whangdoodler, to politics Finnish

We have a country wide hostage situation going on in Finland.

The nazi government is lying, threatening and pushing through never before seen capacity of austerity measures that will not only cripple the economy and shatter peaceful society, but also push finnish people into poverty and uncertainty. #fascism #politics #politicsFI #finland #gunViolence #naziGovernment #austerity #corruption #basicFinns #BasicFinnNazis #nazis

A good but inexperienced leader learns quickly from one crisis and handles the next one better, and Orpo and Purra have not lacked crisis training in this government. But they just don't learn for the better. Orpo and Purra either can't lead or don't want to lead. And both options are completely unsustainable in this situation. Besides the leadership deficit, another big problem is the current form of the Finns party. I believe that Mr Vornanen's actions have come as a shock to all members of the party, and I am sure that none of Basic Finns will support such actions. But it is still necessary to discuss why we have a party in government and a very strong popular support base that not only attracts irresponsible and dangerous people like a magnet, but also repeatedly elevates them to positions of responsible power. It is no coincidence that Basic Finns politicians have the most criminal backgrounds, or that a child molester or neo-Nazi can become a minister in Basic Finns, or that radical far-right groups in Finland have repeated links with Basic Finns.
The Basic Finns are a party whose two leading stars, Riikka Purra and Jussi Halla-aho, have publicly written violent fantasies in which they use a handgun in public, and the Basic Finns voters approve of this, as they do of all the other dangerous and irresponsible behaviour of Basic Finns politicians. And when discrimination, hostility, racist crime and fantasies of violence are accepted and even praised within the party, this has a consequence: more people who act in a discriminatory and hostile way and who foster violent fantasies of power end up in the party. These two issues, the government's total lack of leadership and the chaotic unpredictability of Basic Finns party, lead to the third problem, which is possibly the biggest of all. Finns' confidence in the political system and society is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. The government came to power by lying about virtually all its election promises. It has not even tried to deliver on its promise of zero tolerance of racism and disinformation. The government listens to no one and cares not a jot about the crushing impact of its cuts on people's daily lives - on the contrary, it arrogantly mocks the poor it hurts with by posing with scissors in hand. The most common response to criticism is to label the critics unjustifiably as communists or representatives of the "Trade Union_mafia".
Ultimately, society works on trust. People must be able to trust that the majority, and above all politicians, will act for the common good. And when, on top of such cruel and intransigent policies, our leaders shirk their responsibilities in a situation that has shocked all Finns, it severely shatters that already fragile trust. This is not acceptable. And it must be said loudly to the decision-makers. Much louder than before. Because when a small group arbitrarily decides the fate of a large group by threatening, lying and behaving with unpredictable aggression, and the large group can only helplessly obey and somehow try to endure and hang on, it is no longer a question of democratic governance of the welfare state, it is a hostage situation.

whangdoodler, to Germany Finnish
whangdoodler, to politics Finnish

the nazi government speaks of justice and fairness while it steals means of living from the poorest and low income earners and then hands money over to the rich.

Li Andersson of Left Alliance. 👇

The government's development discussion rhetoric about "fairness" is a big hoax. As a result of the new decisions, income tax for the highest earners will be increased by a maximum of €330 PER YEAR. This means that those earning more than €14,000 per month will see their tax bill rise by around €28 per month. Those earning €10,000 per month will see their tax bill rise by €20 per month. At the level of the MP's salary, there will be no tax increase at all. And that's not all. If you take into account the tax cut already given to the same group by raising the lower limit of the solidarity tax, these top earners will still be getting more our of it after all the government's tax decisions. Everyone earning more than €10 000 a month will see their tax burden LIGHTEN by at least €1 000 a year, and the reduction will increase as their income increases. At the same time, social security cuts are taking hundreds of euros from low income and low paid workers EVERY MONTH. Housing benefit cuts are taking €200-300 a month from many. The abolition of the child benefit means €150-285 less per month, depending on the number of children. The average impact of the graduation of income-based unemployment benefits is €330 per month.
When the cuts hit the same people, the impact is even greater. For example, if you are a person with two children and you’re earning €2,500 a month, who then becomes unemployed, the government cuts will take €565 a month from your unemployment benefit. For a parent of two children earning the same wage but working part-time, the cuts will take a total of up to €715 a month. On top of all this, the government deliberately chose to leave capital and dividend taxation untouched, even though this is where the greatest tax injustices are to be found. Or how fair does it sound that the owner of a wealthy family business can withdraw €149 000 a year in dividends as personal income and pay a tax rate of around 7.5%? Even for higher incomes than this, the percentage is very low. At the same time, the increase in general VAT will hit all small and one person businesses in this country directly, as not everyone will be able to pass on the increase in prices. The right-wing government's policies are very far from justice or fairness.

