sfwrtr, (edited ) to Writers
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ugh! I found someone had scanned and uploaded a copy of my book to the Internet Archive, without my permission. When wanting to find a review to recommend a book to someone, I found that copyrighted book there, so looked for mine. I still own my copyright. This interferes with me creating an author-preferred edition (instead of the publisher's vision) as planned.

In their terms of service, you will find:

While we collect publicly available Internet documents, sometimes authors and publishers express a desire for their documents not to be included in the Collections (by tagging a file for robot exclusion or by contacting us or the original crawler group). If the author or publisher of some part of the Archive does not want his or her work in our Collections, then we may remove that portion of the Collections without notice.

You can only contact the Internet Archive through email as their telephone number is voicemail. AFAIK their website doesn't list take down procedures.

I have emailed them a takedown demand, with their identifier for my novel, and left the same message on their voicemail.

You may wish to go to https://archive.org/ and find your books, right now.

Please boost so your circle of followers will see this, especially if they are authors.

PS: Yes, they consider themselves a library. I don't mind if they loan an original paperback from Del Rey in paper form. I don't give them permission to scan and then display, or display someone else's scan of my book.

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 10 Nbr 03 Part 2 — Should books include a content warning?

Well, I inadvertently conducted an experiment in content warnings. I added a content warning for Ch 10 Nbr 4 (here: https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/112560345961576143) consistent with my eldritch.cafe instance's standards. It stated:

How do you handle highly intimate scenes? CW: Intimacy. Nothing graphic, but, really, if intimacy or discussion thereof bothers you, don't read.

In my opinion, it worked a little too well. 😊 I generally can count on more response. Yeah, maybe the post wasn't deserving.

The "experiment" does allow me to discuss my fears about CWs—despite agreeing to use them in the spirit of their requirement. In warding off people who need them to be sufficiently detailed, or want them, reading a CW forms in the reader's head a preconception without actual knowledge of the facts. It's a cudgel not a scalpel. In my cited CW, I overwrote it because in the back of my mind I fear picking up a hater. I've dealt with getting badgered because someone's interpretation of reality wasn't mine, and I became an evil to be purged for the good of the world. As a shy person, this is a very difficult thing for me to deal with, so I use CWs.

My two ¢.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


golgaloth, to writing
@golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

Have you ever had to change anything because you felt it was no longer relevant?

I wrote a story a few years ago and I'm polishing it up now for publication and noticing how a few references have dated soooo quickly.

#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #writing #authodons

@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar


Have you ever had to change anything because you felt it was no longer relevant?

Yeah. I wrote one short story years ago, then realized that the main character who spoke about people landing on the moon hadn't been born yet so couldn't remember that. Made me feel no longer relevant.

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mlevel, to random
@mlevel@mastodon.social avatar

"Never moon a werewolf."

Mike Binder
(06/02/1958 – )
US director

sfwrtr, (edited )
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Never moon a werewolf.

? ? If you cannot come up with a quick story from that quote, you are simply lazy.

Thank you, @mlevel!

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2406.07 — What can make your MC cry?

This keys into pennedpossibilities 338 rather well (https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/112573054902942695): a betrayal. She. Doesn't. Cry. Stoic, right? When she's held it in for three-quarters of the novel, when she's trusted her identity with someone who has suddenly proven trustworthy, at least in her heart, my MC admits the first hurt of two betrayals that sunder her.

Whilst I won't reveal details, it is a case of a once trusted adult providing only material support when the MC required a simple act of love and caring.

Never forgotten. Never forgiven.

Thus she breaks, while being held. Actually, both cry over being betrayed, but that's also spoilers. In a subsequent novel, the friend characterizes the event as a "cloudburst."

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

338 — How would your MC or SC respond to someone betraying their trust?

Since a childhood betrayal is an essential part of the MC's character, let's say she reacts rather poorly. She makes the worst mistake of her life, later runs away, and becomes a criminal (and an anonymous hero amongst other things.) It takes three novels for her to resolve the consequences of that betrayal in an event that shatters her conception of reality. And. She has to keep it together. At all costs. Lives will depend on her; failing to continue through it all would betray trust placed in her.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to SF
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar
sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2406.06 — MC POV: When was the last time you laughed? CW: Spoilers if you follow me under another alias.

My MC's story is rarely funny, despite being regularly snide or darkly humorous, sometimes ridiculous like here. Because the "last time" she "laughed" requires too much context, this is the penultimate time she laughed in the entire novel. It's also a minor spoiler for a chapter that will soon be published. The is a slight revised [: Two SCs are sitting in a high security prison, on either side of the bars. The MC is watching them from the wrong side of them. The reader knows she has slept with both men.]

He sat opposite my shapeshifter. They looked at one another, the shapeshifter imitating his actions. When it devolved to insulting gestures and the sticking out of tongues, I cleared my throat to forestall laughing outloud.

The prince grinned as did my shapeshifter. The prince said, "It's like looking in a mirror; uncanny."

"Yeah," I said, covering my mouth. "Uncanny because not a mirror image!"

