tk, to fediverse avatar

Is there a #Pleroma skin that mimics the old look of #Qvitter ? #GNUSocial #fediverse #fedi

tk, avatar

@sun @mikoto @hj @lanodan @feld Any of you aware of one?

tk, avatar

@hj @lanodan @mikoto @sun Still interested in this. :blobfoxgoogly:

tk, to fediverse avatar

The Fediverse (formerly known as GNU Social).

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #GNUSocial

liaizon, avatar

@tk (formally known as the identiverse)

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

If you haven't heard, sadly, #ChirpSocial, one of the popular #ActivityPub “groups” platform, is shutting down “probably” on February 29th.

In an email they sent to admins, the owner and developer can no longer support financially as they failed to find a new job after they were laid off by #Google last year.

So, if you have a Chirp.Social groups, either move to #Guppe ( (as suggested by Chirp.Social), or if I may, to #FediaIO (, an #Mbin [flagship] instance.

This reminds us the importance of having a built-in groups feature, and one where the groups feature actually federates.

Back in 2008, when the #Fediverse was born, we did have a built-in federated groups in #Laconica / #StatusNet (today known as #GNUsocial). We used bang (!) instead of at (@). A built-in groups feature is more stable as established instances can host them.

Today, we have #Friendica and #Hubzilla (as well as #Streams-based instances) to fill in that, as groups is a built-in feature in those software products. It's just a matter of finding an instance that's open to hosting groups for any topic for the ActivityPub protocol.

That said, any Friendica, Hubzilla, Streams-based instances you suggest for groups?

youronlyone, avatar

Okay, so I just discovered a new platform/service called / .

It's still on its testing phase, and creation of new groups is by approval.

See: for more info.


rimu, avatar

@youronlyone Give a try. It federates with Lemmy and Mbin.

kzimmermann, to fediverse avatar

A unearthed a record of when I first joined the , way back in 2015.

I just noticed that the message ends with "Thanks for your time." Well, what can I say? Don't thank me, thank you, Quitter!

kzimmermann, avatar

Happy belated 14 years to day!

Quite interesting to see how it's set to happen at 3:14 on that day :pie:

I guess this still gives me 14 years of usability to my 2006 laptop... as long as I find a distro that supports the arch haha

tk, to fediverse avatar
liaizon, to random avatar

looks like I lost my #GNUsocial testing account @wakest because I hadn't logged in in a year. I cant imagine this really saves much storage, it should only be a few Kb at most as I don't think I had even posted any photos on the account...

santisbon, to fediverse

My #Fediverse viewer now supports any server type (as long as the server's APIs are correctly configured)!
Find out if a server is right for you based on custom emojis, character limit, users, translation, and more.

Tested on #Mastodon, #Firefish, #Iceshrimp, #Pleroma, #Akkoma, #Friendica, #Takahē, #Fedibird, #Lemmy, #Pixelfed, #WordPress, #Peertube, #GotoSocial, #GNUSocial

#emojos #emojis

tk, to fediverse avatar

Anyone who wasn't on the in the / / days is but a wee gnoob.

hfaust, avatar


tk, to mastodon avatar

is just bootleg . :blobfoxmlem:

tk, to fediverse en-us

Let's not forget where we came from.

We Distribute, Part I: The Road to Federation by @deadsuperhero

In the beginning, there was Laconica, which later became known as StatusNet. A massive amount of the work that went into this is due to Evan Prodromou ( @evan ) , who is now spearheading an effort to standardize work on a communication protocol with the W3C Social Working Group.As a networking project, it was the first public implementation of the communication protocol known as OpenMicroBlogging, which later evolved into the OStatus protocol. These technologies provided a significant building block for future federated networking projects to study and reference.

