

Deykun avatar


🎲 a random fact generator

sparseMatrix avatar


Amateur Radio Guy (General Class Ticket), Python Programmer, UX implementor, Father, Husband of 25 years, Brewer, Technologist, Home Chef, Linux/Unix Whitebeard, Buddhist, Artist, Maker, Guitarist, Sailor, Generally Pervy Old Bastard.

Champion of Reason, Logic, and Philosophy.
Antifascist Punk.

Federated avatar


Monster Island Tea, Pen, Oxford Commas & Non-loco #Physics.
A Division of The Crud Factory.

☙ To be good at scientific method, distrust scientific authority. ❧

(Barry SCHWARTZ (Barijo ŜVARC), of Pig’s Eye, Minnesota Territory, United States of America. See me also on Pixelfed: avatar


Project Gutenberg, founded in 1971, is the oldest producer and distributor of free ebooks.

According to Michael Hart (March 8, 1947 – September 6, 2011), founder of Project Gutenberg, the mission of Project Gutenberg is simple: to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks.
This mission is, as much as possible, to encourage all those who are interested in making eBooks and helping to give them away. avatar


Associated Professor of Physics at the University of Exeter.
Scientific visualizations (grouped under the hastag #PhysicsFactlet).
He/lui/on. All opinions are my own fault. avatar


#ScienceTeller / #RaccontaScienza

Editor in Chief at / Capo redattore (nella pratica vicedirettore) per avatar


Always learning!... and helping others to do the same. I've done research, written papers, taught maths, physics and science at high school and university... now doing bits and pieces
#Physics #ITeachPhysics #Maths #Math #Mathematics
Theo Hughes | he/him/his | 🇦🇺 avatar


The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is the world's largest research institute specialized in general relativity and beyond. / Das Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik ist die weltweit größte Forschungseinrichtung zur Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie und darüber hinausgehenden Themen. avatar


Math teacher & parent by day, creative coder by night. avatar


Flipboard's page for news about science including space, climate change and more — from trusted sources. All posts written by human editors, especially for Mastodon.

For more science coverage, follow Flipboard's federated Science Desk (@science).

Header photo: Students observe a solar eclipse on March 20, 2015, in London. Photo by Rob Stothard/Getty Images.


Heidi-Ann Fourkiller
Director of Operations
Scientific Frontline
Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma


Physiker als Weltanschauung, Dozent an der ZHAW SoE bis Ende 2024, Vater von Vier, Gelegenheitsfotograph, wohnhaft in der Ostschweiz.

Physicist as worldview, lecturer at the ZHAW SoE until the end of 2024, father of four, occasional photographer, living in Eastern Switzerland. avatar

  • Author of:
    • "Out of Time"
    • "The Singular Case of the Three Witches"
    • "Scavenger Hunt"
    • "Last Call"
    • "The Roland Targus Series"

  • iOS dev, thought provoker, ideaist, paronomasiac, etc. avatar


Artist, printmaker and marine geophysicist.
Settler in Tkaronto (she/her)


I'm a Colombian-American physicist working in Belgium. I'm interested mainly in the fluid dynamics of rotation (i.e. stars, planetary cores, but also toilets and hurricanes). Rock climber and a photography aficionado, mesmerized by mountains and clouds. avatar


I have been involved in IT since the 1960s. A health crises brought that to an end in the 1990s. Now fully retired I produce and present radio shows which I provide free of charge for radio/web stations around the world. Main interest is the music of the 20th century. Also keen on old movies I find on You Tube. Love to read anything from cereal boxes to books.
I have been using #linux as a desktop since 1999. Started with #debian then #ubuntu now using #linuxmint and some #raspberrypi servers. avatar


I'm a science & medical writer curious about the world. I like to share what I find out. Remember Ask Pippa, science for kids in the Toronto Star? That was me. Also the Medical Post, Medscape, SciAm, Vice and more.

#scicomm #journalism #medicine #science #technology #ScienceFiction #PublicHealth #scifi #vaccine #immunology #oncology #pediatrics #cardiology #diabetes #virus #cancer #epidemiology #Medmastodon #IDmastodon #plastic #climate #biodiversity #space avatar


Retired husband/father/grandfather living in the US. Interests include #science, #math, #evolution, #machinelearning, #physics, #finance, #markets, #climatechange, #biology, #surfing, #music, and our #oceans.

B.Sc. in Biology, M.Sc. in Computer Science.

