amwenglish, to random
amwenglish, to random
artem, to random

Zhenya Karakashev is about to be released from Russian prison in 2 month, funds needed for his rehabilitation

:boostRequest: :blobbigheart: :anarchistflagblack:​

Crimean anarchist and antifascist Zhenya Karakashev is about to be released February 1. In 2018, he was detained and tried on the counts of “public call for terrorism”. At the time, he was already on a radar of local cops, as he had protested against development of a salt lake near Yevpatoria, Crimea, against persecution of Sasha Kolchenko and Oleh Sentsov, and more.

Most of his time in penal colony he was kept at indoor prison ward, then, after the Invasion broke, he was transferred to high-security prison in Saratov oblast. His health has drastically worsened during the term, and he will definitely need a period of rehabilitation when he’s back home in Yevpatoria.

A kind and keen man, before the captivity he worked as a nurse. You can help him recover by donating to the fundraiser of Anarchist Black Cross Moscow via PayPal: with reference “for Zhenya Karakashev”

#AnarchistPrisoners #PrisonersOfRussia #June11 #CallForSolidarity

Nae_Midion, to uk

#UK: HMP Garth Illegally Restricting Anarchist Prisoner Toby Shone’s Mail

Toby Shone, currently incarcerated in Category B prison HMP Garth, is receiving no mail – including his legal mail from his lawyers – and any money being sent into him to be added to his prison account is being restricted to only those persons on his approved contact list. If you are intending to send him a letter, it is suggested that you send you message via, which he is currently able to receive. If you want to send him money and are not on his approved contact list, Toby suggests you send it to his support group (bank account details below).

If you have sent him mail, books, etc. at HMP Garth and have not received a reply, Toby asks that you contact Brighton ABC [] so that you can be added to the complaint that his lawyers are putting together to challenge the prison’s actions.

The Bottled Wasp
Co-operative Bank
Sort code: 08-92-99
Acc. No.: 65601648
IBAN: GB 35 CPBK 0892996560164


#AnarchistPrisoners #Repression #FreeTobyShone

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) to chile German avatar

Auf dem Drahtseil: Beiträge und Überlegungen aus und für den anarchistischen Kampf
Von dem in #Chile inhaftierten Anarchisten #FranciscoSolar [Es/En/De/Fr]
"Dieser Text versucht ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung und Vertiefung des anarchistischen informellen Kampfes zu sein, wobei die technologischen Fortschritte betrachtet werden, die sich immer mehr auf die Kontrolle und Überwachung der Bevölkerung allgemein und vor allem derer, die sich darauf einlassen gegen das Bestehende zu rebellieren, spezialisieren.Er entspringt auch dem Bedürfnis, der Macht härtere und fortwährende Schläge zuzufügen, welche Risse erzeugen, die weiter vertieft werden können.
Niemanden überrascht der schnelle Anstieg der Überwachung durch Kameras, durch die unzähligen Kredit- und Punktekarten die wir für fast alles benutzen müssen und der beginnende aber rasante Anstieg des Gebrauchs von Drohnen zur Überwachung. Wenn wir dem noch die Kontrolle durch die Handys hinzufügen, dann verschärft sich das Panorama noch viel mehr. Dieses technologische Räderwerk übernimmt dadurch, dass es vernetzt ist fast die absolute Kontrolle über die Stadt, unserem Schlachtfeld...."

#Repression #Staat #DirectAction #Surveillance #Anarchism #Prison #AnarchistPrisoners #FreeThemAll

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Anarchist Comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar Convicted to 12 and 86 Years in Chile

"This December 7 was the conviction of power, against the anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who were finally condemned to 12 and 86 years in prison, respectively.

During the hearing that took place in room 703 of the “justice” center in Santiago, the multifunctional and unlimited deployment that the state carried out together with the business community, to convict both comrades, came to an end."
via @amwenglish

#AnarchistPrisoners #Chile #Anarchism #Repression #Antireport

amwenglish, to random
Nae_Midion, to italy

#Italy: Fugitive Anarchist Comrade Luca 'Stecco' Dolce Arrested After Being on the Run Since 2021

"The 37-year-old anarchist from Trieste had been on the run since 2021. The Central Security Operations Unit announces that he was identified after an investigative activity between Trento, Treviso, Trieste, Genoa and Brescia. The activity was coordinated by the District Prosecutor’s Office of Trento directed by Sandro Raimondi.

