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alecm, to random

Prof Ross Anderson, RIP

This is not something I was expecting or ever imagining I would write; I’ve just heard.

This is a tremendous loss for us all.

Professor Ross Anderson, FRS, FREng

Our dear friend and treasured long term campaigner for privacy and security, Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University and Edinburgh University, Lovelace Medal winner, died suddenly at the family home in Cambridge overnight.

Duncan Campbell


alecm, to random

British man acquitted over London-Spain flight bomb hoax | …SnapChat leaking messages to security services & supporting KOSA? Not a good combo for user privacy | HT @rebeccamkern

SnapChat must* be surveilling their non-encrypted chats (i.e. all of them, but they travel over HTTPS for privacy) & triggering on sensitive words, either on-server or on-client, reporting to law enforcement who then over-react … PLUS they announced support for the illiberal & misconceived KidsOnlineSafetyAct.

The two, combined, are not a great indicator for how they view user privacy.

A Spanish court has cleared a British man of public disorder, after he joked to friends about blowing up a flight from London Gatwick to Menorca […] A key question in the case was how the message got out, considering Snapchat is an encrypted app. One theory, raised in the trial, was that it could have been intercepted via Gatwick’s Wi-Fi network. But a spokesperson for the airport told BBC News that its network “does not have that capability”. In the judge’s resolution, cited by the Europa Press news agency, it was said that the message, “for unknown reasons, was captured by the security mechanisms of England when the plane was flying over French airspace”. The message was made “in a strictly private environment between the accused and his friends with whom he flew, through a private group to which only they have access, so the accused could not even remotely assume… that the joke he played on his friends could be intercepted or detected by the British services, nor by third parties other than his friends who received the message,” the judgement added. It was not immediately clear how UK authorities were alerted to the message, with the judge noting “they were not the subject of evidence in this trial”.

[*] if the cause is not Snap themselves then their transport security is broken and that’s an even bigger story, being either being a weakness in the app or an undocumented man-in-the-middle HTTPS backdoor implemented by authorities in airport wireless transportation


Scoop for @politico@Snapchat is the first social media platform to support the Kids Online Safety Act. This comes as CcEO Evan Spiegel joins the heads of Meta, TikTok, X and Discord next week in a @JudiciaryDems hearing on child sexual abuse material.

— Rebecca Kern (@rebeccamkern) January 25, 2024

alecm, to apple

Operation Triangulation: The last (hardware) mystery | …if this turns out to be an NSA-enabling backdoor, Apple’s security reputation will be toast

Our guess is that this unknown hardware feature was most likely intended to be used for debugging or testing purposes by Apple engineers or the factory, or that it was included by mistake. Because this feature is not used by the firmware, we have no idea how attackers would know how to use it.

#apple #backdoors

alecm, to FreeSpeech

The PGPi scanning project

A reminder for those who sit on the fence regarding whether “code is speech” — global access to strong cryptography would not be where it is today without a 1997 project to publish — as a book — the entire source code of PGP 5.0i in an OCR-friendly format, in such a way as to emphatically subvert the US Government export controls on cryptography by the power of the 1st Amendment:

Interesting history is documented in the links below; I’m particularly taken with an observation from Ian Grigg in the first link:

The story has a sad ending. In the last months of 1999, the US government released the controls on exporting free and open cryptography. Hailed by all as a defeat, it was really a tactical withdrawal from ground that wasn’t sustainable. The cypherpunks lost more: with the departure of their clear enemy, they dispersed over time, and emerging security and financial cryptography entrepreneurs lost our coolness factor and ready supply of cryptoplumbers. Lots of crypto projects migrated back to the US, where control was found by other means. The industry drifted back to insecure-practice-by-fiat. Buyers stopped being aware of security, and they were setup for the next failure and the next and the next… Strategic victory went to the US government, which still maintains a policy of keeping the Internet insecure by suppressing crypto where and when it can. […]

#endToEndEncryption #freeSpeech #history #pgp

alecm, to Signal

“Telegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure, with assistance from Elon Musk” | @matthew_d_green

> Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, has recently been making a big conspiracy push to promote Telegram as more secure than Signal. This is like promoting ketchup as better for your car than synthetic motor oil. Telegram isn’t a secure messenger, full stop. That’s a choice Durov made.

#fud #signal #telegram

alecm, to Parenting

Should privacy be a superpower for the techno-elite?

There are few better ways to stoke a class-warfare debate in the UK than to either (a) point-out or (b) question whether something is “elitist” — private schooling, private healthcare, private housing, even private transport — and now in the post-OnlineSafetyBill world there’s a new one: private privacy.

