eLife, to Neuroscience

Researchers uncover the #neuronal circuits that let fruit fly larvae control their speed and think this mechanism could help us understand #locomotion in other limbed species. #neuroscience #drosophila https://elifesciences.org/articles/83328?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic


albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

"Neuromorphic sequence learning with an event camera on routes through vegetation" by Zhu et al. 2023 (Barbara Webb's lab) https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adg3679

Devises a robot that uses navigation algorithms inspired by ants, aiming at a low-power solution to spatial navigation through a leafy, highly self-similar yet unstable environment, guided by a measure of familiarity. And with event-based cameras which far more faithfully model biological vision and which facilitates object separation and spatio-temporal tracking in the visual field.

Very interestingly, models axo-axonic synaptic connections in the circuits for learning – as observed in the learning and memory centres (mushroom bodies) of (Eichler, Li, Litwin-Kumar et al. 2017 https://www.nature.com/articles/nature23455) and which amount to about ~25% of all synapses in the larval fruit fly brain (Winding, Pedigo, et al. 2023 https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.add9330).

Fig. 3. Mushroom body SNN (MBSNN) encodes spatiotemporal memory as KC-KC inhibition. (A and B) Event stream input from the camera is firstly down-sampled in both spatial and temporal resolution. Down-sampled megapixels one-to-one map to the PNs in the MB network. (C) MB network structure. Eight hundred and forty PNs make sparse random connections to 4000 KCs, which converge on a single MBON. (D) Modified STDP learning rule for KC-KC inhibition. (E) Example of a KC spiking sequence and how the weights are updated to learn this sequence pattern based on STDP. The nearer in time (within 50 ms) the KC pair fires together, the stronger the inhibitory connection from the first to the second in the firing sequence will become. Learned inhibitory weights will also be weakened if the pre- and postsynaptic neurons fire in reversed order. After learning, when the same visual flow occurs, the KC firing sequence will be the same. Excitation from KCs to MBON will be shut down because of the inhibition generated precisely for this sequence. The MBON output can thus be interpreted as the (un)familiarity between current visual flow and stored memories.

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Open position for a PhD student in the lab of Michael Winding at #TheCrick in London, UK.

The project:

"The role of autism-related genes in brain wiring and social behaviour"

Apply by October 5th.


#neuroscience #DevBio #connectomics #Drosophila

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

"Actually, we will read your thesis" by Neel Krishnaswami https://semantic-domain.blogspot.com/2023/09/actually-we-will-read-your-thesis.html

"whenever I find a paper I don't understand, I start looking for the PhD thesis based on it. Nine times out of ten, the thesis is vastly more understandable: "obvious" lemmas will have explicit proofs, algorithms will have detailed pseudocode, and the right intuitions and perspectives to take about the topic will be spelled out."

Can relate. A colleague of mine, Stefan Pulver, once mentioned to me the "strategic reserve of Michael Bate's lab PhD student theses" as something of wonder – he was a postdoc in that lab. Huge amounts of data not deemed splashy enough for publication but full of details and caveats and protocols for studies of #Drosophila larvae #neuroscience.

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Prof. Karla Kaun and her lab review "Drosophila Reward Circuits" https://oxfordre.com/neuroscience/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264086.001.0001/acrefore-9780190264086-e-495

Reviews both the adult and larval Drosophila brain circuits for feeding, sugar sensing, and associative memory, including the roles of neuromodulators and neuropeptides.

#neuroscience #Drosophila #dopamine #LearningAndMemory

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Open postdoc position at Paris-Saclay Neuroscience Institute, in Prof. Claire Eachbach's lab. Learn all about learning and memory in #Drosophila from one of the most knowledgeable and rigorous neuroscientists in the learning field, and who also has impressive statistical chops.
Start date January 2024, for two years.
#neuroscience #postdoc

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Fruit fly neuroscience is on fire. Earlier in the year we saw this:

"Hierarchical architecture of dopaminergic circuits enables second-order conditioning in Drosophila" by Yamada et al. 2023 (Aso's group) https://elifesciences.org/articles/79042

"The Drosophila mushroom body comprises a series of dopaminergic compartments, each of which exhibits distinct memory dynamics. We find that a slow and stable memory compartment can serve as an effective ‘teacher’ by instructing other faster and transient memory compartments via a single key interneuron", SMP108.