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

337 — What was the worst job that your MC or SC ever had? CW: 400 word tootfic.

This tootfic is from an in-universe novel I published online in 2016 that would include both my criminal MC (aka the devil-girl) and her SC (aka Bolt) as SCs, as told by the crime boss who wants employ her as his enforcer. My MC has a knack for existing well and without regrets. The detailed jobs and conditions were undoubtedly the worst my MC experienced, and Bolt didn't like it either, which foreshadows their eventual friendship. [I made a few revisions.]

... From what [Bolt], my youngest employee, could find shadowing her in the university district, she was looking for a change of career. She had applied for admission to the [Home Planetary School for Thaumaturgy]. She'd have to wait months until enrollment started.

I saw leverage and a desirable new hire.

Why would I want a security specialist who failed her last employer? Well, in CA's case, sometimes you can't save a person from her own stupidity [so I found the failure forgivable.] I also visualized a different employment for this woman's "miraculous" talents.

I gave orders to ensure the woman's efforts in finding a job to pay room and board would be only marginally fruitful. I provided strategic services to many businesses; they usually respected my opinions on such matters. The woman seemed reluctant to venture into downtown or suburban Home City. Perhaps it was that she was shy about being noticed as the failed security specialist for the deceased Doña. Perhaps it was because visibly healing wounds, time pounding the pavement, and days exposed to the sun and the elements made her look like a vagrant. In any case, she restricted her search to the less-structured more-freewheeling Lower City where I conducted my core business. Her life would be hard.

Surprisingly, this stoic didn't break. She saved the minimal coin she made first sweeping floors, then, when pushed out, cleaning ovens at a bakery, then later hauling garbage, and after that painting walls. She literally performed a dozen menial jobs before the proctors granted her admission when the spring session opened later in the month.

And during those months, she spent nothing. Instead, she lived homeless in encampments in the warehouse district. She never visited the homeless shelters paid by the homeless tax levy where she'd have to identify herself. She ate when she got handouts, even bathed in public washrooms. She even endured a week of strong spring storms, sheltered beneath the eaves of warehouses or restaurants after they closed, sometimes soaked to the skin.

The latter drove my usually hard-flanked [day angel] to tears one evening. The only thing I could do to stop [Bolt] from flying the [daemon] to her aerie that last dark rainy night was to relent and promise to offer the former specialist a position in my organization the next day.

[Author retains copyright (c)2016 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 10 Nbr 06 — Have you queried agents for traditional publishing? How did it go?

I met my agent at a writers conference, so technically I didn't query. It helped that I had a couple completed manuscripts with me. I appeared serious. I was told when I completed the next one, send it in. The agent sold it so quickly to such a good imprint that I didn't appreciate the miracle that had been pulled off. Nor did I appreciate the necessity of pursuing the career with intensity a lucky high school baseball player who makes it to the minor leagues needs pursue the majors.

That's the danger of getting a day job. A day job that pays well monetarily if not psychologically.

Not making the mistake again.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to Writers
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Yep. Most don't keep this straight, but then we need proofreaders to check our grammar, too. 😊


Thanks to @taur10

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

335 Part 2 — Do you use metaphors in your writing? What are some examples?

Yep, caught myself writing one:

...reading a CW forms in the reader's head a preconception without actual knowledge of the facts. It's a cudgel not a scalpel.

Not a simile. I could have written that a CW is as sharp as a cudgel to do that. Might still qualify as a metaphor, though. It is certainly an allusion.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 10 Nbr 03 Part 2 — Should books include a content warning?

Well, I inadvertently conducted an experiment in content warnings. I added a content warning for Ch 10 Nbr 4 (here: https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/112560345961576143) consistent with my eldritch.cafe instance's standards. It stated:

How do you handle highly intimate scenes? CW: Intimacy. Nothing graphic, but, really, if intimacy or discussion thereof bothers you, don't read.

In my opinion, it worked a little too well. 😊 I generally can count on more response. Yeah, maybe the post wasn't deserving.

The "experiment" does allow me to discuss my fears about CWs—despite agreeing to use them in the spirit of their requirement. In warding off people who need them to be sufficiently detailed, or want them, reading a CW forms in the reader's head a preconception without actual knowledge of the facts. It's a cudgel not a scalpel. In my cited CW, I overwrote it because in the back of my mind I fear picking up a hater. I've dealt with getting badgered because someone's interpretation of reality wasn't mine, and I became an evil to be purged for the good of the world. As a shy person, this is a very difficult thing for me to deal with, so I use CWs.

My two ¢.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WritersCoffeeClub Ch 10 Nbr 05 — Have you ever dreamed about characters in your work?

So rarely as to be certain it happened less than a dozen times.

What being an author has done is turn most of my dreams (the one's I vaguely remember, anyway) into sequential stories that feel like narrative. I am not saying they make sense, but events seem to happen for a reason, with characters that show up in successive scenes, with recollection of what happened reflecting in choices that follow. Sometimes, the story continues after being awake for sometime. Sometimes it continues on a subsequent night. My dreams are always in color.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WordWeavers 2406.05 — Do you have fans/people who enjoy your writing? What’s your relationship to them?