Bluntly: I have a daughter, and the Government want to be able to spy on all her communications. I can teach her how to circumvent all of that, because encryption is simply a matter of using computers to speak your words in impenetrable numbers.

As I wrote on Twitter:

I am a parent, and I want my daughter to grow up knowing that she can have absolute privacy in communication – because she can, in fact this is something which has been guaranteed to everyone since the invention of public key encryption in 1975. BUT this is a capability which should not be reserved for the politically and technically capable. SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO TEACH HER FRIENDS HOW TO COMMUNICATE SAFELY AND PRIVATELY

The next generations should not need special apps & tech wizardry: Our children’s experiences are the templates for their future, and if they are denied privacy and agency rather than being taught how to harness it and how to be safe online… then they never will be safe, especially “at scale.”

Keeping kids safe is not a matter to be thrown to the platforms and blamed upon “tech”; it requires active parenting, active education, and actively equipping those in loco parentis to perform their jobs appropriately.

The Government is derelict here, not the Internet.

My daughter will learn to use encryption, for fun. She will use PGP to be “old skool” and because nobody can take that away. She will understand key management, exploits, and backdoors. But should this capability be a “superpower” for her? Or should everyone have that? Also we, together, will discuss: how to spot and report grooming, how to avoid being exploited, how to get care and minimise harm if it happens. And also: how to doxx perpetrators.

This is the best way I can help her to be safe for a lifetime, even when I’m gone.

How about you?

I Think This Is The Best For Me And For Everyone Tom Ellis GIF

BUT this is a capability which should not be reserved for the politically and technically capable.


The next generations should not need special apps & tech wizardry:

— Alec Muffett (@AlecMuffett) June 24, 2023

#encryption #onlineSafetyBill #parenting

alecm, to mastodon

Mastodon seems to be a lot more fragile than USENET; the whole PubSub thing seems to assume better connectivity than old-style distribution permits

This blog has been offline from ActivityPub / Fediverse for a few days, due to a bug in the WordPress Supercache plugin regarding (not) honouring the HTTP Accept header.

Back in the days of USENET, a node going offline for that length of time would not be a huge problem; the articles would be pushed or offered downstream to other peers, and dropped if they were deemed too stale (generally 1 week, often more) and all that would happen is a brief spike.

In this case with ActivityPub on WordPress however, an example Mastodon server has dropped everything posted in the past 4 days with the exception of the first thing I posted this morning, after finding a workaround for the bug.

Yes, it’s a different world with different choices Alec, blah blah blah blah blah, but I am not impressed. If the ActivityPub architectures are not tuned in the expectations of delivering robustness of communication in the face of outages, it is going to (for instance) lose all account of protests in <some oppressive regime> where the in-country instances can only achieve intermittent connectivity in the face of state attempts to block communication.

It could be WordPress at fault, it could be Mastodon, it could be the ActivityPub spec or the recommended timeouts or who knows what cause; I cannot say and I am also not going to be the one to fix it because I also have bigger fish to fry.

But nor am I going to leave this issue unobserved. We need to talk about weakness in order to have it addressed.

#distribution #federation #mastodon #usenet

alecm, to random

trurl: command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation

One software thing I built at Facebook was called Host — basically a PHP library to manipulate website hostnames without error-prone regular expressions, bad assumptions and “hunting for dots”. It saved a lot of potential problems and a moderate amount of CPU (0.1%+?) and I can see the same thinking here.

If you’re manipulating URLs, you should try this:

#curl #trurl

alecm, to hacking

Hacking my “smart” toothbrush | …absolutely fascinating breakdown of DRM coming to electric toothbrushes

Also, don’t buy Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes:

alecm, to random

TheyWorkForYou is 20 years old and is starting a new project!

TWFY is a stalwart of British online democracy, a tool for tracking MPs and their voting interests and enabling their constituents to contact them directly.

Their new project: WhoFundsThem — is self-explanatory in its importance.

#mySociety #theyWorkForYou

alecm, to random

Criminals will start wearing extra prosthetic fingers to make surveillance footage look like it’s AI generated and thus inadmissible as evidence

I’m sure the NCA would agree that it’s obviously necessary to ban all silicone prosthetics immediately, and of course there would be absolutely no downsides to doing so.

Criminals will start wearing extra prosthetic fingers to make surveillance footage look like it's AI generated and thus inadmissible as evidence.

