards a new part of my journey...

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweeties!

"Still" πŸ˜‰ no snail mail haha. But I'll share a picture of the bed I wanna get Arwen ASAP...
So snail, make some speed πŸ˜‚

It's a more expensive bed. But thanks to the coupon I can get it for her... And she's definitely worth it...

And should she cross the 🌈 bridge... I'm sure the next furry love can use it as well...

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweeties!

I ordered the new bed for Arwen! 😁 It should arrive somewhere between 8-22 on Thursday πŸ˜‚ a very wide window for now... Hopefully they'll update so I know when I need to be up and about and all to receive the big parcel. It's an XXL bed after all! (but then she has space and her friend Bas can join as well when he visits).

I also put in the transfers for the rent. I had to make some minor changes in the bank app and now it will automatically pay the new rent a week in advance of the key date. So it should be in the coop's account before that, as their rules state... I put it in to do it automatically, as I know my brain and otherwise I'd keep thinking about it...

Like I do with the municipality transfer. Four weeks ahead, so if all is well, I can enter my new details next Monday. So of course I'm reminding myself several times a day of that πŸ˜‚

Hey ho! Slowly things are coming together. I saw the paint I need is on discount this week, so maybe I can grab myself a bucket today (depending on the time of delivery for Arwen's bed). It's a decent discount so it would be good to get the paint in advance then...

Thanks for following my journey! It's an exciting and scary one, so I'm glad to have you with me!

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

#PixysJourney #NewHouse

@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

Another two small steps in this journey have been taken. 😊
I got Arwen's new bed and it's awesome. πŸ₯° Now Arwen needs to learn to love it, I guess...

And I got the purple paint for the big wall in the living room and the back wall in the bedroom. 😊 It's the same color as I have in the living room now and I just love it...
Now I only need some white paint... But even with 40% discount, the color still was quite expensive. So June will be when I get the big bucket of white. 😊

Step by step...

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

#PixysJourney #NewHouse

Arwen's new bed is being made, with a plaid, pillow and plushie Dachshund.
Arwen in hetlr new bed. She felt a bit uncomfortable.
Do I have to humom? Arwen's new bed is beautiful, but she'll need to get used to it I guess.

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Hey ho sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

It's that one day a year where you're remembered that your parents had a lot of fun together πŸ˜‚ yeah... I'm getting old!! Haha!

I will do my best to check my notifications throughout the day. But when visitors come, I'll probably be a bit busy and distracted.... 😊

My friends are expected between 10:30/11:00. Dunno about my parents though...

Have a wonderful day 🌸 folks! πŸŽ‰

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾 & πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰ 🎈

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello sweet and lovely Friendos πŸ’œ

Arwen wanted a longer walk and now we're home a bit before we should go out for last walkies. πŸ˜‚
So I guess I'll change the alarm and just get up a little earlier. She's kinda tired from the longer walk, and I'm tired from the chores and some gaming...

Wishing you all a fantastic (rest of the) day! 🌸

I'll catch up with all again when I've had my beauty sleep. 😴

πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€ πŸ’œ 🐾

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Eeeeeeek 🀯🫣🀯

It just happened!
I did it!
Too scary...
But maybe too good to miss out on...
Looks like sometime next year, I'll be moving to a small house!
It's expected to be done in "summer 2024", so that gives me time to get all the ducks πŸ¦† gathered and probably line them up in a neat row as well.

Will definitely need help. Will hopefully receive it as well. Fingers crossed 🀞🏻

Damn... It feels good but also terribly scary... 🫣

PixysJourney, to medical
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

of a silly Dutch Pixy πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

So, yesterday (Wednesday) was a bit different than the past 10 weeks or so... I don't have group on Thursday anymore which means mum and I can resume out groceries shopping in Germany on Thursdays again, instead of Wednesday.

I got up a wee bit before the alarm. It was very cold, well, cold enough for me. I got dressed and prepared Arwen's food. We went for walkies and then I finished Arwen's meal. She got a snack on the couch and I headed to the gym.

Got on the scale first and it was super kind to me! Compared to my measurements of the 12th (10 days ago) I lost 1,5 kilos. I definitely had not expected that. 😊
I started with some arm exercises, even though it should be leg day. Just wasn't up to them I guess. After some arm training I got to the seated bike for my usual simple ride. Then, I felt OK enough and I hit some of the leg exercises that I should have started with. But hey, doing them now so good on me!

