denzilferreira, to mentalhealth avatar

I’ve been journaling my daily work using Logseq for the past year or so. It has transformed how I work. It’s a log of the little wins I’ve tackled, notes on what was the route to success, and links to where the solution is, whether that is a Confluence doc, a PR on GitHub.

It is also a “memorium pool”, I no longer have to stress about remembering things. It has a powerful note linking mechanism that is automatic, I can find related notes easily and visualise how they are related to each other.

If something comes up during the day, I can tag it as /TODO and it will add that note on a calendar view so I can quickly glance if I have things I need to take care next week.

Give it a go. Remind yourself you win every day. Remind yourself that things do take time. Remind yourself that what you do today matters.

This post is not sponsored. It’s just me grateful for open-source. Want start your journaling today? Go here:

#mental #health #journaling #notes #littleWins

artelse, avatar

@denzilferreira After researching the various note taking / #zettelkasten options I settled on #emacs with #orgmode, #orgroam and #denote. For me the customization to design ones own workflow was key.

Neblib, to emacs avatar

anyone have a working setup with logseq (in orgdown) and playing nice in logseq's folder (orgroam dailies in 'journals', etc)? Currently my vault is a mix of org and md but I'm hoping to at least get the org files recognized while I work on converting the md (or figure out ). I tried playing with org-logseq but even though I'm matching correctly on its grep for the folder and I have title properties I couldn't get it working after a good attempt.

jochie, to emacs avatar

For the entire time I've been using #Emacs, I never used (or wanted) any kind of spell-checking. That is changing now that I'm using it a lot more to write notes/documentation with #OrgMode / #OrgRoam.

Ideally I want to only do spell-checking on comments, when editing code, and similar configurability for Org documents.

What is the recommended method for something like that in 2024 (on macOS, if that makes any difference)?

frayoshi, to blender

Just discovered the mode of ( org-roam-ui of )!

I know that probably has been there for a while, but have never activated it! :ablobattention:

Do you also use ?
This is a core node with an index, not sure if I should use it or link nodes differently.. but comes handy and can always disable it with filters :abloblamp:


Sorry for the delay @ctietze !
Have recorded a short sample, but apart from being cool, I do not find it very ready just yet.. it is very slow and lacks some of the 2D functionalities... there's an option to add text on every node, but crashes on my computer, and it is quite modern... also, the labels inside the node, make it unreadable...

#emacs #3d #orui #orgroam

a video showcasing ORUI in 3D mode

blami, to markdown

Anyone can recommend personal engine / notetaking with sync that has first-class support and can be easily edited on PC (, ) and ? I don't really want as it requires subscription that is comparable to e.g.


@blami check out ( it's open source, cross platform, has mobile apps, is offline first, comes with exceptional Markdown (and org!) support, has a graph view, is extensible and roam like. Sync is in beta to supporters only but with it's fairly easy to do.

Or for a more nerdy solution, check-out with .

BigEatie, to emacs avatar

The is slowly building up

laotang, to emacs avatar

The latest version of orgrr ( adds support for zettel IDs and "Folgezettel" (sequence of notes). For a long time I was not really convinced that orgrr would need something like this, even after being familiar with the great "Folgezettel"-debate (

But, I have to admit, this is a great way to work on a sequence of notes or on draft for a publication. Two weeks into this, it changed the way I interact with my notes.

Btw getting Luhmann's sorting right was way more complex than I thought. There are now six new user-facing functions, all documented in the readme.

#emacs #orgrr #orgroam

cpbotha, to emacs

I can't believe I've been using org-roam and consult for so long without installing jgru's consult-org-roam.

Finally I have live previews for org-roam-node-find and org-roam-node-find-similar!

ynom, to emacs

What do you all think of ?

It appears to be an -ish program that uses for customization.

Apparently there have been other emacs clones based on and and I guess those are called ?

Without going too into my personal details, I’m not a professional programmer and most of my experience is with a modern programming language, , and a high level programming language, .

I’ve tried learning several times by completing various programming exercises and I end up quitting because something obnoxious comes up that, from my minimal programming experience, appears to be due to elisp‘s age. Again, I’m not a pro, so this is just my amateur take.

I did a some programming challenges with which was hugely fun (mostly because of how fun it feels in emacs 😁) so I don’t think it’s the part of emacs I have a distaste for.

