theodewere avatar

oh yeah, lots of internal economic pressure on the CCP as their property market comes CRASHING down.. Emperor Xi the Eternal needs a big distraction quick.. and he needs to be a bully, so that people think he's strong.. and bullying Taiwan is so easy for him..

what a big, brave, clever Winnie the Pooh


Holy shit this thread is a good example of why Lemmy is quite far from mainstream still. The army form one instance is strong here, quite fascinating and amusing to read.


Yeah what the fuck is going on here? The can’t be legitimate users surely.

WhatDoYouMeanPodcast, avatar

Chinese air force aircrafts entered Chinese air space?

AssortedBiscuits, avatar

They blame the echo chambers and the lack of critical thinking while parroting propaganda, never hearing the others side arguments and calling china an Imperialist dictatorship, if you call their hypocrisy you are a bot, if you point at who is bombing under developed countries they just say there has always been war. The only good thing I see is that the USA is canibalizing itself with this behaviour.


Echo chamber is when you get bullied for imperialist talking points, lack of critical thinking is lack of pro-america/pro-NATO propaganda.


Looks quite clean

Mindfury, avatar

2d8 psychic damage


Liberals are Illithids.


Good lord; I can understand why someone might find Hexbear annoying, but that is much worse.


Mood music for the thread cat-vibing

Parsani, avatar
silent_water, avatar

I’m a big 'ol softy. the Internationale never fails to make me tear up. bloomer

Snowpix, avatar

Surprise surprise, Hexbear users came to brigade other instances exactly the way they said they would. Bad actors through and through.


You are brigading as well. This isn’t your instance

JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

To be fair, it’s not like there was any sort of coordination or plan. We’ve been complaining about how Lemmy’s current active algorithm tends to promote these sort of comment-intensive, days-long threads before federation, and now a chunk of the fediverse gets to experience the fun of a patented Hexbear struggle session. Hopefully the Lemmy devs can tune the algorithm to discourage this sort of thread getting stuck in active which thereby encourages protracted struggle.


What the fuck are you talking about this is at the top of /all/ and it’s about a socialist country, of course socialists are here.

Feel free to point to the “brigade” organisation that exists, it’s a figment of your imagination. Nobody is brigading anything by simply using the fucking site. Are you brigading by being here too then?


Keep pretending China is socialist.


Keep pretending it isn’t, lib.


You’re the only liberal here for kissing a capitalist nation’s ass.

TheLepidopterists, avatar

Hey, coward, explain how you can simultaneously believe that the Donbas is independent and that when Russian troops entered their territory at their request that constituted an invasion.

Explain or admit that you don’t consistently believe in self determination.


When did I say I’m against Russian troops entering Donbas territory? I made it very clear I’m against Russian troops entering anywhere BUT Donbas. Love how you guys claim to be anti-war until the millisecond a non-western nation is the one committing war crime atrocities and mass murdering civilians.

TheLepidopterists, avatar

Honestly I wouldn’t even much of a problem if they just invaded Donbas

How could they possibly invade the Donbas at all when they were invited?


Semantics. I didn’t mean “invade,” that was just the word that came in my head. You know damn well what I meant.

TheLepidopterists, avatar

It came into your head for a reason, liar. I guess going forward, nobody should assume that you mean what you say.


You’re just gonna ignore the fact I said and have been saying I supported it huh? Fucking Russia lovers with no understanding of nuance


if person.beliefs != NatoPropaganda:

person.status = RussiaLover



if person.beliefs != RussianPropaganda:

person.status = NATOLover


Im actually surprised that you could read the runes, interesting.

However I never said that you loved NATO lmao you just uncritically consume *and parrot their propaganda about Russia being le big evil in this situation.


Would you support America invading and drone striking the Middle East because separatists in a single province were being oppressed by their native government and wanted US help? How is this any different? Would you support Kazakhstan invading all of China for oppressing Uyghurs in Xinjiang who wanted to break away (which I know you love to deny but is very much a reality even if exaggerated by MSM)?


