tallship, to retrogaming
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
darnelltv, to random

Welcome to WordPress! This is your first post. Edit or delete it to take the first step in your blogging journey.


@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Welcome ;) lolz.... :p

#tallship #Fediverse #FOSS Recharging with #ActivityPub @tallship


@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Let's try a reply one more time from a masto account (second try - yesterday's follow broke sometime in the past 20hrs or so).

@silverpill @darnell @darnell

I hope this helps! I hope it works, lolz.

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #ActivityPub_Plugin #WordPress


shoq, to HashtagGames
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Swilling Captain Beefheart IPAs at a very dangerous rate of consumption while singing “women like long neck bottles and a big head on their beer.”



@atomicpoet @shoq

Run Paint, Run Run is still my fav Beefheart tune after all these decades ;)

#tallship #Captain_Beefheart_and_the_Magic_Band


FantasticalEconomics, to Economics
@FantasticalEconomics@geekdom.social avatar

Say it with me folks, inheritance tax.

We are entering into "the great wealth transfer" where about $5.2 trillion (that's the one with more zeros than I can count) is about to pass from the, largely undeserving, super rich to their entirely undeserving heirs.

"Research by Forbes magazine found there were 15 billionaires aged 30 or under but that none had created their own wealth, instead benefitting from huge inheritances."


#economics #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


And just what is wrong with that?

Answer: Not one Darn thing, except for the taxation a financially broken and bankrupt government seeks to impose upon those who rightfully choose to pass their property (including liquid assets) on to their offspring and nearest living relatives - or anything they designate.

There's also those who conveniently revel in blissful elegance of their self-imagined malcontent.

Jealousy is want of things belonging to others.



tallship, to random
tallship, to TeslaMotors
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

Whoa, Maverick, Whoa Horsey! 🐎

I Must be in the front row! 🤘 💀 🤘

#tallship #elon_follows_me #elon @elon_musk01 #I_can_haz_Cheezburgerz? 🍔


tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to fediverse


!!Moderation request!!

I come home to find my feeds/streams flooded with vitriolic politicial drivel emanating from a group to which I belong that states emphatically that it doesn't tolerate off-topic traffic.

The stated purpose of this Fediverse group on my home Friendica server is stated as follows:

This is a Friendica group dedicated to #Fediverse news. What are the advantages of a group over a hashtag?Groups can do things that hashtags can't. For example, groups:

  • are moderated
  • can re-share content
  • can speak as a group

Joining and contributing to a Friendica group is easy. To share your posts to @Fediverse News, follow these steps:

  1. Follow @Fediverse News
  2. When sharing Fediverse news, tag @Fediverse News
  3. The @Fediverse News group will then re-share your post

This is an actively moderated group. Be sure to stay on topic, or your posts will be removed.

As per the instructions for this Friendica / Fediverse group, I'm notifying the moderation team by CC'ing the following address with this complaint and request to remove the vicious hate that's been spewing into the group here all day long while I've been away working:


People who sign up for a Fediverse News site should not be subjected to hatred being fomented, propagated, and bantered about with respect to unrelated matters, such as (abominable) off-topic, political vitriol.

  1. ) Posting announcements concerning the onboarding and subesquent federating nature of a public figure's account on threads.net is a relevant matter to the Fediverse, Fediverse Technology, and Fediverse News.
  2. ) acerbic comentary, name calling, ad hominem, and libel, as has consumed the group today, is not - those posts are a cause of severe harm and should most certainly, IMO be removed as per the terms/rules quoted above.
  3. ) The level of cacophony and pejorative hate speech permitted to continue throughout the day today is shameful. This is not the place to engage or encourage such juvenile behavior, let alone permit it to foment and spread across the Fediverse as it has today!

Moderation Team: Thank you, in advance, for taking your time to address and resolve this matter, returning this group to the decorum it usually enjoys with people conversing and observing the principles of civil discourse.

