gedeonm, avatar

What I’d like from today’s Apple iPad event:

  • Camera on the long side of the iPad (where it belongs)
  • Longer battery life
  • Faster processor (duh)
  • To not have Sherlocked 🙏
gedeonm, avatar

Pretty good!

✅ Camera on the landscape side
❌ Longer battery life
✅ Faster processor (duh)

✅ To not have #LineaSketch Sherlocked 👍👍👍

kraigschmidt, avatar


Didn’t the efficiency comments obliquely suggest more battery life?

gedeonm, avatar

@kraigschmidt Maybe but it wasn’t in the feature overview and they didn’t mention it at all so I don’t tho knit was worth touting

kraigschmidt, avatar

@gedeonm @siracusa @jsnell @bennomatic

I’m gutted that nano texture is gated by 1tb memory. That makes it a $700 upgrade. WTAF.

gedeonm, avatar

@kraigschmidt @siracusa @jsnell @bennomatic Yep, me too. Had to skip that.

kraigschmidt, avatar

@gedeonm @siracusa @jsnell @bennomatic

I… can’t believe this.

I think I may not buy one, after 6 years of waiting for a better display.

I don’t need 1tb. I don’t want 1tb. No way am I paying a $700 upcharge for the nano, which I desperately do want.

Goddamnit. This is completely unexpected and crushing.

gedeonm, avatar

New iPad Pro 13 and Apple Pencil Pro ordered!

johnhood, avatar

@gedeonm Allons-y! I've ordered the 11-inch model with a trade-in! #AppleEvent

ashkendo, avatar

@gedeonm Silver or Space Black? I normally switch it up from my previous device just for a change, but I stuck with black again.

gedeonm, avatar

@ashkendo black, baby.

gedeonm, avatar

Well I have the case, now all I need is the new iPad to go in it! 😊

brzz, avatar

@gedeonm ESR?

gedeonm, avatar

@brzz Sorry, I don’t understand. I’m acronym challenged. 😂

brzz, avatar

@gedeonm Whoops, sorry. I was asking if it was the ESR case?

I guess not 😅

gedeonm, avatar

@brzz Um, nope! Just a cheapo case I found on Amazon. Placeholder protection for now.

jonhicks, avatar

@gedeonm Did you go for the nano texture Pro by any chance? Really curious to see how that would work

gedeonm, avatar

@jonhicks Nope, I didn’t want to spring for the 1Tb storage. I’m curious too though. 🤔

stegrainer, avatar

@gedeonm @jonhicks I was curious about that too. Listening to Jason Snell and Myke Hurley talk about it in the latest episode of Upgrade, it sounded like the nano texture was probably best if you’re specifically using the device in bright light, but not as great if you care about picture quality in general.


jonhicks, avatar

@stegrainer @gedeonm I was thinking along the lines of “will it feel more like paper for drawing on?”, but considering the XDR display needs a specific microfibr cloth, I’m worried the pencil will just destroy it!

stegrainer, avatar

@jonhicks @gedeonm Haha yeah that was the question I asked that they answer later in the episode, but essentially it's a different treatment to the glass than the monitors. (As I understand it, the monitors have microscopic holes in them or something to make the matte effect, where the iPad screens are a glass treatment instead.)

jonhicks, avatar

@stegrainer @gedeonm ah, cool, so really an anti glare measure. I didn’t get on with the paperlike screen protectors as they made the screen quite grainy. Will have a listen, thanks!

stegrainer, avatar

@jonhicks @gedeonm I don't think the nanotexture glass on the iPad will add any feeling of paper-like texture, but I haven't tried them to say that for certain.

Have you tried the Paper-like screen covers?

Chancerubbage, avatar

@gedeonm 11 or 13 inch?

