

Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.
FOSS and Privacy Advocate. Secure, Enterprise Cloud.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

tallship, to literature

I saw this movie a long, long, time ago - one time.

Frankenstein - The True Story, with #James_Mason, #Jane_Seymour (long before she was "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", lolz), #Michael_Sarrazin (as the creature), #David_McCallum, #Nicola_Pagett, #Agnes_Moorehead, and #Leonard_Whiting as the titular character. An all-star cast.

I've always intended on seeing it again, because IMO it's the best rendition of #Mary_Shelley's 1818 classic I've had the pleasure of seeing. The character development alone leaves all of the other adaptations in the dust, along with a large dose of empathy for those involved.


As a companion, I recommend the #Project_Gutenberg version of Shelley's gothic novel in prose; I personally prefer .epub but both the film and the original work by Shelley are more closely aligned than any of those old #Boris_Karloff horror genre flicks that, in turn, influenced the creation of the beloved television character, #Herman_Munster (an old film professor of mine would freak out in the lecture hall anytime someone raised their hand and referred to any motion picture as a flick, lolz).

In a major departure from Shelley's original, Mason's portrayal of the character Dr. Polidori isn't actually in the book - the real John Polidori was a friend of Shelley's who himself arguably launched the #vampire_genre with his 1819 short story, "The Vampyre", once erroneously attributed to Lord Byron. Discussions between Polidori and Mary's husband Percy Shelley are largely credited with the genesis of the Frankenstein story.

If you happen to watch, Frankenstein - The True Story, do please comment back to let me know what you thought :)

My favorite line from the movie, that I've often regularly recited over the years, is:

Beautiful Victor... Beautiful.

On rare occasion, I'm sometimes asked what I'm referencing when I say that, like, after a successful compile, or fresh OS installation :p

#tallship #English_literature #literature #science_fiction #horror_genre @youronlyone


tallship, to history

"I knowed his ma. They was good folks. He was full a hell, sure, like a good boy oughta be…He done a bad thing an’ they hurt ‘im, caught ‘im an’ hurt him so he was mad, an’ the nex’ bad thing he done was mad, an’ they hurt ‘im again. An’ purty soon he was mean-mad."

- J.S., who really just wanted to be a fucking marine biologist, as evidenced in his conributions to Between the Pacific Tides, by his friend Ed Ricketts, yet much to his chagrin was relegated to authorship in depression era grit fiction, notable for his brutally honest naturalism, social commentary on extreme hardship, heartache, and subsequently immortalized in pen and celluloid.

Now you fucking know, bitches.

and , both celebrated and vilified; yet still one of my all time great inspirations as an artist. But just who was it he invoked that was so injuriously transfigured?

Can you haz ? 🍔 Can you? I doubt it. lemme know :p

photo credit: Hanna Shandra - https://presentacionesjhm.blogspot.com/2016/11/flabellina-iodinea.html - My confidence in your inability to grasp this is epic. Prove me wrong.


I stumbled across this the other day - Old DOS Never dies... (ia801209.us.archive.org)

This should boot up on your run of the mill S-100 based system with an 8086. Maybe an 8080 too? Also, it reportedly runs under #simH as a virtual machine. According to some, this is the earliest known version of #86-DOS, not long after replacing #QDOS as its successor....

gabriel, to random

Give me backup tips like I just lost all my data and you want to rub it in



Just making sure that I correctly understood your request...

>Give me backup tips like I just lost all my data and you want to rub it in

You mean like the time I arrived on a client site to find that a second HDD on the Sun Enterprise Server Solaris box in the RAID 5 Array had failed, yet they chose to run the machine in that degraded state w/o calling me to simply plugin a hotswap drive and rebuild the array before the second drive failed?

Or maybe when I told them, no problem, I'll just rebuild a fresh array from scratch, and then just run a full restore from the previous night's DLT tape?

Or perhaps when I saw that look in their eyes and they admitted that they hadn't been swapping tapes each night for about three or four months?

Their CFO looked at me as if everything was still going to be okay (Coz I'm a fucking Rock God) and said: "Well, we've never had a problem before." to which I did my best to respond without letting loose a condescending gufaw....