#tallship #moderation #Civil Discourse #ad-hominem #vitriol #hate speech #harm


tallship, to foss


Hi Teri,

I'm writing you because I came across your blog site and thought you may be able to leverage the Fediverse in conjunction with your WordPress site's publishing horsepower.

As a #FOSS advocate with great enthusiasm for mass #Fediverse adoption, I'd like to suggest a couple of things for you to consider, and the following treatment can also benefit others who also have bridged over to the Fediverse that already have a WordPress installation, or have been looking to deploy one.

  • First, that you think about establishing a Fediverse account other than that of a stock Mastodon instance. Sure, keep your @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social account, just create another account for yourself on a platform that will afford you more options that can facilitate your creative freedom (let's not dissect that word, lolz) to publish posts that are in excess of a paltry 500 characters, along with things like Markup capabilities, Etc. Just a thought. ...

This leads into the next suggestion, ...

  • Second, why not make that account your existing WordPress blog, where you already have a permanent, branded presence and readership? Let's supercharge your WordPress site by making it a full and complete publishing platform completely integrated with the Fediverse.

There's a couple of methodologies, but generally speaking, once you install the ActivityPub plugin any future blog posts are on the Fediverse as well as any other distribution channels you may already have (say, by virtue of having installed the JetPack Social plugin that propagates into the deprecated silo networks).

One method I can recommend is to follow this basic procedure to popularize your blog posts and gain followers - just like you probably have been with the mastodon.social account you already have:

  1. ) If you've already created a new account on a more feature complete platform that's better suited for long form posting, inline images, Etc., like #Friendica, #Socialhome, any #Misskey or #Pleroma family fork platform, #Hubzilla, or #Mitra (They all have excellent Markdown support too); simply follow your #WordPress user account @<username>@terikanefield.com. If not, then simply follow your WordPress Fediverse user account from your existing masto account - which you should do anyway since I gather you have some respectable measure of followers.

2.) Everytime you publish a new news article / blog post on your WordPress site, you'll see it in your stream on your fediverse accounts.

3.) Boost each article from those accounts, your followers will see what you boost in their streams.

4.) encourage them to boost as well and/or comment - you'll see those comments in the reply section of each article on your WordPress site - Awesome!

5.) Now that you have followers of your WordPress user's Fediverse account you should be able to garner more direct interaction on your WordPress site, instead of having to post links to those posts from your mastodon.social account.

  1. ) From your @<username>@terikanefield.com account at your WordPress site, you can now directly interact with your followers, even those who post replies/comments to your articles, whether or not they are a follower of yours.

I'm taking the time to write because I see that you have a relatively decent circulation and engagement between readers and your blog articles, and the more people that see you engaging with others in the Fediverse directly from your WordPress site, the more people are encouraged to Join the Fediverse.

I am, as stated in my profile and also leading in to this, a FOSS and Privacy Advocate.

So here's a couple of links, one to the plugin itself - it's easy to install and deploy. Another older one that's still relevant that shows you how to do the install, and I think that's about it. We'll see ;)

  • WordPress ActivityPub Plugin - This is where you get the plugin
  • HowTo with Video - Really simple, easy install, right from your WordPress admin panel
  • JetPac Social - I'm definitely not a fan of this kind of engagement (with the privacy mining, deprecated, monolithic silo networks), but you do you - it can afford you with even greater reach through syndication, and if you write about the Fediverse, well, ... So much the better!
  • You should also consider following the magnanimous @pfefferle - one of the primary authors of the #ActivityPub_Plugin.

I hope that helps! All the best!



tallship, to fediverse
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

An excellent expose on one of the most prolific and creative minds in the , and as the following article by @sean eludes to, far far beyond.


