skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Did putins' psychological warfare conquer you?

skykiss, (edited ) to Ukraine avatar

‘Hunter Biden’ Disinformation has convulsed Republicans for 4-years now. It’s Putin's main Axis / Access of control over American politics.

Now we learn from an FBI indictment of a Russian oligarch spreading lies about Hunter Biden: Hunter has never even been to Ukraine.

America needs to Take Back Control by arming Ukraine.

Ukraine has been, unbeknownst to those falling for Putin's propaganda the epicentre of American politics for a decade.

Trump was impeached for withholding weaponry from Ukraine. The House traitor Mike Johnson forced vacations to avoid arming Ukraine. 2016 & 2020 elections were hacked by Putin delivering a Trump victory in 2016.

Putin's decades old ‘Don’t Poke Bear’ troll has haunted powerful policy, lawmakers for a decade - all aimed at helping Putin succeed in Ukraine by hacking the brains of powerful Americans.

Ensuring succeeds in expelling the Russian-Fascist from 100% of Ukraine is the means US of restoring Good Governance inside its own territory.

skykiss, avatar

American fake christians, evangelical conservatives, oligarchs and extreme nationalists in England, France, Germany,... all are united.

They minimize the reversal of the legal order that was brought in to prevent another holocaust.

They say it's a "Cultural War."

No it's not. It's the restarting of the Second World War. They're trying to relitigate the peace settlement, in favour of today's most powerful humans.

Apart from everything else, their success in destroying the institutions which promote the realisation of equality of opportunity will entrench today's most powerful in position for perpetuity.

Or until a war.

Remember: Violations of human rights are trip-wire for conflict and war. Every war in history has been "justified" by human rights breaches. A more equal society is not just about culture. It's about a peaceful world.

Putin's Internet Research Agency created drove and initiated division in England and in USA that delivered Brexit and Trump.

"Brexit" was the Komromat.


Soviet active measures involving U.S. race relations during the civil-rights era took two forms: commissioning hate crimes and forging race-based hate letters. Both had the same strategic aim: to divide American society. Following violent riots in the summer of 1965 in a predominantly black district of Los Angeles, Andropov personally approved KGB active measures to exploit relations in other black communities in major U.S. cities. Taking inspiration from a similar KGB operation in West Germany,4? its New York residency paid American agents to paint swastikas
This Cultural War (Conservatives mystic traditionalists vs Transnational cosmopolitan elite) troll is used by Putin as War Magic: it conceals the base motivations for his war of pillaging and self-survival in labyrinthine layers of NONSENSE that earnest Putin-Understanders get trapped inside. They neuter themselves as they try to "understand" Putin's bogus history lessons. Putin laughs all the way to the torture chambers where he watches his torturers extricate toe nails from, say, Sri Lankan students or his soldiers castrating conscious Ukrainian soldiers.

skykiss, to random avatar

Putin and the russian fascist Kremlin are greatly pleased by the fruits of their subversive labor.

They work to destroy America.

Nazi propagandist:

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

From sunrise to 11pm on May 16, 114 combat engagements took place on the battlefront where fascist russia is invading Europe. Five of these battles are ongoing. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operational information at 23:00 on 16 May 2024.


skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Russian Army Killing Ukrainian Civilians.

Russian forces are taking Ukrainian civilians captive and preventing their evacuation in the embattled northern part of Vovchansk in Kharkiv Oblast, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said on May 16.

"We know of first cases of executions of civilians by the Russian military," Klymenko said.

Please speak up for Ukrainians.

ICC issued an arrest warrant last year for Putin on charges of Genocide of Ukrainians.

#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #DefeatRussia
#ICC #arrestputin #Genocide

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Remember on February 25th, 2022 war criminal Putin's mouthpiece Sergey Lavrov to CNN Live on air “Nobody is going to attack the people of , there will be NO strikes on civilian what Putin said. No strikes on civilian infrastructure, no strikes on the personnel of the Ukrainian army"

This is Hitler 2.0. While they are murdering Ukrainians, he repeats insane lies on live international broadcast to the world, like we were never going to find the hundreds of massacres and hundreds of mass graves or discover Four Million missing Ukrainians?