In terms of how StatusNet was used, it resembled an early version of Twitter, with the added benefit of group functionality. What made it unique is that users on one Laconica server could communicate with users on completely different servers.


tk, to mastodon avatar

@lanodan I’m having trouble getting following to work now. My user on KBBS is following my GS user on both the Pleroma side:

pleroma=> SELECT id, ap_id FROM users WHERE id IN('0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000', '00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000');
                  id                  |                  ap_id                  
 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
(2 rows)

pleroma=> SELECT * FROM following_relationships WHERE id = 18491;
  id   |             follower_id              |             following_id             | state |     inserted_at     |     updated_at      
 18491 | 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 |     1 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01
(1 row)

And on the GS side:

MariaDB [social]> SELECT id, profileurl FROM profile WHERE id IN(3, 29);
| id | profileurl                        |
|  3 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> |
| 29 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>          |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [social]> SELECT * FROM subscription WHERE subscriber = 3 AND subscribed = 29;
| subscriber | subscribed | jabber | sms  | token | secret | uri                                                                             | created             | modified            |
|          3 |         29 |      1 |    1 | NULL  | NULL   |,2023-06-20:subscription:3:person:29:2023-06-20T07:11:02-07:00 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

But I’m not getting non-mentions in my KBBS user’s timeline despite re-establishing this over and over. Any ideas?

lanodan, avatar

@tk Somewhere in 2019 so you should be safe.

Was really just a "I don't think we ever fixed it back then…; Turns out we did"

tk, avatar

@lanodan Yeah. I last rebased well after that.

tk, to fediverse avatar

Does this look weird at all? is rejecting it from for some reason.

    "@context": "",
    "id": "",
    "type": "Create",
    "directMessage": false,
    "to": [
    "cc": [
    "actor": "",
    "object": {
        "@context": "",
        "id": "",
        "type": "Note",
        "published": "2023-06-20T02:18:41Z",
        "url": "",
        "attributedTo": "",
        "to": [
        "cc": [
        "conversationId": "",
        "conversationUrl": "",
        "content": "Another #<span class="tag"><a href="" rel="tag">test</a></span> .",
        "isLocal": true,
        "attachment": [],
        "tag": [
                "@context": "",
                "name": "test",
                "url": ""
tk, avatar

Including some folks. @Moon @lain @feld

lanodan, avatar

@tk Actually looking again, what apparently ~all except GnuSocial fediverse implementations are doing is forcibly adding "Hashtag" into the ActivityStreams namespace…

@evan @cwebber: Given how widespread this usage is and how it's unlikely to change, what do you think about updating ActivityStreams documentation to properly match usage? (Not that other things should be done this way)
Like gives an hashtag example without qualifying type and that seems pretty wrong to me (and might be where GnuSocial got it's idea).

tk, to fediverse en-us

Has anyone tried to run in recently? I followed these steps, by the way.

Aside from an error complaining that vendor/autoload.php is missing, I was getting this logging constantly when running docker compose up:

gnu-social-worker-1   | Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: You need to add "symfony/framework-bundle" as a Composer dependency. in /var/www/social/bin/console:18
gnu-social-worker-1   | Stack trace:
gnu-social-worker-1   | #0 {main}
gnu-social-worker-1   |   thrown in /var/www/social/bin/console on line 18


@iamkale Here is the docker-compose.yml that bin/configure generated:

version: '3'

        image: nginx:alpine
            - php
        restart: always
        tty: false
            - "80:80"
            - "443:443"
            # Nginx
            - ./docker/nginx/nginx.conf:/var/nginx/social.conf
            - ./docker/nginx/
            # Certbot
            - ./docker/certbot/www:/var/www/certbot
            - ./docker/certbot/.files:/etc/letsencrypt
            # social
            - ./public:/var/www/social/public
            - ./docker/bootstrap/bootstrap.env
            - ./docker/db/db.env
        command: /bin/sh -c '/var/nginx/;
                             while :; do
                                 sleep 6h & wait $${!};
                                 nginx -s reload;
                             done &
                             nginx -g "daemon off;"'

        image: certbot/certbot
        # Check for certificate renewal every 12h as
        # recommended by Let's Encrypt
        entrypoint: /bin/sh -c 'trap exit TERM;
                                while :; do
                                    certbot renew > /dev/null;
                                    sleep 12h & wait $${!};
          - ./docker/certbot/www:/var/www/certbot
          - ./docker/certbot/.files:/etc/letsencrypt