@mike 's contributions to and go back much further than just the portions of the Fediverse, well over a decade in fact, as the creator of , now , and also and , which promises to be a show changer for identity in the world of Social communications.

tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to foss
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

More champions of the relevance of #FOSS, #Dogfooding, and deprecating proprietary close source systems like Google and Dropbox in favor of taking back the ownership of our own data, and moreover, our privacy 🙂

Yes, you can haz #Cheezburgerz 🍔

#tallship #Nextcloud


tallship, to random
tallship, to random
@tallship@gleasonator.com avatar

Some pet stores need to get with the program. What do they mean, "no bunnies on Easter?"

This pet store claims that not enough bunnies are being BBQ'd and as a result they're ending up in animal shelters.

Well, because it takes both a bunny AND a chicken to make easter eggs, it looks like we're just gonna have to work around the no bunny part this year.

This is how that works :p

#tallship #Easter_Eggs #Easter_Bunnies #Easter_Chicken


RT: https://ohai.social/users/MeanwhileinCanada/statuses/112185047451493799

tallship, to random

Go Tommy, it's your birthday, Go Tommy, it's your birthday, Go Tommy, Go Tommy

#tallship #Tommy_Wiseau #Best_Fiends - F(r)iends @TommyWiseau You can haz #Cheezburgerz! 🍔


RE: https://mastodon.social/users/TommyWiseau/statuses/102890475029012257


tallship, to fediverse

More than anything, the following isn't any sort of treatise on threads itself. In fact, Threads is largely irrelevant - this is an impeachment on the state of the (deprecated, monolithic silo) mentality that is somewhat pervasive in the Fediverse: That you switch one Satan for another Satan. You swap out #Sunnyvale_Syndrome silos managed by people who in no way have your best interests in mind for some masto admin you don't know anything about, regardless of their stated mission.

You're not consulted, at all, about blocks and mutes of remote users and domains (instances) that you may or may not have interests in following, connecting with, or otherwise engage. Such is indeed the prerogative of the instance admin and their so-called staff members, and truth be told, all without due consideration of your particular feelings.

A couple of notions, ...

First, Fediverse development is in a state where you can choose to migrate your account elsewhere - well, not really the history of your posts, includng graphics, etc., intact, but certainly, your follows and followers lists. Masto no longer can monopolize on keeping you put and under the thumb of what could very well be eventually revealed as some, immature, juvenile, tyrannical despot who wears the clothes of some benevolent dictator as their disguise.

Next, even with respect to the most feature complete platforms, you easily can self-host the most comprehensive amongst those - if you can install a WordPress Website, then you can install a Hubzilla or Friendica Server. You can invite your friends and family, or just leave it as a single-user instance.

If you do that, no one can tell you what is appropriate - it's your world. You make your own rules. you decide what and who you want to see and allow through your machine - Want Threads? kewl. Don't want to interact with the big bad zuckerberg wolf? Kewl - block it. It's your world.

Similarly, and I cover this often, there's no real community in selecting an existing server to join. Sure, you can choose to only watch the "local" stream, revealing just how limited and how little in common you share with most of those folks, or you can build your own streams by following the things that interest you and allow people to connect with you on your own terms. The community you have, is always ultimately going to be the community you build for yourself - not some recommended antennae designed by some admin on a Misskey fork that purports to know what you want.

Some added benefits of Hubzilla and Friendica instances are built in interoperability with other Fediverse network protocols. No, Threads is not one of those. Threads is ActivityPub. I'm talking about native communication between your account and Bluesky, or Diaspora - two very vibrant and active networks of Fediverse instances that don't even speak the same language as the old, feature starved masto platform.

I'll also post real quick, just a mention (with links this time, I've been asked to always do this) of single-user-by-design Fediverse platforms you might find quite to your liking. They vary in features and even the bells and whistles that their respective developers felt that they wanted to address, but the basic functionality is there - again, you decide for yourself what sort of community you want and what kind of blocks or mutes at the domain or user level you're interested in.