— Dan (@bristowbailey) February 13, 2023


alecm, to privacy

We’re in the middle of a perfect storm for rollback of the “open web” and burgeoning online surveillance

Looking at fallout of the KOSA hearings today — and subsequent commentary — I remain optimistic for the development of social technology & communication but I’m beginning to think the open web may basically “Do a Yahoo!” and fade, largely because of our self-appointed privacy, safety and national-security activists.

We are living at an unfortunate confluence of several movements in civil society and politics:

We are in for a rough few years. There will be losses. The “app” ecosystem will likely take a big — possibly majority — chunk out of the “open web” as users demand features which are more easily built without the abstraction of traditional web/web-like services.

“App Stores” will be caught between competing regulators who want them to be more open, versus those who want them to police software functionality and user attributes. The users will suffer in the middle of this Godzilla battle, but nobody cares about them.

And actual privacy and anonymity will be on the back foot for a decade or more.

[*] GAFAM / Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft TikTok Twitter X … whatever the acronym is today.

#encryption #kosa #privacy #regulation #security

alecm, to Russia

Heather Burns on Twitter: “This piece … on the Russian digital surveillance system over 540 million teenagers’ accounts, which is presented as “suicide prevention” but is really political surveillance for the Kremlin, reads like a safety tech vendor’s best sales pitch.”

This tweet from Heather links to which is a hair-raising read:

Note to policymakers: if your vision for keeping young people safe online involves the same kind of technical infrastructure which is being used to manage an actual genocide, you may wish to scrap your vision and start again.

— Heather Burns (@WebDevLaw) March 23, 2024

#childSafety #russia #surveillance

alecm, to random

OPEN LETTER: Make DMs Safe | this is the kind of initiative that the UK Home Office are attempting to lobby against


alecm, to emacs

How To Use NotebookLM As A Research Tool | by Steven Johnson | Feb, 2024 | stevenberlinjohnson

This sounds like fun, but it is

  1. from Google, and thus apt to be killed, and
  2. restricted to the US

…so I shall just soldier on with Emacs and Pandoc.

#emacs #notebooklm #pandoc

alecm, to DadBin

“Could there be an internet where Tesco, Amazon, Netflix, BBC, airlines, banking etc work well but there are major changes elsewhere?” | child-safety activists ask for a read-only internet

In a sense this is one of the scariest things I’ve read, because it demands removing interactivity and freedom of the user’s voice from the internet; we would be permitted retail and other “consumer” services, and denied anything which might enable user-to-user communications on the grounds that it might harm children, or footballers, or similar.

It’s doubly ironic because the author — child-safety activist John Carr — is running and writing on an independent blog, and one can only wonder who he asked permission to do so?

Could there be an internet where Tesco, Amazon, Netflix, BBC, airlines, banking etc work well but there are major changes elsewhere because the public and Governments get fed up of the criminal and other forms abuse linked with various interactive elements? I think there could.

— John Carr (@johnc1912) December 18, 2023

#childSafety #children #johnCarr

alecm, to random

Via @tychotithonus a novel idea: maybe it’s about time we started talking honestly about what had to be done to combat Y2K to diffuse the disinformation about it

Smart idea:

The hardest part about refuting Y2K disinfo is how many problems were fixed quietly, in part to mitigate risk of ligitation (negligence, etc.). People have stories they can’t tell.

At this point, I think enough years have passed that a formal amnesty – to encourage companies to disclose just how bad some of the problems were – would be in our historical best interest.

alecm, to ArtificialIntelligence

Is anybody working on algorithmic, engagement-led feed generation for Mastodon?

Serious question. One reason I still visit & use Twitter is: there are people in other time zones whose fediverse content is basically unseen by me, since they post at times when I’m parenting/asleep and so are buried under a chronological timeline.

Mostly they also post to Twitter which mostly automatically solves that problem for me.

I remember sometime around 2008 – or whenever it was that “information overload” was fashionable to complain about – reading a tweet from somebody saying “there is so much traffic on Twitter that I can no longer read every tweet” [presumably of people that they followed]

It would be good for Mastodon to start addressing that.

#algorithms #fediverse #mastodon

alecm, to Canada

Canada Moves to Ban the Flipper Zero Over Car Hacking Fears


(a) it’s never the vulnerabilities of extant systems

(b) it’s never the prevalence of criminals

#canada #censorship #regulation #regulatoryHeadcanon

alecm, to instagramreality

Why I’m not even slightly scared about the future | …good read + a thought-provoking observation from Femi Oluwole; I wonder why power may be afraid of TikTok & Social Networks?

