derthomas, avatar

Alright folks, it is time for a new #Metaljourney

The band I'm gonna chose might be a bit of a surprise for it will be Metallica.
Yes, #Metallica.

Why? Of course I know a lot of their songs but I never did a full listen of any album apart from MoP, Death Magnetic, Hardwired and most recently 72 Seasons.

It is time to change this, so buckle up and hit the lights 🤘

#Nowplaying Metallica - Hit the Lights

derthomas, avatar

For any new followers: I'll do a chronological run of all regular studio albums, so I'll skip EPs, compilations, live recordings and Lulu.

By the end of this run, I'd like to do my personal ranking of all metallica albums.

Brace yourselves for some controversial opinions 😬

#Metallica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

First four are all killer no filler and there is no doubt that #KillEmAll is the best debut album of any of the #big4, and that's coming from an Anthraxhead.

I guess "(Anesthesia) – Pulling Teeth" is a bit of a filler. Maybe they put it there so that listeners would get a short break?

Anyhow, next is #Whiplash and the tempo is up again 🤘

#Metallica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

First record done on my #Metallica #Metaljourney.

I knew most of the songs on #KillEmAll already, but I didn't really have Motorbreath and Jump In The Fire on my radar so yet. Both bang hard 🤘

You can tell that this album is prototype thrash, it still sounds very speedy (similar to Fistful of Metal).

Rankingwise, I don't have to think twice: This one is a clear 4/5 in my book, wich means "great album".

Spoiler alert: you won't find a 5/5 album on this journey.

Next up: Ride The Lightning

derthomas, avatar

Album #2 on my #Metallica #Metaljourney is their 1984 release #RideTheLightning.

#FightFireWithFire relentlessly kicks off the album 🤘

derthomas, avatar

The title track - Ride The Lightning is - at least in sections - a tad bit slower paced compared to everything I've heard so far in this .

It's still aggressive and fast, but a bit more matured.

For Whom The Bell Tolls takes the foot of the pedal even more. But that doesn't matter as it's a great fu👑 song, probably in my Metallica top 5.

derthomas, avatar

And here's the first ballad, .

This is a weird song for me, because I love the instrumental parts and the riffing, but I don't really like the vocal parts 🤷‍♂️

Both Trapped Under Thin Ice and Escape are mit-tempo numbers. I only count 2 thrash songs so far...

derthomas, avatar

While #TheCallOfKtulu closes #RideTheLightning I'm asking myself which one would I pick if I could only pick one:
Kill 'Em All or RtL?

It would be the latter. What would you pick?

Ratingwise I have a bit of a problem here, because I like it better than Kill 'Em All, but I also would rate Ride The Lightning 4/5

Nah, you know what, Ktulu just convinced me to give it a 4,5 out of 5, which means:

It's a masterpiece ⚡

#Metallica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Before starting with this #Metaljourney, #MasterOfPuppets was by far my favourite #Metallica album.

I doubt that this will change during this journey, but who knows.

Now, let's listen what the Master has to say:

Battereey! BA-TE-REY!

What a great song 🤘

#Nowplaying Metallica - Battery

derthomas, avatar

Service announcement: I'll tag this #Metaljourney with #Metallicajourney from now on, so you can filter it out if I'm annoying you with my top notch expertise. 😜

Master Of Puppets is the best #Metallica song by the way. You can call me a poser if you will.

My top 5 Metallica songs (until now):

  1. Master
  2. Battery
  3. Bell
  4. Lights
  5. Lightning

ETA: #ControversialOpinion

derthomas, avatar

Disposable Heroes might be the most underrated song on #MasterOfPuppets, but it's a crucial piece on the album, as it picks up the tempo again after some slower numbers.

This is what I miss on #72Seasons BTW.

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Disposable Heroes

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

While Damage, Inc. closes this fantastic album, it is time for a verdict.

is a masterpiece, a 4,5 out of 5 on my scale.

Now, is MoP the best thrash album of all time? I don't think so, because there's not enough thrash on it to claim this spot.

: Anthrax' Among The Living is a better thrash album while being a slightly worse album overall.

ETA: my ranking so far:

  1. MoP 4,5/5
  2. Lightning 4,5/5
  3. KEA 4/5
derthomas, avatar

#Blackened kicks of an album without a bassline. Well, at least it sounds like that.

Nevertheless, ...And Justice For All is another praised album and marks the final one before the sellout ähm Black album.

...I apologise for this joke, I really couldn't care less about this discussion.

Anyhow, back to work:

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Blackened

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Ready for some controversial opinions?

The title track ...And Justice For All is too long and I don't really like One. 😬

#Nowplaying #Metallica - One

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Sorry to say, but The Shortest Straw and Harvester of Sorrow really bored me and I almost lost motivation to continue this album.