Now, let me just say, smolweb, instead of single-user Fediverse platforms, because as suitable as they are for self-hosting (often in your home on an old laptop or Raspberry Pi) as single-user instances, that doesn't have to strictly be the case with some of these:

I'm going to keep this short enough to put the emphasis on the boost of my previous post below - the important concept being that in coming to the Fediverse, it is you, who should be in charge of what and who you interact with, and not somebody else who (as evidenced recently) will pull the rug out from under you and tell you what you can and cannot do, who you can and cannot talk to, or worse than all of that, ... Will judge you.

You shouldn't take that kind of shit from anybody. You be you. You're fine just the way you are :)

https://public.mitra.social/users/tallshiptallship wrote the following post Sat, 30 Mar 2024 05:28:37 +0000

![Cover of Boardwatch Magazine from the early 90's featuring Bill Gatus of Borg - "You will be assimilated".](https://public.mitra.social/media/c30634759c1a18cff76d637f81090acf541a512b22f4affda37c4f87424e8b3d.jpg "Cover of Boardwatch Magazine from the early 90's featuring Bill Gatus of Borg - "You will be assimilated".")

> On any online space, you should consider who you give power to. Who has the control over who you choose to associate with?

I concur 100% with this assertion.

> All that the instances who sign the fedipact are doing is signalling to some of us that somewhere is safe for folk who don't want to engage with Facebook at all.

I don't think that's all, and actually, What those instances may (inadvertently) be signalling is that they will take it upon themselves to remove the Freedom of Association from the user themselves, without prior expectation or consultation.

I don't know where "Freedom of Speech" entered the conversation, but the notion of "Freedom of Association" has indeed been taken from those who have chosen to excercise those privileges belonging to the users themselves. Waking up and realizing that you can no longer communicate and share recipes with grandma, without evern having been consulted, is an affront to the Freedom of Association - it's inclusive of an even larger issue surrounding the reasons that *smolweb and single-user and self-hosted platforms are protective of such principles Freedom of Association.

Further, it serves to create an environment (especially when so many platforms now support migration ingress) where one's Fediverse accounts are considered ever more transient, as the realization that having an account on a silo based Fediverse instance is the antipathy of and philosophies.

It also erodes the trust between the average user and administrators that you thought you could entrust with respecting your freedom of association with.

> This is a Freedom of Association issue, ...

it is indeed, and a betrayal of trust for anyone who realizes that it is the overreach by someone else to decide that you should not have the Freedom of Association that likely brought most folks to the Fediverse in the first place.

I did a little non-scientific, anecdotal survey by contacting people I know on many of the instances that arbitrarily decided to remove those freedoms from their users overnight, and discovered that many have already migrated to other instances, or are contemplating it - the interesting thing? Many of my acquaintances had already decided to, or even configured their accounts to block ; but to have someone else tell them what they're allowed, or not allowed to do, is a violation of someone's freedom to choose for themselves by despot personalities who dismiss the relevance of a right to choose for oneself.

It's a simple matter, to block instances, at the domain level, from one's own user account, and on most Fediverse platforms, there's actually an announcement utility (usually only used to beg for donations) whereby administrative staff can inform their user base of their own ability to control how they themselves choose to exercise their own preferences with respect to .

Ironically, when perusing the stats, it's the very largest (deprecated, monolithic silo oriented) Fediverse instances (in terms of the # of user accounts and MAU) that have chosen NOT to trample upon the individual user's Freedom to Associate with whom they themselves decide.

NOTE to Fediverse instance admins: Please take under consideration the trust that has been placed in you with respect to the freedoms all individuals are entitled to determine for themselves - reach out to your user base, deploy surveys, collect votes, whatever, but please don't just decide for someone else what you decide is good for people who are NOT YOU.

Subjugation and assimilation into the Borg Collective goes both ways folks.

(All Your Base Are Belong To Us)


tallship, to random

18 December 2017, Homeboldt, California.

The joys of cooking with wood fired stoves.