So lemmy get this straight, NATO going across a few oceans and continents to destroy a country of brown people in another white supremacist crusade for resources, as they do, is the same as…

A country filled with a certain ethnic group wanting to invade a region on their doorstep because NATO is fortifying it as a strongpoint to destroy it, and a bunch of Nazis are slaughtering civilians of the said same ethnic group within the said region?

Would you support Kazakhstan invading all of China for oppressing Uyghurs in Xinjiang

So basically exaggerated bullshit reports from MSM and Adrian Zenz of people being put in vocational schools is the same as Azov mass murdering innocent civilians?

TheLepidopterists, avatar

Are you suggesting that the majority of Uyghurs support ETIM. Furthermore, ARE you stating that you personally support the self determination of the ETIM movement?


I have no idea and it is obviously a hypothetical if they did.


I have no idea

Yeah that’s abundantly clear

TheLepidopterists, avatar

If I said that I supported people’s rights to sell marijuana and I didn’t even think they should get much jail time for it, people would rightly point out that I was lying about my support.

You stated that you supported self determination for people in the Donbas, and I didn’t ignore it at all, I’m saying that even within the same post you proved that you actually didn’t when you referred to their allies entering their territory as an invasion.

Again, I’m not ignoring anything, I just think you’re a liar and that you only started pretending to support the Donbas’s self determination because doing otherwise would undermine the point you were trying to make about Taiwan.


Ok keep trying to read between the lines and make presumptions about what I believe… typical dishonest liberal

TheLepidopterists, avatar

You’re literally mad at me for NOT reading between the lines and assuming you meant something other than what you said, asshole.


I’ve said I supported Donbas a thousand times genius you people just don’t understand nuance.


But you gotta acknowledge that calling Russia’s intervention an “invasion” is antithetical to supporting Donbas.


Still hung up on me using the wrong word huh?

TheLepidopterists, avatar

Yeah because it betrays your actual beliefs




Uncritically consuming the narrative pushed by western media is hella cringe.


Go back to hexbear.

TheLepidopterists, (edited ) avatar

You keep saying that you support it and then adding caveats that prove that you actually don’t.

“I support Tom’s claim that he owns this house and would only want brief jail time for Susan’s breaking and entering through the unlocked front door when he invited her over to help protect him from his neighbors Steve, who keeps shooting at him. That said, Susan went way too far when she also did a breaking and entering into Steve’s yard to attack him while he continued to shoot at Tom while shouting ‘That house is rightful Steve property and Tom the cockroach can scurry back to Susan’s house.’”

If someone said this, the only logical conclusion is that they actually fully support Steve and are lying about supporting Tom.


bro even wikipedia acknowledges china is socialist lmao




Socialist Market Economy is a socialist mode of production. :bean:


Right, and the sky is green too.

Adding the word “socialist” in front of “market economy” doesn’t make it any less capitalist. I’m done with this.


nuh uh because it means that the CPC has final say over shit with regards to the economy and governance instead of just leaving things up to the market like a true capitalist country


That’s called state capitalism wise guy.

duderium, (edited )

Cool then let’s have the CPC run the USA, I’m sure you’re okay with that since China is actually capitalist, right? It should totally be the same here if the CPC takes control, right? Right?


State capitalism is when you execute billionaires and enact compulsory planning for key parts of the nation’s development such as health and infrastructure.


No but state capitalism is when the majority of billionaires are allowed to exist in the first place dumbass. Tight regulations don’t make you socialist. And putting money into health and infrastructure is possible under capitalism LMFAO


All of the billionaires allowed to exist under your socialist project, so you’re not really in a position to judge.


majority of billionaires are allowed to exist in the first place dumbass

Socialism is a transitory stage between capitalism and communism where there is ongoing class warfare between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat my dude. In China, the state is on the side of the proletariat, not the bourgeois.

And putting money into health and infrastructure is possible under capitalism

And yet China is the only major power where the state has a tight grip on both… Interesting!


