



Agroecology Map is an Open Platform that aims to assist in the mapping and exchange of experiences with the aim of bringing people together to strengthen and create new collaborative networks that enhance the sharing of real (and imaginary) experiences in Agroecology (Agroforestry Systems, Permaculture, Food Sovereignty and Others)🌱💚

#Agroecology #Agroecologia #Agroécologie #Agrarökologie #Permaculture #Permaculture avatar


🌈💚 Editorial Guild at Permaculture Design Magazine / Teacher-Designer #Agroecology #EarthRepair🌎
Born@312ppm CO2 (1952, organic garden farmer since 1975)
#TerraformEarth1st (w/ human-scale #earthworks, #water catchment, #restoration
#Homestead 10 A of partly forested sand in MI with my co-conspirator of 25 yrs, Peter Bane, (prev. #editor / #publisher of #Permaculture Activist, now Pc Design Mag, author Pc Handbook)
Be Fruitful & Mulch Apply avatar


Stirchley, Birmingham UK. Member of Keeper of rabbits. Middle-aged autistic diagnosis. Very interested in composting.


#Author (#NonFiction #Gothic #Horror #Fantasy). Anthology Editor. #Writing Coach.
Rescuer & Trainer of #Cats. #Permaculture Gardener in #Bulgaria. avatar


ritual handwork tattooer & multimedia artist curating transcendent experiences

site in progress:

creating a sanctuary in the desert #RanchoDeLaLibertad

desert inkwitch, practicing magick in blood and bones
attempting to exist tangential to social reality (and mostly failing)

books closed for all but referrals

#InkWitch #LandWorship #Siin #SacredTattoo #InkWork


5 MAY 2024…
The first Sunday in May (or thereabouts) …a day of celebration showcasing #permaculture around the world.

Open homes, gardens and farms, films, community gardens, educational workshops, permablitzes (garden makeovers) and more. It’s an opportunity to experience permaculture and meet its practitioners.

Now in its 14th year, #InternationalPermacultureDay has expanded beyond its Australian homeland to become a global day of permaculture celebrated in over 35 countries. avatar


Weirdo, computer nerd, aspiring ecosystem co-creator, I've lead a strange and unlikely life. I dropped out of high school and was homeless for several years. During that time I learned Reiki, and how to operate and program Linux computers. I decided to get a job as a programmer, so I created a project and presented it at CodeCon 2004. That led to a career as a computer programmer. I'm now semi-retired and I've turned my attention to my other passion: gardening and ecology.



Out somewhere on a ridge in 🇨🇷. Walter wrangler. Former Creative Director/Copywriter turned sustainability wonk turned food grower. Pretty damn good cook. Fluent in Spanglish. 💜 historical fiction. Super-fan of K-Drama. I fold my pizza. Borahae my OT7 Army! 🫰🏼
Been there. Seen it. Climbed that.

No bio. No follow.

#DopeOldPeople #BTS #BTSArmy #KDrama #Permaculture #Sustainability #DIY #RenewableEnergy #Sewing #Foodie #Borahae #DogsofMastodon #MastoDogs #CostaRica 🇨🇷 #PuraVida #NoBridge avatar


Oregon #healthcare worker hoping to retire in a few years to my #permaculture farm. avatar


esoteric thinker, egg chair philosopher, permaculture advocate, pattern literate human being. The clock is ticking for all life on this planet. we need change. landscape designer.

Fair Warning: Very little of my descriptive content will have CWs. I will put sensitive media blocks on any photos or vids though. avatar


Association les Sheds
2A rue d'Illzach
68260 Kingersheim

Située à #Kingersheim, commune limitrophe de #Mulhouse (68), le bâtiment des Sheds est l'un des derniers vestiges de l'ancienne usine Tival réhabilité depuis fin 2014 pour y accueillir les activités de notre association.

Un "tiers lieu" non élitiste de soutien à l'agriculture locale et à la bio-diversité. Spectacles, resto, bistrot, épicerie, potager pédagogique, discussions et bonne-humeur !

#TransitionÉcologique #AgricultureLocale


Live my life up to the full! Ich liebe das #Leben und teile gerne #Informationen über #Reisen, #Essen & #Wein in der Welt! I follow back! avatar


:hl0dwig: geek à temps plein lvl 37
🏳️‍🌈 partenaire d'un rouquin
🌱 défenseur de la nature
📸 chasseur de photons
🐶 maître d'un loulou
🏋️‍♂️ sportif pratiquant
👨‍🌾 apprenti fermier
☕️ buveur de café
📚 lecteur de SF

🚮 historique limité à 2 mois
💡 interagis :boost_requested: ⭐ avant de me suivre
⚠️ messages directs limités aux mutus

❌ .social ; .online ; piaille ; mamot ; et les instances type GAFAM & co sont bloquées avatar