whangdoodler, to politics Finnish

ught its hard to believe but shit is still getting worse. even more cuts from the poor, students and sick are coming. so is the economical depression.

a word from Li Andersson (Left Alliance). 👇

Vocational education and training is again being cut drastically. According to Purra, the cut will be targeted at those studying for a second degree. It is unclear how this will be implemented, as all students will be subject to the same funding and legislation, unless the government intends to put Finnish education behind a paywall. The extra five million for the well-being of children and young people is a poor joke compared with all these drastic cuts. The VAT rate will be increased to 25.5%, well above the EU average and the second highest after Hungary. The increase will raise prices and will hit hard, especially for all those on low incomes who are already struggling in their daily lives and who are also hit by previous social security cuts and index freezes. It is also a very hard blow to all those domestic sole traders and small entrepreneurs who have been struggling with inflation and rising interest rates as consumer habits have changed. Tightening VAT in the middle of a recession is also very bad cyclical policy to put the brakes on recovery.
Orpo talks about easing the taxation of labour, but the taxation of labour for many small entrepreneurs will actually increase with the rise in VAT, as not everyone has the possibility to pass it on to the prices of goods or services. The right-wing government will continue along its familiar lines.

whangdoodler, to Finland Finnish
whangdoodler, to Finland Finnish

quick recap of the situation in finland…

a 4-year old child died in the hands of their guardians cause overworked and underfunded child welfare social workers failed to protect them. Minister who oversees said affairs is happy that more austerity is aimed at the child protection.

News headlines. "The right direction" - Minister Juuso comments on the austerity measures for children. POLITICS 10:23. 4-year-old's shocking death could be repeated - Regions cut child protection. POLITICS 8:18

whangdoodler, to random Finnish

the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:



#politicsFI #finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #austerity #welfareState #welfareCuts #rightWingPolitics #naziScum


According to the Finance Minister, Finns are used to a state that is too generous. TUULA KÄRKI 10.10.2023 13.43 “The oversized model of the welfare state is coming to an end because we simply cannot afford to maintain it”, Finance Minister Riikka Purra (Basic Finn.) said on Tuesday as Parliament began debating next year's state budget. The budget proposal is the first of Prime Minister Petteri Orpos (Coalition Party) government. Purra said that Finland has sunk into recession and that the state has been living beyond its means since the financial crisis in 2008.
“The time for pretence and self-deception is over. The idea of the welfare state has been based on the fact that we have been able to maintain our extensive welfare state on the basis of high value-added exports," Purra said. “The success of the heyday got us used to an overly generous state. But structural change in various industries has brought a new realism to government finances.” Purra said that the Finnish welfare society cannot cope with the challenges that "have been thrust upon the government without clear change". “Finland can only get back on track by restoring realism to economic policy”, she said.
Purra stressed the need to focus on the core tasks of the state. “When you prioritise spending, you have to think about the core functions of the state. These include, in particular, internal and external security, health and education. Safety nets are also needed," Purra said. “On the other hand, families and individuals also have responsibilities. As a way for citizens to take control of their lives, the government emphasises work and employment.” She believes that the role of the state is to act as an enabler and social safety net against risks from which individuals cannot protect themselves. “In the future, therefore, the finance ministry's expenditure mapping process will need to assess precisely which tasks are the responsibility of the state and therefore the taxpayer.”


Iikka Kivi on point again.

We have a government party that has several links to far-right-terrorism.

but sure, “the communists” are the problem.

#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #farRight #terrorism


A opinion about nazi-governments austerity policies by a deacon published in HS.

“It is wrong to cut social security for the poorest.