"Well.... you do now."

Stupid goes all the way to the bone.


#tallship #BOFH #IT_nightmares #tech_support_recollections #funnies #nightmares

tallship, to random
tallship, to foss

OMV does not contain ANY (0%) code from FreeNAS. I did implement
everything from beginning. Nevertheless, the most code from FreeNAS has
been done by myself at the end. Show me any piece of code you think it
is from FreeNAS. Please do not shout out lies if you talk about
something you did not know.

  • Volker Theile
    (January 14, 2012 at 7:40 pm)

#tallship #FOSS


tallship, to random

"Ask Bill why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a
dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that."

  • Dr. Gary Kildall.
tallship, to random

Test post...

Gemini URI's should resolve as links:


Gemini aware browsers will either open the page or launch Lagrange or other default Gemini browser


Some Fediverse platforms already correctly render Gemini URI's as valid links

simplifiedprivacy, to random

Linux distros for dummies

A Linux distribution is a similar concept to a phone’s app store. It allows you to download software that’s pre-vetted. This reduces the chance that it’s malware and allows the different dependencies to work together to reduce redundancy. However, you MAY optionally get software OUTSIDE of the package manager and directly from the software’s developer, through universal systems such as Flatpak, AppImage, or Snaps.

If you get software from OUTSIDE the package manager, then you’ll have double dependencies which takes up space and causes some minor delay in starting up the program. Many in the Linux community argue and debate over if the delay, space, and security issues matter, or if it’s more important to have software that works across distributions and is released faster. The delay on Snaps is worse than others, leading SOME to criticize Ubuntu which heavily uses them. This is why Mint is a fork of Ubuntu but WITHOUT Snaps. Others point out that without universal package managers, it can take YEARS for new software to make it to distributions with slower release cycles such as Ubuntu and Mint.

A Linux distribution is NOT the way Linux LOOKS. That’s the desktop environment! So if you like a distro’s software, you can swap it for any other desktop environment than the default. For example Linux Mint’s “Cinnamon flavor” look, could be put on Debian or anything else! At the end of the day, distros DON’T matter that much and anything is better than Windows… even snaps =)



OH! Cringe!

But true, lolz.....

>"At the end of the day, distros DON’T matter that much and anything is better than Windows… even snaps =)"

That having been said, I'm a firm believer that "Friends don't let friends run ewb00ntew!" Yah, that's kinda a little disparaging tagline I came up with a decade or so ago. I think it's cute, but it does express my sentiments.

I was sooooooooo tired of answering the same question for about twenty years, searching for new ways to say it, and shifting from one fav distro of mine to another, and then back again. But I really failed to acknowledge the need for to experience instant gratification to hold their interests long enough to just ditch the of Redmond (Windows) for that of freedom and privacy in the form of one of the most incredibly steep learning curves I was actually expecting those people to climb after having their questions answered.

still tops the list to this day - it is so powerful and.... yes, simple - but that's what us sysadmin's say. Concepts like sbin/lilo and fdisk partitioning or manually editing etc/fstab real quick coz I know what I want as special mountpoints over NFS or whatev.... "OH the Horrror!", is prolly what any of those n00bs seeking to escape the apron strings of likely said, right before making a pinata in my effagy to bludgeon.

, and I am a proud and self-described Debiantard, isn't (wasn't) really much better back in the day, even with auto provisioning of partitions and the based install it sported... "non-free-firmware... huh? Why am I looking at a blank terminal with a command prompt's blinking cursor, instead of pretty little windows with a mouse pointer?"

, , and others not historically worth mentioning at this time weren't any better, because they were better, and far superior to the semi-n00b-friendly distros at the time. 5.0 - 7.22 weren't that bad actually, the newcomer could actually fumble their way past the installation (and even choose the Redneck language for foshizzles and giggles), but like you mention above, obsolescence loomed imminently with gobs of Hell, especially if you went out to somewhere like RPMfind.net or another place where you could do an rpm -ivf <packagename> and then discover you broke your google... (prolly Alta Vista back in those days), but you could seriously want a really good application and find out that you have to put the lotion on its skin - or at least have a current copy of the AutoTrader to take your mind off the predicament that landed you in the bottom of a pit.