#censorship #femiOluwole #tiktok

alecm, to aitools

“The ad model is coming to AI” | …it’s much worse than this, …

…just wait until you start getting answers with product placement embedded in them.

#advertising #ai

alecm, to Astronomy

Halley’s Comet reaches Perihelion, is on its way back | props to @JohnSimpsonNews

I saw the comet in 1986 – my first year of studying Astronomy at UCL – and although it wasn’t an a visual feast, it was amazing to be even passively observing something so rare and with such a tail and tale of historical importance.

It would be nice to see it again, but I, too, have to admit that the timing is unlikely to work. Cross fingers we’ll all be well enough to do so.

At 1 am GMT this morning Halley’s Comet reached its perihelion—the farthest end of its orbit—and turned to come back towards Earth. It’ll be here in 2061, so if you were born in 1980 or later you’ll have an evens chance of seeing it. Me, not so much.

— John Simpson (@JohnSimpsonNews) December 9, 2023

#astronomy #halleysComet

alecm, to random

Bart Preneel: “The full Belgian presidency chatcontrol proposal has been leaked…”

> The full Belgian presidency chatcontrol proposal has been leaked by netzpolitik […] This proposal fails to protect children, leads to mass surveillance and presents a large risk of abuse. The criticism in our open letters is unfortunately still valid.

#chatControl #surveillance

alecm, to AdobePhotoshop

Zuckerman vs: Zuckerberg: why and how this is a battle of the public understanding of APIs, and why Zuckerman needs to lose and Meta needs to win

Imagine that you’re a cool, high-school, technocultural teenager; you’ve been raised reading Cory Doctorow’s “Little Brother” series, you have a 3D printer, a soldering iron, you hack on Arduino control systems for fun, and you really, really want a big strobe light in your bedroom to go with the music that you blast-out when your parents are away.

So you build a stepper-motor with a wheel and a couple of little arms, link it to a microphone circuit which does a FFT of ambient sound, and hot-glue the whole thing to your bedroom lightswitch so that the wheel’s arms can flick the lightswitch on-and-off in time to the beat.

If you’re lucky the whole thing will work for a minute or two and then the switch will break, because it wasn’t designed to be flicked on-and-off ten times per second; or maybe you’ll blow the lightbulb. If you’re very unlucky the entire switch and wiring will get really hot, arc, and set fire to the building. And if you share, distribute, and encourage your friends to do the same then you’re likely to be held liable in one of several ways if any of them suffer cost or harm.

Who am I?

My name’s Alec. I am a long-term blogger and an information, network and cyber security expert. From 1992-2009 I worked for Sun Microsystems, from 2013-16 I worked for Facebook, and today I am a full-time stay at home dad and part-time consultant. For more information please see my “about” page.

What does this have to do with APIs?

Before I begin I want to acknowledge the work of Kin Lane, The API Evangelist, who has been writing about the politics of APIs for many years. I will not claim that Kin and I share the same views on everything, but we appear to overlap perspectives on a bunch of topics and a lot of the discussion surrounding his work resonates with my perspectives. Go read his stuff, it’s illuminating.

So what is an API? My personal definition is broad but I would describe an API as any mechanism that offers a public or private contract to observe (query, read) or manipulate (set, create, update, delete) the state of a resource (device, file, or data).

In other words: a light switch. You can use it to turn the light on if it’s off, or off if it’s on, and maybe there’s a “dimmer” to set the brightness if the bulb is compatible; but light switches have their physical limitations and expected modes of use, and they need to be chosen or designed to fit the desired usage model and purpose.

Perhaps to some this definition sounds a little too broad because it would literally include referring to (e.g.) “in-browser HTML widgets and ‘submit’ buttons for deleting friendships” as an “API”; but the history of computing is rife with human-interface elements being repurposed as application-interfaces, such as banking where it was once fashionable to link new systems to old backend mainframes by using software that pretends to be a traditional IBM 3270 terminal and then screen-scraping responses to queries which were “typed” into the terminal by the new system.

The modern equivalent for web-browsers is called Selenium WebDriver and is widely used by both automated software testers and criminal bot-farms, to name but two purposes.

So yes: the tech industry — or perhaps: the tech hacker/user community — has a long history of wiring programmable motors to light switches and hoping that their house does not catch on fire… but we should really aspire to do better than that… and that’s where we come to the history of EBay and Twitter.

History of Public APIs

In the early 2000s there was a proliferation of platforms that offered various services — “I can buy books over the internet? That’s amazing!” — and this was all before the concept of a “Public API” was invented.