Lead UX designer depuis le dernier millénaire et bien d'autres choses.
#UX #photo #apiculture #permaculture #design
Mes pouets sont supprimés au bout de 15 jours (sauf ceux avec des photos ou épinglés) avatar


Python dev / DevOps wannabe / Homelabber / self-host everything / Astrophotography / Gardening / Permaculture / BOINC / Degrowth / Fan of Late Night Linux Family podcasts avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange


I live on a volcano; on purpose. 🌈
They/Them/She-Shaped Queer Person 🏳️‍🌈
#blm ✊🏽 #acab #offgrid ♻️ #feral #jungle #witch #rewilding #solarpunk 🌴 #permaculture #anarchist 🖤 🏴 #cooking 🤤 #omnivore #shitposting 🤪 #cptsd #survivor #abuse #junglelife #hawaii #homestead
#SafeSpace #Sanctuary


Agenda participatif des luttes et mouvements sociaux franciliens


🏴 Regenerative farmer

Producing vegetables, eggs and grain-to-bottle beer.

Running #RegenAg / #RegenerativeAgriculture instance at If you're a #Regen practicioner, come join!


Ret'd Engineer, #SME Small Business Owner, #Permaculture Mentor & #PermacultureTeacher, Climate Action, Climate 4 Change conversations & Carbon Literacy Facilitator

Born @ 314.8 ppm, 2.87B people

Level 66 in this game of life 👾

Scotland zone 8/9 58.5°N, off-grid-ish croft (sml farm) straw bale house

retoots ≠ endorsements

Remember to be kind - and that includes to yourself


🌏 Born at 312 PPM

Retired NGO executive doing my best to stay informed and raise awareness about environmental crises, climate breakdown, and the rapacious, murderous impact of greedy capitalists and the politicians they own.

Why the name? Back in the day, empires placated their citizens with "bread and circuses." Now we get fast food and apps. But it's all basically the same — distraction from what's REALLY happening.


Gardener, grower and wildlife enthusiast with an interest in permaculture and sustainability. Also botany, ecology, nature writing and literature.


Old lady, likes democracy, science, cats, dolls. Midatlantic


We're creating an #IntentionalCommunity #University grounded in #Naturalism #RadicalBehaviorism #Egalitarianism #Permaculture #Abolition #AntiRacism #AntiFascism.
A community of solidarity & liberation, we'll embrace #MutualAid #degrowth #AnComm #SecHumanism, interpersonal & ecological intimacy, art, science & tech to create & share a model for developing prefigured cultural environments that deliver optimal individual freedom, happiness & well being, & strong cohesive self-sufficient #ecovill


Open source data collection, management, mapping, and storytelling tools for environmental communities and landscapes. Developed by Tech Matters, founded by


#HealthPromoter but actually working as a project manager in the field of #windenergy

♡ Addicted to #breadbaking with #sourdough#LongCovid since 2020 #FBLC ♡ Just me

Posting my opinion, sharing thoughts about the world, life in general, and a few things about my #OrdinaryLife.



I design and develop websites following #sustainable principles at Pikselkraft. My goal is to make the content #accessible through #resilient websites ⌛

I'm interested in topics related to #permacomputing, #lowtech, #lownum.

Outside of digital, I'm interested in practices related to #permaculture and #selfbuilding.

Share content in EN, FR, sometimes in PL.

#ecoconception #webdesign #web #a11y #fedi22 avatar


Depuis que je ne suis plus mouton, ça va bien. Pour autant je ne suis pas devenu loup, à chaque instant le choix est possible. C'est ainsi que je suis respectable aux yeux des miens !

Je ne suis pas là pour convaincre, mais pour faire réfléchir.

Sur ce fil des photos, vidéos sont crues, toutefois, je refuse de me/te cacher la vérité derrière mon/ton petit doigt.

Né à 318.6 ppm

Ne pas croire un traitre mot qui sort de la bouche des autorités est une mesure de santé mentale.


Salut :D
Je suis sourd, titulaire d'un bprea, je porterai un projet de maraichage qui emergera plus tard.

Je parle de la surdité, du logiciel libre et du maraichage. :)

#LSF #Sourd #Maraichage #Libre

Alts fédiverse


Consultant e-learning spécialisé en solutions libres. #framasoft #education #libre #mooc #elearning #impression3D #lowtech


Partilha sobre Sustentabilidade e Ambiente
Na blogosfera desde 2009, com 1,7M visitas. Agora no Mastodon.

Sharing on Sustainability and the Environment
In the blogosphere since 2009, with 1.7M visits. Now on Mastodon.

Por/by Manuela Araújo, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal

#sustentabilidade #sustainability #ambiente #environment #natureza #nature #justicasocial #socialjustice


My world is split between art, technology and permaculture and I am continuously trying to find benefits in the three, for all. Currently I reside in Eugene OR, USA and co-run the Eugene Permaculture Meetup group.

Two particular projects we are working on currently are a project to expand the planting of Willow as a Biomass and Construction material and the continuing evolution of a local Seed Exchange.