Dolce, who had a false identity card at the time of his capture, has several criminal records and has been in prison in Tolmezzo, Ferrara and Modena. It was in Ferrara that he was detained together with #alfredocospito

Dolce, born in 1984, received a sentence together with 62 other anarchists for the crimes committed at the Brenner crossing on 7 May 2016. During a protest against the so-called anti-migrant wall the anarchists had started the riots, being responsible for resistance to a public official, seditious gathering, damage and interruption of public service, while the judge had already excluded the hypothesis of devastation and looting at first instance. The sentence was three years and eight months.

Dolce, known as Stecco, was stopped in Turin in 2019 and jailed in Tolmezzo after a sentence for producing false documents on behalf of a Spanish terrorist. According to the investigations, Dolce also had a coordinating role, at a national level, in the promotion of anti-prison activities and maintained correspondence with prisoners belonging to the Red Brigades.

The last sentence was dated 17 March, when the Court of Appeal of Trento sentenced him, together with 62 other anarchists, to three years’ imprisonment for the crimes committed at Brenner on 7 May 2016 during a protest against the anti-migrant wall announced, but never implemented, by the Austrian government."

source (Italian corporate media):

#AnarchistPrisoners #Repression #InternationalSolidarity

amwenglish, to random
amwenglish, to chile
autonomysolidarity, to italy German avatar

Ten Comrades Arrested in Police Operation Against Anarchist Newspaper in Italy
#AnarchistPrisoners #Italy
"On August 8, at dawn, the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa and the Digos (antiterrorist police) of La Spezia led yet another operation of repression against the anarchist movement. Ten anarchist comrades are accused in this investigation, including five comrades from Carrara, for whom the prosecutor initially asked for detention. In addition to searches in the homes, the Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi”, the historic center of anarchists in Carrara, has been the subject of a descent. Magazines, books, leaflets, posters and computer supplies have been seized. The preliminary investigation judge has decided on four residential assignments with all restrictions, five house arrests with return to prison at night. One comrade is not subject to any restriction. Luigi, one of the four residential comrades had no official residence: he was therefore transferred to the Spezia prison."
via @amwenglish
#Repression #EU #Prison #abolishprisons

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

"Anarchist Luca Dolce was arrested Saturday after two years on the run.
Dolce, 37, who is now in prison at Imperia, was identified at the end of a complex investigation involving the DIGOS security police in Trento, Treviso, Trieste, Genoa and Brescia.
Dolce has several previous convictions and has been in prison in Tolmezzo, Ferrara – where he was detained together with anarchist leader Alfredo Cospito – and Modena.
He must serve 3 years, 6 months and 15 days in prison for crimes related to his political activism. The Central Security Operations Unit of the police captured Dolce in Dolceacqua, in the province of Imperia in Liguria."

#AnarchistPrisoners #Anarchism #Italy #Repression #State #FreeThemAll #UntilAllAreFree

amwenglish, to random
autonomysolidarity, to random German avatar
  1. JUNI

Gegen das Vergessen, Gegen die Verzweiflung
"Ein weiteres Jahr vergeht, und wieder steht der 11. Juni vor uns. Erneut schätzen wir alles, was sich in anarchistischem Kampf in dieser Zeit entfaltet hat, sowohl die Triumphe als auch die Schwierigkeiten, außerhalb der Gefängnismauern und innerhalb. Wir schätzen die Schönheit des Widerstands und die Stärke, die entstehen kann, wenn wir uns weigern, sowohl dem Vergessen als auch der Verzweiflung zu erliegen.
Gegen das Vergessen: Wir weigern uns zuzulassen das der Staat Rebellen verschwinden lässt, ihre süßen oder scharfen Worte aus unseren Diskussionen löscht oder ihre Beiträge zu unseren gemeinsamen Kämpfen entfernt oder zu verschleiern. Stattdessen erinnern wir uns an sie. Ihre Taten, Worte, ihr Lachen, ihr Potenzial und ihre Menschlichkeit. Wir können als Vermittler dienen, durch Gefängnismauern und zwischen Generationen hinweg. Sie können in unsere sich verändernden Kämpfe einbezogen werden, und wir können sie mit der Außenwelt verbinden und die Außenwelt mit ihnen verbinden."
Via @june11