I remember that I gave it a spin some years ago and barely made it through, for the exact same reason.

I don't get why ...And Justice For all gets so much praise.

And The Frayed Ends doesn't change that.

is better. 😱

derthomas, avatar

Time for a verdict on ...And Justice For All while Dyers Eve brings the album to a close.

This album and I, we don't click.

To me, it is a record with at least some bangers, but overall not my cup of tea.
Now when I look at my rating system this is the definition of a 2/5.

That's the same rating #72Seasons got and honestly, if I had to choose, I'd pick the latter one.

My ranking so far:

  1. Master 4,5/5
  2. Lightning 4,5/5
  3. Kill 4/5
  4. Justice 2/5

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Enter Sandman, enter the territory of controversial.

Enter: #Metallica a.k.a The Black Album a.k.a. The Sellout

The year is 1991 and metalheads couldn't get over the fact that a band can change their style and become more mainstream. Also: short hair!!!! 😱

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Of course Enter Sandman, Sad But True, Holier Than Thou are absolute fantastic songs.

Probably my favourite on #TheBlackAlbum, though, is #TheUnforgiven.

Also: the 1992 movie The Unforgiven is also excellent, although it doesn't have to do anything with this #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

#Nowplaying #Metallica - The Unforgiven

derthomas, avatar

#Metallicajourney update:

I honestly thinkt that I've never heard "Don't Tread on Me" before, at least not consciously. But it's a smooth one and I like it.

But now it's time for "Through The Never" before nothing else matters.

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Through The Never


derthomas, avatar

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney update:

My Friend of Misery and The Struggle Within close another fantastic #Metallica album.

In terms of rating, I need to change also previous ratings. Because this one is a clear 4 out of 5 (great album), but I'd prefer it over Lightning.

"But there's not a single thrash metal song on it!". Well, there is no glam metal song on Cowboys From Hell either.

So here's my current ranking:

  1. Master 4,5/5
  2. Black 4/5
  3. Lightning 4/5
  4. Kill 3,5/5
  5. Justice 2/5
derthomas, avatar

While driving I got the chance to listen to 's . Released in 1996, this was another controversially received album.

This was my first full listen of the album, and while it started great it soon became long, looong, loooooong.

I like it's hard groovy bluesey rockmetal style, but, it's just so looooong. Thank god is on there.

Load get's 2/5.


  1. Master 4,5
  2. Black 4
  3. Lightning 4
  4. Kill 3
  5. Justice 2
  6. Load 2

derthomas, avatar

Gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire
🔥 🔥 🔥

Time to continue my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney with #Reload 🤘

Fuel is one of my favourite #Metallica songs, not just on this album, but overall.

Reload is the other Metallica record I never listened in its entirety, so let's see if the rest of the album is as strong and hard as Fuel.

derthomas, avatar

Song 2 is not Song 2 but "The Memory Remains".

I have huge respect for Marianne Faithfull, but her parts don't fit on this song, what a wasted opportunity. Looking at Lulu, #Metallica should'nt do collaborations.

Followed by a mid tempo Devli's Dance, the album soon lost grit.

But I know that "The Unforgiven II" will follow, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney update:

I don't know why, but I really like Carpe Diem Baby. It's a great hard rock song with a smooth vibe to it. It also made my head nod a bit.

In general, so far I like #Reload much bettern than #Load, but I'm only halfway through of course. Load started to bore me at this point (exception: Ronnie).

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Carpe Diem

derthomas, avatar

While the #Reload is fading out (and started to bore me a bit), I have an important question:

Shall I include Garage Inc. in my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney ?

Whiskey in the Jar and Turn the Page were the first songs I ever heard of #Metallica, so to me, it has significant relevance. On the other hand, it's a compilation 🤔

What do you think?

derthomas, avatar

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney verdict.

#Reload did entertain me better than Load, plus it almost has a thrash song on it. So I'm giving it a 2,5 out of 5 which means: Solid, won't listen to it again.

...well, apart from Fuel and Unforgiven II


  1. Master 4,5
  2. Black 4
  3. Lightning 4
  4. Kill 3
  5. Reload 2,5
  6. Justice 2
  7. Load 2
derthomas, avatar

Good morning folks! I am back with my .

I'll start the day with , but since it's not a regular studio album but a compilation of cover versions, I won't include it in my ranking.

I've never listened to this one in its entirety, but Whiskey In The Jar was the first song I ever knew, and for some years, I though it's an original song 😂

The songs I never listened to, which I look forward to the most, are the BÖC and Nick Cave covers.

derthomas, avatar
derthomas, avatar

Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tock

Yes we're in St. Anger.

I re-watched Some Kind Of Monster which covers the whole process of creating this album. Heavy stuff.

Personally, I like this album, however, the snare drums... also heavy stuff 😂

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Frantic

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

#StAnger might be #Metallica's most unconventional song.

