@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day five
favourite performance

I know I'm not the only person to choose this. I've also debated, & asked daughter opinion. I have no overall favourite but this one, & why.

It was early on in my 2021 BTS watching. I now realise 2019 - 21 is less time to 21 - now, making it quite recent when I actually watched and went: Horses? What is going on? What is all this?

Then went & learnt about the God Dionysus. I've learnt so much from BTS.

Whole show here


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#armay day five part two

Also, I have so much to say. When I watched this again this afternoon, and then checked if Busan Run BTS/ Busan whole show was better... I thought in 2019 they were still quite young, they grew up so much in the pandemic and into Chapter Two. In 2019, creating this completely over the top, epic show, with everything but the kitchen sink, they probably had very different thoughts on the future ( as that recent Disney+ show demonstrated)

#BTS #MMA2019 #Dionysus

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

I also forgot to write in capitals

TAEHYUNG hair & outfit !!!!

#dionysus #MMA2019

Distracted by thinking about tomorrow's vast task....

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day six
Favourite Bangtan Bomb

We discussed this over dinner last night. Daughter says there are 800? I definitely hadn't watched them all. However, there's one I've watched several times - it's tricky..... Yoongi is cute in this, it's chaos, it makes me smile.

I should probably watch some different ones? Looking forward to finding some recommendations today...


@tikistitch@toot.community avatar


So gosh-darned cute and chaotic!!! 💜

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day seven
Favourite magazine shoot?

I've not been a fan long enough to have extensive knowledge of this. And I was going to "pass" when this image #Jimin #Weverse #Proof 2022 GOT STUCK IN MY HEAD so I'm sharing, going off to work, and might reread these interviews if it's quiet this morning


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Also, talking about magazines.... November 2022

#RM #pharrellwilliams

Where is this song ????? 😮

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

It was good to reread the Jimin 2022 Proof interview, and I'm on to RM now - when I suddenly remembered the Pharrell Williams thing. I'm such an impulsive person, I couldn't sit on a project that long, I'd be bored thinking of it after these 18 months since that interview.

Plus I got a playlist ready to drop that song into...


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

June 2022 and glittery #Suga was talking about a tour, although he was still in the process of making the album...

#magazine #interviews #BTS


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#armay day eight 🧵
Fave Run BTS episode

I just can't give the crown to one, not even to Good Boy Jimin. Plus I still haven't watched about 40 of them! Run BTS is an endless joy, again: would I have fallen in love with these seven without Run BTS? Honourable mentions to all the non Yoongi episodes we watched in spring 2021, timing our Tuesday lunches to 1pm to watch them live, with cardboard Yoongi, until I went back to work in May, when Butter was released.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day 9
Fav album

While everything before Proof was released before I found BTS, I'm definitely a fan of everything, even songs about being at school while I'm 50something.

However #DarkAndWild is an essential part of my #BTS journey. And I should, as a woman, hate this video #WarOfHormone but when I first found it & D&W & Danger, I watched is SO much to see Jimin ( it's Jimin again?) braces fall off his shoulder & baby JK be a bad boy etc


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

And also the Danger Mo Blue mix, literally blew me away - once again I was " this is a K-pop group?"

Then I read the translation of Hip Hop Phile....

So #darkandwild

Maybe they are the men I should have met when I was 22.... 😆 ( Instead at that age I met someone very unwild ( not husband))


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

I've got to pick fav solo project? #arMay

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#armay day 10
Fav solo project

No, I can't do it, it goes down to those three bias:

Indigo: is so beautiful, I listened to it every day of 2023, plus the concept of physical album was lovely, Rolling Hall concert is much watched.

Face: a complete laying bare of mind and soul from Jimin, shadow, ego & persona, black & white. And he did do many promotions for it - many wearing indigo...

layoVer: sad that Tae ditched his self penned works. But we got five MV & the secret solo pop up (1/2)

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#armay day 10 part two solo projects

Cont: layoVer: Tae in a bear costume, and also the picnic and more Korean shows than I could watch, a stack of retro photos including silly wigs. And just maybe those self penned songs will turn up one day.

So, again it's #RM #Jimin #V but I listen to the others too, but I could live without them, if I had to take 3 solo albums to a desert island.

#VeryLong #waffle #ends (2/2)

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

day 11

Fav BTS or ARMY meme

I'll pass on this one, as I don't have extensive meme knowledge.

If it involves Jimin falling off a chair, RM breaking something or V saying TaTa Mic while eating a slip of paper, please send it my way for smiles and chaos laughs, thanks

Looking forward to seeing what others share:

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day 12
Fav. Collaboration

I'm an old ( dope) person, when I was young collaborations were rare, now they are ALL OVER THE PLACE!! So there are way too many BTS related ones. But this sticks in my head as part of "Baby Army" days. When I first discovered this song & MV I played them over & over - I didn't know who Wale was but I thought it was cool that RM got to do this. All that little boy from a little town in SK stuff...