I’ll probably give it a serious go within the next week here and possibly report back, but I can’t imagine an emacs clone without and ChatGPT-shell will really ever become my daily driver 🙃

chfkch, to emacs German avatar

Ich halte demnächst einen Workshop zum Thema "Wir bauen uns ein zweites Gehirn - #Zettelkasten" ab. Was sollte ich Eurer Meinung nach auf jeden Fall einbringen?
Habt Ihr kreative Ideen, für was man den Zettelkasten "mißbrauchen" könnte? Ein Kochbuch fällt mir als Beispiel ein.
Welche Tools sollte ich Vorstellen? Hier habe ich

debacle, avatar


#Emacs hat meines Wissens mindestens drei Möglichkeiten, das #Zettelkasten-Prinzip umzusetzen. Man kann wohl #orgmode entsprechend nutzen oder #orgroam oder #zetteldeft. (Ich nutze nur orgmode, aber noch nicht als Zettelkasten.)

Außerdem gibt es das command line tool #settle: Keine Ahnung, ob das was taugt.

Obsidian ist keine #FreieSoftware. Kann man vielleicht weglassen?


crmsnbleyd, to random avatar

I don't really get what the hell zettelkasten but I feel like I should really start using some sort of "second brain" software. I have a lot of thoughts!

#zettelkasten #orgroam #denote

jason, to emacs avatar

The #Zettelkasten’s slowly growing!

Thank you #OrgRoam!

#Emacs #OrgMode

teledyn, to emacs

It's always something, even when doing nothing! For reasons likely unknown until holiday chaos settles, no longer saves, kicking up

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)

Messages shows:

Wrote ./daily/
org-roam-db-map-links: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil

tried org-roam-db-sync and there are now several dozen files kicking up that error (should I clear the db first?)


@choanmusic the details are at the start of that thread, but basically it started when using to post to , examples compiled to png, but uploaded the full page, not the cropped. Using dev orgmode solved this… but broke



As it turned out, reverting to distro #orgmode was a simple matter of deleting the site-lisp/org and restarting, and magically #orgroam is working again, so that's a plus. Lilypond will just need to wait.

I spent years coding in #Prolog, so my general solution to problematic things is "revert back to before your last decision, and make a different one" 🤣

oatmeal, to orgmode avatar

#orgmode I think this might be useful when tracking tasks in #orgroam files and not having to worry about how many there are, at least theoretically.

This package aims to dynamically update the =org-agenda-files= variable by appending/deleting a candidate org file when it is saved. This limits the number of files to visit when building the agenda. The agenda buffer thus builds faster.

cpbotha, to apple

Charl's log, Earth date Thursday 2023-12-14:

  • Trying to live the single-(usbc)-cable-dream at work as well by going through my old thinkpad dock: mac to dock via usbc, dock to Delly U2713HM DisplayPort. However, DP to DP connection from dock to old Dell U2713HM display only sometimes flickers on and often not. usbc to DP from dock is solid. DP-DP cable is extremely sus. Work has ordered new DP-DP cable and I'm crossing my fingers. Singel cable life is fun.
  • Again discovered how unbelievably badly macOS renders fonts on resolutions that Apple believes to be too low, in this case my Dell Ultrasharp 27" at 2560x1440 aka QHD at work. Microsoft and Windows do an absolutely great job on exactly the same hardware, and fonts look great.
  • BTW, although macOS does marginally better on my 32" 4K Dell IPS display at home, here Windows even further increases its font rendering dominance with fractional scaling and cleartype.
  • As is often the case with Apple, there is a (paid) third-party software tool that works around their attempts to improve matters, namely BetterDisplay:
  • As I wrote in my notes some years ago when this became apparent, this is just the company's philosophy. They want to control all the hardware. They will begrudgingly let you use some third party displays, but they pick their battles to look good. In this case, it does feel quite user-hostile.
  • Ran into a M1-specific bug in the ruff vscode extension, where the arm64 extension build bundles the x86_64 ruff binary. Worked-around, and then reported at
  • Finally got around to write the quickstart for org-roam-similarity. Enthusiasts will hopefully be able to get it going!
  • I've been looking at Apple's MLX machine learning / array framework for Apple Silicon as well as at CoreML because I'm curious whether this will give me faster Jina AI embeddings inference on the M1 than I'm currently getting with the PyTorch MPS backend, which is muuuuuch slower on this M1 Pro 10C / 16C GPU / 16C neural than PyTorch CUDA on my oooold GeForce RTX2070 with 8GB.