War criminal putin's propagandists lies live on international cable news broadcast around the world, that no Ukrainians or Ukrainian military would be harmed by the invaders. Not one. This is Hitler 2.0

skykiss, (edited ) to random avatar

The merchant of death, wanted war criminal putin

The kgb fluffer to the east german stasi and when ussr collasped in 1989 he stole a washing machine and drove home with the washing machine on top of his car.

It must be a russian tradition.

#arrestputin #warcrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState!&&p=ad790b7b0a1a6a8eJmltdHM9MTcxNTgxNzYwMCZpZ3VpZD0wOTZjNDIzNS03ZjlhLTZhNDAtMDliNS01MWE4N2U5MjZiMDImaW5zaWQ9NjQ0NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=096c4235-7f9a-6a40-09b5-51a87e926b02&psq=east+german+stasi&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYnJpdGFubmljYS5jb20vdG9waWMvU3Rhc2k&ntb=1

skykiss, to China avatar

The wanted war criminal Putin and FSB thugs (successor of the Soviet-era KGB) entourage on their way to Bejing to meet with Xi on Thursday.

RSD111 is Il-96-300PU RA-96021 #157715
RSD501 is Il-96-300PU RA-96024 #157718
RSD433 is Il-96-300PU RA-96025 #157719
RSD171 is Il-96-300 RA-96017 #157711
RSD972 is Tu-214VPU RA-64517 #14FC05

Dear Xi, Don't leave your drink near any FSB, you are well aware they like to poison.
#ArrestPutin #china #Xi #russianfascism #Hague

skykiss, avatar

The world's legal polonium-210 (210Po) production occurs in Russia in RBMK reactors.

Court's findings were consistent with those of the UK inquiry; it ruled that "the assassination had been carried out by" Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun; that there was "prima facie evidence of russian state involvement" and that there was a "strong" case that the two assassins were acting as agents of the Russian State; and that Russia had failed to investigate the murder or to identify and punish those responsible. The Court drew an adverse inference from Russia's refusal to disclose any documents from its investigation. The Court noted that the "planned and complex operation involving the procurement of a rare deadly poison, the travel arrangements for the pair, and repeated and sustained attempts to administer the poison indicated that Mr Litvinenko had been the target of the operation."

The poisoned tea is what russians do.

#ArrestPutin #RussianFascism #RussiaIsATerroristState

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

This is what Russians did to once lovely Ukraine today. Just a causal day for them, loss and devastation for #Ukrainians.

These shattered ruins were ones people's home. There was laughter, joy, life. All gone now.

All these photos are from today. The 1st one is #Mykolayiv, where 6 people were injured. The 2nd is from #Kherson, with 11 seriously wounded. The 3rd is the #Sumy region, where a woman was murdered. The 4th is #Vovchansk

What further terror does the world need to see to help #Ukraine win over russia?

Stop Putin's genocide of Ukrainians. Please boost.

#ArrestPutin #warcrimes

rom #Kherson, with 11 seriously wounded and their homes totally destroyed by russian fascist invaders.
Ukrainian women cry, her peaceful home was bombed by russian fascist invaders. A rescue worker is helping her and she covers her face to cry.

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Sad news from #Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk region.

Today, as a result of the invader enemy shelling of the civilian railway infrastructure, two of our colleagues, wagon repair inspectors, were killed — Serhiy Derevytskyi and Oleksandr Pryhodko

Sincere condolences to their relatives and friends.

📷 Aftermath of a terrorist Russian army attack on Dnipropetrovsk Oblast that killed two civilian workers on May 15, 2024 (Ukrzaliznytsia/tg)

#StopGenocide #ArrestPutin
#RussianFascism #Hague

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Kharkiv #Ukraine today. The aftermath of one of the seven russian strikes on the city. One of the seven!

Russians are targeting civilians everywhere they can reach.

Stop Putin-russian genocide of Ukrainians.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #Hague #arrest #warcrimes #RussianFascism


skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

As the USA continues to refuse to fight alongside Ukraine against invader Russian terrorists, #SecState Anthony Blinken said in Kyiv: "I came to #Ukraine with the message that you are not alone."