Enter ... Lemme say that again: Enter LMDE!!!

Now I had something I could recommend to n00bs that split the difference between a rolling distro and a plug & pray installation! All that non-free firmware that was so confusing for so many back then (can't get your display to work, can't this or that and aaarrrrgggghhhhh).

LMDE tracked Debian Testing but installation was as easy as just installing Mint with all of the firmware you needed - people started thanking me twice (they always thanked me once, and then a week later swore to unleash painful, bloody vengeance upon me for burying them in documentation that they could in no way comprehend). The problem, previously, was one of the tenants of my religion - "You can do it right.... Or you can do it twice!"

The truth was, they couldn't even do it AT ALL the first time, and I'm telling them to use a simple distro like Slackware or Debian - nevermind the the 3 stages of Gentoo (They don't even offer those staged platforms anymore, it was too involved for even seasoned aficionados of source based distros).

There was SuSE, but it was as ephemeral as Redhat, and for a while in those early days, I was able to wholeheartedly recommend Mandrake Linux, which had a beautiful DE and easy install, but they went public just prior to that big "POP" of the dotcom bubble and were vaporized.

Yes, When Mint came along I was elated. I could recommend LMDE, and the user could install and easily manage their desktop - and it was a rolling distro too!

Then came the realization by Clément Lefèbvre that without considerable funding there was no way the team could even have a life of their own or watch their kids grow up if they continued to support what was almost effectively two separate, but equally in appearance, distros. I must applaud the Mint team because they did gracefully migrate the LMDE folks back into the mainline Mint over a period of a couple of years.

Then I stopped recommending Linux Mint - "Friends don't let friends run ewb00ntew!"; Remember? Then, a couple of versions back, I caved with the announcement that Clément had decreed those evil "Snaps" would be disabled (If you tell me what you want what you really really want... as the Spice Girls said...). Yes, of course, you could manually enable it - just like Shuttleworth hiimself defended the Shopping Lens malware because the users could simply disable it - Huh? Disable shopping Lens? How in tarnation could a n00bie even know what to look for in the package manager to make that malware go away????

But I digress. If you really wanted to, you can enable Snaps in Linux Mint, but it's disabled by default - and for good reason, as you pointed out. Now, it's been a couple of years since I've looked, coz I no longer can be persuaded to answer that question anymore (um.... Okay, I'm back to recommending Slackware, Debian, or Arch again, but prefer to just set up a laptop for friends and say, "see? Just like Windows, huh?"). But here's what I would really like to see.

Now that non-free-firmware (since the pre-Bookworm vote in the community) is a very easy option in Debian proper, I would really like to see Linux Mint migrate back to a Slick Debian and just fricken' ditch Ubuntu altogether. My thoughts have always been that the firmware was the major issue that prevented them from getting 100% behind the upstream in the first place (I could very well be wrong about that).

Things I like about Ubuntu??? Um..... gimme a sec... Lemme think... Errr...

  • Byobu

That's it. . And IMNSHO, that's really just a pretty skin over anyway, but it's got some kewl status widgets you can embed at the bottom of the screen. Speaking of , Byobu IS NOT screen - it's tmux underneath, but it does default to ^A instead of the tmux default of ^B, but that's easy enough to change. What I really like about it is that it's a bit more user friendly in that you can customize it for your users and have it AutoStart sessions as soon as they log in - but there I go again, imposing what I think is kewl on people who really just need things as close to point and click on next ==> next ==> next ==> next as we can get it for them.

You see it wasn't all that long ago that even Windows needed an occasion tuning from your local PC Field Tech, much like our pianos do. I see no reason why we can't at least instill the responsibility for having a third party on retainer for quarterly or bi-annual maintenance of our Linux laptops either - I mean, just look how assimilated everyone still running Windows has become since Windows is free to pillage your privacy in the wake of Win10 forced updates?

Well, I'll close now, but did want to mention that your profile's stated mission sounds really refreshing to me - and I might just doing a copypasta of the link to your profile the next time someone asks that age old question.... Which Linux distro should I start off with?.

All the best!