In larval brain parlance, neuron SMP108 is an FB2N: a second-order feedback neuron, meaning, it is the second hop of the 2-hop polysynaptic pathway from MBONs to DANs. See Eschbach et al. 2020 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-0607-9

#Drosophila #neuroscience

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

And now, Aso and Hige just published this:

"Neural circuit mechanisms for transforming learned olfactory valences into wind-oriented movement" by Aso and Hige and collaborators, 2023 https://elifesciences.org/articles/85756

"we identified a cluster of neurons postsynaptic to the mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) that can trigger robust upwind steering. These UpWind Neurons (UpWiNs) integrate inhibitory and excitatory synaptic inputs from MBONs of appetitive and aversive memory compartments, respectively."

These are, again in larval parlance, convergence neurons (CNs), and this neuron type integrate not only inputs from opposing compartments of the mushroom body, but also inputs from innate pathways (via lateral horn) of opposing valences, as shown in Eschbach et al. 2021 https://elifesciences.org/articles/62567 These CNs where also described by Dolan et al. 2018 (Jefferis lab) in the adult fly https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30244885/

(Claire Eschbach had the data in 2016 already, but it took 5 years to publish: child bearing, lab move to the UK, pandemic, and a relentless drive for rigorous data. She is extraordinary; now runs a lab at the Institut des Neurosciences Paris‑Saclay.)

#Drosophila #neuroscience

MarinManuel, to Neuroscience

Q for my fellow neuroscience peeps. Is there a way to stabilize the expression of cre if its under the control of a promoter that is active only transiently during development?

Is it possible to cross a cre line with a cre-dependent cre-expressing reporter mouse so that cre become permanently expressed in the population of interest, and amenable for e.g. virus injection in the adult?

Are there tried and true solutions?

#AAV #cre #MouseModels #neuroscience

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar


Such a technique is called immortalisation of an expression pattern, and is common in #Drosophila. Surely it's possible with mouse Cre lines as well?

Perhaps @Koenv knows.

#genetics #neuroscience

kofanchen, to random
@kofanchen@drosophila.social avatar

A exciting preprint sorting out connectivity in #drosophila clock network + looking for a #postdoc to join @zandawala lab at the clock community at Wuerzburg!

zandawala, to Neuroscience

Really excited to share the lab's first Drosophila paper and it's a big one. Check out our preprint https://shorturl.at/gqrvO where we present the complete neural connectome of an animal circadian clock . 🧵 (1/8) #Drosophila #neuroscience #connectome


debivort, to random

Hi #Drosophila folks — Have you tried the new cryopreservation method? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22694-z

We did — and it worked with low efficiency! But we accidentally stumbled into a methodological tweak that may improve survival to ~40%!

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@kofanchen @debivort

Savings would be spectacular indeed, particularly in time (and salaries) to maintain large collections of #Drosophila lines.

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@PessoaBrain @cogneurophys

In ##Drosophila, this is what we are working on. Understanding, in a limited but detailed fashion, what goes on within each brain region, and then, how all these come together to implement a joint multisensory transformation plus memory to drive behaviour. On the basis of the now known connectome, computational models, single cell-type genetic driver lines plus optophysiology, and automated behavioural experiments, it seems feasible.

@kofanchen@drosophila.social avatar

second to @albertcardona
we are traditionally more a reductionist since Benzer time, but that is not to say when the data show that cross neuropile communication Drosophilist woudl ignore it :)
a new paper reporting overall neural network activity just out:
again pushing the advance on this question by this small brain of #Drosophila

tsizzle_, to Neuroscience

After a brief hiatus from this place, I’m elated to announce WE HAVE A NEW PUB, Y’ALL 🔥🚨🔥🚨 !!!! 1/n https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41012-3

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

James W. Truman featured in the New Yorker. A warm, lovely piece on his career studying insect metamorphosis, from moths to flies and mosquitoes, and the role and impact of hormones on insect development and behaviour—motivated by his latest work mapping the fate of neurons from larva to adult through pupal stages, and addressing an old question: do associative memories persist through metamorphosis?


The paper:
“Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain” Truman et al. 2023 https://elifesciences.org/articles/80594

#neuroscience #entomology #metamorphosis #insects #ecdyzone #Drosophila #moths #mosquitoes #NewYorker

schoppik, to random

Mubarak Syed kicking off the #pbsscb grounding us in the land and the history and the rich diversity of the Pueblo of Sandia. https://www.pueblobrainscience.org absolutely tremendous outreach efforts bringing in and supporting tomorrow’s scientists.


