JPK_elmediat, to art avatar

Monochrome Madness ~ lentil medicines

The Chinese character for this century is lentil medicines. These are etymology drugs. All etymology drugs fish in the memory – affliction chests whittling schilling. Only one bastion remains engraved.

The Universe Stone offers 20th century textiles, ashes with a strong horse, in the procession to win the silk cabinet.

A weapon of religious herbs,

Sea of religious herbs –

the Skin Key Pretzel

slipknot dew baulk

Conspiracy trees spoiled glass motorcycles, like the tallow azure lines form a hundred coffin books, they are xanthous grass in the garden of corners and feathers.

#Art #CollageArt #DigitalArt #DigitalCollage #EOS #EOS90D #MonochromePhotography #Photography #Monocrome #BlackandWhite #Dreamscape #Poetry #ProsePoem #WordCollagePoem #SpeculativePoetry

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Azh’Noina: Asemic Maps 104 & 105

Azh’Noina is both the name of the island and its chief city. In form, the island is nearly neo-trapezoidal, and a deep, narrow embayment, fourteen smiles long, almost divides it longitudinally into two unequal parts, an aureole of gnats and a metronome of meteors. Out of the field, on the west, as the sun drank down the horizon, which forms the main body of the island, the white bone is called Hix’zrtu; and that on the east is called Laiztix’zur, which in Moilaiez means “the blistered trapezoid” or “the tongued fork”.

JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

Asemic Tarot 154 & Interpretative Reading

Great power struggles. The moon still shines deep in the soul – chickens are as suspicious, as spines or hearing aids. Near a country sojourn, cough bubbles an occurrence, as the moon glow shrines rise with the growling ground pepper. Squirrels are distrustful, ash towers talk with red lights. Lithographs’ tawdry operatic arias invoked in the transportation of crocuses’ apparitions. Ammonia roars beneath the Blue Devil. The main strategy is to reduce capers’ flavour below weakly capricious conundrums.

JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

Asemic Tarot 155

There are instruments in your body that demonstrate the divine will to move the fish and release them in the right place. When the fish goes to the chest on the side of the road by the windows, the letters underneath the purple bazaar reveal strange glass magnificently metamorphized. This is one of the most important metabolic processes, so you can’t imagine why a horse would go into the chest to lose weight.

butterfly wings –

fishtails in the sky

a sudden smile

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Do you have any memories from the novel?
Butterfly feeders and lots of space?

Thanks to the high-definition features, patients won't even remember your hotel when they start their stay.
Stylish couples like to test their brain power by gazing out at the clouds that seem to contain hundreds of gardeners, allowing other passengers to relax and listen while diving or snorkelling.

The Scheduling Department is looking for someone who is comfortable and humble. Experience with poltergeists and psychedelic snails is advantageous.

#Dada #Dadaist #Dadaism #DadaistProsePoem #ProsePoem #AlternativeReality

JPK_elmediat, (edited ) to poetry avatar
JPK_elmediat, (edited ) to poetry avatar

Interpreting 136

Welcome to a variety of cart eyed opportunities!

I have something special to tell you!

I have something special to tell you!

Play Am I an artist or a Venetian.

Venice any One Soul.

Indigo does not think so!

Does Camilla pray day and night?

Her face hurt and the pearls slept.

Asemic sign, Ulric in the Garden of Eden

I know a prophet of The Coral Tree God.

At the beginning of the dream, the long river longs to disappear;

History’s eyes do not look yellow and blue unsigi ana ke kaula.

Open your nose in that flower, yo up

Apparition stick a house bone;

And sell the red in the mud.

God comes to you for translation services.

You shine ~ Dagita hard pig-pellian teeth! Safe garden; Hansas Mikablaukaios Hilmi. Hansas Mikablaukaios Hilmi. Ti isu ket marog serbe dev ay-ayam kadak pallagcuan. This is the crazy and Olu Lohi is tired of visual birds – kaula unsigi ana ket marog ~

Tired of the big and beautiful river birds, his dream began to fade. – Kaula Pant Ana Ket Pant Ana Yellow and blue cannot be seen.

Atoqpa hinaspa paypa ñawpaqninpi
Atoqqa hatunchakuq maqanakuqmi karqan
Chay unanchakunataqa k’umuykunankupaqmi nisqaku
Huch’uy quchapa kantun.

JPK_elmediat, to random avatar

#Dadaist Advice when having a #LucidDream about night masques.

The best thing to do is to stay awake at night. The best thing to do is try a second night if you can believe it. Helios been doited all night. Prepare hymns to dye. you are singeing. If you know the night, the culprit has a small photostat and in the middle of the night he gets up in the dark and takes a historian without sitting.
Until that night
then please stop
One night
all night again
night night night night
One night
all night again
then please stop

#ExperimentalProsePoem #ProsePoem #ProsePoetry #DadaistPoetry

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JPK_elmediat, to Haiku avatar

Every morning I sing of Iskorahk Gisorie, the drunkards sit in heavy loads, but the river is waiting for me ~ And on the wedding day, Kramga't Gahoh'k, I forget no prayer - keep away from the children I will destroy my enemies with the blind snake.