Then I got home and had some breakfast. Let Arwen out for a pee and then I did something totally weird to most πŸ˜‚. I hate the long, green, bits of leak in my food. I had gotten a big bin of Nasi Goreng from the supermarket. It was enough for two meals. So I got two smaller bins and... I slowly devided the big one over the smaller ones, trying to scoop out all the leeks I could find. And yeah, I did measure the weights to be sure they were as equally devided as possible. πŸ˜‚

I got to my hometrainer next. I wanted to ride 90+5 minutes but I got distracted so I ended with 98 minutes. It was just on a low setting due to my muscles struggling, but I rode it nevertheless and it felt good. 😊

After washing up and getting dressed again, we went for our 3km walkies with our friend and their dog. The weather was cold but fortunately also dry. Then I went onwards to the Lidl, as I'd not been able to go on Monday, as I usually do. When I got back I fixed some food and then got to the treadmill. I walked slowly for an hour. It felt very long and I was bummed I could not go a bit faster. But again I had to remind myself that it was a 60% kinda day the way my muscles felt, so I had to relax.

On my way back from the Lidl a dear friend called me and we had a nice chat as I was going about my groceries. Ow after that I took them to the voting area across the street as I felt I should vote for the House of Representatives this time around.
They were still chatting with me when I started my treadmill walk, after I had some food. My food was crunchy so I apologized for my eating sounds often πŸ˜‚.
After a bit we said goodbye and I was almost done with the treadmill walk then. So that had been nice. Some Downton till my hour was up.

I walked Arwen and got stuff ready for some coop gaming with a dear friend later on. Unfortunately they had some issues with their account and we had to play another game. Not that bad, it was still fun! Just not what we'd both been aiming for. 😊 I started yawning and kept it going throughout the game! I guess I must have yawned their ears off!!

That always happens when it's in the afternoon and I sit down to relax. My body goes into a "you're not moving so let's yawn because you already did a lot" mode and it's kinda annoying. I hate yawning all the time, especially when I'm at a voice chat and trying to play a game...

Around 4 we closed up the game and before saying goodbye, my friend just vanished πŸ˜‚! Haha! I got a big sorry text about that. I just laughed and said it was OK. I got ready for bed with the usual bits that I do. When Arwen and I went out, of course it started to rain. Just some drizzle but still kinda annoying. My bed was nice and cozy when I slipped in and I don't think I had loads of time to read before I dozed off... 😴

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

OK, something silly just came to my mind... (be aware this happens quite frequently πŸ˜‚).

OK, so three things about me:

  1. I don't get that many meltdowns but when they happen, I'm the worst person on the world. I'll always feel sorry after but that never changes the things that happened during said meltdown.

  2. I am very stubborn and have super low self esteem. I struggle accepting compliments and I even struggle more with believing them, however often I hear them.

  3. I can be very obsessed about something at one point and really hyper focus on it. Then my obsession changes and my focus does as well. But often... It's a roulating system between several obsessions that I go through in phases (like my TV series).

Just something that popped up in my mind just now...

I was talking to a dear friend when I got those thoughts. And with their permission, I shared it here, as they thought it was about me anyway. 😊

I'll definitely have another "3 things about me" if I come up with some more things I'd like so share.

PixysJourney, to ai
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Sometimes something very nice happens.
You get to meet someone that you click with. That you have fun with. That's like a long-lost friend.
Thanks to Mastodon I've made a few very good new friends and I am super grateful for them and their support!
I recently have been gaming a bit with one of those friends and he gave me some jolly good laughs, which were greatly appreciated.
So while I was dabbling with some AI, while AI and I still don't really work together well, I did manage to get this image made.
So I thought I would share it. Instead of writing for my blog like I should be doing now haha! I'm too easily distracted for my own good...
OK back to writing on my WP site now.
Have a lovely day dears!

PixysJourney, to random
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Journal of a Dutch Pixy πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

TL;DR Arwen wanted to spend the night with me on my bed (she's my dog, FYI πŸ˜‰)

Last night, well at the end of the afternoon, Arwen and I had gone for walkies. Arwen sometimes walks to my bedroom and looks at the bed. But usually when I ask her if she wants to sleep there, she just heads to the living room. But this time, she put her head on the side. The bed is too high for her to jump these days, so I lifted her up. She immediately took over the whole bed πŸ˜‚!

I went to the living room to get my shoes off, grab Arwen's snacks and prepare everything for the next day (night). After a loo break, Arwen and I played the game of beds until I had a decent spot to sleep in. I quickly fell asleep with her beside me. It's been years since she really wanted to sleep with me like this and I almost feared that it might be her last night or something and she didn't want to be alone...

But every time I woke, she was there, snoring. Or pushing me out the bed πŸ˜‚. During loo breaks I asked her if she wanted off and she stayed put. But when my alarm woke me, she was ready to go off and get out for walkies.
Of course I had to dress and prepare her food and all that.

But we had a good night together. I did have some weird dreams about exes, but every time I woke I stroked Arwen's fur and quickly was able to fall asleep again.

Arwen laying on my bed, ready to snuggle up for the night.

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