It is unsustainable to cut those who are barely surviving at the moment.”

14.10. 2:00 #naziJokeGovernment #austerity #thatcherism #poor #petteriOrpo #welfareCuts #welfareState #poverty #politics #deacon #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #socialWork #povertyInFinland


Even now, we diaconal workers are filling gaps in the social safety net for hundreds of thousands of people. In 2020, for example, we had more than half a million encounters and distributed more than eight million euros in grants across Finland, so many people have not received the support they need through the services and social security of our welfare state. Ministers, the functioning and humanity of the welfare state is measured by how disadvantaged people are treated and how their human rights are taken care of. As Archbishop Tapio Luoma has said, in a welfare society, this is the task of the state.
We diaconal workers have expertise that is important to use when planning services for society. Diaconal work is about walking alongside the marginalised and excluded, speaking up for human dignity and putting human rights at the centre. We act as advocates on behalf of those who are being drained of their remaining strength to cope in everyday life by a government programme. Dear decision-makers, please listen to my concerns. A concern that I know is shared by my colleagues across Finland. Ani Iivanainen Deacon, Vihti


Workers' representatives appeal to the nazi-government parties: withdraw the proposals that undermine workers' position!

i’d advice for general strike right the fuck now but it seems some still have faith in the humanity of rightwing politicians.


#finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #LabourMovement

The petition was open for inspection and signature by the shop stewards and health and safety representatives of the SAK unions from 28 August to 16 October, during which time it received 5 465 certified signatures. These people represent more than half a million workers in all SAK sectors. The petition was handed over today to the Presidents of the parliamentary groups of the governing parties by a group of representatives of SAK trade unions and signatories. - We are extremely concerned about the way and the content that the parties you represent are introducing into Finnish working life. We are convinced that the proposed cuts will not save the Finnish economy, but will cause an increase in income inequality and inequality between people. Finland has always had a very strong culture of negotiation, and the biggest decisions have been taken by agreement, not by dictation," said Nina Heikkilä, JHL's Director.
The need for the petition arose when workplace staff representatives felt that workers had not been consulted during and after the preparation of the government programme. The petition also wants to stress that it is not too late to reconsider whether the government's proposed cuts to working life are justified. Most of them have no bearing on the state's finances and are more ideological in nature. Petri Vanhala, President of the Paper Union, stressed that the message of the petition should be taken seriously. - The shop stewards and health and safety representatives who signed the petition call on you to consider whether your goals are a blessing or a curse for Finland's future. The danger is that by going down this road you are driving the Finnish labour market into unprecedented turbulence.
The petition was accepted by the chairs of the governing parties' parliamentary groups, Matias Marttinen (CoR), Jani Mäkelä (Ps), Otto Andersson (R) and Peter Östman (KD). - Thank you for your feedback. We want to have a discussion with employees and also hear their views," said Matias Marttinen of the Coalition Party at the handover ceremony. The constituency-specific signatures on the petition will also be sent to the governing parties' MPs. The petition of the shop stewards and health and safety representatives to the MPs of the governing parties


what it looks like when a far-right government “fixes” the economy.

#politics #politicsFi #naziJokeGovernment

The EUROPEAN Commission has raised concerns about Petteri Orpo's (CoR) government's use of money. At the end of October, the Commission asked Finland for more information on next year's budget plan. Finland replied to the letter on Thursday. In the summer, the EU recommended Finland to curb the growth of public spending next year to a maximum of 2.2%. In its request for more information, the Commission says that in the Orpheus government's plan, spending is set to rise "significantly more", by as much as 4.8%.
The Commission also points out that next year's general government deficit is set to rise to 3.2%, above the 3% threshold of the Stability and Growth Pact. FINLAND'S reply is signed by Leena Mörttinen, Deputy State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance. In its reply, the Ministry of Finance admits that Finland may slip below the limits of the Stability and Growth Pact next year. Expenditure will increase, according to the reply, for example due to defence procurement and the newly enacted health and social services reform.
In addition, the reply states that exceptionally high index increases increase expenditure. This is due in particular to the indexation of national and occupational pensions, which the response says the government has shielded from the cut "in order to protect the most vulnerable households". Finland invokes the temporary nature of the situation and the €6 billion adjustment programme outlined in the government programme.