Bought or bespoke?
I imagine it eliminates camera bump.

gedeonm, avatar

@Chancerubbage 13 inch. Just some cheapo case off Amazon. Yeah help sit sit flat on the table and supports magnetic pencil charging

Walt, avatar

@gedeonm Tell the truth. That’s the new Transparent Aluminum model.

gedeonm, avatar

@Walt Hello, computer! 😂

gedeonm, avatar

I really must be an outlier. I use my iPad Pro for real work all the time. I don’t feel particularly hampered by iPadOS. There are times when I’d like to easily do some things my Mac can do but in general I’ve been super happy with the iPad and its software.

I think all the hand wringing around the new iPads is about to be rendered moot at WWDC anyway. My Spidey Developer Sense is tingling.

WarnerCrocker, avatar

@gedeonm I’m out there outlier-ing with you.

jonhicks, avatar

@gedeonm I find the only thing I can't achieve on the iPad Pro is web development - run a local php webserver, setup virtual hosts, and use a web inspector.

Luke, avatar
ecschwarz, avatar

@gedeonm For me, it’s not the OS that’s the letdown, but more that some excellent third-party software dried up or is limited (still clinging to an ancient version of Panic’s Code Editor for quick web site tweaks and Pixelmator Pro on my Mac is still more functional for designing web graphics).

Outside of those specific use cases, I agree with you entirely and enjoy the feel of iPadOS way more.

wreimers, avatar

@gedeonm Sample bias. You are in the middle of the bell curve. 👍

coperob, avatar

@gedeonm Same here. I use my iPad Pro for everything except app development, and I really wish that was doable too. It’s the best and most versatile computer I’ve ever owned and I’m looking forward to my new 11”!

coperob, avatar

@gedeonm Oh, and I don’t think you’re an outlier, but rather a typical user. I think all the consternation we read is from a set of people that want more — and that’s fine. But I wish they’d be better at also pointing out that these devices work really well for many, many people.

gedeonm, avatar

@coperob Signed 💯

gedeonm, avatar

One of the biggest reasons I’m looking forward to my new iPad today is my almost 6 year old 3rd Gen iPad can’t hold a charge well any longer. I charge it to 100% and just after an hour of browsing news and watching YouTube in the AM it’s down to like 60%.

Haven’t wanted to replace the battery, just wanted a new, better iPad and now it’s finally here. Yay!! 👏👍

gedeonm, avatar

Current status.

montef, avatar

@gedeonm Its a trap!

gedeonm, avatar

First impressions: Yep, it’s defiantly thin. Feels impossibly thin actually. That being said it’s difficult to feel that it’s lighter. When I hold the old and the new together it’s hard to discern which is lighter. 🤷‍♂️ #iPadProDay

jackamick, avatar

@gedeonm Did you get the keyboard?

gedeonm, avatar

@jackamick Nope. Just the pencil.

ashkendo, avatar

@gedeonm which older model are you comparing with? Your 2018?

gedeonm, avatar

@ashkendo Yeah.

ashkendo, avatar

@gedeonm Bummer. That’s the same model I’m coming from. I use the device as a comic reader a lot and I was really hoping the weight difference would be noticeable for that.

ashkendo, avatar

@gedeonm There is a very noticeable weight difference, to me. However, my 2018 was a cellular model, and this new one is WiFi only.

gedeonm, avatar

@ashkendo Well good!

chartier, avatar

@gedeonm Shoot, that was a big hope of mine. Did you. Get the Magic Keyboard too? Is it noticeable there?

gedeonm, avatar

@chartier I did not get the keyboard, just the pencil.

gedeonm, avatar

The new haptic feedback on the Apple Pencil Pro is really neat. It totally feels like you are physically squeezing a button but… there’s no button. 🥰👏 #iPadProDay

gedeonm, avatar

This is very cool. Cant wait to see how we can take advantage of the new Apple Pencil API’s in #LineaSketch #iPadProDay

Using the new Apple Pencil to bring up tap specific menus in Notes

gedeonm, avatar

And here’s the new barrel roll and faux reflection affordance of the new Apple Pencil tool in Freeform using the highlighter tool. Very cool! ✍️ #iPadProDay

The highlighter tool covers over the canvas, and the angle of the pent. Neb changes is as I roll it in my hands with the Apple Pencil.