#Repression #Staat #Herrschaft #June11 #antireport #Anarchismus #politicalprisoner #abolishprisons #AntiKnast

autonomysolidarity, avatar

Call for International Week of Solidarity with #AnarchistPrisoners
"Extreme right, conservative and authoritarian politics are increasing all around the world. Some use it to start Wars and kill thousands of people, some build fences and guard what they think is their property and others use it to arm up in the digital world. Surveillance is increased and the states are leaping more and more into our private spaces, analyzing our private conversations and collecting data about us with a depth of detail we could never have imagined. The tools of the states to crush resistance, crush even the idea of fighting the system, are sharpened with every minute. Many anarchists, anti-authoritarians, environmental activists, and antifascist around the world face repression because acting anonymous in a digitalized world is as difficult as never before.
With all the obstacles put into our way during the struggle for a better world, anarchist ideas and values remain important. In times of crisis methods of collective organizing, mutual aid and the principle of solidarity start to shine. The system will fall apart and we should get ready to take back a world that was stolen by companies, yacht owners and the war industry."
#Anarchism #Prison #freeThemAll #abolishprisons

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Write to our comrades in jail and break the isolation!
No one is free until all are free!
List of imprisoned anarchists 2023
"Every year we try to update the list of imprisoned anarchists. We finished and present it to you!
If you see any mistakes in it, if someone is missing or has been released, please let us know!
There is a single page version and a booklet version to print."
via @woswap
#AnarchistPrisoners #anarchism #abolishprisons

autonomysolidarity, avatar

Message from Th. Chatzianggelou, C’Wing, Larissa Prison #Greece
#woswap2023 #WOSWAP

"….and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the furthest reaches of the earth
...See, how their indifference is killing us”
"On a planet burning with rebellious hearts, there are still messages of resistance and optimism. Messages of complicity hidden under hoods, travelling to our ears through a machine gun click in the palaces of the uniformed memes in Chile, from a Molotov cocktail in the angry French suburbs, from a blast of anger and justice in the West Bank, from a sabotage against developmental frenzy in the Italian north, from the shattered windows of domestic consumerism.

Here where time has no power over our bodies and rage drowns you in a spit the intensification of the international revolutionary struggle is our reminder of absolute freedom. It is our need and our desire. Whoever forgets the prisoners of the social and class war for an unrestrained world, forgets the war itself.
Unceasing solidarity with the unrepentant imprisoned revolutionaries who define life on the natural frontier of subversive law.
Strength and respect to the international revolutionary cells fighting in the present day justifying our captivity."
#AnarchistPrisoners #anarchism

autonomysolidarity, avatar

Prison and resistance Talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
28 August 6pm, at Karl-Helga, #Leipzig #Germany #TillAllAreFree
"In the framework of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, this Monday, the 28th of August, there will be a talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva at the Karl-Helga.
Gabriel is a well-known anarchist militant with a long history, who has spent more than 30 years in different prisons for his activities. On this occasion, we will talk about what this week of #solidarity means and how important it is; at the same time, we will remember our comrades who are still behind bars or who have left us. For his part, Gabriel will tell us about his current situation (recently released), the repression of the anarchist movement and the meaning of prison within the system of domination and why we anarchists oppose it."
more about The International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners at @woswap

#WOSWAP #woswap2023 #AnarchistPrisoners #Anarchism

autonomysolidarity, avatar

"Am Dienstag dem 29. August wurde der anarchistische Gefangene Thomas Meyer-Falk nach fast 27 Jahren Gefangenschaft aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Ähnlich wie ihm ging und geht es auch weiterhin vielen politischen Gefangenen in der #brd .
Thomas Meyer-Falk war bis vor kurzem ein politischer Gefangener der BRD. Gefangen genommen wurde er bei einem Bankraub mit Geiselnahme, bei dem niemand getötet wurde. Ziel war es, mit dem Erlös linke Projekte zu finanzieren. Unabhängig davon, ob man eine solche Aktionsform selbst für zielführend hält: Klar ist, dass es sich hierbei nicht um ein „normales Verbrechen“, sondern um eine politische Tat gehandelt hat. Darum war auch die besonders heftige Reaktion des Staats (immerhin fast 10 Jahre Sicherheitsverwahrung nach Ablauf der Haft) eine politisch motivierte Strafe."