People wanted to “add-value” or “auto-submit” or “retrieve data” from those platforms, or even to build “alternative clients”; so they examined the HTML, reverse-engineered the functions of Internal or Private APIs which made the platform work, wrote and shared ad-hoc tools that posted and scraped data, and published their work as hackerly acts of radical empowerment “on behalf of the users” … except for those tools which stole or misused your data.

Kin Lane particularly describes the launch of the Public APIs for EBay in November 2000 and for Twitter in September 2006; about the former he writes:

The eBay API was originally rolled out to only a select number of licensed eBay partners and developers. […] The eBay API was a response to the growing number of applications that were already relying on its site either legitimately or illegitimately. The API aimed to standardize how applications integrated with eBay, and make it easier for partners and developers to build a business around the eBay ecosystem.


…and regarding the latter:

On September 20, 2006 Twitter introduced the Twitter API to the world. Much like the release of the eBay API, Twitter’s API release was in response to the growing usage of Twitter by those scraping the site or creating rogue APIs.


…both of which hint at some issues:

  1. an ecosystem of ad-hoc tools that attempt to blindly and retrospectively track EBay’s own platform development would not offer standardisation across the tools that use those APIs, and so would thereby actually limit potential for third-party client development; each tool would be working with different assumed “contracts” of behaviour that were never meant to be fixed or exposed to the public, and would also replicate work
  2. proliferation of man-in-the-middle “services” that would act “on your behalf” — and with your credentials — on the Twitter and EBay platforms, presented both a massive trust and security risk to the user (fraudulent purchases? fake tweets? stolen credentials?) with consequent reputational risk to the platform

Why do Public APIs exist?

In short: to solve these problems. Kin Lane writes a great summary on the pros-and-cons of Public APIs and how they are used both to enable, but also to (possibly unfairly) limit, the power of third party clients that offer extra value to a platform’s users.

But at the most fundamental level: Public APIs exist in order to formalise contracts of adequate means by which third-parties can observe or manipulate “state” (e.g.; user data, postings, friendships, …) on the platform.

By offering a Public API the platform frees itself also to develop and use Private APIs which can service other or new aspects of platform functionality, and it’s in a position to build and “ring-fence” the Public API service in the expectation of both heavy use and abuse being submitted through it.

Similarly: the Private APIs can be engineered more simply to act like domestic light-switches: to be used in limited ways and at human speeds; it turns out that this can be important for matters like privacy and safety.

Third parties benefit from Public APIs by having a guaranteed set of features to work with, proper documentation of API behaviour, and confidence that the API will behave in a way that they can reason about, and an API lifecycle management process with which will enable them to make their own guarantees regarding their work.

What is the Zuckerman lawsuit?

First, let me start with a few references:

The shortest summary of the lawsuit that I have heard from one of its ardent supporters, is that the lawsuit:

[…] seeks immunity from [the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act] and [the Digital Millennium Copyright Act] [for legal] claims [against third parties or users] for automating a browser [to use Private APIs to obtain extra “value” from a website] and [the lawsuit also] does not seek state mandated APIs, or, indeed, any APIs

(private communication)

To make a strawman analogy so that we can defend it’s accuracy:

Let’s build and distribute motors to flick lightswitches on and off to make strobe lights, because what’s the worst that could happen? And we want people to have a fundamental right to do this, because Section 230 says we have such a right. We won’t be requiring any new switches to be installed, we just want to be allowed to use the ones that are already there, so it’s easy and low-cost to ask for, and there’s no risk to us doing this. But we also want legal immunity just in case what we provide happens to burn someone’s house down.

In other words: a return to the ways of the early 2000s, where scraping data and poking undocumented Private APIs was an accepted way to hack extra value into a website platform. To a particular mindset — especially the “big tech is irredeemably evil” folk — this sounds great, because clearly Meta intentionally prevents your having full, automated remote control over your user data on the grounds that it’s terribly valuable to them, and their having it keeps you addicted, so it helps them make money

And you know what? To a very limited extent I agree with that premise — or at least that some of the Facebook user-interface is unnecessarily painful to use.

E.g. I feel there is little (some, but little) practical excuse for the heavy user friction which Facebook imposes upon editing of the “topics you may be interested in receiving adverts about“; but the way to address this is not to encourage proliferation of browser plugins (of dubious provenance regarding privacy and regulatory compliance, let alone uncertain behaviour) which manipulate undocumented Private APIs.