Here's something I thought might be kewl to add to the mix :)

Now, I haven't vetted, tested, trialed, or reviewed , but I have skimmed reviews in the past and it gets decent marks.

As with anything, YMMV, and remember, most newer in the contemporary space really expect the user to do things the way the maintainers have intended administration, care and feeding, and operation to be performed - each distro may have it's own particular methods that require a bit of a learning curve peculiar to those intentions...

Having said that, and without further adieu...



tallship, to android

Uh, Oh! We've Ratcheted up to a threat now on Adblock and UblockOrigin...

Soft landings usually mean it doesn't hurt very much at first, then perhaps the event becomes more frequent and escalates to something that looks like the attached screenie...

When this happens, you may wish to avail yourself of some of the alternatives below.

Once you get here you're faced with trying options or even becoming disenfranchised. Switching to another browser is a prudent test, some have suggested pasting links into Incognito Mode tabs or logging out, while others have claimed that stock Brave Browser seems to humming along for them; and third party utils from among the list that follows:

Web based:

Android (both are available at F-Droid):


Browser extension (a native, local, cross-platform solution):

  • AdNauseam
    This last option is a simple browser extension that is apparently quite popular with folks, levying its own ethical pressure upon those who would force-feed you with data mined ad generation. The README file has some great information on the methodology incorporated.

On #Android, I haven't been presented with any of these foreboding pop ups warning me about blockers. I typically use #Brave or #Vivaldi Browser, they're stock, but I use the YouTube app more than I do any one of my browsers on my phones.

I also run the #DuckDuckGo "App Tracking Protection service". This is NOT #FOSS, so your choices are either installing from the #Aurora or Google Playstore, yet there's no requirement to use the #DDG browser to enable this protection - it's not for your browsers though (even DDG), it is designed to work with pretty much everything on your Android EXCEPT browsers; i.e., almost all of your installed apps, seamlessly, and since most folks stream YouTube videos through the Google YouTube Android app, I surmise that it targets and obliterates ads in the app (I haven't confirmed the veracity of that, it's merely supposition, but it blocks zillions of attempts by installed apps to phone home).

I'm Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, personal observations, and concerns; other toolsets or applications that meet your needs, and why you may have chosen those particular types of tools.

I hope that helps!



notesnook, to fediverse

Asking all the and experts:

Would it make sense for Notesnook to be able to publish notes to ActivityPub? Is that a right use case for it or would it require hacks? What would be the best way to approach/implement this?

From a very quick research, it'd require a self hosted fediverse compatible server. Users would have to sign up or their accounts would need to be created there.

What then?



Thank you for putting out that query - short answer is...

Yes. You definitely have a use case here, but first, being just a little familiar with your product I'd like to welcome you to the #Fediverse even though your arrival coincided with the November Rain phenomenon that was much todo about nothing, and in the end, most Twitugees simply returned there after creating accounts here - I'm glad you stuck around! You're product is FOSS, and this is a #FOSS world here in the Fediverse, so it makes sense, this being your natural home and where people can expect to find you :)

Ever since I decided to ditch the proprietary Evernote, I've been using a #Vim Plugin that uploads my buffer to a Gist in an easy peasy way - it would be really kewl if I had a way to send (encrypted or unencrypted) notes to myself as a Fediverse DM, or share some of them with a select group of others in such a manner - Maybe (if it's textual in nature) actual clips I've saved. The graphics, well, if they are uploaded as a graphic that will work too, and they can even be sent to #Pixelfed accounts (if there is a graphics or movie file).

So, you're concerned about having to setup a centralized server or something that your userbase can be recognized on or something? Perhaps like a relay of sorts? I don't think that's the way to go actually. It sounds like a lot of heartache that might not even surivive beyond the intial proof of concept is rolled out - Spam being just one reason that makes the likelihood of failure a distinct possibility.

Here's what I think you can try doing, and it will alleviate any grandiose plans you may have been kicking around - Keep it in the client. A feature mechanism that either lets you clip and post it as an #ActivityPub NOTE to a user's actual instance (server) where they already have an account - You can collect the user's Fediverse account credentials and use that to post to their own existing account - no additional infrastructure is required on your part.