Avoid the
weapons and
everything that is small -
the orchid sighs
secrets are revealed

the blister bulges
stars rain down swans moan – sadness
mud-broken wheel spokes

#ProsePoetry #ProsePoem #ExperimentalProsePoem #Haiku #WeirdPoetry #WeirdTales #WeirdFiction

JPK_elmediat, to random avatar

All that's missing is a pair of shoes. They pop up everywhere like little sinners, eucalyptus and tulip leaves are frequently affected. Here they looked like schoolboys, strange fishermen on the Tree of Mortise Dada.

The desert deserves a haiku
or something beautiful.
The industrial desert is yours -
Beautiful castle!

None of the renaissance stuff that mime saxophonists and musicians have offered in the last decade is appealing to retro haigii-kulei or anyone else most affected by chronicle loss. What's missing is the casuist ralian influence on iconic bottle souls. If there is no zero, the shape of the silver plate will be distorted. Are you against this situation?

Do you like this box? Do you like this box?

JPK_elmediat, to DigitalArt avatar

WENDY GALES – Episode Four ~ Purée Purple

‘We are Patched Motley Miche~Depain. Being of no renown, our occupation varies. I am an accredited variationist, and have varied across multiple states of existence, playgrounds, parkours, and market stalls. I will presently tell you of Purée Purple.’

#WendyGales #WritingProject
#ExperimentalPoetry #ExperimentalProsePoem #Phantasmagoria #Dadaism #Dadaist #ProsePoetry #SurrealNarrative #ProsePoem
#Pataphor #DigitalArt #Dreamscape #CollagePoem #CollageProsePoem #AsemicTarot #Surreal #TarotCard #TarotCards #TarotCardArt #AsemicArt #AlternativeReality #SurrealArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt

JPK_elmediat, to random avatar

This is the ultimate purple stream guide for anyone thinner than you. The mythic missing moon is setting, and the night is gradually getting deeper, deeper, deeper. Deeper Disaster prevention and dumb matinée equipment conveys constitutional flux-flange pie filling. They want to know if it's cold - emerald circuit baker.

The day has come when the silver hands of dreams dance with beauty. It was empty....... a nullified vortex stew. What should I do? But the last time I saw you, I was gone.

The moon set, and the night opened with silver hands. Dream of dancing with mythopoeic beauty. It looks better than the last time I saw it. And there you are: a full, relaxed face. It was empty - Wood, you can jump deep deep deep creeping and leave me.

#Dada #DadaistPoetry #DadaistProsePoem #ProsePoem #WordCollage #WordCollageProse #WordCollagePoem

JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

The stone atmosphere is literally fash'l, the posture of fasting. But Hints are such a personage that they quaffled toxicant potomania. When the wall is wet, the wet wall weeps nullifidian thermalgesia.

Behaviour of earthquake walls – an epigeous comminator butterfly wings. Maze kitchen was dedicated, so that the water rose “as high as the arytenoid preessential cinnamon phantom waves” before turning to stone.

Stone has other unique properties -
Coptic exhilarant coyote phonation,
in knowledgableness green

these Hellenic limitless orchid-leaves
cubes caution -
even the walls are crumbling here

In the sagest stag alights
no knot spagyric candle
how soon it must sit.

As limitless puddles drone...
askew knowledge enables less
nesting into pearls,
birds again
sweat winds

This tree is a kind of chicken. And another unusual feature is that this stone tablet quietly speaks to two spiritual issues.

~ Chef Boyardee, you make Good Cookies.
~ Mamma Mia, that's a spicy oatmeal.

#Poetry #DadaistWordCollage #DadaistPoetry #Absurdist #AbsurdistPoetry #Dadaism #Dadaist #WordCollageProse #ProsePoetry #ProsePoem

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Be disturbed – Oral-agitation Networks
~ A Black Friday Sales Event ~

This Eldritch Dadaist Absurdist Agitprop has been sponsored by
The Noir Gnosis Pheasant Agitators Theatre

The blend of Leninist Agitprop and Lovecraftian inspired Occultism/Mysticism, seemed like an interesting jumping off point for some Dadaist messing about. The fact that this week, Eldritch Friday is also Black Friday, creates additional context to play with. The madness of rampant/rabid consumerism seems close to the madness of those who look too deeply into the abyss of cosmic horror. Is Agitprop that different from the fake news, advertising, and spam that crawls across the internet (The Hounds of Tindalos braying from non-Euclidean corners and curves)?

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Then the world appeared to me.

Remember the deeds of Your servants.
You are the source
to eat
like ice crystals.