gedeonm, avatar

Okay using the new iPad in a darkened room and I can really really see the difference in the screen. It’s super sharp and very vibrant. No variation in brightness across the entire screen either. I’m very impressed/ happy. #iPadProDay

woolie, avatar

@gedeonm dammit GED, you are not helping me not buy this. 🤓

Brilliantcrank, avatar

@gedeonm How is the weight? Does it feel?

gedeonm, avatar

@Brilliantcrank The thinness is frankly amazing. The weight doesn’t feel that different to me honestly but your milage may vary.

gedeonm, avatar

One odd thing I’ve discovered with the new iPad compared to my 2018 model is that the volume buttons appeared to be reversed. When I hold the iPad in landscape orientation, the right most button increases the volume and the left most button decreases it. But on my previous iPad, these functions were reversed. There must be a setting for this, but I can’t find it on 17.5. #iPadProDay

clemens, avatar

@gedeonm so it’s not only me, was really confused at first

gedeonm, avatar

@clemens Nope, not just you!

bradsbrown, avatar

@gedeonm I hit the same thing yesterday and thought I was losing my mind! I'm glad I'm not alone in this, at least.

vincenty, avatar

@gedeonm this setting was added to a while ago, but I don't see it on the new Pros!

gedeonm, avatar

@vincenty Yep me neither.

gedeonm, avatar

So the seems like the sound setting that controls this volume function is completely missing on the new iPad. Really strange. Guess I’ll have to re-train my muscle memory. 🤷‍♂️ #iPadProDay

The sound settings in iOS with the control missing completely

chrisdejabet, avatar

@gedeonm I enabled that when it debuted years ago and found my brain switched pretty quickly. Surprised the setting is gone now.

gedeonm, avatar

@chrisdejabet maybe by moving the front facing camera to the landscape side Apple assumes everyone will use it in this orientation from now on? I don’t know it’s kind of annoying.

chrisdejabet, avatar

@gedeonm To be fair, it adapts with the device’s orientation. If held in portrait, the top button is volume up. In landscape it becomes left button, and does volume down. In a way, it makes a lot of sense with how we typically think of physical controls.

gedeonm, avatar

@chrisdejabet Yeah for sure. It’s just that the previous version was completely opposite. Just gonna have to unlearn I guess.

star wars GIF

chrisdejabet, avatar

@gedeonm Chef’s kiss on the gif.

gedeonm, avatar

I made a quick video showing just how much faster my new M4 iPad Pro is from my previous 2018 iPad Pro.

Things to note here as I move a ZipLine around in #LineaSketch:

  • Frame rate is smooth as butter. The end point of the line stays right with the Apple Pencil compared to the old iPad. Wow.

  • You can actually see brightness and hue variance on the old screen on the right! The iPad’s new screen is totally uniform. Crazy awesome.

Bravo, Apple! 👏

Split screen video drawing and moving a line segment in Linea Sketch for the iPad. The new iPad frame rate is very very high compared to the old one. The old screen has yellowing and darker areas at the periphery of the screen.

johnhood, avatar

@gedeonm The tandem OLED screen is a thing of beauty!

gedeonm, avatar

Okay, getting that 3% Daily Cash back from the purchase of the iPad on my Apple credit card is pretty sweet. Almost $60! There’s gotta be a catch right? 🤔👍

leebennett, avatar

@gedeonm It’s so awesome. I got to enjoy similar perks a couple times in the past buying Apple hardware for my office. Alas, won’t be as often any more coz IT has now mandated Apple purchases now have to go through our Apple Business Account for tax exemption.

adnan, avatar

@gedeonm that will buy you a nice meal. It isn’t nothing

gedeonm, avatar

@adnan Or a good iPad case!

fahrni, avatar

@gedeonm Yes! You had to spend a lot of money to get it! 😂

CStamp, avatar

@gedeonm They could just charge less interest to begin with, but it's nice.