Jim Truman leads with #metamorphosis of the #Drosophila mushroom body (a locus of memory). He's walking us through a most beautiful piece of work. Special shout-out to the foresight it took to begin this work before there was a #connectome available so as to inform ongoing work.

tl;dr the molecular events that shape larval development can fade, allowing trans-differentiation of neurons (a shift from one brain area to another).

Shout-outs to @scottishwaddell



"Lineage-based dissection of neural circuit formation and behavior" new PI Haluk Lacin from #UMKC.
The talk starts off with a pretty compelling point: #Drosophila can do a heck of a lot of things if you remove their heads!

...so it's really motivating to think about how you build a ventral nerve cord (the fly equivalent of the vertebrate spinal cord). There are developmentally-specified populations of neurons that flies need to escape from looming stimuli (like a swatter).



Here comes Josie Clowney from UMich on
"Hacking brain devleopment to test models of sensory coding"

Bringing us back to the body with an open question: how do the programs that specify neuronal fate produce cells with particular computational structures (patterns of inputs). This is important b/c different numbers of neurons and numbers of inputs ultimately determine how neurons work.

relevant : @biorxivpreprint https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.25.525425v1

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar


Cool finding. The seven-up gene has been known to the #Drosophila neuro-developmental biology field for quite some time. Here is an early paper from 1990:

“The Drosophila seven-up gene, a member of the steroid receptor gene superfamily, controls photoreceptor cell fates” by Mlodzik et al. 1990 (Gerry Rubin’s lab)

Orchestrating cell fate in the nervous system seems to be a conserved role of seven-up wherever it pops up.

#neuroscience #DevBio

kofanchen, to random
@kofanchen@drosophila.social avatar

I was frantically searching for the effect of fly food on behaviour and came across Katrin's (@katvogt) ResearchGate comments reminding me this paper from Heisenberg lab in the 90s:
Describing an effect of #diet on visually guided learning in #drosophila
"Most important, poor nutrition causes complete amnesia within three or four generations. The reverse shift from poor to nutritious food restores learning ability with an even longer delay."

filled symbols (poor to rich food switch) showing gradual increase of learning index; open symbols (rich to poor food switch) showing dradual decline of learning index

albertcardona, to Neuroscience
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

"The insect compass system: From theory to circuitry" by Vilimelis et al. 2023 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.05.547838v2

Interesting insight on extra-genomic contributions to neural circuit architecture:

"we demonstrate that our predicted circuit can emerge naturally using Hebbian plasticity, which means the neural connectivity does not need to be explicitly encoded in the genetic program of the insect but rather can emerge during development."

And particularly:

"we now address another question: whether there might be a reason that insect head direction circuits typically have an eight-column architecture [...] powers of two are easier to generate with replication dynamics than other numbers, because they just require each cell to divide a set number of times."

"The circuits for N = 2 and N = 4 are degenerate – either producing a single dimensional encoding, or two disconnected circuits that do not enforce the required circular topology. N = 8 is the smallest power of two that could result in a non-degenerate circuit. This hints at the possibility that the eight-column architecture is not a chance evolutionary artefact, but rather that it is the genetically simplest circuit capable of performing heading integration."

albertcardona, to random
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

"Volume EM: a quiet revolution takes shape" – a review and commentary by Lucy Collinson et al. 2023 on present and future electron microscopy technology and its application https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-023-01861-8

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Following from Collinson's paper, here is my take on scaling up volume electron microscopy for connectomics in the #UK or any country willing to commit about 10 to 20 million a year:

"Growing and nurturing a research base in connectomics"

From the humble #Drosophila to the #mouse brain, passing through the mosquito, honeybee, gecko lizards and the Etruscan shrew.

It's possible, it's feasible, it's timely: therefore we must.

#neuroscience #connectomics #VolumeEM #vEM

@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar


The “brain” sells, the nerve cord pays the bills. Not in vain we started from the nerve cord with the #Drosophila larva: so that we could interpret the sensory first order network in light of the known stimuli, and mutatis mutandis with the nearby premotor circuits.

When we entered the brain, first order of business was sorting out inputs (antennal lobe, optic lobe) and outputs (descending neurons, command neurons). Only then we could go for the brain proper with any chance of making sense of it.

Hence the golden opportunity of working with the gecko: one can potentially include retina, cochlea and a good chunk of spinal cord.

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