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been fighting the Russian invaders alone for 10 years, 2 months, 24 days.

#EU and #NATO to Ukraine, Stand With Ukraine.
#StopGenocide #ArrestPutin #WarCrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState #Hague

skykiss, to random avatar

Russian propagandists openly say that life doesn’t matter and that it’s an honor to sacrifice it for their country and church. Russians made killing their religion.

Like true fascists, they also advise Russian soldiers to kill themselves rather than wait until they lose their limbs. Their “great” nation doesn’t need people with disabilities.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #warCrimes #RussianFascism #rf

skykiss, (edited ) to random avatar

The arrest of Yuri Kuznetsov signals a widening of government corruption scandal, two days after the despot dictator (former bathroom robber) Vladimir Putin unexpectedly removed Sergei Shoigu from the post of defense minister.

Yury headed the Defense Ministry’s personnel directorate since 2023, has been placed in pre-trial detention on large-scale bribery charges, the Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes.
In 2010-2023 he was the head of the unit within the MoD that calls the State SECRET Protection unit. This is important to note.

These are internal disputes within the mafia organizations. Everyone in the Ministry of Defense, FSB, military, institutions is corrupt. The extent of corruption just varies. The whole system in RUS is built on corruption and runs through all levels.

Now Sergei Shoigu sit as chairman for FSB but never been one. He will be sourrunded by FSB who will watch over him untill the end.

#ArrestPutin #warcrimes #Hague #RussiaIsATerroristState

skykiss, to random avatar

Ruzzian terrorists brought 52 iskander ballistic missile systems to the Ukraine border. Ready to attack at any time.

Fuck all ruzzians. Only terrorist support Putin's genocide.

Russian fascist is rascist. #RussiaIsATerroristState #StopGenocide
#ArrestPutin #WarCrimes

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

Putin must stopped.

The arrival of European forces in #Ukraine would change KGB-Putin calculations. His genocide of Ukrainians must be stopped. A European-led response would subvert Russian #propaganda that NATO countries’ intervention in #Ukraine is merely an American ploy to undermine Russia.

Ukraine is doing the best it can, but it needs help - help that European countries are able and increasingly willing to provide. Rather than force Russian escalation, a European troop presence would be more likely to prevent the conflict from spreading and prevent further damage to Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure. European leaders do not need to follow the dictates of an increasingly unreliable United States about how the battle in Ukraine should be waged; they can and should decide for themselves how best to ensure the continent’s freedom & security. #Europe must do what it takes to safeguard its own future, and that starts with making sure Ukraine wins this war.

#closethesky #StopGenocide #ArrestPutin #Hague

skykiss, avatar

To all those in comfortable western countries, enjoying your shopping, sports shows and restaurants this Sunday..

This new world in which a coalition of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are allowed to chisel away at democracy, massacre and occupy our allies, install fascist puppets into our governments and flood our information space with mind warping's not going to be a world you'll like.

Failing to defend what we had will be looked on by history as a sacking by brutal barbaric hordes.

It could all have been stopped, back in Ukraine, cheaply.

Per: Jay in Kyiv

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

May 11, 24-hours lost 1,320+ russian orcs

Russian losses, 24 Feb 2022 - 11 May 2024:
~481,030 personnel
7449 tanks
14353 APVs
12442 artillery systems
1064 MLRS 796 air defence systems
349 aircraft
325 helicopters
9868 UAVs
2193 cruise missiles
26 ships/boats
1 submarine
16755 vehicles/fuel trucks
2040 special equipment

#arrestputin #warcrimes #warcriminals #Hague #russianfascists #RussiaIsATerroristState
#SlavaUkraini #Ukraine 🇺🇦

skykiss, to Ukraine avatar

The center of #Vovchansk after the attack by Putin's russian war criminals. Today, russian troops attempted to break through Ukrainian defense lines in #Kharkiv oblast #Ukraine. The most intense fighting was around Vovchansk where russian aviation dropped bombs on Ukrainians. -From Ronan Sheremeta