In China, the state is on the side of the proletariat, not the bourgeois

THEN BAN BILLIONAIRES AND STOP FOLLOWING DENG’S CAPITALISM JFC. Not that hard if they were actually socialist and aiming for communism.

wopazoo, avatar

Maybe say something of your own instead of linking a wall text. Does it look like I wanna read 5 pages of CCP propaganda?

wopazoo, avatar

Lol 5 pages 😂🫴📖


“Red Sails is a website run by Roderic Day in collaboration with Nia Frome, Sobrina de Alguien, and several other comrades.”

Inb4 “muh CCP paid shills!!!”

That would be going into the realm of conspiracy theories lmao


“[Capitalists] act as if they are being chased by a bear,” wrote Zhang Lin, a Beijing political commentator, in response to these comments. “They are powerless to control the bear, so they are competing to outrun each other to escape the animal.”



Not that hard if they were actually socialist

So why haven’t you done it yet?

Zodiark, avatar



The kingdom of your God is not socialist, it is a monarchy.


Keep pretending Catholicism has anything to do with socialism.

emizeko, avatar

brigading is when I get ratioed, and the more ratioed I am the more brigading it is


I’ve got 3 fucking years of practice posting nonsensical shit in megathreads and I’m just now starting to feel the power this has in threads like this one.


Learn how federation works, or better yet, go back to reddit.


Is it possible to block all users from an instance at once?


I could be wrong, but I don’t think there is at the moment.


Have you tried shutting your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and singing loudly


Haha good one!


Ty 😊


Fyi if someone comes across this - best approach on regular lemmy now seems to be to have account with an instance like which has defederated hexbear, lemmygrad, etc. Kbin and some frontend apps allow this as well.


Yes, by logging off.


Haha good one!


Is there a way to observe inter-instance comment/vote trafic with relation to a specific post or instance ?


No idea. Doesn’t really matter though, federation means that federated instances share the space.


If it didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be so much squabbling regarding defederation


What do you mean?


The federation isn’t actually a shared space. There’s no space between the instances. It’s all happening from one instance into another.

That’s why we’re seeing claims of brigadi ng in this thread. Regardless of if it’s true or not, As long as we don’t have the tools to observe this traffic at a whole and see the trends, those claim will persist because they remain unverifiable by the average commenter.


How is it brigading when this is one of the top threads on active when browsing hexbear? How is it brigading at all when we can see posts from other instances naturally, without having to jump between them? This isn’t reddit.

Kuori, avatar

this isn’t your home instance either shrug-outta-hecks why do you have a right to be here that others lack?

Gsus4, avatar

I thought they weren’t even federated with anybody…at least I can’t see their communities in the list.

Commiejones, avatar

Hexbear is federated to the instance where this was posted. You are a visitor in this thread. Hexbear users are also visitors here.

Gsus4, (edited ) avatar

Yes, I see now that you’ve recently federated with most instances. My instance is federated with, why don’t your communities show in the communities search? or e.g. if I specifically search for chapotraphouse it shows 0 subscribers. Are the servers still synchronizing?


I think the search only works once the communities are cached on your instance or something.

Gsus4, avatar

Ok, that makes sense, a few hours ago I couldn’t even find the communities, now I can see the posts in the communities I know the name of, but no comments yet. Well, it’s getting there, I guess :)

Commiejones, avatar

We were having some outages for a bit over at hexbear maybe that’s the issue?

Fissionami, avatar

The 0 subscribers you see is in terms of subscribers from your instance to that community. Not the actual subscribers the community has in the whole fediverse

Gsus4, avatar

Good remark, probably correct, but it’s not just that either, I go into the version of chapotraphouse from my instance and see no comments anywhere, but when I see the community from hexbear, the same post has 32 comments, still some syncing underway. That and I can still only find hexbear communities by their name and not with a “hexbear” search. I’ve tested this from two different instances that have not blocked hexbear.

QuietCupcake, avatar

I’ve noticed the same thing. A lot of comments on federated posts just do not show when viewed from another instance, but do show up when viewed from an account that is part of that instance the post was made from. It’s really annoying and I’m pretty sure it’s a common lemmy bug but most people just don’t realize it because most people never try viewing the same post with accounts on different instances because there shouldn’t be any need to.

