@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar



I tend to boost a lot of content, in three categories:

Technical - mostly computer related stuff, mostly Linux or MacOS related. I particularly like things that make life easier for users.

Political - Mostly USA/Canada related although I may occasionally boost posts from other areas of the world. I oppose fascism and the politics of the extreme right.

Religious extremism - Particularly Christofascism and similar attempts to co-opt religion as a tool to advance fascism, hate and intolerance.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@Mir @rhymepurple Another place you can get free domain names is freedns.afraid.org - they have been around nearly forever and all you have to do is log into their site and go to any page once every six months (I guess so they know you are still alive) but they will email you a notice a couple weeks before that time is up. And at least for me they have always been very reliable.

heiglandreas, to random
@heiglandreas@phpc.social avatar

Thank you . It was great the last.... 15 years or so.

But it looks like we have to part ways here... 🤷

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@heiglandreas Serious question: What do you intend to use as a replacement? I would love to find something else that has the look, feel, and features of but that is cross-platform.

My prediction is that some people (the AI haters, of which there seem to be a quite a few on the Fediverse) are going to have a hissy fit about this, go try some other terminal program, and realize that nothing else comes close to in features and functionality. And then they will quietly go back to using it (even if that means restoring a previous version from their Time Machine backup).

My understanding is that the doesn't work unless you enter an key, so I don't see the problem. The feature is there for people who want it (and I guarantee you a lot of people do, even despite the fact that AI still hallucinates code that simply won't work) and unless I am missing something, those that don't want it only need to refrain from adding a key. By default it is not enabled, or am I totally missing something here?

For those that really are determined to find a replacement, and who consider tabs and profiles to be important features, I will suggest - it is the closest I have found to a useable terminal program (for me, maybe not for someone else), but it's still no iTerm.

Jerry, to random
@Jerry@hear-me.social avatar

I never buy anything made by random Chinese companies any longer. There's a reason their stuff is so inexpensive. And, yeah, I had to be burned a few times before I learned this.


@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@Jerry The problem with that is in a few categories of product either the only things you can find are made by random Chinese companies, or the only non-Chinese products are priced at 5x or more the price of the Chinese product. Which means that in the latter case you could replace the item five times or more before you have paid more than what you would have paid for the non-Chinese product, and maybe there are more than one random Chinese products in that category, so you don't necessarily have to get the same item a second time if the first one doesn't work as expected.

Unfortunately it is also true that many products sold by American companies are now made in China (not that that's a surprise to anyone), but at least you hope they are made to better specifications and higher quality standards. For something like a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm, you'd hope they actually work and are certified by UL (and that the manufacturer didn't just put a UL stamp on the product without actually getting the certification).

What I don't get is how the Chinese government allows such products to be made and sold. You would think they would at least want their citizens (and citizens of "friendly" countries) to be protected from defective products. Or do they only allow this type of crap to be sold to the western nations? Or is some inspector getting bribed to look the other way? As strict as China is in their laws, you would think that whoever was behind this kind of defective product would be fearful of being sent to a Chinese prison.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

I’ve been on phone w Verizon all this time. Mr. Laffy’s been on with them for 2 1/2 hours on his phone, been disconnected 2x, being sent to diff numbers which lead him back to the original. We were JUST told that oops! They don’t cover the Internet connection! Frontier does! Wrong number, folks! So Mr. Laffy called Frontier. Guess what? Frontier’s tech support is not working today! GAAAAA!

He’s now calling again & trying a different extension. So, covering #TrumpTrial is, well, on hold. 🤬🤦🏻‍♀️

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar
Uraael, (edited ) to linux

Given the importance placed on CLI usage by many in the Linux community it's weird that a terminal isn't open by default on many Distros. Today I remembered that while on Antergos a few years ago I'd installed a terminal that you could call simply by pressing a hotkey.

Enter Yakuake ("Yah-quake")

Yakuake smoothly drops down from the top of your screen in response to the hotkey (the default is F12) and voila!: a ready to use terminal! Add it to Autostart and it'll run whenever you run a session of Linux, forever saving you having to load Konsole (or whatever) every time you want to use it.

And as I'm running KDE the fact it uses Konsole tech means it has that familiar look and feel, but shows Session tabbing by default foregrounding the ability to run separate terminal sessions and putting it within easy reach of GUI users and a mouse-click.

What Terminals do you folks run with?

#Linux #Terminal #Yakuake #KDE #Konsole #LinuxIsAwesome

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@sageofredondo @Uraael I did not know that Gnome terminal has those capabilities but I think I still prefer Tabby a little more, and iTerm2 on the Mac a lot more.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@Uraael On a OS desktop I use and I really wish someone would port that to , or make a clone of it, because in my opinion it is far better than any native Linux program I have seen. The best cross-platform terminal app I have found is , which has some of iTerm2's functionality (including tabs, if you can't tell from the name) but I still prefer iTerm2, which I have set to automatically restart after a reboot on my Mac.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@sageofredondo @Uraael I don't use KDE so not familiar with Konsole. Is gnome terminal what is used in Ubuntu? If so I have never seen tabs in it but then I haven't really played with it that much.