This was my #Stanley_cooker and oven. I even managed to make a couple of cakes in there - now that's a challenge, but once you develop an intimate understanding of working the firebox and valves to maintain the temps you want in the oven, all things are possible.

But it still took about 45 minutes to get a fire going and the stove top hot enough to cook a skillet of 🥓 bacon & 🐣🥚 eggs

#tallship #off_grid


tallship, to node
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Hey Adam,

Just touching base here, I wanted to see how is coming along and... Oh, it's been a while since the last commit.

Anyway, had some discussions with a couple of folks about it and how it's , so there's excitement there.

Do please lemme know when you've taken up that torch again - I know you wear a lot of hats :)

All the best!

You can haz ! 🍔


tallship, to foss

Well... Reddit may not yet have been shown the door, but it has certainly been handed its hat.

Think about it. platforms such as the projects for Kbin, Mbin, Lemmy, Lotide, and now...

https://join.piefed.social/ and the repo is here: https://codeberg.org/rimu/pyfedi/

Be sure to check the Link below in the link that @jeze left and sign up!

Pretty kewl, IMO. Thanks for sharing Elley :) it looks really nice and I created an account for myself. Seamless federation with the others too - very nice :)

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #PyFedi #PieFed


RE: https://kzoo.to/users/jeze/statuses/112168259370814891


tallship, to fediverse

@ben If I read everything correctly, you indicated that it should be able to recognize WordPress sites that have the ActivityPub plugin installed, but I didn't try to plug any of those in.

It is reminiscent of Share to Any and a couple of others that used to aggregate almost all of the available share points in the old monolithic social spaces, like del.icio.us, Diigo, and the thirty or so others supported by that plugin.

I'm looking forward to seeing how your effort progresses though, and it would be kewl if you could post an Atom or RSS feed link to make that easy in the meantime, although I'll follow you now and hope not to miss any milestones :)

I did plugin many Fediverse platforms such as various Friendica, Mitra, Misskey, Iceshrimp, Hubzilla, Diaspora, Akkoma, Lemmy, Takahe, and Pleroma sites, but none of those were found.

masto is obviously low lying fruit, but the real measure, IMO, is breaking out into the #Fediverse at large (not just masto). Interesting though, and thoughtful, that you Support Threads and Bluesky. will you be following up soon with nostr as well?

Exciting work there! Thanks for sharing (no pun intended ;) well, maybe a little ).

#tallship #FOSS #Share #Share_Openly


RE: https://werd.social/users/ben/statuses/112170840438655254


tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

Oh, the comedy of it all. Snivelers exclaiming, "The horror, the horror", as if they're actually gasping for their last, selfish breaths, clinging to their maxed out credit cards that are maxed out coz their mommies and daddies stopped paying the balance on, lolz....


Here's looking at'cha kiddos :p

#tallship #microeconomics #Zoomers #lolz


karencookphotos, to Travel
@karencookphotos@mastodon.social avatar
elb, to random
@elb@social.sdf.org avatar

I just went out to get my kid off the bus. It's cold outside, so I put on a gray pea coat over my T-shirt and blue plaid flannel pajama pants. It's snowing, so I added a black wool Stetson. Then the bus was late (probably due to the 2" of snow on the ground), so I pulled on some tan leather lined work gloves and shoveled the walk.

Fortunately it was my younger who was getting off the bus, and she is rather a sartorial free spirit. My older would have been mortified. #DadLife

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@elb bruh! You are rockin' the fashion world and don't let anyone tell you different.

As for the older kid, let's fix 'em - go back in and change into a power ranger costume and make sure all their friends are observing when they come down off the steps of the bus to greet them Muahahaha 🤘🤡🤘

#tallship #fashion_sense #pink_ranger #embarrassing_our_children_for_fun
#being_the crazy_parent #its_all_good


forsaken, to random

What do you think the future of XMPP will be like? I think it might be the protocol I enjoy using the most



> What do you think the future of XMPP will be like? I think it might be the protocol I enjoy using the most

Interesting, and refreshing, to see optimistic XMPP thoughts on, I guess, adoption? After 25 years?