        build: docker/php
        restart: always
        tty: true
            - 9000:9000
            # Entrypoint
            - ./docker/php/
            - ./docker/db/
            - ./docker/social/
            # Main files
            - .:/var/www/social
            - /var/www/social/docker # exclude docker folder
            - ./docker/social/social.env
            - ./docker/db/db.env
        command: /

        image: postgres:alpine
        restart: always
        tty: false
            - 5432:5432
            - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgres/data
            - ./docker/db/db.env
            - database:/var/lib/postgres/data

        image: redis:alpine
        restart: always
        tty: false
            - ./docker/redis/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf
            - 6379:6379
        command: redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf

        build: docker/php
        restart: always
        tty: true
            # Entrypoint
            - ./docker/php/
            - ./docker/db/
            - ./docker/social/
            - ./docker/worker/
            # Main files
            - .:/var/www/social
            - /var/www/social/docker # exclude docker folder
            - ./docker/social/social.env
            - ./docker/db/db.env
        command: /


@tk @tk Hmm, you didn't make any changes after running bin/configure? Nothing looks immediately off, was "symfony/framework-bundle" already in composer.json or did you add it?

tk, to fediverse avatar

Has anyone tried to run #GNUSocial in #Docker recently? I followed these steps, by the way.

Aside from an error complaining that vendor/autoload.php is missing, I was getting this logging constantly when running docker compose up:

gnu-social-worker-1   | Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: You need to add "symfony/framework-bundle" as a Composer dependency. in /var/www/social/bin/console:18
gnu-social-worker-1   | Stack trace:
gnu-social-worker-1   | #0 {main}
gnu-social-worker-1   |   thrown in /var/www/social/bin/console on line 18

#Fediverse #Mastodon

tk, avatar

@dhalucario I think I ended up getting everything happy in the meantime. Only problem now is that it won’t accept the password I set when running bin/configure.

gnu-social-db-1       | 2023-06-18 19:36:41.791 UTC [32] FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"                                                                                                                                                                                                            
gnu-social-db-1       | 2023-06-18 19:36:41.791 UTC [32] DETAIL:  Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 100: "host all all all scram-sha-256"    

Patch that fixed the dependency and version issues:

diff --git a/docker/php/Dockerfile b/docker/php/Dockerfile
index 534237a7da..14b032ab53 100644
--- a/docker/php/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/php/Dockerfile
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-FROM php:8-fpm-alpine
+FROM php:8.1-fpm-alpine
 RUN apk update && apk add git autoconf make gcc g++ file gettext-dev icu-dev zlib-dev libpng-dev gmp-dev 
-        mariadb-dev mariadb-client postgresql-dev postgresql-client vips-dev composer ffmpeg > /dev/null
+        mariadb-dev mariadb-client postgresql-dev postgresql-client vips-dev ffmpeg libxml2 
+               libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libsodium libsodium-dev bison
 ARG MAKEFLAGS="-j$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)"
 RUN apk add --virtual .phpize-deps $PHPIZE_DEPS
-RUN docker-php-ext-install bcmath exif gd gettext gmp intl mysqli opcache pdo pdo_mysql mysqli pdo_pgsql pgsql
+RUN cd /tmp && wget -O composer-setup.php <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> && php composer-setup.php && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer && rm -f composer-setup.php
+RUN docker-php-ext-install bcmath ctype dom exif gd gettext gmp intl mysqli opcache pdo pdo_mysql mysqli pdo_pgsql pgsql sodium xml
 RUN cd /tmp && git clone <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>         && cd apcu         && phpize && ./configure --enable-apcu && make install
 RUN cd /tmp && git clone <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>        && cd ext-ds       && phpize && ./configure && make install
tk, avatar

At this point, still doesn't run correctly because no tables were created in the database. I haven't found any installation scripts for this version of it, either.

ring2, to random German avatar

Nutzt jemand von euch ?

ring2, avatar

@kkarhan wieso?

kkarhan, avatar

@ring2 oh boy...
Wo fange ich da nur an...

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