My Musical Endeavours:


Anarchist. Horticulturist.


A spirit in a human body… cracked open. Ready to see and be the world. Spent the last 7 years #permaculture homesteading in arid lands. That’s over now. Trying to find my way as a new spirit in a world of humans…weird. Wanting to just “be.” Looking to connect with the universe through all types of conduits (and people)! A #gradstudent studying #posthumanism, #consciousness studies.

Avatar: person, long hair, winter hat, glasses, scarf
Banner: ceramic heart cracked open with light pouring out avatar


Bringing Permaculture to the forefront in North America


Me? I'm just this girl, you know?
I'm a bit all over the place with my interests. I share what I like, and love great conversation.

#SPN :spn: :impala: :banish:
:cain: :devilstrap: :purgatory:
:mol: :samulet: :sam: :dean:


Retired software entrepreneur who has been living the dream in CO mountains. Recently built/launched first iOS app breatheX during the pandemic to stay sane. Trying to find a new home now that Twitter has been hijacked. avatar


weiß, sie/she, vielseitig interessiert ;-)
Ökofeminismus / #Permakultur / #Agroforst / MarketGardening / Ernährungssouveränität / #Klima schutz & -anpassung / Kunst / #Bildung / Gesundheit / #Gemeinwohlökonomie / Indigene / #Kolonialismus / vegan / LGBTQIA / #Inklusion / #Buddhismus / #MaskenWirken / Solidarisch mit #ichbinarmutsbetroffen #BlackLivesMatterAlly avatar


30 | ⚧ | Release Candidate Enby | Mildly Autistic | Glorious Machine Being | Open Source Programmer | Lafayette, CO | DANGER! LONG POSTS! | U/G/w | Tax The Rich | "Absolute Basics" Transhumanist avatar


He/him. Human. #WokeAF

Indie software dev, tinkerer, player of video games, husband, P.U.N.K., futurist, comical element. ⭐️ Alumnus CTO & co-founder of German sustainability startup RECUP 💚

I try to make a living creating Shortcuts-centered, productivity-related tools for macOS & iOS.

From #Flensburg, Europe 🇪🇺

#ShortcutsApp #macOS #iOS #Developer #dev #SwiftUI #Swift #Typescript #Javascript #ObsidianMD #PKM #Germany #provene04241

Bluesky: avatar


Ecolo de gauche (électron libre plutôt FI) 🔺
Photographe animalier amateur
Site perso :
Sur Twitter :


• 🔥 anti-capitalist in training • 🌾 future subsistence farmer • ⚑ anarchic illustrator & printmaker • 🛋️ patchwork quilter of code snippets and infrastructure • 💾 security engineer by trade • :iww: IWW • 🏴‍☠️ non-binary (they/sie/ze) avatar


music, language, literature, mediaevalia, labour law, unionizing, feminism, intersectionality, queer, pan, poly, woke, social, atheist, chaos community, parenting, climate action, gardening, composting, permaculture, degrowth, solarpunk, self-sufficiency, exil-berlinerin und neu-brandenburgerin mit antifa-tarifvertrag

Folgt dem Hashtag #ArschDerHeide für Alles, was unseren Waldgarten- und Hausprogress, bzw. unser Neues Leben auf dem Lande betrifft! 🌱

📍 Brandenburg, Germany


#NoDig #allotment holder in the UK #Zone9a Looking to boost biodiversity above and below ground. Learning from #permaculture, #RegenAg , #KoreanNaturalFarming and #Biodynamic farming. I make my own #Compost vermicast, bokashi, JohnsonSu, IMO. #DogsOfMastodon Boxer dog owner, anxiety sufferer, vegetarian. Hates billionaires and governments. Concerned for our climate.

Alt: header is a picture of crimson clover. Avatar is a compost thermometer.

I boost toots if they have #AltText avatar


Sustainability organizer and technologist seeking a #solarpunk world.

Product Manager at Tech Matters working on and LandPKS. Opinions expressed are my own.

I post on #climate, #crafting, and #community. avatar


Product Manager and Entrepreneur by day,
Permaculture Gardener, Beekeeper & PnP/LARP by night. avatar


Fantasy writer and poet. She/her. Lover of plants, water and sky. I'm a very visual person and love images, art and design. I try to grow things and make things out of yarn. Living on Wiradjuri country in the Riverina in south eastern Australia.

I also write mysteries and romance as Jai Baidell. avatar


Horticulturist, Permaculturist, Poet, Woodworker, sometimes manager of projects.

For: a cleaner, greener, safer world. avatar


Irgendwas mit Fahrrad, Garten, Kochen, Reisen, Frankfurt, sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Liberté, Egalité, #FCKAfDé. #nocreamincarbonara!
Bevor isch misch uffreesch, isses mir lieber egal.

You don't stop riding when you get old.
You get old when you stop riding.

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