Teri_Kanefield, (edited )


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    Teri_Kanefield, (edited )



    @Teri_Kanefield Right Federal & State Elections! Are Exempt from Executive Branch Influence & Rightfully!! That's one area that i Believe is Completely Off Limits to Presidential Reach! @DemocracyMattersALot


    @Teri_Kanefield Eastman appears to be going all-in with the following defense.
    Story on a recent interview of his follows.



    @Teri_Kanefield The fact that POTUS has no role in overseeing elections appears to be a waterline broadside to Trump’s defense in Georgia. Assuming it’s true, that means he was acting as either candidate or private citizen, which leaves him with no legal (or political) cover.

    Thanks for highlighting this - important detail

    @chemoelectric@masto.ai avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I’m totally struck by Eastman referring to the ‘right of revolution’ as a PROVISION of the Declaration of Independence, rather than as a proposition. The man is an intellectual incompetent, somehow always destined to become a traitor.

    @bruce_korb@mstdn.social avatar


    I want to know what happened to Mike Flynn.



    @tizan@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield So it is like after killing somebody and saying "I did not intend to kill him but tried to scare him from going to work"

    @MarcC@wandering.shop avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield They all expected to win, so everything would be buried and there'd be no entity that could hold them to account.

    @shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

    @MarcC @Teri_Kanefield Exactly. It's the only explanation for all the overtly criminal activity and damn-the-torpedoes behavior. If we win all is forgiven.

    Wasn't it Eastman who admitted in an interview that "yes, our intention was to overthrow the government"?


    @Teri_Kanefield forgive me if I'm wrong (not a lawyer) but isn't "delaying Congress" literally the crime.

    @stevel@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield "is you taking notes on a criminal conspiracy?"



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  • stevel,
    @stevel@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I was thinking of the classic training video on such a topic: https://youtu.be/Ly82nabRRYc

    @chemoelectric@masto.ai avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield He seems to me to say whatever seems convenient at the very moment. Thus his lies never coalesce.

    @timo21@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I wish New Mexico would charge Eastman and his ilk. #NewMexico

    @Catawu@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield clearly, by stating that, he claims that the courts who over 60x threw out their cases for lack of evidence, are of no value.

    He knew what he was doing was illegal. That is also indicated in his request of Pence to just commit ‘one more minor violation’ along the way.


    @Teri_Kanefield If Eastman is charged in the J6 case will this piece of evidence be admissible? More generally, is evidence uncovered in one investigation admissible in a trial resulting from a different investigation? (I suspect the answer is, “It depends” 😅)

    Teri_Kanefield, (edited )



    @Teri_Kanefield so fani letting the indicted get the linsdey graham's and the rest right? oh, hi terri...get any sleep last night?

    @jonberger@sfba.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Ok, I'm curious. Trump is saying that he's going to reveal a "detailed but(^) irrefutable report" conclusively proving that the Georgia election really WAS rigged. It's my impression that even if he had such a report, which he doesn't, but even if he did, that wouldn't be a defense to any of the Georgia charges. As with all the January 6 "he sincerely believed it" defenses, that just means that he had the right to file a lawsuit and persuade judge, not to take matters into his own hands. Would you concur?

    (*) "Detailed but irrefutable" is a weird phrase. It's like "it's very detailed, but nevertheless, rest assured that it's irrefutable." Is that supposed to suggest that there's ordinarily some sort of correlation between the level of detail and the ease of refuting something? I suppose one shouldn't overthink Trump's bizarre approach to English.



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  • jonberger,
    @jonberger@sfba.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Which makes a certain amount of sense with the federal cases: ok, I don't have a legal defense, but if I can just get elected President I can make the whole case go away, so I'll prioritize that. Fair enough. But do you suppose anyone has told him that this isn't going to work with the Georgia case?


    @jonberger @Teri_Kanefield Self pardons aren't the only escape. At what point can the US Supreme Court throw out state charges?



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @prairiedog @jonberger well, he's really, really, really trying to make it about the first amendment. potentially the scotus could try rule that the first amendment protects everything he did, which obviously it doesnt, but if he just pays for a couple more vacations, flights, maybe a few luxury gifts... I know im going into possibilities here, not facts.