It can be pretty drastic too. Like only 4 comments seen vs 40 comments actually being there. It makes me wonder what comments I’m not seeing on other instances and what comments of mine people on other instances aren’t seeing.

Fissionami, avatar

I guess then it would be great to open an issue describing the whole issue on the GitHub Lemmy repository. At the end of the day! It’s a FOSS software maintained by the people for the people.

QuietCupcake, avatar

Yeah, I might do that, but I think they’re already aware. I looked at some lemmy help communities back when I first noticed the issue during the reddit blackout, and there were a number of other people already talking about the problem. It was mostly people making their own instances because they were testing their newly-made instances with more established instances and realizing tons of comments were missing depending on which accounts they were logged into.

abc, avatar

Surprise surprise, yet another nerd who doesn’t understand how federation works.


Surprise surprise, libs arrogantly assuming they’re the default and pearl-clutching about being “brigaded” because they got exposed to ideas that don’t fit the narrative they’ve swallowed, exactly the way they always do. Vapid, self-centered actors through and through.


Millionaire journalists paid to lie and distort by billionaire executives told me that China is bad, therefore everyone on Earth believes this or they are insane. I am extremely intelligent.


lol shut the fuck up canuck

Snowpix, avatar

Can say the same to you, go outside and touch grass.


LMAO shut the actual fuck up canuck, thank god I’m not from your shithole country


I grew up in Canada, it’s pretty fucked up that I’ll be lumped in with people like this dumbass forever


Its alright man, people will quickly learn you’re one of the good ones.

postingmachine, (edited )

ill let you in on a secret. the posters at hexbear are all machines. they are posting machines hooked up to typing machines hooked up to internet machines hooked up to lib machines (you). you eat their post. they are making their shitposts immanent with your brain. they do not organize, or brigade, for they are a body without organs, pure potential posting energy that is being excreted in excess where desired. shifting in and out, de/ reterritorializing the posting space. the coils of the shit serpent are far more complex than the borrows of the molehill. welcome to the society of hexbear.




whatever you say dude, the post was on our feed


AlbigensianGhoul, avatar
aaaaaaadjsf, avatar


DoiDoi, avatar

damn this thread is still rockin’ huh


looks like shit


Most of the shit in this comment section is perched on a pair of swollen pig balls.


blame lemmy’s terrible Active algo. It’s a struggle session factory

JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

rat-salute-2 All/Active brigade: presenting for duty in the protracted people’s posting war. rat-salute

volcel_olive_oil, avatar

local/hot thanks you for your service maduro-salute


Lemmy merely thought they could adopt the darkness, but we were born in it, molded by it

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
silent_water, avatar

wdym it’s beautiful

aaaaaaadjsf, avatar

It will be for a few more days thanks to active sorting on the all page of most instances. Poor people lol.


WhyEssEff, avatar
Sasuke, avatar

400+ comments


ha ha yes

autismdragon, avatar

I was hesitant about federation at first but this is great.


Been telling y’all the past couple weeks lol

ThomasMuentzner, avatar



Ideology, avatar

What the fuck? Why are we endorsing fascist state capitalists?


They’re obviously not fascist, and you’d know that if you were being honest about it and bothered educating yourself both on what fascism is, and on the realities of the PRC.

Also, it’s not “state capitalism”. They do use a market economy in addition to a planned economy, as part of the overall socialist economic system. It’s not a binary either-or; using a market economy doesn’t mean it’s capitalism, and planned economy (intervention) doesn’t mean it’s socialism. They’re structural terms, and relate to purpose: capitalism’s purpose is to maximally extract profit and concentrate wealth; socialism’s purpose is to better the lives (materially and culturally) of its people. China, as a socialist system, takes advantage of the benefits that a market economy can offer (efficiency, competition, resource allocation, demand and pricing signals) but doesn’t use it to extract and concentrate wealth: instead, it uses the net benefits of the market economy to benefit the people. Similarly, a purely planned economy can be very stable and fair but is prone to stagnation and slow progress. By using both systems simultaneously, taking the relative advantages of each, China is able to benefit from efficiency and stability. There’s also no pure free market economy: every capitalist economy has degrees of government intervention (another name for planned economy), especially in times of crises.