Apart from any other reason, as alluded above, Private APIs are built in the expectation of being used in a particular way — e.g. by humans, at a particular cadence and frequency — and on advanced platforms like Facebook they are engineered with those expectations enforced by rate limits not only for efficiency but also for availability, security and privacy reasons.

This is something which I partially described in a presentation on behalf of Facebook at PasswordCon in 2014, but the short version is: if an API is expected to be used primarily by a human being, then for security and trust purposes it makes sense to limit it to human rates of activity.

If you start driving these Private APIs at rates which are inhuman — 10s or 100s of actions per second — then you should and will expect them to either be rate-limited, or else possibly break the platform in much the same way that flicking a lightswitch at such a rate would break that lightswitch or bulb.

With this we can describe the error in one of the proponent’s claims: We aren’t requiring any new [APIs] to be installed, we just want to be allowed to use the ones that are already there — but if the Private API is neither intended nor capable of being driven at automated speeds then either something (the platform?) will break, or else there will be loud demands that the Private APIs be re-engineered to remove “bottlenecks” (rate limits) to the detriment of availability and security.

But if you will be calling for the formalisation of Private APIs to provide functionality, why are you not instead calling for an obligation upon the platform to provide a Public API?

Private APIs are not Public APIs, and Public APIs may demand registration

The general theme of the lawsuit is to demand that any API which a platform implements — even undocumented Private ones — should be legally treated as a Public API, open for use by third party implementors, without reciprocal obligation that the third-party client obtain an “API Key” to identify itself, nor to abide by particular behaviour or rate-limits.

In short: all APIs, both Public and Private, should become “fair game” to third party implementors, and the Platforms should have no business to distinguish between one third-party or another, even in the instance that one or more of them are malicious.

This is a dangerous proposal. Platforms innovate new functionality and change their Private API behaviour at a relatively rapid speed, and there is currently nothing to prevent that; but if a true “right to use” for a Private API becomes somehow enshrined, what happens next?

Obviously: any behaviour which interferes with a public right-to-use is illegal, so it will therefore become illegal to change or remove Private APIs — or at very least any attempt to do so will lead to claims of “anticompetitive behaviour” and yet more punitive lawsuits. The free-speech rights of the platform will be abridged by compulsion to never change APIs, or to support legacy-publicly-used-yet-undocumented APIs forever more.

So, again, why not cut this Gordian knot by compelling platforms to make available a Public API that supports the desired functionality? After all, even Mastodon obligates developers of third-party apps to register their apps before use; but somehow big platforms should accept and and all non-human usage of Private APIs without discrimination?


I don’t want to keep flogging this horse, so I am just going to try and summarise in a few bullets:

  1. Private APIs exist to provide functionality to directly support a platform; they are implemented in ways which reflect their expected (usually: human) modes of use, they are not publicly documented, they can come and go, and this is normal and okay
  2. Public APIs exist to provide functionality to support third-party value-add to a platform; they are documented and offer some form of public “contract” or guarantee of behaviour, capability, and reliability. They are often designed in expectation of automated or bulk usage.
  3. Private APIs do not offer such a public contract; they are not meant to be built upon other than by the platform itself. They are meant to be able to “go away” without fuss, but if their use is a guaranteed “right” then how can they ever be deprecated?
  4. If third parties want to start using Private APIs as if they were Public APIs then the Private APIs will probably need to be re-engineered to support the weight of automated or bulk usage; but if they are going to be re-engineered anyway, why not push for them to become Public APIs?
  5. If Private APIs are not re-engineered and their excessive automated use by third party tools breaks the platform, why should the tool-user or the tool-provider not be held at least partly responsible as would happen in any other form of intentional or unintentional Denial-of-Service attack?
  6. If some (in-browser) third party tools claim to be acting “for the public good” then presumably they will have no problem in identifying themselves in order to differentiate themselves from (in-browser) evil cookie-stealing malware and worms; but to differentiate themselves would require use of an API Key and a Public API — so why are the third-party tool authors not calling to have the necessary Public APIs?

Just because an academic says “I wrote a script and I think it will work and that I [or one of your users] should be allowed to run it against your service without fear of reprisal even though [we] don’t understand how the back end system will scale with it”— does not mean that they should be permitted to do so willy-nilly, not against Facebook nor against your local community Mastodon instance.

alecm, to ai

Would Terry Pratchett be in favour of, or against, artificial intelligence and its impact on writing?

I think he would be in favour of the technology but cautious about the nature of (and how we describe) its output:

#ai #pratchett

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