WiredForFlight, avatar

@gedeonm yeah this drives me nuts when using my friend’s iPad.

kevinbhayes, avatar

@gedeonm My iPad Air (previous model) does that too. I think it was added last gen.

jmock, avatar

@gedeonm They changed it with the previous generation iPads. It’s now dynamic all the time. It drove me nuts at first too.

These iPad models feature always-on, dynamic volume buttons:

iPad Pro 11-inch (4th generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (6th generation)
iPad (10th generation)
iPad mini (6th generation)
iPad Air (5th generation)

On other iPad models with iOS 15.4 and later, you can turn dynamic volume buttons on or off:

gedeonm, avatar

@jmock well that explains it. Going to try and forget my muscle memory and thank you!

nlott, avatar

@gedeonm is Face ID on the landscape side a marked improvement? I find a lot of times it doesn’t work that well on my M1 12.9” iPad Pro

gedeonm, avatar

@nlott Onlybhad it one day so it’s difficult to really judge. My gut says yes though. I always pick the iPad up in landscape so it’s really gotta be better over time.

monorailtimes, avatar

@gedeonm did you notice there's a fake reflection of the Pencil when you hover? It also changes when you move it around in real-time, crazy specific detail

gedeonm, avatar

@monorailtimes No, I don’t see that. Tried Notes and Mail nothing.

johnhood, avatar

@gedeonm Happy new iPad Pro day, my friend! But don’t forget to catchup with Doctor Who on Disney+! I’ve written a spoiler-free reaction, if you still need encouragement! 😉

simonharper, avatar

@gedeonm enjoy. My gen 1 iPad Pro 11” is still plenty fast after all these years. Doubt I’ll upgrade anytime soon.

simonharper, avatar

@gedeonm Danger Will Robinson!!

billvinson, avatar

@gedeonm but isn't that because you're doing art-related work? drawing, painting, etc. is one of the few areas where the iPad excels for pro workflows. I wouldn't expect it to be getting in your way there. I think you're on the happiest path and likely the iPad is the absolute best device for your work (or so it would seem?)

I don't think they're likely to help those of us who do see sharp edges, but I hold out hope that Apple might be benevolent 😃

gedeonm, avatar

@billvinson it’s certainly a valid point.

billvinson, avatar

@gedeonm I just wish I could draw on the iPad, it feels weird to me drawing on glass, but drawing is a hobby at most for me, so I probably just need to force myself to do it more

gedeonm, avatar

@billvinson it’s like anything else the more you do it the easier and the more used to it you get. It was weird for me at first too, but I’m way used to it now.

CStamp, avatar

@gedeonm It always depends on needs. :)

I once did a business trip with an ipad2. I thought what I actually needed to do, I didn't need to do photo or video editing (and wouldn't have time), so I took the risk. It felt very liberating to travel with less gear and while it was clunky moving between apps, it was fine & I had no regrets. So..people can whine and will whine. It's a tool and may not fill a given need, so use the tool that does. iPads just keep getting better, though.

jeffsussna, avatar

@gedeonm what’s an iPad? (In my house we use our 10+ year old iPad for watching movies in bed when we’re sick)

leebennett, avatar

@gedeonm Landscape edge camera. You called it!

gedeonm, avatar

✅ Camera on the landscape edge

gedeonm, avatar

✅ Faster processor (M4) (Duh)

gedeonm, avatar

Saw #LineaSketch icon!! Woot

gedeonm, avatar

New Apple Pencil Pro

Luke, avatar

@gedeonm yesss. This will be mine.

gedeonm, avatar

Yay! Find My for Apple Pencil.

rob, avatar

I noticed the guy in the video just cast about under the clutter on his desk. No other device used.

Does that means the new pencil has ESP-powered Find My, powered by the new iPad?

I’d just settle for a light to help me find it in my backpack.


gedeonm, avatar


gedeonm, avatar

@rob LOL

leebennett, avatar

@gedeonm That means definitely not Sherlocked, right? ✅

gedeonm, avatar
Luke, avatar

@gedeonm Yus!

chrisfinazzo, avatar
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