Tell me this, does this supposed “socialist system” have workers owning the means of production? How are factory conditions again? Hell you can’t even particularly call them a social democracy, they don’t have complete universal healthcare like Europe yet, and they have less than half the paid leave! Socialist system with billionaires, LMFAO (I don’t care if the rules are stricter and they’re held more accountable, the fact they exist in the first place is pure capitalism).

And I’m calling them fascist because of how they treat political dissidents and minorities.


And I’m calling them fascist because of how they treat political dissidents and minorities.

“In my true socialist state, Qigong cults can operate with impunity as they scam people and push racist cosmological myths”

And for the second part you’re just drinking neoliberal koolaid published by the people who are the most prolific killers of racial others in human history.

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

Using words without thought to their meaning but only caring about the emotional impact.

Sir you’ve committed a holocaust.

YuccaMan, avatar

You’ve got nothing here dude, take the L. You’re clearly ignorant of what AES actually looks like historically, how it’s formed, how it responds to pressures and challenges. You’re just going by this vague, largely aesthetic conception of what socialism looks like, that you probably got from some youtuber that call themself a libertarian socialist or some other such incoherent shit, and you’re castigating a real socialist governmemt attempting to reckon with the real world because they haven’t waved a magic wand and enacted your asinine Disneyland version of socialism.




The CCP absolutely has the power to redistribute wealth from billionaires… except the CCP is full of rich oligarchs themselves that are only occasionally purged, so that’s not gonna happen.

emizeko, (edited ) avatar

Say something of your own instead of linking blatant propaganda sites. That’s like if I linked the US State Dept.

emizeko, avatar

Yeah ok keep eating Xi Jinping propaganda like flies on shit.

emizeko, avatar

And what makes you think I’ll click that?


You ever notice how America seems unable to meaningfully damage China’s economy?

This is because China’s economy is integral to everyone else’s. You can’t really hurt China without hurting yourself. Their annual trade volume is in the trillions of dollars.

China paid a price for this leverage. The price was allowing capitalists to operate within China. That is how you do business with the rest of the capitalist world.


Go back to hexbear.


In contrast to many others coming over from my instance, I’d say the outright “support” of the PRC is not really my thing, to say the least. My comrades won’t admit this directly, but a lot of that energy is indeed contrarian-posting for funsies, although several are genuine.

That said, it is incredibly important to carefully analyze the country as a socialist, because for a minute there they were successful in overthrowing capitalism (kinda what we all want)!

Many good and bad things have happened since then under the leadership of the Communist Party. We should carefully analyze these decisions, particularly after analyzing the historical context in which they occurred. We also need to critically evaluate our sources of information, since I hope that we can acknowledge that Western powers have a vested interest in seeing the continuation of the capitalist system. If most of your sources are in English, they will generally be heavily slanted against the anti-capitalist movements.

I think that your way of calling the country “fascist” exposes that your analysis is incomplete. The Chinese government is, in fact, flawed, but why? Fascism means something very specific, and the flaws in the PRC are not the same as what you see in 1930s Italy and Germany. The historical contexts, and economic structures under which they operate are very different.


Surely I would not endorse Catholicism. Because in Abrahamic religions it does not matter how they sugarcoat it, you are kinda being a ‘slave’ (with no better word to describe it) to your deity.

CredibleBattery, avatar


152 comments (58 new)


218 comments (66 new)


324 comments (106 new)



Its time to roll out the tanks

Fissionami, (edited ) avatar

490 now

cosecantphi, avatar

394 from the perspective of Hexbear. The pre-emptive defederation with Hexbear effectively splits big threads like this into two sections. At the top is the much higher activity Hexbear posting, and at the bottom is the lower activity posting where instead of substantive discussion, people who are in support of China just get downvoted to oblivion.