#AnarchistPrisoners #politicalprisoner #Antireport #Germany #freeThemAll

autonomysolidarity, avatar

UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone abducted by armed cops & sent back to prison!
"Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago.
Toby is in a good mood, as always, and asks for letters and books.
You can write to:
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge
Bishopston Road Bristol BS7 8 CV"
#UK #Anarchism #AnarchistPrisoners #politicalprisoner #AbolishPrisons

autonomysolidarity, avatar

Anarchist Toby Shone wieder inhaftiert #UK
"Toby Shone ist Anarchist, der fast zwei Jahre lang inhaftiert war, weil er beschuldigt wurde, der Administrator des Gegeninformationsprojekts zu sein. Nachdem die politisch motivierte Anklage weggefallen war, wurde Toby wegen des Besitzes von Cannabis und LSD zu 3 Jahren und 9 Monaten verurteilt. Er wurde am 28. Dezember mit erheblichen Einschränkungen unter der Aufsicht eines Multi-Force-Teams, zu dem auch die National Security Division (Anti-Terrorismus) gehörte, freigelassen und musste neun Monate lang in einem Wohnheim in Gloucester leben.
Toby war gerade einmal neun Tage in eine Wohnung gezogen, als er am Morgen des 19. September auf dem Weg zu einem Termin mit dem Bewährungshelfer im Auto verhaftet wurde. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, gegen zwei der Bedingungen für seine Halbfreiheit verstoßen zu haben (Besitz eines Telefons und Teilnahme an einem Treffen in #Bristol im August)."
wenn ihr Toby schreiben wollt, hier die Adresse:
Toby Shone / prisoner’s number: A7645EP /
HMP Bristol / 19 Cambridge Road /
Bishopston / Bristol BS7 8PS (Vereinigtes Königreich).
siehe auch:
#Anarchism #AnarchistPrisoners #PoliticalPrisoners #Repression #Antireport

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

#UK Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone transferred to Garth prison | Attack
Toby is in a good mood as always and asks for letters and emails to be written to him. Emails are sent to him very quickly, via the website (please remember to give him a reply coupon).
You can also write to him at:
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
Preston PR26 8NE
(United Kingdom)
If anyone in the north of the country would like to speak with Toby, please contact his support group at: forestcase AT
Books for him must be ordered directly from the websites of online retailers Waterstones, Blackwells, Wordery, WH Smiths, Foyles and Mr B's Emporium Bookshop."

Email a Prisoner

International List of imprisoned anarchists 2023

#UnitedKingdom #Repression #AnarchistPrisoners #Antireport #Prison #Anarchy #Anarchism

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House

"Following nearly ten years of incarceration and numerous attempts by the State to frame, murder, and break him – anarchist prisoner Eric King has now been released and is headed to a half-way house “for several weeks,” reports supporters."
via @amwenglish

#AnarchistPrisoners #Anarchy #Anarchism #Antireport #Prison #AbolishPrisons

autonomysolidarity, to italy German avatar

Italy is on fire 🖤 #AlfredoCospito #41bis

#Italy on alert amid anarchist #attacks on diplomatic missions

"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in #Rome.
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito.."

#41bis #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

#AlfredoLibero #No41bis
"Der Fall von #AlfredoCospito ist ein Beispiel für die Rache der Klasse. Der Staat in Gestalt der Turiner Staatsanwaltschaft hat wiederholt eine lebenslange Haftstrafe für einen Anarchisten gefordert. Die Verurteilung des Genossen durch das Kassationsgericht im Juli 2022 wegen “Massaker gegen die Sicherheit des Staates” (das sogenannte “politische Massaker”, Art. 285 des italienischen Strafgesetzbuches) in Bezug auf ein Massaker ohne Beweise, war das Maß für den andauernden Vernichtungsversuch gegen einen Revolutionär. Nur wenige Monate zuvor, im Mai, war Alfredo Cospito tatsächlich vom Hochsicherheitstrakt in das 41-bis-Regime überführt worden, weil er sich der Pflege von Beziehungen zur anarchistischen Bewegung und insbesondere zu bestimmten Publikationen schuldig gemacht hatte. Wenn die Verurteilung wegen “politischem Massaker” den Höhepunkt der zunehmenden Bemühungen der Terrorismusbekämpfung und der Staatsanwaltschaft darstellte, das Gespenst des aktiven Anarchismus zu vertreiben, so brachte die Überstellung nach 41bis deutlich die repressive Warnung des Staates gegenüber der anarchistischen und revolutionären Bewegung schlechthin zum Ausdruck."
#AnarchistPrisoners #Italy #Repression #Anarchism

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Cospito appeal rejected, remains in #41bis

"16.45 The Rome Supervisory Court rejected the application for early revocation of the 41 bis prison term, presented by Alfredo Cospito's defence. The National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate had given a favourable opinion on the termination of the hard prison sentence for Cospito, who is held in Sassari prison. In recent months, the anarchist had staged a hunger strike against the hard prison regime."

#AlfredoLibero #AlfredoCospito #Italy #no41bis #italy #AnarchistPrisoners #FreeThemAll #Antireport

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