#Change : the lyrics!!!


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#armay day 13
Fav BT21 character

I don't have a fav really, they are all cute, and I loved my Tata slippers til they wore out. But there's a story behind me having RJ cushion.

I didn't find BT21 straight away, it was a few months before daughter explained it and we watched the videos, & she started collecting the characters. By Christmas 2021 she had all except RJ & Van, so I bought myself this cushion. The shop staff assumed it was a present, & I was too embarrassed to own up ( Cont)

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Cont day 13

My husband needed convincing it was a cushion, not a toy, and it was agreed it was a bedroom not a front room item! But every morning RJ gets put back on the bed from his night on The Abandoned Clothes Chair and I just try to remember to face the day with a positive attitude, however grim it may feel. Also having a cushion has been helpful on those nights recently when I've crashed into bed at 8.30pm with a book, when before there never was a cushion! :bts_rj:

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 14
Favourite fan creator

Another day I'll pass on - so many great people doing great things that pop up here and there - how great to have a creative community that doesn't appear to be at war with itself #united #equal #army

( I say this in relation to my local community where there are people who assume they are better than others, and cannot co-exist happily)

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 15

Favourite photocard(s)

Another day I'll pass. I just sort of leave my photocards in the album they came with, and wonder why they are more special than all the photos in the books, and am reminded of collecting the cards that used to come in boxes of tea. Except my parents drunk the tea, so there were lots of boxes, I wouldn't buy multiple albums to " collect a set" However all these bits are a reason to buy any SK album/ cd over a UK album/ cd :fingerheart_2:

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Also football sticker albums. The curse of my children's childhoods #swaps

I think there are a box of Pokémon cards somewhere in our house as well

#collecting #cards

Now remembering when the school banned beyblades and tamagotchi and the day I had to look after daughters tamagotchi for her, and all the other things you just had to buy and collect...

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 16
Fav lyrics

There are masses of great lyrics, which is why I kept falling down rabbit hole. So obviously the ultimate lyrics are

(No, no) Tell me your every story
Tell me why you don't stop this?
Tell me why you still walkin'? Walkin' with us
Yeah, we got to heaven

Again a song & video I found fairly late on and then binged on for a few days, them sitting round the campfire is my laptop home screen


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 17
Fav things about Jin

That he has fully embraced a career he didn't set out to do.

That that career has developed a love of food & drink and I'm expecting more Traditional Alcohol promotion from him.

And possibly gamer Jin, as a future, there is no way I would let anyone film me engrossed in an activity to the extent of Jin gaming.

Finally, hitting those high notes, while preparing crazy treats for ARMY.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 18
Fav things about Namjoon


( Monster of Rap, God of Destruction, Dimples, Laugh, Art, Music, Books, Plants, Trees, Self Doubt, Determination, Non stop creative output, Leadership, Jimin's Idol)

Colour photo of Namjoon in casual t-shirt ( long sleeves, says New York,) and jeans sitting on a flat bench in front of a wall of art. His hands are in his lap, his face is soft, not quite a smile.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Aah! Mini & Moni Music !!!!!!! Day 18 part two 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 19

Fav things about Yoongi

Just Yoongi being himself.

And of course creating this, and much more

Also: least likely person to be in a "K-pop group" when I thought I knew what a K-pop group was

And Suchwita ( partly aiding Traditional Korean Alcohol?)


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 20
Fav things about Hoseok

Like Jin, he has fully thrown himself into his career, from street dancer to becoming a rapper/ writing/ performing/ having a solo gig/ TV show/ multiple solo pieces.

He supported the other members during their solo recordings, with visits & food ( until he enlisted).

His visual style is - Top - yes he obviously loves shopping + looking good/ cool but his individual concepts are also amazing, the only photo folio I purchased because of ⬇️

His laugh.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

A sub note - the visuals included how he managed his Instagram account!

( Day 20 part 2)!

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

I'm so bad about containing my thoughts to a short piece

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

But expect briefness on next two days....

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Side note fav things - I think I am trying to say, there are young people who strive through special courses to be "a star" and none of BTS were these people for this job as an idol. I think one of the first shocking things I read as "baby army" was how they all got together, at that stage with slightly different thoughts in their heads to how their future was. People here (UK) dissed "dorms/ trainee" as factories, but BTS arrived with a variety of different skill sets

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

But because they have achieved so much, by being unique, they now inspire young people to be that idol?

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

How many little boys in 1960s Britain picked up a guitar because of The Beatles....

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 21

Fav THINGS about JIMIN ( part one)


This video popped up the other day, and I thought I'd save it for today. It's not special about JIMIN, it's mostly about trousers.