More far-right terrorism comes up surrounding Basic Finn nazis.

#politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment #BasicFinnNazis #finland #farRight #farRightTerrorism #terrorism #nazis

Party leader Riikka Purra has condemned the "misguided plans" on social media, patting the police on the back and distancing her party from the problem. Interior Minister Mari Rantanen (ps) "hopes" that people who do not respect democracy will not join the party. Given the well-known double communication of the Finns, it is reasonable to view the comments of Purra and Rantanen with healthy scepticism. Once again, this is not about what they say in the public eye. It is about what they are doing to the thinking that resides in their party, which also offers ideological apathy to those interested in terrorism. * The attention that the problem of terrorism is getting for the Finns is insignificant in relation to the seriousness of the issue. According to a recent assessment by the Security Police, the threat of far-right terrorism has increased in our country. Arkijärki also says that even a tenuous link between the party in government and terrorism requires a thorough investigation. This is hard news that could be expected to fill the headlines for several days.
The journalistic media bear a key responsibility for ensuring that issues of social importance and threats to human security are discussed visibly, thoroughly and in their proper names. So we look forward to news, analysis, editorials and current affairs programmes that focus on the question raised at the beginning of this blog: Why are those convicted or suspected of terrorism repeatedly linked to the Basic Finns?
JANNE SEPPÄNEN Polemis. The most pressing political news of the autumn is the terrorism symptomatic of the fringe of the Finns party. It has been modestly reported, and the main question still awaits journalistic digging: why do those convicted or suspected of terrorism repeatedly have links to the Finns party? This is a governing party that also holds the portfolio of Minister of the Interior, which is closely linked to the fight against terrorism.


2/2 just basic finn nazis being nazis.

#terrorism #politics #finland #basicFinnNazis #nazis #farRightTerrorism #fascism #fascismInFinland #politicsFI #basicFinns #trueFinns #farRight

When I've raised this issue on Twitter in recent days, the response has been overwhelming with anger, belittling and pointing out other faults. On this basis, there seems to be no desire or need among the party's rank and file and supporters to address these recurring situations. However, I refuse to believe that there are not a number of basic Finns who are concerned about the situation. If it were just a case of old stories coming to the surface, I do not think the situation would be serious. Very often, people have come to power from the political margins, where their views have been wild, but have been reassured by maturity and the possibility of coming to power. Kekkonen was the champion of Greater Finland, the communists were revolutionaries, the radicals of the 1960s, starting with Tuomioja, were their own kind. As such, the Halla-aholism could be part of such a continuum of pragmatic drift, but radicalism does not seem to have faded much in the party over time. What has improved is that the party leadership has become better at communicating separately to others and to its own.
As long as the Basic Finns drive the wagons into the ring in the face of outside criticism and defend their party from all and sundry, it is difficult to trust it to keep the undemocratic forces within it in check. Fortunately, in a multi-party system, there is always the option of leaving the party without government power. But then again, that is for the other parties and their voters to decide.


1/2 just basic finn nazies being nazies.

#terrorism #politics #finland #basicFinnNazis #nazis #farRightTerrorism #fascism #fascismInFinland #politicsFI #basicFinns #trueFinns #farRight