You would have to use iTerm2 to really appreciate it (and maybe you wouldn't, it is not for everyone) but the thing I like is that first you can have profiles for the various systems you connect to, and you can have them listed in a side panel so all you have to do is double click on them to make a connection in a new tab, which is incredibly convenient (please don't suggest options that involve memorizing keystrokes, my memory is terrible!).

But also, just below that side panel is another panel that shows a history of everything you have copied from one of the terminal tabs, and you can paste any visible item just by clicking on it. So you can go to one session in one tab and highlight a few separate items, then switch to a completely different session (maybe on a completely different machine) and paste any of those items just by double clicking on them.

And those are just the things I find useful. I have read comments from several people who are much more into terminal usage than I who say they love iTerm2 and wish there was a Linux version. They are using features that I don't even understand. I just normally log into a system, do some task such as using apt to upgrade the software, and log out - I'm not a programmer. If I have to move files around I use Midnight Commander which works very well in iTerm2.

I'll have to see if I can find a video tutorial on gnome terminal but if it doesn't let you easily set up profiles for systems you connect to then it would not work for me. Tabby does let you set up profiles so at least it has that (but no side panel you can click to instantly select a profile). It does not have the clipboard history panel though.

fathermcgruder, to usa
@fathermcgruder@jorts.horse avatar

Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert

It's crazy to me that a destructive photovoltaic solar project like this one is considered reasonable, but a new nuclear power plant within or adjacent to a city is beyond the pale.


@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@fathermcgruder @Umbrias @usa And where I disagree with you vehemently is on the "safely" part. I don't want to live anywhere near a nuclear power plant, and I think a lot of people feel the same way. I know you believe that Chernobyl and Fukushima were one off disasters that could not possibly happen in North America, but if you are wrong a whole lot of people could die very painful deaths, or very slow and painful deaths depending on the exposure level.

The Joshua trees are kind of a red herring; they are only incidental to the issue, and honestly few people actually care about them except perhaps those living in that area (and I'm not saying that is a good thing, but I'm just saying that most people would not think them a very desirable tree). We can have cheap, safe energy from the sun and wind but some people don't like that and would prefer to take the chance of exposing potentially millions of people to radiation sickness. THAT is what is sickening.

By the way, do you have any financial interest in, or are you employed by the nuclear power industry? There are not that many people who want to see more nuke plants built so I'm wonder what your reasons are for being so pushy about this.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@fathermcgruder @Umbrias @usa I have no idea why you think global warming cannot be solved by wind and solar power, at least in part, and I especially don't know why you keep insisting that dangerous nuclear fission power plants are a solution - there are MANY people who would disagree with you on that. At this point we are just talking in circles and it is clear we will never agree so if you think you are going to somehow talk me into agreeing with you, you could not be more wrong. So let it drop here, or else annoy me once more and I'll just block you, but honestly I think you are just so wrong in your beliefs. The only thing we might ever agree on is that more effort should have been made to save the trees, but while that may seem really important to you, it's not something that will cause me to lose any sleep. I'd actually be far more concerned about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest but there is nothing I can do about that either.

When I wwas in elementary school, there was a very large sand dune that was visible from my house. But a sand mining company had been taking it down by bit for years. There was one teacher at the elementary school I attended that was REALLY upset about that, in her mind it was terrible that they were destroying this dune and no one was doing anything about it. So she got the kids involved in writing letters to legislators and such, but the problem was she was the only one who cared that much. We kids certainly didn't, the legislators didn't, and of course the sand mine owners and employees weren't paying a bit of attention to her and thought she was a kook. So, do you know what happened? They completely removed that dune, all but about the bottom 50 feet of it. And then they moved on and started mining other sand accumulations in the area, wherever they could get property rights.

I always wondered how that teacher felt at the end of her life, knowing she had raged against something she could not change and that almost no one else cared about. I wonder if she ever realized that many of her students thought she was a little crazy. I'm telling you this because I fear you are going down that path. People care about the Amazon rainforest. People care about majestic forests of spruces and pines. Almost no one outside of a few local people cares about a bunch what what many would call scrub trees. And maybe they are underestimating the value of those trees, that's certainly possible, but it sounds like this project has already received all the necessary approvals so all your rage is very unlikely to stop it, and it will just make you bitter. I suggest, to paraphrase the old poem, that you have the wisdom to understand that there are some things you cannot change and that you accept that and move on to try to make a difference in ways where more people will support your efforts.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@fathermcgruder @usa

  • Fukushima
  • Chernobyl
  • Threre Mile Island

Reasons why a new nuclear power plant within or adjacent to a city is beyond the pale.