Those posts can be a single post to oneself (a private Fediverse DM to themselves) or it can include a list of recipients - just like any other post you can make.

This will also afford you the absolute maximum in #Spam_control too! You don't have to accept any registrations obo your Fediverse features - you're merely allowing people with existing Fediverse accounts to enter their credentials into your client and then your users make the decision as to whether they want to use your existing store or their Fediverse account to publish the clips to their stores there.

Since you've been around here for a while now, I'm sure you've realized how severely limited mastodon is when it comes to ways you can exploit the existing capabilities in the Fediverse - I've already mentioned Pixelfed, but there's a lot of other platforms that support HTTP signatures necessary for backfills and e2ee constructs; the support for BBCode and/or Markdown; post containing text with character counts greater than the paltry 500 characters that masto can muster, #LaTEX (actually, only Misskey and Firefish support that at this time AFAIK); local only posts (shared only with those who have accounts on the same instance), and a host of other unsupported features in masopub.

I appreciate that you made the effort to address this as an ActivityPub and Fediverse capability, and not simply, "yet another mastodon branded feature". Especially when mastodon won't be able to take advantage of many of the advanced features you already offer that other more capable Fediverse platforms can make use of :)

Platforms like #Friendica, #Firefish, #Mitra, #Hubzilla, #SocialHome, #Soapbox, #Peertube, Pleroma, #Epicyon, #Castopod, #WriteFreely, #Quanta, #Drupal and even #WordPress - those latter three have potentially, especially ambitious use cases with clips and notes being able to be actually published on platforms already built for long form or 'blobs' to be pushed to them. Hubzilla, #Streams, and Friendica have special features to accommodate your products notes too :)

If you focus on adding support for people to enter their Fediverse account credentials, or multiple accounts like #Takahe and #Fedilab and #Misskey support, Then those are the servers you need right there! The spam problem remains as it is with the particular instances, since they control the new account registrations.

There's also the rapid adoption of #smolweb and single-user focused Fediverse platforms too, such as:

  • MicroBlogPub
  • Tapir
  • Bovine
  • And of course, any platform, now matter how heavy or resource intensive can be deployed as a smolweb or single-user instance (even the klunky kludgey mastodon). And speaking of which, there are several popular forks that don't have these limitations that are very popular like #Hometown and #Glitch-soc, Etc.

There may even be some use cases for #Lemmy and #Kbin too, as link/discussion boards too - perhaps posting from a users vault/store to those platforms? There's a lot of different possibilities but ActivityPub can open up a huge market for you while at the same time Fediverse is exposed to large numbers of people who will discover that they too may have a good use case to adopt for themselves a Fediverse account :)

tl;dr: Basically, yes! there's a huge use case for your thoughts there - and if you're reading this on a Mitra, #Pleroma, Soapbox, #Akkoma, Firefish, Friendica, Hubzilla, or Misskey server, you'll see some very pretty formatting in Markdown - if you're reading this on a regular mastodon server (not one of the really good and popular forks), then... not so much - but at least mastodon does degrade Markdown and HTML somewhat gracefully :)

Well I hope that helps and do feel free to reach out to me via my contact methods listed in my profile or in the Fediverse-City Matrix room, and I'm sure that we can get a few of some of the more prominent Fediverse platform devs to round-table with you for some wire framing sessions.

I'm confident that you'll find a lot of support in your endeavor to achieve this initiative.

Well I hope that helps. Enjoy!

#tallship #Notesnook #Federation


attached: Fediverse logo in gummy bear jelly colors

tallship, to fediverse

I've been seeing this question come up time and again over the past several years, and it's understandable when you consider that often, the people asking it come from the deprecated, legacy silo space.

"When I follow someone, why don't I see their older posts?" - or some variant of that.

For example, when you follow someone on Faceplant, you see everything going back historically; because it's a silo. One theoretical host (server) with a centralized database that everyone using that host/service has in common.

When you follow someone in the #Fediverse, you begin to see their posts in your timeline/feed moving forward from the point in time that you follow them, because we're talking about the database local to the Fediverse server instance where your account is.