Normally, the party leaders are the first to be elected as ministers. Now two of the party's very popular vice-chairmen, Sebastian Tynkkynen and Mauri Peltokangas, have been left without a portfolio. Part of this was also the resignation last spring of the ID group in the European Parliament, which was largely made up of far-right parties friendly to Putin. At the same time, the BF's previously rather dense support base in Brussels was renewed. The party leadership has therefore been at work in the background and its actions were certainly important in building the party's credibility in government. At the same time, the result of the first term of the Basic Finn' government is well remembered, when support quickly plummeted and contributed to the party's disintegration. Even now, support has fallen, but moderately. The debate on racism in the summer and early autumn was largely born out of the fact that the actions of the people in the governing party, and especially the backgrounds of the ministers, carry more weight and therefore more interest.
None of the parties in government believed that they would benefit from the dissolution of the government; on the contrary, other issues were considered more important than the views expressed by the key players in the BF. It was the government programme and its importance that was often invoked. The government programme states: ''The government recognises terrorism as a crime that seriously endangers the basic functions of society, the rule of law and human security. The threat of terrorism remains at an elevated level. Terrorism will be combated effectively." In the more concrete counter-terrorism measures, it is clear that the fight against terrorism has immigrants in mind, as better access to citizenship revocation in terrorism convictions is mentioned twice. This is by no means the first or second case linking BF to extremism or even terrorism. Here are a bunch of others over the years:
The main suspect in Laden's terrorist crimes had a BF background, the attempted murder of BF member Kataja was the result of internal party disputes, the local branch chairman practiced shooting with a bow at a neo-Nazi summer camp with pictures of political decision-makers as targets, Junnila's KKK and Nazi flirtations, far-right Awakening seminars attended by party members, a local councillor ran a (Soldiers of) Odin clubhouse, BF councillor donated a Hitler watch to the Odins, BF MPs as speakers at the Kukkavirta event organised by the neo-Nazis, the entire youth organisation was expelled from the party for extremism, Hankamäki's book Truus kihottaa, the expelled MPs Hirvisaari and Turtiainen, the dominance of the leading figures of Suomen Sisu in the party, cooperation with the neo-Nazis in commemorating Schaumann, and then there were the various racism cases. Then there is a lot of other stuff, but the QAnon mentality of rank-and-file members or coronadenialism are not such important issues.


this week can only be described with 🤦.

Minister of inner affairs Mari Rantanen (Basic Finn Nazi) is.. unqualified if said nicely.

She doesn’t know how the asylum process works, spits out conspiracy theories on live tv and wants to build concentration camps for asylum seekers on eastern border just in case one of them is Putin under disguise… and is atm on the run from curious journalists.

I have no words. #fascism #basicFinnNazis #nazis #politics #politicsFI #finland #naziJokeGovernment

POLITICS. Surprising statement from the interior minister on Putin. Li Anderson just laughed. Interior Minister Mari Rantanen (ps) made a surprising claim about Vladimir Putin. The government of Petteri Orpó (Coalition Party) decided to close all border posts on the eastern border, except for the northernmost border post Raja-Joosepp. Marko-Oskari Lehtonen Today at 8:29 am.
During the debate, Interior Minister Mari Rantanen (BF) said that in this situation "anyone from anywhere in the world" can come to Finland and apply for asylum. "This also means that when Vladimir Putin comes across the border and says 'asylum', he will stay here for the rest of his life. It also means that," Rantanen said with strong hand gestures. Li Anderson, the Left Alliance leader sitting opposite, burst out laughing. "That's not what it means," Anderson managed to say. Tytti Tuppurainen, chair of the SDP parliamentary group, pointed out that Putin was wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), but her answer was drowned out by Rantanen's follow-up reply.
POLITICS Mari Rantanen evaded journalists in Parliament. Journalists from Iltalehti and other media tried to get comments from Interior Minister Mari Rantanen (ps) in Parliament on Friday. On seeing the journalists, Rantanen turned on her heels. Interior Minister Mari Rantanen did not want to answer journalists' questions on Friday. Archive photo. JENNI GÄSTGIVAR


priorities are straightforward with the nazi government.. poor people, were they children, finnish or refugees are not important and it would be much simpler if they could just shut up, lay down and die.

but then again ministers pre-christmas parties, rushing thatcherism thorough and shutting borders while falling for russian operations is very important.

These proposals have been prepared without the necessary impact assessments or an assessment of the impact on fundamental and human rights. This makes the work in Parliament more difficult and slows it down, because now we have to try to carry out these assessments in the context of the parliamentary debate. The government's proposal to reduce income support was considered by a legal expert to be one of the worst of his career in committee since 1972. Since the Constitutional Committee considered that the proposal would lead to disproportionate situations, an attempt was made to make the regulation more sustainable in terms of fundamental rights. The strangest thing about the anonymous accusations of the governing parties is that instead of the amendments proposed by the Constitutional Committee, they spent two days trying to undermine the government's proposal. If anything, this is bullying of the most vulnerable Finns.
The indifference towards vulnerable people that is emerging from the ranks of the governing parties is something quite new in the Finnish Parliament. Cold ideological thundering must not be allowed to overtake the time required for committee work. Apparently, however, for some people the Christmas party is more important than the careful drafting of legislation that will have a drastic impact on the lives of low-income earners. This is about real people, not a political game. Tens of thousands of low-income Finns.