Former Director, Advanced Network Technology Center at the University of Oregon.

Former Chief Scientist, VP and Fellow at Brocade Communications Systems.

Former Senior Scientist at Sprint.

Former Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems.


The online magazine from the American Physical Society—with highlights of papers in the Physical Review journals, news and perspectives, and more. avatar


Exploring one universe at a time.
Interested in #Nature, #Photography, #NaturePhotography, #Science, #ScienceFiction, #Physics, #Engineering.

I have locked this account. If you would like to follow me, please fill in your Mastodon bio and post at least one toot (a simple introductory toot will do), so I have an idea who you are and that you are a real person, not a robot or a spam account.


Physics faculty. Physics blogger at @wired. Technical consultant for CBS MacGyver and MythBusters. Nerd. avatar


Nerd who edits #science stuff. Immigrant to #Japan (#Chiba)

Plays and runs #dnd. #Grammar enthusiast. Posts stupid #jokes and #puns (sorry). He/FoC.

Famichiki Mod :famichiki: :famichiki:

I’ll be much more likely to follow back if you have a full profile and there is human interaction first 🙂 avatar


Jeffrey Phillips Freeman

Innovator & Entrepreneur in Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing & Big Data. Avid SCUBA diver, Open-source developer, HAM radio operator, astrophotographer, and anything nerdy.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, USA, currently living in Utrecht, Netherlands, USA, and Thailand. Was also living in Israel, but left.

Pronouns: Sir / Mister

(Above pronouns are not intended to mock, i will respect any persons pronouns and only wish pronouns to show respect be used with me as well. These are called neopronouns, see an example of the word "frog" used as a neopronoun here: )

A proud member of the Penobscot Native American tribe, as well as a Mayflower passenger descendant. I sometimes post about my genealogical history.

My stance on various issues:

Education: Free to PhD, tax paid
Abortion: Protected, tax paid, limited time-frame
Welfare: Yes, no one should starve
UBI: No, use welfare
Racism: is real
Guns: Shall not be infringed
LGBT+/minorities: Support
Pronouns: Will respect
Trump: Moron, evil
Biden: Senile, racist
Police: ACAB
Drugs: Fully legal, no prescriptions needed

GPG/PGP Fingerprint: 8B23 64CD 2403 6DCB 7531 01D0 052D DA8E 0506 CBCE avatar


🧊 3D artist ➔ #MagicaCSG #Blender3D
🖼️ @Seven

🌍 Netherlands
🥕 Herbivore
⛔ Car-free
🚶 Hiker

⌛ Former…

🧑‍💻 Blender Foundation Technical Artist
🧸 Toy designer
💬 Comic creator
📰 News cartoonist
🌐 Web dev
📺 TV show animator
✍️ Magazine author, editor, illustrator
🕹️ 16-bit game dev ➔ #Amiga #MSDOS
💾 #Demoscene lad

My retro stuff:
🐘 #TeamHoi
🔗 ➔ Team Hoi section

#3D #Art #Design #Humor #Illustration #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Science #Tech avatar


Physics nerd (she/her).
Loves everything fluffy 🐑🐶🦙🐈.
PhD in quantum physics.
Currently located in Hannover.

Profile Picture: That's me - a young white woman with curly brown hair and big sunglasses, smiling into the camera.
Header: Two grizzly bears in summer - one is swimming with its nose under water, the other one relaxes with eyes closed and head rested on a stone.

Most posts are deleted automatically after 1 month! avatar


#SimulatedUniverses #AstroPhysicsFactlet
Astrophysicist at Bologna University and grantee.
I study the cosmic web, extragalactic magnetism and clusters of galaxies with colorful simulations.
#astrodon #astronomy


I'm a biophysicist by training interested in the pedagogy of music and physics. My current work involves managing a team of volunteer researchers investigating recreational therapy. We're transitioning into an interview phase so if you'd like to share your expertise please get in touch. I also run a pickup baseball nonprofit that meets in Oakland by the Caldecott Tunnel every Sunday at noon to hit, throw, and catch baseballs for free.

Please add hashtags to my posts to increase visibility.