Okay kiddies, let's be real careful with this - again, Be really mindful, and especially careful here. You can accidentally DoS your box very easily if you're not, but here's a useful tool for those occasions where you want a history you might not normally have:


#tallship #FOSS #federation

tallship, to foss

Bit of a... Well this just kinda bugs me.

No, it really bothers me. And it's so clandestine and leaves me with the distinct impression there is obfuscation delivered as authoritatively masquerading misinformation.

So I swapped out the first word of each sentence to clarify what those fuckers are actually saying, while pretending to say it isn't that way. Fuckin' bitches.

The first word in each sentence used to be "Allow" and "Offer", respectively.

Now a more accurate, straight forward, and honest edit follows:

  • Compel web servers to evaluate the authenticity of the device and honest representation of the software stack and the traffic from the device.
  • Enforce an adversarially robust and long-term sustainable anti-abuse solution.

I encourage prettier to give this this a quick read - it isn't difficult to comprehend what's really being said here and what the grand design is.


I'll comment further on this discussion as to how I perceived this upon initially being alerted to it by @ariadne over at @Fediverse:matrix.org but suffice it to say this is but a particularly #FOSS, #Privacy_Respecting, or #DeSoc friendly campaign.

#tallship #You_no_can_haz_Cheezburgerz! 🍔


tallship, to opensource

Went on an awesome date tonight!

Picked up this beautiful lady at her place, and she was keen on doing a steakhouse thing together.

We hit it off really well and I was excited to be with such a vibrant, adventerous woman.

After a couple of drinks we decided to head over to Outback and I unlocked and opened her door. She scoffed under her breath, and as she halfheartedly intended, I heard it.

Oddly, to me, she didn't reach over and unlock my door from her side. Ummm....

Fuck that bitch! We made friendly small talk as I got ready to drop the tranny (pundit) into drive and then I abruptly told this bitch to get thee fuck out my truck. I made it plain enough that there would not be any questions or discussion - abrupt and frank as I was.

Later, I met a nice girl after dinner in the lounge, as sus as one might find, meeting chicks in that sort of randomized scenario, yet often the most truthful.

Yah, no need to say more about people being truthful with each other so there's no crooked roads ahead.

I'll say more after breakfast, but I sense we're cooking it together here at her place, from what I've gathered so far - awesome! A night sleeping next to and holding another human being and fighting over spatulas in the morning!

#tallship #FOSS (as always bitches) #dating life -and living again in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia I can haz #Cheezburgerz? #respect


forgejo, to random
@forgejo@floss.social avatar

The #Forgejo monthly update was published ✨ It is a high level overview of the project activities.

Learn about how Forgejo v1.19 came to be, the recent developments of Forgejo Actions and more.



@RyunoKi @forgejo

One can redact, especially since Loïc Dachary will need to have regular GPL so his twice failed GNA can effectively embed proprietary code into the Forĝejo flavor he intends to run for his hosting service.

You see, if it's AGPL3 - which Forĝejo is and has been since 15 April following a duly held election - then he would have to make available any changes to that code on the hosted service to anyone that asks... Such is the reason for the AGPL itself, because SaaS providers must make the modifications to any hosted AGPL daemons available on demand, while you don't have to do that with plain old GPL code (only the code you distribute after you modify it).

I suspect this is why Loïc Dachary artificially extended the adoption of any Copyleft license.

After his GNA was a miserable failure (twice, after trying to carry Savannah to that domain name after the leadership itself of the FSF initially had to wrest control away from him), first, with a Savannah clone followed by an unsuccessful attempt to provide hosting services for devs using Gitea, he's turned now to try and give it a go with Forĝejo - so from a hosting provider's perspective it's very convenient to modify the code and not have to reveal it make available for inspection any of it.

So he bowed out the Forĝejo project after half a dozen active community members left in disgust, (at least) one founding member after promising a salary and then performing a rug pull (his first offer to resign in disgrace after being called to the carpet for that transgression).

Finally, after mishandling the move to Copyleft and dragging it asking for over three months he left there project and community completely. Perhaps he was surprised that an orderly affect for rotation of the organization's 🗝️ keys 🔐 with business carrying on as usual, getting underway without him or the infrastructure he had deployed that wasn't even community controlled (since taken offline and replaced) , he returned, after a day and a half...