The whole article reads like a few locals had time on their hands and maybe in the case of the high school teacher, needed a cause to make himself feel important (some teachers are like that, they got into teaching just so they could impose their beliefs on others. Everybody talks about the damage bad cops do, but no one talks about teachers unless they have gone the route of certain notorious priests). There has never been a major project of any kind that didn't make someone upset but in the grand scheme of things I think the benefits of this one will outweigh the downsides, however if I lived in the area I might feel differently. But at least a solar project is not going to make the land for hundreds of square miles uninhabitable for years to come.

Funny thing is that when I went to read that article, a couple artices down was an article about how Japan and Norway are still killing whales (https://ca.news.yahoo.com/japan-determined-keep-hunting-whales-210015567.html). I would be a whole lot more upset about that that the loss of a few trees in the desert. What I don't get is why if they are so concerned about the trees, the government down there didn't require that they be transplanted rather that simply cut down. There are these big machines called tree spades that can transplant fairly latge trees, roots and all from one place to another. Let the compllaining residents take a tree or two in their yards, then move the rest to another location in the desert.


admin, to random
@admin@hear-me.social avatar
@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@admin @cheeaun Thanks, I found it. Not really obvious but at least it is there.

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@admin @cheeaun The thing I like about #Phanpy is the ability to quote a toot.The one thing I don't like is the inability to boost with just a single click. Why can't we have one client that does both?

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@admin @cheeaun One other thing I am not finding in #Phanpy is any way to mute someone. I tend to mute people who post in languages other than English because I can't read them, and there is too much in my timeline already, so I am just trying to remove some of the clutter. But there is no way (that I can find) to mute in Phanpy without reporting someone, and I don't want to report them, I just want to mute them.

TechDesk, (edited ) to twitter
@TechDesk@flipboard.social avatar

“No other American megabillionaire businessperson has so publicly fostered ideological relationships with world leaders to advance personal politics and businesses.”

The @nytimes looks into Elon Musk’s use of X to build influence with nationalist and right-wing politicians, publicly backing their views, aggressively confronting their enemies, and even personally intervening in X’s content policies in ways that appear to aid them — and all to the benefit of his other businesses. Here’s more.


[Subscription may be required]

#ElonMusk #Twitter #Business #Tech

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@TechDesk @nytimes Paywalled.

Jerry, (edited ) to random
@Jerry@hear-me.social avatar

I see Hunter Biden, this and that all over the news. Am I the only one who has absolutely no interest in his trial? #Poll

@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

@Jerry The Republican fascists want you to care about Hunter Biden because they hope you'll forget about the convicted felon that will be at the top of their ticket in November, but what most of us realize is this:

  • Once a kid becomes an adult, parents are no longer responsible for therir actions. And offspring can be very different from the parents!
  • People who are addicted to drugs sometimes make terrible life choices that they may wind up paying for later.
  • However most parents still love their children even if they don't condone some of the choices they have made.

That's the long and short of it. The Republicans are attempting to make ridiculous assertions such as that the Bidens are some kind of crime family, but nobody is buying that except their base. And their base is so far gone from reality that convicted felon Trump could say the president was an evil space alien and his cult followers would believe him. These are the same people who believed him when he said that drinking bleach or taking animal dewormer would cure Covid. Fox "News" has to have something to bleat about night after night, and this is the squirrel they are currently chasing. And sadly, the other media outlets think if Fox and the other right-wing media is reporting on it, it must be interesting so they talk about it too.

SirBoostALot, to threads
@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar

My opinion is that the correct response to Fedi Garden (or any other instance that says they won't federate with an instance that federates with #Threads ) should be:

"You go to hell!"

This is no different than if you throw a party and invite several people and a few of them say "we won't come if certain other people you've invited are there." If you are polite, you might say "Sorry, we'll miss you." If, however, you think they are just a bunch of assholes trying to tell you who you can or cannot associate with, you might tell them to just f**k right off.

I get it, they all hate Zuckerberg, but they're not punishing Zuckerberg. If anything, they are driving Mastodon users to create Threads accounts so they can communicate with their friends there, rather than communicate with them through Mastodon. Zuckerberg couldn't care less. It is your USERS you are hurting if you block Threads.

I get defederating an instance if they are doing something really bad. But wanting to be able to follow Threads users in and of itself is not bad. Zuck is arguably bad, some other individual Threads users are bad, but the bulk to Threads users are probably not bad and I for one would like to be able to read what they post without having to set up an account on Threads. And if the #FediGarden people don't like it, they should be told to stick their #authoritarian nonsense where the sun don't shine.

Fedi Garden to Instance Admins: “Block Threads to Remain Listed”
#fediverse #Mastodon

SirBoostALot, to USpolitics
@SirBoostALot@hear-me.social avatar
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