For fun


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Day 21

Jimin part two

Also it's 3 years since Butter and this popped up on Twitter

If you don't want to click to Twitter, it's Jimin Butter Hotter remix hair & sassy moves


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 22

Fav things about Taehyung


No apologies for sharing this video again, although I nearly thought of his section midway DNA - so number one thing is voice ( above beauty & quirkiness) Blessed this boy was accepted into a 'hip hop group' and his voice found its way to me 💜


@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

I'd already got Singularity on my Spotify May Challenge playlist #arMay so for today I've added Pied Piper as it was playing while I wrote.

" I came to rescue you, I came to ruin you"



@Tae156@borahae.love avatar


I suddenly recalled this ⬇️

So it will revise my everything for Taehyung as this is one of several niggly moments he's had, although I completely understand it's part of his character & being human.

So I like everything except his stubborn-ness in an argument ( this also showed in Jinny's Kitchen, so it is just him, not BTS)


@tikistitch@toot.community avatar


RM is best leader. 💜

There is no way I can understand what it must be like to be so young and have so much pressure and responsibility thrust on you. But I will say, V seems like he gets a bit moody sometimes.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Whereas Sassy Jimin is fine.

Tae needs more sas to his strops.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

Ok jungkookie

#arMay Day 23
Fav things about Jungkook

I don't know why, but even now he's grown up, JK is like a baby to me, I just like Mum stuff about him. Sorry JK, I know that's not what you want!

Smile, smile with eyes, eyes, totally Cooky- bunny- ness, so he throws himself into things with enthusiasm - after thinking carefully about them. I think he thinks a lot. His art. The songs he has written himself.

I think he has a lot more to give as he grows up even more.

@asya@federatedfandom.net avatar

@Tae156 i feel i am at an age at which i have full rights to mom him indefinitely--deal with it jk 🤭

@purplecoww@apobangpo.space avatar

@asya @Tae156 jk reminds me a lot of one of my youngest cousins (who is also annoyingly good at everything, but in a super charming way) -- he may have an actual phd now, but he will always be the baby of the family, and we tease him accordingly (with luv)

@tikistitch@toot.community avatar

@purplecoww @asya @Tae156

I think it's super cute I've heard the other soldiers call him "Jungkook hyung." Can't wait to see what he's like when he's out of the service! 💜

@asya@federatedfandom.net avatar

@tikistitch @purplecoww @Tae156 oh my god that is adorable

@tikistitch@toot.community avatar

@asya @purplecoww @Tae156

As in, "Jungkook hyung can do it!" Because of course he can, he is JK. 💜

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

@tikistitch @asya @purplecoww I feel all the time he bounces around like a rabbit, he'll retain baby image in my head. I mean, there are elderly comedians who carry on as if they were still 12?

@tikistitch@toot.community avatar

@Tae156 @asya @purplecoww

Agreed, he'll always be our baby bunny! 💜 💜 💜

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 24

Fav member dynamics

There are so many. But number one is anyone who is with this guy, because he has a different dynamic with each of the other 6.

Also 2seok is fun ( and coming soon) and of course the legend that is Sope.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 25

Fav fashion style or look

Airport fashion

And many more

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 26

Fav hair colour (s)

When we first found BTS I found the hair dye thing funny.


  1. Already discussed rainbow Jimin for Butter
  2. It was nice recently when they all had natural hair colour & longer styles
  3. But the day I saw deeply brightly blue Taehyung when searching around on eBay I was 😍 but the photocard was way more money than I'd spend for a photo of Not My Child
  4. In 1980 when I tried to put blue food dye on my hair for school disco it didn't look like this
@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay Day 27
Fav memory related to Army

Not actually a proper answer: when daughter found BTS I didn't know their ages, and was surprised they were all older than her ( she is 2000, so I'm not sure how I see JK as baby... ) but I assumed ALL their fans would be young. Although obviously if you'd found them in 2013 you wouldn't be young by 2021. But the day I found older ARMY on twitter, and then later on Facebook, was a bit of a relief. I think actually she found Mums on Twitter for me!

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay I suspect I might answer the last four questions in a similar non correct way.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day 28
Dream concert set list

They can do whatever they want, as long as they have now put Butter & PTD in the bin because we are Out Of Love with them.

But Tae has to do Haegeum, therefore Jimin has to do Groin, Jin can do On The Street I guess, JK can just sit and smile adoringly at them all while cooking some military food. So I'm guessing my dream set list is actually rap based with 134340 at end. Just I didn't realise it til then.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar

#arMay day 29

Dream come back concept


Shall I let them do what they want again? I guess whatever they feel happy with after 18 months in camouflage. Jin probably has some pyjamas ready to live in til j-hope comes back.

@Tae156@borahae.love avatar


P.S. on concert. I get a ticket, no hassle, no online queue nonsense, I just get sent a Golden ticket in the post, I'm taken there in a limo, and I get to sit down.

@pixiecata@apobangpo.space avatar

@Tae156 That's my dream.

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