His org admin/owner privs still had not yet been rescinded - at this point her literally claimed he was, himself, going to reboot the community as he saw fit, and usurped and gutted the community status quo, reshaping governance and rules to suit himself... The parallel to that same type of usurpation by general Pinochet just a couple of days after the President of Chile promoted him to commander of all the armed forces -subsequently deposed and replaced with a Junta by Pinochet... was... astounding.

Like I said, one can redact - but you cannot erase. You cannot erase any of these truths as they are all archived... Including the real reasons why Loïc Dachary's wiki pages were removed, as per the Wikimedia editors who state why, and not simply as Loïc Dachary stated... But that's a really embarrassing topic for another time, not particularly pertinent today.

One can redact https://archive.is/7v7Ax

Butt you can't erase. Archives of all of Loïc Dachary's antics are archived and screenshotted in convenient redundancy.

This is all so very unfortunate, because Forĝejo is otherwise a good thing, save for the damage to good people and then project itself in his destructive wake.

tallship, to fediverse

Making Better Use of Space

Moving that old white elephant in the room.

There's been a lot of talk lately, and speculation, about the #Fediverse. Yet for the most part, only with respect to a single brand of server platform.

What I find particularly odd about that, is it's a rather lackluster server platform (especially considering the hefty system requirements) with an extremely limited feature list. Mastodon servers have a hard coded default character count limit per post of only 500 characters - more than Twitter, but not often enough to get a complete thought out with a link to somewhere else, or engage in a conversational thread, and certainly nowhere near what you need to post a news article, holiday recipe, tutorial, HowTo, or movie review.

As if a paltry 500 character limit isn't bad enough for this resource hog, virtually every other Fediverse platform provides for sensible , and configurable message lengths with common defaults of 2000, 5000, or more; most support #Markdown, and other ubiquitous text formats like #LaTex or #HTML, and some even have built in #WYSIWYG editors - like #WordPress, #Hubzilla, and #Drupal, with big players like #Imgur and #Tumblr already looking forward to their official Fediverse launches soon.

When those latter two giants arrive on the scene, the world of social networking will truly be interconnected, having achieved critical mass. It will be a revolution, a juggernaut toppling the deprecated, legacy monolithic silos that have so insidiously subverted and subjugated the masses like chattel. But I digress.

Other Fediverse platforms have offered the ability for people to edit their own posts for a long time, some for years, yet mastodon enabled this capability less than a month ago. It lags behind most other Fediverse platforms in several other ways too - groups, marketplaces, federated chat, and several other often requested functions are all but ignored by that platforms' developer while other Fediverse servers enjoy active and ambitious development cycles with new feature releases.

So considering it is so lacking in basic functionality compared to the other more prominent contemporaries, I've assembled a curated list below where you can evaluate and testdrive others for yourself. I've included links to some of the most darling up and coming projects like #Foundkey and #Quanta, that scale to thousands of users, and if you truly want an even smaller, minimalist Fediverse platform I've included #MicroBlogPub too. There's a couple of web tools including databases so you can search for even more platforms, instances, and compare statistics.

Choosing from the list below, you can join existing instances, self-host your own, or even have a professional #hosting_provider do it for you - simply pick a #turnkey provider where in just a couple of clicks your new fully managed Fediverse server will be online in only a minute or two!

There are literally free and privacy respecting Fediverse platforms to replace everything from #Faceplant, #Twatter, #Reddit, #YouTube, #twitch, #InstaSPAM, #Spotify, #Quora and so very much more!

And most are so light on system resources that you can run then on an old laptop or #Raspberry_Pi in your home.

Without further adieu, here's a list of [some of] the most prominent Fediverse server platforms in operation.




















#tallship #FOSS #Soapbox #Rebased #PeerTube #Mitra #Quanta #Pixelfed #Epicyon #Friendica #WriteFreely #Plume #FunkWhale #MicroBlogPub #Socialhome #GotoSocial #Owncast #LoTide #Lemmy #ActivityPub #Privacy #DeSoc #Federating #Decentralize

I hope that helps! Enjoy!


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