I've gotten sporadic feedback for years, some which has made me confident a certain population of readers like my stories because they aren't run of the mill. For a long while, I had a reader who liked dissecting passages in my stories, happily pointing out sarcasm and innuendo, and subtleties in the interactions between characters. Complementary comments are always nice. Way back in the previous millennium, I received an actual fan letter. You know, with an envelope. Written on a typewriter. I really wished I'd saved it, but I was young and stupid.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 336 — Would you or have you ever used a mixed metaphor in your writing? We would love to hear some examples.

Unintentionally? I hope not. Intentionally, not often. Like a misquoted cliché, such things are humorous only if the reader is aware of the original metaphors. Since I write in first person, and those persons either live in some future time or some fantasy world, my characters can't tell their stories using common English metaphors. That said, I've created sound-alike metaphors and my characters have used them mixed them snidely, usually for the purposes of innuendo.

Like 335, they're a rarity in my current works, so I've none at hand to share.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2406.04 — Antagonist POV: Is it easy for you to apologize? Can you apologize to someone right now?

If I made a mistake or bumped into somebody? Of course. Many people recognize me, or take a look at me, and something between awe and stupidity sets in. I account for that. I've survived the fall of civilizations; I can be charming. What I won't apologize is for doing things I must do, whether it simply upsets you or ends up killing people you knew, and all the permutations in between. My role in this miserable life that never ends is ensuring humanity survives. Nobody apologizes to me for saddling me with that responsibility. You know what really ticks me off? Questions like this one. Sorry!

Director Rainy Days

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


LordWoolamaloo, to books
@LordWoolamaloo@mastodon.scot avatar
@LordWoolamaloo@mastodon.scot avatar
ikbendaf, to random Dutch
@ikbendaf@mastodon.social avatar

The Netherlands - #ALMERE - Dr. Vandana Shiva visits a Dutch farm in Almere. She is often referred to as "Gandhi of grain"

Dr. Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental #activist, food sovereignty advocate, #ecofeminist and anti-globalization #author of twenty 📚 books.

Foto: DAF

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2406.03 — Who is your most creative character?

In the sense of one of my creations being uniquely different? I have one who character who interacts with the spirits of a few people and aliens who have died over the course of the two SF novels, but in the end it's difficult to decide whether the spirits were "real" or if the shaman is simply insane. In another set of novels, the main POV is able to rewrite reality (but not history) by application of will, but doesn't really understand the process or the implications. It takes a couple of books for her to fully understand she's being used, then she has to fix what she's been tricked into doing.

In the sense of the character being a creative? Being creative isn't often important in my stories, but my characters have things they do beyond what is necessary for the stories. Almost all my characters cook, and at least one of them cooks for a party that proves pivotal to the story (the shaman above). Caramelo in Inklings is a "spirit" photographer. It's important for the story as the MC wants to get him a job because she finds his work amazing. His artistry allows me to add a visual component to how the magic flows in the story.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 10 Nbr 03 — Should books include a content warning? CW: Usage of the word "should."

"Should" is a terrifically ambiguous word. It is worthwhile checking the dictionary. Almost any answer including this word may tick someone off.


I include CWs if the publisher or host requires them (Mastodon does) keeping to the spirit of the requirement. Beyond that, I refuse to impose my opinions on the matter upon any author, other than to point out that you dismiss this topic, and its implications for finding and retaining an audience for you work, at your own personal risk.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to escribiendo
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 335 — Do you use metaphors in your writing? What are some examples?

Yes. But it took a question like this to think to quantify it: A lot less than I thought. Going through three different stories (recent works), I found that I rely on simple description and simile most of the time. After 10 minutes, I couldn't find anything suitably florid or particularly interesting to relate.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

334 — How does your MC handle sadness and depression?

The devil-girl is at heart a control freak; she's just not mean or unpleasant about it. Depression results when she's stymied in finding how to control problematic situations from which she cannot escape, which usually ends up with her trying crazy and dangerous things to bully her way through.


If it the situation puts people at risk and she can't do anything about it...

She did have a mental break one time, where she failed to harm herself.

Another time... well, her employer died, though it was because her employer became too stupid to live. She has enduring PTSD, and it's not because of her too young age. It's that she's was raised to be responsible and doesn't know how to let go.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to queer
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

333 — Pride Month Edition: Do you write any characters who are a part of the + community?

My objective is to write female characters who overcome and deal with the strictures of their society, whatever they may be—stories that make you think of why needing to write such stories should even be necessary. ( author.) I neither avoid nor actively seek to write otherwise diverse characters, but I have written them anyway. Characters have a way of presenting themselves. I've written a gay romance side story for my current main WiP arc. I wrote a short story accepted for a trans fantasy anthology that sadly never got published because the publisher went under. That my MC's roommate is also apparently bi just is, and how it plays out is just what it is, too. No drama. Having been brought up with diversity makes me want to depict diversity as normal and everyday. Do I try to make political points with such characters? Not so much as I might with female characters.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


NickEast, to Writers
@NickEast@geekdom.social avatar
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