People have been proclaiming the death of Jabber/XMPP for many a moon, yet its utility and existence just below the surface of mainstream awareness remains healthy. Yes, it is sometimes thought of as long forgotten, and no, it's not losing any um, ... Market share, so to speak.

For most things, and especially as a chat/communications platform between people, I migrated away and onto other solutions, leaving it alone and largely dormant for nearly two decades; yet it has always been part of my infra - mostly just between me and machines I've managed (notifications mostly).

I think part of the reason for it being so summarily dismissed was due to the rise of things like AIM, YIM, etc., and its perceived 'death knells', following Google's choice to (at least publicly) migrate away from it in the course of killing some of their public services.

More significantly however, IMO, were the abhorrently ugly and unintuitive UIs most chat clients sported - I'll call that era the time when XMPP clients mostly appeared like something you'd see on Angelfire or GeoCities web pages - before the MySpace and subsequent early Faceplant years following the breakage of the Pimp my Myspace page phenomina.

Like Samuel Clemens, once stated, ... "The report of my death was an exaggeration." If XMPP were itself able to express such sentiment, I believe it certainly would, lolz.

XMPP is simple to use, fast, secure (not by default), and by creating a situation where the user is transparently ignoring the JID + "/resource" and numerical priority that served to constantly confuse laypersons with multiple devices, the neo-adoption of XMPP and the introduction of 'pretty' clients has to a large degree, made it seem as if XMPP is something that is rather novel in the communications (chat) sector.

Clients like Conversations, at least on the platform, have enabled this renaissance. There's also more desktop clients that sport a good look (pretty), offering an intuitive UX.

Is it going to be the next great thang? Doubtful. As @silverpill stated:

> I think It will remain a small network, unless something really bad happens to matrix (its main competitor).

... There's that elephant in the room.

On the other hand, for those of us who were early adopters of the hopeful protocol, the promise hasn't quite been realized as expected, and further, it's been rife with disappointments - How many times have I myself integrated Matrix into system monitoring infrastructure only to feel that dissapointment?

XMPP doesn't offer me that - it works, every fucking time, fast, and I need it fast. I need to be able to call my customers and tell them that there's a problem and that I'm working on a fix before they even know there's a problem. I can plugin Zabbix, Observium, Nagios, Cacti, , etc., and when I hear that cacaphony of an alarm in the middle of the night, know that I need to get out of bed and start putting out fires.

I use Matrix - daily, all the time. But when people close to me ask which one of my non-email contact methods is best (besides actually calling me on the phone), I let them in on a little secret - "If you really need to get a hold of me, like, right now, and want my undivided attention when some IM pings me, then use my Jabber address". It's the first thing I check when I wake up, and I don't even usually check Matrix (it's mostly just for discussions and private chats nowadays anyway in my work flow).

Do I care if it's going to be the next great thing? Well, I prolly, when thinking about it, would prefer that it not be - Here's why:

  • Mass adoption by my friends and colleagues who I converse with would only serve to dilute the priority to which I assign my communications
  • Migrating from Matrix (or something else) to XMPP for my virtual social interactions would prolly spur me towards wishing I had a dumb beeper again on my belt, lolz.
  • Sure, I can take advantage of different JIDs/resources, and even install separate XMPP clients if I wished, but managing different alert sounds, etc., and, ... Basically just complicating something that is so simple and effective the way I use it now kinda defeats the purpose of having a (mostly) dedicated interface between me and my boxes :p

Well, that's my 2 cents ;) and of course, my XMPP addy is in my profile if someone wants a priority chan to rattle my cage - but please do use as a matter of practice, even untrusted e2ee is better than clear text and I believe that we should, whenever practical, use encryption by default....... because. Just because :)


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