Thoughts really concern dogs.

Why is my dog dizzy?
Pay attention to how other people sleep.




Love is nature.
This is a musical description of a garden leading to a river.

#Dada #Dadaist
#SurrealPoetry #ProsePoem

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JPK_elmediat, to DigitalArt avatar

Postcards from Beneath The Möbius Strip 3

On the hill the wild roses and greylings –

playing their sad games

they know immortality

~ take care of occurrent memories

golden sand pills fall silently

nature comes crashing –

takes gristle souls sailing

#DigitalArt #AsemicArt
#Vispo #VisualPoetry
#Collage #CollageArt
#AsemicPoetry #ProsePoem
#Dadaist #DadaistProsePoem

JPK_elmediat, to DigitalArt avatar

Postcards from Beneath The Möbius Strip 2

I know you know the other signs

Twilight is always asleep –

we should be thankful

~ false poetry stands behind the atmosphere

we know we can gather good dogs –

But the night seems sad.

#DigitalArt #AsemicArt
#Vispo #VisualPoetry
#Collage #CollageArt
#AsemicPoetry #ProsePoem
#Dadaist #DadaistProsePoem

JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

#AsemicTarot 135

Interpretative Reading

Lemon gives freedom –

There is The Large you want ~

Catharsis and The Ignored

The grunge transformation –

skull the future ~

Tomato training is a decorative technique.

App War needs hare stores closed –

this is well embedded in the sand

embedded in the sand ~

the clouds’ root grow in the sand –

grow in the sand.

For now, the most powerful expression is not magic ~

Eat these things with them and that’s it –

know how to navigate

things that are not each other.

Dream about it first –

first perfect family

it’s math incantation as much as possible

create space if they are people ~

return to lost locus

some people want to go back to being human.

#Dada #Dadaist #AsemicText
#Dadaism #DeconstructedText
#Asemic #TarotCard
#AsemicArt #TarotCards
#CollageArt #Collage
#Scanography #Poetry
#ShortPoem #ProsePoem
#Digitalart #TarotCardArt
#AsemicWriting #Art

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JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

#AsemicTarot 134

An intercourse leaps beneath the industry. Hour cook coppers a violin. The awaited pose collapses with an advantage. Each serial official runs with the extremist existence. The advancing snack implements the concerto over a diplomatic console band.

Their daily routine includes fighting, playing with catharsis, and practising in the clouds.

The Tomatoes must be sweet and tongue beautiful

– the tongue is beautiful.

Gathered musical notes in the government creates families but canaries in the herb market – in the herb market.

Grow fast. Drink the cactus of the future, then garage on Sundays.

Howl much isotope sky as the visual information seeks concentration on the wall in the delicious memory – wall in the delicious memento.

There was a boy there –

cats pizzas police particles

from Italy herb market –

from Italy herb market.

#Dada #Dadaist
#Dadaism #DeconstructedText
#Asemic #TarotCard
#AsemicArt #TarotCards
#CollageArt #Collage
#Scanography #Poetry
#ShortPoem #ProsePoem
#Digitalart #TarotCardArt
#AsemicWriting #Art

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Paper tiles’ testimony can be rectangular
>> A Dadaist Prose Poem <<

Paper tiles’ testimony can be rectangular. Otherwise, the conversation will end. Obviously, this is a problem. I will only explain the juxtaposition section. The story never ends.

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This day’s declarations by The Dadaist Oracle, who lives on the Shadowed Hill of The Sacred Secret Ingredient Newly Improved Sepulchre-Get-It-Now-While-Quantiles-Last.

~ Your hair shines, shines in the coral, and your voice echoes throughout the Raven Moon Room.


#Dadaist #Dadaism #DadaistOracle #ProsePoem #AbsurdistPoetry #Absurdist #AsemicArt #AsemicPostcard #AsemicPostcards #Art #Poetry

JPK_elmediat, to poetry avatar

Be Moon Sand.
This is the name of the program. This is the name of the program -If there was a gene and a war. Gene war. OK, good news. Good news guys. Watch until you want results Translation result, "If I were happy, I would work."

If I was happy, boat turnip working. I tried to analyze my history.

Something is the Source. This is the name of the pro frame.
This is the name of the sand.

I will send my shepherds back to investigate this story. I will restore my shepherds.

Bring back my shepherds, this is the seer's warp drive.

This is the storyteller's struggle.

I will send this messenger.
I will send this messenger. Inside you, I am a predator paradox.
I am a predator.
I am my predator.
I am my predator.

Glue Oud - Do not rejoice that this old addict has checked the well. The source is meat. This is the name of the gig custard lute.
This is the name of the story. Name the creator of history -

#ProsePoetry #ProsePoem #DadaistProsePoem #DadaistPoetry #Dadaist #Poetry #WordCollagePoem #CollagePoem

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