This might be an #UnpoplarOpinion, but I think it's one of their strongest songs.

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

#Metallica's #StAnger gets 3,5 out of 5, I still like it a lot.

  1. Master 4,5
  2. Black 4
  3. Lightning 4
  4. Kill 3,5
  5. St. Anger 3,5
  6. Reload 2,5
  7. Justice 2
  8. Load 2

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

New week, next #Metallica album on my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

Up next is #DeathMagnetic which opens with "That Was Just Your Life" one of my favourite Metallica songs (prob. top 5).
Spoiler alert: also Death Magnetic is among my top 5 'tallica records.

#Nowplaying Metallica - That Was Just Your Life

derthomas, avatar

is also one hell of a song. 🤘

People who say that were only relevant pre 1990 either didn't listen to or have locked themselves out from something great by their own gatekeeping. 🤷‍♂️

Metallica - Cyanide

derthomas, avatar

Well, this one was honestly the most fun one to listen yet on my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney.

#DeathMagnetic never feels boring and although it is quite long, it never feels long.

It features some killer tracks and doesn't have any fillers. Even the 10 minute instrumental is 🔥

Only negative point: loudness wars.

DM is a great album, wich translates to 4/5 on my scale.

  1. Master 4,5
  2. DM 4
  3. Black 4
  4. Lightning 4
  5. Kill 3,5
  6. Anger 3,5
  7. Reload 2,5
  8. Justice 2
  9. Load 2
derthomas, avatar

Is mankind to self destruct? Sure looks like it.

The second to last album on my is again one I like a lot. It is "Hardwired ...To Self-Destruct".

Hardwired is the most straight forward thrasher they released since Battery. Or did I miss something?

- Hardwired

derthomas, avatar

Moth Into Flame is another great thrasher, also Atlas, Rise! is a nice track.
Now That We're Dead and Dream No More are rather fillers though.

Halo On Fire on the other hand is excellent, esp. after the tempo shift at the 6 minute mark.

#Nowplaying #Metallica - Halo On Fire

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

I am aware that #Metallica gets a lot of 💩 by metalheads, so out of curiosity I went to the depths of Metal-Archives and read the most negative review of #Hardwired, which I linked below.

Unfortunately I couldn't read past the paragraph where the user mentiones Lady Gaga in a negative way.

Dude, nobody 💩 s on #LadyGaga, she is incredible! She for sure is more metal than this reviewer will ever be.
Ask the Metal God himself.

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

After some fillers, we're now worshipping Murder One, a song which I really like (except for the solo).

But the closer of the album, Spit Out The Bone is something else. It takes the #3 spot on my list of favourite #Metallica songs, which

  1. Master
  2. That Was Just Your Life
  3. Spit Out The Bone
  4. Battery
  5. Bell Tolls
  6. Moth
  7. Seek
  8. Fuel
  9. St. Anger
  10. Sad But True
  11. Unforgiven I-III
  12. Whiplash

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

And while #SpitOutTheBone is blasting, time for a verdict on #HardwiredToSelfDestruct.

This is a difficult one, because it features really great bangers but also some rather flat songs...

I'd give it 3,5 out of 5, which means good album. But it's close to a 4.

  1. Master 4,5
  2. DM 4
  3. Black 4
  4. Lightning 4
  5. Hardwired 3,5
  6. Kill 3,5
  7. Anger 3,5
  8. Reload 2,5
  9. Justice 2
  10. Load 2

I guess that's a rather controversial list so far?

#Metallicajourney #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Mahlzeit! (as they greet each other in Austria around lunchtime)

The last stop on my is 's latest release,

I rated it 2/5 after my first round, so let's see if that changes.

Metallica - Sleepwalk My Life Away

derthomas, avatar

While the 11 minutes and 11 seconds long snoozefest Inamorata closes #72Seasons and thus my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney, it is time for a(nother) verdict on the album and a final ranking of all #Metallica albums.

Surprisingly, 72 Seasons was better the second round, and I'll upgrade it to a 3 (solid album, might listen to it again). One of the reasons: "Too Far Gone?" caught my attention this time, it's a really nice heavy metal track.

derthomas, avatar

With my ultimate ranking of all #Metallica albums, my #Metallicajourney #Metaljourney comes to an end. So here it is:

  1. Master Of Puppets: 4,5 out of 5
  2. Death Magnetic: 4
  3. Metallica: 4
  4. Ride The Lightning: 4
  5. Hardwired... To Self-Destruct: 3,5
  6. Kill 'Em All: 3,5
  7. St. Anger: 3,5
  8. 72 Seasons: 3
  9. Reload: 2,5
  10. ...And Justice For All: 2
  11. Load: 2

Let me know what you think! How does your ranking look like?

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