  • Particle Physicist at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • Research Associate at the University of Pittsburgh (US)

For more than 15 years I have been exploring the sub-atomic world with the #ATLASExperiment on the Large Hadron Collider at #CERN

I write about #CERN, #LHC, #ParticlePhysics, #physics

He/Him avatar


cosmographer at university paris-saclay | mapping the universe | co-discoverer of

#laniakea our home supercluster of galaxies | #dipolerepeller a void contributing to the motion of our galaxy | #coldspotrepeller a void associated to the coldest point of the big bang fossil radiation | #southpolewall a giant galactic filament of the cosmic web | #hooleilana the relic of a baryon acoustic oscillation | | avatar


Hard SF Author. Readers call my stories 'Cory Doctorow meets James S A Corey.' I like making scifi concepts easy to understand. If you like Linda Nagata, Kim Stanley Robinson, and John Scalzi - I'd love to get to know you.

My dream is to take care of myself and be nice to people - I'm doing that by practicing to be a self-sufficient science fiction author.

#author #indieauthor #writer #scifi #futurology #technology #cyberpunk #spaceelevator #spythriller


Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar

pixel avatar


• Astronomer and science communicator
• Media Officer at the European Southern Observatory
• Won't shut up about space
#astronomy #astrophysics #scicomm #astrophotography #space
• he/him
• Toots in English and español
• 🇪🇸 → 🇺🇸 → 🇨🇱 → 🇩🇪


#News explaining the latest in #research avatar


Geek: Photography, physics, comedy, computers, science fiction, astronomy, aviation, books, maths, cosmology, human survival mechanisms, rock/bass, whimsy.

~ School science technician
~ Science/Art collaboration
~ Cats: Cassie & Tia
~ Found first 3 books in π
~ Hacker: The good kind.

Personal account avatar


Tweets/toots in ENG+NL. #Physics, energy, optics, sustainability, academic life, #scicomm and #infographics. Proud father, #Ghentian and researcher at #UGent. avatar


A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.

Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.

Free to read, without paywalls or ads (and free to republish, too, under Creative Commons license).

We combine academic rigor with journalistic flair. avatar


Writer, walker, atheist, cinema lover, hobby musician, science junkie, perpetual maths student, cricket fan, chess patzer. I post about new music a LOT! #Music #NewMusic


We are the community behind #SciPost's #physics journals avatar


Started in #physics, landed in #computers. Flipping bits since 1971. Software Engineer at a large tech company. I write #fanfiction in my nonexistent free time. Trans girl when JFK was President. San Francisco Bay Area. avatar


Particle physicist at #CMSExperiment at #CERN - Lead Scientist at #DESY & #Helmholtz Professor at University of #Hamburg - she/her/professor/dr

World citizen ➡🇳🇱🇺🇸 🇬🇧🇨🇭🇧🇪🇩🇪

What to expect from this account: summaries (aimed at a general technical BSc audience) of all #CMSpaper journal papers by the #CMSExperiment at the CERN LHC

Plus general #science and #sciencecommunication. Communicating mostly in English, with some Dutch, German and French for extra je-ne-weiß-niet-wat avatar


Go to the Source!


Fysiker/physicist in New York
Dark matter searches with XENON, né HESS dark matter lines.


Physicist and entrepreneur.
Startup: Rubens Technologies
Day job: Instruments & Data Tools
Blog: Nirpy Research.

Forthcoming book: "Synchrotron Light" to be published by Oxford University Press.

Random toots on physics, startups, spectroscopy, synchrotron science, x-ray imaging ... and Python. avatar


I am a software engineer and Thelemite living in Los Angeles, California. My interests include software, science, music, hermetic magick, and history. I'm a trans woman who spent 54 years in the closet. I do everything I can to help others with their own journeys of transformation.

I occasionally make humorous "Great moments in software engineering" posts with the tag #GMISE.

#OTO #Thelema #Magick #SoftwareEngineering #MusicTheory #History #Astronomy #LosAngeles #Trans #Gender


Physics, bubbles, oceans, hot chocolate and curiosity. Associate Professor at UCL, writer, broadcaster. Author of Storm in a Teacup: and Blue Machine (out June 1st, 2023) #fedi22 #physics #ocean #climate #bikes avatar


Light at night researcher at #GFZ Potsdam and Ruhr Uni Bochum. #CitizenScience #LightPollution avatar


Director of Community Grafana, Prometheus team, PromCon lead, OpenMetrics founder, OpenTelemetry member, CNCF GB & TOC avatar



I live in a totalitarian state, teach computer graphics, and make videogames

Check out my cozy traffic simulator: avatar


🧙‍♂️ Herding bits and cats

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