    @Teri_Kanefield @jonberger A possible basis for federal courts, and ultimately SCOTUS, to take over?
    “Mr. Meadows is entitled to remove this action to federal court because the charges against him plausibly give rise to a federal defense based on his role at all relevant times as the White House Chief of Staff to the President of the United States,” Meadows’ attorneys George Terwilliger and Joseph Englert wrote in the Tuesday motion....
    Meadows’ petition to move the case to federal court was widely expected — with Trump and former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark expected to pursue similar legal motions. If approved, it would allow the case to be heard before a potentially friendlier jury pool made up of residents summoned from Northern Georgia, which is more conservative than heavily Democratic Fulton County.



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @jonberger they'd be too worried a dummy will be spat out in their direction.

    @mjf_pro@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @jonberger Not without walking away covered in ketchup.



    "If you capture one person in the whirlpool, everyone else gets sucked in along with them.”

    I'm definitely liking that analogy right now.




    @Teri_Kanefield maybe it was all digital stuff that was stolen, so that's more of a computer crime than burglary? 🤷



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  • tienle47,
    @tienle47@mastodon.world avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Can the DA in Fulton Co charge a burglary in Coffee Co?

    @Eka_FOOF_A@spacey.space avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield If I recall correctly, the people who took the data got access to the building and computers via a person who had legal right to be in the building.



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Eka_FOOF_A hmm, would that then quash the charges related to that, or is accessing voting machines itself still a criminal act, certainly would hope so, here in the UK, accessing personal data would certainly draw wroth from the information commissioner, not sure about the US I know some states have data privacy laws.

    @ymasumac@mstdn.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield RICO is beautiful. Elegant law.



    @EllenJS@mstdn.plus avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield what might be Fani Willis’ reasons for having “unindicted co-conspirators”? For Jack Smith it seems to be to focus on Trump and come back to them later, but Willis indicted 19 people (and mentions 30 or so unnamed others)

    @stiffelman@mstdn.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield nice ZZTop reference






    @Teri_Kanefield It's not mistake, it's a tactic. They always do this to change the context and muddy the waters.

    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield its what they do best. LIE!

    @TCatInReality@mastodon.social avatar

    It's no mistake. It's Disinfo 101 ...deflect, misframe, attack

    @lackattack@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Well yea, when you support someone like Trump, you are not exhibiting the synaptic aptitude one would expect from a functioning adult


    @Teri_Kanefield A deliberate lie? In some cases, that may well be so.

    But do you know what I am going to tell you? I am beginning to suspect that many of the lawyers in that man’s corner are not, in fact, the most brilliant legal minds of their generation.

    @Eka_FOOF_A@spacey.space avatar

    I'd say they are the least. They decided to take on Trump as a client.

    @otto_maddox@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I'm really surprised to find out that TFG supporters don't know the law.

    @kingbeauregard@c.im avatar


    It's legitimately confusing unless you approach it properly: the act isn't illegal in isolation, but it is illegal in that it is demonstrably part of the commission of a crime.

    I dare say, the entire point of RICO is that it's far too easy for a crime boss to say "there's nothing illegal about making a phone call [or whatever]" if you separate it from the context of commission of a crime. Well, RICO takes away that bit of legal cover.

    @sirc@mastodon.world avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Do you think they're really making a mistake, Teri, or just acting faux-naive to rile up the easily duped?

    @CarlataOld@mas.to avatar


    Like buying a burlap bag isn't a crime, but as part of concealing evidence after a robbery, it's something to take into account. (Bad analogy.) But the Republicans have practiced this til it's automatic: hyperbole is a facile way to lie mislead.

    @DrewKadel@social.coop avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Someone on Twitter described it thus: "Then he bought a garbage bag"

    GOP:"Now you're criminalizing buying garbage bags!:"

    "You stopped reading before the next sentence. "Then he put the body into the garbage bag and disposed of it in a dumpster."

    @mikej@mastodon.online avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield It's not illegal to rent a car. It's illegal to rent a car intended to be used as a getaway car in a bank robbery.



    "If you can't pound the law OR the facts, pound the table."

    @RoyBrander@urbanists.social avatar


    The "criminalizing" came up when Obama took over and there was concern that Obama might arrest people for torture, war crimes, and indeed, lying the nation into war.

    Very Serious Voices took up the cry that "we can't criminalize policy".

    It was literally an argument that crimes committed by people important enough to "make policy" are then not-crimes.

    Making a policy of crime does not make it OK.

    @dbc3@mastodon.world avatar

    i'm tired of their whining and willful ignorance. Let them babble.



    >Here is a mistake that GOP and Trump defenders are making

    They're not mistakes, and very very much on-purposes.

    Teri_Kanefield, (edited )



    When they commit a crime and then point to it as evidence of criminal activity to further justify their additional crimes is just astounding!