Ironically, Hexbear’s total removal of downvotes on their end confers an advantage here. Discussions and dunkings involving a lot of Hexbear users tend to rise to the top of threads sorted by hot because the lack of downvotes promotes actual discussion upon disagreement. This results in higher activity levels than those produced by the passive downvoting behavior typical of more reddit-like instances.

silent_water, avatar

can’t they still downvote us on their side?

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

I misunderstood the question

TheLepidopterists, avatar

I’m almost certain they can, I think they just lack the posting power of hexbear-shining

cosecantphi, avatar seems to be the only instance that would have been big enough to downvote us down the thread as viewed from other instances, but they defederated so we can’t see them and they can’t see us at all.

The rest that are federated don’t have the numbers to do this, especially when you consider a large chunk of them are lemmygrad users who are posting side by side with us. So overall our higher posting activity (that is partially a result of the lack of downvotes changing how we interact) results in Hexbear user heavy discussions rising to the top of threads even as viewed from other instances.

To see the whole structure, go over to or lemmygrad, find this thread there, then scroll. Toward the bottom you’ll find a sort of underworld in this thread of users downvoting lemmygrad users into oblivion.

silent_water, avatar

this is deeply funny. I wish they hadn’t defederated so we could ratio their downvotes through sheer posting volume.


600 comments! sicko-pig


Goddammit, I do NOT want us to be propping up a war in Ukraine and fighting an actual war with China.


I wonder if we’d drop Ukraine if WWIII was starting. On the one hand, it’s WWIII, on the other hand maybe Russia is still a likely enemy?


in what world would anyone side with the US over china and russia

TheLepidopterists, avatar

I’d expect US vassals like Canada, Japan and the EU to side with the US.


You could argue about vassel-ness, but yes, the whole Western block would, and many poor nations that lean that way as well, like Vietnam or Palau.

TheLepidopterists, avatar

You can argue about anything, but these countries are absolutely US vassals.


Vietnam has some beefs with China, but I think it’s a bit more up in the air than that which way they’d turn since it’d be a real existential threat to them to militarily oppose China like that (plus they do have some productive deals with China).


Vietnam would shoot themselves in the foot by going against China. Either with China or attempting neutrality if possible. No country in the world that boarders China, Chinese allies and traded with them that much would do anything against them


True, and I have no special insight into Vietnamese politics. In this scenario the US is also right there, though, and is stronger than China assuming no MAD.

Vietnam and Palau should be read as examples only.

emizeko, avatar

[laughs in hypersonic missile]

CanadaPlus, (edited )

That would be MAD. Unless they’re loaded with conventional warheads, in which case they’ll run out pretty early on because those missiles are expensive and the US has bottomless supplies to reply with.

emizeko, avatar

“the USA, where neoliberal capitalism has hollowed out the defense contractors so much they can’t produce anywhere near enough artillery shells, has bottomless supplies and can afford more aircraft carriers than China can afford hypersonic missiles, which the USA has not even been able to successfully test.”

pathetic cope


No, they just need to afford more missiles with a similar range. Aircraft carriers might prove to be the new battleships, but that’s not the whole US military.

emizeko, avatar

the force projection understander has logged on

silent_water, avatar

stronger than China

citations-needed US not looking so hot after pissing money down the drain in forever wars for 2 decades.


I assume NATO would officially swoop in and bomb the everliving fuck out of Russia’s fleet and fortified positions before diverting their attention elsewhere. Basically giving Ukraine a much easier path forward.


Oh yeah, they could just clean up Russia directly if war was starting anyway. I think you’re right.


The US is really only providing enough support to stall Russia and use up Ukrainian and Russian forces

The real question is the commitment of US allies that have already provided materiel support for Ukraine.

If it were WW3, the nukes would be flying and everyone in the northern hemisphere will be dead from famine in a year or two.


everyone in the northern hemisphere will be dead from famine in a year or two.

Don’t underestimate my will to grow and eat nothing but potatos. If I don’t die to bombs I’m making it through that shit.


The reduction in sun is an issue, but far worse are the -10 degree celsius temperature drops and the 50 percent less rain

But potatoes are life, so I could see it


That’s why you go for the potato. This fucker will grow under any conditions. I’m sure we could figure out a way to make up for some of the hours lost too, solar panels + battery + grow lights. Doesn’t need to run that much, just enough to make up the lost few hours. Maybe I should start investigating this now.