cpbotha, to emacs

Charl's log, Earth date Saturday 2023-11-26:

  • published goodreads review of Building Analytics Teams by John K Thompson see (TLDR; unfortunately not great)
  • looked at the Emacs htmlize bug exporting org-modern agenda
  • something adds a visual space between : and start of tag name. Cursor jumps over that space, and it does not contribute to current point position, however, it looks like that confuses the htmlize code, which starts the HTML appearance change for that tag one position too late (today it was 906 instead of 905)
  • I could dive into this, but not motivated enough
  • did a quick search for data science lifecycles / models when reading those data science strategic plan blog posts
  • MS team data science process:
  • Berkeley data science life cycle:
  • CRISP-DM which seems be de factor also for DS:
  • funny that OHRA (our insurer back in NL) was one of the 5 companies leading the ESPRIT EU project that birthed CRISP-DM
  • thinking about ways of building 15 minute planning and 15 minute emali grooming into my day
  • planning crucial, but email grooming and general admin feel like they are taking time away from better activities
  • took a quick look at org-roam-buffer code to see how much work it would be to get a similarity list in there
  • as could be expected with org-roam, code is OK, but API not really designed with this sort of re-use in mind
  • [2023-11-25 Sat 16:42] err I was wrong in this case; you can just add a function to org-roam-mode-sections
  • fixed the consult nearest heading work-around to also take care of =consult-outline= (that was just the advice that needed to get an &optional arg.
  • after dinner I am able to get Simon Willison's =llm= working on my 1700+ node export, and then my own umap code which on my setup is 3 to 5 times faster for initial embedding but also queries
  • so close at [2023-11-25 Sat 22:43] I have the server spitting out top 10 closest org-roam IDs, but time for sleep because run tomorrow!

#log #lifelog #emacs #orgroam #llm

cpbotha, to emacs


Witness my Emacs org-mode + Jina AI embeddings Frankenstein!

From the video description:

I've dreamed about this for quite some time now, and now I've finally been able to cobble it together!

What you're seeing, is org-roam node (subtree or file) live Jina AI (fully local) similarity search in the org-roam buffer, along with your backlinks and reflinks. This automatically surfaces other org-roam nodes which are related to the one you're currently reading, or even working on!

This open source setup currently works as follows:

  • export all of your org-roam nodes as text files using supplied emacs-lisp
  • use to calculate embeddings for all of these txt files and store them in a parq file
  • run which waits for submission of any text to return the N closest node ids, according to the Jina AI learned embeddings. These are really quite good and fully local, but it would be straight-forward to use a service like OpenAI embeddings for everything
  • There is more emacs lisp that customizes the org-roam buffer setup to call to's endpoint and renders the list of similar nodes

The source directory for this is still in shambles. I'll try and make some time the coming days to clean up and push to

jbzfn, to emacs avatar
msemochkin, to emacs

I took a deep dive into #Emacs... 🤪
My biggest challenge right now is NOT to abandon #Obsidian and switch completely to #orgroam. And also not to abandon Todoist in favor of #orgmode.

publicvoit, to Podcast German avatar

@stdevel machte mit @fabrik42 @knoppi und mir eine spannende Episode zu und .

Auch der kam durchaus öfters vor.

Wenn du noch nicht viel über die Themen weißt oder noch unschlüssig bist, solltest du dir das mal anhören - gibt einen guten Überblick über diese ziemlich ausgereiften Powertools.

:emacs: :orgmode:

chfkch, avatar
nnungest, to orgmode avatar

Today, like every day, I used #orgmode to document processes that I would soon forget if I didnt. It just feels cathartic to document unfamiliar things.

#emacs #orgroam

ianRobinson, to random avatar

I'm not enjoying the latest Peter Frankopan book as much as I enjoyed his book The Silk Roads.

I've been listening to the audiobook, but it's not clicking with me. The content is very dry and has lots of listy info in the early chapters. I have the hardback as well. I think I'll ditch the audiobook and read the paper copy in the future.

sharlatan, avatar

@ianRobinson I started slow reading . It feels like a very deep reference book with more than 300+ bibliographical sources. I doubt that the author brings anything new on that subject which he is not specialized in.

Let's see how many notes I'll collect to my knowledge base.

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