#StopGenocide #stopRussianTerror #ArrestPutin #warcrimes #Hague #RussiaIsATerroristState


skykiss, (edited ) to Ukraine avatar

In #Ukraine, Invader war criminals Russian losses over the past day:

>1,300 orcs killed 💀

tanks +11
armoured personnel vehicles +35
air defence systems +1
vehicles and fuel trucks +69
special equipment +8
artillery systems +23
operational-tactical UAVs +47
cruise missiles +41

#RussiaIsATerroristState #arrestputin #warcrimes #Hague

skykiss, to random avatar

Rather than just giving Ukraine the tools to deal with these monsters, European politicians continue to ignore Russia's terror attacks across the continent, and it's only getting worse.

Just in the past 2 months

  • Derailing trains in Sweden
  • Burned warehouse in UK
  • 2 arrested in Bavaria before attacking German logistics centers
  • Destroyed signalling systems on Czech railways
  • Attack on car of Estonian minister
  • Jamming GPS across several sections of Nothern Europe from Kaliningrad

Ukraine is willing to do all the work on this if merely provided the tools. Two years from now, Europeans will be praying to go back in time and arm Ukraine.

Putin's terrorist engage in "disinformation, sabotage, acts of violence, cyber and electronic interference.. and other hybrid operations."

Was this an act of war? Prelude to war Russian state-directed propagandists announced is coming?

NATO sounds alarm over 'hostile' Russian activity across Europe, US

#RussiaIsATerroristState #arrestputin

skykiss, avatar

To add to this further:

There were two separate incidents in the #US and the #UK last month - both ammunition manufacturing sites. Both suffered fires, explosions. Was this an act of war?

Putin's terrorist engage in "disinformation, sabotage, acts of violence, cyber and electronic interference.. and other hybrid operations."

#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #warcrimes

skykiss, to random avatar

To mark the beginning of the end for the most infamous cold-blooded killer in modern history, I present The "Prison, not the Kremlin" campaign is taking place in The . Today, Putin was fake inaugurated in Russia. Everyone knows Putin is a murderous thug and Russia is a mafia state.

In Europe, they showed that he is a criminal and his place is not on the throne but in prison. For this event, sculptor Jacques Till specially made a figure of Putin in handcuffs and prison clothes.

Killer and war criminal putin.

skykiss, (edited ) to lies avatar

If, like roughly a hundred million Americans, you regularly consume fascist propaganda in the guise of cable “news” (fox, newsmax, & other propaganda outlets) online disinformation publications, and the platform formerly known as Twitter, it’s likely that at least some of that fascist propaganda is originating in Moscow.

Kremlin documents reveal Russian trolls are targeting U.S. support for Ukraine and engaging in a significant campaign to undermine U.S. elections and discourage voting.

#lies #disinformation #propaganda #warfare

skykiss, avatar

“Europe is in mortal danger,” says Pres. Macron 🇫🇷.

As #Ukraine 🇺🇦 is left fending for itself while Western leaders fear “escalation,” we are accelerating towards a global war.

American & European soldiers will die if we do not defeat Russia now.

👉 Putin must be defeated.

🧵 3/

#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #StopGenocide

skykiss, to Turkey avatar

While the crises in the Middle East are being escalated, #Turkey's foreign policy is busy meeting the #Taliban & making hypocritical statements about #Israel & #Palestine, actually attempting to take advantage of the situation & continue its genocidal politics against the #Kurds

#Kurds #TurkeyisBombingKurds

skykiss, avatar

Putin showed his cards with his absurd war to liberate Ukraine from nazis and then used his Nazi Wagner army to act as shock troops committing genocide of Ukrainians.

Putin's Kompromat owns #Netanyahu who created havoc at Al-Aqsa with Israeli extremists to prepare for #Turkey and #Iran trained and funded former & 2.0 ISIS fighters to rampage in Israel and attack freedom loving Kurds in Syria, Turkey and Iraq.

None of this is random. Putin needed the world to turn its gaze from #Ukraine. How's he doing?

#RussiaIsATerroristState #Hague #ArrestPutin #WarCrimes

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