    @stadsplanering@mastodon.nu avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Thank you for a good thread. May I ask a question (or two)?

    Yesterday I read that #45 could pardon himself from the federal cases (if found guilty & wins the election), but that he can’t pardon himself in the Georgia-case as that is state law and not federal law.

    Today I read that he now might be trying to move the Georgia-case to federal court (based on the Politico story about “Removal statute”).

    If it goes federal - can #45 pardon himself then?


    @stadsplanering @Teri_Kanefield it could be a delay tactic. I dunno if it's a thing in criminal law but an attorney told me that defendants in civil cases will first try to request to move cases to federal court not because they will succeed but because the process will take time and drag things out.



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  • bruce_korb,
    @bruce_korb@mstdn.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @JOdell @stadsplanering

    Jury pool PLUS a possibly nominated-by-tRUmp judge. (Merely being nominated by a Republican is insufficient here.)


    @stadsplanering @Teri_Kanefield it won’t go federal. I don’t even know how it could be moved to federal court.



    @stadsplanering@mastodon.nu avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @cadenza

    My question was based on this story from Politico (https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/15/trump-georgia-case-removal-federal-court-00111240) where they write about it. Would not surprise me if they try to do it (even if the probability for it succeeding is not highest). Also done in a way to stall everything because we know that #45 like to stall everything possible as much as possible.

    @goodreedAJ@sfba.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @cadenza @stadsplanering: If any MAGA candidate other than Trump were to win the presidency, they would likely pardon him. If he were to win, legalities and the Constitution would be moot. Either way, we would no longer be a democracy or a country based on the Constitution.

    That said, if every eligible voter (or even most) votes and has their vote counted, the GOP won’t win.

    @weaselx86@mastodon.social avatar

    Well, there are 30 unindicted co-conspirators...


    @Teri_Kanefield How strong do you think the Georgia indictment is against Jeffrey Clark specifically, since his actions seem to be in D.C. at the DOJ.

    @CStamp@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Thanks, as usual, for taking the time to explain all this. :)

    @DrewKadel@social.coop avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I'm pretty sure that some of those who've been following all the details could figure out who some of the unindicted co-conspirators are. And that designation often indicates a cooperator.

    @bruce_korb@mstdn.social avatar


    There are a bunch of "unindicted #N" entries in the indictments, but none are Mike Flynn and Mike Flynn was involved in Georgia. We'll have to see how it plays out, even though I want to know NOW NOW NOW. :)

    @Catawu@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I’m kind of enjoying knowing that the 30 unnamed co-conspirators means there’s probably 130 co conspirators out there, sweating hair dye, wondering if they are next and what to do about it. More will shake loose, no doubt.

    @DanaBlankenhorn@journa.host avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Can new indictments be brought by either federal or state officers against those who haven't yet been indicted?

    @Gupperduck@mastodon.social avatar


    May I ask, considering the (as yet) uncharged co-conspirators, are there time limits on bringing charges against them for these crimes either in the federal or state legal systems?

    (Apologies, I'm sure I don't have the terminology correct.)



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  • Gupperduck,
    @Gupperduck@mastodon.social avatar


    Thank you.



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  • pg1958,
    @pg1958@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @Bam @Teri_Kanefield
    Darned paywalls...



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  • GottaLaff,
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Bam But what about his call to Raffensperger in which he pressured him?



    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Bam Thanks, Teri. I get that his facilitation of the call is part of the job, but his actually telling Raffensperger what Trump was telling him, only in Meadowsese instead of Trumpese, is the only thing I see that differentiates his facilitating it and being on the call from actually partaking in the crime itself by asking Raff to do Trump’s bidding. I hope I’m right.

    @colo_lee@zirk.us avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield @Bam Meadows seem to be one of the only smart ones. He may have been careful enough to get away with it, but he's still a criminal.



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  • GottaLaff,
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    @Bam @colo_lee @Teri_Kanefield And he still can’t be pardoned.



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Bam @colo_lee @GottaLaff actually, I read he plans to try get the case dismissed once in federal court. I guess once in federal court there's some federal law he is then going to try and rely on to get it dismissed, that doesnt exist in georgia state law. but this is only from an article I read.



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Bam @Teri_Kanefield @colo_lee @GottaLaff not sure, the article didn't actually say! then again, trumps huge report which will apparently exonerate him next monday, we don't know what's in that either!!