unsurprisingly the nazi government of Petteri Orpo is censoring any evidence or negative effects of their decisions.


seems like the hitler-playbook is still in use.

ominous txeet about electing nazi-asshole Halla-aho as “the last president of independent Finland”.


not only will the nazi goverment slash social security into bits, the basic finn nazi Purra wishes to also raise the prize of food.

the poorest finns are already struggling to afford food EVEN before the cuts. this is political violence in action.


Left Alliance leader Li Anderson rejects Finance Minister Riikka Purra's (BF.) proposal to increase VAT on food. Purra hinted at tightening VAT on food in an interview with Talouselämä magazine on Monday. "Purra's proposal to impose a VAT on foodstuffs would impoverish the lowest income earners, whose income is largely spent on food and groceries, the most," Anderson said. "The people and families most affected by the rising cost of living would now be made to pay for the government's reckless economic policies that favour the rich and big business."
Income distribution for the rich. Andersson points out that VAT is the most regressive tax, which means that low-income earners pay relatively more than high-income earners. The tax is the same for everyone, regardless of income. "The Finns' election rhetoric on how to bring the cost of living of Finns under control has been thrown in the bin once and for all. The policy of austerity is not about national debt, which the government continues to accelerate, but about income distribution in favour of the rich," Andersson says. "Employer contributions will be cut by up to €700 million and ministers will be taxed €2,000 a year while food bills will be increased."
Government debt is accelerating. Anderson believes that the alleged need for further fiscal adjustment is largely due to the economic policy choices of the bourgeois government led by Prime Minister Petter Orpo (Coalition Party). While the overall tax rate will ease significantly during the government's term, government debt will accelerate. "The government will allow the overall tax rate to fall by as much as €9-10 billion during the election period. This is many times more than all the government's adjustments to the tax burden on low-income earners combined. Instead of going after the dividend tax loopholes, for example, ordinary working people and low-income earners are back in the firing line," says Anderson.


Almost everything you need to know about Finlands nazi government is right here.

7.12.2023 Saku Timonen: When the truth is not to your liking.

The preparation of cuts to social security, on the other hand, shows that when the government is not happy with the truth, it tries to cover it up and even change it. The government refuses to carry out a cumulative impact assessment of all the cuts, despite promising to do so on several occasions. Orpo promised a CBA in the summer so that no one would be disproportionately affected by the cuts. Now the government even claims to have done one, when in fact the various ministries have only assessed the impact of individual cuts. They do not want to see the overall picture because it would show that the cuts are hitting the very same people who are already the worst off. The government has promised 100,000 new jobs, but is creating the same number of new poor people.
The income of families with several children can fall by up to €500, and the abolition of housing benefit for owner-occupiers will have an even greater impact. Child poverty is set to increase by 17 000 children next year alone. Cuts will be made to housing benefit, unemployment benefit, basic social security, rehabilitation benefits and income support. THL estimates that there will be 100 000 more income support clients. The government has promised 100 000 new jobs, but will get the same number of new poor people. This is a truth that the government does not want to see, so it is trying to destroy it. In the Committee on Social Affairs and Health, representatives of the government parties have removed the text of the draft opinion based on expert opinions from the draft opinion. They do not want to see the negative effects, so they pretend they do not exist. Objections are silenced in the usual way by accusing the committee chair, Krista Kiuru, of prolonging meetings. A chorus of shouts on the internet will ensure that opponents are silenced.
Everyone can think about what it would be like to pilot legislation with estimated effects in advance. It may make it easier to pass legislation, but the consequences can no longer be hidden from the public. The government is undermining the foundations of the rule of law and intends to destroy the welfare state. It will silence opponents with mocking arrogance and media hype. It is deliberately seeking confrontation, even though the current world situation demands unanimity from the people. This cannot be obtained by coercion. Sakari Timonen. The author is a Finnish returnee, blogger and lawyer.


research is a natural enemy to “because i fucking say so”-fascism.

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