I don’t know where you are, but they’re guaranteed to not grow below freezing. You could use a greenhouse, but you better get building now because you’re going to need an acre or two per person.


An acre? I got 200 out of my 2x4 raised bed this year that I’ve been playing around with and like 170 last year. Why do you say two acres per person? Google tells me that you usually get 16-24 tonnes per acre.

Now, obviously yield will be down during this but I’m not expecting it to be that bad. Tents could be an option if temperatures do get bad it’s really not difficult to heat the tent we grow our palms in.

In all likelihood if the shit hits the fan I plan to organise a local group and we can commandeer the nearby golf course for land, while encouraging everyone to use what green space they have on top. Fuck allowing that land to go to waste in those conditions. This is all obviously assuming we don’t die in the nukes or radiation.


It’s been a while since I did the napkin math, but I thought that’s roughly what it came out to. How much time from seeding is that including? You need 2000 calories a day about, and there’s 365 days in a year, so that’s 730,000 calories per year.

PS Unless you’re near a missile silo, fallout is overhyped. Airbursts are the best way to damage light infrastructure and are pretty clean.


Nah you don’t need 2000 calories a day. You need that to be healthy. We’re talking about survival here.

The fastest way to destroy the enemy today is to cripple their economic centres. Every major city in the country will be a smoldering crate. And the ports will be turned into 2 smoldering craters. Every major town probably has at least one weapons factory somewhere. It’d reasonably only take 20-40 missiles to wipe most of this country off the face of the map. Hopefully you’re right about fallout.

Either way I think I’ll do ok if we survive the initial shit. Can’t say the same for everyone but with some effort I can also help local people get the same thing up and running. There’ll be no government left so we’ll be on our own.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

Nah you don’t need 2000 calories a day. You need that to be healthy. We’re talking about survival here.

You might be less sedentary too, though. That can double or triple if you’re trekking through arctic conditions. I don’t know, that’s what I plan with.

Either way I think I’ll do ok if we survive the initial shit. Can’t say the same for everyone but with some effort I can also help local people get the same thing up and running.

It’s not impossible, especially if you’re somewhere warm or in the other hemisphere. The people that survive the initial exchange will disproportionately be actual farmers, since they almost all are rural, and there’s less mouths to feed.

Where I live in Canada is kind of fucked. I either need to hoard a lot of grain afterwards or evacuate to somewhere else.

There’ll be no government left so we’ll be on our own.

I’m going to contradict you there too, I’m afraid. They’ll crawl back out or their bunkers and try calling the shots. Whether people listen is another question.

Potatoes have a bit less than 800 calories per kg, which then works out to about 900kg/year on a 2000 calorie diet. If you can get the yields you were talking about you’ll be fine on less than an acre, but they sound high to me. Growing some other stuff at the same time might be worth it for your sanity in a hard new world; staples don’t very all that much in productivity.


Yeah, “WWIII but no nukes yet” discussions are always a little bit iffy. Let’s try and keep a lid on things, guys.

It seems like the actual NATO doctrine is to try and dip back out of a full-scale war before things get radioactive, in the already bad scenario that it happens, and the conventional military is basically there to provide certainty that there’s no benefit to escalating that far in the first place.


I believe State is keen on Ukraine (and maybe both), but the Pentagon is against the war in Ukraine because they want to shore up efforts to contain China.

Kissinger and other realists are no doubt bashing their heads against desks because the masterstroke of the US foreign policy in the 60s and 70s was to support the Sino-Soviet split and ensure that China and Russia don’t ever find themselves with common goals.


Nobody wants to have to defend free and sovereign nations such as Ukraine and Taiwan from agressive expansionist foreign powers like China and Russia. But here we are.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Hexbear and Lemmygrad fellow dudes and dudettes ❣️ o7


trans comrade reporting for duty, time to make stalin look like a liberal tankie


Hey! You write those degoogle guides right? Thank you! They are very helpful.

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