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar


    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield It may not be frivolous, but it's slimey as all get out



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  • Lizette603_23,
    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Always a pleasure



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  • Lizette603_23,
    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Got it Tery



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  • Lizette603_23,
    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Harsh & Testy, Attys-at-Law. I was born to lawyers and worked for them for decades. I'm not bothered. Carry on.

    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Happy Blogging

    @michaelgemar@mstdn.ca avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @GottaLaff @Bam @colo_lee How significant would a move to federal court be, as far as the actual trial? Folks seem to be suggesting it would be very beneficial to the defendants — is that the case?



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  • Bam,


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  • Teri_Kanefield,


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  • mem_somerville,
    @mem_somerville@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield @Bam Lawrence's show played the section last night--I didn't realize until then how active that was. It wasn't just doing introductions around the call or something like that. Yeah.

    @JamesGleick@zirk.us avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @GottaLaff @Bam It’s a “just following orders” defense, isn’t it? When Trump ordered Meadows to participate in a crime, did Meadows have a legal responsibility to refuse, if it meant he’d lose his job? (I think so, but I’m not a lawyer.)



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  • ashmueli,
    @ashmueli@mastodon.social avatar

    @JamesGleick @Teri_Kanefield @GottaLaff @Bam if I understand correctly this does not amount to a defense. The bar for removal to Federal court is lower. It is simply that you were doing something under color of law as a federal agent, not that that something was kosher necessarily


    @ashmueli @JamesGleick @Teri_Kanefield @GottaLaff Which also makes me wonder whether someone (eg the federal court or the United States on its own) is going to cause the United States to offer its views on that question. 🤔

    @jeaux@c.im avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Bam Cassidy Hutchinson knew when “the job” crossed the line. She sounded the alarm to her boss and she cautiously reversed course without his support. Mark Meadows isolated himself in his office and ignored everyone’s advice EXCEPT for the group phone texts instructing him to follow through with his predetermined part of an ill conceived plan that he participated in designing. If it had succeeded, he would no doubt be celebrating the part he played.



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @jeaux @Bam thats very eye opening, Teri. ie the difference between a good argument for trump being held in pre trial detention, in my opinion is, he is going close to that line and will endanger people if he gets the slightest chance, may not be a legal one.


    @Teri_Kanefield @jeaux Welp. If true, this sure seems outside the scope of employment and he’s going to be back in Georgia courts pretty quickly.


    @sepfeiffer@mstdn.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Bam
    Meadows is very religious hypocrite.



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  • Teri_Kanefield,


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  • Bam,


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  • Teri_Kanefield,


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  • Bam,

    @Teri_Kanefield So no flogging? 😂

    @silkester@mastodon.social avatar

    "conspiracy requires mutual understanding between co-conspirators"
    We got that in J6 — Trump states in response to violence by Proud Boys "Stand back and stand by" NOT "stand down" acknowledged by the Proud Boys. Rally is called "Stop the Steal" "Be there, will be wild" and again acknowledged in social media followed by many overt acts in furtherance culminating in J6.
    Only because it is wide in the open doesn't mean it's not a conspiracy. Same-o-same-o Russian-email-request. 🤦‍♀️


    @Teri_Kanefield a commentator said there’s a law that former Fed Personnel should be tried in Fed court for crimes committed while in office. What are the chances GA cases move to Fed court???



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  • guiltmanager,
    @guiltmanager@gm-cloud.org.uk avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @Kim_Luxhoj oh. no.
    so, as this could be argued that it was part of his responsibility as president, ie to try and remain president and in that role of office, he might get it into pardoncourt. not good!
    or does it have to directly link to duties performed as president, rather than acts performed to try become a dictator.

    @chimpwithcarkeys@toad.social avatar


    Great thread Teri! Thanks for breaking things down for the non-lawyers among us.

    @glennsills@dotnet.social avatar
    @asalerno1964@mastodon.world avatar

    Pardon-wise, if convicted in GA a US President can't pardon these crimes and there is a board in GA that has to approve any pardons, not the governor.
    So I guess the GA case is our best bet if a republican gets elected us president soon?

    @GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

    @asalerno1964 @Teri_Kanefield
    If a Republican gets put in charge again we have bigger problems than just a pardon for the orange chump. https://www.project2025.org/


    @Teri_Kanefield RICO is exactly the one needed here.

    @darkhorse1@linuxrocks.online avatar


    Interesting, I have wanted to see RICO charges brought against the 2020 Antifa and BLM rioters for some time. I wonder if Garland will ever do anything about those criminals?

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